Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-16 Terurut Topik Rei
Dari FB-nya EL:
IDX DECEMBER 2009 = 29XX. There will be corrections (like yesterday) but
don't worry. Artomoro9 will take care of it..lolz.. he talked too much
On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:51 PM, boyz wrote:

 One more thing, hon...
 Breaking IHSG all time high in this year may be delayed...  to q1-q2 2010.

 *b'coz it is subject to change without prior notice... Lolz...*
 *just kidding, sweetie.*


 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *You know better lah [?] but my point is don't panic. We may see a W
  recovery. (it's still a recovery).
  2009/8/15 boyz m457...@...
   MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.
   MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
   MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
   *MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.*


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-16 Terurut Topik Tommy Jayamudita
Ini cerita tentang Joseph Kennedy, konon dia satu2nya pemain besar di Wall 
Street yang selamat dari jatuhnya Dow ketika 1929.

Suatu hari ketika Joseph Kennedy akan pulang dari kantornya, dia menyemirkan 
sepatu di tukang semir yang di berada di sepanjang jalan Wall Street, dalam 
obrolan selama penyemiran, tukang semir tsb memberikan banyak info padanya 
bahwa saham ini dan itu akan naik dengan target tertentu, Joseph terkejut dan 

Selesai menyemirkan sepatu, dia tidak jadi pulang dan kembali ke kantor, 
bersama staffnya langsung menyusun plan untuk menjual semua saham miliknya. 
Dalam satu minggu dia menjual semua saham dalam portfolionya dan ditukarkan ke 
obligasi pemerintah. Seminggu kemudian, terjadilah pembantaian Dow yang sangat 
terkenal dan tercatat dalam sejarah itu.

Mengapa Joseph Kennedy melikuidasi seluruh porfolionya setelah mendengar info 
dari tukang semir sepatu?

janggal, alasan Joseph Kennedy ketika menjelaskan tindakannya, kalau semua 
orang sudah berbincang tentang pasar modal dengan pandangan yang sangat positif 
sedangkan pasar sudah naik terus cukup lama, bahkan para tukang semir sepatu 
yang seharusnya bukan kelompok masyarakat yang pemerhati bahkan terlibat di 
dalamnya sudah ikut tersihir kemilauan optimisme bullish yang tanpa batas, 
berarti hampir semua orang sudah tidak banyak memegang cash lagi, kalau fresh 
money sudah menyusut, setiap saat akan terjadi pembalikan arah, maka saya 
menjual semua saham dan menggantinya dengan obligasi pemerintah yang terjamin 

Nah, apakah saat ini mereka yang seharusnya tidak memperhatikan pasar modal, 
bahkan para tukang parkir dan office boy di sekitar BEI sudah terpengarah berat 
dengan kenaikan IHSG yang tiada henti?

Tommy J.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rei 
  Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:07 PM
  Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

  2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

My personal opinion..

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy 
dow merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

  Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to 
structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.


  2009/8/15 Spiderman

El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR 
n BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda 
lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

Sent from my  StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

From: Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700

Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make 
profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we 
should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first): 

  a.. deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, 
in United Fuckin' States)
  b.. China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise

  c.. Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.
  d.. And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard 
on them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like 
Lincoln or Kennedy.

Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-16 Terurut Topik anru . sing

Pasti Pak Tommy punya banyak cashkan? Ane juga masih 75% cash. Ga tahu besok ;)

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Tommy Jayamudita

Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 21:31:44 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Ini cerita tentang Joseph Kennedy, konon dia satu2nya pemain besar di Wall 
Street yang selamat dari jatuhnya Dow ketika 1929.

Suatu hari ketika Joseph Kennedy akan pulang dari kantornya, dia menyemirkan 
sepatu di tukang semir yang di berada di sepanjang jalan Wall Street, dalam 
obrolan selama penyemiran, tukang semir tsb memberikan banyak info padanya 
bahwa saham ini dan itu akan naik dengan target tertentu, Joseph terkejut dan 

Selesai menyemirkan sepatu, dia tidak jadi pulang dan kembali ke kantor, 
bersama staffnya langsung menyusun plan untuk menjual semua saham miliknya. 
Dalam satu minggu dia menjual semua saham dalam portfolionya dan ditukarkan ke 
obligasi pemerintah. Seminggu kemudian, terjadilah pembantaian Dow yang sangat 
terkenal dan tercatat dalam sejarah itu.

Mengapa Joseph Kennedy melikuidasi seluruh porfolionya setelah mendengar info 
dari tukang semir sepatu?

janggal, alasan Joseph Kennedy ketika menjelaskan tindakannya, kalau semua 
orang sudah berbincang tentang pasar modal dengan pandangan yang sangat positif 
sedangkan pasar sudah naik terus cukup lama, bahkan para tukang semir sepatu 
yang seharusnya bukan kelompok masyarakat yang pemerhati bahkan terlibat di 
dalamnya sudah ikut tersihir kemilauan optimisme bullish yang tanpa batas, 
berarti hampir semua orang sudah tidak banyak memegang cash lagi, kalau fresh 
money sudah menyusut, setiap saat akan terjadi pembalikan arah, maka saya 
menjual semua saham dan menggantinya dengan obligasi pemerintah yang terjamin 

Nah, apakah saat ini mereka yang seharusnya tidak memperhatikan pasar modal, 
bahkan para tukang parkir dan office boy di sekitar BEI sudah terpengarah berat 
dengan kenaikan IHSG yang tiada henti?

Tommy J.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rei 
  Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:07 PM
  Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

  2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

My personal opinion..

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy 
dow merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

  Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to 
structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.


  2009/8/15 Spiderman

El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR 
n BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda 
lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

Sent from my  StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

From: Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700

Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make 
profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we 
should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first): 

  a.. deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, 
in United Fuckin' States

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-16 Terurut Topik Jhony Irawan
Setuju, sangat - sangat setuju.

Bravo Mr. Tommy.

Kita semua hrs aware dgn namanya Indeks overheat atau bisa di mengerti sebagai 
blon yg sudah terlalu gede niup nya padahal sebenarnya kapasitasnya udah 

Tinggal tunggu meledak dan makan korban.

Balon yg niup nya sudah kelewatan itu bisa dari optimisme market yg sudah 
terlalu berlebihan, serta peniupan perusahaan yg sudah sangat kebanyakan angin 
nya dari pada isi padat atau riil nya.

Selama ini kita pemain kecil-kecil ini sudah cukup senang cuma dapat semilir 
nya saja, tapi kalai sudah terlalu kencang angin nya ya tunggu aja kejadian yg 
paling menakutkan yaitu MARKET CRASH. 

Sejarah pasti berulang, tapi jangan menyalahkan sejarah, kita yg harus 
introspeksi kenapa itu terjadi ? itu karena kita semua ikut meniup balon market 
sehingga makin cepat mempercepat meledak nya balon tersebut.

Irawan Jhony

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, Tommy Jayamudita wrote:

From: Tommy Jayamudita
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 2:31 PM



Ini cerita tentang Joseph Kennedy, konon dia satu2nya pemain 
besar di Wall Street yang selamat dari jatuhnya Dow ketika 1929.
Suatu hari ketika Joseph Kennedy akan pulang dari kantornya, 
dia menyemirkan sepatu di tukang semir yang di berada di sepanjang jalan Wall 
Street, dalam obrolan selama penyemiran, tukang semir tsb memberikan banyak 
info padanya bahwa saham ini dan itu akan naik dengan target tertentu, Joseph 
terkejut dan terdiam.
Selesai menyemirkan sepatu, dia tidak jadi pulang dan kembali 
ke kantor, bersama staffnya langsung menyusun plan untuk menjual semua saham 
miliknya. Dalam satu minggu dia menjual semua saham dalam portfolionya dan 
ditukarkan ke obligasi pemerintah. Seminggu kemudian, terjadilah pembantaian 
yang sangat terkenal dan tercatat dalam sejarah itu.
Mengapa Joseph Kennedy melikuidasi seluruh porfolionya setelah 
mendengar info dari tukang semir sepatu?
janggal, alasan Joseph Kennedy ketika menjelaskan 
tindakannya, kalau semua orang sudah berbincang tentang pasar modal dengan 
pandangan yang sangat positif sedangkan pasar sudah naik terus cukup lama, 
bahkan para tukang semir sepatu yang seharusnya bukan kelompok masyarakat yang 
pemerhati bahkan terlibat di dalamnya sudah ikut tersihir kemilauan optimisme 
bullish yang tanpa batas, berarti hampir semua orang sudah tidak banyak 
cash lagi, kalau fresh money sudah menyusut, setiap saat akan terjadi 
arah, maka saya menjual semua saham dan menggantinya dengan obligasi 
pemerintah yang terjamin keamanannya .  
Nah, apakah saat ini mereka yang seharusnya tidak 
memperhatikan pasar modal, bahkan para tukang parkir dan office boy di sekitar 
BEI sudah terpengarah berat dengan kenaikan IHSG yang tiada henti?
Tommy J.

