RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-26 Terurut Topik SbudianaC
Terima kasih Pa Oskar atas penjelasannya, malah sering saya lihat tulisannya

-Original Message-
From: Oskar Syahbana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 26 Agustus 2007 0:08
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J
rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

Betul pak,

Yang salah itu di chart-nya. Dow ditutup pada level 13,378 lebih
dikit. Chart-nya ditutup pada level 13406. Walaupun pergerakan dow
futures memang mengikut pergerakan underlying securities-nya, tapi
gara-gara nilai delta fluktuatif maka pergerakannya ga sama (sehingga
support dan resistance-nya pun beda)

INDU ini ticker simbol di semua broker untuk index dow jones 30 pak.
Kalau YM itu simbol untuk dow jones futures (saya asumsi YM7U adalah
simbol untuk dow jones futures expired september, CMIIW)

On 8/25/07, SbudianaC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pa Oskar,
 $INDU apa tuh, bukannya itu DOW, kok angkanya sama + 142,99

 -Original Message-
 From: Oskar Syahbana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 Agustus 2007 21:00
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW
 rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

 Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
 dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance

 On 8/25/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
  Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah
  +- 778 point.
  Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;
  - Original Message 
  From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY target price again
  the back of strong results, now to Rp 630/sh.
  • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported 1H07 net income of
  B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The reported result came in relatively in line with
  JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of
  Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively. Operating profit also
  strongly, up 228% Y/Y from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.
  • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the 1Q07 results, 2Q07
  income expanded by 123% Y/Y and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew
  strongly by 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.
  The low interest rate and project developments have accelerated the
  and profit growth during 1H07 and 2Q07.
  • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT to Rp630: In less
  month, Bakrieland has managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
  Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,
  we believe the visibility of land acquisition has improved. We think
  is a higher probability now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
  acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we
  incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our valuation and raise
  June-08 PT to Rp630; implying 28.6% upside potential.
  • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong results recorded and
  better visibility of land acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
  Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of
  Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV methods. Risks are:
  an unexpected interest rate hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum
  and (3) delay in land acquisitions.
  Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user
  and lay it on us.

 Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
 Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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Data ekonomi yang akan menggerakan DOW minggu ini (was RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket)

2007-08-26 Terurut Topik Bambang V Subroto
NEW YORK (AP) - Wall Street heads back to work this week in a somewhat
calmer state of mind. Overall, investors  are more optimistic now about
the financial markets than they have been in several weeks. 

An interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve is far from guaranteed, but
after the central bank lowered its discount rate on Aug. 17 -- a rate that
several major banks took advantage of -- Wall Street feels it can rely on
the Fed as a safety net. 

The market had its most stable week in a month last week. The Dow Jones
industrials rose back above 13,300 after momentarily dipping below 12,600 in
the prior week. The Dow finished up 2.29 percent for the week, the SP rose
2.31 percent, and the Nasdaq added 2.86 percent. 

Meanwhile, the yield on the three-month Treasury bill recovered to a more
reasonable 4.23 percent, after briefly falling under 3 percent last Monday
as nervous investors fled to the safety of short-term government securities.

Though some the worst is over for stocks, that the underlying strength in
the economy and corporate America will help the market overcome any credit
troubles, others argue things will get more difficult before they get

Worries about tightening credit haven't disappeared, with the housing market
looking dismal and certain types of assets still hard to sell -- like
asset-backed commercial paper, normally an easy way for companies to get

It's possible that without a rate cut from the Fed, stocks  could tumble further. Traders
are betting on the Fed cutting the benchmark fed funds rate at its Sept. 18
meeting or sooner, but many economists say the central bank -- which has
held rates steady for over a year -- is unlikely to waver. 

Wall Street could get some insight into the Fed's thinking Tuesday when the
central bank releases minutes from its last meeting. On Aug. 7, policymakers
held rates steady and said that while tight credit and the housing market
may drag on the economy, inflation is the primary risk. 

Investors will also be focusing on the Commerce Department's Friday report
on personal income, personal spending, and core personal consumption
expenditures inflation. Personal income is expected to tick up 0.3 percent,
spending is expected to rise 0.4 percent, and the year-over-year inflation
gauge is anticipated to register at 2.0 percent, slightly above last month's
reading of 1.9 percent. 


