occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-21 Thread Erik Sundvall

Just to make things more confused, here is another option for
occurrence serialisation in JSON, YAML etc.

Use arrays/sequences with two values for things like?occurrences, that
way it's compact (same number of characters as occurrences: 0..5)
and almost as readable, but the parser/serializer does more of the job
and will even provide the programmer with data type (e.g. string or
number) or null.
In JSON...
occurrences: [0, 5]
...and YAML...
occurrences: [0, 5]

The question of how to do with unbounded * still remains of course,
one could do valid (ugly but compact) JSON like...
occurrences: [0, *]

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 04:36, Andrew Patterson?andrewpatto at 
 Why cant' the absence of a value mean unbounded?
 occurrences =  ?lower = 2?

 Means 2..*

Then a JSON like...
occurrences: [2]
... (assuming occurrences are never unbounded in the lower end) or...
occurrences: [2, null]
?...could mean unbounded upwards. I guess asking an API or programming
language for the second value (index 1 if starting at 0) of the array
will return null in both cases above.

Since the short form of 1..1 often is just written as 1 in UML and
ER-diagrams, the first style with occurrences: [1] meaning 1..*
should probably be avoided and instead occurrences: [1, null] should
be recommended for 1..* if humans are supposed to read. (And thus
using occurrences: [1, 1] if you mean 1..1 and occurrences: [0, 0]
if you mean 0..0)

It looks a bit scary/ugly though, but probably better than [2, *]
and to check for null is in many programming languages nicer than
having to check datatype and possibly string content.

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 04:36, Andrew Patterson?andrewpatto at 
 Also, what about inclusive/exclusive values at either end
 of the interval? I know that this isn't an issue for occurence and
 cardinality intervals which are always inclusive - but are we proposing that
 the representation of normal intervals will not use the same mechanisms
 are you are proposing here?

What about using?booleans in an?array/sequence?
inclusive: [true, false]
...meaning inclusive in lower but not upper end. But perhaps intervals
need a completely different approach.

Was that confusing enough?

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erik.sundvall at liu.se http://www.imt.liu.se/~erisu/? Tel: +46-13-286733

P.s. Off-topic: If this discussion was rushed and had to be decided in
a time-limited face to face meeting we might already have picked the
0..*-string version and would have hesitated even to consider the
above as a possibility if it popped up a few days later. (I am just
trying to hint that slow open mail discussions allow more technical
ideas to come forward than rushed meetings. Face to face meetings have
great value too, but perhaps even more for other things than technical

occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-21 Thread Thomas Beale

Hm... some further thoughts on this. I originally chose the {0..1} 
curly brackets mini-syntax for ADL because it is the UML 'constraint' 
syntax - in UML, all diagram constraints (such as they are) are in 
braces (see here 

occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-16 Thread Thomas Beale

Hi Rong,

On 15/11/2011 13:44, Rong Chen wrote:
 Hi all,

 Since we are talking about serialization format of archetypes, I guess
 we are not talking about a very large amount of data.

 I would prefer to keep the serialization format(s) as close to the
 object model as possible in order to reduce differences between
 standards and associated tooling work.

that was my view in the past, but over the years, I have learned a few 

  * 'serious' XML people don't do this. Instead they exploit XML
attributes and other tricks to the maximum, and they get used to
working in this way. So even though this manner of thinking may seem
to only make sense for 'big data', they get used to working this way
for everything, and indeed many books, tools and online resources
are built with these assumptions. So when they see our 'purist' XML,
they not only don't like it, they don't actually work that way.
  * Although one should not care about 'reading' raw XML (and I am the
first to say that we should never ever do it!) there are people who
do, and who cannot avoid it - for debugging, testing, forensic data
investigations, efficiency / performance assessments and so on. Now,
as we can see from inspection of both the ADL 1.4 style XML, and the
JSON that Seref is producing right now (based on the purist object
representation), the number of lines used by each occurrences and
each cardinality, is not only large, it does actually swamp the
remainder of the content of some archetypes. Line count is not a
particularly useful concept - only humans see lines - parsers just
see a stream of lexical strings that get turned into tokens.
Nevertheless, I can see the sense in reducing the XML content down
from 6 lines (= 6 x tag pairs) for each occurrences / cardinality /
existence to either a single XML attribute with a String value (the
2..* option) or else the more complex XML attributes option I
described in the first post on this thread.

The more I think about it, the more I think we should go with the pure 
String option, because:

  * it is the shortest form
  * it is the most human readable form
  * the same approach can be used for all three of occurrences /
cardinality / existence, even though we know it is slightly overkill
for existence.

In sum: it would be nice to make the persisted form the same as the 
in-memory form, but reality doesn't work out that way, because there are 
different optimisation needs in each place. And the non-OO nature of XSD 
means that you lose that battle from the start, so better to go with the 
flow ;-)

- thomas

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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-16 Thread Sebastian Garde

 The more I think about it, the more I think we should go with the pure 
 String option, because:

   * it is the shortest form
   * it is the most human readable form
   * the same approach can be used for all three of occurrences /
 cardinality / existence, even though we know it is slightly
 overkill for existence.

 In sum: it would be nice to make the persisted form the same as the 
 in-memory form, but reality doesn't work out that way, because there 
 are different optimisation needs in each place. And the non-OO nature 
 of XSD means that you lose that battle from the start, so better to go 
 with the flow ;-)

I think that you, as the world's first human ADL Parser, have summed 
this up quite nicely, I agree with you.


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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-15 Thread Heath Frankel
Hi Thomas,


yes - everyone goes through the same process I think. The P_ classes I now
have in the ADL 1.5 compiler are my latest addition in this process.

[HKF: ] No, this is something you learn as it sounds like both you, I and
others do doubt have learned.  The first thing a new comer does is use their
favourite XML toolkit to create classes and instances derived from the XML
Schema.  This is why we still get questions about the slight variations that
we currently between the schema and the specifications.

