[OpenIndiana-discuss] chicken and egg file sharing problem

2012-06-01 Thread Tim Dunphy
Hey list,

I'm attempting to use a centos 6 iso mounted on loopback on my
openindiana box so that I can install centos on another machine via
nfs. Problem is that if I mount the disk on the oi box via lofiadm
then I can't share it via NFS because the directory I'm attempting to
share has files in it -

[root@openindiana:~] #lofiadm -a /tank/iso/CentOS-6.2-i386-bin-DVD1.iso

[root@openindiana:~] #mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /tank/iso/centos

[root@openindiana:~] #df -h /tank/iso/centos
Filesystem size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/lofi/13.6G   3.6G 0K   100%/tank/iso/centos

[root@openindiana:~] # zfs set sharenfs=rw=@,anon=0
cannot mount '/tank/iso/centos': directory is not empty
property may be set but unable to remount filesystem

Basically I'm just looking for a way to accomplish the goal of sharing
this disk so that I can install it on another machine. Does anyone
have any suggestions?

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] search pkg lists

2012-05-23 Thread Tim Dunphy
hello list,

 I am trying to install sudo onto a zone I created on my openindiana
box. I downloaded the one I found at sunfreeware.com, but that was
missing a lot of libraries.

 Next, I thought I would try searching the openindiana package
repository but I don't know if there is a way to do this akin to 'yum
search package-i-want' under CentOS for example.


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[OpenIndiana-discuss] installing oracle 11g

2012-05-23 Thread Tim Dunphy
hey again list,

 I'm trying to surmount a small hurdle in installing Oracle 11g on my
oi 151 box.

When I run the ./runInstaller command from the database directory I
get this message

Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors
 Could not execute auto check for display colors using command
/usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set.

And it proceeds to throw a java exception if I continue

 Ignoring required pre-requisite failures. Continuing...
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from
/tmp/OraInstall2012-05-23_04-01-36PM. Please wait ...-bash-4.0$
Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:164)
at java.awt.Toolkit$2.run(Toolkit.java:821)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(Toolkit.java:804)
at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.isLowResolution(Unknown Source)
at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.clinit(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:242)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.loadSystemClass(SwingUtilities.java:1783)
at javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.java:480)
at oracle.install.commons.util.Application.startup(Application.java:758)
at oracle.install.ivw.db.driver.DBInstaller.main(DBInstaller.java:132)

I think the key value I need to set is this one:

-bash-4.0$ export DISPLAY='localhost:0.0'

And I've tried a couple of variations including the actual hostname of
the host in place of localhost.

Any thoughts on how I can get past this point?


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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] installing oracle 11g

2012-05-23 Thread Tim Dunphy
 I don't want to sound insulting, but is X running?
 Are you on console or logged in over ssh? If ssh, is xforwarding enabled? If
 so, do you have some sort of X client on your side? Do other X clients work
 (eg. xload)?

That's fine. I'm logged in at the console, not ssh'd in and yes x is
working fine.

I'm running as the oracle user

[root@openindiana:/tank/iso] #su - oracle

And interesting that xload gives an error when I try to run it as the
oracle user.

 I've tried setting a few variables for DISPLAY:

-bash-4.0$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
-bash-4.0$ xload
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

Error: Can't open display: :0.0

-bash-4.0$ export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

-bash-4.0$ xload
Error: Can't open display: localhost:0.0
-bash-4.0$ export DISPLAY=openindiana:0.0

-bash-4.0$ xload
Xlib: connection to openindiana:0.0 refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

Error: Can't open display: openindiana:0.0

I would think that either my hostname or localhost would work, but not so far.

-bash-4.0$ hostname

I don't have DISPLAY set in a resource file so I'm just exporting it
on the command line before trying to install oracle.


On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Jason Matthews ja...@broken.net wrote:

 I don't want to sound insulting, but is X running?
 Are you on console or logged in over ssh? If ssh, is xforwarding enabled? If
 so, do you have some sort of X client on your side? Do other X clients work
 (eg. xload)?