Investors will have a lot of economic data to sift through this week. 

Wall Street will be reading two snapshots of the slumping housing market:
The National Association of Realtors' Monday report on sales of existing
homes, and Tuesday's SP/Case-Shiller home price index. 

Existing home sales are expected to have held fairly steady in July,
according to the median estimate of economists surveyed Friday by Thomson
Financial, after dropping in June to the slowest rate in nearly five years. 

The market will also get two readings on August consumer sentiment this week
-- one Tuesday from the Conference Board, and one Friday from the University
of Michigan. 

Economic growth will be in focus as well. On Wednesday, the Commerce
Department releases its second estimate of second-quarter gross domestic
product. Economists forecast that GDP growth will register at 4.0 percent, a
faster pace than the department's July estimate of 3.4 percent. 

And on Friday, the Chicago Purchasing Managers releases its manufacturing
index, which is expected to show modest expansion. The Chicago PMI is a
precursor to next week's closely watched national manufacturing index from
the Institute for Supply Management. 



Bila data ekonomi makro sesuai dengan ekspektasi pasar, maka DOW minggu ini
akan naik.Kita tunggu saja.



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-26 Terurut Topik
hahaha very funny... pak odink bikin web br lg aja - -  :-D
btw, thks pak boyz, kalo bisa sering2 aja posting chartnya, biar gak punya tapi 
masih bisa dpt ngintipin chart up to date hehehe balik lagi deh 

  - Original Message - 
  From: boyz 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 11:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J 
rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

  pesanan khusus alias limited edition, hehehe ...


  Odink wrote:
   chartnya keren.. gratis gak tuh pak..


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Yuli Triono
menurut saya malah akan terus rally, bbrp technical
aspect yg saya lihat mendukung riding the bull :
- baru breakout resistance menuju pola flag  pennant
- ditutup dekat titik tertinggi
- buy power memotong keatas sell power
- 100 poin lg menuju golden cross yg ditunjukkan
oleh bbrp oscilator utama : Ergodic, Cybercycle,
Williams R, CCI  dynamic momentum index.etc.
- trend ADX line terus keatas +DI menunju -DI untuk
memotong keatas
- short MACD memotong long MACD ke atas.

logikanya : tekanan jual yg rendah menjelang libur
weekend. memulai senin dgn sentimen FED akan nurunin
suku bunga.

kesimpulan saya : masih dan terus ijo royo2 !!. amin.

-salam cuan-

--- Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378
 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di
 12600, jadi udah naik +- 778 point. 
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik
 kesimpulan sendiri;
 - Original Message 
 From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY
 target price again on the back of strong results,
 now to Rp 630/sh.
 • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported
 1H07 net income of Rp48 B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The
 reported result came in relatively in line with
 JPMorgan’s and consensus estimates of
 Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively.
 Operating profit also grew strongly, up 228% Y/Y
 from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.
 • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the
 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net income expanded by 123% Y/Y
 and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew strongly by
 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.
 The low interest rate and project developments have
 accelerated the revenue and profit growth during
 1H07 and 2Q07.
 • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT
 to Rp630: In less than a month, Bakrieland has
 managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
 Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,
 we believe the visibility of land acquisition has
 improved. We think there is a higher probability
 now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
 acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we
 incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our
 valuation and raise our June-08 PT to Rp630;
 implying 28.6% upside potential.
 • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong
 results recorded and the better visibility of land
 acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
 Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of
 Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV
 methods. Risks are: (1) an unexpected interest rate
 hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project; and
 (3) delay in land acquisitions.

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana
Hm... kayaknya minggu depan pergerakan dow jones bakalan liar lagi...
pasang straddle or strangle ah di DIA ;))

On 8/25/07, boyz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  DJI bukan satu-2 indikator yang menjadi patokan di US market.
  ada SP500, MSCI dan juga Nasdaq Composite (untuk new tech company).

  kalau SP500 dan Nasdaq sudah melewati garis Res.
  malah DJIA, SP500, dan Nasdaq sudah MACD Golden Cross.

  yg menjadi critical point adalah 61,8% fibonacci retracement-nya, masih
 belum tembus.

  61,8% Fibonacci Retracement
  DJIA   = 13.848,93
  SP500  = 1.485,12
  Nasdaq   = 2.595,30

  hopefully helpful ...