The thing is, we do want to reduce the entry point to use openEHR and if we
require a custom serializer then we make this entry point harder. 

well, not if all the tooling is done and easy to use. Who writes their
own XML parser these days?

[HKF: ] Wasn't talking about that.  However, actually we do, they are
SAX-based readers where we want a stream reader into a domain model rather
than an XML DOM.

As I have stated previously, even with existing tools out there such as the
Eiffel, Java, Python, Ruby and C# open source projects, people will still
write their own for whatever reason.  I bet there are at least a dozen Java
RM implementations in the world, I know of four. 


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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-15 Thread Rong Chen
Hi all,

Since we are talking about serialization format of archetypes, I guess
we are not talking about a very large amount of data.

I would prefer to keep the serialization format(s) as close to the
object model as possible in order to reduce differences between
standards and associated tooling work.


On 14 November 2011 23:56, Heath Frankel
heath.frankel at oceaninformatics.com wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 yes - everyone goes through the same process I think. The P_ classes I now
 have in the ADL 1.5 compiler are my latest addition in this process.

 [HKF: ] No, this is something you learn as it sounds like both you, I and
 others do doubt have learned.? The first thing a new comer does is use their
 favourite XML toolkit to create classes and instances derived from the XML
 Schema.? This is why we still get questions about the slight variations that
 we currently between the schema and the specifications.

 The thing is, we do want to reduce the entry point to use openEHR and if we
 require a custom serializer then we make this entry point harder.

 well, not if all the tooling is done and easy to use. Who writes their
 own XML parser these days?

 [HKF: ] Wasn?t talking about that. ?However, actually we do, they are
 SAX-based readers where we want a stream reader into a domain model rather
 than an XML DOM.

 As I have stated previously, even with existing tools out there such as the
 Eiffel, Java, Python, Ruby and C# open source projects, people will still
 write their own for whatever reason.? I bet there are at least a dozen Java
 RM implementations in the world, I know of four.


 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at openehr.org

occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-14 Thread Heath Frankel
I too have no problem with this custom serialisation as I have a hand-coded
serializer that does the job (I gave up on the auto-generated ones years

However, I think we need to go back a step and get agreement from the
community what the most important features of an XML serialization are:
readability, size, auto-generation etc.  Once we get some sort of ranking
then we can score each implementation choice accordingly.

I personally don't see the need to have consistently between different
serialization formats, I think we should make the decisions that are best
for the particular format.  Having said that, I would be surprised if the
logical features of the different formats would be different unless there
intended use are dramatically different (i.e. the importance of
auto-generation is likely to be the same for both JSON and XML). 


 -Original Message-
 From: openehr-technical-bounces at openehr.org [mailto:openehr-technical-
 bounces at openehr.org] On Behalf Of Andrew Patterson
 Sent: Saturday, 12 November 2011 12:26 AM
 To: For openEHR technical discussions
 Subject: Re: occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON
 On 11/11/2011 11:50 PM, Thomas Beale wrote:
  occurrences: 1..*
  well that's my opinion as well, and XML-ers always react badly! The
  'proper' parser code for dealing with this form, used in the ADL
  is (from the .y file):
 Well I consider myself an XML-er and I don't see massive problems with
 it, but
 maybe I have become soft in my old age.
 My main argument would be that the XML at one point was almost a
 straight serialization
 of the object model, as supported by various XML data binding
 libraries. So
 XML - AOM memory objects - XML was all doable with very standard
 binding libraries.
 I was happy with status quo because I don't really care about the
 size of the XML or how often elements are repeated or the fact that is
 ugly to people - if people want compressed data then they should use
 or exi, and then gzip and it'll compress beautifully. The
 is a concern to others.
 If I have lost the battle and if we are going to do customised
 XML serializations then once you've taken it outside the
 normal data binding by introducing * forms or even
 'properties' that aren't really properties but kind of quasi computed
 then you mind as well as give up on the pretence that the XML
 will bind straight into an AOM compatible object model..
 in which case parsing 1..* is not a problem
 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at openehr.org

occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-14 Thread Heath Frankel
Hi Thomas,

The answers to the two questions below seem to be counter to each other.  I
think if we want to stay true to the RM that we should do this consistently,
otherwise there is no reason why we can't deviate in other cases such as the
first case below.  In fact I would go further and suggest a syntax such as
occurrences = 2..* in dADL and similar in XML.  


However, others may not be so keen on this as those starting out with
openEHR like to use the built-in development tools in their favourite IDE to
generate classes that match the AM/RM and automatically serialize data.
This is certainly where I started but soon found limitations in this
approach and now have a custom serializer.  The thing is, we do want to
reduce the entry point to use openEHR and if we require a custom serializer
then we make this entry point harder. 






From: openehr-technical-boun...@openehr.org
[mailto:openehr-technical-bounces at openehr.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Beale
Sent: Friday, 11 November 2011 4:42 AM
To: Openehr-Technical
Subject: occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON


In the current ADL 1.4-based XSDs used in openEHR, occurrences, cardinality
and existence are expressed as XML elements. We will want to improve this
for ADL 1.5 based XML. Now, we don't want to only take care of XML; we also
need to make it work for JSON, and (internally) for dADL - neither of the
latter have XML's 'attributes'. Many people have asked for more efficient
ways of serialising. Here are some ideas for ADL 1.5 XML, JSON etc.

~~ first question: occurrences and cardinality  
Occurrences and cardinality  are proper intervals in the AOM representation.
The most simplified object structure (JSON and dADL) for occurrences and
cardinality could look as follows (I use dADL  occurrences here):

occurrences = 
lower = 2 -- Integer field
upper = 10 -- Integer field

but the upper limit is commonly unbounded, i.e. '*' in typical UML-like
syntax. We could do:

occurrences = 
lower = 2 -- Integer field
upper_bounded = True -- Boolean field

meaning that 3 possible attributes could occur for an occurrences, but only
ever 2 at the same time. Or we could make everything into a string:

occurrences = 
lower = 2 -- String field
upper = * -- String field

The upside is that the 'upper' attribute now handles both bounded and
unbounded values. The downside is that the JSON / dADL parsers would have to
do a bit more work to generate the required IntervalInteger object - since
the 'upper' attribute now has to be treated as a little fragment of syntax
and checked before being turned into an Integer. 

