Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on windows - profile in AFS, who uses it?

2008-02-10 Thread Lars Schimmer
Hash: SHA1

Lars Schimmer wrote:
 Just out of interest:
 which site (beside our cell) is using OpenAFS as filestore for Windows
 Profile and customers working on this?

Good to see we are not the only cell working with profiles in AFS space.
We use 1.4.6 linux servers, Win XP SP2 and at least 1.5.27 OpenAFS
Windows clients.
So far it works mostly.
Biggest problems:

1. slowness - Users reports of LONG loading times for 400-1000 MB
roaming profiles, up to 20 minutes
2. as in computergraphic, we handle 10-400 MB models with our programs.
Getting this via the fileserver at 5-6 MB/sec is kinda slow.
The cache on AFS is written as a single file, I would prefer a partition
as it can't be defragmented
3. reliability - some days windows hit a error while saving the profile
and no readable info could be found - I assume mostly unicode problems
4. the context menu - nearly all workstations has it disabled as it
send the explorer into a timeout - from 1.5.x on til now for the most
active win users the context menu is a problem - right click on a file
OUT of AFS space keep the system freeze for ~60 sec til the context menu
appears. For files in AFS space it appears direct. Til yet I haven't
found any solution why it freezes, as in all my test accounts it just
doesn't appear, even on workstations on which the other users have that
5. Office - haven't tested with latest OpenAFS, but nearly 1 year ago
one workstation had big problems with office files in AFS space -
read/write a file to AFS freezed the machine for 1-2 minutes, even with
debugging on we could only say openAFS works correct.

We only got 5-10 people working every day with windows roaming profile
in AFS space, maybe this list seems to be harsh, but thats just
collected issues/probs/wishes from 2 years practise.

Some can't be solved, e.g. speed of network.
I just want to know if these problems are problems to the others or if
these are not known so far...
(and yes, I know some parts are solved IF the new binding of OpenAFS as
a native Windows drive is ready)

Lars Schimmer
- --
- -
TU Graz, Institut für ComputerGraphik  WissensVisualisierung
Tel: +43 316 873-5405   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax: +43 316 873-5402   PGP-Key-ID: 0x4A9B1723
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on windows - profile in AFS, who uses it?

2008-02-10 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Rodney M. Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So the only variable we have left is
 %username%.  How am I supposed to setup folder redirection?
 I can't use:

 That won't work since the parent folders are different for every user.

I have not tested this (all my user directories are out of a single 
folder) but can one use the documented set command envirnoment variable 
display options (set /?) to obtain the first (second, third, etc.) 
letter of a username?

C:\echo %USERNAME%

C:\echo %USERNAME:~0,1%

C:\echo %USERNAME:~1,1%

Christopher D. Clausen

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on windows - profile in AFS, who uses it?

2008-02-10 Thread Rodney M. Dyer

At 04:27 PM 2/10/2008, Christopher D. Clausen wrote:
I have not tested this (all my user directories are out of a single 
folder) but can one use the documented set command envirnoment variable 
display options (set /?) to obtain the first (second, third, etc.) letter 
of a username?

I haven't tested it, but I really doub't that would work since the CMD.EXE 
shell is not what is responsible for the redirection operation.  It's only 
under the command shell that you have the option of performing environment 
variable string manipulations.

Besides, if I take your meaning, you are assuming that the users account 
names under /afs/cell/usr/a all begin with the 'a' character in the 
path.  At our site, they do not.  The algorithm at our site was created 
long ago, and not by me.  The algorithm we use is simply to spread the 
accounts accross the alphabetic characters evenly so the number of 
accounts under each letter is generally the same.  This was to reduce the 
stat'ing time of the subfolders.


OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on windows - profile in AFS, who uses it?

2008-02-10 Thread Rodney M. Dyer

At 03:39 PM 2/10/2008, Rodney M. Dyer wrote:
  When a user is logged on, a global drive cannot be unmounted by the 
user which is nice. (This assumes they aren't an administrator.)

I'm replying to myself here because I forgot a couple of extra items at 
this point.

When a global drive is mounted, and the user logs on.  If you open an 
Explorer file browser the drive will show up as a Disconnected Network 
Drive.  You are not able to change the label of this drive because the 
Explorer file browser does not consider that drive as yours, under your 
explorer shell mount table.  This is not a problem however because the 
drive operates as normal.  It's just ugly for the user to see the 
disconnected part.  We get questions from our users about this from time 
to time.  Others just don't care.

