Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-13 Thread Todd M. Lewis

Jeffrey Altman wrote:
Rolandas Naujikas wrote:
P.S. Sorry for not be able support the efforts to improve code, but I 
have too much work.

I'm not sympathetic.  We all have too much work.  If you are going to
rely on an open source technology and its community to provide services
to your end users, then you should find the time to help.  This is
my personal opinion and I know there are others here that disagree with
At the risk of sounding waffle-ish in what amounts to a "me too" post 
(and knowing full well I have not contributed code to OpenAFS in a long 
time), let me just chime in here and say... You're both right!

We all have too much work to do. Not taking the time to report bugs 
insures that all of us will spend more time dealing with the 
consequences of old bugs rather than moving on to more interesting 
problems. In other words, you have too much work to justify _not_ 
supporting efforts to improve code -- i.e. reporting bugs with the tools 

Um, yeah. Me too.
  / [EMAIL PROTECTED]  919-962-5273 /
 /   A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.  /
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
And if you are going to help, run the latest daily build located
because it fixes the deadlock situation you most likely have been
Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Rolandas Naujikas wrote:
We have been used OpenAFS 1.3.77 on Windows Terminal Server 2003, and 
it's working stable, when there works only one. But when many (~20) 
students with homes on AFS are trying use this server, then sometimes 
(randomly) access to AFS stops (early versions with hung on each access 
to files, now with access denied).

I'm interested in debug this, but I'm limited in time. I can send (post) 
debug output from afsd*.log, but it is not easy reproduce.
You don't have to debug it.  Run the debug version of the installer
and when the problem occurs attach windbg.exe to it and capture a full
dump file.  Place the dump file somewhere that I can access it.  Make
sure it is secure because it will contain all of the private info of
the cache, tokens, etc.  I will debug it.
P.S. Sorry for not be able support the efforts to improve code, but I 
have too much work.
I'm not sympathetic.  We all have too much work.  If you are going to
rely on an open source technology and its community to provide services
to your end users, then you should find the time to help.  This is
my personal opinion and I know there are others here that disagree with
Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Derrick J Brashear
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Rolandas Naujikas wrote:
P.S. Sorry for not be able support the efforts to improve code, but I have 
too much work.
But at least send the bug reports.
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Rolandas Naujikas
Jeffrey Altman wrote:
Rolandas Naujikas wrote:
We are using samba gateway to afs from Windows (2003) Terminal Server,
because OpenAFS client is not stable on them (lost or hung access to 

Rolandas Naujikas

What version and did you file a bug report?
Please define what lost or hung access means?
OpenAFS for Windows 1.3.77 is compatible with Terminal Server.
There have been bugs found in the AFS Client with regards to callbacks
not being renewed due to deadlocks.  As they are found, they are fixed.
If you never report the bug, I can't fix the bug.
I am aware of one deadlock situation in the current client which will
be fixed in 1.3.78.
Jeffrey Altman
We have been used OpenAFS 1.3.77 on Windows Terminal Server 2003, and 
it's working stable, when there works only one. But when many (~20) 
students with homes on AFS are trying use this server, then sometimes 
(randomly) access to AFS stops (early versions with hung on each access 
to files, now with access denied).

I'm interested in debug this, but I'm limited in time. I can send (post) 
debug output from afsd*.log, but it is not easy reproduce.

Currently we are using samba (3.0) server (only for this server) with 
some tweaks on my FreeBSD workstation as gateway throw arla client and 
it's working more stable.

Rolandas Naujikas
P.S. Sorry for not be able support the efforts to improve code, but I 
have too much work.

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread David Bear
I'm intrigued by the thread on using samba as an AFS gateway. I
understand the various reasons from wanting to 

1) put most configuration and control into a server
2) add file locking semantics to afs through samba
3) avoiding a total rollout of afs clients to all users
various others...

I recall there used to be a product called "Syntax"? that was an smb
to afs gateway. Anyone know what might have happened to them?

The thing that would worry me is complexity. It seems that it means
putting too much complexity at central points of failure.

Seems the development efforts should be place in

1) creating a centrally manageable afs client (there are various tools
like sms)
2) adding smb-like file locking semantics to afs
3) ntfs like file level acl's

My experience with the AFS code on windows has been good. The recent
development efforts have been astounding. Many thanks to the openafs
developers for the improvements to the windows client.

