[OpenIndiana-discuss] napp-it cs web-gui for (m)any ZFS server

2024-02-26 Thread Guenther Alka

*I want to announce napp-it cs (client/server edition)*

napp-it cs is a webbased software to manage  (m)any ZFS servers,
does not matter if *BSD, Illumos, Linux, OSX, Solaris or Windows.

napp-it cs is a copy and run software.
Download and start on your Windows desktop or server, no setup needed.

You can then manage not only a local Open-ZFS 2.2 on Windows but you can 
add additional ZFS servers. With a simple select in the main menu you 
manage any remote server exactly like the local one.

Current state: preview working for OmniOS/OI, Linux (Proxmox) and 
Windows with base ZFS and snap management
Any other should work as the only requirement is Perl and ssh root 
access to copy over the socket server script.

Planned: Replicate remote/local, local/remote and remote/remote.

Infos: https://www.napp-it.de/downloads/windows_en.html 

Proxmox: https://www.napp-it.de/downloads/linux_en.html

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] First rpc sealing deadline is today, action required

2023-06-13 Thread Guenther Alka
Microsoft has fixed a serious security problem with rpc signing and 
enforces all to follow the switch to rpc sealing.

Today is the first deadline for rpc signing.

/*Important*// Starting June 2023, Enforcement mode will be enabled on 
all Windows domain controllers and will block vulnerable connections 
from non-compliant devices. At that time, you will not be able to 
disable the update, but may move back to the Compatibility mode setting. 
Compatibility mode will be removed in July 2023, as outlined in the 
//Timing of updates to address Netlogon vulnerability CVE-2022-38023 
// section./ 


Clients that want to access a Windows server or users authenticate 
against an AD server like OpenIndiana as an AD member will no longer 
work unless you update or change Windows registry settings that allows 
using signing up to the final deadline july, 11.

The Illumos fix is ready,

A pkg update should be enough on install newest Illumos on OI with the fix.

thanks for providing the fix


*illumos * / omnios-discuss / see 
discussions  + 
delivery options 

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Add inotify support to illumos-gate

2023-05-02 Thread Guenther Alka

Not sure if this is helpful for your problem..

I use fswatch 1.17.1 for filesystem monitoring in napp-it.
It supports the Solaris file event notification (or the Linux inotify 
with some problems on Solaris so prefer event notification on Illumos).

You can compile it via

cd /root

tar -zxvf fswatch-1.17.1.tar.gz
cd fswatch-1.17.1/
make install

installs binaries to-> /usr/local/bin.

/The File Events Notification Monitor//
//The File Events Notification monitor is backed by the File Events 
Notification API of the Solaris/Illumos kernel. This monitor is very 
efficient, it suffers from no known resource-exhaustion problems and it 
scales very well with the number of objects being watched. This monitor 
is the default monitor on systems running a Solaris or Illumos kernel 
providing this API. /




As a search result from this morning, glib misses inotify/fam support,
which is a reason for mate-system-monitor to dump core.

FAM seems to be too old, but inotify-support is not in illumos-gate,
but Smartos has support for it.

Which is the "right" way to include inotify support in OI ?

a) Should we hopefully ask some smartos-developer to upstream this?

b) As a patch (-set) within oi-userland to illumos-gate ?

c) ??

A small search in the smart-os tree gives this:

$ find . -iname "*inotify*"



Stephan Althaus

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Where can I find what hardware OpenIndiana supports?

2023-05-01 Thread Guenther Alka

Nvidia graphic driver support, see

General hardware see

I would just try

I was wanting to install OpenIndiana Hipster on my laptop, it has an 
Intel i7-12700H and a NVIDIA RTX 3050Ti; I couldn't find information 
on Alder Lake, laptop NVIDIA cards support and Optimus. Where should I 
look for that information?

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Mail archives 404

2023-04-19 Thread Guenther Alka

It seems the footer link is wrong,

All the links to the list archives are gone:

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openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Default SMB file permission

2023-03-30 Thread Guenther Alka
Main open question is if you use SAMBA or the Solaris kernelbased SMB 
I would always prefer the second due easier config and better handling 
of Windows SMB permissions

and zero config ZFS snaps= Windows previous versions.

Due the lack of smb.conf, I asume you use the kernelbased SMB server:
- Settings are done via ZFS properties aclmode and aclinherit or sharectl

or in napp-it

The kernelbased SMB server use (only and always) Windows ntfs alike 
with inheritance based on Windows SID as security reference. This is why 
permissions ex
in an AD environment remaion intact after a restore from backup without 
any mappings.


Additionally to Unix groups you have Windows alike local SMB groups.

ACL are superiour to classic Unix permissions like 750.
Never set classic permissions or gid as they delete inheritance
settings or reduce permissions, always use ACL. Permissions wise Solaris 
is like Windows not Unix.

To set ACL
- set aclinherit to pass-through (Windows alike)
- prefer Windows. SMB connect as root and set ACL

- for the shared filesystem:
 allow at least read access for the shared folder only

for folders below
set needed settings with inheritance to files and folders
ex modify for certain users/ groups

A possible default is also:
- allow read for everyone@ (shared filesystem, this folder only)
- allow creation of files and folders for everyone
Default is then that a creator (=owner) has full permissions, others 
lack permissions

Additionally you can set share ACL. When you (re)create a share, the are 
always everyone@=full
Napp-it can store/ recreate share permissions as private ZFS properties 
on a re-share




I'm bashing my head a little.

I have a newly built OI server and I've got a share out through ZFS smb
share which is being accessed from a Linux client.

Every file written comes in with 700 and I need to change that default
to 740.

I believed that was a setting in smb.conf rather than umask but I think
I'm getting my linux and unix mixed up. But I can't find smb.conf

Oddly the file does show -rwx--+ which potentially indicates an acl

The guid bit for directory permission inheritance is working. It's just
newly created files.

I'm going to lie down because my head is hurting.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Guenther Ernst Alka
Dipl. Ing (FH)

Rektor-Klaus Str.71
73525 Schw. Gmünd
tel 07171 931393
openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] problem replacing a disk by a bigger one

2022-06-27 Thread Guenther Alka
If you want to replace the bootdisk the easiest disaster recovery method 
is to zfs send the current BE to your datapool, then do a clean install 
of OI to a new disk, send the BE back, activate then boot into the old BE.

For a non boot disk (with rpool) do a zpool replace poolname olddisk 

With an ongoing sync of the BE via incremental zfs send you always have 
an up to date BE copy for recovery.


Am 26.06.2022 um 23:52 schrieb Judah Richardson:

IIRC dd doesn't work reliably for ZFS.

I tried (& failed, possibly due to a bad source disk) to do this
previously, but I think you have to ZFS send all the datasets in the source
disk to the destination & then possibly do some beadm stuff on the target

Or do a default installation on the new disk, then ZFS send the
non-bootloader datasets from the old disk to the new.

On Sun, Jun 26, 2022, 16:46 Marc Lobelle  wrote:


In tried to replace the ssd of my notebook running openindiana (120G) by
a bigger one (1T).

I first copied the small ssd on the big one: I connected the big disk on
a usb adapter, ran format to identify the two devices then

dd if=/dev/rdsk/c6t0d0p0 of=/dev/rdsk/c4t0d0p0 bs=2048K

then I replaced the small internal disk by the big one.

However, when booting, I got the following message

 ZFS:i/o error - all block copies unavailable

 ZFS: Can't read MOS of pool rpool

 Can't find /boot/loader

 Can't find /boot/zfsloader

 illumos/x86 boot

 Default: /boot/loader


if I type , I get

 Can't find /boot/loader

 illumos/x86 boot

 Default: /boot/loader


How can I fix this ? (without reinstalling everything if possible;-)
(after that I plan of course to grow the fs to the whole disk)

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2021-01-07 Thread Guenther Alka

In the end I do not think in these categories.

A few years ago all my own servers were OpenIndiana and maybe 40% of my 
users on Solaris. Now I am 100% on OmniOS beside a OI evaluation machine 
(and miss OI features and use cases) and maybe 10% of my users are left 
on Solaris with OI near to not relevant now.

OmniOS and OI are OpenSource. Why not take over this from OmniOS to keep 
them more in sync?
On Linux Debian and Ubuntu are big enough to be independent while very 
similar. On Illumos everyone may be too small alone in the long run.


