RE: Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-20 Terurut Topik Bambang
Hi, Pak Oentoeng,


Bpk termasuk langka, oil dll sdh 


Diprediksi dgn baik


Kl ada yg tdk tepat, karena kondisi  situasi yg berubah 


Begitu cepat dan tdk terduga saya rasa semuanya diluar faktor


Pd saat ramalan/prediksi dibuat, sperti :


Batas  AR dirubah dsbnya.


Salut atas opini bapak , elaine embah, JT , DE dll


Dan juga engkong kita Sbudiana ( ini, yg pendekar T Kosong, sorry


Pinjam julukan bpk), harap bapak tdk pelit beri info baik itu 


Bull atau Bear.


Thx u/ semuanya  GBU







From: []
On Behalf Of Provokator Saham
Sent: 04/18/2009 22:51
Subject: Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join


--- In , \::Pak_AA:\:
abdul.rahman.ra...@... wrote:

 Oen, bisa refer emailnya Elaine yang bilang ada saham gocapan mau ke
 5000? Or El, Can you please help. Or anyone else?
 I am studying my long term porto

Nggak tahu kok ngomong2?
Ini sedikit aib buat anda P. AA

Tunjukkan bahwa anda emang perhatian kpd EL.
Masak EL ngomong nggak diperhatikan?

Kali ini saya masih mau bantu lain kali???

Coba paksa El untuk ngomong saham tsb mnrt dia yg mana?
Supaya tahu dia ngambek kpd anda atau tidak?

Kwekwekwekwek.canda yah pak...

Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-19 Terurut Topik Mira Harjanto
Untuk trading harian pasti cici Elaine bisa lah, tinggal tulis di OB
pasti naek kenceng itu saham. Misalnya BNBR, pasti besok Senin naek
 yang narik ke atas 5 lot-an nya member OB.

thanks cici udah approve Facebook'na

Pada tanggal 19/04/09, Elaine Sui menulis:

 Man, you're such a serious guy. Relax. I refuse to be called bandar, I
 prefer 'financial investment strategist'. Kalau ada trader challenge Elaine
 untuk day trading, Elaine pasti kalah cuma bisa menangis minta pulang saja..
 ha ha ha.. (l...@jt)

 You and I are not perfect. Let's accept it. [?]


 2009/4/18 Provokator Saham

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

  Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to
  My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS,
  and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck.


 Good luck with your road show...
 Kepergian anda adalah konfirmasi atas evaluasi kesalahan prediksi saya
 akhir2 ini.

 Sedikit sharing saja...

 Sebenarnya saya mulai beralih dari bear menjadi bull saat anda kekeuh akan
 maju sendiri.

 So we're officially enemies now.

 Ke-ngotot-an tsb yg membuat saya menjadi penasaran.
 Saya mulai mencari clue, yaitu dr komposisi portofolio.

 ...long on housing/construction, autos, infrastructure, commodities, and
 tech stocks...

 Dari sector housing (property) tsb lah saya mulai melakukan investigasi
 Petunjuk itu menjadi lebih terang dg melihat pergerakan CTRA yg
 dibanting (hingga 142) terus melaju sendirian.

 Asumsinya di sini terjadi kejanggalan
 Sektor properti secara FA tdk ada faktor pendukung.
 Hanya ada sentimen positif bhw SBI cenderung menurun sepanjang th '09.
 Tapi kenapa hy CTRA yg naik sendiri?
 Seharusnya bicara sektoral atau grup mestinya diiringi saham2 ciputra atau
 property lainnya.
 Singkat cerita saya akhirnya tahu ini adalah salah satu strategi
 Benernya ada bbrp BD yg melakukan tapi pastinya ada yg terbesar...
 Dari sini akhirnya saya tahu view dan asumsi mereka; mungkin dlm hal ini
 Elaine and the gang

 Fyi...di dunia perbandaran yg paling penting adalah sharing info ataupun
 Dg info yg valid, tinggal teknik dan strategi bagaimana yg perlu diambil
 untuk menyingkapi info tsb.
 Simple case...saya merasa harus menghilang di milis OB sampe tujuan anda
 (short term) kesampaian...hehehe

 Ada beberapa pengalaman berkesan lainnya.

 Mungkin masih ada yg bertanya2 tentang decoupling BEI terhadap regional
 (asia) khususnya DJIA
 Is it true? Hohoho...
 Yaitu saat koreksi Dow dari level 82xx sampai 64xx, kenapa saat itu kita
 tdk mengikuti membuat new low?

 Hal yg paling penting dipahami adalah mekanisme ttg sebuah crash dari
 perspektif BEI.
 Crash bisa terjadi saat ada arus dana yg keluar jauh lebih besar daripada
 yg masuk.
 Dan itulah yg terjadi bbrp saat lalu th '08.

 Namun untuk kejadian di 1Q09 tempo hari, arus keluar di BEI tdk terlalu
 signifikan, jadinya bear messenger keliatan seperti macan ompong.
 Salah satunya karena tidak ada amunisi maupun yg diboncengi
 Daftar short selling pun tdk kunjung direlease...

 Kondisi dunia perbandaran di BEI, secara umum banyak Bakal  (BD local)
 yg kalah akibat crash di th. '08.
 Cuman ada 1-2 pihak yg sangat berkuasa terutama thd saham2 peliharaan
 Dg dana terbatas yg ada, mereka main tek tok sendiri untuk bbrp saat
 Seiring perjalanan, arus dana mulai ada yg masuk walaupun sedikit, lakunya
 global bond RI, TO ISAT, dana pemilu, dst...
 Dg kombinasi itu para BD yg berkuasa ini membuat balancing portofolio
 supaya keliatan menarik.
 Target mereka adalah untuk menarik dana segar yg lebih besar...

 Penjelasannya; dg kondisi yg (katanye) masih suram namun mereka mampu
 menunjukkan performa yg bagus.
 Hal ini juga didukung regional yg mestakung bahkan pemilu yg (hingga saat
 ini) relative lancar.
 Menurut saya; itulah yg sebenarnya sedang terjadi dengan kenaikan BEI saat

 Harapannya sekarang...
 Semoga pemilu berikutnya juga lancar dan upaya EL (and her team)...mampu
 menarik minat asing untuk masuk dg dana yg lebih besar.

 Bisa jadi suatu saat nanti Den BEI benar2 mengalami decoupling bahkan
 menjadi INSPIRATOR bursa asia lainnya untuk naik lebih tinggi meninggalkan
 Mr. Dow...

 Ingatlah...saat tahun `08 dimana mayoritas mengatakan (saham2 dan indeks)
 BAGUS tapi pemilik dana yg memutuskan untuk keluar bisa membalikkan semua
 penilaian tsb...
 Semua analis, trader maupun investor TA dan FA yg pro bull dibuat salah

 Sebaliknya mungkin di kemudian hari mayoritas mengatakan JELEK tapi
 pemilik dana memutuskan masuk dan beli saham; saham dan indeks akan melaju
 terus tanpa memperdulikan penilaian mereka.
 Membuat mereka terus melongo hingga merubah penilaian mereka.


[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-19 Terurut Topik FromBuitenzorg
I've never need pride, I never need your prediction El,... but I need your 
sweet smile only hehehehe


Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk.. well, I
 won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO JOIN
 FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
 don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
 OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
 bluechips to living dead stocks..
 People power.

Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik ::Pak_AA::
Semua koq pada nyontek ane DEAR DEAR segala seh ke Elaine


You got us, El. We now all love you. So if you go, you will break our heart.
It's your fault LOL

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 6:47 AM, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@gmail.comwrote:

 Dear Elaine,

 Trims untuk semua sharingnya, sangat valuable buat kita semua terutama
 retailer. Baru kali ini saya nemuin ada bd baik hati. :) Good luck with your
 task, my dear.


 2009/4/17 Elaine Sui

 *I just want to know you better -- that's all.. [?]

 You know, I mostly get information earlier than any traders especially
 retails. It feels 'unfair' if I was just giving only bear warning last year,
 the casualties were enormous and I KNOW many retail portfolios were hit
 badly, even though I gave A LOT of warning last year. So I decided to
 re-join OB last Nov and that time it was bull warning.

 I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just sharing what you need to know.
 Anyway you are right, I'M EXHAUSTED. Managing clients expectation is very
 tough job, but we managed to bring them back to invest in IDX.

 I need a rest too, so I guess I'll take a break from OB for a while. Ada
 Oentoeng, JT, Arto, Dean, Halim, please lead OB to 2000.
 Anyway I was just spammed with FB request... [?]

 Embah, thank you for allowing me to be here. I may not be the nicest girl
 in OB, but personally OB is like a virtual family to me. Forgive my harsh
 jokes to any members here.

 Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
 My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS, Barclays
 and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck. And lastly, my message is just only
 this magic word: INVEST.

 You don't have to trade online to be rich.


 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:11 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...

 We all need you, dear...

 I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..

 Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
 Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are

 But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
 it will be caused by the regional market...

 We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation,
 Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.

 Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than
 trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
 a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
 money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
 pride except your beloved one JT.

 We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the
 index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
 whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
 We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
 isn't it ?.

 So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
 but We need YOU swear

 - Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
  27, I will be back.

  *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
 well, I
  won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
  FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means
  don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
  OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
  bluechips to living dead stocks..
  People power.


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[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik y_dizz
Berarti gue bener dong waktu itu. Gak nyangka, Yudizz emang ciamik, hahaha...