Related and ugly messy stuff related to the global drive...

If you have roaming profiles for your users, and you are using a global 
drive, then you need to figure out what to do about this registry key...


This is the users explorer shell mount table.  Actually the disconnected 
drive is listed there in the mount table, but the Explorer lists it 
(recreates it) at every logon as a different GUID and so we can't do 
anything with that since we have no idea which GUID is the proper one to 
change (if we want to set a drive label).  As the user logs on and off over 
time this table will normally be managed by the shell for you.  However, if 
you are using global drives, the explorer shell will not ever remove those 
newly created GUIDs and it will begin to fill up over time with registry 
entries.  This is BAD.

At our site, since we have the luxury of being fully in control the users 
desktop experience, I decided to completely erase this folder at every user 
logon, using a user logon script.  Our user logon script runs before the 
explorer shell starts, so there is no interference with explorer while 
performing this deletion.  Since the MountPoints2 folder is the root of a 
tree of registry keys, you need to delete that folder and everything under it.

I found the MountPoints2 key quite by accident last year when doing 
research on why a drive label can't be set for Disconnected Drives.  It 
was then that I observed that it filled up over time.

Once the user is logged on, if you create and other driver mounts to AFS 
for the user in a user logon script, then you CAN set the label 
name.  Here's the code I use for example...

Note:  this is the forced way by direct registry manipulation.  Microsoft 
frowns on this because you aren't supposed to go changing things behind the 
Explorers back, and besides, according to Microsoft you shouldn't change 
anything under their Microsoft key anyway.

 Drive mount in user logon script: net use u: \\afs\%username%

 ntregedt AddValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER 
_LabelFromReg REG_SZ AFS Unix Drive

Here's the more appropriate programatic way (using vb scripting):

 Set oShell = CreateObject(Shell.Application)
 mDrive = U:
 oShell.NameSpace(mDrive).Self.Name = AFS Unix Drive

If you've understood this, then you must be sober, so enjoy,


OpenAFS-info mailing list

RE: [OpenAFS] byte-level incremental backups using full+reverse delta

2008-02-10 Thread Marcel Koopmans
Well as we are giving away scripting for replication...
This script works *without* configuration and maybe people can learn from
Just run it on volservers and don't forget to get your AFStoken first.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# OpenAFS volume replication
#   by : Marcel D.A. Koopmans of Elysium Open Systems
#   version : 1.0.5 ( 2007-08-24 20:25 GMT+1 )

use strict;
use Sys::Syslog;

sub write_log {
   my ( ${level}, ${message} ) = @_;

   openlog( afs_repl, , DAEMON );
   syslog( ${level}, ${message} .\n );

sub main {
  my ${err}=0;
  my ( $a, $b );
  my @temp;
  my ( @ip_a, %ip_h );
  my ( %hn_h );
  my ( $volume, $sites, $host );
  my ( ${exitcode} );

  # log start

  write_log( INFO, OpenAFS replication start );

  # get local IP addresses

  open ( FILE, /sbin/ifconfig -a | );
  while ( FILE ) {
if ( $_=~ m/^\s+inet\s+addr:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s+.*$/ ) {
  if ( ! exists ( ${ip_h{$1}} ) ) {
  close ( FILE );

  # sort IP addresses;


  # resolve hostnames

  if ( $#{ip_a}  -1 ) {
for ( $a=0; $a=$#{ip_a}; $a++ ) {
  open ( FILE, /usr/bin/getent hosts  . ${ip_a[$a]} .  | );
  while ( FILE ) {
for ( $b=0; $b=$#temp; $b++ ) {
  if ( ! exists ( ${hn_h{$temp[$b]}} ) ) {
  close ( FILE );