  Hendra Esa Putra wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah naik
 +- 778 point.
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;

Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana
Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance

On 8/25/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah naik
 +- 778 point.
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;

 - Original Message 
 From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY target price again on
 the back of strong results, now to Rp 630/sh.

 • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported 1H07 net income of Rp48
 B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The reported result came in relatively in line with
 JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of

 Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively. Operating profit also grew
 strongly, up 228% Y/Y from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.

 • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net
 income expanded by 123% Y/Y and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew
 strongly by 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.

 The low interest rate and project developments have accelerated the revenue
 and profit growth during 1H07 and 2Q07.

 • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT to Rp630: In less than a
 month, Bakrieland has managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
 Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,

 we believe the visibility of land acquisition has improved. We think there
 is a higher probability now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
 acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we

 incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our valuation and raise our
 June-08 PT to Rp630; implying 28.6% upside potential.

 • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong results recorded and the
 better visibility of land acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
 Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of

 Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV methods. Risks are: (1)
 an unexpected interest rate hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project;
 and (3) delay in land acquisitions.

 Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel
 and lay it on us. 

Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

+ +
+ + + + +
Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus 
kecuali memang diperlukan.
+ + + + +
+ + 
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RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Bambang V Subroto
Secara teknikal, Dow memang ada kecenderungan naik, tetapi secara
fundamental kita harus mengetahui perkembangan perekonomian yang bisa
tersaji dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti hasil pertemuan meeting antara
senator Dodd dan Bernake kemarin, terus data Home Sales, perkembangan data
kartu kredit, kredit kendaraan, dsb. Nah silakan teman-teman membaca agenda
data perekonomian di US, Eropa, Jepang , yang notabene banyak berpengaruh
terhadap pergerakan BEJ. Untuk mengetahui detail data apa saja yang
berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pasar saham/uang, teman2 di sini bisa
mengakses ke sini:
month=9year=2007 week=1188086400do=displayweekmonth=9year=2007


Di situ dijelaskan laporan apa saja yang akan mempengaruhi pergerakan pasar
saham/uang. Penjelasan atas masing-masing detail dengan segala implikasinya
terhadap pergerakan bursa saham juga terlampir.  







From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Yuli Triono
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J
rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket


menurut saya malah akan terus rally, bbrp technical
aspect yg saya lihat mendukung riding the bull :
- baru breakout resistance menuju pola flag  pennant
- ditutup dekat titik tertinggi
- buy power memotong keatas sell power
- 100 poin lg menuju golden cross yg ditunjukkan
oleh bbrp oscilator utama : Ergodic, Cybercycle,
Williams R, CCI  dynamic momentum index.etc.
- trend ADX line terus keatas +DI menunju -DI untuk
memotong keatas
- short MACD memotong long MACD ke atas.

logikanya : tekanan jual yg rendah menjelang libur
weekend. memulai senin dgn sentimen FED akan nurunin
suku bunga.

kesimpulan saya : masih dan terus ijo royo2 !!. amin.

-salam cuan-

--- Hendra Esa Putra hendra_boim@ wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378
 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di
 12600, jadi udah naik +- 778 point. 
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik
 kesimpulan sendiri;
 - Original Message 
 From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: obrolan-bandar@
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY
 target price again on the back of strong results,
 now to Rp 630/sh.
 . Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported
 1H07 net income of Rp48 B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The
 reported result came in relatively in line with
 JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of
 Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively.
 Operating profit also grew strongly, up 228% Y/Y
 from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.
 . 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the
 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net income expanded by 123% Y/Y
 and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew strongly by
 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.
 The low interest rate and project developments have
 accelerated the revenue and profit growth during
 1H07 and 2Q07.
 . Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT
 to Rp630: In less than a month, Bakrieland has
 managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
 Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,
 we believe the visibility of land acquisition has
 improved. We think there is a higher probability
 now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
 acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we
 incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our
 valuation and raise our June-08 PT to Rp630;
 implying 28.6% upside potential.
 . Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong
 results recorded and the better visibility of land
 acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
 Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of
 Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV
 methods. Risks are: (1) an unexpected interest rate
 hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project; and
 (3) delay in land acquisitions.

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Re: FW: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik boyz

yup ... pergerakannya akan relatif sama.

