Re: [ob] Hitung2 Investasi Perkebunan - Help - Kang Bagus & Dkk

2010-03-26 Terurut Topik ariewibowo
Utk tanaman TBM (tanaman belum menghasilkan 1thn - 3thn dihitung pake 
historical cost
Utk tanaman TM (tanaman menghasilkan) baru bisa dihitung pake fair value
Cara ambil sampel tegak lurus sungai utk mengetahui variasi tahun tanamannya

Coba liat peraturan bapepam untuk penilaian properti (perkebunan termasuk) yg 
baru keluar 31 desember 2009 biar lebih jelas

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-Original Message-
From: pinmilis 
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 21:54:33 
Subject: [ob] Hitung2 Investasi Perkebunan - Help - Kang Bagus & Dkk

Alo Kang Bagus dan Kawan-kawan di OB.
Mohon bantuannya karena saya lagi berencana untuk investasi riil di
perkebunan Duku.

Bagaimana cara menghitung fair value kebun nya bila saya mau beli?

Benar kagak kalo di hitung macam ini:

(Jumlah Pohon * Penghasilan Net/Pohon/Tahun * 10) + (Jumlah Pohon * Harga
Pohon) + Harga Luas Lahan Tanah

- Pohon Duku bisa berumur sampai 150 Thn,
- Asumsi ROI Profit Pohon Duku adalah 10 thn.

Perhitungan Harga Pohon = Total biaya tanam dan perawatan sampai sudah bisa
panen (15 thn)

Duku ini perlu 15thn, Setahun Biaya perawatan dan pupuk total = 1jt, jadi
harga nya 15Jt * 120% = 18Jt per Pohon (Sudah menghasilkan)
Dgn ROI 10thn, masa panen masih bisa lebih dari 110 thn.

Thanks Berat atas saran dan bantuannya :D

Salam Cuan Gede,

Re: [ob] Protrader poem

2009-12-08 Terurut Topik ariewibowo
Nih linknya, barusan dikasih
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-Original Message-
From: Petra Immanuel 
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 14:05:48 
Subject: Re: [ob] Protrader poem

tar sore baru bisa ada link downloadnya

2009/12/9 Vernichtung 

> belum ada info bisa di dl dari mana nih, ada yg punya infonya?
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 1:46 PM, hing  wrote:
>> apa sudah ada yang coba poem yg baru?
>> kasih komentar dong


Petra Immanuel

Re: [ob] Re: Eropa udah ijo

2009-08-12 Terurut Topik ariewibowo
Hehehe kalo sama liem paling ngupi2 nya di malioboro :-P (just kidding 
bro.nice to meet u here)

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-
From: Henry Liem 

Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 22:01:59 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Eropa udah ijo

boleh juga Dan kapan2 kita ngupi / ngeBucks...ngalor ngidul tp jgn ngomongin
saham hehe

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 9:52 PM, JT™  wrote:

> Kita tunggu besok, kalo aman, serahkan urusan selanjutnya kepada pasukan
> olah tkp, kite tinggal ngupi2 aja, kekekeq
> Powered by TLKM BullBerry®
> “The only fundamental factor that really counts in the stock market is The
> Law of Supply and Demand”
> --
> *From*: Henry Liem
> *Date*: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 21:21:11 +0700
> *To*: 
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] Re: Eropa udah ijo
> Lapor Dan ! DJI & DJI Fut ijo tebel,
> hari ini IHSG seperti judul lagu  MEMBLE tapi KECE !!
> 2009/8/12 jsxtrader 
>> YG abis pelor..., Just Hanging There... HOLD
>> --- In ,
>> "charles_3983"  wrote:
>> >
>> > All..
>> > Eropa sudah mulai ijo sekarang...
>> >
>> > Ngemeng2 putusan MK gimana?
>> >

[ob] (News) Moody's Says Indonesia Banking System Outlook Negative

2009-08-12 Terurut Topik ariewibowo
Moody's Says Indonesia Banking System Outlook Negative
Date: 2009-08-11