What you want is to make a OmniOS extra respoitory (git) with GUi 
packages. That would factually mean abandoning OI and the Goal of a 
General Purpose OS. That would be an acquisition not a merger.


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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2021-01-07 Thread Guenther Alka

Please ignore my lack of knowledge if I am not correct or simplify too much.

As far as I know kayak is a tool to setup OmniOS. I do not use. I 
download either the OI or OmniOS installer, create a bootable dvd or USB 
stick from it and install the OS. When I use the OI text installer the 
result is quite identical to a OmniOS default setup.

What would happen if
- you use a current OI text setup with the default current OmniOS stable 
repository instead the OI repository
(update this every 6 months to next OmniOS repo on next regular OI iso 
or via an OI update)

After this OmniOS and OI should be quite identical even after a pkg update

- add the OmniOS extra repository with some server related packages (I 
mostly use smartmontools, nc and minIO)
this gives all tools that are supported by OmniOS (update every 6 months 
to next stable)

- add the OI repository (that contains all OI packages minus the ones 
from OmniOS default and extra)

- then install tools like Mate GUI, browser or Office

would this work and gives you the current OI user experience on top of a 
stable OmniOS base?


Am 07.01.2021 um 20:53 schrieb Till Wegmueller:
So, to that question a bit of Background. OmniOS is more than just 
illumos and omni repo. It's also kayak and all their Projects. That is 
a huge amount of projects.

There was work to allow installation of omnios illumos-gate instead of 
illumos-gate by simply switching packages. That can work, because we 
have consolidations and metapackages that bundle illumos-gate into one 
tree of packages where everything depends on.

This work was started by Jim Klimov and me on the last FOSDEM but due 
to lack of experience with oi-userland and make it never went anywhere.

It's in PR https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/pull/5528
If anyobody is actually interested in picking it up.

And a last not on illumos-gate and stability. Originally the patches 
omnios included into it's for of illumos-gate where still considered 
experimental/not yet ready to upstream.

Now we see people saying those experimental patches are more stable 
than the illumos-gate with stability guarantee in master. If anything 
is broken from illumos-gate it gets fixed very quickly. The problem 
all complaints are about packages from oi-userland not illumos-gate.


On 07.01.21 14:29, Guenther Alka wrote:

I forgot

What is the problem to install either pure Illumos or a Illumos 
freeze from OmniOS and use the OI repository additional to the core 
OmniOS and OmniOS extra repository to use the additional options?

Where are the problems? Is this only to have same packages in 
different repositories or that OI would need something similar to the 
OmniOS extra repository when using Illumos to avoid conflicts? Maybe 
this can be solved to allow a underlying pure ongoing Illumos or one 
of the three OmniOS flavours.

Please educate me.


Am 07.01.2021 um 18:08 schrieb Guenther Alka:

Not broken as it never worked
(multi purpose Illumos Unix with a stable/long term stable/newest 
beta base).

OI currently: always and only newest beta based
so Yes: (maybe easy to say as I cannot help to do the needed work - 
unsure about the needed efforts)

When I remember the first steps of OpenIndiana, the lack of a stable 
was a constant item on all meetings.

When OmniOS started they first tried to use OpenIndiana as base what 
was more or less OpenSolaris at that time with too many 
dependencies. Then Illumos started as a minimalistic OS based on 
OpenSolaris and OmniOS used this as base. Now as OI is pure Illumos 
as base and OmniOS is more or less pure Illumos freezed in a fork 
per release there is no real reason to have two bases and two 
software repositories for different use cases with the problem for 
OI that the underlying Illumos can change from day to day.


Am 07.01.2021 um 17:24 schrieb Chris:

On 2021-01-07 06:02, Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Well spoken,, Gea! I am in favour of consolidating the 
OpenSolarish community. If
merging would reinvogarate interest and momentum, it can be worth 
it. And you guys
have been discussing this merging for ages, it is your old idea 
taken up again. It
seems that several of you think this is the only way forward, in 
the long run.
This is what we want to do. Base a desktop package ontop OmniOS 
stable (or LTS). I

am interested in helping such an effort.
Some people say yay, some say nay. Should we create a poll, to see 
how large the

interest is?

I vote: NAY.
There is no need to fix what is not broken.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2021-01-07 Thread Guenther Alka

I also own a project with mainly me and a few contributors (napp-it).
It's not the number of devs but the spirit to do something that matters.

You exactly point to the essential point.
With not enough people working on something not paid for doing without 
hope and energy your only choices are sudden death (if you are the last 
one to leave, please switch off the light) or slow death (nobody 
discovered that you are already dead).

As I have used Solaris, OpenSolaris, NexentaCore and now use OmniOS and 
OI, I would miss OI nearly as most as I would miss OmniOS. With only a 
few people working on something it is a matter of surviving to bundle 
work and not to do everything twice. OmniOS has a commercial background 
that may help but there are also not too many devs for an OpenSource OS.

If all efforts in a free Solaris can be combined, its future is better 
than when you seperate them additionally without real reason.


Am 07.01.2021 um 18:23 schrieb Andreas Wacknitz:

Am 07.01.21 um 18:08 schrieb Guenther Alka:

Not broken as it never worked
(multi purpose Illumos Unix with a stable/long term stable/newest beta

OI currently: always and only newest beta based
so Yes: (maybe easy to say as I cannot help to do the needed work -
unsure about the needed efforts)

When I remember the first steps of OpenIndiana, the lack of a stable
was a constant item on all meetings.

When OmniOS started they first tried to use OpenIndiana as base what
was more or less OpenSolaris at that time with too many dependencies.
Then Illumos started as a minimalistic OS based on OpenSolaris and
OmniOS used this as base. Now as OI is pure Illumos as base and OmniOS
is more or less pure Illumos freezed in a fork per release there is no
real reason to have two bases and two software repositories for
different use cases with the problem for OI that the underlying
Illumos can change from day to day.


You don't seem to have read my former answers, so I will retry:

The most important answer you have to give is: Who will do the necessary

Actual numbers:

Number of active OI maintainers: 
Number of active OI maintainers with commit rights: 1
Number of testers (not also being a maintainer): 1
Number of admins (not also being a maintainer with commit rights): 0

More questions you should answer as a business man:
- Do you have an estimation of the needed efforts, eg. for creating a
minimal version (tdb!) of what you propose?
- What are you willing to spend to start/support these efforts?

We need to increase all the numbers I presented above before it makes
even sense to discuss a change like you are proposing!
OI is an open source project without any company background and without
anybody getting money for what he/she is doing!

As I wrote before: We don't lack good ideas, we lack people doing actual


Am 07.01.2021 um 17:24 schrieb Chris:

On 2021-01-07 06:02, Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss wrote:

Well spoken,, Gea! I am in favour of consolidating the OpenSolarish
community. If
merging would reinvogarate interest and momentum, it can be worth
it. And you guys
have been discussing this merging for ages, it is your old idea
taken up again. It
seems that several of you think this is the only way forward, in the
long run.
This is what we want to do. Base a desktop package ontop OmniOS
stable (or LTS). I
am interested in helping such an effort.
Some people say yay, some say nay. Should we create a poll, to see
how large the
interest is?

I vote: NAY.
There is no need to fix what is not broken.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2021-01-07 Thread Guenther Alka

I forgot

What is the problem to install either pure Illumos or a Illumos freeze 
from OmniOS and use the OI repository additional to the core OmniOS and 
OmniOS extra repository to use the additional options?

Where are the problems? Is this only to have same packages in different 
repositories or that OI would need something similar to the OmniOS extra 
repository when using Illumos to avoid conflicts? Maybe this can be 
solved to allow a underlying pure ongoing Illumos or one of the three 
OmniOS flavours.

Please educate me.


Am 07.01.2021 um 18:08 schrieb Guenther Alka:

Not broken as it never worked
(multi purpose Illumos Unix with a stable/long term stable/newest beta 

OI currently: always and only newest beta based
so Yes: (maybe easy to say as I cannot help to do the needed work - 
unsure about the needed efforts)

When I remember the first steps of OpenIndiana, the lack of a stable 
was a constant item on all meetings.

When OmniOS started they first tried to use OpenIndiana as base what 
was more or less OpenSolaris at that time with too many dependencies. 
Then Illumos started as a minimalistic OS based on OpenSolaris and 
OmniOS used this as base. Now as OI is pure Illumos as base and OmniOS 
is more or less pure Illumos freezed in a fork per release there is no 
real reason to have two bases and two software repositories for 
different use cases with the problem for OI that the underlying 
Illumos can change from day to day.