David Bear
phone:  480-965-8257
College of Public Programs/ASU
Wilson Hall 232
Tempe, AZ 85287-0803
 "Beware the IP portfolio, everyone will be suspect of trespassing"
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Rolandas Naujikas wrote:
We are using samba gateway to afs from Windows (2003) Terminal Server,
because OpenAFS client is not stable on them (lost or hung access to AFS).
Rolandas Naujikas
What version and did you file a bug report?
Please define what lost or hung access means?
OpenAFS for Windows 1.3.77 is compatible with Terminal Server.
There have been bugs found in the AFS Client with regards to callbacks
not being renewed due to deadlocks.  As they are found, they are fixed.
If you never report the bug, I can't fix the bug.
I am aware of one deadlock situation in the current client which will
be fixed in 1.3.78.
Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Derrick J Brashear
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Rolandas Naujikas wrote:
We are using samba gateway to afs from Windows (2003) Terminal Server,
because OpenAFS client is not stable on them (lost or hung access to AFS).
If you had issues, did you report them?
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Rolandas Naujikas
We are using samba gateway to afs from Windows (2003) Terminal Server,
because OpenAFS client is not stable on them (lost or hung access to AFS).

Rolandas Naujikas

On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 02:39:10PM -0500, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format.
> --ms080501010709070604000100
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Kris Van Hees wrote:
> > Actually, it is perfectly possible to have Samba get AFS tokens the normal
> > way by using PAM, and letting Samba authenticate the user through pam.  The
> > Samba instance that serves that particular connection from a Windows client
> > will then have an AFS token for the user if it was able to authenticate the
> > user.  This is similar to how a user can get AFS tokens by logging in on the
> > Unix system directly.
> In which case you are sending passwords across the network.  In my 
> opinion this is worse.  There was once a time when the Windows OpenAFS
> client was not being developed or supported where I could have justified
> the notion that a Samba gateway should be used simply because the client
> was too unstable to use.  This is no longer true.
> Jeffrey Altman
> --ms080501010709070604000100
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> T2Vfldr394fWxghOrvbqNOUQGls1TXfjViF4gtwhGTXeJLHTHUb/XV9lTzGCAzswggM3AgEB

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Sven Oehme wrote:
we don't send password of the network !
we authenticate the user with windows mechanism and create a token for 
the user in the samba session.
so you can use Kerberos authentication between ADS <-> our Samba afs 
I know you don't send passwords.  You perform Kerberos authentication
and then write a new service ticket for the user under the covers.
Kris, was describing a scenario which uses password authentication
to Samba.  That is what I was replying to.
Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Sven Oehme wrote:
yes do you trust your Openafs Fileservers ? they also need the key ...
and if you run that in a controlled environment (a linux cluster) this 
is not a problem at all.
Every service must have the key for itself.  At the present time there
is a single key for all file servers.  Compromising one file server 
provides access to all of them.  This will not necessarily be true in
the future after the GSS/KCrypto RX Security Class gets deployed.

we have several installations with multiple thousand users, exporting 
multiple T-byte of data over multiple samba hosts.
btw. we work with multiple members of the samba team on that project. 
believe me, it works.
I am glad this works for you in your environment.
Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Sven Oehme

> Kris Van Hees wrote:
> > Actually, it is perfectly possible to have Samba get AFS tokens
the normal
> > way by using PAM, and letting Samba authenticate the user through
pam.  The
> > Samba instance that serves that particular connection from a
Windows client
> > will then have an AFS token for the user if it was able to authenticate
> > user.  This is similar to how a user can get AFS tokens
by loggingin on the
> > Unix system directly.
> In which case you are sending passwords across the network.  In
> opinion this is worse.  There was once a time when the Windows
> client was not being developed or supported where I could have justified
> the notion that a Samba gateway should be used simply because the
> was too unstable to use.  This is no longer true.
> Jeffrey Altman

we don't send password of the network !
we authenticate the user with windows mechanism and
create a token for the user in the samba session.
so you can use Kerberos authentication between ADS
<-> our Samba afs gateway.

i think you are doing good work with your windows
client, don't misunderstand me. 
it's more a preference by me, to not try to manage
software on a workstation, if you can do it central on the server. 