Moody's Investors Service says that theoutlook for the Indonesian banking 
system is negative over the next 12-18months, reflecting Moody's assumptions 
for fundamental credit conditionsover this timeframe. "Over the next 12 months, 
Indonesian banks will face increasing pressures -- particularly on asset 
quality -- but will fare relatively well as thecountry's macro-economic 
conditions slow, although not to the extent seenon a global basis," says 
Beatrice Woo, a Moody's Vice President andSenior Credit Officer. "Our outlook 
for the Indonesia banking system alsoassumes that prevailing external 
macro-economic conditions are notprotracted. " Woo was speaking on the release 
of Moody's latest outlook -- which sheauthored -- on the Indonesian banking 
system. The report -- which iswide-ranging in its content -- looks at positive 
and negative ratingtrends as well as key drivers, such as franchises, risk 
positioning, theregulatory environment, and financial fundamentals. Moody's 
rates a total of 10 Indonesian banks with their foreign currencydeposit ratings 
all at B1, their global local currency (GLC) depositratings ranging from Baa2 
to Baa3, and their bank financial strengthratings (BFSR) from D- to D+. "In the 
current environment, the results of rapid loan growth, averaging20% annually 
over the past five years, could be a potential source ofhigher credit costs, 
and as newly underwritten loans test the upgradedrisk management systems of the 
banks," says Woo. "In some cases, banks had embarked on consumer as well 
assmall-and-medium- enterprise lending, new areas for them, and thereforenot 
without risk," says Woo. "Furthermore, their restructured loans arevulnerable 
to a downturn and could become a particular problem for thestate-owned banks. 
In this context, the system's non-performing loansratio inched up to 4.06% in 
April 2009 from 3.20% at end-2008." "And while liquidity is less of a threat, 
pricing has increased, causingnet interest margins to contract; intense 
competition for deposits ---the level of which has abated since late-2008 --- 
has boosted the cost offunds," says Woo. "On the other hand, bank managements 
have successfully navigated throughseveral difficult economic periods post-1997 
crisis, and they areexpected to respond well and with experience to the current 
environment,"says Woo. Looking ahead, consolidation and divestment continue to 
pare the numberof players, but excess capacity remains. As the top 10 banks 
controlnearly two thirds of system deposits, the other 113 are unlikely 
toachieve economies of scale. As a result, tightening regulatoryrequirements 
will further drive consolidation. The new Moody's report further points out the 
government remains theindustry's largest shareholder, albeit much reduced, 
controlling 25% ofsystem assets. Overall, from a credit perspective, 
structuraldevelopments have been positive, and pricing discipline and 
marketstability should eventually return. Despite the negative industry 
outlook, creditworthiness -- that ismanageable asset quality, modest economic 
capital solvency, overallprofitability and reform -- will be broadly sustained. 
Generally,Indonesian banks are better equipped now to absorb stress, while 
theirmanagements have responded quickly to adverse circumstances. Hence, the 
BFSR for the 10 Moody's-rated Indonesian banks carry stableoutlooks. Their 
resulting fundamentals, especially capital levels, areexpected to be adequate 
enough for them to remain in their rating ranges.Their weighted average BFSR 
remains at D. For comparative purposes, theweighted average Indonesian BFSR 
during the 1997 financial crisis was Eagainst a pre-crisis D. As for their 
credit ratings, the Indonesian banks' GLC deposit ratings are on review for 
possible downgrade, in line with Moody's initiative toreview governments' 
abilities to provide support to their bankingsystems, as detailed in the May 
2009 report, "Financial Crisis MoreClosely Aligns Bank Credit Risk and 
Government Ratings in Non-AaaCountries." 

Originally published by Info-Prod Strategic Business Information. 

(c) 2009 Info-Prod Research (Middle East). Provided by ProQuest LLC. All rights 

A service of YellowBrix, Inc.
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Re: [ob] Kapitalisasi BEI

2009-08-11 Terurut Topik ariewibowo
Newbie mau urun pendapat juga nih...berdasarkan teori di ekonomi, index 
pasar modal adalah leading indicator perekonomian, 
jadi contohnya kenaikan minyak akan berpengaruh langsung pada index pasar 
modal, namun akan berpengaruh pada dunia industri sekitar 3 bulan ke depan 
(karena biasanya delivery minyak berdasarkan kontrak minimal 3 bulan)
Utk contoh yg diberikan pak jacob oen, ihsg turun sekitar 50%, gdp growth 
indonesia turun juga sekitar 50% dari 6-7% menjadi 3-4% dan terjadinya ada 
timelag sejak penurunan ihsg



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-Original Message-
From: jacob oen 

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 07:02:58 
Subject: Re: [ob] Kapitalisasi BEI

Jika saya boleh urun-rembug, saya kurang sepakat bahwa besarnya kapitalisasi 
Pasar Modal bisa menjadi salah satu indikator pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.

Secara sederhana dapat dilihat ketika terjadi crash pasar modal mulai Q4, 2008 
- Q1, 2009, pertumbuhan GDP Indonesia masih positif padahal Index Gabungan 
BEI merosot dari 2800 ke  sebuah penyusutan lebih dari 50%. 

Pasar Modal sekarang telah berkembang lebih dari sekedar perusahaan2 mencari 
dana murah untuk ekspansi, investor mendapatkan dividen dan capital gain (yang 
wajar), pasar modal telah menjadi sebuah tool bagi begitu beragamnya 
kepentingan yang kurang secara langsung dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan sektor 
Note: Naik turunnya sebuah saham bukan cuma karena faktor Fundamental, prospek 
pertumbuhan, dan keadaan ekonomi suatu negara tetapi sangat dipengaruhi oleh 
sentimen, faktor regional dan global, dan RUMOURS + BANDAR + BOZZ.