If we were just doing JSON, dADL and other 'proper' OO syntaxes, the first
one would be the obvious one. But since we are also targetting XML, we have
to think whether it makes more sense to do:

   children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2
occurrences_upper=10 -- xsi:type=C_OBJECT

   children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2
occurrences_unbounded=true -- xs:boolean has to support 0/1 and
which is the analog of the first approach above, or it could be:

   children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2

   children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2

with both attributes defined in the XSD as xs:string. This means that like
for JSON/dADL, the XML standard parser only generates strings, and somehting
further has to be done to obtain a proper Interval object. 

My preference is still to go with the first way of doing things. Do others
agree with this? If so, it is what I will implement in the ADL 1.5

~ second question:existence 
Existence as an interval can be 0..0 (prohibited, commonly used in
templates), 0..1 (optional, typical in the RM) and 1..1 (used in templates
and sometimes in archetypes). Now, since archetypes and templates are
constraint structures, they can only further constrain the RM in ADL/AOM
1.5. The only possibilities for this are actually 0..0 and 1..1, so we
could collapse existence onto a single Boolean for serialised representation
(it could also be a single Boolean in the AOM, but that would be a breaking
change, and since we already use Intervals for occurrences and cardinality,
it does not seem worth the trouble). 

Thus in JSON/dADL it could be:

some_attr = 
existence = True|False


attributes rm_attribute_name=nameexistence=true

Now, this is cheating a bit because we are making it look like there is an
AOM property 'existence' of type Boolean, but there isn't. Should it be
named something else to make this clear? I.e. a pseudo attribute that only
exists in serialised format but not in AOM internal format, e.g

occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-14 Thread Thomas Beale
On 13/11/2011 22:43, Heath Frankel wrote:
 I too have no problem with this custom serialisation as I have a hand-coded
 serializer that does the job (I gave up on the auto-generated ones years


just to be completely clear, since we already had quite a few posts, you 
are happy to go with strings like 0..*, 0..1 etc? For occurrences, 
existence and cardinality? I realise exstence could be marginally 
simpler since it can only be 0..0 or 1..1 in ADL 1.5, but in ADL 1.4, 
there are lots of 0..1, and in any case, it just doesn't seem worth 
using a different method to decode existence than the other two Intervals.

 However, I think we need to go back a step and get agreement from the
 community what the most important features of an XML serialization are:
 readability, size, auto-generation etc.  Once we get some sort of ranking
 then we can score each implementation choice accordingly.

agree - please use these pages 
on the wiki

 I personally don't see the need to have consistently between different
 serialization formats, I think we should make the decisions that are best
 for the particular format.  Having said that, I would be surprised if the
 logical features of the different formats would be different unless there
 intended use are dramatically different (i.e. the importance of
 auto-generation is likely to be the same for both JSON and XML).

I would agree with these statements also...

- thomas

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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-14 Thread Erik Sundvall

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 06:23, Heath Frankel 
heath.frankel at oceaninformatics.com wrote:

 However, others may not be so keen on this as those starting out with
 openEHR like to use the built-in development tools in their favourite IDE
 to generate classes that match the AM/RM and automatically serialize data.

Yes. Please do not exclude the current verbose RM-mimicking XML-formats
from a future version update since they certainly have a value too. They
are for example very nice when you want to map AQL to xPath (and xQuery)
and for generating stubs in programming languages.

Is there anything stopping us from having more than
one serialization alternative per formalism, e.g. both verbose and compact

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
erik.sundvall at liu.se http://www.imt.liu.se/~erisu/  Tel: +46-13-286733
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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-14 Thread Thomas Beale
On 14/11/2011 05:23, Heath Frankel wrote:

 Hi Thomas,

 The answers to the two questions below seem to be counter to each 
 other.  I think if we want to stay true to the RM that we should do 
 this consistently, otherwise there is no reason why we can't deviate 
 in other cases such as the first case below.  In fact I would go 
 further and suggest a syntax such as occurrences = 2..* in dADL and 
 similar in XML.

yep - in dADL it is 2..* because the corresponding field in the 
classes P_C_ATTRIBUTE, P_C_OBJECT is a String. In XML, it is also 
currently a String element, but it could be an attribute.

 However, others may not be so keen on this as those starting out with 
 openEHR like to use the built-in development tools in their favourite 
 IDE to generate classes that match the AM/RM and automatically 
 serialize data.  This is certainly where I started but soon found 
 limitations in this approach and now have a custom serializer.

yes - everyone goes through the same process I think. The P_ classes I 
now have in the ADL 1.5 compiler are my latest addition in this process.

 The thing is, we do want to reduce the entry point to use openEHR and 
 if we require a custom serializer then we make this entry point harder.

well, not if all the tooling is done and easy to use. Who writes 
their own XML parser these days?

- thomas

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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-14 Thread Thomas Beale
On 14/11/2011 15:41, Erik Sundvall wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 06:23, Heath Frankel 
 heath.frankel at oceaninformatics.com 
 mailto:heath.frankel at oceaninformatics.com wrote:

 However, others may not be so keen on this as those starting out
 with openEHR like to use the built-in development tools in their
 favourite IDE to generate classes that match the AM/RM and
 automatically serialize data.

 Yes. Please do not exclude the current verbose 
 RM-mimicking XML-formats from a future version update since they 
 certainly have a value too. They are for example very nice when you 
 want to map AQL to xPath (and xQuery) and for generating stubs in 
 programming languages.

