OCL (was: RE: Introducing myself + question)

2003-03-29 Thread Grahame Grieve

Instead one is forced to write:

context Person inv:

wife-notEmpty() implies wife.gender = Gender::female

which is not only counter-intuitive (Person.wife is not defined as a Set 
of anything, it is defined as a Person), but seems wrong because there is 
no formal connection between whatever Set the expression wife- refers 
to and the underlying model, so how can one say anything about what the 
membership of this set might imply for the value of the Person at the 
other end of the wife association?

but it's worse than this in practice. if wife is null, therefore
wife-isEmpty is true. Therefore wife.Gender = Gender::female is
true, because there is no wife in the list that breaks this

This is not intuitive but is an inevitable conclusion from the
use of wife-notEmpty() to specify that wife != null.

Obviously it's safe if you write
inv: not (wife-notEmpty()) and (wife.gender = Gender::female)

but most people wouldn't think of doing this and would simply
inv: wife.gender = Gender::female

expecting that this would only be true if wife.Gender actually
was Gender::female


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please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

Introducing myself + question

2003-03-27 Thread Sam Heard

We have seen this coming for some time and I would point out a few things
that seem clear:

1. That queries can be based across a number of EHRs or within one - the
oprimisation issues are somewhat different
2. That queries may return rows of data (like in current RDBS) or lumps of
data for viewing - 'data queries' or 'clinical queries'
3. Within each EHR the query may be limited to a specific composition
(transaction) type (ie and archetyped transaction)
4. Within transactions the query may be limited to specific organisers

All of these queries outlined to this point will return disparate data (even
if they are all entries) and will be very difficult to process - very useful
clinically. Examples are:

What examinations have been done in antenatal attendances
What therapies have been planned or implemented for people in outpatients in
the last week

Then we have queries that get to the data level - these will need to return
known data points in the entries. These will be accessed via paths. When
building these queries the enquirer will be asked which archetypes and which
paths (design time or run time) to return.

This would enable us to get a row of data such as:

For all patients who have had their blood pressure measured in antenatal
clinic - return the systolic and diastolic blood pressures and their weight.
For all patients who are on beclomethasone inhalers return the name and dose
of inhaled steroid and their peak flow measurements for the past year.

You will see that until the query addresses and entry archetype (like a
table in RDBS) you will only return information that is clinically readable
but difficult to process. The entries then become the equivalent of the
tables - the paths are the equivalent of the columns.

Some efficiencies come from running queries on one patient - when the query
engine can use the archetypes in that EHR as the set of archetypes on which
to query - you don't have to look if they are not there. Also, archetypes
become the bases of indexes.

Cheers, Sam

 -Original Message-
 From: owner-openehr-technical at openehr.org
 [mailto:owner-openehr-technical at openehr.org]On Behalf Of Thomas Beale
 Sent: Sunday, 23 March 2003 11:24 PM
 To: Rafal Szczesniak
 Cc: openehr-technical at openehr.org
 Subject: Re: Introducing myself + question

 if you are thinking of specific querying language - I would agree - we
 can already see that the use of archetypes at runtime changes how
 queries are written and does require some new kind of language. We have
 been experimenting on this, and are working on it...

 - thomas beale

 Rafal Szczesniak wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 23, 2003 at 02:56:40PM +1000, Thomas Beale wrote:
 Another issue which I think is more important than language is runtime
 interfaces. Components written in many languages can be interfaced by
 COM, and presumbly, .Net infrastructure; most languages can
 produce DLLs
 for Windows and .so or other kinds of libraries for the unixes. The
 ability to interface trusted components is key to building
 large systems
 without having to do everything yourself.
 Another interesting thing is that developing openEHR systems might
 reveal the need of specific language to operate on. Similiar
 to what SQL is for relational databases today. This could be also
 a mean to standarise communication between EHR systems.

 Deep Thought Informatics Pty Ltd
 mailto:thomas at deepthought.com.au

 openEHR - http://www.openEHR.org
 Archetypes - http://www.deepthought.com.au/it/archetypes.html
 Community Informatics -

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please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

OCL (was: RE: Introducing myself + question)

2003-03-26 Thread Thomas Beale
Hi Pete,

Pete Rivett wrote:

Hi Thomas,
I appreciate the trouble you've taken to evaluate OCL, and think several
of the issues are worthy of consideration. 
Just for your information, and for others on this list, the latest
version of the OCL 2.0 submission is 1.6 (as opposed to 1.0 you reviewed
which is 2.5 years old!). This is due to be adopted later today, as it

I reviewed the version I did because it was the one passed around (or 
referred to with a URL, I forget which) recently by HL7...Can you 
provide a URL to the latest submission?

Despite the imminent adoption it is still possible to submit issues to
OMG's Finalization Task Force which is responsible for considering
implementation and other issues prior to the standard becoming
officially 'Finalized' and 'Available'. To do this just send an email to
issues at omg.org, or fill in the form at the OMG web site

I guess I could do this, but I don't imagine they are going to be 
interested in anything but tiny details by now...