--- In, y_dizz y_d...@... wrote:

 THE NEXT BUMI..?!? Hmmm, nice topic..

 Infrastructure ya? May I guess, how about BTEL?

 PER = 8,81x
 PBV = 0,27x
 Debt/Equity = 0,41
 EV/EBITDA = 2,99
 Operating profit margin = 26,84%
 Sales growth = 82,77%

 Not bad yeah? Sebenarnya saya tertarik sama potensi saham ini.
 Tapi kok Bakrie maning, Bakrie maning ya...


--- In, Provokator Saham oentoeng...@... 

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
  --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
  We all need you, dear...
  I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..
 Berarti kita sama dong.
 Mungkin hal ini bisa disebut gaptek; tapi itu memang sebuah kesengajaan bagi 
 Karena saya pribadi merasa intensitas  waktu di depan monitor sdh sangat 
 Sejak pagi byk tersita untuk mengikuti sesi trading di BEI, closing market sy 
 masih suka main forex, punya komunitas sharing juga di sana, nyampe rumah 
 seringkali buat main game, maleman dikit main forex lage, indeks (dow fut), 
 hobi pun masih nonton film, dst.
 Utk komunikasi dg temen2 lama (kantor, kuliah dst) sekalian ama bozz and 
 para sopir saya lbh suka pake HP.
 Caranya kl die pake XL saya juga pake XL, telkomsel yah saya pake telkomsel 
 juga, dst (semua operator saya punya) khan semua itu bisa lbh irit, plus 
 nggak cape ngetik, maklum jari2 sdh cape buat trading saham ama main 
 Kalau anda sdh menyatakan hy sbg spam dan sdh ditanggapi oleh Mbah, berarti 
 ancaman tsb sdh tdk berlaku.
 Bagaimanapun temen2 yg lain akan berterima kasih banget kl anda bersedia 
 sharing sedikit ...PEAK for any stocks, from bluechips to living dead 
 stocks.. di BEI.
 Sebelum anda berangkat road show...
 Buat saya, utk hal macam begitu khan kita satu perguruan, jadi bukan hal yg 
 Kayak saham 50 yg akan menjadi 5.000 itu menurut saya yg dimaksud bbrp saat 
 lalu adalah BTEL.
 Alasannya ini dikaitkan dg booming sector telekom di masa depan, kebijakan 
 tdk adanya penambahan freq baru oleh pem. RI sehingga asing yg masuk ke RI 
 harus berpartner atau akuisisi (mis: QTEL thd ISAT) disandingkan dg posisi 
 BTEL sbg pemenang tender freq tempo hari saat bersaing dg operator lainnya 
 Bener nggak EL? Please reconfirm...

Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Elaine tidak paksa, I just thought that I could know you better, that's
all. Tidak mau juga it's okay. Anyway, please join OB donation program.
Bakrie telecomm? It's good one too.

2009/4/18 Provokator Saham

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
  We all need you, dear...
  I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..


 Berarti kita sama dong.
 Mungkin hal ini bisa disebut gaptek; tapi itu memang sebuah kesengajaan
 bagi saya.
 Karena saya pribadi merasa intensitas  waktu di depan monitor sdh sangat

 Sejak pagi byk tersita untuk mengikuti sesi trading di BEI, closing market
 sy masih suka main forex, punya komunitas sharing juga di sana, nyampe rumah
 seringkali buat main game, maleman dikit main forex lage, indeks (dow fut),
 hobi pun masih nonton film, dst.

 Utk komunikasi dg temen2 lama (kantor, kuliah dst) sekalian ama bozz and
 para sopir saya lbh suka pake HP.
 Caranya kl die pake XL saya juga pake XL, telkomsel yah saya pake telkomsel
 juga, dst (semua operator saya punya) khan semua itu bisa lbh irit, plus
 nggak cape ngetik, maklum jari2 sdh cape buat trading saham ama main


 Kalau anda sdh menyatakan hy sbg spam dan sdh ditanggapi oleh Mbah, berarti
 ancaman tsb sdh tdk berlaku.
 Bagaimanapun temen2 yg lain akan berterima kasih banget kl anda bersedia
 sharing sedikit ...PEAK for any stocks, from bluechips to living dead
 stocks.. di BEI.
 Sebelum anda berangkat road show...

 Buat saya, utk hal macam begitu khan kita satu perguruan, jadi bukan hal
 yg baru.
 Kayak saham 50 yg akan menjadi 5.000 itu menurut saya yg dimaksud bbrp saat
 lalu adalah BTEL.

 Alasannya ini dikaitkan dg booming sector telekom di masa depan, kebijakan
 tdk adanya penambahan freq baru oleh pem. RI sehingga asing yg masuk ke RI
 harus berpartner atau akuisisi (mis: QTEL thd ISAT) disandingkan dg posisi
 BTEL sbg pemenang tender freq tempo hari saat bersaing dg operator lainnya

 Bener nggak EL? Please reconfirm...


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Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik [ M S ]

Yes, I couldn't agree more if you say OB donation program rather than 
Bakrie's IDR1,000,000,000 donation program

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 16:37:07 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

*Elaine tidak paksa, I just thought that I could know you better, that's
all. Tidak mau juga it's okay. Anyway, please join OB donation program.
Bakrie telecomm? It's good one too.

2009/4/18 Provokator Saham

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
  We all need you, dear...
  I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..


 Berarti kita sama dong.
 Mungkin hal ini bisa disebut gaptek; tapi itu memang sebuah kesengajaan
 bagi saya.
 Karena saya pribadi merasa intensitas  waktu di depan monitor sdh sangat

 Sejak pagi byk tersita untuk mengikuti sesi trading di BEI, closing market
 sy masih suka main forex, punya komunitas sharing juga di sana, nyampe rumah
 seringkali buat main game, maleman dikit main forex lage, indeks (dow fut),
 hobi pun masih nonton film, dst.

 Utk komunikasi dg temen2 lama (kantor, kuliah dst) sekalian ama bozz and
 para sopir saya lbh suka pake HP.
 Caranya kl die pake XL saya juga pake XL, telkomsel yah saya pake telkomsel
 juga, dst (semua operator saya punya) khan semua itu bisa lbh irit, plus
 nggak cape ngetik, maklum jari2 sdh cape buat trading saham ama main


 Kalau anda sdh menyatakan hy sbg spam dan sdh ditanggapi oleh Mbah, berarti
 ancaman tsb sdh tdk berlaku.
 Bagaimanapun temen2 yg lain akan berterima kasih banget kl anda bersedia
 sharing sedikit ...PEAK for any stocks, from bluechips to living dead
 stocks.. di BEI.
 Sebelum anda berangkat road show...

 Buat saya, utk hal macam begitu khan kita satu perguruan, jadi bukan hal
 yg baru.
 Kayak saham 50 yg akan menjadi 5.000 itu menurut saya yg dimaksud bbrp saat
 lalu adalah BTEL.

 Alasannya ini dikaitkan dg booming sector telekom di masa depan, kebijakan
 tdk adanya penambahan freq baru oleh pem. RI sehingga asing yg masuk ke RI
 harus berpartner atau akuisisi (mis: QTEL thd ISAT) disandingkan dg posisi
 BTEL sbg pemenang tender freq tempo hari saat bersaing dg operator lainnya

 Bener nggak EL? Please reconfirm...


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Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik ::Pak_AA::
Oen, bisa refer emailnya Elaine yang bilang ada saham gocapan mau ke
5000? Or El, Can you please help. Or anyone else?
I am studying my long term porto

2009/4/18 Provokator Saham
 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:

 We all need you, dear...

 I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..


 Berarti kita sama dong.
 Mungkin hal ini bisa disebut gaptek; tapi itu memang sebuah kesengajaan bagi 
 Karena saya pribadi merasa intensitas  waktu di depan monitor sdh sangat 

 Sejak pagi byk tersita untuk mengikuti sesi trading di BEI, closing market sy 
 masih suka main forex, punya komunitas sharing juga di sana, nyampe rumah 
 seringkali buat main game, maleman dikit main forex lage, indeks (dow fut), 
 hobi pun masih nonton film, dst.

 Utk komunikasi dg temen2 lama (kantor, kuliah dst) sekalian ama bozz and 
 para sopir saya lbh suka pake HP.
 Caranya kl die pake XL saya juga pake XL, telkomsel yah saya pake telkomsel 
 juga, dst (semua operator saya punya) khan semua itu bisa lbh irit, plus 
 nggak cape ngetik, maklum jari2 sdh cape buat trading saham ama main 


 Kalau anda sdh menyatakan hy sbg spam dan sdh ditanggapi oleh Mbah, berarti 
 ancaman tsb sdh tdk berlaku.
 Bagaimanapun temen2 yg lain akan berterima kasih banget kl anda bersedia 
 sharing sedikit ...PEAK for any stocks, from bluechips to living dead 
 stocks.. di BEI.
 Sebelum anda berangkat road show...

 Buat saya, utk hal macam begitu khan kita satu perguruan, jadi bukan hal yg 
 Kayak saham 50 yg akan menjadi 5.000 itu menurut saya yg dimaksud bbrp saat 
 lalu adalah BTEL.