Just a thought (from stok market amateur).   

From: Matt Nowo 
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 8:17:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Kapitalisasi BEI

Sependapat. Ulasan yang bagus, mantap dan jelas.

Saya tetap percaya bahwa volume dan indeks BEI dapat menjadi SALAH SATU 
indikator perkembangan ekonomi nasional. Apabila memperhatikan kerangka 
kebijakan MONETER yang digunakan Bank Indonesia, inflation targeting framework 
(ITF), salah satu transmisi BI rate dalam mempengaruhi demand side of the 
economy adalah melalui chanel HARGA ASET keuangan, i.e. BEI. Transmisi melalui 
channel BEI ini melengkapi channel lainnya ( , dan at the edge 
mempengaruhi sisi demand agar "seimbang" dengan sisi suply perekonomian yang 
pada ujungnya mempengaruhi tekanan inflasi. Jadi, imho, tetap penting, apapun 
kondisinya, setidaknya dapat digunakan sbg proxy. Jika suku bunga BI rate 
diturunkan, maka seharusnya akan meningkatkan volume dan indeks BEI, ceteris 
paribus anomali minimal.

Just a view from newbie ndeso.

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powered by ISAT TLKM

From: Wisdom Stock Trader 
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 05:14:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [ob] Kapitalisasi BEI
renungan yang dalam dan menarik untuk dibaca.

Bagus pak analisis & penjelasannya.

"Apakah sekarang anda masih percaya bahwa INDEKS atau NILAI TRANSAKSI BEI bisa 
di jadikan sebagai INDIKATOR EKONOMI Nasional kita ?"

Jawab: SETUJU :)

--- On Tue, 8/11/09, brainfuchs  wrote:

>From: brainfuchs 
>Subject: Re: [ob] Kapitalisasi BEI
>To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
>Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 11:27 AM
>Menarik Pak Jhony. Mengutip komentar lama dari Om DE:
>"...are you familiar with IDX market? here in indonesia, the stock market is 
>like 25% investing and 125% gambling. (so that sums up to 150% collateral 
>ratio.. ;) "
>2009/8/11 Jhony Irawan 
>Dear Millister,
>>Sekedar mau sharing aja. Saya selalu tergelitik setiap kali media 
>>memberitakan mengenai Kapitalisasi pasar BEI atau total nilai transaksi per 
>>tiap hari uang jumlah nya saya sendiri pusing membayankan banyak nya angka 
>>nol di belakang komanya itu, seperti Rp 7 T, Rp 8 T dan rekor awal agustus 
>>kemarin yg mencapai Rp 10 T, sebuah nilai yang luar biasa kalau cuma di 
>>bayangkan saja.
>>Namun adakah di antara kita yang berfikir apakah uang sebesar itu benar-benar 
>>rela money atau hanya angka saja seperti halnya subsidi BBM yg di berikan 
>>pemerintah kepada rakyat ?
>>Please correct me if I am wrong, menurut saya angka itu adalah komulatif dari 
>>seluruh transaksi yang terjadi per hari.
>>Saya akan sedikit memberi illustrasi :
>>- Kalau saya mempunyai uang Rp 300 juta yang saya bawa untuk ber transaksi 
>>saham untuk hari ini, maka kejadiannya bisa saja seperti ini.
>>- Uang Rp 300 juta saya itu begitu market buka, saya akan belikan seluruh nya 
>>kepada saham pilihan saya yg tentunya setelah mendengar rumor, dengan target 
>>begitu harga naik satu atau dua point saya akan jual.
>>10 menit setelah market buka perkiraan saya benar, lalu saya melikwidasi 
>>saham saya tadi itu dengan harga jual total Rp 315 juta.
>>Perhitungan komulatif transaksi untuk saya sendiri dalam hanya 10 me

Re: [ob] HOTS-POEmS Macet

2009-05-25 Terurut Topik ariewibowo
Bos JT
Eazy deal nya Universal broker jalan tuh
Gw pake 2 poems ama eazy deal

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 08:22:28 
Subject: Re: [ob] HOTS-POEmS  Macet

Weleh..., sarua keneh atuh..., jadi pindah kemane dong kite..., halah.., 
bingung dah.

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-Original Message-
From: "hepisaham" 

Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 08:17:15 
Subject: Re: [ob] HOTS-POEmS  Macet

Poems pingsan juga prof.


-Original Message-
From: "JsxTrader™"

Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 08:05:55 
Subject: Re: [ob] HOTS Macet

Halah..., baru ane mau pindah ke HOTS..., nasib...nasib... Jadi gimana nih..., 

--Original Message--
From: Pak AA
Subject: Re: [ob] HOTS Macet
Sent: May 25, 2009 15:03

Running trade nya ngaso dulu

2009/5/25 Saham Oke :
> Konfirmasi dunk kok HOTS macet yaaa.

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