  - Original Message - 
  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:07 
  Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan 
  Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

  2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@


My personal opinion. .

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar 
mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch 
time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, 
segerombolan ibu bilang planning untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh 
apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi 
havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini lahh itu 
masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada 
yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow merah kemarin...

Plus RM 
di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. Skrg 
masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya 
bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk 
invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin 
bursa berapa byk duit yg bs diraup

Get d point kan?

klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:

  Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead 
  to structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at 


  2009/8/15 Spiderman nadya...@yahoo.


El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-16 Terurut Topik Asep Buhori
Jgn lupa remindernya dinyalain trs ya om jhony...

Jhony Irawan wrote: 
   Setuju, sangat - sangat setuju. Bravo Mr. Tommy. Kita semua 
 hrs aware dgn namanya Indeks overheat atau bisa di mengerti sebagai blon yg 
 sudah terlalu gede niup nya padahal sebenarnya kapasitasnya udah maksimum. 
 Tinggal tunggu meledak dan makan korban. Balon yg niup nya sudah kelewatan 
 itu bisa dari optimisme market yg sudah terlalu berlebihan, serta peniupan 
 perusahaan yg sudah sangat kebanyakan angin nya dari pada isi padat atau riil 
 nya. Selama ini kita pemain kecil-kecil ini sudah cukup senang cuma dapat 
 semilir nya saja, tapi kalai sudah terlalu kencang angin nya ya tunggu aja 
 kejadian yg paling menakutkan yaitu MARKET CRASH . Sejarah pasti berulang, 
 tapi jangan menyalahkan sejarah, kita yg harus introspeksi kenapa itu terjadi 
 ? itu karena kita semua ikut meniup balon market
  sehingga makin cepat mempercepat meledak nya balon tersebut. Regards, Irawan 
 Jhony --- On Sun, 8/16/09, Tommy Jayamudita jayamud...@gmail. com wrote: 
 From: Tommy Jayamudita jayamud...@gmail. com Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis 
 Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
 com Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 2:31 PM 
  Ini cerita tentang Joseph Kennedy, konon dia satu2nya pemain 
 besar di Wall Street yang selamat dari jatuhnya Dow ketika 1929. 
  Suatu hari ketika Joseph Kennedy akan pulang dari kantornya, 
 dia menyemirkan sepatu di tukang semir yang di berada di sepanjang jalan Wall 
 Street, dalam obrolan selama penyemiran, tukang semir tsb memberikan banyak 
 info padanya bahwa saham ini dan itu akan naik dengan target tertentu, 
 terkejut dan terdiam. 
  Selesai menyemirkan sepatu, dia tidak jadi pulang dan kembali 
 ke kantor, bersama staffnya langsung menyusun plan untuk menjual semua saham 
 miliknya. Dalam satu minggu dia menjual semua saham dalam portfolionya dan 
 ditukarkan ke obligasi pemerintah. Seminggu kemudian, terjadilah pembantaian 
 yang sangat terkenal dan tercatat dalam sejarah itu. 
  Mengapa Joseph Kennedy melikuidasi seluruh porfolionya setelah 
 mendengar info dari tukang semir sepatu? 
  janggal, alasan Joseph Kennedy ketika menjelaskan 
 tindakannya, kalau semua orang sudah berbincang tentang pasar modal dengan 
 pandangan yang sangat positif sedangkan pasar sudah naik terus cukup lama, 
 bahkan para tukang semir sepatu yang seharusnya bukan kelompok masyarakat 
 pemerhati bahkan terlibat di dalamnya sudah ikut tersihir kemilauan optimisme 
 bullish yang tanpa batas, berarti hampir semua orang sudah tidak banyak 
 cash lagi, kalau fresh money sudah menyusut, setiap saat akan terjadi 
 arah, maka saya menjual semua saham dan menggantinya dengan obligasi 
 pemerintah yang terjamin keamanannya .   
  Nah, apakah saat ini mereka yang seharusnya tidak 
 memperhatikan pasar modal, bahkan para tukang parkir dan office boy di 
 BEI sudah terpengarah berat dengan kenaikan IHSG yang tiada henti? 
  Tommy J. 
   - Original Message - 
   To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
   Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:07 
   Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan 
   Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching 
   Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh... 
   2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick  thomaszone_2000@  
 My personal opinion. . Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar 
 mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY Kemarin malam sampe lunch 
 time tadi 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, 
 segerombolan ibu bilang planning untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear 
 apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil nguping2 gitu. 2. Tadi pagi 
 havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini lahh itu 
 masih belum naik tertinggi dll... 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada 
 yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow merah kemarin... Plus RM 
 di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. Skrg 
 masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 4 indikator itu mnrt saya 
 bahwa market udah kepanasan. Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk 
 invest.. Tunggu dulu. Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin 
 bursa berapa byk duit yg bs diraup Get d point kan? Tapi 
 klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz 
 From : Rei Date : Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
 To :  obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com  Subject : 
 Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching 
 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz... 
 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui  elainesui83@  
   Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead 
   to structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at 

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik tommy_yap99
S7 ama Jendral , terang2 Mbah , ayo . . . M.bah Bisa . . .
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: artomoro9

Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 22:35:03 
Subject: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati  + Last wish to I Ching

 kutipan dari embah:

periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini 
UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.  

apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah 
embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud 

jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant menulis:

Dari: jsx_consultant
Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati  + Last wish to I Ching
Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM


  Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png

Saat itu:

- IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)

- BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada

tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe

tgl 21 Agustus.

Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl

18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode

ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya 

unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini 

peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.




  Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari 
Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik hogianto_tan
Mbah, saya bingung, kalau pada tgl 18-21 yg pegang peranan adalah UNSUR BAIK 
HATI, maka seharusnya hujan duit dong, tapi kok mbah bilang juga apakah si 
tuyul sudah datang? Bisa lebih jelas mbah? daripada cucu2 ini salah persepsi 
dengan yang mbah maksud lho mbah, Makasih ya mbah..

--- In, artomoro9 artomo...@... wrote:

  kutipan dari embah:
 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini 
 UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.  
 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah 
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud 
 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...
 --- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... menulis:
 Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati  + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM
   Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:
 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png
 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)
 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check
 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.
 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya 
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...
 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini 
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

   Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari 
 Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Cougar Boy
Mungkin mau ada tuyul baik hati :D
Saham-saham sejuta umat seperti DEWA bisa diangkat sampai new high di  280

Betul gak :D

2009/8/15 hogianto_tan

 Mbah, saya bingung, kalau pada tgl 18-21 yg pegang peranan adalah UNSUR
 BAIK HATI, maka seharusnya hujan duit dong, tapi kok mbah bilang juga apakah
 si tuyul sudah datang? Bisa lebih jelas mbah? daripada cucu2 ini salah
 persepsi dengan yang mbah maksud lho mbah, Makasih ya mbah..

 --- In,
 artomoro9 artomo...@... wrote:
  kutipan dari embah:
  periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.
  apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud
  jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...
  --- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... menulis:
  Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM
  Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:
  http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png
  Saat itu:
  - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
  - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)
  Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
  tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check
  Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
  tgl 21 Agustus.
  Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
  18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
  ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
  unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...
  Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
  peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.
  Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari
 Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik t_bumi
--- In, hogianto_tan hogianto_...@... wrote:

 Mbah, saya bingung, kalau pada tgl 18-21 yg pegang peranan adalah UNSUR BAIK 
 HATI, maka seharusnya hujan duit dong, tapi kok mbah bilang juga apakah si 
 tuyul sudah datang? Bisa lebih jelas mbah? daripada cucu2 ini salah persepsi 
 dengan yang mbah maksud lho mbah, Makasih ya mbah..
 Sip : tbumi

Selalu Optimist saja dan percaya dgn kemurahan hatiNYA.

Rezeki yang akan diberikanNYA tak akan bisa diambil oleh

siapapun juga termasuk tuyul ataupun iblis.

Optimis adalah awal dari kesuksesan utk cuan. Tentunya jangan

salah beli saham juga agar tak rugi nantinya.