 Alasannya ini dikaitkan dg booming sector telekom di masa depan, kebijakan 
 tdk adanya penambahan freq baru oleh pem. RI sehingga asing yg masuk ke RI 
 harus berpartner atau akuisisi (mis: QTEL thd ISAT) disandingkan dg posisi 
 BTEL sbg pemenang tender freq tempo hari saat bersaing dg operator lainnya 

 Bener nggak EL? Please reconfirm...


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Re: Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik Ferry Wachjudi
Pak AA,

seingat saya pernah ada juga

Thanks  Rgds,
Ferry W.
  - Original Message - 
  From: ::Pak_AA:: 
  Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 3:19 AM
  Subject: Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join 

  Oen, bisa refer emailnya Elaine yang bilang ada saham gocapan mau ke
  5000? Or El, Can you please help. Or anyone else?
  I am studying my long term porto

  2009/4/18 Provokator Saham
   --- In, jsx_consultant 
jsx-consult...@... wrote:
   --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
   We all need you, dear...
   I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..
   Berarti kita sama dong.
   Mungkin hal ini bisa disebut gaptek; tapi itu memang sebuah kesengajaan 
bagi saya.
   Karena saya pribadi merasa intensitas  waktu di depan monitor sdh sangat 
   Sejak pagi byk tersita untuk mengikuti sesi trading di BEI, closing market 
sy masih suka main forex, punya komunitas sharing juga di sana, nyampe rumah 
seringkali buat main game, maleman dikit main forex lage, indeks (dow fut), 
hobi pun masih nonton film, dst.
   Utk komunikasi dg temen2 lama (kantor, kuliah dst) sekalian ama bozz and 
para sopir saya lbh suka pake HP.
   Caranya kl die pake XL saya juga pake XL, telkomsel yah saya pake telkomsel 
juga, dst (semua operator saya punya) khan semua itu bisa lbh irit, plus nggak 
cape ngetik, maklum jari2 sdh cape buat trading saham ama main game...hehehe...
   Kalau anda sdh menyatakan hy sbg spam dan sdh ditanggapi oleh Mbah, berarti 
ancaman tsb sdh tdk berlaku.
   Bagaimanapun temen2 yg lain akan berterima kasih banget kl anda bersedia 
sharing sedikit ...PEAK for any stocks, from bluechips to living dead 
stocks.. di BEI.
   Sebelum anda berangkat road show...
   Buat saya, utk hal macam begitu khan kita satu perguruan, jadi bukan hal 
yg baru.
   Kayak saham 50 yg akan menjadi 5.000 itu menurut saya yg dimaksud bbrp saat 
lalu adalah BTEL.
   Alasannya ini dikaitkan dg booming sector telekom di masa depan, kebijakan 
tdk adanya penambahan freq baru oleh pem. RI sehingga asing yg masuk ke RI 
harus berpartner atau akuisisi (mis: QTEL thd ISAT) disandingkan dg posisi BTEL 
sbg pemenang tender freq tempo hari saat bersaing dg operator lainnya dst...
   Bener nggak EL? Please reconfirm...
   + +
   + + + + +
   Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
   kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
   + + + + +
   + +Yahoo! Groups Links


[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik Provokator Saham
--- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
 We all need you, dear...
 I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..


Berarti kita sama dong.
Mungkin hal ini bisa disebut gaptek; tapi itu memang sebuah kesengajaan bagi 
Karena saya pribadi merasa intensitas  waktu di depan monitor sdh sangat tinggi.

Sejak pagi byk tersita untuk mengikuti sesi trading di BEI, closing market sy 
masih suka main forex, punya komunitas sharing juga di sana, nyampe rumah 
seringkali buat main game, maleman dikit main forex lage, indeks (dow fut), 
hobi pun masih nonton film, dst.

Utk komunikasi dg temen2 lama (kantor, kuliah dst) sekalian ama bozz and para 
sopir saya lbh suka pake HP.
Caranya kl die pake XL saya juga pake XL, telkomsel yah saya pake telkomsel 
juga, dst (semua operator saya punya) khan semua itu bisa lbh irit, plus nggak 
cape ngetik, maklum jari2 sdh cape buat trading saham ama main game...hehehe...


Kalau anda sdh menyatakan hy sbg spam dan sdh ditanggapi oleh Mbah, berarti 
ancaman tsb sdh tdk berlaku.
Bagaimanapun temen2 yg lain akan berterima kasih banget kl anda bersedia 
sharing sedikit ...PEAK for any stocks, from bluechips to living dead 
stocks.. di BEI.
Sebelum anda berangkat road show...

Buat saya, utk hal macam begitu khan kita satu perguruan, jadi bukan hal yg 
Kayak saham 50 yg akan menjadi 5.000 itu menurut saya yg dimaksud bbrp saat 
lalu adalah BTEL.

Alasannya ini dikaitkan dg booming sector telekom di masa depan, kebijakan tdk 
adanya penambahan freq baru oleh pem. RI sehingga asing yg masuk ke RI harus 
berpartner atau akuisisi (mis: QTEL thd ISAT) disandingkan dg posisi BTEL sbg 
pemenang tender freq tempo hari saat bersaing dg operator lainnya dst...

Bener nggak EL? Please reconfirm...

[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik Provokator Saham
--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
 My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS, Barclays
 and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck.


Good luck with your road show...
Kepergian anda adalah konfirmasi atas evaluasi kesalahan prediksi saya akhir2 

Sedikit sharing saja...

Sebenarnya saya mulai beralih dari bear menjadi bull saat anda kekeuh akan maju 

So we're officially enemies now.

Ke-ngotot-an tsb yg membuat saya menjadi penasaran.
Saya mulai mencari clue, yaitu dr komposisi portofolio.

...long on housing/construction, autos, infrastructure, commodities, and tech 

Dari sector housing (property) tsb lah saya mulai melakukan investigasi
Petunjuk itu menjadi lebih terang dg melihat pergerakan CTRA yg dibanting 
(hingga 142) terus melaju sendirian.

Asumsinya di sini terjadi kejanggalan
Sektor properti secara FA tdk ada faktor pendukung.
Hanya ada sentimen positif bhw SBI cenderung menurun sepanjang th '09.
Tapi kenapa hy CTRA yg naik sendiri?
Seharusnya bicara sektoral atau grup mestinya diiringi saham2 ciputra atau 
property lainnya.
Singkat cerita saya akhirnya tahu ini adalah salah satu strategi rebalancing.
Benernya ada bbrp BD yg melakukan tapi pastinya ada yg terbesar...
Dari sini akhirnya saya tahu view dan asumsi mereka; mungkin dlm hal ini 
Elaine and the gang

Fyi...di dunia perbandaran yg paling penting adalah sharing info ataupun view.
Dg info yg valid, tinggal teknik dan strategi bagaimana yg perlu diambil untuk 
menyingkapi info tsb.
Simple case...saya merasa harus menghilang di milis OB sampe tujuan anda 
(short term) kesampaian...hehehe

Ada beberapa pengalaman berkesan lainnya.

Mungkin masih ada yg bertanya2 tentang decoupling BEI terhadap regional 
(asia) khususnya DJIA
Is it true? Hohoho...
Yaitu saat koreksi Dow dari level 82xx sampai 64xx, kenapa saat itu kita tdk 
mengikuti membuat new low?

Hal yg paling penting dipahami adalah mekanisme ttg sebuah crash dari 
perspektif BEI.
Crash bisa terjadi saat ada arus dana yg keluar jauh lebih besar daripada yg 
Dan itulah yg terjadi bbrp saat lalu th '08.

Namun untuk kejadian di 1Q09 tempo hari, arus keluar di BEI tdk terlalu 
signifikan, jadinya bear messenger keliatan seperti macan ompong.
Salah satunya karena tidak ada amunisi maupun yg diboncengi
Daftar short selling pun tdk kunjung direlease...

Kondisi dunia perbandaran di BEI, secara umum banyak Bakal  (BD local) yg 
kalah akibat crash di th. '08.
Cuman ada 1-2 pihak yg sangat berkuasa terutama thd saham2 peliharaan mereka.
Dg dana terbatas yg ada, mereka main tek tok sendiri untuk bbrp saat lamanya.
Seiring perjalanan, arus dana mulai ada yg masuk walaupun sedikit, lakunya 
global bond RI, TO ISAT, dana pemilu, dst...
Dg kombinasi itu para BD yg berkuasa ini membuat balancing portofolio supaya 
keliatan menarik.
Target mereka adalah untuk menarik dana segar yg lebih besar...

Penjelasannya; dg kondisi yg (katanye) masih suram namun mereka mampu 
menunjukkan performa yg bagus.
Hal ini juga didukung regional yg mestakung bahkan pemilu yg (hingga saat ini) 
relative lancar.
Menurut saya; itulah yg sebenarnya sedang terjadi dengan kenaikan BEI saat 

Harapannya sekarang...
Semoga pemilu berikutnya juga lancar dan upaya EL (and her team)...mampu 
menarik minat asing untuk masuk dg dana yg lebih besar.

Bisa jadi suatu saat nanti Den BEI benar2 mengalami decoupling bahkan menjadi 
INSPIRATOR bursa asia lainnya untuk naik lebih tinggi meninggalkan Mr. Dow...

Ingatlah...saat tahun `08 dimana mayoritas mengatakan (saham2 dan indeks) BAGUS 
tapi pemilik dana yg memutuskan untuk keluar bisa membalikkan semua penilaian 
Semua analis, trader maupun investor TA dan FA yg pro bull dibuat salah semua.