 If console, who are youlogged in as? What user are you running the installer

 Why don't you logout, log back in, and show us the value of $DISPLAY (after
 describing how you interact with X).



 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Dunphy [mailto:bluethu...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 1:09 PM
 To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
 Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] installing oracle 11g

 hey again list,

  I'm trying to surmount a small hurdle in installing Oracle 11g on my
 oi 151 box.

 When I run the ./runInstaller command from the database directory I
 get this message

 Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors
     Could not execute auto check for display colors using command
 /usr/openwin/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set.

 And it proceeds to throw a java exception if I continue

 Ignoring required pre-requisite failures. Continuing...
 Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from
 /tmp/OraInstall2012-05-23_04-01-36PM. Please wait ...-bash-4.0$
 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:164)
        at java.awt.Toolkit$2.run(Toolkit.java:821)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(Toolkit.java:804)
        at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.isLowResolution(Unknown Source)
        at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.clinit(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:242)
        at javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.java:480)

 I think the key value I need to set is this one:

 -bash-4.0$ export DISPLAY='localhost:0.0'

 And I've tried a couple of variations including the actual hostname of
 the host in place of localhost.

 Any thoughts on how I can get past this point?


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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] installing oracle 11g

2012-05-23 Thread Tim Dunphy
Thanks guys.

Alan's tip ultimately got the gui installer working:

The simplest workaround is to grant the Oracle user permission before you su 
to it:
   xhost +si:localuser:oracle

Then, after setting the DISPLAY variable that got the ball rolling.

I appreciate the help!

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 6:41 PM, Jason Matthews ja...@broken.net wrote:

 What Alan wrote.


 -Original Message-
 From: Alan Coopersmith [mailto:alan.coopersm...@oracle.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 3:21 PM
 To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
 Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] installing oracle 11g

 On 05/23/12 03:16 PM, Tim Dunphy wrote:
 I don't want to sound insulting, but is X running?
 Are you on console or logged in over ssh? If ssh, is xforwarding enabled?
 so, do you have some sort of X client on your side? Do other X clients
 (eg. xload)?

 That's fine. I'm logged in at the console, not ssh'd in and yes x is
 working fine.

 I'm running as the oracle user

 [root@openindiana:/tank/iso] #su - oracle

 And interesting that xload gives an error when I try to run it as the
 oracle user.

  I've tried setting a few variables for DISPLAY:

 -bash-4.0$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
 -bash-4.0$ xload
 Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: No protocol specified

 Error: Can't open display: :0.0

 The default X setup, on pretty much every OS made in the past twenty years,
 that only the user who logs into X can open windows on the display.   Some
 distros do include a PAM module to forward this authorization on su, but OI

 The simplest workaround is to grant the Oracle user permission before you su
        xhost +si:localuser:oracle

 A variety of other solutions are possible as well, as a google search for
 such as xauthority and xauth will turn up.

        -Alan Coopersmith-              alan.coopersm...@oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc

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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] add inherit-pkg-dir

2012-05-22 Thread Tim Dunphy
Hello list,

I'm trying to get a solaris zone to inherit a package dir under openindiana 151:

These are the instructions I'm trying to follow:

zonecfg:apps add inherit-pkg-dir
zonecfg:apps:inherit-pkg-dir set dir=/opt/sfw
zonecfg:apps:inherit-pkg-dir end

This is the blog where I found them:


This is what happens when I try to do the above:

[root@openindiana:/export/home/bluethundr] #zonecfg -z lb1
zonecfg:lb1 add inherit-pkg-dir
add resource-type
(global scope)
add property-name property-value
(resource scope)

All I get is usage output. What am I doing wrong here? Also I'd like
to get this zone to inherit /usr/local from the global zone. How would
I go about that?

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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] packages for oracle db

2012-05-22 Thread Tim Dunphy
hey list,

 I'm trying to install oracle 11g on my oi 151 box. It'll need the
following packages:

ERROR: information for SUNWi1cs was not found
ERROR: information for SUNWi15cs was not found
ERROR: information for SUNWxwfnt was not found
ERROR: information for SUNWxwplr was not found
ERROR: information for SUNWi1of was not found
ERROR: information for SUNWlibm was not found

Where can I find these packages?