Dept. A141,  TG/SSG EMEA AIS Strategy and Architecture
Development Leader Stonehenge 
IBM intranet --->
internet --->
Phone (+49)-6131-84-3151
Fax      (+49)-6131-84-6708
Mobil   (+49)-171-970-6664

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Kris Van Hees wrote:
Actually, it is perfectly possible to have Samba get AFS tokens the normal
way by using PAM, and letting Samba authenticate the user through pam.  The
Samba instance that serves that particular connection from a Windows client
will then have an AFS token for the user if it was able to authenticate the
user.  This is similar to how a user can get AFS tokens by logging in on the
Unix system directly.
In which case you are sending passwords across the network.  In my 
opinion this is worse.  There was once a time when the Windows OpenAFS
client was not being developed or supported where I could have justified
the notion that a Samba gateway should be used simply because the client
was too unstable to use.  This is no longer true.

Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Sven Oehme

> Sven Oehme wrote:
> > 
> >  >
> >  > You do not want to use an intermediary server with
Samba as a go between.
> >  >
> > 
> > why ?
> > if the Samba Server understand's afs, this is something you want,

> > because you don't have to maintain a AFS client on each System
> > 
> > Sven
> First, the Samba server then needs to know the Kerberos key for AFS
> in order to be able to generate tokens on behalf of the authenticated
> end user.  Since the Samba server is on a machine which is to
> considered more vulnerable to attack then the KDC, this should not
> allowed.

yes do you trust your Openafs Fileservers ? they also
need the key ...
and if you run that in a controlled environment (a
linux cluster) this is not a problem at all.

> Second, Samba supports SMB features such as byte range locking and
> Unicode which are currently not supported by AFS file servers.
> Clients will rely on the fact that the SMB server states that these
> features are supported and expect them to work when the reality is
> they cannot.

if you use the afs built-in lock mechanism used by
a samba instance, that's not a problem. 
the drawback is, you can't use a file at the same
time exported over multiple samba instances.

> If you are willing to risk the compromise of your data both from
> unauthorized access as well as from write collisions, go ahead and
> use Samba as a gateway.  Otherwise, stick to using a true AFS
> Jeffrey Altman

we have several installations with multiple thousand
users, exporting multiple T-byte of data over multiple samba hosts.
btw. we work with multiple members of the samba team
on that project. believe me, it works.


Dept. A141,  TG/SSG EMEA AIS Strategy and Architecture
Development Leader Stonehenge 
IBM intranet --->
internet --->
Phone (+49)-6131-84-3151
Fax      (+49)-6131-84-6708
Mobil   (+49)-171-970-6664

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Kris Van Hees
On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 02:13:11PM -0500, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Sven Oehme wrote:
> >why ?
> >if the Samba Server understand's afs, this is something you want, 
> >because you don't have to maintain a AFS client on each System  ...
> First, the Samba server then needs to know the Kerberos key for AFS
> in order to be able to generate tokens on behalf of the authenticated
> end user.  Since the Samba server is on a machine which is to be 
> considered more vulnerable to attack then the KDC, this should not be
> allowed.

Actually, it is perfectly possible to have Samba get AFS tokens the normal
way by using PAM, and letting Samba authenticate the user through pam.  The
Samba instance that serves that particular connection from a Windows client
will then have an AFS token for the user if it was able to authenticate the
user.  This is similar to how a user can get AFS tokens by logging in on the
Unix system directly.

> Second, Samba supports SMB features such as byte range locking and
> Unicode which are currently not supported by AFS file servers.
> Clients will rely on the fact that the SMB server states that these
> features are supported and expect them to work when the reality is
> they cannot.

The feature mapping between Samba and AFS is indeed the big problem in the
long run.  And although it is technically possible to resolve most (if not
all) of that, it is far from trivial.

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Sven Oehme wrote:
 > You do not want to use an intermediary server with Samba as a go between.
why ?
if the Samba Server understand's afs, this is something you want, 
because you don't have to maintain a AFS client on each System  ...