Am 07.01.2021 um 17:24 schrieb Chris:

On 2021-01-07 06:02, Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Well spoken,, Gea! I am in favour of consolidating the OpenSolarish 
community. If
merging would reinvogarate interest and momentum, it can be worth 
it. And you guys
have been discussing this merging for ages, it is your old idea 
taken up again. It
seems that several of you think this is the only way forward, in the 
long run.
This is what we want to do. Base a desktop package ontop OmniOS 
stable (or LTS). I

am interested in helping such an effort.
Some people say yay, some say nay. Should we create a poll, to see 
how large the

interest is?

I vote: NAY.
There is no need to fix what is not broken.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2021-01-07 Thread Guenther Alka

Not broken as it never worked
(multi purpose Illumos Unix with a stable/long term stable/newest beta 

OI currently: always and only newest beta based
so Yes: (maybe easy to say as I cannot help to do the needed work - 
unsure about the needed efforts)

When I remember the first steps of OpenIndiana, the lack of a stable was 
a constant item on all meetings.

When OmniOS started they first tried to use OpenIndiana as base what was 
more or less OpenSolaris at that time with too many dependencies. Then 
Illumos started as a minimalistic OS based on OpenSolaris and OmniOS 
used this as base. Now as OI is pure Illumos as base and OmniOS is more 
or less pure Illumos freezed in a fork per release there is no real 
reason to have two bases and two software repositories for different use 
cases with the problem for OI that the underlying Illumos can change 
from day to day.


Am 07.01.2021 um 17:24 schrieb Chris:

On 2021-01-07 06:02, Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss wrote:
Well spoken,, Gea! I am in favour of consolidating the OpenSolarish 
community. If
merging would reinvogarate interest and momentum, it can be worth it. 
And you guys
have been discussing this merging for ages, it is your old idea taken 
up again. It
seems that several of you think this is the only way forward, in the 
long run.
This is what we want to do. Base a desktop package ontop OmniOS 
stable (or LTS). I

am interested in helping such an effort.
Some people say yay, some say nay. Should we create a poll, to see 
how large the

interest is?

I vote: NAY.
There is no need to fix what is not broken.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Merging OI + OmniOS? (And OpenZFS vs ZFS)

2021-01-06 Thread Guenther Alka


I am a bit late to this discussion.
The same discussion happened when OmniTi closed OmniOS and OmniOS CE 
started. I was strongly in favour to combine OmniOS and OI efforts then 
as both are too small on their own to be relevant beside to a niche 
market each but it did not happened at that time. Maybe OI and OmniOS 
are now similar enough with the additional Open-ZFS offence that 
threatens both.

I accept it is always hard to integrate two different communities where 
both have a different history, user and use cases but maybe it is now 
the time to retry. Last time the base was too different. The OmniOS 
repository while based on Illumos included the new VM/zone options from 
SmartOS while Illumos and so OpenIndioana does not as base is pure 
ongoing Illumos.

So lets begin where both are strong in my opinion wnd where a win-win 
situation may be the case.

A long term stable, a stable and a bloody release in a minimalistik 
approach make it possiblbe to use it for mission critical professional 
server and storage use cases. It will not miss that, so using ongoing 
Illumos is not desirably. When OmniOS started, its repository was quite 
different to Illumos due the VM/zone additions from SmartOS. Please 
correct me but my impression is now that OmniOS bloody is not to 
different to Illumos and therefor OI minimal.

When OmniOS started it was an option to use the OmniOS repository ex 
stable as base for OI. Main argument against as I heard was that the OI 
community was not able to support the OmniOS add-ons. It seems to me 
that this argument is no longer the case. All supported OmniOS releases 
(lts, stable bloody) seems not too different from pure Illumos regarding 
OI add-ons.

For me this is the true successor of OpenSolaris. This was a 
distribution to cover minimalistic server use cases up to desktop use. 
It shows what was possible and intended with next Solaris. Its 
repositoty covers both use cases. Stability was not the first demand.

OpenIndiana follow this with ongoing Illumos developments and a 
superiour software repository for all its use cases. Dokumentation is 
also superiour to OmniOS.

Maybe one must think about a possible win-win situation where both can 
retain their independence that is needed due their history and use case 
and where both can see an advantage.

From my view and personal preferences (not involved in either), it 
seems that OmniOS stable (every 6 months) is quite near to pure Illumos 
so why not use this as base for OpenIndiana instead pure Illumos 
especially as many VM special add-ons from OmniOS are now in Illumos? 
Similar to OmniOS extra, add your repository on top. So a OI 
distribution can be basically OmniOS stable + OI repo instead Illumos + 
OI repo. Maybe use OmniOS basic +extra + the OI repository, just avoid 
double packages or simply do not allow OmniOS extra + OI simultaniously 
to allow same packages for both differently.

What is the advantage: Mainly to combine basic efforts and to allow a 
seamless switch from OmniOS to OpenIndiana (or back when you remove the 
additional packages).  For OmniOS it adds the OI community +use options, 
for OI it adds the stability of a stable or long term stable.

To switch from OmniOS stable to OI unstable: add the OI repo + packages. 
To switch from OI to OmniOS stable, remove the oi repository and packages.

If this does not work for OI, a switch back to Illumos is always an 
option on next snapshot release.

regarding Open-ZFS
I hope (and indeed expect) that the ZFS related parts are combined 
similar to Free-BSD in the future

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Next/Own-cloud client?

2020-10-07 Thread Guenther Alka

You may use rclone, it is promoted as rsync for Clouds.

It is in the OmniOS extra repo together with minIO an S3 cloudserver,
not sure about other sources but rclone (and minIO) is a simple single 
binary, no dependencies.

The OmniOS binary works out of the box on OI.


Good morning Till,

Yeah, I know I can use webdav for file access, but what I need is the
automatic sync features. Wait, maybe I can use rsync. I'll look into that.

The Nextcloud client has a level of intelligence that is really nice
when it comes to syncing files.

Today I'll ask my colleague -who is a tremendously skilled java
programmer if he knows of a java-based client.

Any suggestions about how to do automated syncing are welcome.


On 10/07/20 04:49 PM, Till Wegmüller wrote:

Hey Tony

I haven't tried with MATE but GNOME2 used to be able to navigate to
Webdav shares as if they where mounted filesystem. Just paste the Webdav
URL into the folder navigation textbox.

You can get the Webdav URL from the Webinterface in the settings part
below the Trashbin.

It s usually something like https://$SERVER/remote.php/dav/files/$USER/

On 07.10.20 14:54, Tony Brian Albers wrote:

Hi guys,

I'm trying to figure out how to use my Nextcloud server from OI.

I haven't been able to find a client for OI/Illumos, and the original
Nextcloud client has a lot of QT dependencies that I don't know if OI
can satisfy, so I haven't tried to build it.

I've tried using JFileSync3 (https://github.com/mgoellnitz/JFileSync3)
but it's not ideal.

Another project, savegamesync (https://github.com/pseiler/savegamesync)
looks like it can be modified to act as a sync-client for more than just
savegame files.

But does anyone have a native Nextcloud/Owncloud client working?



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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana vs FreeBSD

2020-07-15 Thread Guenther Alka

Both are Unix Options and both have unique use cases.
Since around a year Open-ZFS in Illumos includes newest ZFS features 
like encryption and special vdevs while they are at first beta in 
Free-BSD but soon Free-BSD should include them as well.

For me the main advantage of Illumos are the Solaris inherited features. 
This is mainly the "this is a whole storage operating system without 3rd 
party services, evetything included from Sun made by Sun". Even a very 
minimalistic Illumos distribution comes with the kernel based SMB server 
that I always prefer over SAMBA due its often better performance and 
better Windows ntfs alike features due nfs4 ACL support (ntfs alike) 
with Windows sid as extended ZFS features (Windows AD ACL remain intact 
if you move a pool), local SMB groups that are Windows compatible (Unix 
groups are not), always working ZFS snaps as Windows previous versions 
and mainly its simlicity. Turn it on and it just works. Add NFS from the 
inventor of NFS and FC/iSCSI support with the enterprise class Comstar 
stack or virtual networking.

