Re: Connection faillure RHEL 5.5 bnx2i

2010-09-06 Thread Michael Wolf

On 4 Sep., 17:42, Michael Wolf  wrote:
> On 4 Sep., 02:49, "Benjamin Li"  wrote:
> > Hi Michael,
> > My responses are below:
> > On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 11:51 -0700, Mike Christie wrote:
> > > On 09/03/2010 10:06 AM, Michael Wolf wrote:
> > > > Sep  3 16:47:35 ora-db-rac1-04 iscsid: Received iferror -1
> > > > Sep  3 16:47:35 ora-db-rac1-04 iscsid: cannot make a connection to
> > > > (-1,11)
> > > > Sep  3 16:47:40 ora-db-rac1-04 kernel: bnx2i [02:00.00]: ISCSI_INIT
> > > > passed
> > > Are both network interfaces for the offload cards ifup'd, have a ip
> > > address on the same subnet as the iscsi offload card, and started ok?
> > Could you provide the iface files you are using, the /var/log/messsage
> > logs, the /var/log/brcm-iscsi.log, and a network trace when the
> > connection fails?  This will definitely help in debugging this problem.
> > > > Any idea what I am missing?
> > > > Is bnx2i driver able to connect with multiple paths on RHEL 5.5?
> > > It works here. I have not tired it when they are all on the same subnet,
> > > but from some of the bug fix patches it looks like broadcom has been
> > > testing equalogic/dell targets so I think they have. ccing them.
> > Our PQA has tested this configuration, but you need to specify 1 iface
> > per path and specify the device using the MAC address of the HBA via the
> > 'iface.hwaddress' field of the iface.
> > Thanks again.
> > -Ben
> @Mike
> Both networkinterfaces are up and running. Connection with TCP
> protocol on these interfaces is no problem.
> Tey have IP addesses and, which is the same
> subnet as the bnx2i interfaces and
> The netmask is The EQ box has only one Group IP address
> I have found informations in the internet, that broadcon does not
> support multpath connection with more than one adapter, because of
> driver problems.
> @Ben
> I'm not in the office today, I will deliver the logs on monday. /var/
> log/messages and iface files are included in my first posting.
> The server has four broadcom dual port cards. For my first test I used
> only one internal dual adapter. eth2 and eth3 are on one broadcom
> interface with separete HW adresses. Might that be a problem?
> I will test with two iface on two separate broadcom cards on monday.
> Thanks again.
> Michael

Monday morning, another try...
I will try to set up ONE bnx2i interface to connect with my EQ box.
I will use eth4 for that test.
eth4 is up and running:

eth4  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:18:64:98:B8
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::210:18ff:fe64:98b8/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:569 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:310 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:162620 (158.8 KiB)  TX bytes:101138 (98.7 KiB)
  Interrupt:122 Memory:d600-d6012800

with these iface file I am able to connect with TCP protocol.

[r...@ora-db-rac1-04 ~]# iscsiadm --mode iface --interface eth4
# BEGIN RECORD 2.0-871
iface.iscsi_ifacename = eth4
iface.net_ifacename = eth4
iface.ipaddress = 
iface.hwaddress = 
iface.transport_name = tcp
iface.initiatorname = 

TCP connections works great!

Now I have configured my bnx2i iface as
[r...@ora-db-rac1-04 ~]# iscsiadm -m iface -I bnx2i.00:10:18:64:98:b9
# BEGIN RECORD 2.0-871
iface.iscsi_ifacename = bnx2i.00:10:18:64:98:b9
iface.net_ifacename = 
iface.ipaddress =
iface.hwaddress = 00:10:18:64:98:b9
iface.transport_name = bnx2i
iface.initiatorname = 

Then I discover my target...
[r...@ora-db-rac1-04 ~]# iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p -I bnx2i.00:10:18:64:98:b9 -P3
Iface Name: bnx2i.00:10:18:64:98:b9

Then I restart my iscsi service...Getting connect failure!
[r...@ora-db-rac1-04 ~]# service iscsi restart
Stopping iSCSI daemon:
iscsid dead but pid file exists[  OK  ]
Starting iSCSI daemon: [  OK  ]
   [  OK  ]
Setting up iSCSI targets: Logging in to [iface: bnx2i.
00:10:18:64:98:b9, target:
ee18a0704-22d0020a97c4c7fb-mpio, portal:,3260]
iscsiadm: Could not login to [iface: bnx2i.00:10:18:64:98:b9, target:,
iscsiadm: initiator reported error (8 - connection timed out)
iscsiadm: Could not log into all portals. Err 8.
   [  OK  ]

Sep  6 10:44:45 ora-db-rac1-04 iscsid: iscsid shutting d

Antw: Re: Connection faillure RHEL 5.5 bnx2i

2010-09-06 Thread Ulrich Windl
>>> Michael Wolf  schrieb am 06.09.2010 um 10:54 in Nachricht
> I am not able to connect with nx2i protocol. Why?

Ethereal / Wireshark, maybe?

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Re: Read performances 1/100th of writes.

2010-09-06 Thread Daniel Cordey

On Sep 3, 8:44 pm, Mike Christie  wrote:

> Did you do a echo 1 > /sys/module/iscsi_tcp/paramters/debug_iscsi_tcp

No... good idea !

> Could you try taking a tcpdump or wireshark trace during the poor perf test?

Yes, I will. However, I'm currently re-installing the server with a
Debian testing (missing sas and 1GB ethernet drivers with stable).
Ubuntu server de-activated my syslog in 10.04 and the new set of tools
is a mess... ! Though, I'll have a new system for testing on tuesday.
Besides, I've read a few bad comments about Inforrend hardware (I
personally believe Infortrend's software is of very low quality...)

I'll get back to you tomorrow.



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