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first):

   - *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
   United Fuckin' States)*
   - *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
   - *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
   - *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
   them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
   Lincoln or Kennedy.*

*Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

My stock picks:

   - *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is
a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure
as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini
 UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik boyz
MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.

MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.


--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending
report, in
United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end
up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This
correction is
 a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9 artomo...@...

   kutipan dari embah:
  periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada
periode ini
  UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.
  apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
  embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
tangkap maksud
  jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...
  --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...*menulis:
  Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM
  Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:
  http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz.
  Saat itu:
  - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
  - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)
  Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
  tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check
  Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
  tgl 21 Agustus.
  Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
  18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
  ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
  unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...
  Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
  peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.
  Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru
  Lebih Cepat hari ini!

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*You know better lah [?] but my point is don't panic. We may see a W shaped
recovery. (it's still a recovery).

2009/8/15 boyz

 MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.

 MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
 MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
 *MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.*


 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
  profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
  should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.
  Issues (please study first):
  - *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
  United Fuckin' States)*
  - *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
  - *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
  - *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
  them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
  Lincoln or Kennedy.*
  *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
  EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it. When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and
  My stock picks:
  - *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,
  Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
  a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
  as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
  moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
  entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.
  Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^
  2009/8/15 artomoro9 artomo...@...
   kutipan dari embah:
   periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
   UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.
   apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
   embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap
   jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...
   --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...*menulis:
   Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
   Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
   Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM
   Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
   Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:
   http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png
   Saat itu:
   - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
   - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)
   Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
   tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check
   Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
   tgl 21 Agustus.
   Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
   18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
   ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
   unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...
   Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
   peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.
   Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
   Lebih Cepat hari ini!



Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Ki Bango Tongtong
Secara psikolgis kalo ada koreksi, kira2 ihsg yg masih nyaman buat retail brp?
Sent from my BuyBakrie®
Power by DEWA

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 11:34:06 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.

MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.


--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending
report, in
United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end
up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This
correction is
 a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9 artomo...@...

   kutipan dari embah:
  periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada
periode ini
  UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.
  apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
  embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
tangkap maksud
  jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...
  --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...*menulis:
  Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM
  Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:
  http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz.
  Saat itu:
  - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
  - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)
  Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
  tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check
  Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
  tgl 21 Agustus.
  Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
  18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
  ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
  unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...
  Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
  peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.
  Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru
  Lebih Cepat hari ini!

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik stock . breeder
COOL!!!.. But this time don't hesitate to dip lower so people can hv the chance 
to breed their stocks will ya???.. Around 30% will b gr8!!!^^.. 

*Mr.Rei (A.K.A. Nuts Investor) gonna kill me!!!;p.. SHORT Mr.Rei SHORT^^..

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

*He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first):

   - *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
   United Fuckin' States)*
   - *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
   - *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
   - *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
   them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
   Lincoln or Kennedy.*

*Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

My stock picks:

   - *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is
a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure
as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini
 UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Spiderman
El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n BMTR 
group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda lagi... Kalo 
senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

Sent from my   StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

*He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first):

   - *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
   United Fuckin' States)*
   - *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
   - *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
   - *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
   them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
   Lincoln or Kennedy.*

*Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

My stock picks:

   - *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is
a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure
as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini
 UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is
 a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure
 as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
 moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Well, you don't have to listen to me though.. Im just sharing opinion.
Whether it happens or not, let the market decides.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I
 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik boyz
One more thing, hon...
Breaking IHSG all time high in this year may be delayed...  to q1-q2

b'coz it is subject to change without prior notice... Lolz...
just kidding, sweetie.


--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...

 *You know better lah [?] but my point is don't panic. We may see a W
 recovery. (it's still a recovery).

 2009/8/15 boyz m457...@...

  MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.
  MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
  MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
  *MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.*

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*So what.. nanti cuma bisa protest marah saja kalau target missed. Let's see
if I care.. lolz..

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:51 PM, boyz wrote:

 One more thing, hon...
 Breaking IHSG all time high in this year may be delayed...  to q1-q2 2010.

 *b'coz it is subject to change without prior notice... Lolz...*
 *just kidding, sweetie.*


 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *You know better lah [?] but my point is don't panic. We may see a W
  recovery. (it's still a recovery).
  2009/8/15 boyz m457...@...
   MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.
   MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
   MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
   *MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.*


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik boyz
10% - 20% dari previous high.


--- In, Ki Bango Tongtong
kibangotongt...@... wrote:

 Secara psikolgis kalo ada koreksi, kira2 ihsg yg masih nyaman buat
retail brp?
 Sent from my BuyBakrie®
 Power by DEWA

 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...

 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 11:34:06
 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.

 MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
 MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
 MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480 poin.. (2000)

wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh

hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)


Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, menulis:
 10% - 20% dari previous high.


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Ki Bango Tongtong
Trims bos
Sent from my BuyBakrie®
Power by DEWA

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 12:00:52 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

10% - 20% dari previous high.


--- In, Ki Bango Tongtong
kibangotongt...@... wrote:

 Secara psikolgis kalo ada koreksi, kira2 ihsg yg masih nyaman buat
retail brp?
 Sent from my BuyBakrie®
 Power by DEWA

 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...

 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 11:34:06
 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.

 MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
 MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
 MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik boyz
10% = 21xx
20% = 19xx
30% = 16xx

fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...


--- In, Dean Earwicker
dean.earwic...@... wrote:

 fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480
poin.. (2000)

 wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh

 hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
 barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)


 Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm457...@... menulis:
  10% - 20% dari previous high.

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*If market gets panic, 30% discount or more is possible. I have no problem
with that though [?]

2009/8/15 boyz

 10% = 21xx
 20% = 19xx
 30% = 16xx

 *fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...*


 --- In, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@...
  fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480 poin..
  wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh
  hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
  barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)
  Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm457...@... menulis:
   10% - 20% dari previous high.



Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Marcello Djunaidy
EL, koreksi cepat atau pelan-pelan?

2009/8/15, Elaine Sui

 If market gets panic, 30% discount or more is possible. I have no problem
 with that though [?]


 2009/8/15 boyz

 10% = 21xx
 20% = 19xx
 30% = 16xx

 fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...


 --- In, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@...
  fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480 poin..
  wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh
  hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
  barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)
  Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm457...@... menulis:

   10% - 20% dari previous high.


Dikirim dari perangkat seluler saya

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Cougar Boy
First 15 correction will be slow..

Than speed up as the bad new pop up

On 8/15/09, Elaine Sui wrote:

 If market gets panic, 30% discount or more is possible. I have no problem
 with that though [?]


 2009/8/15 boyz

 10% = 21xx
 20% = 19xx
 30% = 16xx

 fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...


 --- In, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@...
  fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480 poin..
  wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh
  hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
  barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)
  Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm457...@... menulis:

   10% - 20% dari previous high.


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I dunno. What do you think? come on at least YOU give me some
recommendation..sheesh.. [?][?]

2009/8/15 Marcello Djunaidy

 EL, koreksi cepat atau pelan-pelan?

 2009/8/15, Elaine Sui
  If market gets panic, 30% discount or more is possible. I have no problem
  with that though [?]
  2009/8/15 boyz
  10% = 21xx
  20% = 19xx
  30% = 16xx
  fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...
  --- In, Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@
   fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480
   wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh
   hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
   barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)
   Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm457...@... menulis:
10% - 20% dari previous high.

 Dikirim dari perangkat seluler saya



Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik JT™
Wew.., baru absen baca OB sehari tau2 aroma bearish mulai kuat lagi nih ? Did I 
miss something here? ade ape sih Bro?

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

“ Good Trade Comes To Those Who Wait “

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 12:14:54 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

10% = 21xx
20% = 19xx
30% = 16xx

fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...


--- In, Dean Earwicker
dean.earwic...@... wrote:

 fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480
poin.. (2000)

 wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh

 hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
 barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)


 Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm457...@... menulis:
  10% - 20% dari previous high.

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik [ M S ]

I like it when you say BUY BUY BUY...

If u realy think there will be a big correction, why don't you say:


Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

*He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first):

   - *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
   United Fuckin' States)*
   - *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
   - *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
   - *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
   them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
   Lincoln or Kennedy.*

*Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

My stock picks:

   - *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is
a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure
as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini
 UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Marcello Djunaidy
Koreksi pertama cepat, membal turbo karena optimis semua, baru turun
pelan beberapa bulan dengan bad news seperti kata pak hmin. Nebak

Pak Tasrul,bisa tolong dikirim chart BEI dari 2005 dengan CCI optimasi?
Harusnya tabiat koreksi BEI keliatan dari sana. CMIIW.