Sun build the OpenSolaris OS more or less around ZFS so ZFS integration 
is simply the best. Illumos inherited this. While OmniOS/Illumos is the 
production ready storage server option with stable, long term stable and 
a commercial support option, OpenIndiana/Illumos is the successor of the 
OpenSolaris idea of an OS with additional GUI desktop or management 
options and a lot of services and more or less pure ongoing Illumos.


Am 15.07.2020 um 03:20 schrieb Lonnie Cumberland:

Greetings All,

Hope that everyone one is well today.

Although I am assuming that this may not be the best place to ask this
question, I am wondering if there is an advantage of Openindiana (Illumos
based) or perhaps OmniOS over FreeBSD, or perhaps the other way around.

I am going to move from Linux to either OpenIndian or FreeBSD and seem to
be caught in the middle as both seem to have almost the same features with
exception that FreeBSD may have more support streams over OpenIndiana
although this could change as time goes on.

Perhaps the only real advantage that I might be able to see is that FreeBSD
has more hardware support, but that may not be the defining factor for me.

I am looking for that little gem in the rough, as it were, and do not
always believe that mainstream is the only stream that can yield a bright

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] What's the easiest, straight-shot way to upgrade to a new boot SSD?

2020-06-22 Thread Guenther Alka

hello Judah

Am 22.06.2020 um 05:00 schrieb Judah Richardson:

On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 2:29 AM Guenther Alka  wrote:

Another option is to backup the current BE

How would I determine which one is current?

to the datapool via zfs send.

In napp-it, check menu Snapshots > Bootenvironment, at console beadm list
Look in the list for N=curreNt, R=Reboot. Normally you find one with NR 
that is current and the one for next reboot.

If you create a napp-it replication job, it automatically shows only the 
current BE as filesystem source together with all other regular filesystems.

This can be done continously via incremental send for ongoing backups.
If the system disk fails (or you want to replace), add a new disk,
install a default OS, import the datapool and restore the BE

What exactly are the commands for this?

via zfs

Use napp-it menu Jobs > Replicate > create then start the job. On first 
run it replicates the whole filesystem, on next run only modified 
datablock (incremental zfs send)

On console, create a snapshot of the current BE filesystem and use it 
for a zfs send
Look at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E36784_01/html/E36835/gbinw.html or 
other basic ZFS manuals


What would a command for this look like?

Could folks kindly be more specific and detailed in their replies, please?
A lot of these are just really generic and I'm not really sure how to
proceed based on them.

Then activate this BE and reboot to have the exact former OS

After you restored the BE filesystem via another replication job or zfs 
send on the new installation use napp-it menu Snaps > Bootenvironment or 
"beadm activate bename" to set a BE active for next reboot. In beadm 
list you show the current marked with N and the activated one marked 
with R (will become current after a Reboot).

installation restored.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] What's the easiest, straight-shot way to upgrade to a new boot SSD?

2020-06-21 Thread Guenther Alka
hat recursively sends all the



1 zpool to another ...

This is all very confusing and frustrating. Disk upgrades must have



considered user operation, no? Why not make it intuitive and



On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 5:58 PM Jonathan Adams <



I've never done that, but it must be worth a go, unless you want



install a new system in the new disk and copy over the files you



change afterwards ...

On Sat, 20 Jun 2020, 23:46 Judah Richardson, <



On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 2:29 AM Guenther Alka <



Another option is to backup the current BE to the datapool via



Would it be possible to just zfs send everything from the current



the new one, then enable autoexpand on the new SSD and make it


This can be done continously via incremental send for ongoing


If the system disk fails (or you want to replace), add a new


install a default OS, import the datapool and restore the BE via


send. Then activate this BE and reboot to have the exact former


installation restored.


Am 19.06.2020 um 21:19 schrieb Gary Mills:

On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 01:23:35PM -0500, Judah Richardson


I currently run OpenIndiana Hipster on a 32 GB SSD. I'd like



installation to a 128 GB SSD. What's the easiest way to do


The easiest way is to use zpool commands.  First, add the large



half a mirror to the smaller one.  Then, detach the smaller


These options are all described in the zpool man page.

You will likely need to use the installboot command on the



to make it bootable before you do the detach.  This operation


described in the installboot man page.

I was thinking of using Clonezilla, but I'm not sure if that's




go here.

I'd recommend using native illumos commands instead.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] What's the easiest, straight-shot way to upgrade to a new boot SSD?

2020-06-20 Thread Guenther Alka
Another option is to backup the current BE to the datapool via zfs send. 
This can be done continously via incremental send for ongoing backups. 
If the system disk fails (or you want to replace), add a new disk, 
install a default OS, import the datapool and restore the BE via zfs 
send. Then activate this BE and reboot to have the exact former OS 
installation restored.


Am 19.06.2020 um 21:19 schrieb Gary Mills:

On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 01:23:35PM -0500, Judah Richardson wrote:

I currently run OpenIndiana Hipster on a 32 GB SSD. I'd like move that
installation to a 128 GB SSD. What's the easiest way to do this?

The easiest way is to use zpool commands.  First, add the large SSD as
half a mirror to the smaller one.  Then, detach the smaller one.
These options are all described in the zpool man page.

You will likely need to use the installboot command on the large SSD
to make it bootable before you do the detach.  This operation is
described in the installboot man page.

I was thinking of using Clonezilla, but I'm not sure if that's the way to
go here.

I'd recommend using native illumos commands instead.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] what auto snapshot is been used

2019-12-23 Thread Guenther Alka

What does not work?

If you use OI text edition 2019.10 napp-it should work out of the box.
Lately there was a Perl/gcc problem with an initial setup of OI 19.10 
that is fixed in current installer.


If napp-it is running and you can create autosnap jobs, you may need to
additionally enable autojob at all ex Jobs > Auto Service > 5min

http://www.napp-it.org/doc/downloads/setup_napp-it_os.pdf (chapter 3, OI)


Am 23.12.2019 um 12:13 schrieb Carl Brunning:

Thanks for that I've try but it does not work
First it took a while to fix the perl problem that you have when there no gui 
and for some reason it say it doing autosnaps
But there nothing show when I do zfs list -t snapshot and there should be a few 
there but nothing
So unless I can work out what it doing/not doing I need another option

ZanpZend been a long time since I used so will have a look at the but that I 
seem to remember was a more for doing snapshot and sending to another pool or 
machine I did not remember it just doing a normal snapshot and delete after a 

Anyway I will look at both but hope there another way of doing this


-Original Message-
From: Guenther Alka 
Sent: 23 December 2019 08:20
To: openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] what auto snapshot is been used

You can use my napp-it.

This is a feature complete webmanagement tool for a OmniOS, OpenIndiana and 
Solaris storageserver.  Among other it comes with a menu Jobs > Autosnap where 
you can set autsnaps with many features like timetable, keep and hold parameters.

The free version is ok for whole basic storage management.
Installation is done via a single command (as root in /root) wget -O - 
www.napp-it.org/nappit | perl

Open napp-it via browser at address http://serverip:81 and goto menu Jobs > 
Autosnap > Create


Am 22.12.2019 um 18:23 schrieb Carl Brunning:

HI question
am using the latest hipster server so no gui so what people using to
do auto snapshot

and instruction on how to setup and use as i would like this feature
for my server


openindiana-discuss mailing list

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openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] what auto snapshot is been used

2019-12-23 Thread Guenther Alka

You can use my napp-it.

This is a feature complete webmanagement tool for a OmniOS, OpenIndiana
and Solaris storageserver.  Among other it comes with a menu Jobs > 
where you can set autsnaps with many features like timetable, keep and 
hold parameters.

The free version is ok for whole basic storage management.
Installation is done via a single command (as root in /root)
wget -O - www.napp-it.org/nappit | perl

Open napp-it via browser at address http://serverip:81
and goto menu Jobs > Autosnap > Create


Am 22.12.2019 um 18:23 schrieb Carl Brunning:

HI question
am using the latest hipster server so no gui so what people using to do auto 

and instruction on how to setup and use
as i would like this feature for my server


openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] ZFS encryption on napp-it

2019-06-27 Thread Guenther Alka

I have added initial support for ZFS encryption on napp-it 19.dev
based on passwort prompt for current OpenIndiana

- update OI via pkg update to newest
- upgrade pool to support the new feature via zpool upgrafde pool
- update napp-it to 19.dev from today

To update napp-it free to the newest dev:
use an evalkey from https://www.napp-it.org/extensions/evaluate_en.html


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Need Help Fixing Zpool misconfiguration

2018-11-22 Thread Guenther Alka
Only Solaris can remove a basic vdev from a pool with a raid-Z. Open-ZFS 
cannot (yet) . If you cannot destroy/ recreate the pool you can only add 
a disk to the basic vdev to make it a mirror (add redundancy)


Am 22.11.2018 um 18:06 schrieb Till Wegmüller:


I had a slight mishap while configuring a Zpool.