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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] packages for oracle db

2012-05-22 Thread Tim Dunphy
That's greatly illuminating! thank you.. I think it'll be easier to
just skip them. Appreciate the advice!


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 7:47 PM, Jim Klimov jimkli...@cos.ru wrote:
 2012-05-23 1:51, Tim Dunphy написал:

 hey list,

  I'm trying to install oracle 11g on my oi 151 box. It'll need the
 following packages:

 ERROR: information for SUNWi1cs was not found
 ERROR: information for SUNWi15cs was not found
 ERROR: information for SUNWxwfnt was not found
 ERROR: information for SUNWxwplr was not found
 ERROR: information for SUNWi1of was not found
 ERROR: information for SUNWlibm was not found

 Where can I find these packages?

 Most of these are SVR4 (Solaris 10 and older, OpenSolaris SXCE)
 packages with X11 libraries and components, and the binaries
 should likely be in place if you installed OI from the LiveCD
 with GUI (not the text-install). My box says it has SUNWlibm
 in place, but not the others. If you set up the text mode
 installer, you can try to add the X11 packages manually with
 pkg install guess names from pkgrepo, see the repo here:


 (specify correct release ver if needed)

 Alternately, if possible, you can try to skip the Oracle DBMS
 installer's checks for these packages (but do get the libm
 somehow), these should only influence the GUI programs like
 Enterprise Manager, DBCA wizards and stuff. You can do all
 those tasks via command-line anyway, right? ;)

 Finally, I think a better (or useful) resource would be to
 seek documentation on installing Oracle in Solaris 11,
 which has a much closer structure of packaging to OI
 than Solaris 10.

 //Jim Klimov

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] add inherit-pkg-dir

2012-05-22 Thread Tim Dunphy
thanks your tip for sharing /usr/local worked like a charm! I'm really
digging this solaris (openindiana) stuff which is great because I have
to use it in my job. This new openindiana box in my basement rocks
unbelievably. It's my new passion and it's great

Also I thanked you in the other thread for the oracle advice. I'll
keep what you said in mind.


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Jim Klimov jimkli...@cos.ru wrote:
 2012-05-23 1:20, Tim Dunphy написал:

 Hello list,

 I'm trying to get a solaris zone to inherit a package dir under
 openindiana 151:

 These are the instructions I'm trying to follow:

 zonecfg:apps  add inherit-pkg-dir
 zonecfg:apps:inherit-pkg-dir  set dir=/opt/sfw
 zonecfg:apps:inherit-pkg-dir  end

 This is the blog where I found them:


 This is what happens when I try to do the above:

 [root@openindiana:/export/home/bluethundr] #zonecfg -z lb1
 zonecfg:lb1  add inherit-pkg-dir
         (global scope)
 addproperty-name  property-value
         (resource scope)

 All I get is usage output. What am I doing wrong here? Also I'd like
 to get this zone to inherit /usr/local from the global zone. How would
 I go about that?

 Unfortunately, inherit-pkg-dir was an important part of
 sparse-root local zones, which was incompatible with IPS
 packaging ideology, so it was cut out of OpenSolaris Indiana
 as well as its descendants (OpenIndiana, Solaris 11).

 Now you have to do complete installs of local zones according
 to the current OSes' manuals.

 As for inheriting /usr/local, here's a couple of things
 you could do:
 1) If it is a separate ZFS dataset, you could make its
 snapshot and clone, and zfs rename this clone into the
 local zone;
 2) The supported way, which should work regardless of where
 the root fs and local zone root reside - you define a lofs
 (loopback-mounted fs) which mounts your global zone's dir
 into the local zone. You can have it read-write (and the
 LZ can then change the GZ's data and programs under this
 dir), or you can keep it read-only and LZ can not modify
 the directory contents.