2009/8/15, Elaine Sui

 I dunno. What do you think? come on at least YOU give me some
 recommendation..sheesh.. [?][?]


 2009/8/15 Marcello Djunaidy

 EL, koreksi cepat atau pelan-pelan?

 2009/8/15, Elaine Sui

  If market gets panic, 30% discount or more is possible. I have no
  with that though [?]
  2009/8/15 boyz
  10% = 21xx
  20% = 19xx
  30% = 16xx
  fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...
  --- In, Dean Earwicker
   fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480
   wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh
   hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
   barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)
   Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm457...@... menulis:
10% - 20% dari previous high.

 Dikirim dari perangkat seluler saya


Dikirim dari perangkat seluler saya

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I wrote on my wall, that whatever I recommend, either bull or bear, there
is always ppl who support me. If I say bull, they say they believe me. When
I say bear, the others say they believe me too. What they arent aware  that
my recommendation is not relevant to the market itself.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to drive the global market even to the smaller one like IDX
(unless you're willing to lose money), all we can do is to anticipate,
either price action (technical) or fundamental/macro issues.

Nobody knows the future, but we can anticipate it by gathering relevant data
and information, make strategy on your investment and exploit the market


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 7:56 PM, [ M S ] wrote:

 I like it when you say BUY BUY BUY...

 If u realy think there will be a big correction, why don't you say:


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is
 a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure
 as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
 moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Dean Earwicker
Gw suka bagian exploit market behaviour, itu adalah bhs bulenya CANGCUTZ.. heheh

Yang kita engga sadari, banyak juga duit nubie yang kite copet, trader
nyopet duit trader lain..


2009/8/15 Elaine Sui

 Nobody knows the future, but we can anticipate it by gathering relevant data
 and information, make strategy on your investment and exploit the market


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik boyz
No, you didnt miss anything.  Oops, maybe you missed the context.

tadi ada brader kita, ki bango tongtong, nanya :
Secara psikolgis kalo ada koreksi, kira2 ihsg yg masih nyaman buat
retail brp?

trus ane jawap:
10% - 20% dari previous high.

gitu bro... ga ada aroma bearish disini... cuma diskusi aje...

Sekedar diamati, coba deh perhatiin amplitudo koreksi dari awal
bull-stage semenjak maret:
- 7-8 April
- 21-27 April
- 11-15 Mei
- 11-23 Juni


--- In, JT™ jsxtra...@...

 Wew.., baru absen baca OB sehari tau2 aroma bearish mulai kuat lagi
nih ? Did I miss something here? ade ape sih Bro?

 Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

  Good Trade Comes To Those Who Wait 

 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...

 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 12:14:54
 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 10% = 21xx
 20% = 19xx
 30% = 16xx

 fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...


 --- In, Dean Earwicker
 dean.earwicker@ wrote:
  fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480
 poin.. (2000)
  wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh
  hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
  barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)
  Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm4573rs@ menulis:
   10% - 20% dari previous high.

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik hs . slawi
It,s long weekend...enjoy aja weekendnya dulu...kita discuss market senin malam 
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 19:27:00 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

*If market gets panic, 30% discount or more is possible. I have no problem
with that though [?]

2009/8/15 boyz

 10% = 21xx
 20% = 19xx
 30% = 16xx

 *fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...*


 --- In, Dean Earwicker dean.earwic...@...
  fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480 poin..
  wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh
  hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
  barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)
  Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm457...@... menulis:
   10% - 20% dari previous high.



Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik tommy_yap99
Kpn shot nya ?
Selasa pagi , gak liat dow senin mlm lagi ???
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 19:05:37 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480 poin.. (2000)

wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh

hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)


Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, menulis:
 10% - 20% dari previous high.


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik ELLIOT

Mane theory decouplingnya??? Kemaren optimize banget .buybuybuy.
target 29xx akhir dec

Skrg??? Hahaha

DJI baru -0.82%

Masa uda pesimis


Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:01:47 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

*I wrote on my wall, that whatever I recommend, either bull or bear, there
is always ppl who support me. If I say bull, they say they believe me. When
I say bear, the others say they believe me too. What they arent aware  that
my recommendation is not relevant to the market itself.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to drive the global market even to the smaller one like IDX
(unless you're willing to lose money), all we can do is to anticipate,
either price action (technical) or fundamental/macro issues.

Nobody knows the future, but we can anticipate it by gathering relevant data
and information, make strategy on your investment and exploit the market


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 7:56 PM, [ M S ] wrote:

 I like it when you say BUY BUY BUY...

 If u realy think there will be a big correction, why don't you say:


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is
 a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure
 as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
 moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik JT™
Ooo Ic.., kirain ada berita apa.., sip lah.., kalo koreksi sih pasti ada lah.., 
tq Bos.

Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

“ Good Trade Comes To Those Who Wait “

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 13:20:46 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

No, you didnt miss anything.  Oops, maybe you missed the context.

tadi ada brader kita, ki bango tongtong, nanya :
Secara psikolgis kalo ada koreksi, kira2 ihsg yg masih nyaman buat
retail brp?

trus ane jawap:
10% - 20% dari previous high.

gitu bro... ga ada aroma bearish disini... cuma diskusi aje...

Sekedar diamati, coba deh perhatiin amplitudo koreksi dari awal
bull-stage semenjak maret:
- 7-8 April
- 21-27 April
- 11-15 Mei
- 11-23 Juni


--- In, JTâ„¢ jsxtra...@...

 Wew.., baru absen baca OB sehari tau2 aroma bearish mulai kuat lagi
nih ? Did I miss something here? ade ape sih Bro?

 Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

  Good Trade Comes To Those Who Wait 

 -Original Message-
 From: boyz m457...@...

 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 12:14:54
 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 10% = 21xx
 20% = 19xx
 30% = 16xx

 fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...


 --- In, Dean Earwicker
 dean.earwicker@ wrote:
  fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480
 poin.. (2000)
  wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh
  hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
  barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)
  Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm4573rs@ menulis:
   10% - 20% dari previous high.

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik sahamindo
Besok selasa kalo turun short ^-^ , kalo naek BHSH , kalo turun dalem short 
lebih dalem , biar turun nya lebih cepat lebih baik sehingga kita bisa 
lanjutkan kenaikan BEI..
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: [ M S ]

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 12:56:13 
To: Milis
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

I like it when you say BUY BUY BUY...

If u realy think there will be a big correction, why don't you say:


Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

*He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first):

   - *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
   United Fuckin' States)*
   - *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
   - *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
   - *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
   them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
   Lincoln or Kennedy.*

*Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

My stock picks:

   - *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is
a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure
as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini
 UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Asia markets are decoupling with US. Buy on weakness, you noob.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:18 PM, ELLIOT wrote:

 Mane theory decouplingnya??? Kemaren optimize banget
 target 29xx akhir dec

 Skrg??? Hahaha

 DJI baru -0.82%

 Masa uda pesimis


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:01:47 +0700

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 *I wrote on my wall, that whatever I recommend, either bull or bear, there
 is always ppl who support me. If I say bull, they say they believe me. When
 I say bear, the others say they believe me too. What they arent aware  that
 my recommendation is not relevant to the market itself.

 It is IMPOSSIBLE to drive the global market even to the smaller one like
 IDX (unless you're willing to lose money), all we can do is to anticipate,
 either price action (technical) or fundamental/macro issues.

 Nobody knows the future, but we can anticipate it by gathering relevant
 data and information, make strategy on your investment and exploit the
 market behavior.


 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 7:56 PM, [ M S ] wrote:

 I like it when you say BUY BUY BUY...

 If u realy think there will be a big correction, why don't you say:


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Rei
MA-20 aja pak Boyz huehehe

2009/8/15 boyz

 MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.

 MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
 MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
 *MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.*


 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make

  profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
  should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.
  Issues (please study first):
  - *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
  United Fuckin' States)*
  - *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
  - *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
  - *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
  them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
  Lincoln or Kennedy.*
  *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
  EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it. When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and
  My stock picks:
  - *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,
  Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
  a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
  as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
  moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
  entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.
  Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^
  2009/8/15 artomoro9 artomo...@...
   kutipan dari embah:
   periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
   UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.
   apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
   embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap
   jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...
   --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...*menulis:
   Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
   Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
   Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM
   Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
   Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:
   http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png
   Saat itu:
   - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
   - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)
   Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
   tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check
   Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
   tgl 21 Agustus.
   Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
   18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
   ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
   unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...
   Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
   peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.
   Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
   Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Rei
Ok, will short with your command! :-) Shorting our own stocks ya? Wouldn't
that be called profit taking/cutting loss? :-))

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:40 PM, wrote:

 COOL!!!.. But this time don't hesitate to dip lower so people can hv the
 chance to breed their stocks will ya???.. Around 30% will b gr8!!!^^..

