[OpenAFS] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2012-04-25 Thread Konstantin Boyanov

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- Konstantin

Konstantin Boyanov
Studentische Hilfskraft at DESY
Berlin Area, Germany

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[OpenAFS] AFS installation packages and tools

2006-03-13 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi there,
I have an odd problem with a client machine running OpenaAFS 1.2.13
- the client seems to run OK (the AFS filespace is accessible from the
machine and the afsd daemon is running) but wheneve I try to execute a
command I get the following:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] fs sysname
bash: fs: command not found

I can't understand what's wrong. If someone has ideas on what may be wrong I'll appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,

[OpenAFS] Re: [PHP] [off T] c++ mailing list

2005-08-28 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi Pedro,

https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/dev-cpp-users. I think that should do.


[OpenAFS] User write access to AFS filespace denied

2005-08-25 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi there,

I have a running AFS client on a PowerPC machine, and I can acces the
AFS filespace of the home cell when I'm logged on the PowerPC. The
problem is that I cannot make any changes to the files in that
filespace (like, for example editing and creating files, creating
dorectories etc.), while this is possible from other machines on the
cell. I mean, from the PowerPC I can access the AFS filespace only whit
a local account, and not with a true AFS account (in fact I cannot
login with a valid AFS account on that machine yet...). Does anybody
have any idea what could be wrong so this problem occurs?
Thank you.

Best regards,

Re: Fwd: [OpenAFS] AFS client installation on Motorolla MVME6100 PowerPC

2005-08-12 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi again,

I'm very pleased to inform all of you that I alredy have a running AFS client! :-)
But of course with a problem - when I enter the directory where the AFS
filespace is mounted (namely /afs) and try to do an ls -la, the system
hangs. The only output after got after I entered the command is that
the first two cells listed in CellServDB are not accessible

# .com no such device
# .gov no such device

What is the reason for that? And one more thing - how can I make so
that the afsd daemon is started automatically every time the sistem
Thank you.

Best regards Konstantin

P.S. Does anyone have any idea what is the @sys environment variable used for?

Fwd: [OpenAFS] AFS client installation on Motorolla MVME6100 PowerPC

2005-08-11 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi again,

Well the file system on which the cacher directory is mounted is of ext2 type. Here's what I get from # cat /etc/fstab:

defaults 1 1
defaults 1 2
defaults 0 0
noauto 0 0
/mnt/cdrom iso9660
noauto,ro 0 0
defaults 0 0
devpts  mode=0622 0 0

And I better not mess around with the memory, I still don't know how
many users (average) there will be working on that machine, so I prefer
to leave all the memoty available for user processes.
Here's all the files i got in the /usr/vice/etc. I think there is nothing I missed:
-rw--- 1 root
0 Aug 10 07:21 AFSLog
drwxr-sr-x 2 root
1002 4096 Aug 10 02:07 C
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root
root 6406 Aug 10 04:51
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
root 6725 Aug 11 00:25
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
root 7671 Aug 11 00:25
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root
7 Aug 10 04:52 ThisCell
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
1002 1881 Aug 11 01:03
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root
1002 7399 Aug
1 2002 afs.rc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root 1002 153836 Aug 10 01:56 afsd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root
root 27 Aug
11 00:48 cacheinfo
drwxr-sr-x 2 root
1002 4096 Aug 10 02:07
drwxr-sr-x 2 root
1002 4096 Aug 11 00:27

I copied the files ThisCell CellServDB and cacheinfo from the
/usr/vice/etc directory of a machine on which the AFS client is running
propperly. But nevetheless the afsd daemons still doen's start. 
I wonder why the afsd daemon tries to allocate memory for the cache
(isn't malloc() used only for allocating memory blocks?) while the
cache is determined to be in a local directory? And is there any
special commands with which to determine the /usr/vice/cache directory
as teh cache directory?
Well, I hope someone got an idea how to manage this problem.

[OpenAFS] Re: OpenAFS-info digest, Vol 1 #2523 - 2 msgs

2005-08-11 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Assuming this is a standard Linux system - not an embedded system.Recommend using a current release rev 1.3.85 or later.I can e-mail the 3 referenced afs start scripts if needed. (from SuSE 9.3).Notes below:
It is an embedded system. And yes, you can e-mail me the afs start scripts, if only to see what they are all about.Thanks Konstantin

Re: [OpenAFS] AFS client installation on Motorolla MVME6100 PowerPC

2005-08-11 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi again,
You really have a harddisk attached to you MVME6100? Nice...
How much space do you have on the cache partition?I mean, is there enough for the cache?
The harddisk is attached via SCSI, and the cache partition ( /usr ) is
about 16GB. That should do I think. Is it better to reformat the HD and
make a partition dedicated only for the AFS cache?