Sebaliknya mungkin di kemudian hari mayoritas mengatakan JELEK tapi pemilik 
dana memutuskan masuk dan beli saham; saham dan indeks akan melaju terus tanpa 
memperdulikan penilaian mereka.
Membuat mereka terus melongo hingga merubah penilaian mereka.

Inilah sekelumit cerita suka duka seorang bear messenger yg telah melakukan 

Story di atas mungkin cenderung subyektif, hy cocok untuk saya pribadi yg 
semula bearish menjadi bullish.
Segera melakukan koreksi saat semuanya ternyata berbalik arah.

Akhir kata mohon maaf kalau ada beberapa member di OB merasa  menjadi tumbal 
atas kesalahan tsb...

Semoga bermanfaat...


Story Teller


Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik Provokator Saham
--- In, \::Pak_AA:\: 
abdul.rahman.ra...@... wrote:

 Oen, bisa refer emailnya Elaine yang bilang ada saham gocapan mau ke
 5000? Or El, Can you please help. Or anyone else?
 I am studying my long term porto

Nggak tahu kok ngomong2?
Ini sedikit aib buat anda P. AA

Tunjukkan bahwa anda emang perhatian kpd EL.
Masak EL ngomong nggak diperhatikan?

Kali ini saya masih mau bantu lain kali???

Coba paksa El untuk ngomong saham tsb mnrt dia yg mana?
Supaya tahu dia ngambek kpd anda atau tidak?

Kwekwekwekwek.canda yah pak...

Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik jimmy
pak oentoeng,
anda luar biasa sekali.
saya salut dg anda..kesalahan bukan yg terpenting disini, tapi cara berpikir
dan bersikap itulah yg paling menentukan.
setiap org pasti pernah buat salah. bahkan yg ahli di bidangnya (termasuk
w.buffet) pun pernah salah berkali-kali.

terima kasih atas ulasannya..tetaplah memberikan opini2 untuk menuntun OB
pada akhirnya keputusan kan ada di masing2.
tidak perlu tunjuk siapa yg salah atau benar, ujung2nya kita sendiri yg

2009/4/18 Provokator Saham

 --- In,
 Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

  Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to
  My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS,
  and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck.


 Good luck with your road show...
 Kepergian anda adalah konfirmasi atas evaluasi kesalahan prediksi saya
 akhir2 ini.

 Sedikit sharing saja...

 Sebenarnya saya mulai beralih dari bear menjadi bull saat anda kekeuh akan
 maju sendiri.

 So we're officially enemies now.

 Ke-ngotot-an tsb yg membuat saya menjadi penasaran.
 Saya mulai mencari clue, yaitu dr komposisi portofolio.

 ...long on housing/construction, autos, infrastructure, commodities, and
 tech stocks...

 Dari sector housing (property) tsb lah saya mulai melakukan investigasi
 Petunjuk itu menjadi lebih terang dg melihat pergerakan CTRA yg dibanting
 (hingga 142) terus melaju sendirian.

 Asumsinya di sini terjadi kejanggalan
 Sektor properti secara FA tdk ada faktor pendukung.
 Hanya ada sentimen positif bhw SBI cenderung menurun sepanjang th '09.
 Tapi kenapa hy CTRA yg naik sendiri?
 Seharusnya bicara sektoral atau grup mestinya diiringi saham2 ciputra atau
 property lainnya.
 Singkat cerita saya akhirnya tahu ini adalah salah satu strategi
 Benernya ada bbrp BD yg melakukan tapi pastinya ada yg terbesar...
 Dari sini akhirnya saya tahu view dan asumsi mereka; mungkin dlm hal ini
 Elaine and the gang

 Fyi...di dunia perbandaran yg paling penting adalah sharing info ataupun
 Dg info yg valid, tinggal teknik dan strategi bagaimana yg perlu diambil
 untuk menyingkapi info tsb.
 Simple case...saya merasa harus menghilang di milis OB sampe tujuan anda
 (short term) kesampaian...hehehe

 Ada beberapa pengalaman berkesan lainnya.

 Mungkin masih ada yg bertanya2 tentang decoupling BEI terhadap regional
 (asia) khususnya DJIA
 Is it true? Hohoho...
 Yaitu saat koreksi Dow dari level 82xx sampai 64xx, kenapa saat itu kita
 tdk mengikuti membuat new low?

 Hal yg paling penting dipahami adalah mekanisme ttg sebuah crash dari
 perspektif BEI.
 Crash bisa terjadi saat ada arus dana yg keluar jauh lebih besar daripada
 yg masuk.
 Dan itulah yg terjadi bbrp saat lalu th '08.

 Namun untuk kejadian di 1Q09 tempo hari, arus keluar di BEI tdk terlalu
 signifikan, jadinya bear messenger keliatan seperti macan ompong.
 Salah satunya karena tidak ada amunisi maupun yg diboncengi
 Daftar short selling pun tdk kunjung direlease...

 Kondisi dunia perbandaran di BEI, secara umum banyak Bakal (BD local) yg
 kalah akibat crash di th. '08.
 Cuman ada 1-2 pihak yg sangat berkuasa terutama thd saham2 peliharaan
 Dg dana terbatas yg ada, mereka main tek tok sendiri untuk bbrp saat
 Seiring perjalanan, arus dana mulai ada yg masuk walaupun sedikit, lakunya
 global bond RI, TO ISAT, dana pemilu, dst...
 Dg kombinasi itu para BD yg berkuasa ini membuat balancing portofolio
 supaya keliatan menarik.
 Target mereka adalah untuk menarik dana segar yg lebih besar...

 Penjelasannya; dg kondisi yg (katanye) masih suram namun mereka mampu
 menunjukkan performa yg bagus.
 Hal ini juga didukung regional yg mestakung bahkan pemilu yg (hingga saat
 ini) relative lancar.
 Menurut saya; itulah yg sebenarnya sedang terjadi dengan kenaikan BEI saat

 Harapannya sekarang...
 Semoga pemilu berikutnya juga lancar dan upaya EL (and her team)...mampu
 menarik minat asing untuk masuk dg dana yg lebih besar.

 Bisa jadi suatu saat nanti Den BEI benar2 mengalami decoupling bahkan
 menjadi INSPIRATOR bursa asia lainnya untuk naik lebih tinggi meninggalkan
 Mr. Dow...

 Ingatlah...saat tahun `08 dimana mayoritas mengatakan (saham2 dan indeks)
 BAGUS tapi pemilik dana yg memutuskan untuk keluar bisa membalikkan semua
 penilaian tsb...
 Semua analis, trader maupun investor TA dan FA yg pro bull dibuat salah

 Sebaliknya mungkin di kemudian hari mayoritas mengatakan JELEK tapi pemilik
 dana memutuskan masuk dan beli saham; saham dan indeks akan melaju terus
 tanpa memperdulikan penilaian mereka.
 Membuat mereka terus melongo hingga merubah penilaian mereka.

 Inilah sekelumit cerita suka duka seorang bear messenger yg telah
 melakukan kesilapan.

RE: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik Slasher McGorok

Salut untuk kerendahan hati dan kejantanan anda ... anda luar biasa sekali 
dalam mengidentifikasi dan menyadari kesalahan prediksi yang anda buat ...


Keep on posting Pak!

Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 15:49:43 +
Subject: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
 My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS, Barclays
 and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck.


Good luck with your road show...
Kepergian anda adalah konfirmasi atas evaluasi kesalahan prediksi saya akhir2 

Sedikit sharing saja...

Sebenarnya saya mulai beralih dari bear menjadi bull saat anda kekeuh akan maju 

So we're officially enemies now.

Ke-ngotot-an tsb yg membuat saya menjadi penasaran.
Saya mulai mencari clue, yaitu dr komposisi portofolio.

...long on housing/construction, autos, infrastructure, commodities, and tech 

Dari sector housing (property) tsb lah saya mulai melakukan investigasi
Petunjuk itu menjadi lebih terang dg melihat pergerakan CTRA yg dibanting 
(hingga 142) terus melaju sendirian.

Asumsinya di sini terjadi kejanggalan
Sektor properti secara FA tdk ada faktor pendukung.
Hanya ada sentimen positif bhw SBI cenderung menurun sepanjang th '09.
Tapi kenapa hy CTRA yg naik sendiri?
Seharusnya bicara sektoral atau grup mestinya diiringi saham2 ciputra atau 
property lainnya.
Singkat cerita saya akhirnya tahu ini adalah salah satu strategi rebalancing.
Benernya ada bbrp BD yg melakukan tapi pastinya ada yg terbesar...
Dari sini akhirnya saya tahu view dan asumsi mereka; mungkin dlm hal ini 
Elaine and the gang

Fyi...di dunia perbandaran yg paling penting adalah sharing info ataupun view.
Dg info yg valid, tinggal teknik dan strategi bagaimana yg perlu diambil untuk 
menyingkapi info tsb.
Simple case...saya merasa harus menghilang di milis OB sampe tujuan anda 
(short term) kesampaian...hehehe

Ada beberapa pengalaman berkesan lainnya.

Mungkin masih ada yg bertanya2 tentang decoupling BEI terhadap regional 
(asia) khususnya DJIA
Is it true? Hohoho...
Yaitu saat koreksi Dow dari level 82xx sampai 64xx, kenapa saat itu kita tdk 
mengikuti membuat new low?

