Re: [openhealth] Liberty HSF formation process

2009-06-04 Thread Fouad Bajwa
Hello Fred and Dr. Valdes,

First of all please accept my personal congratulations to you and your
team members on the establishment of the Liberty Health Software
Foundation as well as upon receiving the 501(c)3 status! It is indeed
a wonderful evolution of an initiative dedicated to the Free Libre
Software within the Health Care and Informatics community. I wish you
the organization continued growth and success.

You have indeed put forth an interesting list of questions and
answers. Regarding the revenue stream to conduct business as usual and
keep the social enterprise sustainable, I see the following avenues of
considerable importance and growth:

1. Training Programs - Both Paid and Sponsored

2. Healthcare Information Systems Certification programs and in this
case can be Basic, Intermediate and Advanced User Certs

3. A professional network that runs Liberty Health Software
Conferences and Seminars for the masses around the 50 states as well
as in Canada and other countries where you would like to expand out

4. The training manual is a good idea but I see the need for a book or
a number of books on Free  Open Source Software in Health Care and
FOSS Health Care Information Systems. You can produce these books and
distribute them under Creative Commons free for online download where
as print and sell them through

5. There is no harm in maintaining a community of FOSS developers at
the foundation virtually or physically. Software Bundles with Support
options. You can provide software free but charge for the following:
   a. Software Bundles with personal support US$250, group support
US$500, clinical support US$1000, large clinic support US$5000, Small
Scale Hospital Support US$10,000, Medium Scale Hospital Support
US$50,000 and Enterprise Scale Hospital Support US$1-500,000 plans.
   b. Consulting Plans
   c. Training Plans
   d. Maintenance Plans
   e. Remote Support Plans
   f. Customized Development Plans

6. I would also recommend you to apply for a grant to the Rockefeller
Foundation as they are still supporting numerous FOSS programs and

7. I would recommend you to float CCHIT development on Google Summer
of Code and other FOSS Initiatives.

8. Partnership with universities, especially medical healthcare
capacity development or academic centres to offer certificate

9. In the end, you need a strong marketing plan, every social
enterprise needs it and so do you so that the world knows you exist
and you add value to the social and economic systems either in the US
or abroad.

10. Get working on public relations, use means such as google adwords,
facebook and linked in. Get the show rolling!

I hope these ideas will be useful and I am always available for
joining the foundation in strategy support etc. Btw, this me just in


Fouad Bajwa
FOSS Advocate (South Asia)
Answering all your technology questions

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 3:33 AM, fred trotter wrote:

 FOSS Community,

 I am writing to let you know that Liberty Health Software
 Foundation has received 501c3 status.
 Dr. Valdes and I have been working on this for over two years and we are
 ready to present this to the community-at-large.

 The purpose of Liberty Health Software Foundation (LibertyHSF) is to improve
 the delivery and science of healthcare by supporting the development and use
 of Free/Libre Healthcare Software.

 We are in a unique position with the organization because we want to both be
 careful with how we set things up for long term sustainability, as well as
 getting some critical tasks done now. I wish this email were somewhat more
 organized, but as it stands it is just several lists of directions that we
 want to take as well as open questions about a slew of issues. Feel free to
 email me privately or call me to discuss anything that you would prefer to
 remain outside the public forum. I am and will remain baised towards those
 who have contributed towards our community, I will listen to everyone, but I
 will act based on the opinions of those who have sacrificed for our

 How do we choose a BOD?

 We want a mix of FOSS corporate and FOSS community interests. Sometimes what
 our successful FOSS companies do is in the interests of the FOSS developer
 and user interests and sometimes it is not? Our community has several
 non-vendor roles: deployers, which include IT specialist who deploy FOSS,
 clinical users, developers and finally the consumers who have their health
 data stored in FOSS systems. How do we balance community and vendor

 We want to include and embrace hybrid FOSS/proprietary companies like Mysis,
 ECW and DSS but still acknowledge that at least part of their interests are
 to support proprietary software. How do we strike a 

Re: [openhealth] Liberty HSF formation process

2009-06-04 Thread fred trotter
Thanks for replying... I sent you a private email about coordinating our


On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 1:10 PM, wrote:

 Hi Fred!

 Congratulations! As co-chair of the EFMI LIFOSS WG and member of the IMIA
 OS WG I am looking forward to work together with LibertyHSF. I am confident
 that we share the same long term goals and that we can collaborate to
 achieve these comon goals.

 Our current focus is on fostering the collaboration between different FLOSS
 in health care projects and to organize conferences and workshops to
 disseminate knowledge about the benefits and prospects of FLOSS. We recently
 organized a workshop at BIOSTEC (OSEHC) and will organize a second edition
 of OSEHC in 2010. We also organized a workshop at Med-e-Tel 2009 and will
 have another one in 2010. At MIE2009 there will be a workshop about FLOSS
 -HC and in 2010 we participate in the organization of the International
 workshop on ehealth in emerging economies (IWEEE).

 Thanks for taking the initiative of founding LibertyHSF and looking forward
 to work together with you.