First, the Samba server then needs to know the Kerberos key for AFS
in order to be able to generate tokens on behalf of the authenticated
end user.  Since the Samba server is on a machine which is to be 
considered more vulnerable to attack then the KDC, this should not be

Second, Samba supports SMB features such as byte range locking and
Unicode which are currently not supported by AFS file servers.
Clients will rely on the fact that the SMB server states that these
features are supported and expect them to work when the reality is
they cannot.
If you are willing to risk the compromise of your data both from
unauthorized access as well as from write collisions, go ahead and
use Samba as a gateway.  Otherwise, stick to using a true AFS client.
Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Kris Van Hees
On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 07:03:09PM +0100, Sven Oehme wrote:
> > You do not want to use an intermediary server with Samba as a go 
> > between.
> why ? 
> if the Samba Server understand's afs, this is something you want, because 
> you don't have to maintain a AFS client on each System  ...

Actually, yes and no.  Samba can be taught to understand most of the AFS
semantics with some work, and additional patches on top of the existing code
base, but I still haven't seen anyone do a full mapping.  You also have to
deal with a few more headaches on the Samba server machine since that becomes
a kind of proxy AFS client, serving the needs of a larger number of systems.
If those needs are somewhat in contention with one another you might get to
deal with interesting performance issues.

OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Sven Oehme

> You do not want to use an intermediary server with Samba as a go between.

why ? 
if the Samba Server understand's afs, this is something
you want, because you don't have to maintain a AFS client on each System


Dept. A141,  TG/SSG EMEA AIS Strategy and Architecture
Development Leader Stonehenge 
IBM intranet --->
internet --->
Phone (+49)-6131-84-3151
Fax      (+49)-6131-84-6708
Mobil   (+49)-171-970-6664

RE: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jean-Francois . Doyon

Yes, it is, Python is one awsome, powerful, easy, and rapid development
language ... I highly recommend it!

That's too bad, well I'll keep digging around and see what I can find on the
API topic.

Wel as you might have gathered, I'm more building the architecture for the
data and it's publishing/dissemination.  Technically, anybody could use any
software package they like to publish the OGC services, so long as they can
read the files :)

But yes, I'm quite active in the MapServer community and it's my package of
choice, and I would expect to try and promote that as the preferred
I imagine some groups may prefer to use tools they already know, notably
ArcIMS, or GeoServer, and so on ...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Derrick J Brashear
Sent: January 12, 2005 12:37 PM
Subject: RE: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Derrick,
> Great information! Thank you very much.
> Personally, I'm biased towards Zope for web application frameworks.  I
> love Python :)

Python seems to be popular for geospatial data.

> This doesn't worry me too much though, for now at least I'm going to limit
> my interest to automating basic OAFS features only, and I can use Perl or
> Java for that (Tasks such as registering/adding a new "data provider" to
> system for example, and triggering data replication based on such an
> Also I suppose that if there are such bindings I could write Python ones
> based on that.
> Is there an API reference somewhere?

Only an outdated one, unfortunately, unless someone wants to contradict 

> Authentication: I have to admit I'm not up to speed on the details of
> authentication.  Here's the end-result I would hope to achieve:  Users can
> log into their Windows workstations and map a drive to the distributed
> filesystem.  To keep things easy for everyone, they mount this drive
> standard windows methods, which means through SMB.  I would therefore
> imagine a server that is AFS aware mounting the AFS and then sharing it
> out as a samba share for example.  This also works nicely to get around
> security domain issues.  Problem is how to keep the users synched, if at
> necessary.  There is obviously no need to have a 1:1 equivalency. most
> would probably simply have a readonly type access, that can all be done
> under the same user.

I can't comment to this, but

> I use Windows here, but it could just as well be a Solaris server running
> GIS software that needs access to it, and user log into this machine
> normally by being authenticated through NIS or something like that.

Well, Solaris can use PAM, you can use nis for passwd lookup but pam to 
authenticate the user, and all would be well.

> Ah, well I'm glad to hear others have applied this type of tool to
> geospatial data! I'd love to hear succes tories in this field
> To get geospatial for a moment: I plan on putting OGC Web Services (At
> least) on top of this data, such a WMS, WFS, and so on ... As well as a
> registry.

mapserver, or something else?