 *Mr.Rei (A.K.A. Nuts Investor) gonna kill me!!!;p.. SHORT Mr.Rei SHORT^^..

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in
United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is
 a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure
 as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or
 moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Rei
No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Bls: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Charles Atmaja
EL, do you have a target for oil price at the end of this year?
If you have, please share your predisction to us 



Dari: Elaine Sui
Terkirim: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009 21:07:36
Judul: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Asia markets are decoupling with US. Buy on weakness, you noob.


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:18 PM, ELLIOT penta...@yahoo. wrote:

Mane theory decouplingnya? ?? Kemaren optimize banget .buy buybuy. 

target 29xx akhir dec

Skrg??? Hahaha

DJI baru -0.82%

Masa uda pesimis


Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:01:47 +0700 

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

I wrote on my wall, that whatever I recommend, either bull or bear, there is 
always ppl who support me. If I say bull, they say they believe me. When I say 
bear, the others say they believe me too. What they arent aware  that my 
recommendation is not relevant to the market itself.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to drive the global market even to the smaller one like IDX 
(unless you're willing to lose money), all we can do is to anticipate, either 
price action (technical) or fundamental/ macro issues.

Nobody knows the future, but we can anticipate it by gathering relevant data 
and information, make strategy on your investment and exploit the market 


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 7:56 PM, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@ wrote:

I like it when you say BUY BUY BUY...

If u realy think there will be a big correction, why don't you say:


Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700 

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make profit 
without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we should be 
happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first): 

  * deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in 
 United Fuckin' States)
  * China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise

  * Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.
  * And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on 
 them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like 
 Lincoln or Kennedy.
Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at EXPLOITING 
and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again BUY.

My stock picks:

  * domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction, 
Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is a 
BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure as 
it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or moving 
average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the 
entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^


2009/8/15 artomoro9 artomo...@yahoo.

kutipan dari embah:

periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini 
UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.  

apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah 
embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud 

jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ id 

Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ id
Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png

Saat itu:
- IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
- BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
tgl 21 Agustus.

Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya 
unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini 
peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.


Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang Lebih 
Cepat hari ini

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik E|L|H|
Menurut saya secara TA memang sudah saatnya turun. Namun saat ini akibat 
turunnya suku bunga membuat instrumen ini sudah tidak tertarik apalagi ditopang 
oleh investor yang dari mulut ke mulut mengatakan cuan di bursa sudah berkali 
kali lipat yang akhirnya membuat para deposan mengalihkan dananya ke bursa. 

Sent from Gravitti Technology® Corporate Network

-Original Message-
From: boyz

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 11:34:06 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

MA-200 kebanyakan diskonnya, hon... susah kesitu.

MA-200 IHSG ada di range 16xx.
MA-100 IHSG ada di range 19xx.
MA-50 IHSG ada di range 21xx.


--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending
report, in
United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end
up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This
correction is
 a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9 artomo...@...

   kutipan dari embah:
  periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada
periode ini
  UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.
  apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
  embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
tangkap maksud
  jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...
  --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...*menulis:
  Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM
  Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:
  http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz.
  Saat itu:
  - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
  - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)
  Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
  tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check
  Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
  tgl 21 Agustus.
  Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
  18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
  ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
  unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...
  Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
  peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.
  Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru
  Lebih Cepat hari ini!

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Henry Liem
i agree, that's what i always do, BOW/avg down, dun shoot all ur
bullet at one time, n always prepare ammo backup.

CL isnt necessary, dun always believe e'thing u see/hear, that's what
as bookie wanted it 1st place to lagging out of unwanted
passengers/traders to go UP OR want to get cheaper stocks by avg down
stocks- from whose r panic.

If things go d other way around, u'll can trade n invest at d same time :p

Keep on optimistic guys!

On 8/15/09, Elaine Sui wrote:
 *Asia markets are decoupling with US. Buy on weakness, you noob.

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:18 PM, ELLIOT wrote:

 Mane theory decouplingnya??? Kemaren optimize banget
 target 29xx akhir dec

 Skrg??? Hahaha

 DJI baru -0.82%

 Masa uda pesimis


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:01:47 +0700

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 *I wrote on my wall, that whatever I recommend, either bull or bear, there
 is always ppl who support me. If I say bull, they say they believe me.
 I say bear, the others say they believe me too. What they arent aware
 my recommendation is not relevant to the market itself.

 It is IMPOSSIBLE to drive the global market even to the smaller one like
 IDX (unless you're willing to lose money), all we can do is to anticipate,
 either price action (technical) or fundamental/macro issues.

 Nobody knows the future, but we can anticipate it by gathering relevant
 data and information, make strategy on your investment and exploit the
 market behavior.


 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 7:56 PM, [ M S ] wrote:

 I like it when you say BUY BUY BUY...

 If u realy think there will be a big correction, why don't you say:


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz.

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang

Re: Bls: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Well didn't I post it before? Goldman Sachs said 85, I said it may decline
to 35 at worst, because of deflation effect. But I dunno, maybe GS knows
something..? They're indeed the biggest oil futures player. It also depends
on the strength of the USD, and the CFTC policies against speculators.


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Charles Atmaja charles_3...@yahoo.comwrote:

 EL, do you have a target for oil price at the end of this year?
 If you have, please share your predisction to us


 *Dari:* Elaine Sui
 *Terkirim:* Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009 21:07:36
 *Judul:* Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 *Asia markets are decoupling with US. Buy on weakness, you noob.

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:18 PM, ELLIOT penta...@yahoo.

 Mane theory decouplingnya? ?? Kemaren optimize banget .buy
 target 29xx akhir dec

 Skrg??? Hahaha

 DJI baru -0.82%

 Masa uda pesimis


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:01:47 +0700

 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *I wrote on my wall, that whatever I recommend, either bull or bear,
 there is always ppl who support me. If I say bull, they say they believe me.
 When I say bear, the others say they believe me too. What they arent aware
 that my recommendation is not relevant to the market itself.

 It is IMPOSSIBLE to drive the global market even to the smaller one like
 IDX (unless you're willing to lose money), all we can do is to anticipate,
 either price action (technical) or fundamental/ macro issues.

 Nobody knows the future, but we can anticipate it by gathering relevant
 data and information, make strategy on your investment and exploit the
 market behavior.


 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 7:56 PM, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@

 I like it when you say BUY BUY BUY...

 If u realy think there will be a big correction, why don't you say:


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int.. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9 artomo...@yahoo.

   kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 istilah embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
 tangkap maksud embah..?

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
 * menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups.
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Henry Liem
see JP Morgan's contra comment with Pimp's  Knott's on bloomberg news.

On 8/15/09, Elaine Sui wrote:
 *Asia markets are decoupling with US. Buy on weakness, you noob.

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:18 PM, ELLIOT wrote:

 Mane theory decouplingnya??? Kemaren optimize banget
 target 29xx akhir dec

 Skrg??? Hahaha

 DJI baru -0.82%

 Masa uda pesimis


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:01:47 +0700

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 *I wrote on my wall, that whatever I recommend, either bull or bear, there
 is always ppl who support me. If I say bull, they say they believe me.
 I say bear, the others say they believe me too. What they arent aware
 my recommendation is not relevant to the market itself.

 It is IMPOSSIBLE to drive the global market even to the smaller one like
 IDX (unless you're willing to lose money), all we can do is to anticipate,
 either price action (technical) or fundamental/macro issues.

 Nobody knows the future, but we can anticipate it by gathering relevant
 data and information, make strategy on your investment and exploit the
 market behavior.


 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 7:56 PM, [ M S ] wrote:

 I like it when you say BUY BUY BUY...

 If u realy think there will be a big correction, why don't you say:


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz.

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik troyanese
Jadi mau koreksi neh :) Mantaaappp... dah lama nih ditunggu tunggu akhirnya 
datang juga... wkwkwkwk. 