I wanted to re-add a spare disk again after we had replaced it and made
a typo. Adding the device instead as top-level vdev.

aka typed:
zpool add $POOL $DEVICE
instead of
zpool add $POOL spare $DEVICE

Turns out even with top-level device_removal feature turned on I cannot
fix that typo.

If I type
zpool remove $POOL $DEVICE
I get
cannot remove $DEVICE: invalid config; all top-level vdevs must have the
same sector size and not be raidz.

Which is true because the rest of the Pool is part of a raidz2.

And of course as murphy wants it I cannot just ditch that pool beacause
it is too big to fit that data anywhere.

While I would love for zpool remove to be able to remove the DEVICE in
the future I wanted to ask you guys If you know a good Idea on how to
Workaround that problem in the meantime.

I really dont like having this single point of failure in the pool.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks and Greetings

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] How to create an installer/ bootable recovery iso from a running system?

2018-07-27 Thread Guenther Alka


Is it possible to create a bootable iso installer from a configured and 
at best online from a running system (that works then like the regular 
OS iso installer)?

Intention is to reinstall the fully configued Oi/OmniOS from this iso 
for disaster recovery with the help of the regular installer process.

I have done this in the past with a Linux appliance where this was part 
of the distribution and where you are able to create a bootable 
installer DVD on the fly to restore the system after a crash or to go 
back to a former state. Simple and genious. A bootable USB stick can be 
easily created from the iso with the Rufus tool.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] encryption required

2017-12-12 Thread Guenther Alka

current state of native encryption in OpenZFS, see

Am 12.12.2017 um 11:29 schrieb Sebastian van de Meer via 

Hi there,

I really like to use OpenIndiana more in my daily life but this is impossible 
without encryption.

There is native encryption in OpenZFS, right? What is the plan and a possible 
timeline for OpenIndiana? And is there a kind of workaround for the meantime?

Best regards
openindiana-discuss mailing list


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] To the OmniOS, OI and SmartOS community

2017-05-18 Thread Guenther Alka
At the moment OmniOS is a free Illumos distribution that is exclusively 
maintained inside OmniTi without any community involved, similar to 
Nexenta or SmartOS with the unique key features support, free, stables 
every 6 months and long term stables every two years with a dedicated 
repo, freeze of features and backported fixes.

There are many users who want exact these OmniOS features not available 
in OI.
The discussion now is if such an effort should be based on the current 
OmniOS bloody
or can be based on a common development effort together with the OI 

I want the discussion going into a common future as I fear that a new 
separate OmniOS community effort will only weaken Illumos/OI and cannot 
survive in the long term.  My hope is that a stronger OI/OmniOS is the 
outcome instead where OmniOS is a stable add-on feature for OI snapshots.


Am 18.05.2017 um 11:24 schrieb Alexander Pyhalov:

On 05/18/17 12:15 PM, Guenther Alka wrote:

News about OmniOS and Discuss about free Illumos distributions and
future OmniOS/OI options

I have started a thread in a popular forum with a strong ZFS focus to
discuss this
also with regular users outside the maillists.


So far, as I understand, OmniOS developers choose to support existing 
infrastructure and build systems and there's no development on merging 
OI and OmniOS code base. Without OmniOS developers interested in this, 
this talk is useless.

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] To the OmniOS, OI and SmartOS community

2017-05-18 Thread Guenther Alka
News about OmniOS and Discuss about free Illumos distributions and 
future OmniOS/OI options

I have started a thread in a popular forum with a strong ZFS focus to 
discuss this

also with regular users outside the maillists.


I would like to hear your comments about my opinions, good, bad, 
illusional or whatever

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] To the OmniOS, OI and SmartOS community

2017-05-15 Thread Guenther Alka

*Its time to consider pla**n**B/C ??*
to: omnios-discuss, openindiana-discuss, smartos-discuss

The announcement of OmniTi to cancel OmniOS from now to then is a real 
disaster not only for OmniOS users but for the whole Illumos platform. 
Many users who want a free Solaris based OS especially in production 
environments selected OmniOS as their preferred Illumos platform mainly 
with use cases storage and general server applications.

The reasons:*OmniOS=**Up to date Illumos*
+ commercial support option (although way too expensive)
+ own developments like LX zones integration from SmartOS or drivers
+ stables/long term stables with very experienced full time staff 
(thanks to Dan and Dale again)

As OmniTi has released a new stable 151022, I/we have some time maybe to 
the end of the year unless OmniOS is out of sync with Illumos in a non 
tolerable amount.  Bugfixes of serious problems may be the case until 
then (hope so).

What are the/my options

*Plan A*
Hope for a continuation of OmniOS as a well maintained 
community/commercial project with further development, ongoing stables 
and bugfixes optionally with some paid contributions under the umbrella 
of a firm or at least with some experienced members that were already 
resonsible for OmniOS or an Illumos distribution and that can be trusted 
for next years.

While I hope for this, I doubt that this is a serious option. I switched 
from OpenIndiana to OmniOS three years ago as the OI community was too 
weak and development nearly stalled at that time. I am not interested in 
a new weak OmniOS community for a distribution that should be used as a 
production system. The OmniOS community will be propably too small 
forever as we already have the Illumos community project OpenIndiana 
nearly identical to OmniOS from distribution, features and use cases. 
And a very important thing: The brand OmniOS has already a very bad name 
as a dead/failed project in the press mostly affecting Illumos as well.

*Plan B*
OpenIndiana is a quite established community project for an up to date 
Illumos distribution. I would say its nearly identical to OmniOS beside 
the missing LX improvements from OmniOS but with an additional GUI 
option. I hope to see LX zones upstreamed to Illumos. OpenIndiana 
currently offers a rolling development of newest Illumos bits with 
snapshots every 6 months but without an additional stable repository 
with backported security fixes. Every update give you the newest Illumos 
fixes and features but also the newest bugs (ongoing dev, unstable).

If OmniOS has to become a community project, I undoubtly would prefer a 
merge of the two distributions up from next releases. OpenIndiana with a 
stable repo for every snapshot and with a repo as development path would 
give me what was the main advantage of OmniOS beside commercial support. 
Access to such a stable repo optionally under an OmniOS brand may be 
even a paid (if affordable) option. Such a merge would strengthen 
Illumos at first place but also free OpenSource distributions like 
OmniOS and OpenIndiana.

*Plan C*
There is another free Illumos distribution with an enterprise background 
suited for datacenter use: SmartOS. It even adds unique Cloud and 
virtualisation features like KVM, Solaris zones, Linux zones and Docker 
support. As it is running from RAM with everything important on a 
datapool it is a very stable/ easy recoverable option but it lacks some 
features in the global zone that are required for a storage server.  An 
additional plus is the pkgin repo with lots of supported long term 
stable services.

Using SmartOS would require a mechanism to allow storage services like 
SSH, Crossbow, iSCSI, NFS and SMB on the global zone with an option to 
save/restore settings from a datapool to be persistent. To be honest, a 
SmartOS that is capable to act as a storage appliance would be my dream 
option, at least as an additional option. This would require that 
SmartOS is not actively hindering this or preferable is helping to 
implement a save/restore option for global zone settings&features.

But whatever option is coming, end the Illumos fragmentation for the 
sake of one strong free community distribution with a solid number of 
contributors and one freely available with a commercial background like 
SmartOS/ Samsung owned.

Any comments from OmniOS, OI, SmartOS (omnios-discuss, 
openindiana-discuss, smartos-discuss) communities?

I have send this to all three lists, so optionally answer all lists

best regards

Gea/ napp-it.org

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] mpt_sas target to device mapping

2017-05-03 Thread Guenther Alka

about disk identification

You may try my napp-it where I have included a WWN to disk bay 
translation, a target number to WWN mapping and a graphical disk maps of 
the jbods with WWN numbers that you can printout and that helps to 
find/identify disks

see http://napp-it.org/doc/downloads/napp-it.pdf at page 45


 Is there any easier way to do this?  I suppose I could script this and make

 a handy tool but I'm wondering if anybody has a better way.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana Hipster at Servethehome (call for a regular minimal stable)

2017-04-27 Thread Guenther Alka
I have started a thread on a popular forum with many Illumos users about 
OI Hipster and would appreciate comments especially about the 
possibility of future developments ex a regular minimal stable edition 
with a dedicated repository additionally to the rolling updates. Like 
the OmniOS development model.