OpenAFS-info mailing list
OpenAFS-info mailing list

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Altman
Authentication: I have to admit I'm not up to speed on the details of
authentication.  Here's the end-result I would hope to achieve:  Users can
log into their Windows workstations and map a drive to the distributed
filesystem.  To keep things easy for everyone, they mount this drive through
standard windows methods, which means through SMB.  I would therefore
imagine a server that is AFS aware mounting the AFS and then sharing it back
out as a samba share for example.  This also works nicely to get around
security domain issues.  Problem is how to keep the users synched, if at all
necessary.  There is obviously no need to have a 1:1 equivalency. most users
would probably simply have a readonly type access, that can all be done
under the same user.
What you want to do for Windows is install OpenAFS for Windows and MIT 
Kerberos for Windows on the client.  All of the AFS file system space 
becomes available to you under the UNC path format: \\AFS\cellname\path

You do not want to use an intermediary server with Samba as a go between.
Jeffrey Altman

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

RE: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Derrick J Brashear
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Great information! Thank you very much.
Personally, I'm biased towards Zope for web application frameworks.  I also
love Python :)
Python seems to be popular for geospatial data.
This doesn't worry me too much though, for now at least I'm going to limit
my interest to automating basic OAFS features only, and I can use Perl or
Java for that (Tasks such as registering/adding a new "data provider" to the
system for example, and triggering data replication based on such an event).
Also I suppose that if there are such bindings I could write Python ones
based on that.
Is there an API reference somewhere?
Only an outdated one, unfortunately, unless someone wants to contradict 

Authentication: I have to admit I'm not up to speed on the details of
authentication.  Here's the end-result I would hope to achieve:  Users can
log into their Windows workstations and map a drive to the distributed
filesystem.  To keep things easy for everyone, they mount this drive through
standard windows methods, which means through SMB.  I would therefore
imagine a server that is AFS aware mounting the AFS and then sharing it back
out as a samba share for example.  This also works nicely to get around
security domain issues.  Problem is how to keep the users synched, if at all
necessary.  There is obviously no need to have a 1:1 equivalency. most users
would probably simply have a readonly type access, that can all be done
under the same user.
I can't comment to this, but
I use Windows here, but it could just as well be a Solaris server running
GIS software that needs access to it, and user log into this machine
normally by being authenticated through NIS or something like that.
Well, Solaris can use PAM, you can use nis for passwd lookup but pam to 
authenticate the user, and all would be well.

Ah, well I'm glad to hear others have applied this type of tool to
geospatial data! I'd love to hear succes tories in this field specifically.
To get geospatial for a moment: I plan on putting OGC Web Services (At
least) on top of this data, such a WMS, WFS, and so on ... As well as a
mapserver, or something else?
OpenAFS-info mailing list

RE: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jean-Francois . Doyon

Great information! Thank you very much.

Personally, I'm biased towards Zope for web application frameworks.  I also
love Python :)
This doesn't worry me too much though, for now at least I'm going to limit
my interest to automating basic OAFS features only, and I can use Perl or
Java for that (Tasks such as registering/adding a new "data provider" to the
system for example, and triggering data replication based on such an event).
Also I suppose that if there are such bindings I could write Python ones
based on that.

Is there an API reference somewhere?

Authentication: I have to admit I'm not up to speed on the details of
authentication.  Here's the end-result I would hope to achieve:  Users can
log into their Windows workstations and map a drive to the distributed
filesystem.  To keep things easy for everyone, they mount this drive through
standard windows methods, which means through SMB.  I would therefore
imagine a server that is AFS aware mounting the AFS and then sharing it back
out as a samba share for example.  This also works nicely to get around
security domain issues.  Problem is how to keep the users synched, if at all
necessary.  There is obviously no need to have a 1:1 equivalency. most users
would probably simply have a readonly type access, that can all be done
under the same user.

I use Windows here, but it could just as well be a Solaris server running
GIS software that needs access to it, and user log into this machine
normally by being authenticated through NIS or something like that.

I suspect this could prove challenging somehow :) I would want to minimize
the user management over head for the corporate IT guys.