--- In, Marcello Djunaidy mdjuna...@... wrote:

 Koreksi pertama cepat, membal turbo karena optimis semua, baru turun
 pelan beberapa bulan dengan bad news seperti kata pak hmin. Nebak
 Pak Tasrul,bisa tolong dikirim chart BEI dari 2005 dengan CCI optimasi?
 Harusnya tabiat koreksi BEI keliatan dari sana. CMIIW.
 2009/8/15, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...:
  I dunno. What do you think? come on at least YOU give me some
  recommendation..sheesh.. [?][?]
  2009/8/15 Marcello Djunaidy mdjuna...@...
  EL, koreksi cepat atau pelan-pelan?
  2009/8/15, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...:
   If market gets panic, 30% discount or more is possible. I have no
   with that though [?]
   2009/8/15 boyz m457...@...
   10% = 21xx
   20% = 19xx
   30% = 16xx
   fytk singkatan dari 'for you to know'... maksa ga sih? hehehe ...
   --- In, Dean Earwicker
fyi 10% dari last high itu sekitar -240 poin (2160), 20% itu -480
wew byk juga ya.. MANTAF!! heheh
hayuk lah kalo para sesepuh udah bilang short, kite itutan. (short
barang sendiri.. alias CL.. wkwkwk)
Pada 15 Agustus 2009 19:00, boyzm4573rs@ menulis:
 10% - 20% dari previous high.


  Dikirim dari perangkat seluler saya
 Dikirim dari perangkat seluler saya

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Thomas Frederick
My personal opinion..

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow 
merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

-Original Message-
From: Rei

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Rei
Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

 My personal opinion..

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...

 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning
 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin
 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini
 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy
 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800.
 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs

 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

 *From*: Rei
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 istilah embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
 tangkap maksud embah..?

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik

RE: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Peter Alimin

setuju pak Thomas.
Banyak orang awam malah baru mau masuk sekarang, seharusnya market dibuat 
semenarik mungkin, hingga mereka merasakan newbie's luck..
setelah itu baru dibanting, soalnya kalaupun dibanting sekarang dengan aliran 
dana yang @kecil tapi banyak orang, maka short tidak langsung efektif..
retail klo sudah kena newbie's luck merasa bahwa dia sudah 'pintar' dan 
meremehkan pandangan orang yang sudah lebih 'senior', bahkan mereka berani 

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 14:56:03 +
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


  My personal opinion..

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow 
merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

From:  Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:
 Yeah but bullish without correction is 
very dangerous than can lead to structural damage. I'm always bullish for long 
term, for 3 yrs at least.


 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n 
BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda lagi... 
Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?


Sent from my   StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

From:  Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make 
profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we 
should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.
Issues (please study first): 
deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in United 
Fuckin' States)China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
 Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's 
a bit hard on them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end 
up like Lincoln or Kennedy.
 Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at EXPLOITING 
and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again BUY.

My stock picks:
domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction, tobaccos 
Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is a 
BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure as it 
is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or moving 
average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the entry/exists, 
Art and Embah will be the commander.
Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^


2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah: periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching 
karena pada periode ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.   apakah embah 
melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah embah) di market 
kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud embah..? jangan 
ragu mbah.  ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...regards,A9.

--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant menulis:
Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati  + Last wish to I Ching
  Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

  Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png
 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik anru . sing

Hahaha... Pengalaman saat newbie ya pak?
Setuju diangkat dulu, awal tahun baru baru diturunkan. BD setuju gak?

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Peter Alimin

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:08:27 
Subject: RE: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

setuju pak Thomas.
Banyak orang awam malah baru mau masuk sekarang, seharusnya market dibuat 
semenarik mungkin, hingga mereka merasakan newbie's luck..
setelah itu baru dibanting, soalnya kalaupun dibanting sekarang dengan aliran 
dana yang @kecil tapi banyak orang, maka short tidak langsung efektif..
retail klo sudah kena newbie's luck merasa bahwa dia sudah 'pintar' dan 
meremehkan pandangan orang yang sudah lebih 'senior', bahkan mereka berani 

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 14:56:03 +
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


  My personal opinion..

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow 
merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

From:  Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:
 Yeah but bullish without correction is 
very dangerous than can lead to structural damage. I'm always bullish for long 
term, for 3 yrs at least.


 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n 
BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda lagi... 
Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?


Sent from my   StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

From:  Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make 
profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we 
should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.
Issues (please study first): 
deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in United 
Fuckin' States)China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
 Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's 
a bit hard on them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end 
up like Lincoln or Kennedy.
 Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at EXPLOITING 
and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again BUY.

My stock picks:
domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction, tobaccos 
Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is a 
BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure as it 
is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or moving 
average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the entry/exists, 
Art and Embah will be the commander.
Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^


2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah: periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching 
karena pada periode ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.   apakah embah 
melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah embah) di market 
kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud embah..? jangan 
ragu mbah.  ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...regards,A9.

--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant menulis:
Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati  + Last wish to I Ching

Re: Bls: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik ichingprediction
ane condong ke el, oil ke depan turun.

--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 *Well didn't I post it before? Goldman Sachs said 85, I said it may decline
 to 35 at worst, because of deflation effect. But I dunno, maybe GS knows
 something..? They're indeed the biggest oil futures player. It also depends
 on the strength of the USD, and the CFTC policies against speculators.
 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Charles Atmaja charles_3...@...wrote:
  EL, do you have a target for oil price at the end of this year?
  If you have, please share your predisction to us
  *Dari:* Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
  *Terkirim:* Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009 21:07:36
  *Judul:* Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  *Asia markets are decoupling with US. Buy on weakness, you noob.
  On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:18 PM, ELLIOT penta...@yahoo. co.idpenta...@...
  Mane theory decouplingnya? ?? Kemaren optimize banget .buy
  target 29xx akhir dec
  Skrg??? Hahaha
  DJI baru -0.82%
  Masa uda pesimis
  Sent from my BlackBerry®
  powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
  *From*: Elaine Sui
  *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:01:47 +0700
  *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
  *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I
  *I wrote on my wall, that whatever I recommend, either bull or bear,
  there is always ppl who support me. If I say bull, they say they believe 

Re: Bls: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik paramanandana

Time frame.. Time frame..Time frame.. Please..

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: ichingprediction

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 15:12:53 
Subject: Re: Bls: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

ane condong ke el, oil ke depan turun.

--- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:

 *Well didn't I post it before? Goldman Sachs said 85, I said it may decline
 to 35 at worst, because of deflation effect. But I dunno, maybe GS knows
 something..? They're indeed the biggest oil futures player. It also depends
 on the strength of the USD, and the CFTC policies against speculators.
 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Charles Atmaja charles_3...@...wrote:
  EL, do you have a target for oil price at the end of this year?
  If you have, please share your predisction to us
  *Dari:* Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
  *Terkirim:* Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009 21:07:36
  *Judul:* Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
  *Asia markets are decoupling with US. Buy on weakness, you noob.
  On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:18 PM, ELLIOT penta...@yahoo. co.idpenta...@...
  Mane theory decouplingnya? ?? Kemaren optimize banget .buy
  target 29xx akhir dec
  Skrg??? Hahaha
  DJI baru -0.82%
  Masa uda pesimis
  Sent from my BlackBerry®
  powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
  *From*: Elaine Sui
  *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:01:47 +0700
  *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
  *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I
  *I wrote on my wall, that whatever I recommend, either bull or bear,
  there is always ppl who support me. If I say bull, they say they believe 

Re: Bls: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik ichingprediction
akhir tahun 2009.

--- In, paramanand...@... wrote:

 Time frame.. Time frame..Time frame.. Please..
 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 -Original Message-
 From: ichingprediction iching_predict...@...
 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 15:12:53 
 Subject: Re: Bls: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 ane condong ke el, oil ke depan turun.
 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
  *Well didn't I post it before? Goldman Sachs said 85, I said it may decline
  to 35 at worst, because of deflation effect. But I dunno, maybe GS knows
  something..? They're indeed the biggest oil futures player. It also depends
  on the strength of the USD, and the CFTC policies against speculators.
  On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Charles Atmaja charles_3983@wrote:
   EL, do you have a target for oil price at the end of this year?
   If you have, please share your predisction to us
   *Dari:* Elaine Sui elainesui83@
   *Terkirim:* Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009 21:07:36
   *Judul:* Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
   *Asia markets are decoupling with US. Buy on weakness, you noob.
   On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:18 PM, ELLIOT penta...@yahoo. co.idpentafmg@
   Mane theory decouplingnya? ?? Kemaren optimize banget .buy
   target 29xx akhir dec
   Skrg??? Hahaha
   DJI baru -0.82%
   Masa uda pesimis
   Sent from my BlackBerry

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Thomas Frederick
Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo 
kita yg retail rugi.

Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi 
dijual lagi...

Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh semua.. 
Selama september dibuat sengsara.

Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.
-Original Message-
From: Rei

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

 My personal opinion..