 Is there anything stopping us from having more than 
 one serialization alternative per formalism, e.g. both verbose and 
 compact XML?

I knew someone would say that ;-)

- thomas

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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-12 Thread Andrew Patterson
On 11/11/2011 7:19 PM, Erik Sundvall wrote:
 When a value (e.g. upper bound) may be either a number or a symbol (*
 or infinity) most recieveing software will need to have logic
 separating the cases anyway, no matter how they are serialized.
 So then I wonder how much harder it would be to include string parsing
 logic so that we can have JSON-fields with string values like...
 occurrences: 1..*

 Will a string pattern be good enough for validation by auto-generated
 validators or does separation into fields clearly make auto-generated
 validators more capable in this case?
I'd agree with Eric here. The minute the receiving end has to deal with 
* or number
then the data binder is going to need some special logic. You mind as 
well make the
logic deal with parsing 1..*. It's not like that is much more of a 

So from an XML point of view we could then have

children node_id=at0005 occurrences=1..*

or for where we need elements

occurrences value=1..*

To specify wildcards for upper in XSD would have taken a regex string
restriction anyway - the regex for the n..* form is similar complexity.

The range string is easily implementable for JSON and YAML.


occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-12 Thread Andrew Patterson
On 11/11/2011 11:50 PM, Thomas Beale wrote:
 occurrences: 1..*
 well that's my opinion as well, and XML-ers always react badly! The
 'proper' parser code for dealing with this form, used in the ADL parser
 is (from the .y file):

Well I consider myself an XML-er and I don't see massive problems with 
it, but
maybe I have become soft in my old age.

My main argument would be that the XML at one point was almost a 
straight serialization
of the object model, as supported by various XML data binding libraries. So
XML - AOM memory objects - XML was all doable with very standard
binding libraries.


I was happy with status quo because I don't really care about the
size of the XML or how often elements are repeated or the fact that is looks
ugly to people - if people want compressed data then they should use 
or exi, and then gzip and it'll compress beautifully. The size/format/look
is a concern to others.


If I have lost the battle and if we are going to do customised
XML serializations then once you've taken it outside the
normal data binding by introducing * forms or even
'properties' that aren't really properties but kind of quasi computed fields
then you mind as well as give up on the pretence that the XML serialization
will bind straight into an AOM compatible object model..
in which case parsing 1..* is not a problem


occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-12 Thread Andrew Patterson
On 12/11/2011 1:16 AM, Ian McNicoll wrote:
 Apart from the size issue, readability is a particular problem because
 of the verbosity of the current XML schema.

I'm not convinced that human readability should matter too much
(especially seeing ADL is meant to be the human readable format
- if we have readable XML can we ditch the ADL??)

But I'm not passionately opposed to it or anything :) Just when it
was brought up in the past many moons ago I thought we had other
more pressing issues. But if the change is happening as part of
an update to 1.5 then I'm all for it.


occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-12 Thread Thomas Beale
On 11/11/2011 16:21, pablo pazos wrote:
 Hi, I was thinking of this a lot: using a schema-less formats to 
 represent archetypes and RM instances.

 I think if we agree on a common language/standard/definition, we don't 
 need to define the types of any node on a JSON/YAML structure, because 
 those types are defined on the laguage/standard/definition those 
 structures will follow. And if we define a good serialization to 
 JSON/YAML of archetypes and RM instances, we don't need a schema to 
 share instances of those structures, we just need to implement the 
 serialization definitions, and base the parsing on the attribute names.

 What do you think?

 PS: I was thinking of archetypes serialized to JSON because I want to 
 build a web-based GUI Generation layer completely implemented with 
 Javascript (JSON objects are javascript objects), so we can useshare 
 this thin layer to show archetype-based GUI generation easily, and, if 
 we have a REST layer that implement EHR-Server services, we can user 
 that GUI layer to send data input to the server and get information to 
 show (a complete circle). If anyone want to collaborate on the JSON 
 format of ADL/AOM please send contact me.


Again, I agree with this point of view. But XML people may not but 
now I should clarify something...

I should have explained on other thing: what I have done in the current 
AOM 1.5 implementation (but not yet documented) is to create a parallel 
set of P_XX classes ('P_' means 'persistent')  like P_ARCHETYPE, 
P_C_OBJECT and so on. These classes formally specify the serialised form 
of the archetype so there can be no ambiguity. It is these classes that 
current have occurrences, cardinality and existence defined as String 
properties. There are a few other simplifications as well. My proposal 
is to add these P_XX class definitions to the specification. It mihgt 
seem like slight overkill (and I resisted it for a long time) but once I 
implemented it, it seems worthwhile, and it allows us to separate the 
in-memory computable version of the AOM from a P_ version whose sole 
purpose is serialisation. The Eiffel P_ classes are here 
it is easy to imagine what the Java, Python etc would look like.

So Pablo's argument, applied to the P_ classes would indeed mean that 
the serialised form in JSON, YAML (also dADL) is a pure consequence of 
the P_AOM classes, and no extra logic is needed. That is why I built the 
P_ classes.

- thomas

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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-11 Thread Andrew Patterson
On 11/11/2011 5:11 AM, Thomas Beale wrote:

 In the current ADL 1.4-based XSDs used in openEHR, occurrences, 
 cardinality and existence are expressed as XML elements. We will want 
 to improve this for ADL 1.5 based XML. Now, we don't want to only take 
 care of XML; we also need to make it work for JSON, and (internally) 
 for dADL - neither of the latter have XML's 'attributes'. Many people 
 have asked for more efficient ways of serialising. Here are some ideas 
 for ADL 1.5 XML, JSON etc.