same message?
Yes - afsd: WARNING: cache probably too small!
 afsd: malloc() failed for cache file inode table with -25 entries.
But that is only when I tryto start the afsd daemon with the command:
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] openafs-1.2.8]# src/afsd/afsd start

Nevertheless I managed to start it only by typing afsd in the command
prompt, after reading more carefully the IBM AFS Administration Guide

Thanks for all the help. If there are any further problems you can be sure I'll post in the mailing list :-)
Best regards Konstantin

Re: [OpenAFS] AFS client installation on Motorolla MVME6100 PowerPC

2005-08-11 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Oh and one more last thing - How can I make so, that the afsd daemon is started automatically every time when the machine boots?

Best regards, Konstantin

[OpenAFS] AFS client startup problem

2005-08-10 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi there,

I have installed the AFS client from the source on a MVME6100 Power PC, but I can get it working yet.

When I type /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs start I get the following error message:

Failed to load AFS client, not starting AFS services.

What could be the reason for this? Here are the steps through I went:

# ./configure --with-afs-sysname=ppc_linux24 --enable-transarc-paths

# make

# make dest

I copied the entire /motload directory, which appeared after the build
in /usr/src/openafs-1.2.8/ppc_linux24/dest/root.client
AND the asfd file to /usr/vice/etc, and the afs.rc file to

# cp -rp /usr/src/openafs-1.2.8/ppc_linux24/dest/root.client/usr/vice/etc/motload /usr/vice/etc
# cp -p /usr/src/openafs-1.2.8/ppc_linux24/dest/root.client/usr/vice/etc/afs.rc /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs
# cp -p /usr/src/openafs-1.2.8/ppc_linux24/dest/root.client/usr/vice/etc/afsd /usr/vice/etc

According to the Manual from openafs.org, that should do to start the AFS client whit the command.

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/afs start

But it didn't. So can someone give me some ideas what I did wrong (or
what I didn't do at all), or maybe how to get more detailed information
about the errors ocurring?
Thank you.

Best regards, Konstantin

Re: [OpenAFS] AFS client installation on Motorolla MVME6100 PowerPC

2005-08-10 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi again,

Ye, the servers should be there for sure :-) There is a network already
working, with a running cell on it, so I won't need to set these up :-P

Well, the kernel module was indeed in
src/libafs/MODLOAD-2.4.25-rm01.mvme6100-SP/libafs-2.4.25-rm01.mvme6100.o (I suppose it should be a .o file. Or?)
I restarted the system and then loaded it by typing the command:

#insmod libafs-2.4.25-rm01.mvme6100.o

with some warnings printed out:

# Warning: loading libafs-2.4.25-rm01.mvme6100.o will taint the kernel: no license
# Module libafs-2.4.25-rm01.mvme6100 loaded, with warnings
Could that cause me troubles later on?

When i tried to start the afs daemon in /src/afsd I got the following output:
afsd: My home cell is 'xxx.de'
ParseCacheInfoFile: Opening cache info file '/usr/vice/etc/cacheinfo'...
ParseCacheInfoFile: Cache info file successfully parsed:
 cacheMountDir: '/afs'
 cacheBaseDir: '/usr/vice/cache'
 cacheBlocks: 236000
afsd: WARNING: cache probably too small!
afsd: malloc() failed for cache file inode table with -25 entries.
What's wrong with this one? I increased the cache size but the problem persists.
Got any ideas?

Re: [OpenAFS] AFS client installation on Motorolla MVME6100 PowerPC

2005-08-08 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi Horst,

Thnks a lot, i think that will do!

Best regards Konstantin

Re: [OpenAFS] AFS client installation on Motorolla MVME6100 PowerPC

2005-08-07 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi again,

First thank you for replying.
I can't get your point - first you say that nobody ever compiled the AFS kernel module for thatprocessor (which is also my oppinion after a hard search through the net), and then you advise me to copy the kernel module into the boot image.Am I supposed to load the AFSclient as a module?And excuse me for the lame question but how you define a place in the boot imageas appropriate?

Thank you once again.

Konstantin Boyanov

[OpenAFS] AFS client installation on Motorolla MVME6100 PowerPC

2005-08-05 Thread Konstantin Boyanov
Hi everybody!

I'm merely a newbie at all the AFS stuff, so I will ask you for some help. 
I'm trying to install a AFS client on a Motorola MVME6100 PowePC
running Linux Live Red Hat 8.0 but I cannot find the appropriate guide
and documentation for it. I've been googling around the net for some
info but all I could find was how to install it on normal Linux
machines. If you have something concerning this issue in mind - pleas

Thank you!

Konstantin Boyanov