Hal yg paling penting dipahami adalah mekanisme ttg sebuah crash dari 
perspektif BEI.
Crash bisa terjadi saat ada arus dana yg keluar jauh lebih besar daripada yg 
Dan itulah yg terjadi bbrp saat lalu th '08.

Namun untuk kejadian di 1Q09 tempo hari, arus keluar di BEI tdk terlalu 
signifikan, jadinya bear messenger keliatan seperti macan ompong.
Salah satunya karena tidak ada amunisi maupun yg diboncengi
Daftar short selling pun tdk kunjung direlease...

Kondisi dunia perbandaran di BEI, secara umum banyak Bakal (BD local) yg 
kalah akibat crash di th. '08.
Cuman ada 1-2 pihak yg sangat berkuasa terutama thd saham2 peliharaan mereka.
Dg dana terbatas yg ada, mereka main tek tok sendiri untuk bbrp saat lamanya.
Seiring perjalanan, arus dana mulai ada yg masuk walaupun sedikit, lakunya 
global bond RI, TO ISAT, dana pemilu, dst...
Dg kombinasi itu para BD yg berkuasa ini membuat balancing portofolio supaya 
keliatan menarik.
Target mereka adalah untuk menarik dana segar yg lebih besar...

Penjelasannya; dg kondisi yg (katanye) masih suram namun mereka mampu 
menunjukkan performa yg bagus.
Hal ini juga didukung regional yg mestakung bahkan pemilu yg (hingga saat ini) 
relative lancar.
Menurut saya; itulah yg sebenarnya sedang terjadi dengan kenaikan BEI saat 

Harapannya sekarang...
Semoga pemilu berikutnya juga lancar dan upaya EL (and her team)...mampu 
menarik minat asing untuk masuk dg dana yg lebih besar.

Bisa jadi suatu saat nanti Den BEI benar2 mengalami decoupling bahkan menjadi 
INSPIRATOR bursa asia lainnya untuk naik lebih tinggi meninggalkan Mr. Dow...

Ingatlah...saat tahun `08 dimana mayoritas mengatakan (saham2 dan indeks) BAGUS 
tapi pemilik dana yg memutuskan untuk keluar bisa membalikkan semua penilaian 
Semua analis, trader maupun investor TA dan FA yg pro bull dibuat salah semua.

Sebaliknya mungkin di kemudian hari mayoritas mengatakan JELEK tapi pemilik 
dana memutuskan masuk dan beli saham; saham dan indeks akan melaju terus tanpa 
memperdulikan penilaian mereka.
Membuat mereka terus melongo hingga merubah penilaian mereka.

Inilah sekelumit cerita suka duka seorang bear messenger yg telah melakukan 

Story di atas mungkin cenderung subyektif, hy cocok untuk saya pribadi yg 
semula bearish menjadi bullish.
Segera melakukan koreksi saat semuanya ternyata berbalik arah.

Akhir kata mohon maaf kalau ada beberapa member di OB merasa menjadi tumbal 
atas kesalahan tsb...

Semoga bermanfaat

Re: Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik nyari duit
Saya setuju BTEL untuk longterm porto..
Jika ekonomi tambah maju, maka orang akan punya min 2 telfon.. satu GSM dan
satu CDMA.. BTEL dengan marketingnya yang mantap, bisa memenangkan
persaingan CDMA.. liat aja 2008, nasabah naik hampir 2 kali lipat.. jika
2009 naik lagi 2 kali lipat, waw

Apalagi SLI udah di launching.. udah pada lihat iklan SLI BTEL..
Semoga BTEL sukses menggusur SLI Telkom dan ISAT, he he.. masalahnya ane
ndak punya TLKM dan ISAT, ha ha..



2009/4/18 ::Pak_AA::

 Oen, bisa refer emailnya Elaine yang bilang ada saham gocapan mau ke
 5000? Or El, Can you please help. Or anyone else?
 I am studying my long term porto

 2009/4/18 Provokator Saham
  --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  --- In,
 Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
  We all need you, dear...
  I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..
  Berarti kita sama dong.
  Mungkin hal ini bisa disebut gaptek; tapi itu memang sebuah kesengajaan
 bagi saya.
  Karena saya pribadi merasa intensitas  waktu di depan monitor sdh sangat
  Sejak pagi byk tersita untuk mengikuti sesi trading di BEI, closing
 market sy masih suka main forex, punya komunitas sharing juga di sana,
 nyampe rumah seringkali buat main game, maleman dikit main forex lage,
 indeks (dow fut), hobi pun masih nonton film, dst.
  Utk komunikasi dg temen2 lama (kantor, kuliah dst) sekalian ama bozz and
 para sopir saya lbh suka pake HP.
  Caranya kl die pake XL saya juga pake XL, telkomsel yah saya pake
 telkomsel juga, dst (semua operator saya punya) khan semua itu bisa lbh
 irit, plus nggak cape ngetik, maklum jari2 sdh cape buat trading saham ama
 main game...hehehe...
  Kalau anda sdh menyatakan hy sbg spam dan sdh ditanggapi oleh Mbah,
 berarti ancaman tsb sdh tdk berlaku.
  Bagaimanapun temen2 yg lain akan berterima kasih banget kl anda bersedia
 sharing sedikit ...PEAK for any stocks, from bluechips to living dead
 stocks.. di BEI.
  Sebelum anda berangkat road show...
  Buat saya, utk hal macam begitu khan kita satu perguruan, jadi bukan
 hal yg baru.
  Kayak saham 50 yg akan menjadi 5.000 itu menurut saya yg dimaksud bbrp
 saat lalu adalah BTEL.
  Alasannya ini dikaitkan dg booming sector telekom di masa depan,
 kebijakan tdk adanya penambahan freq baru oleh pem. RI sehingga asing yg
 masuk ke RI harus berpartner atau akuisisi (mis: QTEL thd ISAT) disandingkan
 dg posisi BTEL sbg pemenang tender freq tempo hari saat bersaing dg operator
 lainnya dst...
  Bener nggak EL? Please reconfirm...
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Man, you're such a serious guy. Relax. I refuse to be called bandar, I
prefer 'financial investment strategist'. Kalau ada trader challenge Elaine
untuk day trading, Elaine pasti kalah cuma bisa menangis minta pulang saja..
ha ha ha.. (l...@jt)

You and I are not perfect. Let's accept it. [?]


2009/4/18 Provokator Saham

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

  Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to
  My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS,
  and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck.


 Good luck with your road show...
 Kepergian anda adalah konfirmasi atas evaluasi kesalahan prediksi saya
 akhir2 ini.

 Sedikit sharing saja...

 Sebenarnya saya mulai beralih dari bear menjadi bull saat anda kekeuh akan
 maju sendiri.

 So we're officially enemies now.

 Ke-ngotot-an tsb yg membuat saya menjadi penasaran.
 Saya mulai mencari clue, yaitu dr komposisi portofolio.

 ...long on housing/construction, autos, infrastructure, commodities, and
 tech stocks...

 Dari sector housing (property) tsb lah saya mulai melakukan investigasi
 Petunjuk itu menjadi lebih terang dg melihat pergerakan CTRA yg dibanting
 (hingga 142) terus melaju sendirian.

 Asumsinya di sini terjadi kejanggalan
 Sektor properti secara FA tdk ada faktor pendukung.
 Hanya ada sentimen positif bhw SBI cenderung menurun sepanjang th '09.
 Tapi kenapa hy CTRA yg naik sendiri?
 Seharusnya bicara sektoral atau grup mestinya diiringi saham2 ciputra atau
 property lainnya.
 Singkat cerita saya akhirnya tahu ini adalah salah satu strategi
 Benernya ada bbrp BD yg melakukan tapi pastinya ada yg terbesar...
 Dari sini akhirnya saya tahu view dan asumsi mereka; mungkin dlm hal ini
 Elaine and the gang

 Fyi...di dunia perbandaran yg paling penting adalah sharing info ataupun
 Dg info yg valid, tinggal teknik dan strategi bagaimana yg perlu diambil
 untuk menyingkapi info tsb.
 Simple case...saya merasa harus menghilang di milis OB sampe tujuan anda
 (short term) kesampaian...hehehe

 Ada beberapa pengalaman berkesan lainnya.

 Mungkin masih ada yg bertanya2 tentang decoupling BEI terhadap regional
 (asia) khususnya DJIA
 Is it true? Hohoho...
 Yaitu saat koreksi Dow dari level 82xx sampai 64xx, kenapa saat itu kita
 tdk mengikuti membuat new low?

 Hal yg paling penting dipahami adalah mekanisme ttg sebuah crash dari
 perspektif BEI.
 Crash bisa terjadi saat ada arus dana yg keluar jauh lebih besar daripada
 yg masuk.
 Dan itulah yg terjadi bbrp saat lalu th '08.

 Namun untuk kejadian di 1Q09 tempo hari, arus keluar di BEI tdk terlalu
 signifikan, jadinya bear messenger keliatan seperti macan ompong.
 Salah satunya karena tidak ada amunisi maupun yg diboncengi
 Daftar short selling pun tdk kunjung direlease...