  # Get openAFS volumes

  open ( FILE, /usr/bin/vos listvldb 2 /dev/null | );
  while ( FILE ) {
$_=~ s/\s+$//;

if ( ( $a == 2 )  ( $_=~
m/^\s+server\s+(.+)\s+partition\s+\/vicep[a-z]+\s+RW\s+Site$/ ) ) {
  if ( exists ( $hn_h{$host} ) ) {
if ( ${sites}  1 ) {
  ${exitcode}=system(/usr/bin/vos release  . ${volume} .  
/dev/null 21 );
  ${exitcode}=${exitcode} / 256;

  if ( ${exitcode} == 0 ) {
write_log( INFO, release of volume  . ${volume} . 
success );
  } else {
  write_log( ERR, release of volume  . ${volume} .  failed,
returned exit code  . ${exitcode} );

if ( ( $a == 1 )  ( $_=~
m/^\s+number\s+of\s+sites\s+\-\\s+([0-9]+)$/ ) ) {
  $a=2;# sites

if ( ( $a == 0 )  ( $_=~ m/^(.+)$/ ) ) {
  $a=1;# volume name

if ( $_=~ m/^$/ ) {
  $a=0;# new block

  close ( FILE );

  # log end

  write_log( INFO, OpenAFS replication end );


exit ( main );


With kind regards,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Adam Megacz
Sent: 07 February 2008 19:22
Subject: [OpenAFS] byte-level incremental backups using full+reverse

In case anybody else finds this useful, I've worked out a system for
doing backups of an AFS volume-set with the full and reverse delta
style of incremental backups.


Much like rdiff-backup, this keeps a complete copy of the most recent
backup, and stores all previous backups as deltas against the
*following* backup (ie in the reverse direction).  This means you
can truncate the backup history whenever you like, rather than only
at full-backup intervals, and there's never any reason to keep more
than a single full backup around.

Deltas are done with xdelta3.  Although it is very CPU-intensive, it
seems to be very good at representing minor changes (ie a few bytes)
to very large files, which incremental dumps cannot do, and which
(in my experience) rdiff did not do as well as I would like.  A test
restore of each delta is done before deleting the old volume, so you
don't need to trust that the xdelta3 algorithm is correct -- you just
have to trust it that it is deterministic.

Hope you find this useful,

  - a

#!/bin/bash -e

# A script for full and backward diff style incremental backups of
# one or more cells' AFS dumpfiles using xdelta3 for diffing.  Note
# that xdelta3 will efficiently represent minor changes to very large
# files, which AFS incremental dumps cannot do.

# IMPORTANT: you must use xdelta3 version SVN.227 or later -- this
# will become release 3.0u at some point.  There is a precompiled x86
# deb at /afs/

# Change these variables to suit your needs.  Note:
# - Backups are kept in $BACKUPDIR/year/month/day/cell/vol.afsdump.
# - At all times the latest backup is kept in full form, and all
#   previous backups are kept as reverse diffs against the backup
#   from the day AFTER them.  This lets you easily truncate the
#   backup history at any time.
# - The symlink $BACKUPDIR/yesterday points to yesterday's backups, if
#   there were any; upon completion of today's backups, 

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on windows - profile in AFS, who uses it?

2008-02-10 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Stephen Joyce wrote:

6.  Profiles saved under Windows contain unicode characters.

  Profile and redirected folders don't currently work well with the 
AFS client because it doesn't support unicode file names.  This isn't 
a huge issue, but sometimes this comes into play for our foreign 
students who save web browser items in AFS, or IE does with the 
history, etc.  Sometimes in our environment the profile of a user will 
not save/load because the filename has strange characters in it.  Our 
help desk ends up fixing each of these users by hand.

We've seen the same problem; again, usually with ESL users. It's 
slightly worse than Rodney said: the unicode files are created on the 
local disk, then during the sync at logoff, the unicode characters are 
converted to question marks in the filenames in AFS. The next time the 
user tries to log in, Windows refuses to copy the files because ? is an 
illegal character in Windows filenames. The user then can't log in (if 
you have it set so that profiles must be loaded), or gets a temp profile 
(if you allow logins when roaming profiles aren't available.)

We're still using a fairly old version of the Windows client, but if 
this is still the behavior, I'd like to see it changed (like using a 
Windows-legal character rather than ? to replace unicode characters 
when saving into AFS).

Stephen, please remember that the Windows AFS client does not support
UNICODE in its implementation of the CIFS protocol.  The UNICODE names
are never given to the AFS client.  The UNICODE to OEM charset 
translation is performed by the Windows CIFS client.  If you have a

complaint regarding the behavior of the Windows CIFS client, please
file a report with Microsoft.  Microsoft must hear the complaints from
users, not software authors.