 Snippet for zonecfg:

 add fs
 set dir=/usr/local
 set special=/usr/local
 set type=lofs
 add options nodevices,ro

 You have to create the mountpoint in the local zone manually.

 3) Mix options 1 and 2, to provide the local zone with a
 clone of global zone's /usr/local which it can write to
 without harm for the GZ.

 From your other post I believe you might need this for the
 three scripts Oracle puts into /usr/local/bin. IIRC they
 are not critical and the DBMS should work without them.
 Alternately, it would do little harm if these scripts
 are available to the GZ and all zones who lofs-mount your
 /usr/local as in method (2). In this case you'd likely
 have to allow writing to /usr/local during installation
 of the DBMS, then you can set the lofs-mount to read-only.



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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] can't delete aggregate (dladm)

2012-05-18 Thread Tim Dunphy
On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Jim Klimov jimkli...@cos.ru wrote:
 2012-05-15 2:11, Tim Dunphy wrote:

 ok thanks for the suggestion.. I've rebooted and it seems alright...
 let's hope it keeps working :)
 In case of dladm, if proper command-line methods don't help, you
 can try to manipulate the config files in /etc/dladm directory, and
 particularly the /etc/dladm/datalink.conf file which defines your
 physical and virtual links. AFAIK the file is read-in only upon
 system boot, so it is a clumsy way of changing things, but when
 it is your only working option - that may be suitable ;)

that's amazingly valuable to know! That's going right in the wiki.
Thanks for that!


 Well, the manuals rightfully suggest against manual manipualations
 of the configuration files, but I was saved by that a few times
 while dladm (or any other component) was still in such active
 development that it did not always do what it is intended to do.

 In case of dladm, if proper command-line methods don't help, you
 can try to manipulate the config files in /etc/dladm directory, and
 particularly the /etc/dladm/datalink.conf file which defines your
 physical and virtual links. AFAIK the file is read-in only upon
 system boot, so it is a clumsy way of changing things, but when
 it is your only working option - that may be suitable ;)

 At least you can check there to see which settings your system
 has remembered for the future.

 //Jim Klimov

 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] can't delete aggregate (dladm)

2012-05-15 Thread Tim Dunphy
Hey Mike,

No problem at all. The OI list is a very informative and enjoyable
read, so I guess I'll let it slide! :) j/k


On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:22 PM, Mike La Spina mike.lasp...@laspina.ca wrote:
 Sorry its Mark not Tim,
 Hit reply on the next list message.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike La Spina
 Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:18 PM
 To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
 Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] can't delete aggregate (dladm)

 Hi Tim,

 I always create users for automated functions and never use root unless
 its forced.
 As well I usually create a group which is used to assign any required
 rights for the role or function.
 The cron job should be assigned to the running user which you can always
 edit as a primary admin.
 e.g. crontab -e user-role
 Least access principle has saved by bacon more times than I wish to


 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Dunphy [mailto:bluethu...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:50 PM
 To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
 Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] can't delete aggregate (dladm)

 Hello list,

  I was trying to fix a problem I was having in being able to ping
 external hosts. For some reason I was able to ping other hosts on the
 network but had to reboot after installing a package. When the host (an
 OI 151 box) came back up it wasn't able to ping anything except itself.

  The links were setup in an active/passive link aggregate called aggr0.
 I decided to attempt to recreate the link pool with the dladm
 remove-aggr command.

  But when I typed dladm remove-aggr -d e1000g1 1

  I see the message :

  dladm: remove operation failed: object not found.

 Which is weird because if I do a dladm show-aggr  I see the aggregate in

 I was able to unplumb the aggregate link with

  ifconfig aggr0 unplumb.