 Kondisi dunia perbandaran di BEI, secara umum banyak Bakal  (BD local) yg
 kalah akibat crash di th. '08.
 Cuman ada 1-2 pihak yg sangat berkuasa terutama thd saham2 peliharaan
 Dg dana terbatas yg ada, mereka main tek tok sendiri untuk bbrp saat
 Seiring perjalanan, arus dana mulai ada yg masuk walaupun sedikit, lakunya
 global bond RI, TO ISAT, dana pemilu, dst...
 Dg kombinasi itu para BD yg berkuasa ini membuat balancing portofolio
 supaya keliatan menarik.
 Target mereka adalah untuk menarik dana segar yg lebih besar...

 Penjelasannya; dg kondisi yg (katanye) masih suram namun mereka mampu
 menunjukkan performa yg bagus.
 Hal ini juga didukung regional yg mestakung bahkan pemilu yg (hingga saat
 ini) relative lancar.
 Menurut saya; itulah yg sebenarnya sedang terjadi dengan kenaikan BEI saat

 Harapannya sekarang...
 Semoga pemilu berikutnya juga lancar dan upaya EL (and her team)...mampu
 menarik minat asing untuk masuk dg dana yg lebih besar.

 Bisa jadi suatu saat nanti Den BEI benar2 mengalami decoupling bahkan
 menjadi INSPIRATOR bursa asia lainnya untuk naik lebih tinggi meninggalkan
 Mr. Dow...

 Ingatlah...saat tahun `08 dimana mayoritas mengatakan (saham2 dan indeks)
 BAGUS tapi pemilik dana yg memutuskan untuk keluar bisa membalikkan semua
 penilaian tsb...
 Semua analis, trader maupun investor TA dan FA yg pro bull dibuat salah

 Sebaliknya mungkin di kemudian hari mayoritas mengatakan JELEK tapi pemilik
 dana memutuskan masuk dan beli saham; saham dan indeks akan melaju terus
 tanpa memperdulikan penilaian mereka.
 Membuat mereka terus melongo hingga merubah penilaian mereka.

 Inilah sekelumit cerita suka duka seorang bear messenger yg telah
 melakukan kesilapan.

 Story di atas mungkin cenderung subyektif, hy cocok untuk saya pribadi yg
 semula bearish menjadi bullish.
 Segera melakukan koreksi saat semuanya ternyata berbalik arah.

 Akhir kata mohon maaf kalau ada 

Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik y_dizz
Bukannya emang sekarang udah begitu ya. Saya aja bawa 4 HP; 2 GSM  2 CDMA, 
biar murah, hihihi...

Perlu anda tahu, Esia (BTEL) itu salah satu operator yang fokus membidik 
kalangan middle low, fokus pada layanan basic seperti telepon dan SMS. Ini 
sangat efektif dari segi cost karena tidak perlu lagi buang2 duit untuk 
mengembangkan internet broadband seperti operator GSM. Promo2nya seperti SMS Rp 
1 per karakter juga sangat kreatif.

Mestinya kalo tidak ada halangan, 2 tahun lagi jumlah pelanggan Esia akan 
menyalip Flexy. Saya pasang target BTEL nopek untuk 12 bulan ke depan.


--- In, nyari duit nyariduit...@... wrote:

 Saya setuju BTEL untuk longterm porto..
 Jika ekonomi tambah maju, maka orang akan punya min 2 telfon.. satu GSM dan
 satu CDMA.. BTEL dengan marketingnya yang mantap, bisa memenangkan
 persaingan CDMA.. liat aja 2008, nasabah naik hampir 2 kali lipat.. jika
 2009 naik lagi 2 kali lipat, waw
 Apalagi SLI udah di launching.. udah pada lihat iklan SLI BTEL..
 Semoga BTEL sukses menggusur SLI Telkom dan ISAT, he he.. masalahnya ane
 ndak punya TLKM dan ISAT, ha ha..

Re: Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik Mico Wendy
Pak... Tanya yg sama nih. Kalau bakri ngga nambah atau ngurangin
jumlah saham yg dimiliki prshnya, apakah ada gunanya buat prsh
tersebut mengusahakan saham naik atau turun?


On 4/19/09, y_dizz wrote:
 Bukannya emang sekarang udah begitu ya. Saya aja bawa 4 HP; 2 GSM  2 CDMA,
 biar murah, hihihi...

 Perlu anda tahu, Esia (BTEL) itu salah satu operator yang fokus membidik
 kalangan middle low, fokus pada layanan basic seperti telepon dan SMS. Ini
 sangat efektif dari segi cost karena tidak perlu lagi buang2 duit untuk
 mengembangkan internet broadband seperti operator GSM. Promo2nya seperti SMS
 Rp 1 per karakter juga sangat kreatif.

 Mestinya kalo tidak ada halangan, 2 tahun lagi jumlah pelanggan Esia akan
 menyalip Flexy. Saya pasang target BTEL nopek untuk 12 bulan ke depan.


 --- In, nyari duit nyariduit...@... wrote:

 Saya setuju BTEL untuk longterm porto..
 Jika ekonomi tambah maju, maka orang akan punya min 2 telfon.. satu GSM
 satu CDMA.. BTEL dengan marketingnya yang mantap, bisa memenangkan
 persaingan CDMA.. liat aja 2008, nasabah naik hampir 2 kali lipat.. jika
 2009 naik lagi 2 kali lipat, waw

 Apalagi SLI udah di launching.. udah pada lihat iklan SLI BTEL..
 Semoga BTEL sukses menggusur SLI Telkom dan ISAT, he he.. masalahnya ane
 ndak punya TLKM dan ISAT, ha ha..



Sent from my mobile device

Mico Wendy yahoo: micowendy, icq: 1384769, msn: micowendy
PT Konsep Dot Net -
Turning Concept into Reality
Web Programming - Software Development

Saham 50 -- 5000 Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-18 Terurut Topik y_dizz
Emiten yang baik seharusnya tidak peduli akan fluktuasi harga saham perusahaan. 
Mereka menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas memang tujuannya untuk ikut ambil 
bagian dalam bisnis tersebut, fokusnya adalah untuk meningkatkan kinerja 
perusahaan. Kalo kinerja perusahaan bagus, labanya naik tiap tahun, otomatis 
harga saham akan ngikut sendiri. Investor akan happy, selain dapat deviden, 
saham mereka harganya meningkat.

Itu contoh yang baik, bisa Anda temukan misalnya pada emiten grup Astra. 
Sekarang kita bicara contoh yang tidak baik.

Bakrie itu sudah terkenal jago Financial Engineering. Sebagai emiten mereka 
tidak berfokus untuk cari keuntungan dari bisnis di sektor riil, mereka lebih 
suka cari cuan dari menggoreng harga sahamnya dengan berbagai CA, lewat 
akuisisi perusahaan ini dan itu. Apa untungnya kalo harga saham naik? Ya antara 
lain, mereka kan bisa aja REPO saham miliknya. Begitu dapet cash dia akuisisi 
perusahaan baru, harga saham naik lagi. Akuisisi lagi, pake hutang, bayarnya 
dikonversi jadi Debt to Equity Swap, dst...

Cara yang kotor untuk berbisnis? Bisa saja anda bilang begitu. Tapi nyatanya 
investor juga senang tuh, yang penting kan harga sahamnya naik. Buktinya BUMI 
tetap aja jadi saham sejuta umat.

Cuma hati2 saja, model bisnis seperti ini cepat atau lambat akan memicu bubble. 
Kalo suatu saat si emiten pengin buyback di harga rendah bisa aja investor 
dikerjain seperti kasus BUMI, turun dari 8750 ke 385. Intinya kalo mau invest 
di sini, Anda hanya bergantung kebaikan hati bandar.

Itulah kenapa saya bilang emiten grup Bakrie itu enak banget buat trading, tapi 
nggak cocok buat invest long term.


--- In, Mico Wendy micowe...@... wrote:

 Pak... Tanya yg sama nih. Kalau bakri ngga nambah atau ngurangin
 jumlah saham yg dimiliki prshnya, apakah ada gunanya buat prsh
 tersebut mengusahakan saham naik atau turun?

[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

We all need you, dear...

I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..

Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are 

But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
it will be caused by the regional market...

We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation, 
Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.

Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than 
trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
pride except your beloved one JT. 

We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the 
index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
isn't it ?.

So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
but We need YOU swear


- Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
  27, I will be back.


 *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk.. well, I
 won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO JOIN
 FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
 don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
 OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
 bluechips to living dead stocks..
 People power.

[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik slwtid
Seharusnya tantangan EL bukan ke mbah, tapi ke anggota milis, seperti :
Gitu dong... Ayo...

--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk.. well, I
 won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO JOIN
 FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
 don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
 OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
 bluechips to living dead stocks..
 People power.

Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Elaine kasih sharing strategy, kalau mau make money dari IDX saja... lolz..
[?] I assume all OB members made profit this month, if you're not then...
well seems you may have problem with God.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:20 PM, slwtid wrote:

 Seharusnya tantangan EL bukan ke mbah, tapi ke anggota milis, seperti :
 Gitu dong... Ayo...

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
 well, I
  won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
  FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
  don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
  OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
  bluechips to living dead stocks..
  People power.


 + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik jkunci
Makasih ya El, kamu adalah aset yg sangat berharga di OB. Semoga roadshow kamu 
sukses ya See you, we'll miss you...

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 22:18:17 
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

*I just want to know you better -- that's all.. [?]

You know, I mostly get information earlier than any traders especially
retails. It feels 'unfair' if I was just giving only bear warning last year,
the casualties were enormous and I KNOW many retail portfolios were hit
badly, even though I gave A LOT of warning last year. So I decided to
re-join OB last Nov and that time it was bull warning.