 ~~ first question: occurrences and cardinality  
 Occurrences and cardinality  are proper intervals in the AOM 
 representation. The most simplified object structure (JSON and dADL) 
 for occurrences and cardinality could look as follows (I use dADL  
 occurrences here):

 occurrences = 
 lower = 2 -- Integer field
 upper = 10 -- Integer field

 but the upper limit is commonly unbounded, i.e. '*' in typical 
 UML-like syntax. We could do:

 occurrences = 
 lower = 2 -- Integer field
 upper_bounded = True -- Boolean field

Why cant' the absence of a value mean unbounded?

occurrences = 
  lower = 2

Means 2..*

I vaguely remember us discussing this many moons ago but I've forgotten 
the rationale..

Also, what about inclusive/exclusive values at either end
of the interval? I know that this isn't an issue for occurence and
cardinality intervals which are always inclusive - but are we proposing that
the representation of normal intervals will not use the same mechanisms
are you are proposing here?

 ~ second question:existence 
 Existence as an interval can be 0..0 (prohibited, commonly used in 
 templates), 0..1 (optional, typical in the RM) and 1..1 (used in 
 templates and sometimes in archetypes). Now, since archetypes and 
 templates are /constraint/ structures, they can only /further 
 /constrain the RM in ADL/AOM 1.5. The only possibilities for this are 
 actually 0..0 and 1..1, so we could collapse existence onto a 
 single Boolean for serialised representation (it could also be a 
 single Boolean in the AOM, but that would be a breaking change, and 
 since we already use Intervals for occurrences and cardinality, it 
 does not seem worth the trouble).

 Thus in JSON/dADL it could be:

 some_attr = 
 existence = True|False

 In XML:

 attributes rm_attribute_name=name*existence*=true


If it was just to optimize the XML I'd give this a vote of 'meh'.. but 
given that existence is not really an interval because
as you say it has very few possible valid values, I think the removal of 
the ambiguity by turning it into a single boolean
is probably worthwhile.


occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-11 Thread Sam Heard
Hi All

As ADL only states constraints there is no logical reason to include unbounded. 
So no constraint expressed  = RM max. This is likely to be one or unbounded.

Sent from my phone

On 11/11/2011, at 5:11 AM, Thomas Beale thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com 

 In the current ADL 1.4-based XSDs used in openEHR, occurrences, cardinality 
 and existence are expressed as XML elements. We will want to improve this for 
 ADL 1.5 based XML. Now, we don't want to only take care of XML; we also need 
 to make it work for JSON, and (internally) for dADL - neither of the latter 
 have XML's 'attributes'. Many people have asked for more efficient ways of 
 serialising. Here are some ideas for ADL 1.5 XML, JSON etc.
 ~~ first question: occurrences and cardinality  
 Occurrences and cardinality  are proper intervals in the AOM representation. 
 The most simplified object structure (JSON and dADL) for occurrences and 
 cardinality could look as follows (I use dADL  occurrences here):
 occurrences = 
 lower = 2 -- Integer field
 upper = 10 -- Integer field
 but the upper limit is commonly unbounded, i.e. '*' in typical UML-like 
 syntax. We could do:
 occurrences = 
 lower = 2 -- Integer field
 upper_bounded = True -- Boolean field
Sam: no need for this.
 meaning that 3 possible attributes could occur for an occurrences, but only 
 ever 2 at the same time. Or we could make everything into a string:
 occurrences = 
 lower = 2 -- String field
 upper = * -- String field
Sam: no need for this
 The upside is that the 'upper' attribute now handles both bounded and 
 unbounded values. The downside is that the JSON / dADL parsers would have to 
 do a bit more work to generate the required IntervalInteger object - since 
 the 'upper' attribute now has to be treated as a little fragment of syntax 
 and checked before being turned into an Integer. 
 If we were just doing JSON, dADL and other 'proper' OO syntaxes, the first 
 one would be the obvious one. But since we are also targetting XML, we have 
 to think whether it makes more sense to do:
children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2 
 occurrences_upper=10 -- xsi:type=C_OBJECT
children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2 
 occurrences_unbounded=true -- xs:boolean has to support 0/1 and true/false
 which is the analog of the first approach above, or it could be:
children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2 
children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2 occurrences_upper=*
 with both attributes defined in the XSD as xs:string. This means that like 
 for JSON/dADL, the XML standard parser only generates strings, and somehting 
 further has to be done to obtain a proper Interval object. 
 My preference is still to go with the first way of doing things. Do others 
 agree with this? If so, it is what I will implement in the ADL 1.5 workbench. 
 ~ second question:existence 
 Existence as an interval can be 0..0 (prohibited, commonly used in 
 templates), 0..1 (optional, typical in the RM) and 1..1 (used in templates 
 and sometimes in archetypes). Now, since archetypes and templates are 
 constraint structures, they can only further constrain the RM in ADL/AOM 1.5. 
 The only possibilities for this are actually 0..0 and 1..1, so we could 
 collapse existence onto a single Boolean for serialised representation (it 
 could also be a single Boolean in the AOM, but that would be a breaking 
 change, and since we already use Intervals for occurrences and cardinality, 
 it does not seem worth the trouble). 
 Thus in JSON/dADL it could be:
 some_attr = 
 existence = True|False
 In XML:
 attributes rm_attribute_name=nameexistence=true

 Now, this is cheating a bit because we are making it look like there is an 
 AOM property 'existence' of type Boolean, but there isn't. Should it be named 
 something else to make this clear? I.e. a pseudo attribute that only exists 
 in serialised format but not in AOM internal format, e.g. 
 'existence_constraint'? I would favour this. In my current implementation, 
 the serialised format actually has its own object model, and this would have 
 to be true for JSON as well. I think it also makes sense in XML - that there 
 will be a level of classes corresponding to the space-efficient serial form, 
 which are not the same as the internal AOM classes.