 Best wishes,
 Thomas Karopka

 FOSS Community,

 I am writing to let you know that Liberty Health Software
 Foundation has received 501c3 status.
 Dr. Valdes and I have been working on this for over two years and we are
 ready to present this to the community-at-large.

 The purpose of Liberty Health Software Foundation (LibertyHSF) is to
 the delivery and science of healthcare by supporting the development and
 of Free/Libre Healthcare Software.

 We are in a unique position with the organization because we want to both
 careful with how we set things up for long term sustainability, as well as
 getting some critical tasks done now. I wish this email were somewhat more
 organized, but as it stands it is just several lists of directions that we
 want to take as well as open questions about a slew of issues. Feel free to
 email me privately or call me to discuss anything that you would prefer to
 remain outside the public forum. I am and will remain baised towards those
 who have contributed towards our community, I will listen to everyone, but
 will act based on the opinions of those who have sacrificed for our

 How do we choose a BOD?

 We want a mix of FOSS corporate and FOSS community interests. Sometimes
 our successful FOSS companies do is in the interests of the FOSS developer
 and user interests and sometimes it is not? Our community has several
 non-vendor roles: deployers, which include IT specialist who deploy FOSS,
 clinical users, developers and finally the consumers who have their health
 data stored in FOSS systems. How do we balance community and vendor

 We want to include and embrace hybrid FOSS/proprietary companies like
 ECW and DSS but still acknowledge that at least part of their interests are
 to support proprietary software. How do we strike a balance of encouraging
 the risks that these hybrid companies are taking, but still remaining true
 to the FOSS values?

 Liberty HSF goal: Certification: Create a certification system compatible
 with FOSS
   - Current plan: work with CCHIT to become the scholarship
 organization for CCHIT certification, and to make CCHIT have a reasonable
 cert option for FOSS
   - Backup plan: become an FOSS oriented CCHIT alternative

 How do we deal with CCHIT as an organization AND as a community of
 independent thinkers?

 When do we decide that we need to 'fork' CCHIT and setup an alternative
 certification system?

 Liberty HSF goal: Vendor organization: be a FOSS EHRVA (this is what we are
 talking about here)
   - Represent FOSS Vendors the way that EHRVA claims to and
 HIMSS pretends it does not.
   - Lobby (in compliance with the rules for 501c3) for FOSS
 vendor interests
   - Create our own definition of 'meaningful use' to through
 into the mix

 We need to give a vehicle the FOSS vendors to express their views, as
 distinct from the community. Vendor profitability is critical to our
 community, we need FOSS vendors to form the backbone of our community. How
 do we carve out a space for vendors specifically, while ensuring that the
 overall purpose of Liberty HSF to represent every member of our community
 not damaged?

 - Community Organization: be a FOSS HIMSS
   - Create and back FOSS conferences (like DOCHS and

 How do we run better conferences and meetings so that eventually we can
 compete with HIMSS?

 - Development organization: be a FOSS RWJ
   - Fund and/or internally develop FOSS solutions that are
 'orphan', the kind of projects that are not clearly profitable, but are
 still useful.
   - Like documentation?
   - Like user 

Re: [openhealth] Liberty HSF formation process

2009-06-04 Thread fred trotter

 1. Training Programs - Both Paid and Sponsored

That makes sense, but it is unclear what we should train on. WorldVistA is,
as at first blush, a better organization for handeling VistA training, and
there are typically corporate backers that offer training for other

Still I would like to consider that door open.

 2. Healthcare Information Systems Certification programs and in this
 case can be Basic, Intermediate and Advanced User Certs

We are considering setting up an alternative to CCHIT. User certification
will be difficult if we are to remain project neutral.

 3. A professional network that runs Liberty Health Software
 Conferences and Seminars for the masses around the 50 states as well
 as in Canada and other countries where you would like to expand out

I am learning alot about running Health conferences with my experience with
FOSSHealth. It is an open question how many conferences can be supported by
us and if we should move to support local users groups.

We are a very small community and i can (and have) called in favors to
ensure good talks at a single conference, but how to ensure that there are
good talks across the world? Not sure.

 4. The training manual is a good idea but I see the need for a book or
 a number of books on Free  Open Source Software in Health Care and
 FOSS Health Care Information Systems. You can produce these books and
 distribute them under Creative Commons free for online download where
 as print and sell them through

Again, how do choose which projects get books like this published?
This is a really good idea and a big part of what we would like to do...

 5. There is no harm in maintaining a community of FOSS developers at
 the foundation virtually or physically. Software Bundles with Support
 options. You can provide software free but charge for the following:
   a. Software Bundles with personal support US$250, group support
 US$500, clinical support US$1000, large clinic support US$5000, Small
 Scale Hospital Support US$10,000, Medium Scale Hospital Support
 US$50,000 and Enterprise Scale Hospital Support US$1-500,000 plans.
   b. Consulting Plans
   c. Training Plans
   d. Maintenance Plans
   e. Remote Support Plans
   f. Customized Development Plans

I do not want to get into software support which I consider to be the domain
of for-profit companies.
We do not want to be seen as competing with the vendors that we hope to
Still if the vendors themselves clalled for some kind of support program, we
might be willing to consider it.