I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just sharing what you need to know. Anyway
you are right, I'M EXHAUSTED. Managing clients expectation is very tough
job, but we managed to bring them back to invest in IDX.

I need a rest too, so I guess I'll take a break from OB for a while. Ada
Oentoeng, JT, Arto, Dean, Halim, please lead OB to 2000.
Anyway I was just spammed with FB request... [?]

Embah, thank you for allowing me to be here. I may not be the nicest girl in
OB, but personally OB is like a virtual family to me. Forgive my harsh jokes
to any members here.

Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS, Barclays
and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck. And lastly, my message is just only
this magic word: INVEST.

You don't have to trade online to be rich.


On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:11 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 We all need you, dear...

 I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..

 Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
 Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are

 But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
 it will be caused by the regional market...

 We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation,
 Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.

 Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than
 trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
 a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
 money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
 pride except your beloved one JT.

 We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the
 index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
 whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
 We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
 isn't it ?.

 So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
 but We need YOU swear

 - Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
  27, I will be back.

  *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
 well, I
  won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
  FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
  don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
  OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
  bluechips to living dead stocks..
  People power.


 + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links

[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik artomoro9
Elaine, saya bicara setiap hari dan trading bareng mr oentoeng. Sebenarnya mr 
oentoeng sudah bull dan bergabung dgn saya sejak saya masuk di project wave 5. 
No problem dgn itu. Tapi yg jelas, semua sudah pasti happy dgn ihsg saat ini.  
anda memang gak perlu kami, tapi kami pasti memerlukan dirimu. Saya dan pasukan 
juga mau take a rest n relax dulu,  beberapa hari kedepan, buat menyegarkan 
fikiran saja. Dont forget warga OB, kami selalu merindukan mu. Ihsg 2000? 
Nantilah, kita fikirkan cara dan strategy nya.  sekarang santai dulu.   
--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... 

 *I just want to know you better -- that's all.. [?]
 You know, I mostly get information earlier than any traders especially
 retails. It feels 'unfair' if I was just giving only bear warning last year,
 the casualties were enormous and I KNOW many retail portfolios were hit
 badly, even though I gave A LOT of warning last year. So I decided to
 re-join OB last Nov and that time it was bull warning.
 I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just sharing what you need to know. Anyway
 you are right, I'M EXHAUSTED. Managing clients expectation is very tough
 job, but we managed to bring them back to invest in IDX.
 I need a rest too, so I guess I'll take a break from OB for a while. Ada
 Oentoeng, JT, Arto, Dean, Halim, please lead OB to 2000.
 Anyway I was just spammed with FB request... [?]
 Embah, thank you for allowing me to be here. I may not be the nicest girl in
 OB, but personally OB is like a virtual family to me. Forgive my harsh jokes
 to any members here.
 Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
 My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS, Barclays
 and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck. And lastly, my message is just only
 this magic word: INVEST.
 You don't have to trade online to be rich.
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:11 PM, jsx_consultant 
 jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
  We all need you, dear...
  I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..
  Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
  Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are
  But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
  it will be caused by the regional market...
  We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation,
  Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.
  Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than
  trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
  a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
  money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
  pride except your beloved one JT.
  We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the
  index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
  whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
  We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
  isn't it ?.
  So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
  but We need YOU swear
  - Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
   27, I will be back.
   *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
  well, I
   won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
   FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
   don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
   OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
   bluechips to living dead stocks..
   People power.
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik anru . sing
Take a vacation El? Come to Bali, have you ever been to KUDETA? If not, I'll 
treat you there

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: jsx_consultant

Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 13:11:29 
Subject: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

We all need you, dear...

I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..

Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are 

But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
it will be caused by the regional market...

We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation, 
Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.

Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than 
trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
pride except your beloved one JT. 

We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the 
index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
isn't it ?.

So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
but We need YOU swear


- Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
  27, I will be back.


 *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk.. well, I
 won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO JOIN
 FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
 don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
 OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
 bluechips to living dead stocks..
 People power.

RE: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik Bozz Trader
Weleh weleh Mbah cuti 24 - 26 Apr ada tanda tanda apa lagi nih Mbah ? nanti
cucu2 pada kehilangan induk nggak ada yg komando dicaplok Elang lagi.



From: []
On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 8:11 PM
Subject: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK


--- In obrolan-bandar@, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

We all need you, dear...

I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..

Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are 

But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
it will be caused by the regional market...

We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation, 
Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.

Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than 
trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
pride except your beloved one JT. 

We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the 
index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
isn't it ?.

So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
but We need YOU swear

- Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
27, I will be back.

 *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk.. well,
 won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO JOIN
 FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
 don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
 OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
 bluechips to living dead stocks..
 People power.

[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik welly_oct88
THX EL for your advice (UNSP) 

--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... 


 *Elaine kasih sharing strategy, kalau mau make money dari IDX saja... lolz..
 [?] I assume all OB members made profit this month, if you're not then...
 well seems you may have problem with God.
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:20 PM, slwtid slw...@... wrote:
  Seharusnya tantangan EL bukan ke mbah, tapi ke anggota milis, seperti :
  Gitu dong... Ayo...
  --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
   *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
  well, I
   won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
   FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
   don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
   OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
   bluechips to living dead stocks..
   People power.
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links

[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik Mira Harjanto
Face book nya cicie Elaine alamat emailnya apa? Boleh di-add ngga?
Juga temen temen Obrolan Bandar yang lain?

Join Facebook juga dong mbah...

add me too


Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik nyari duit
I agree with your magic word.
It is a pity you leave OB.
please stay with us.
Your emails are unic chemictry for OB, believe me.. he he
I am not bothered by anyone here, especially you my dear..

anyway, thanks for your emails..



On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *I just want to know you better -- that's all.. [?]

 You know, I mostly get information earlier than any traders especially
 retails. It feels 'unfair' if I was just giving only bear warning last year,
 the casualties were enormous and I KNOW many retail portfolios were hit
 badly, even though I gave A LOT of warning last year. So I decided to
 re-join OB last Nov and that time it was bull warning.

 I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just sharing what you need to know. Anyway
 you are right, I'M EXHAUSTED. Managing clients expectation is very tough
 job, but we managed to bring them back to invest in IDX.

 I need a rest too, so I guess I'll take a break from OB for a while. Ada
 Oentoeng, JT, Arto, Dean, Halim, please lead OB to 2000.
 Anyway I was just spammed with FB request... [?]

 Embah, thank you for allowing me to be here. I may not be the nicest girl
 in OB, but personally OB is like a virtual family to me. Forgive my harsh
 jokes to any members here.

 Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
 My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS, Barclays
 and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck. And lastly, my message is just only
 this magic word: INVEST.

 You don't have to trade online to be rich.


   On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:11 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

  --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...

 We all need you, dear...

 I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..

 Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
 Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are

 But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
 it will be caused by the regional market...

 We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation,
 Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.

 Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than
 trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
 a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
 money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
 pride except your beloved one JT.

 We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the
 index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
 whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
 We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
 isn't it ?.

 So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
 but We need YOU swear

 - Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
  27, I will be back.

  *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
 well, I
   won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
  FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
  don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
  OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
  bluechips to living dead stocks..
  People power.


 + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik Lucky Trader

as most colleagues here feel that you're the most valuable member in this
OB. Hwvr, you have a right to decide whether wanna share such important
market info to this forum or not. But for sure, we will be more than happy
if you could share it.
As you know, most of OBers are small trader or investor, so usually we got
layer 2 or 3 market info. So, by you are part this family this could be
broken up to be layer 2 or even layer 1.

Anyway, good luck, hope the best 4 u. If you have time just drop an email
this will good for us.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *I just want to know you better -- that's all.. [?]

 You know, I mostly get information earlier than any traders especially
 retails. It feels 'unfair' if I was just giving only bear warning last year,
 the casualties were enormous and I KNOW many retail portfolios were hit
 badly, even though I gave A LOT of warning last year. So I decided to
 re-join OB last Nov and that time it was bull warning.

 I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just sharing what you need to know. Anyway
 you are right, I'M EXHAUSTED. Managing clients expectation is very tough
 job, but we managed to bring them back to invest in IDX.

 I need a rest too, so I guess I'll take a break from OB for a while. Ada
 Oentoeng, JT, Arto, Dean, Halim, please lead OB to 2000.
 Anyway I was just spammed with FB request... [?]

 Embah, thank you for allowing me to be here. I may not be the nicest girl
 in OB, but personally OB is like a virtual family to me. Forgive my harsh
 jokes to any members here.

 Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
 My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS, Barclays
 and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck. And lastly, my message is just only
 this magic word: INVEST.

 You don't have to trade online to be rich.


 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:11 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...

 We all need you, dear...

 I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..

 Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
 Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are

 But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
 it will be caused by the regional market...

 We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation,
 Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.

 Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than
 trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
 a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
 money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
 pride except your beloved one JT.

 We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the
 index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
 whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
 We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
 isn't it ?.

 So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
 but We need YOU swear

 - Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
  27, I will be back.

  *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
 well, I
  won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
  FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
  don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
  OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
  bluechips to living dead stocks..
  People power.


 + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik d' Coffino

kalo Elaine pergi saya gak mau invest lagi, back to tek tok!