Agree, it could be 0 or 1
 - thomas beale
 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at openehr.org
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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-11 Thread Diego Boscá
Although this would work, I think that it would make ADL far less
readable and would oblige people to know always the reference model
underneath AND their parent archetype (if for some reason the parent
archetype is not available then you are completely screwed). Even if
you say that people should know very well the model they are defining
archetypes for, I think that you would agree with me that they should
not be obliged to remember all archetypes on the specialization

This could be even worse for the minimum, as if no constraint is
expressed = RM min (and again, also taking into account parent
archetype), which is almost always 0 or 1. And not being able to tell
at first look if something is not needed is really bad (IMHO).

2011/11/11 Sam Heard sam.heard at oceaninformatics.com:
 Hi All
 As ADL only states constraints there is no logical reason to include
 unbounded. So no constraint expressed ?= RM max. This is likely to be one or

 Sent from my phone
 On 11/11/2011, at 5:11 AM, Thomas Beale thomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com

 In the current ADL 1.4-based XSDs used in openEHR, occurrences, cardinality
 and existence are expressed as XML elements. We will want to improve this
 for ADL 1.5 based XML. Now, we don't want to only take care of XML; we also
 need to make it work for JSON, and (internally) for dADL - neither of the
 latter have XML's 'attributes'. Many people have asked for more efficient
 ways of serialising. Here are some ideas for ADL 1.5 XML, JSON etc.

 ~~ first question: occurrences and cardinality? 
 Occurrences and cardinality? are proper intervals in the AOM representation.
 The most simplified object structure (JSON and dADL) for occurrences and
 cardinality could look as follows (I use dADL  occurrences here):

 occurrences = 
 ??? lower = 2 -- Integer field
 ??? upper = 10 -- Integer field

 but the upper limit is commonly unbounded, i.e. '*' in typical UML-like
 syntax. We could do:

 occurrences = 
 ??? lower = 2 -- Integer field
 ??? upper_bounded = True -- Boolean field

 Sam: no need for this.

 meaning that 3 possible attributes could occur for an occurrences, but only
 ever 2 at the same time. Or we could make everything into a string:

 occurrences = 
 ??? lower = 2 -- String field
 ??? upper = * -- String field

 Sam: no need for this

 The upside is that the 'upper' attribute now handles both bounded and
 unbounded values. The downside is that the JSON / dADL parsers would have to
 do a bit more work to generate the required IntervalInteger object - since
 the 'upper' attribute now has to be treated as a little fragment of syntax
 and checked before being turned into an Integer.

 If we were just doing JSON, dADL and other 'proper' OO syntaxes, the first
 one would be the obvious one. But since we are also targetting XML, we have
 to think whether it makes more sense to do:

 ?? ??? children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2
 occurrences_upper=10 -- xsi:type=C_OBJECT
 ?? ??? ??? ??? rm_type_nameCLUSTER/rm_type_name


 ?? ??? children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2
 occurrences_unbounded=true -- xs:boolean has to support 0/1 and
 ?? ??? ??? ??? rm_type_nameCLUSTER/rm_type_name

 which is the analog of the first approach above, or it could be:

 ?? ??? children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2
 ?? ??? ??? ??? rm_type_nameCLUSTER/rm_type_name


 ?? ??? children node_id=at0005 occurrences_lower=2
 ?? ??? ??? ??? rm_type_nameCLUSTER/rm_type_name

 with both attributes defined in the XSD as xs:string. This means that like
 for JSON/dADL, the XML standard parser only generates strings, and somehting
 further has to be done to obtain a proper Interval object.

 My preference is still to go with the first way of doing things. Do others
 agree with this? If so, it is what I will implement in the ADL 1.5

 ~ second question:existence 
 Existence as an interval can be 0..0 (prohibited, commonly used in
 templates), 0..1 (optional, typical in the RM) and 1..1 (used in templates
 and sometimes in archetypes). Now, since archetypes and templates are
 constraint structures, they can only further constrain the RM in ADL/AOM
 1.5. The only possibilities for this are actually 0..0 and 1..1, so we
 could collapse existence onto a single Boolean for serialised representation
 (it could also be a single Boolean in the AOM, but that would be a breaking
 change, and since we already use Intervals for occurrences and cardinality,
 it does not seem worth the trouble).

 Thus in JSON/dADL it could be:

 some_attr = 
 ??? existence = True|False

 In XML:

 attributes rm_attribute_name=nameexistence=true

 Now, this is cheating a bit because we are making it look like there is an
 AOM property 'existence' of type Boolean, but there isn't. Should it be
 named something else to make this clear? I.e. a pseudo 

occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-11 Thread Thomas Beale
On 11/11/2011 08:15, Shinji KOBAYASHI wrote:
 Hi Thomas and colleagues,

 I would like to discuss about the other serialization form of archetype, too.
 I thought YAML could be an alternative of them.

I had forgotten about YAML I have to admit. It would be interesting to 
support that in the ADL 1.5 tools as well. I will look into it.

 However, JSON/YAML are based on weakly typing languages, do not have
 established scheme definition, such as XSD/ADL.


 2011/11/11 Thomas Bealethomas.beale at oceaninformatics.com:

 ~~ first question: occurrences and cardinality  
 but the upper limit is commonly unbounded, i.e. '*' in typical UML-like
 syntax. We could do:

 occurrences =
  lower =2  -- Integer field
  upper_bounded =True  -- Boolean field
 I think upper_bounded is typo for upper_unbounded, but this format has the

oops - you are right. Sorry about that.

 most conformance to INTERVAL specification of assumed types library.
 I agree this, because this form is easier to parse and generate an
 INTERVAL instance.
 I also agree with the first way of XML scheme with the same reason.

 BTW, Rubyist might be prefer this format(YAML):


well, that's close to what I generate in dADL right now:

but XML developers don't like that.