 6. I would also recommend you to apply for a grant to the Rockefeller
 Foundation as they are still supporting numerous FOSS programs and

That is exactly the plan.

 7. I would recommend you to float CCHIT development on Google Summer
 of Code and other FOSS Initiatives.

This is a good idea, but I would not want to do this in competition with
different projects.

8. Partnership with universities, especially medical healthcare
 capacity development or academic centres to offer certificate

Not sure how this would work.. but perhaps a textbook?

 9. In the end, you need a strong marketing plan, every social
 enterprise needs it and so do you so that the world knows you exist
 and you add value to the social and economic systems either in the US
 or abroad.


 10. Get working on public relations, use means such as google adwords,
 facebook and linked in. Get the show rolling!


 I hope these ideas will be useful and I am always available for
 joining the foundation in strategy support etc. Btw, this me just in


 Fouad Bajwa
 FOSS Advocate (South Asia)
 Answering all your technology questions

Fred Trotter

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[openhealth] Liberty HSF formation process

2009-06-03 Thread fred trotter
FOSS Community,

I am writing to let you know that Liberty Health Software
Foundation has received 501c3 status.
Dr. Valdes and I have been working on this for over two years and we are
ready to present this to the community-at-large.

The purpose of Liberty Health Software Foundation (LibertyHSF) is to improve
the delivery and science of healthcare by supporting the development and use
of Free/Libre Healthcare Software.

We are in a unique position with the organization because we want to both be
careful with how we set things up for long term sustainability, as well as
getting some critical tasks done now. I wish this email were somewhat more
organized, but as it stands it is just several lists of directions that we
want to take as well as open questions about a slew of issues. Feel free to
email me privately or call me to discuss anything that you would prefer to
remain outside the public forum. I am and will remain baised towards those
who have contributed towards our community, I will listen to everyone, but I
will act based on the opinions of those who have sacrificed for our

How do we choose a BOD?

We want a mix of FOSS corporate and FOSS community interests. Sometimes what
our successful FOSS companies do is in the interests of the FOSS developer
and user interests and sometimes it is not? Our community has several
non-vendor roles: deployers, which include IT specialist who deploy FOSS,
clinical users, developers and finally the consumers who have their health
data stored in FOSS systems. How do we balance community and vendor

We want to include and embrace hybrid FOSS/proprietary companies like Mysis,
ECW and DSS but still acknowledge that at least part of their interests are
to support proprietary software. How do we strike a balance of encouraging
the risks that these hybrid companies are taking, but still remaining true
to the FOSS values?

Liberty HSF goal: Certification: Create a certification system compatible
with FOSS
   - Current plan: work with CCHIT to become the scholarship
organization for CCHIT certification, and to make CCHIT have a reasonable
cert option for FOSS
   - Backup plan: become an FOSS oriented CCHIT alternative

How do we deal with CCHIT as an organization AND as a community of
independent thinkers?

When do we decide that we need to 'fork' CCHIT and setup an alternative
certification system?

Liberty HSF goal: Vendor organization: be a FOSS EHRVA (this is what we are
talking about here)
   - Represent FOSS Vendors the way that EHRVA claims to and
HIMSS pretends it does not.
   - Lobby (in compliance with the rules for 501c3) for FOSS
vendor interests
   - Create our own definition of 'meaningful use' to through
into the mix

We need to give a vehicle the FOSS vendors to express their views, as
distinct from the community. Vendor profitability is critical to our
community, we need FOSS vendors to form the backbone of our community. How
do we carve out a space for vendors specifically, while ensuring that the
overall purpose of Liberty HSF to represent every member of our community is
not damaged?

  - Community Organization: be a FOSS HIMSS
   - Create and back FOSS conferences (like DOCHS and

How do we run better conferences and meetings so that eventually we can
compete with HIMSS?

  - Development organization: be a FOSS RWJ
   - Fund and/or internally develop FOSS solutions that are
'orphan', the kind of projects that are not clearly profitable, but are
still useful.
   - Like documentation?
   - Like user manuals?
   - Like toolkits?
   - Like services that the community needs, like
CA services etc etc

How do we tell the difference between projects that need extra development
dollars and coders, and those that are largely self-sufficient? How do we
choose what projects to support? To a great extent, this will have to be
determined by those who donate either time or money?

How do we interact with other organizations like Open Health Tools and

My plan so far:

The following seems obviously true and represents 'already made' decisions.

   - We need to move away from me as benevolent dictator of this
   organization quickly, to establish credibility. But a full BOD should be
   something that the community has input on, we should have general
   nominations etc etc. So Dr. Valdes, David Whitten and I will appoint an
   arbitrary interim BOD (announced soon) which will allow us to move quickly
   and take our time thinking about the BOD issue long term.
   - No one is going to have tons of time for this, and there need to be
   sub-groupings of LibertyHSF for different purposes,