Gea/Guenther Alka

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with Hipster 2016.10 GUI on ESXi 6.5

2016-12-10 Thread Guenther Alka

hello Till

Am 08.12.2016 um 16:29 schrieb Till Wegmüller:

Hi Guenther

What Happens when you use a ESXi 6.0 with HTML5 GUI ?

same or even more problems (this one was really buggy)
With OI, you have a mouse there but quite inresponsive with a "second 
shadow mouse pointer"

Is the Vsphere Client Really not usable anymore with 6.5? ESX Usually 
has Backwards compatibility. Even if not supported.

Basic settings and console is working with 6.0 vsphere, others like the 
vsphere filebrowser with upload not. Windows Vsphere is definitly EoL.

It could be that the VMware Tools need an Update. Have you tried to 
install vmware tools on the Guest via Text Console?

I installed the tools on ESXi 6.0u2 via pkg install open-vm-tools but no 
difference regarding mouse

You say that the First installation Step worked. Was Mouse Freezing 
after a while or was the whole Screen Freezing?

you can bootup OI live with the GUI. A mouse right click gives you a 
property menu where you can navigate with keyboard. Left mouse key or 
mouse pointer not working/visible.



Am 08.12.2016 um 12:59 schrieb Guenther Alka:
I wanted to install Hipster 2016.10 GUI on the new ESXi 6.5 free 
where the new local html-5 webconsole is the only management option. 
The old Windows vsphere client is no longer supported. First setup 
setup step was ok but I was not able to get a working mouse so 
installation from the GUI was not possible.

No problem when using an older ESXi 6.0 with Windows Vsphere or using 
a text edition.


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openindiana-discuss mailing list

H  f   G
Hochschule für Gestaltung
university of design

Schwäbisch Gmünd
Rektor-Klaus Str. 100
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Guenther Alka, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Leiter des Rechenzentrums
head of computer center

Tel 07171 602 627
Fax 07171 69259

openindiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with Hipster 2016.10 GUI on ESXi 6.5

2016-12-08 Thread Guenther Alka
I wanted to install Hipster 2016.10 GUI on the new ESXi 6.5 free where 
the new local html-5 webconsole is the only management option. The old 
Windows vsphere client is no longer supported. First setup setup step 
was ok but I was not able to get a working mouse so installation from 
the GUI was not possible.

No problem when using an older ESXi 6.0 with Windows Vsphere or using a 
text edition.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Support for 10 TB HDD SATA / SAS

2016-05-17 Thread Guenther Alka

Disks > 2 TB are fine unless you have a controller that supports disks > 2TB

LSI 1068   max 2TB
LSI 9211, 9207, 9300 no currently reachable limit


Am 17.05.2016 um 18:16 schrieb Handojo via openindiana-discuss:


The last update I knew, is that ZFS runs fine at 2TB HDD but having some 
problems on 3TB ( Correct me if I'm wrong or not up to date ).

Now we have HGST and Seagate providing 10TB Helium Filled HDD.

Anyone tried ?



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openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [zfs] zfs + iscsi = poor sequential reding performance

2016-04-24 Thread Guenther Alka

I have done some performance tests with OmniOS with some tunings,
mainly SMB 2.1 but NFS/ iSCSI/ vmxnet3s should benefit as well from 
these settings.

The Hipster 2016.04 should offer similar values than OmniOS 151018.

Maybe you can compare your settings with my  settings, especially MTU 
and ipbuffers



Am 23.04.2016 um 15:43 schrieb Michael Kruger:

On 04/23/2016 08:26 AM, Сисадмин wrote:

  Hi everyone,

to make the long story short - i 've spent 6 weeks trting really 
hard, read tons of doc pages on the internet (get lots of knowledge 
to be honest)

so i can get very good results , however unfortunetely i cant get 
from iscsi+zfs good results about sequential reading.

Admittedly I have not done any testing of ZFS performance on OpenIndiana.

However, about 4 years ago I went through this very exercise and 
tested nearly every available solution (FreeNas, Open-E, Nexenta, 
etc.,) and in the end chose Openfiler as my SAN solution. Using 2 
NICs, I was able to achieve read speeds of nearly 200MB/s. I don't 
recall what the write speeds were, but I am think they were in the 
same neighborhood.

Here is a thread post to vmware communities, where I posted my 
results: https://communities.vmware.com/message/1986953#1986953

Assuming the storage can keep up, using 4 NIC's in an MPIO round robin 
configuration should deliver nearly 400 MB/s.

My white box lab didn't use any kind of fault tolerance. I was only 
using 2 500G disks in a raid stripe attached to an LSI controller with 
write caching was enabled. The LSI controller managed the disks.

One thing I discovered in this process was the Realtek NIC's vastly 
outperformed the Intel NICS. Whether the issue was on the ESXI side or 
the Openfiler side, I am not sure. I swapped both sides out with 
Realtek. OpenFiler however didn't natively support the Realtek NICs so 
I had to install my own drivers.

I have read the freebsd project has done some tuning to get ZFS to 
perform better. There are also some tunable parameters in illumos 
which may possibly help. See here: 

Hope that helps,


openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] backup image program

2016-04-19 Thread Guenther Alka

You can use Clonezille with the savedisk/ restoredisk option.
It images/restores the disk with ntfsclone, partclone or dd if a 
filesystem is unsupported.

I use it on Macs (OSX + Windows) and to deploy/backup/restore my napp-it 
ZFS appliance.

The image can be on another disk/USB stick or a network share.


Am 19.04.2016 um 08:37 schrieb Jean-Pierre André:

Chris Redding wrote:

Hello,  I want to take the plunge so to speak into Unix/Linux and 
I want to triple boot Windows/Unix/Linux. I would like to know of a 
backup program that can image over each of the three OS. Thank you, 


I have triple boot Windows+Linux+OpenIndiana. All my user
data (development, docs, music, ...) are shared in an ntfs
partition which I backup by rsync.

The system partitions only contain systems.
Backup methods :
Windows (ntfs) : ntfsclone
Linux (ext3) : partimage
OpenIndiana (zfs) : dd
mbr : dd
partition layout : sfdisk

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Napp-it?

2016-01-12 Thread Guenther Alka

about OI Hipster and napp-it

Current napp-it v. 16.01 supports Hipster (Oct 2015)


I read a post because I am trying to configure my NAS, but I am using 
OpenIndiana Hipster and Napp-it doesnt support this OS.

So, I am trying to find out how can I do by console the same that 
Nappit when I add a user and add properties inherit, in Modify_set .

I attach the screenshots

Thanks for any help

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Napp-it?

2016-01-12 Thread Guenther Alka

If you want to display ACL at console,
use /usr/bin/ls example: /usr/bin/ls -v /root

If you want to set ACL at console,
use /usr/bin/chmod


But be aware: Setting ACL at console is a nightmare.
If you do not want to use napp-it, you should use Windows (SMB connect 
as root)

If you set ACL from Windows, you should use only allow rules as Solaris
respects the order of rules while Windows first processes deny then 
allow rules what

means that deny rules must be set on OpenIndiana/ Solaris.


Am 12.01.2016 um 15:58 schrieb luisa sd:

Hey friends

I am trying to find out how can I do by console the same that Nappit when I
add a user and add properties inherit, in Modify_set .

I attach the screenshots

Thanks for any help

openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Xampp

2015-12-30 Thread Guenther Alka

check settings

then check if
- filepermissions of .cgi is set to executable
- line breaks Unix style

- correct path to perl (first line of script)
- add the following to the script to show errors in your browser
use CGI::Carp qw (fatalsToBrowser);


Am 30.12.2015 um 19:46 schrieb luisa sd:

Hi there

I am trying to to run a cgi with Xampp, I am using the Xampp version 1.7.7
on OpenIndiana.
I am getting the error 500 that said this:

Server error!