- thomas

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occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-11 Thread Thomas Beale
On 11/11/2011 07:34, Diego Bosc? wrote:
 Although this would work, I think that it would make ADL far less
 readable and would oblige people to know always the reference model

to be clear, I am not proposing to make any change at all to ADL. ADL is 
meant as a proper readable, mathematical formal expression of archetype 
semantics. It is the other serialisations we are concerned with here - 
i.e. serialisations of AOM structures.

 underneath AND their parent archetype (if for some reason the parent
 archetype is not available then you are completely screwed). Even if
 you say that people should know very well the model they are defining
 archetypes for, I think that you would agree with me that they should
 not be obliged to remember all archetypes on the specialization

yes, that is another issue here, which is whether you are seeing an 
archetype in differential or flattened form. If we use the ADL format 
for occurrences, cardinality and existence ranges, you can always just 
look at the most specialised archetype and you know the resulting 
occurrences / card/ ex, because you always have the full range e.g. occ 
= 2..5 or whatever. But in the scheme I am proposing, this is not so 
easy to work out visually. The tools of course should generate the right 
result in 'flat' view. If you play around with the AWB, you will see the 
diff  flat views, but currently these intervals are easy to understand 
because of always being in the full n..m form (even in the dADL and XML 
serialisation). So... good point

 This could be even worse for the minimum, as if no constraint is
 expressed = RM min (and again, also taking into account parent
 archetype), which is almost always 0 or 1. And not being able to tell
 at first look if something is not needed is really bad (IMHO).

well it would be bad if there were no flattener, but it is always 
possible to implement a flattener. The way the AWB tool works is that 
the serialised form of a differential archetype is converted to AOM form 
- which has proper MULTIPLICITY_INTERVAL objects (these are essentially 
just IntervalInteger) before flattening; then serialisation occurs in 
the other direction. So a flattened archetype will show the result of 
the archetype lineage and also the RM, if the 'flatten RM' option is on. 
I am not saying all tools have to work this way - this is the way I have 
done the reference compiler, but others may come up with more 
stream-based approaches in the future.

Anyway, this is a good point to be careful of.

- thomas

- thomas

occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-11 Thread Thomas Beale
On 11/11/2011 08:19, Erik Sundvall wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 08:34, Diego Bosc?yampeku at gmail.com  wrote:
 Although this would work, I think that it would make ADL far less
 Some readability thoughts...

 When a value (e.g. upper bound) may be either a number or a symbol (*
 or infinity) most recieveing software will need to have logic
 separating the cases anyway, no matter how they are serialized.
 So then I wonder how much harder it would be to include string parsing
 logic so that we can have JSON-fields with string values like...
 occurrences: 1..*

well that's my opinion as well, and XML-ers always react badly! The 
'proper' parser code for dealing with this form, used in the ADL parser 
is (from the .y file):

%type MULTIPLICITY_INTERVAL c_occurrences c_existence occurrence_spec 
c_occurrences:  -- empty is ok
 $$ := $4
 abort_with_error(SOCCF, Void)

occurrence_spec: cardinality_limit_value -- single integer or '*'
 if not cardinality_limit_pos_infinity then
 create multiplicity_interval.make_point($1)
 create multiplicity_interval.make_upper_unbounded(0)
 cardinality_limit_pos_infinity := False
 $$ := multiplicity_interval
 | V_INTEGER SYM_ELLIPSIS cardinality_limit_value
 if cardinality_limit_pos_infinity then
 create multiplicity_interval.make_upper_unbounded($1)
 cardinality_limit_pos_infinity := False
 create multiplicity_interval.make_bounded($1, $3)
 $$ := multiplicity_interval

cardinality_limit_value: integer_value
 $$ := $1
 | '*'
 cardinality_limit_pos_infinity := True

But the 'fast dADL' parser doesn't bother with any of that. Here is the 
Eiffel code - you can see how simple it is, and how it would work in 
Java, Python etc etc. Note that this parser only handles correct 
Interval strings, i..e that were generated by the serialiser, not by 
some erroneous human hand!



 make_from_string (a_str: attached STRING)
 -- make from a string of the form n..m or just n, where 
n and m are integers, or m may be '*'
 valid_multiplicity_string: valid_multiplicity_string (a_str)
 a_lower, an_upper, delim_pos: INTEGER
 a_mult_str: STRING
 a_mult_str := a_str.twin

 -- remove any spaces
 a_mult_str.prune_all (' ')

 -- make the interval
 delim_pos := a_mult_str.substring_index 
(Multiplicity_range_delimiter, 1)
 -- n..m case
 if delim_pos  0 then
 a_lower := a_mult_str.substring (1, delim_pos-1).to_integer
 if a_mult_str.item (a_mult_str.count) = 
Multiplicity_unbounded_marker then
 make_upper_unbounded (a_lower)
 an_upper := a_mult_str.substring 
(a_mult_str.substring_index (Multiplicity_range_delimiter, 1) + 
Multiplicity_range_delimiter.count, a_mult_str.count).to_integer
 make_bounded (a_lower, an_upper)
 -- * case
 elseif a_mult_str.item (1) = Multiplicity_unbounded_marker then
 make_upper_unbounded (0)
 -- m (single integer) case
 a_lower := a_mult_str.to_integer
 make_bounded (a_lower, a_lower)

Not exactly hard. but I think XML developers are not used to this, 
and seem to prefer the XML-attributes style, which of course is not an 
OO structure, but does reduce the size of the XML file significantly.

 Will a string pattern be good enough for validation by auto-generated
 validators or does separation into fields clearly make auto-generated
 validators more capable in this case?

 Archetypes and templates will likely often be re-used as in-memory
 objects anyway so a little bit of string parsing overhead at startup
 might not have any significant overhead cost.

 On the other hand if we want to be verbose we could re-use some of the
 formalisms from http://json-schema.org/ Then we get schema validators
 in many programming languages for free
 (http://json-schema.org/implementations.html). Or perhaps json-schema
 should be an output format from something similar to the TDS (template
 data schema) approach?

I guess my assumption is that ADL will always use the most efficient and 
human readable form 

occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-11 Thread Ian McNicoll
Apart from the size issue, readability is a particular problem because
of the verbosity of the current XML schema.