By the end of the year this should no longer be an issue because I hope
to have the conversion to a native redirector based file system 
completed by then.

Jeffrey Altman
Secure Endpoints Inc.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

RE: [OpenAFS] byte-level incremental backups using full+reverse delta

2008-02-10 Thread Stephen Joyce

These contributions are appreciated, especially if someone can use them.

But anytime you send something like this to a list or put it on the web, 
it's a very good idea to state the license terms in the script, or at least 
in the accompanying message. Unless you release your work into the public 
domain or under an open license, some people may hesitate to use it and may 
not know whether or not they can re-distribute your work, and if so under 
what conditions.

I recommend :-)

Cheers, Stephen
Stephen Joyce
Systems AdministratorP A N I C
Physics  Astronomy Department Physics  Astronomy
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Network Infrastructure
voice: (919) 962-7214and Computing
fax: (919) 962-0480

Don't judge a book by its movie.

On Fri, 8 Feb 2008, Marcel Koopmans wrote:

Well as we are giving away scripting for replication...
This script works *without* configuration and maybe people can learn from
Just run it on volservers and don't forget to get your AFStoken first.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# OpenAFS volume replication
#   by : Marcel D.A. Koopmans of Elysium Open Systems
#   version : 1.0.5 ( 2007-08-24 20:25 GMT+1 )

use strict;
use Sys::Syslog;

sub write_log {
  my ( ${level}, ${message} ) = @_;

  openlog( afs_repl, , DAEMON );
  syslog( ${level}, ${message} .\n );

sub main {
 my ${err}=0;
 my ( $a, $b );
 my @temp;
 my ( @ip_a, %ip_h );
 my ( %hn_h );
 my ( $volume, $sites, $host );
 my ( ${exitcode} );

 # log start

 write_log( INFO, OpenAFS replication start );

 # get local IP addresses

 open ( FILE, /sbin/ifconfig -a | );
 while ( FILE ) {
   if ( $_=~ m/^\s+inet\s+addr:([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s+.*$/ ) {
 if ( ! exists ( ${ip_h{$1}} ) ) {
 close ( FILE );

 # sort IP addresses;


 # resolve hostnames

 if ( $#{ip_a}  -1 ) {
   for ( $a=0; $a=$#{ip_a}; $a++ ) {
 open ( FILE, /usr/bin/getent hosts  . ${ip_a[$a]} .  | );
 while ( FILE ) {
   for ( $b=0; $b=$#temp; $b++ ) {
 if ( ! exists ( ${hn_h{$temp[$b]}} ) ) {
 close ( FILE );

 # Get openAFS volumes

 open ( FILE, /usr/bin/vos listvldb 2 /dev/null | );
 while ( FILE ) {
   $_=~ s/\s+$//;

   if ( ( $a == 2 )  ( $_=~
m/^\s+server\s+(.+)\s+partition\s+\/vicep[a-z]+\s+RW\s+Site$/ ) ) {
 if ( exists ( $hn_h{$host} ) ) {
   if ( ${sites}  1 ) {
 ${exitcode}=system(/usr/bin/vos release  . ${volume} .  
/dev/null 21 );
 ${exitcode}=${exitcode} / 256;

 if ( ${exitcode} == 0 ) {
   write_log( INFO, release of volume  . ${volume} . 
success );
 } else {
 write_log( ERR, release of volume  . ${volume} .  failed,
returned exit code  . ${exitcode} );

   if ( ( $a == 1 )  ( $_=~
m/^\s+number\s+of\s+sites\s+\-\\s+([0-9]+)$/ ) ) {
 $a=2;# sites

   if ( ( $a == 0 )  ( $_=~ m/^(.+)$/ ) ) {
 $a=1;# volume name

   if ( $_=~ m/^$/ ) {
 $a=0;# new block

 close ( FILE );

 # log end

 write_log( INFO, OpenAFS replication end );


exit ( main );


With kind regards,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Adam Megacz
Sent: 07 February 2008 19:22
Subject: [OpenAFS] byte-level incremental backups using full+reverse

In case anybody else finds this useful, I've worked out a system for
doing backups of an AFS volume-set with the full and reverse delta
style of incremental backups.