The nature of the geospatial data is quite varied.  Some is entirely free,
some isn't (You have to pay for it).  Some could also be potentially
sensitive yes ... At least I can't assume it would never be. Some, although
free, require licensing agreements ... And so on ...

Ah, well I'm glad to hear others have applied this type of tool to
geospatial data! I'd love to hear succes tories in this field specifically.
To get geospatial for a moment: I plan on putting OGC Web Services (At
least) on top of this data, such a WMS, WFS, and so on ... As well as a
Hopefully I could trigger events such as a registry update on the addition
of data for example.  Or make the feature server aware of it as well.
Because data is distributed and replicated, I'd want said service to always
use the best source possible (You've addressed this  thanks!).

All in all a very cool solution I think :)  NOw I just have to sell it 
The large storage requirements might be a killer though ... We'll see.

Thanks again!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Derrick J Brashear
Sent: January 12, 2005 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> A quick overview of what I'm looking at: Multiple tera-bytes (5-10?) of
> geospatial data distributed among at least 2, and possibly up to 5 or 6
> different geographical locations.  I need to make this data
> universally/pervasively accessible, in a high-performance, fault-tolerant
> manner.  There will be a layer of web services on top of this, as well as
> possibly a content management system if that proves sensible.

An aside, I think some level of "WebSphere" was essentially this.

> 1) API: Is there an API available to control OAFS related functionnality
> through 3rd party applications? And if so bindings to various languages?
> (I'm especially interested in Python and Java, though if there is a C/C++
> may be willing to create my own bindings).  This would be used to
> potentially automate some system tasks such as scheduled or event-based
> replication, user management, etc ...

There is Perl distributed externally, and Java bindings distributed with 
versions 1.3.x.

> 2) User Security:  I understand that the AFS has it's own security
> authentication mechanisms and database.  I also often saw references to
> linking the AFS security into the client's local security (/etc/passwd).

That wouldn't be helpful; Certainly you could continue to list users there 
rather than using a directory service, but the password verification would 
be done with Kerberos (by getting Kerberos tickets, or AFS tokens 
directly) otherwise you'd be unable to speak authenticated to the AFS 

> What about NIS?  Or other PAM-based authentication?

You can use PAM modules which will do Kerberos and/or AFS verification and 
ticket/token setting. NIS could be used for user information lookup (as a 
directory) but not for authentication.

> I'm wondering about
> integration into the corporate authentication systems,

Re: [OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Derrick J Brashear
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A quick overview of what I'm looking at: Multiple tera-bytes (5-10?) of
geospatial data distributed among at least 2, and possibly up to 5 or 6
different geographical locations.  I need to make this data
universally/pervasively accessible, in a high-performance, fault-tolerant
manner.  There will be a layer of web services on top of this, as well as
possibly a content management system if that proves sensible.
An aside, I think some level of "WebSphere" was essentially this.
1) API: Is there an API available to control OAFS related functionnality
through 3rd party applications? And if so bindings to various languages?
(I'm especially interested in Python and Java, though if there is a C/C++ I
may be willing to create my own bindings).  This would be used to
potentially automate some system tasks such as scheduled or event-based
replication, user management, etc ...
There is Perl distributed externally, and Java bindings distributed with 
versions 1.3.x.

2) User Security:  I understand that the AFS has it's own security
authentication mechanisms and database.  I also often saw references to
linking the AFS security into the client's local security (/etc/passwd).
That wouldn't be helpful; Certainly you could continue to list users there 
rather than using a directory service, but the password verification would 
be done with Kerberos (by getting Kerberos tickets, or AFS tokens 
directly) otherwise you'd be unable to speak authenticated to the AFS 

What about NIS?  Or other PAM-based authentication?
You can use PAM modules which will do Kerberos and/or AFS verification and 
ticket/token setting. NIS could be used for user information lookup (as a 
directory) but not for authentication.