Dr Ian McNicoll
office +44 (0)1536 414 994
fax +44 (0)1536 516317
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.com

Clinical Modelling Consultant,?Ocean Informatics, UK
openEHR Clinical Knowledge Editor www.openehr.org/knowledge
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
BCS Primary Health Care ?www.phcsg.org

On 11 November 2011 13:56, Andrew Patterson andrewpatto at gmail.com wrote:
 On 11/11/2011 11:50 PM, Thomas Beale wrote:
 occurrences: 1..*
 well that's my opinion as well, and XML-ers always react badly! The
 'proper' parser code for dealing with this form, used in the ADL parser
 is (from the .y file):

 Well I consider myself an XML-er and I don't see massive problems with
 it, but
 maybe I have become soft in my old age.

 My main argument would be that the XML at one point was almost a
 straight serialization
 of the object model, as supported by various XML data binding libraries. So
 XML - AOM memory objects - XML was all doable with very standard
 binding libraries.


 I was happy with status quo because I don't really care about the
 size of the XML or how often elements are repeated or the fact that is looks
 ugly to people - if people want compressed data then they should use
 or exi, and then gzip and it'll compress beautifully. The size/format/look
 is a concern to others.


 If I have lost the battle and if we are going to do customised
 XML serializations then once you've taken it outside the
 normal data binding by introducing * forms or even
 'properties' that aren't really properties but kind of quasi computed fields
 then you mind as well as give up on the pretence that the XML serialization
 will bind straight into an AOM compatible object model..
 in which case parsing 1..* is not a problem


 openEHR-technical mailing list
 openEHR-technical at openehr.org

occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-11 Thread Ian McNicoll
Hi Andrew,

In principle I agree. I speak only as one of the poor sods who
sometimes has to visually check the .opt template schemas and which
use the same format. I know - get a tool :-) But even in something
like XMLSpy it can get hard to see the clinical wood for the
occurences trees.


Dr Ian McNicoll
office +44 (0)1536 414 994
fax +44 (0)1536 516317
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at oceaninformatics.com

Clinical Modelling Consultant,?Ocean Informatics, UK
openEHR Clinical Knowledge Editor www.openehr.org/knowledge
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
BCS Primary Health Care ?www.phcsg.org

On 11 November 2011 14:29, Andrew Patterson andrewpatto at gmail.com wrote:
 On 12/11/2011 1:16 AM, Ian McNicoll wrote:

 Apart from the size issue, readability is a particular problem because
 of the verbosity of the current XML schema.

 I'm not convinced that human readability should matter too much
 (especially seeing ADL is meant to be the human readable format
 - if we have readable XML can we ditch the ADL??)

 But I'm not passionately opposed to it or anything :) Just when it
 was brought up in the past many moons ago I thought we had other
 more pressing issues. But if the change is happening as part of
 an update to 1.5 then I'm all for it.


occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON

2011-11-11 Thread pablo pazos

Hi Thomas, do you have some examples of the JSON produced with your P_ classes 
from a couple AOM instances? It would be nice to see the results.

I don't see why anyone would dislike not to have each node's type specified in 
the serialization form when we are talking about a schema-less format (I mean: 
we don't need to put each node's class in every instance of a JSON/YAML 
serialization from an AOM instance) and if we could agree a specification of 
this format (and the specification will have each nodes type, or a mapping to 
an AOM object that has a type defined in the AOM specs).

This is not the issue, but I don't like the name persistence for the package, 
because I get the idea this is only for persisting something, but what I realy 
want to do is to use the serialization for archetype interchange (between a 
server and a web browser).

Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos

Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 01:04:22 +
From: thomas.be...@oceaninformatics.com
To: openehr-technical at openehr.org
Subject: Re: occurrences and cardinality in ADL, XML, JSON


On 11/11/2011 16:21, pablo pazos wrote:

Hi, I was thinking of this a lot: using a schema-less formats to
represent archetypes and RM instances.

I think if we agree on a common
  language/standard/definition, we don't need to define the
  types of any node on a JSON/YAML structure, because those
  types are defined on the laguage/standard/definition those
  structures will follow. And if we define a good serialization
  to JSON/YAML of archetypes and RM instances, we don't need a
  schema to share instances of those structures, we just need to
  implement the serialization definitions, and base the parsing
  on the attribute names.

What do you think?



  PS: I was thinking of archetypes serialized to JSON because I
  want to build a web-based GUI Generation layer completely
  implemented with Javascript (JSON objects are javascript
  objects), so we can useshare this thin layer to show
  archetype-based GUI generation easily, and, if we have a REST
  layer that implement EHR-Server services, we can user that GUI
  layer to send data input to the server and get information to
  show (a complete circle). If anyone want to collaborate on the
  JSON format of ADL/AOM please send contact me.



Again, I agree with this point of view. But XML people may not
but now I should clarify something...

I should have explained on other thing: what I have done in the
current AOM 1.5 implementation (but not yet documented) is to create
a parallel set of P_XX classes ('P_' means 'persistent')  like
P_ARCHETYPE, P_C_OBJECT and so on. These classes formally specify
the serialised form of the archetype so there can be no ambiguity.
It is these classes that current have occurrences, cardinality and
existence defined as String properties. There are a few other
simplifications as well. My proposal is to add these P_XX class
definitions to the specification. It mihgt seem like slight overkill
(and I resisted it for a long time) but once I implemented it, it
seems worthwhile, and it allows us to separate the in-memory
computable version of the AOM from a P_ version whose sole purpose
is serialisation. The Eiffel P_ classes are here;
it is easy to imagine what the Java, Python etc would look like. 

So Pablo's argument, applied to the P_ classes would indeed mean
that the serialised form in JSON, YAML (also dADL) is a pure
consequence of the P_AOM classes, and no extra logic is needed. That
is why I built the P_ classes.

- thomas


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