On 4/18/09, Lucky Trader wrote:


 as most colleagues here feel that you're the most valuable member in this
 OB. Hwvr, you have a right to decide whether wanna share such important
 market info to this forum or not. But for sure, we will be more than happy
 if you could share it.
 As you know, most of OBers are small trader or investor, so usually we got
 layer 2 or 3 market info. So, by you are part this family this could be
 broken up to be layer 2 or even layer 1.

 Anyway, good luck, hope the best 4 u. If you have time just drop an email
 this will good for us.

 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 I just want to know you better -- that's all.. [?]

 You know, I mostly get information earlier than any traders especially
 retails. It feels 'unfair' if I was just giving only bear warning last
 year, the casualties were enormous and I KNOW many retail portfolios were
 hit badly, even though I gave A LOT of warning last year. So I decided to
 re-join OB last Nov and that time it was bull warning.

 I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just sharing what you need to know.
 Anyway you are right, I'M EXHAUSTED. Managing clients expectation is very
 tough job, but we managed to bring them back to invest in IDX.

 I need a rest too, so I guess I'll take a break from OB for a while. Ada
 Oentoeng, JT, Arto, Dean, Halim, please lead OB to 2000.
 Anyway I was just spammed with FB request... [?]

 Embah, thank you for allowing me to be here. I may not be the nicest girl
 in OB, but personally OB is like a virtual family to me. Forgive my harsh
 jokes to any members here.

 Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
 My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS,
 Barclays and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck. And lastly, my message is
 just only this magic word: INVEST.

 You don't have to trade online to be rich.


 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:11 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...

 We all need you, dear...

 I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..

 Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
 Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are

 But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
 it will be caused by the regional market...

 We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation,
 Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.

 Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than
 trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
 a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
 money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
 pride except your beloved one JT.

 We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the
 index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
 whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
 We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
 isn't it ?.

 So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
 but We need YOU swear

 - Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
  27, I will be back.

  *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
  well, I
  won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
  FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means
  don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
  OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
  bluechips to living dead stocks..
  People power.


 + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik Rei
Ngancem nih ye...hehe
Like she cares.

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 9:54 AM, d' Coffino wrote:


 kalo Elaine pergi saya gak mau invest lagi, back to tek tok!

 On 4/18/09, Lucky Trader wrote:
  as most colleagues here feel that you're the most valuable member in this
  OB. Hwvr, you have a right to decide whether wanna share such important
  market info to this forum or not. But for sure, we will be more than
  if you could share it.
  As you know, most of OBers are small trader or investor, so usually we
  layer 2 or 3 market info. So, by you are part this family this could be
  broken up to be layer 2 or even layer 1.
  Anyway, good luck, hope the best 4 u. If you have time just drop an email
  this will good for us.
  On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Elaine Sui
  I just want to know you better -- that's all.. [?]
  You know, I mostly get information earlier than any traders especially
  retails. It feels 'unfair' if I was just giving only bear warning last
  year, the casualties were enormous and I KNOW many retail portfolios
  hit badly, even though I gave A LOT of warning last year. So I decided
  re-join OB last Nov and that time it was bull warning.
  I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just sharing what you need to know.
  Anyway you are right, I'M EXHAUSTED. Managing clients expectation is
  tough job, but we managed to bring them back to invest in IDX.
  I need a rest too, so I guess I'll take a break from OB for a while. Ada
  Oentoeng, JT, Arto, Dean, Halim, please lead OB to 2000.
  Anyway I was just spammed with FB request... [?]
  Embah, thank you for allowing me to be here. I may not be the nicest
  in OB, but personally OB is like a virtual family to me. Forgive my
  jokes to any members here.
  Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to
  My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS,
  Barclays and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck. And lastly, my message is
  just only this magic word: INVEST.
  You don't have to trade online to be rich.
  On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:11 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:
  --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
  We all need you, dear...
  I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..
  Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
  Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are
  But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
  it will be caused by the regional market...
  We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation,
  Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.
  Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than
  trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
  a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
  money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
  pride except your beloved one JT.
  We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the
  index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
  whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
  We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
  isn't it ?.
  So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
  but We need YOU swear
  - Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
   27, I will be back.
   *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
   well, I
   won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
   FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means
   don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
   OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks,
   bluechips to living dead stocks..
   People power.
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links



[ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik datasahamku
Tuh neng El udah kasih hint IHSG akan ke 2.000
sebentar lagi neng El akan ke investor kelas SUPER KAKAP: Goldman Sach, DBS, 
Barclays and Berkshire Hathaway artinya kalo SUKSES indeks akan BANJIR dana 
ASING lagi...dalam tren Bullish spt ini maka strategi yg tepat adalah BH; Buy 
and Hold or INVEST kata neng Eljangan JUAL saham Anda murah, Blue Chip 
masih byk yg MURAH apalagi yang Black Chip :))
klo ingin INVEST warrant silahkan cek disini:

--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 *I just want to know you better -- that's all.. [?]
 You know, I mostly get information earlier than any traders especially
 retails. It feels 'unfair' if I was just giving only bear warning last year,
 the casualties were enormous and I KNOW many retail portfolios were hit
 badly, even though I gave A LOT of warning last year. So I decided to
 re-join OB last Nov and that time it was bull warning.
 I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just sharing what you need to know. Anyway
 you are right, I'M EXHAUSTED. Managing clients expectation is very tough
 job, but we managed to bring them back to invest in IDX.
 I need a rest too, so I guess I'll take a break from OB for a while. Ada
 Oentoeng, JT, Arto, Dean, Halim, please lead OB to 2000.
 Anyway I was just spammed with FB request... [?]
 Embah, thank you for allowing me to be here. I may not be the nicest girl in
 OB, but personally OB is like a virtual family to me. Forgive my harsh jokes
 to any members here.
 Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
 My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS, Barclays
 and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck. And lastly, my message is just only
 this magic word: INVEST.
 You don't have to trade online to be rich.
 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:11 PM, jsx_consultant 
 jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
  We all need you, dear...
  I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..
  Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
  Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are
  But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
  it will be caused by the regional market...
  We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation,
  Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.
  Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than
  trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
  a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
  money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
  pride except your beloved one JT.
  We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the
  index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
  whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
  We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
  isn't it ?.
  So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
  but We need YOU swear
  - Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
   27, I will be back.
   *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
  well, I
   won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
   FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
   don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
   OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
   bluechips to living dead stocks..
   People power.
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [ob] Re: Do you still need me, Embah? Join FACEBOOK

2009-04-17 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Dear Elaine,

Trims untuk semua sharingnya, sangat valuable buat kita semua terutama
retailer. Baru kali ini saya nemuin ada bd baik hati. :) Good luck with your
task, my dear.


2009/4/17 Elaine Sui

 *I just want to know you better -- that's all.. [?]

 You know, I mostly get information earlier than any traders especially
 retails. It feels 'unfair' if I was just giving only bear warning last year,
 the casualties were enormous and I KNOW many retail portfolios were hit
 badly, even though I gave A LOT of warning last year. So I decided to
 re-join OB last Nov and that time it was bull warning.

 I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just sharing what you need to know. Anyway
 you are right, I'M EXHAUSTED. Managing clients expectation is very tough
 job, but we managed to bring them back to invest in IDX.

 I need a rest too, so I guess I'll take a break from OB for a while. Ada
 Oentoeng, JT, Arto, Dean, Halim, please lead OB to 2000.
 Anyway I was just spammed with FB request... [?]

 Embah, thank you for allowing me to be here. I may not be the nicest girl
 in OB, but personally OB is like a virtual family to me. Forgive my harsh
 jokes to any members here.

 Elaine ada roadshow for 3 months, I hope I can bring more investor to IDX.
 My targets are big institutional investor like Goldman Sachs, DBS, Barclays
 and Berkshire Hathaway. Wish me luck. And lastly, my message is just only
 this magic word: INVEST.

 You don't have to trade online to be rich.


 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:11 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...

 We all need you, dear...

 I never touch Facebook, Friendster or alike..

 Don't worry about IHSG, if the Retailer pull out from market,
 Big Player will do the OPPOSITE, believe me !!! they are

 But if IHSG goes down, it is NOT because of the retailer in OB,
 it will be caused by the regional market...

 We can do nothing, dear. Take a vacation,
 Elaine pasti lagi cape deh.

 Making prediction in the milist cause more STRESS than
 trading because It is not about money but PRIDE. You know
 a lot of OB's senior quit from OB, it is not because of
 money but PRIDE. Most Senior people afraid OF losing their
 pride except your beloved one JT.

 We all know that you are still THE BEST eventhough the
 index goes down next week. Frankly speaking: I DON'T KNOW
 whether IHSG will go up or go down next week. But because
 We don't know, we should not be exposed. It is reasonable,
 isn't it ?.

 So just relax, you are THE BEST dear, you don't need us
 but We need YOU swear

 - Embah plan to take DAY OFF on April 24,25 and 26. On Monday
  27, I will be back.

  *Looks like there's only small number of investor here tsk tsk..
 well, I
  won't ask for money, but I need you guys to FORCE EMBAH  OENTOENG TO
  FACEBOOK. I'll wait for a week, if they still don't do it, it means they
  don't want me here anymore and I have no option than to sign off from
  OB.please.. [?]? Elaine bisa kasih target PEAK for any stocks, from
  bluechips to living dead stocks..
  People power.


 + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links