I'm wondering about
integration into the corporate authentication systems, such as the Windows
domains for example, or the NIS domains.  A given user might have different
UID's on different boxes and managing the ID match between the local
password database and the AFS one could quickly get onerous.
numeric uids, or the username string?
3) Because of the sheer size of the data (and the fact it will basically
grow indefinitely), I would like to consider the opion of using replication
as a form of backup (10TB worth of tapes, and the management overhead for
all this, will likely proove prohibitive).  I woulod simply make sure all
data gets replicated to *at least* one other location (Available storage
permitting).  The web services/application layer would need to be aware of
the fail overs  in order to make sure the service colsest to the data is
always used to avoid going over WAN links for dynamic/on-demand data use
(Which takes me back to questions 1 and 2).
We don't have automatic replication, though your frontend could 
re-replicate after any data store. As to using the closest replica, you 
can do this automatically by setting a priority list on the client called 
"server preferences"; It is by IP address of the server and the client 
will then prefer to fetch from the servers in the order you've specified.

4) How safe is the protocol itself? Could I mount shares accross the open
internet?  Is there encryption available? Basically, if a totally external
organization wants to "peer" into the filesystem, can it be done safely and
reliably as far as OFS is concerned (Assuming all other factors, such as
network bandwith and network level security is properly managed of course).
Encryption is available, but will be more interesting in a few months when 
more encryption types are available. Is your geospatial data sensitive?

The access control issue for sharing out of AFS isn't a big deal, to the 
extent that you trust Kerberos to be secure. If you do have worries about 
that, you may also want the true Kerberos 5 which will be introduced at 
the same time before you share data generally.

And as another aside, I will tell you that you've hit one of my interest 
areas; The largest use of my own home AFS cell is geospatial data.

OpenAFS-info mailing list

[OpenAFS] Evaluating OpenAFS: Questions

2005-01-12 Thread Jean-Francois . Doyon

For a project I am working on, I am evaluating the use of a distributed
filesystem as a potential solution to my problems.

So far I've discovered RedHat's GFS, Coda, and OpenAFS.  I've started
reading up on OpenAFS and I must say I am quite impressed: The product looks
mature and featureful.

A quick overview of what I'm looking at: Multiple tera-bytes (5-10?) of
geospatial data distributed among at least 2, and possibly up to 5 or 6
different geographical locations.  I need to make this data
universally/pervasively accessible, in a high-performance, fault-tolerant
manner.  There will be a layer of web services on top of this, as well as
possibly a content management system if that proves sensible.

I was wondering however if someone could answer some high-level questions
about the product?

1) API: Is there an API available to control OAFS related functionnality
through 3rd party applications? And if so bindings to various languages?
(I'm especially interested in Python and Java, though if there is a C/C++ I
may be willing to create my own bindings).  This would be used to
potentially automate some system tasks such as scheduled or event-based
replication, user management, etc ...

1a) If there is no API, are the command line tools safe to call through a
system call?  Are the various return codes well documented and so on, so
that I may use them integrated into an application?

2) User Security:  I understand that the AFS has it's own security
authentication mechanisms and database.  I also often saw references to
linking the AFS security into the client's local security (/etc/passwd).
What about NIS?  Or other PAM-based authentication?  I'm wondering about
integration into the corporate authentication systems, such as the Windows
domains for example, or the NIS domains.  A given user might have different
UID's on different boxes and managing the ID match between the local
password database and the AFS one could quickly get onerous.

3) Because of the sheer size of the data (and the fact it will basically
grow indefinitely), I would like to consider the opion of using replication
as a form of backup (10TB worth of tapes, and the management overhead for
all this, will likely proove prohibitive).  I woulod simply make sure all
data gets replicated to *at least* one other location (Available storage
permitting).  The web services/application layer would need to be aware of
the fail overs  in order to make sure the service colsest to the data is
always used to avoid going over WAN links for dynamic/on-demand data use
(Which takes me back to questions 1 and 2).

4) How safe is the protocol itself? Could I mount shares accross the open
internet?  Is there encryption available? Basically, if a totally external
organization wants to "peer" into the filesystem, can it be done safely and
reliably as far as OFS is concerned (Assuming all other factors, such as
network bandwith and network level security is properly managed of course).

I think that's about it for now ...

Thanks in advance!

Jean-François Doyon
Internet Service Development and Systems Support / Spécialiste de
dèveloppements internet et soutien technique
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing / Centre Canadien de télédétection
Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada
Tel./Tél. : (613) 992-4902
Fax: (613) 947-2410

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