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...

 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning
 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin
 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini
 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy
 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800.
 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs

 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

 *From*: Rei
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 istilah embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
 tangkap maksud embah..?

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik YUTA
Mark Mobius bilang:
Koreksi range 20-30%. Tapi tidak langsung. Market akan volatile sekali, turun 
10%, naik 5%, terus turun lagi 10% dst..

Roubini bilang: 
Sluggish U recovery yang bisa berubah menjadi double dip (W) recovery kalau 
things get wrong

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Frederick

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 15:36:36 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo 
kita yg retail rugi.

Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi 
dijual lagi...

Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh semua.. 
Selama september dibuat sengsara.

Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.
-Original Message-
From: Rei

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

 My personal opinion..

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...

 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning
 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin
 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini
 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy
 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800.
 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs

 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

 *From*: Rei
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 istilah embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
 tangkap maksud embah..?

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik hexamail
Mungkin naik dlu sampai 2460 spt prediksi pak Tasrul.. Baru stlah itu koreksi 
brtahap (dr pelan sampai kenceng mungkin :-).. To be honest, sbetulnya sy jg 
maunya ada koreksi dlu sblum terbang lg.. 10%-20% lah.. Hehe..

Just my 2 cents..
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-
From: Rei

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

 My personal opinion..

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...

 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning
 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin
 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini
 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy
 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800.
 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs

 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

 *From*: Rei
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 istilah embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
 tangkap maksud embah..?

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik wempie lalalal
wah ane besok bawa dalam doa n berdoa khusuk niii 
biar downies, eropanies, hangsenis, straities, nikkies positive
Ane biasa jual barang dan kabur niii
Pass puasa ane bisa beli lagi ...
kan minggu depan sudah minggu suci...

--- On Sat, 8/15/09, Thomas Frederick wrote:

From: Thomas Frederick
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
To: OB
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 3:36 PM


Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo 
kita yg retail rugi.

Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi 
dijual lagi...

Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh semua... 
Selama september dibuat sengsara.

Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 +0700
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@


My personal opinion. .

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow 
merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:


Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to 
structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.


2009/8/15 Spiderman nadya...@yahoo.

El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n BMTR 
group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda lagi Kalo 
senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

Sent from my  StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

From: Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make profit 
without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we should be 
happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first): 

deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in United 
Fuckin' States)
China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise

Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.
And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on them 
especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like Lincoln or 
Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at EXPLOITING 
and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again BUY.

My stock picks:

domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction, tobaccos
Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is a 
BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure as it 
is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or moving 
average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the entry/exists, 
Art and Embah will be the commander.

Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^


2009/8/15 artomoro9 artomo...@yahoo.

kutipan dari embah:

periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini 
UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.  

apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah 
embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud 

jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ id menulis:

Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ id
Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Bambang Kansah
Aku cuma mo bilang, buat penggemar Commodity Lover, just be careful.
Pantau terus harga minyak. Jangan lengah. Sayangilah uang Anda.

Pada tanggal 15/08/09, Thomas Frederick menulis:
 Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo
 kita yg retail rugi.

 Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi
 dijual lagi...

 Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

 Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh
 semua.. Selama september dibuat sengsara.

 Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

 Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.
 -Original Message-
 From: Rei

 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46
 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

 2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

 My personal opinion..

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...

 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang
 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin
 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy
 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada
 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum
 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs

 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

 *From*: Rei
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 istilah embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
 tangkap maksud embah..?

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik artomoro9

lah kok jadi kemana mana... 

wong tadi itu awalnya cuma nanya sama embah tentang peranan unsur BAIK HATI dan 
tuyul yang mau datang atau sudah datang, kok jadi ke harga OIL, crash, koreksi 
dan lainnya...

embah belum jawab tuh udah pada rame aja..

tenang BRO..


salam MERDEKAAA!!!



--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, Bambang Kansah menulis:

Dari: Bambang Kansah
Judul: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:09 PM


  Aku cuma mo bilang, buat penggemar Commodity Lover, just be 

Pantau terus harga minyak. Jangan lengah. Sayangilah uang Anda.

Pada tanggal 15/08/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@ menulis:

 Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo

 kita yg retail rugi.

 Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi

 dijual lagi...

 Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

 Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh

 semua.. Selama september dibuat sengsara.

 Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

 Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.

 -Original Message-

 From: Rei highwaystar91@

 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46

 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

 2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@

 My personal opinion. .

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...


 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang


 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin

 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy


 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada


 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum


 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs


 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

  - -

 *From*: Rei

 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I


 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@


 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to

 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.



 2009/8/15 Spiderman nadya...@yahoo.

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR


 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda

 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®

 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

  - -

 *From*: Elaine Sui

 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700

 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I


 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make

 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and

 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as


 Issues (please study first):


- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,

in United Fuckin' States)*

- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise


- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*

- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard


them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up


Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at

 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and



 My stock picks:


- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,



 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This


 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to

 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Spiderman
Kalo dibanting... Si bozz bisa dicopetin ibu2 ama tante2 dong Wekekekek

Iya kemaren ke mandiri aja, CSO getol amat suruh masuk reksadana...

Sent from my   StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Frederick

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 14:56:03 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

My personal opinion..

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow 
merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

-Original Message-
From: Rei

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we
 should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. 

 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.

 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik ruz7
Jangan Lupa, Pak Arto Hour Senin juga ULTAH..
Less Trading, More Investing

-Original Message-
From: artomoro9

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 10:18:47 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

lah kok jadi kemana mana... 

wong tadi itu awalnya cuma nanya sama embah tentang peranan unsur BAIK HATI dan 
tuyul yang mau datang atau sudah datang, kok jadi ke harga OIL, crash, koreksi 
dan lainnya...

embah belum jawab tuh udah pada rame aja..

tenang BRO..


salam MERDEKAAA!!!



--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, Bambang Kansah menulis:

Dari: Bambang Kansah
Judul: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:09 PM


  Aku cuma mo bilang, buat penggemar Commodity Lover, just be 

Pantau terus harga minyak. Jangan lengah. Sayangilah uang Anda.

Pada tanggal 15/08/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@ menulis:

 Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo

 kita yg retail rugi.

 Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi

 dijual lagi...

 Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

 Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh

 semua.. Selama september dibuat sengsara.

 Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

 Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.

 -Original Message-

 From: Rei highwaystar91@

 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46

 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

 2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@

 My personal opinion. .

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...


 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang


 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin

 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy


 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada


 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum


 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs


 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

  - -

 *From*: Rei

 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I


 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@


 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to

 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.



 2009/8/15 Spiderman nadya...@yahoo.

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR


 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda

 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®

 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

  - -

 *From*: Elaine Sui

 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700

 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I


 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make

 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and

 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as


 Issues (please study first):


- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,

in United Fuckin' States)*

- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise


- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*

- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard


them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up


Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at

 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and



 My stock picks:


- *domestic sector: telecomms

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik Rei
Iya pak, makanya masih akan naik menurut saya walau sdh tdk banyak...skrg
saja sdh agak berat kan.

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

 Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum
 ijo kita yg retail rugi.

 Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi
 dijual lagi...

 Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

 Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh
 semua.. Selama september dibuat sengsara.

 Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

 Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.

 *From*: Rei
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 +0700

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

 2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

 My personal opinion..

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...

 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang
 planning untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum
 dengerin sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy
 ini lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy
 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum
 2800. Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs

 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

 *From*: Rei
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR
 n BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard
on them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up 
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and 

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or 
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 istilah embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
 tangkap maksud embah..?

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant
 * menulis:

 Dari: jsx_consultant
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM

 Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik abe
Betul Pak saat ini masih banyak yg pegang cash akibat bozz tempo hari tebar 
fearnya berlebihan shg klo mau turunin drastis juga akan banyak kecopetan si 
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-Original Message-
From: Thomas Frederick

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 15:36:36 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo 
kita yg retail rugi.

Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi 
dijual lagi...

Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh semua.. 
Selama september dibuat sengsara.

Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.
-Original Message-
From: Rei

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick

 My personal opinion..

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...

 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning
 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin
 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini
 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy
 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800.
 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs

 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

 *From*: Rei
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to
 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.

 2009/8/15 Spiderman

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n
 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda
 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I

 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make
 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and
 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as

 Issues (please study first):

- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,
in United Fuckin' States)*
- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise
- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*
- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on
them especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like
Lincoln or Kennedy.*

 *Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at
 EXPLOITING and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again

 My stock picks:

- *domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction,

 Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction
 is a BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to
 measure as it is very technical (possibly at long term support or something,
 or moving average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the
 entry/exists, Art and Embah will be the commander.

 Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^

 2009/8/15 artomoro9

  kutipan dari embah:

 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.

 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil :
 istilah embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah
 tangkap maksud embah..?

 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



 --- Pada *Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant*menulis

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik kartono . hadinoto
Bravo Bozz !!! Anda betul2 seorang nasionalis ! Situasi kita sudah membaik. 
Polisi bisa mengukap pemboman mariot dan ritz carlton, pemilu aman, ekonomi 
membaik. Teman2 kita prof JT dll  memprediksi dengan profesioalisme mereka, 
tetapi si el nino mencoba mensihir kita semuanya, hanya untuk mengeruk se 
banyak2nya nggak tanggung2, minus 1000 !!! Yang logis2 aja. Koreksi itu wajar2 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: artomoro9

Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 10:18:47 
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

lah kok jadi kemana mana... 

wong tadi itu awalnya cuma nanya sama embah tentang peranan unsur BAIK HATI dan 
tuyul yang mau datang atau sudah datang, kok jadi ke harga OIL, crash, koreksi 
dan lainnya...

embah belum jawab tuh udah pada rame aja..

tenang BRO..


salam MERDEKAAA!!!



--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, Bambang Kansah menulis:

Dari: Bambang Kansah
Judul: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:09 PM


  Aku cuma mo bilang, buat penggemar Commodity Lover, just be 

Pantau terus harga minyak. Jangan lengah. Sayangilah uang Anda.

Pada tanggal 15/08/09, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@ menulis:

 Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo

 kita yg retail rugi.

 Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi

 dijual lagi...

 Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

 Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh

 semua.. Selama september dibuat sengsara.

 Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

 Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.

 -Original Message-

 From: Rei highwaystar91@

 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46

 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

 Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

 2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@

 My personal opinion. .

 Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi...


 Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi

 1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang


 untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin

 sambil nguping2 gitu.

 2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy


 lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

 3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada


 dow merah kemarin...

 Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum


 Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy

 4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

 Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

 Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs


 Get d point kan?

 Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

  - -

 *From*: Rei

 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I


 No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@


 *Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to

 structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.



 2009/8/15 Spiderman nadya...@yahoo.

 El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR


 BMTR group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda

 lagi... Kalo senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

 Sent from my  StrawBerry®

 powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

  - -

 *From*: Elaine Sui

 *Date*: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700

 *To*: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

 *Subject*: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I


 *He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make

 profit without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and

 we should be happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as


 Issues (please study first):


- *deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report,

in United Fuckin' States)*

- *China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise


- *Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.*

- *And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik SyIFA Fund
Great RUN is always followed by Correction (if do not want to mention FALL): 
- September is the worst month empirically, BUT different conditions may apply 
either  (maybe this year's September can be the BLACK SWAN)
- Market has been UP more than 50%. (there can be a limited UP)
- Some executives in BIG companies has realized their profits through insider 
selling (nothing that acknowledged to be worsen than THIS one)
- Keeping interest rates low v.s increasing interest rates; always a trade off 
works there (Central Bank focus on what purpose?)
- Production cost is rising while no boost up in price, unemployment continue 
to hit new record, deleveraging consumers, etc. 
So, September will be the JUDGEMENT 

Where you can trust your fund

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, Rei wrote:

From: Rei
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 1:54 AM


Iya pak, makanya masih akan naik menurut saya walau sdh tdk banyak...skrg saja 
sdh agak berat kan.

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@


Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo 
kita yg retail rugi.

Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi 
dijual lagi...

Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh semua.. 
Selama september dibuat sengsara.

Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 +0700

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@


My personal opinion. .

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow 
merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:


Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to 
structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.


2009/8/15 Spiderman nadya...@yahoo.

El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n BMTR 
group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda lagi... Kalo 
senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

Sent from my  StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

From: Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

He told us


Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik SyIFA Fund
Great RUN is always followed by Correction (if do not want to mention FALL): 
- September is the worst month empirically, BUT different conditions may apply 
either  (maybe this year's September can be the BLACK SWAN)
- Market has been UP more than 50%. (there can be a limited UP)
- Some executives in BIG companies has realized their profits through insider 
selling (nothing that acknowledged to be worsen than THIS one)
- Keeping interest rates low v.s increasing interest rates; always a trade off 
works there (Central Bank focus on what purpose?)
- Production cost is rising while no boost up in price, unemployment continue 
to hit new record, deleveraging consumers, etc. 
So, September will be the JUDGEMENT MONTH 

Where you can trust your fund

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, Rei wrote:

From: Rei
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 1:54 AM


Iya pak, makanya masih akan naik menurut saya walau sdh tdk banyak...skrg saja 
sdh agak berat kan.

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@


Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo 
kita yg retail rugi.

Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi 
dijual lagi...

Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh semua.. 
Selama september dibuat sengsara.

Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 +0700

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@


My personal opinion. .

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow 
merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:


Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to 
structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.


2009/8/15 Spiderman nadya...@yahoo.

El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n BMTR 
group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda lagi... Kalo 
senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

Sent from my  StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

From: Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make profit 
without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we should be 
happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first): 

deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in United 
Fuckin' States)
China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise

Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.
And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on them 
especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like Lincoln or 
Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at EXPLOITING 
and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again BUY.

My stock picks:

domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction, tobaccos
Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is a 
BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure as it 
is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or moving 
average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the entry/exists, 
Art and Embah

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching: JUDGEMENT MONTH

2009-08-15 Terurut Topik SyIFA Fund
Great RUN is always followed by Correction (if do not want to mention FALL): 
- September is the worst month empirically, BUT different conditions may apply 
either  (maybe this year's September can be the BLACK SWAN)
- Market has been UP more than 50%. (there can be a limited UP)
- Some executives in BIG companies has realized their profits through insider 
selling (nothing that acknowledged to be worsen than THIS one)
- Keeping interest rates low v.s increasing interest rates; always a trade off 
works there (Central Bank focus on what purpose?)
- Production cost is rising while no boost up in price, unemployment continue 
to hit new record, deleveraging consumers, etc. 
So, September will be the JUDGEMENT MONTH for all of us, not the August one!

Where you can trust your fund

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, Rei wrote:

From: Rei
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 1:54 AM


Iya pak, makanya masih akan naik menurut saya walau sdh tdk banyak...skrg saja 
sdh agak berat kan.

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@


Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum ijo 
kita yg retail rugi.

Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi 
dijual lagi...

Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh semua.. 
Selama september dibuat sengsara.

Lagian masih ke 2500 kok janjinya.

Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 +0700

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2000@


My personal opinion. .

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow 
merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:


Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to 
structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.


2009/8/15 Spiderman nadya...@yahoo.

El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n BMTR 
group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda lagi... Kalo 
senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

Sent from my  StrawBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ

From: Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com

Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make profit 
without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we should be 
happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first): 

deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in United 
Fuckin' States)
China: protection and tight money policy  int. rate rise

Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.
And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on them 
especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like Lincoln or 
Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at EXPLOITING 
and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again BUY.

My stock picks:

domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction, tobaccos
Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is a 
BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure as it 
is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or moving 
average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the entry

Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik artomoro9
 kutipan dari embah:

periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini 
UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.  

apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah 
embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud 

jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant menulis:

Dari: jsx_consultant
Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati  + Last wish to I Ching
Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM


  Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png

Saat itu:

- IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)

- BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada

tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check

Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe

tgl 21 Agustus.

Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl

18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode

ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya 

unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini 

peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.




  Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari 
Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!

Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

2009-08-14 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
BD itu prinsipnya PROFIT MOTIVE, strictly business

Kalo BD lagi baik hati, PASTI ADA MAUNYA... itu yg menjadi
dasar prediksi embah tentang HUJAN DUIT:


Biasanya sehabis BD bikin hujan duit, BD mengirim tuyul yg
suka masuk kerumah malam malam dan nyolong duit. Apakah
tuyul ini sudah datang ?.

- Kalo analis OB, memang ada yg betul betul BAIK HATI, seperti
  pak Arto...

--- In, artomoro9 artomo...@... wrote:

  kutipan dari embah:
 periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini 
 UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.  
 apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah 
 embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud 
 jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...
 --- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... menulis:
 Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
 Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati  + Last wish to I Ching
 Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM
   Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
 Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:
 http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png
 Saat itu:
 - IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
 - BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)
 Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
 tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check
 Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
 tgl 21 Agustus.
 Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
 ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya 
 unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...
 Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini 
 peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

   Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari 
 Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!