In general OMG attempts to be an open and responsive organization and
anyone (not only members) can raise issues against any OMG
specification. Though OMG can only address issues if it know about them
- so I would sincerely encourage people to use the mechanisms available.

my general impression of the OMG, and experience with members of HDTF 
certainly supports, this, and I think that OMG is overall an 
organisation with good process, timeliness, and a good track 
recordin a way it is a pity that HDTF (health domain task force) has 
little support at the moment (or so I've been told) since the OMG 
process is definitely superior to that in other standards organisations. 
But - that's a conversatino for another day/mailing list!

However, while I must admit a bias as one of the submitters of OCL 2.0,
I would disagree that the semantics are 'quite broken'. I assume the
following from the review is intended to illustrate 'broken semantics': 
In section 2.5.4, subsection Navigation over Associations with
Multiplicity Zero or One it is stated that ...a single object can be
used as a set as well. It then behaves as if it is a Set containing the
single object I had to read this a few times to believe it. While
there is clearly a drive to make everything somehow the same for the
purpose of querying, there is no way a formal type system can be
respected if such liberties are taken - the basis of correct
specifications disappears. There is no way, for example, that
PERSON.manager: PERSON can act as a Set if has been specified as a
PERSON - these are two distinct types, and have nothing to do with each

yes, this is the major problem I see. It is quite pervasive as well.

I view treating a single object as a set as a convenient implicit 'cast'
operation. Most programming languages have such a thing: e.g. to allow
an Integer to be treated as a Real. 

well actually, this capability is not casting, but type promotion, and 
only applies (as far as I know) to numeric types to enable infix/prefix 
arithmetic and relational operator semantics (e.g. 3.0 + 1 and 
3.1415926  2.171828) to be evaluated. Type promotion of numeric types 
is quite a specific feature, and is done by compilers, not programmers. 
Casting on the other hand is almost always a dangerous and bad thing. I 
can't think of any code where it was justified, where the language 
itself was not already the problem, e.g. by not having generic classes, 
the lack of whcih is the main reason for programmers being forced to cast.

But the real problem is that turning an Integer into a Real is 
reasonable: they have almost the same interface. Turning PERSON into 
SETPERSON makes no sense - there are no similarities between the 
interface of a T and a SetT in general. No common programming 
languages support this natively (I'm sure there is some academic 
language which does), and if programmers start doing such casts, they 
will get into serious trouble.

Secondly, this feature of OCL seems to prevent simple statements like:

context PERSON
inv: employer  null

This is the most common kind of statement one wants to make in 
invariants, pre- and post-conditions. I cannot imagine why it is not 
available (maybe it is - it wasn't apparent to me in the spec, nor to 
the authors of another report on OCL which I have seen).

And if really concerned about the
difference OCL has capabilities to distinguish an object from a set.

do you mean the dot and arrow notation?

Finally, with regard to implementability, there are several
implementations of OCL in existence (currently of OCL 1, though OCL 2
does not introduce any radically new capabilities). These exist in both
commercial products (e.g. BoldSoft, now part of Borland) and
university/research projects (e.g. Kent Modelling Framework -

this is good to know. However, I feel it is a real pity to have this 
problem of SetT/T in OCL - I think 

Introducing myself + question

2003-03-25 Thread Thomas Beale

Tom Culpepper wrote:

 I again would like to reiterate may opinion on this list concerning 
 the modeling of Healthcare.

 The business of Healthcare (both Clinical and Administrative) needs to 
 be modeled in a language, platform and operating system independent 
 manner. This will provide the opportunity for folks to provide 
 implementations that can be used across the widest spectrum while 
 leveraging legacy systems. One such universal modeling language is UML 
 (Unified Modeling Language) and the OPEN technology that is making 
 this a reality comes from the Object Management Group (www.omg.com 
 http://www.omg.com/) MDA (Model Driven Architecture).

well as you'll see in the specs there is no language-dependent stuff - 
it's all UML. The only slight problem at the moment is that OCL has some 
quite broken semantics which would prevent it being used properly for 
the constraints, but even then maybe we just have to go with it. In the 
specs currently, the constraints are expressed in a first order 
predicate form very similar to OCL. We'll have to fix tis eventually, 
but as almost no-one except Eiffel people can implement the statements 
directly anyway, it doesn't seem a big concern...

 Making a decision to develop models that force people to use C, C++, 
 Java, Effiel, Microsoft NT, Unix, MVS, or proprietary mechanisms will 
 only hamper IT efforts for interoperable solutions.

right. I don't know why we get into these discussions really - the 
specifications are competely language independent (I'd have to say even 
moreso than OMG actually - IDL is actually quite C++/C oriented, but 
that's history - let's not waste our breath on it now!)

 I also concur with David Forsland in the use of the Object Constraint 

Tom, I'm interested in what you think about the review I have done. See 

- thomas beale

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please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org