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your

Error message:
Premature end of script headers: MxRemotePreview.cgi

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 500
30 de diciembre de 2015 12:11:25 COT
Apache/2.2.21 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/1.0.0d PHP/5.3.8
mod_perl/2.0.5 Perl/v5.12.3

This is the Error log

[Wed Dec 30 12:11:11 2015] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper:
[Wed Dec 30 12:11:11 2015] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured
[hint: SSLSessionCache]
[Wed Dec 30 12:11:12 2015] [notice] Apache/2.2.21 (Unix) DAV/2
mod_ssl/2.2.21 OpenSSL/1.0.0d PHP/5.3.8 mod_perl/2.0.5 Perl/v5.12.3
configured -- resuming no$
[Wed Dec 30 12:11:25 2015] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: MxRemotePreview.cgi
[Wed Dec 30 12:11:26 2015] [error] [client] File does not exist:

This is my Vhost File

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

DocumentRoot /videopool/data

Options FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
AllowOverride None

Options +ExecCGI

SetHandler mxremotepreview

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
AuthUserFile /videopool/data/.mxinf
Require user mxcc

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /opt/xampp/cgi-bin/
Action mxremotepreview /cgi-bin/MxRemotePreview.cgi

AllowOverride None
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

ErrorLog /opt/xampp/logs/error_log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn

CustomLog /opt/xampp/logs/access_log combined

Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"

Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from ::1/128

I have in my Httpd conf all about cgi enabled!

Please help
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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] ACL problem

2015-12-13 Thread Guenther Alka
From outside view and with some restrictions due ZFS beeing a Unix 
filesystem, OI with the Sun CIFS server behaves like a Windows 2003 
server with NTFS. No way to go around as this was the prime development 

This is different to SAMBA with the idea of allowing SMB access to a 
Linux/ Unix server where their concepts based on uid/gid and Unix 
permissions stay intact - even with (Posix) ACL.

Am 13.12.2015 um 19:02 schrieb Michelle:

Thanks Gea,

Unfortunately I'm building this server for a friend. I only have Linux
Mint machines, and the OI box.

I used to use Netware, and when I started with AD, I had a bit of a
freak out, as it was sort of completely the reverse!

Your notes are valuable. I'll put them in my keep folder.

For this case, after what Peter said, the user/group name is the most
important thing, so I'll tell my friend just to not do any file
transfers at 3am :-D


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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] ACL problem

2015-12-13 Thread Guenther Alka

Some principles with ACLs on Solarish CIFS

- They are too complicated for CLI, set them via Windows as root or a web-ui
- set aclinherit to restricted if you want to keep owner from parent 
directory (ex root)

- On Windows ntfs you can remove/lockout admin so admin has no access
   On Solarish root has always access and owner can always modify 
- Solarish use Windows SID, nfs4 ACL and Windows SMB groups (as Unix 
groups are not Windows compatibel)
- never use a chmod to Unix permissions like 750 as this removes ACL 
- Do not set deny rules on Windows as they work different to Unix (First 
deny then allow vs keep order of rules)

What I would do for simplicity:
- create users and SMB groups with user as members on OI
- create folders on Windows as root
- assign allow permissions based on User and SMB groups on Windows
(without an allow you have no access)

If you need deny rules or access to files where admin is removed, you 
can use a Web-UI like my napp-it


Am 13.12.2015 um 16:02 schrieb Michelle:

I'm definitely having problems with this inherit_only flag.

What starts as this...
drwxrwxrwx+  2 Joe Family  2 Dec 13 15:40 guest_folder



... if a guest (who has access under "everyone) writes a file or makes a
directory in that folder, then the ownership is not Joe, but the guest

Adding the inherit_only flag changes to this...

d-+  2 Joe Family  2 Dec 13 15:40 guest_folder


...and not even Joe can see the directory guest_folder in an SFTP
listing, despite being the owner and having the rights.
There's something obvious going on here that I clearly haven't got to
grips with.

All I'm trying to do, is ensure that all files written within a
directory, have the same ownership as the directory itself, no matter
what account actually writes them.

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Support for USB3?

2015-11-01 Thread Guenther Alka

Your options are mainly with Solarish systems

- Oracle Solaris with USB 3 support
but the following options are far better, faster or more robust to 
connect disks

- eSata for a single disk
- external SAS enclosures that supports up to 4 SAS/Sata disks per 
miniSAS Cable
- SAS expander  (similar to Sata port multiplier but a more frofessional 
solution) that supports hundreds of disks

- second NAS ex a HP microserver as a replication target for backups or
as an initiator source per FC, IB or iSCSI when needing more disks

You will not find either a good at all (on any platform) nor a Illumos 
supported Sata port multiplier solution.


Am 28.10.2015 um 22:45 schrieb Rich Teer:

On Wed, 28 Oct 2015, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

USB-3 is not supported yet.  I have not heard of anyone working on it.

Ah, that is what I feared, but thanks for confirming it.

Consider ZFS on Linux or FreeBSD if you need USB-3 and ZFS within the next

Yep; I've already started pondering those options...

Also consider eSATA since that can be supported by OpenIndiana and is commonly
available on external drives.

Agreed.  I was using eSATA with 3 single disk enclosures, and it worked well
until the latter started failing (not the disk in at least one case), so I
bought a 4-bay enclosure with eSATA and USB-3 connections.  The enclosure
requires that the HBA supports SATA port multipliers, but unfortunately the
LSI HBA I'm using doesn't.  I'm more than willing to give eSATA a try, if
someone is happy to recommend a cheap enough HBA that is known to work.

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Σχετ: Re: Σχετ: Taglib/cppunit for Mediatomb

2014-01-20 Thread Guenther Alka

Chris wrote a online shell scripts that installs Mediatomb
as a free add-on for napp-it on OI and OmniOS.

You can use (or compare) the installer without napp-it as well


Am 20.01.2014 11:51, schrieb Stefan Müller-Wilken:

... if it is not for the good challenge, would it help to wrap a precompiled 
Mediatomb installation and put it somewhere?


Von: Rainer Heilke [rhei...@dragonhearth.com]
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Januar 2014 11:21
An: openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
Betreff: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Σχετ: Re:  Σχετ:  Taglib/cppunit for 

Based on Alan's comments, I installed a newer version of gcc from the
./configure CC=/usr/gcc/4.3/bin/gcc CXX=/usr/gcc/4.3/bin/gcc

died with:
   /usr/gcc/4.3/bin/gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../config
-I../../include -I../../include -g -O2 -MT TestAssert.lo -MD -MP -MF
.deps/TestAssert.Tpo -c TestAssert.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/TestAssert.o
In file included from ../../include/cppunit/portability/FloatingPoint.h:5,
   from TestAssert.cpp:2:
error: iso/math_iso.h: No such file or directory
error: floatingpoint.h: No such file or directory
TestAssert.cpp: In function âvoid CppUnit::assertDoubleEquals(double,
double, double, CppUnit::SourceLine, const std::string&)â:
TestAssert.cpp:20: error: âfabsâ was not declared in this scope
gmake[2]: *** [TestAssert.lo] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/data/build/cppunit-1.12.1/src/cppunit'
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/data/build/cppunit-1.12.1/src'
gmake: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

This is with:
gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/sfw/lib/gcc/i386-pc-solaris2.11/3.4.3/specs
Configured with:
--prefix=/usr/sfw --with-as=/usr/sfw/bin/gas --with-gnu-as
--with-ld=/usr/ccs/bin/ld --without-gnu-ld
--enable-languages=c,c++,f77,objc --enable-shared
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.4.3 (csl-sol210-3_4-20050802)

So, no further ahead.


On 1/19/2014 8:25 PM, Rainer Heilke wrote:

My understanding was that the CC=/usr/bin/gcc defined what CC was for
the rest of the line. It was one of my later efforts, after the first
67 failed. And I wouldn't be able to discern the flags; I was never
much of a programmer (I did have my moments, but I was a sysadmin
before anything else), and have been out of the game completely for
almost 6 years.


On 1/19/2014 5:25 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

On 01/19/14 02:30 PM, Rainer Heilke wrote:

   $ ./configure CC=/usr/bin/gcc CXX=CC CXXFLAGS=-pta
-instances=static -mt -xtarget=pentium3 -g -features=no%transitions

Trying to mix the Gnu C compiler with the Studio C++ compiler like that
is most likely to end with a set of flags that works with neither.

Either use CC=cc & CXX=CC for the Studio tools or CC=gcc CXX=g++ for
the GNU ones.  (Most of those CXXFLAGS look like Studio, not GNU ones.)