IMO,  DJIA hanya gabungan/rata-rata dari 30 saham dari sektor industri ...
SP500 tentunya adalah gabungan dari 500 saham dari berbagai sektor.

menurut saya, averages 500 saham (dari berbagai sektor) lebih mewakili
daripada 30 saham (dari satu sektor).
ditambah Nasdaq, indikator sektor new tech / new business company.


Aria Bela Nusa wrote:

Mantab, Pak Gambar (/chart/)-nya : Gab antara garis2 Fibo + EW + 
/indicators/ -- kelihatannya semua kombinasi + konfirmasi itu Oke 
punya arahnya utk  ke depannya...


Sbg contoh : Utk DJ - target *50 %* dr /BOTTOMING REVERSAL/ = (1/2) * 
(14,000 -- 12,400) = 800 atau (12,400 + 800) = *13,200* saja telah 
terlampaui/tercapai mudah/cepet (hanya perlu 7 (tujuh) /candles/ utk 
mencapainya) - selanjutnya utk mencapai target *100 %* tentunya berikutnya


Saya kira -- memang perlu konfirmasi DJ + S  P + NASDAQ itu (mis 
sama2 perlu ijo2 semua) à tapi krn pd negara yg sama + ekonomi yg sama 
-- saya kira perkembangan/pergerakannya (paling tidak arahnya) akan 
sama pula


Happy chuan,




Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik boyz
wow  ... eagle eyes
mr. oskar syahbana sangat teliti sekali ... hehehe
sepertinya itu chart dow jones future ...


Oskar Syahbana wrote:
 Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
 dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Odink
chartnya keren.. gratis gak tuh pak..

On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 20:18:46 +0700, boyz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 DJI bukan satu-2 indikator yang menjadi patokan di US market.
 ada SP500, MSCI dan juga Nasdaq Composite (untuk new tech company).

+ +
+ + + + +
Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus 
kecuali memang diperlukan.
+ + + + +
+ + 
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Re: FW: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana
Betul pak boyz, saya lebih suka ngeliatin Nasdaq, SP500, sama Russel
dibandingin Dow jones :-).

Nasdaq dan SP500 kemaren tembus bearish resistance mereka, russel aja
yg masih rada amburadul hehehe.

On 8/25/07, boyz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  yup ... pergerakannya akan relatif sama.

  IMO,  DJIA hanya gabungan/rata-rata dari 30 saham dari sektor industri ...
  SP500 tentunya adalah gabungan dari 500 saham dari berbagai sektor.

  menurut saya, averages 500 saham (dari berbagai sektor) lebih mewakili
  daripada 30 saham (dari satu sektor).
  ditambah Nasdaq, indikator sektor new tech / new business company.


  Aria Bela Nusa wrote:

 Mantab, Pak Gambar (chart)-nya : Gab antara garis2 Fibo + EW + indicators –
 kelihatannya semua kombinasi + konfirmasi itu Oke punya arahnya utk  ke

 Sbg contoh : Utk DJ - target 50 % dr BOTTOMING REVERSAL = (1/2) * (14,000 –
 12,400) = 800 atau (12,400 + 800) = 13,200 saja telah terlampaui/tercapai
 mudah/cepet (hanya perlu 7 (tujuh) candles utk mencapainya) - selanjutnya
 utk mencapai target 100 % tentunya berikutnya

 Saya kira – memang perlu konfirmasi DJ + S  P + NASDAQ itu (mis sama2 perlu
 ijo2 semua) à tapi krn pd negara yg sama + ekonomi yg sama – saya kira
 perkembangan/pergerakannya (paling tidak arahnya) akan sama pula

 Happy chuan,



Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik boyz
pesanan khusus alias limited edition, hehehe ...


Odink wrote:
 chartnya keren.. gratis gak tuh pak..

RE: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik SbudianaC
Pa Oskar,
$INDU apa tuh, bukannya itu DOW, kok angkanya sama + 142,99

-Original Message-
From: Oskar Syahbana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 Agustus 2007 21:00
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J
rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance

On 8/25/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
 Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah naik
 +- 778 point.
 Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;

 - Original Message 
 From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY target price again on
 the back of strong results, now to Rp 630/sh.

 • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported 1H07 net income of
 B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The reported result came in relatively in line with
 JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of

 Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively. Operating profit also grew
 strongly, up 228% Y/Y from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.

 • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net
 income expanded by 123% Y/Y and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew
 strongly by 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.

 The low interest rate and project developments have accelerated the
 and profit growth during 1H07 and 2Q07.

 • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT to Rp630: In less than
 month, Bakrieland has managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
 Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,

 we believe the visibility of land acquisition has improved. We think there
 is a higher probability now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
 acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we

 incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our valuation and raise our
 June-08 PT to Rp630; implying 28.6% upside potential.

 • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong results recorded and the
 better visibility of land acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
 Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of

 Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV methods. Risks are: (1)
 an unexpected interest rate hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project;
 and (3) delay in land acquisitions.

 Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user
 and lay it on us. 

Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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kecuali memang diperlukan.
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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

2007-08-25 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana
Betul pak,

Yang salah itu di chart-nya. Dow ditutup pada level 13,378 lebih
dikit. Chart-nya ditutup pada level 13406. Walaupun pergerakan dow
futures memang mengikut pergerakan underlying securities-nya, tapi
gara-gara nilai delta fluktuatif maka pergerakannya ga sama (sehingga
support dan resistance-nya pun beda)

INDU ini ticker simbol di semua broker untuk index dow jones 30 pak.
Kalau YM itu simbol untuk dow jones futures (saya asumsi YM7U adalah
simbol untuk dow jones futures expired september, CMIIW)

On 8/25/07, SbudianaC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pa Oskar,
 $INDU apa tuh, bukannya itu DOW, kok angkanya sama + 142,99

 -Original Message-
 From: Oskar Syahbana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 Agustus 2007 21:00
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Dow +142,99, volume kecil, Minggu depan DOW J
 rawan Koreksi HATI-HATIsurfing di MArket

 Bos, kalo gw liat ticker simbol-nya itu bukannya dow futures ya? Bukan
 dow jones soalnya $INDU tutup rada lumayan di atas bearish resistance

 On 8/25/07, Hendra Esa Putra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dow melanjutkan kenaikan +142,99; dji 13378 penutupan jumat.
  Hati2 Dow udah Rally setelah menyentuh ttk sp nya di 12600, jadi udah naik
  +- 778 point.
  Perhatikan Chat Daily Dow J . Silahkan menarik kesimpulan sendiri;
  - Original Message 
  From: Heryadi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:17:36 PM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Fw: JP Morgan raised ELTY target price again on
  the back of strong results, now to Rp 630/sh.
  • Strong 1H07 results, in line: Bakrieland reported 1H07 net income of
  B; up 175.5% Y/Y. The reported result came in relatively in line with
  JPMorgan's and consensus estimates of
  Rp117 B (41%) and Rp114 B (42%), respectively. Operating profit also grew
  strongly, up 228% Y/Y from Rp16.6 B in 1H06 to Rp54.5 B in 1H07.
  • 2Q07 net income grew by 123% Y/Y: Subtracting the 1Q07 results, 2Q07 net
  income expanded by 123% Y/Y and 145% Q/Q. Operating profit also grew
  strongly by 169% Y/Y and 77% Q/Q.
  The low interest rate and project developments have accelerated the
  and profit growth during 1H07 and 2Q07.
  • Land acquisition visibility improves; upgrade PT to Rp630: In less than
  month, Bakrieland has managed to acquire 130 ha of land adjacent to its
  Bogor Nirwana residential project. With that,
  we believe the visibility of land acquisition has improved. We think there
  is a higher probability now, say about 70%, that the targeted 500ha
  acquisition by June-08 can be achieved. Hence, we
  incorporate the potential 500ha acquisition in our valuation and raise our
  June-08 PT to Rp630; implying 28.6% upside potential.
  • Maintain OW and raise PT to Rp630: With strong results recorded and the
  better visibility of land acquisition, we maintain our OW rating on
  Bakrieland. Our new Jun-08 price target of
  Rp630 is derived from a combination of DCF and NAV methods. Risks are: (1)
  an unexpected interest rate hike; (2) delay in Rasuna Epicentrum project;
  and (3) delay in land acquisitions.
  Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user
  and lay it on us.

 Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
 Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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 Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.2/966 - Release Date: 22/08/2007

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 Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 269.12.2/966 - Release Date: 22/08/2007

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Oskar Syahbana -- A Financial site with a human touch
Please send private messages to iservasia[at]

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