Much like rdiff-backup, this keeps a complete copy of the most recent
backup, and stores all previous backups as deltas against the
*following* backup (ie in the reverse direction).  This means you
can truncate the backup history whenever you like, rather than only
at full-backup intervals, and there's never any reason to keep more
than a single full backup around.

Deltas are done with xdelta3.  Although it is very CPU-intensive, it
seems to be very good at representing minor changes (ie a few bytes)
to very large files, which incremental dumps cannot do, and which
(in my experience) rdiff did not do as well as I would like.  A test
restore of each delta is done before deleting the old volume, so you
don't need to trust that the xdelta3 algorithm is correct -- you just
have to trust it that it is deterministic.

Hope you find this useful,

 - a

#!/bin/bash -e

# A 

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on windows - profile in AFS, who uses it?

2008-02-10 Thread Stephen Joyce

I second almost everything Rodney said. But I have a few comments (inline).

On Sun, 10 Feb 2008, Rodney M. Dyer wrote:

2.  A users profile has a folder under it called Local Settings.  THIS 
FOLDER DOES NOT ROAM.  This folder only exists during your session on the 
local machine.  When you logout, the data in that folder is considered 
temporary for your session.  Microsoft in further grand wisdom decided to 
store valuable information in that folder that you really need to carry 
around with you with the profile, but this data is excluded by default. 
Notable application data includes:

Microsoft Outlook email settings and PST files, etc..
Microsoft IE history, etc..
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET option settings,etc.

This is a very good reason to recommend Firefox and Thunderbird. The most 
annoying thing for my users was that the desktop picture is a Local 
Setting that doesn't roam. Clever logout and login scripts took care 
of this though.

6.  Profiles saved under Windows contain unicode characters.

  Profile and redirected folders don't currently work well with the AFS 
client because it doesn't support unicode file names.  This isn't a huge 
issue, but sometimes this comes into play for our foreign students who save 
web browser items in AFS, or IE does with the history, etc.  Sometimes in our 
environment the profile of a user will not save/load because the filename has 
strange characters in it.  Our help desk ends up fixing each of these users 
by hand.

We've seen the same problem; again, usually with ESL users. It's slightly 
worse than Rodney said: the unicode files are created on the local disk, 
then during the sync at logoff, the unicode characters are converted to 
question marks in the filenames in AFS. The next time the user tries to log 
in, Windows refuses to copy the files because ? is an illegal character in 
Windows filenames. The user then can't log in (if you have it set so that 
profiles must be loaded), or gets a temp profile (if you allow logins when 
roaming profiles aren't available.)

We're still using a fairly old version of the Windows client, but if this 
is still the behavior, I'd like to see it changed (like using a 
Windows-legal character rather than ? to replace unicode characters when 
saving into AFS).

But I digress. Regardless, this mess is another good reason to recommend 
Firefox. It stores a user's history and bookmarks in single 
(intelligently-named) files rather than in separate files with names 
reflecting page titles.

Cheers, Stephen
Stephen Joyce
Systems AdministratorP A N I C
Physics  Astronomy Department Physics  Astronomy
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Network Infrastructure
voice: (919) 962-7214and Computing
fax: (919) 962-0480

Don't judge a book by its movie.
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] OpenAFS on windows - profile in AFS, who uses it?

2008-02-10 Thread Christopher D. Clausen
Stephen Joyce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 10 Feb 2008, Rodney M. Dyer wrote:
 2.  A users profile has a folder under it called Local Settings. 
 THIS FOLDER DOES NOT ROAM.  This folder only exists during your
 session on the local machine.  When you logout, the data in that
 folder is considered temporary for your session.  Microsoft in
 further grand wisdom decided to store valuable information in that
 folder that you really need to carry around with you with the
 profile, but this data is excluded by default. Notable application
 data includes: Microsoft Outlook email settings and PST files, etc..
 Microsoft IE history, etc..
 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET option settings,etc.

 This is a very good reason to recommend Firefox and Thunderbird. The
 most annoying thing for my users was that the desktop picture is a
 Local Setting that doesn't roam. Clever logout and login scripts
 took care of this though.

Last time I checked, attempting to use an Outlook PST file from ANY 
network file system was considered unsafe, which is probably why it 
defaults to a local folder.


OpenAFS-info mailing list