Mind the Gap
Web: http://www.dragonhearth.com

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] extra entry in /etc/hosts after each reboot

2013-12-19 Thread Guenther Alka

This is a setting done by napp-it. It adds a entry to /etc/host like

Without this setting your root console is spammed with dns warnings.
in newest nightly, i added a comment at this point


Am 17.06.2013 22:14, schrieb w...@vandenberge.us:

Thanks for the useful responses everyone. As one of the responses I received P2P
mentioned, it turned out to be a fairly welknown issue with the snippet below in
the agent-bootinit.pl script that comes with napp-it and not an OpenIndiana
issue at all.



# check/update /etc/hosts:  hostname (old hostname missing)
my $ok=`hostname`;
$r=`cat /etc/hosts`; $r=~s/\n+/\n/gs;
@t=(); @t=split(/\n/,$r);
foreach my $t (@t) {
 if ($t=~/^\s+$ok\b/) { $ok="1"; last; }
if ($ok ne "1") {
 push (@t,"\t$ok\n");
 open (PF, ">/etc/hosts");
   print PF "$t";
 close (PF);

On June 17, 2013 at 3:55 PM Roel_D  wrote:

Aren't NWam and /network/default running together?

Kind regards,

The out-side

Op 17 jun. 2013 om 20:16 heeft James Carlson  het
volgende geschreven:

On 06/17/13 11:59, w...@vandenberge.us wrote:

At this point the interface is plumbed with the address and the
machine is essentially unreachable over the network. This machine is a
OpenIndiana install with napp-it on it.

Its replica, installed at the same time and configured identically, is not
exhibiting this kind of behavior. I've been searching where during start-up
is occurring but have not been able to find anything yet.

A few ideas in no particular order:

1. Right after one of these "bad" boots, do an "ls -l /etc/inet/hosts"
to find out when the file was modified. Then do "svcs -s stime" to find
out what service(s) were started at around the time the file was
touched. Then go look at the method scripts for the suspicious ones.

2. Assuming it's a "normal" method of some sort that's doing this, grep
around in /lib/svc/method/*.

3. Try one of the napp-it lists to see if someone there knows about this
sort of behavior. I haven't seen it, and all of the old-school
automatic hosts file modifications I've seen have always had an
automatically-generated "# ..." comment describing the source of the
change, so this sounds like something newish.

James Carlson 42.703N 71.076W 

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] Hipster: Perl + CGI seems broken (napp-it)

2013-07-24 Thread Guenther Alka

I have tried to setup napp-it on Hipster, but it seems that
CGI parameters are not processed

You can install napp-it on Hipster via
wget -O - www.napp-it.org/nappit | perl
followed by a reboot

If you then call napp-it via http://ip:81
the login screen appears, so the webserver and CGI is basically working
but when you enter any name or password, this is not given to the script

should give a value for name in hash %in

if someone wants help to search the reason in Hipster:
edit napp-it admin.pl line 147 and look for line
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

add after this line a command to print given parameters

and call http:/your serverip:81/cgi-bin/admin.pl?name=xx
name >> xx should be displayed

Unless this cgi problem is fixed, Hipster will not work with napp-it

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] CIFS and openindiana

2013-07-12 Thread Guenther Alka
first, I would not share the pool itself but create a filesystem to 
share ex data:

zfs set sharesmb=on home/data

then you should reset the root pw to create a smb password:
passwd root

now you should be able to connect from Windows as user root
If you want to connect as another user, create this user with a password 
and set ACL of shared folder to allow everyone@ or this user

if you like to do settings not via CLI but a Web-UI, try my napp-it on OI

Am 10.07.2013 13:57, schrieb Daniel Kjar:

Hello everyone,

I am trying to get CIFS working to share a home drive to a windows 8 
machine.  The pool already exists and I don't use auto_home.

I tried just zfs set sharesmb=on home and that made it discoverable 
but when i try to log in I get authentication denied.

I looked at the instructions online and saw all kinds of stuff that I 
am not sure if I really need to do. Most of the instructions I find 
are either oracle telling me to make a pool from scratch or samba 
specific.  Do I need to do that or can I use the existing pool?



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[OpenIndiana-discuss] Booting OpenIndiana from USB stick and different ports and different machines (One stick for all)

2013-04-18 Thread Guenther Alka

I have installed OpenIndiana server and OmniOS on 16 GB USB sticks.
This works very well especially with modern fast sticks, ZFS boot mirror and 
atime set to off.

The problem is, that I can only boot from the USB port that was used during 
On other ports or mainboards, it crashes after selecting a Grub entry.

I would like to boot from any USB ports or on other machines with similar 
According to 

Grub uses the following entry*
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS*

and translates it to something like*
kernel /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B zfs-bootfs=rpool/328 \

From above link:
/"The interesting part here is the //|bootpath|//parameter. This is the 
device that Solaris will //try to mount the rpool from. Even if the 
rpool consists of several mirror devices, only one //is used in the 
initial boot process. Where does //GRUB//get the device path from? It’s 
read from //the rpool header, from the disk //GRUB//was loaded from. 
Every //ZFS//pool disk contains the device //path it was last found 
under. This usually does not matter much, a //RAIDZ//will still mount 
//if you swap the disks around when the machine is off, but the boot 
process relies on the rpool //disks not wandering around. My new disk 
still had the //USB//device path embedded, which //GRUB//read //and 
passed to the kernel, which then failed to find the disk.//"/


*Now the question:**
**Is there a way not to use the "last bootpath" but always the current that is 
used for booting grub?

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Multiple devices appearing as one behind SAS expander

2013-03-22 Thread Guenther Alka

This is a not too rare problem with current SSDs
(The manufacturers haven't recognised the importance of individual WWNs)

Even my distributor (winkom) specialized in enterprise SSD listed SSD with
individual WWN only after my request.

What you can do:
disable multipath

What you should do:
do not use them together with controllers that identify disks based on WWN
(ex. LSI SAS2 controller in IT mode)  or you may not be able to identify 
in case of problems.


neat problem.
generally the wwn is stamped on the drive. are they all marked with the same 

who makes the drives? ocz? sandisk?

Sent from Jasons' hand held

On Mar 21, 2013, at 6:13 AM, "Schweiss, Chip"  wrote:

I have four 480GB SSDs I'm trying to re-add to my pool as L2ARC.   They
were all connected internally on the server, but now I have a dedicated SAS
JBOD for the 2 1/2 SSDs in the system.   The JBOD is a SuperMicro 2U with
LSI SAS2X36 expander.

The SSDs are are all showing up as a single device: c11t1200d0s0

They are incorrectly identified as the same device by the multipathadm:

mutipathadm list lu:

Total Path Count: 4
Operational Path Count: 4

Not sure where napp-it gets its information for it's controller view but
this is how it reports them:

c14::w5003048001d91b4e,0   connected   configured   unknown   Client
Device: /dev/dsk/c11t1200d0s0(sd75) disk-path n /devices/pci@0
c14::w5003048001d91b4f,0   connected   configured   unknown   Client
Device: /dev/dsk/c11t1200d0s0(sd75) disk-path n /devices/pci@0
c14::w5003048001d91b5a,0   connected   configured   unknown   Client
Device: /dev/dsk/c11t1200d0s0(sd75) disk-path n /devices/pci@0
c14::w5003048001d91b5b,0   connected   configured   unknown   Client
Device: /dev/dsk/c11t1200d0s0(sd75) disk-path n /devices/pci@0

How do I break this and get OI to see these as 4 independent devices?

Thank you,
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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI as file storage server

2012-09-14 Thread Guenther Alka

And one more point, I'd plan to use OI + napp-it for file sharing, is
there any solution to recover one(s) file(s) that was accidentally
deleted by user but I don't have to roll back the whole storage?

I don't know about napp-it specifically, but you can easily recover lost
files by simply cloning a previous snapshot into a full filesystem,
mounting that and copying out the files you've lost. You can then
destroy the clone when you don't need it anymore (the original snapshot
remains unaffected).

3 easiest ways to recover files from snaps:

Use Windows previous version
(Supported with CIFS server)

use TimeSlider on OI
(select a folder in OI filebrowser Nautilus and go back in time.)

use Midnight cCommander at CLI to access .zfs/snapshot folder

do not forget to create snapshots often enough.
(see napp-it menu jobs)

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