 But I cannot plumb or unplumb the individual physical links at this
 point. If I unplumb them I get

 ifconfig unplumb e1000g0
 ifconfig: cannot unplumb e1000g0: Interface does not exist

 When I plumb it I see:

 ifconfig e1000g0 plumb
 ifconfig: cannot plumb e1000g0: Interface already in use

 This is a very confusing situation! Does anyone have any solution for
 this? I need to be able to delete the link aggregation, plumb the
 individual interfaces and verify they are working before recreating the
 aggregate. I have good instructions for creating an aggregate and it was
 working well at one recent point. But I decided to try another tutorial
 that lead me down this path, and now I know which one to avoid!

 thanks for any advice you may have

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 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

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 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] can't delete aggregate (dladm)

2012-05-14 Thread Tim Dunphy
Hello list,

 I was trying to fix a problem I was having in being able to ping
external hosts. For some reason I was able to ping other hosts on the
network but had to reboot after installing a package. When the host
(an OI 151 box) came back up it wasn't able to ping anything except

 The links were setup in an active/passive link aggregate called
aggr0. I decided to attempt to recreate the link pool with the dladm
remove-aggr command.

 But when I typed dladm remove-aggr -d e1000g1 1

 I see the message :

 dladm: remove operation failed: object not found.

Which is weird because if I do a dladm show-aggr  I see the aggregate
in question.

I was able to unplumb the aggregate link with

 ifconfig aggr0 unplumb.

But I cannot plumb or unplumb the individual physical links at this
point. If I unplumb them I get

ifconfig unplumb e1000g0
ifconfig: cannot unplumb e1000g0: Interface does not exist

When I plumb it I see:

ifconfig e1000g0 plumb
ifconfig: cannot plumb e1000g0: Interface already in use

This is a very confusing situation! Does anyone have any solution for
this? I need to be able to delete the link aggregation, plumb the
individual interfaces and verify they are working before recreating
the aggregate. I have good instructions for creating an aggregate and
it was working well at one recent point. But I decided to try another
tutorial that lead me down this path, and now I know which one to

thanks for any advice you may have

GPG me!!

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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] can't delete aggregate (dladm)

2012-05-14 Thread Tim Dunphy
ok, disaster averted !

I tried a different flag the command I was using;
dladm delete-aggr -t aggr0 1

that allowed me to delete the virtual interface. Then, at that point I
was able to plum and unplumb the interfaces as per normal and recreate
the aggregate. It's all working now. Sorry for freaking out and
mailing the list! :) Don't want to burn up any good karma!

[root@openindiana:~] #dladm show-link
e1000g0 phys  9000   up   -- --
e1000g1 phys  9000   up   -- --
aggr1   aggr  9000   up   -- e1000g0 e1000g1

[root@openindiana:~] #ifconfig -a
8232 index 1
inet netmask ff00
aggr1: flags=1000843UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4 mtu 9000 index 13
inet netmask ff00 broadcast
ether 0:25:90:b:34:0
8252 index 1
inet6 ::1/128

[root@openindiana:~] #ping yahoo.com
yahoo.com is alive

This list is a very congenial/valuable resource and I don't want to
squander it.



On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Tim Dunphy bluethu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello list,

  I was trying to fix a problem I was having in being able to ping
 external hosts. For some reason I was able to ping other hosts on the
 network but had to reboot after installing a package. When the host
 (an OI 151 box) came back up it wasn't able to ping anything except

  The links were setup in an active/passive link aggregate called
 aggr0. I decided to attempt to recreate the link pool with the dladm
 remove-aggr command.

  But when I typed dladm remove-aggr -d e1000g1 1

  I see the message :

  dladm: remove operation failed: object not found.

 Which is weird because if I do a dladm show-aggr  I see the aggregate
 in question.

 I was able to unplumb the aggregate link with

  ifconfig aggr0 unplumb.

 But I cannot plumb or unplumb the individual physical links at this
 point. If I unplumb them I get

 ifconfig unplumb e1000g0
 ifconfig: cannot unplumb e1000g0: Interface does not exist

 When I plumb it I see:

 ifconfig e1000g0 plumb
 ifconfig: cannot plumb e1000g0: Interface already in use

 This is a very confusing situation! Does anyone have any solution for
 this? I need to be able to delete the link aggregation, plumb the
 individual interfaces and verify they are working before recreating
 the aggregate. I have good instructions for creating an aggregate and
 it was working well at one recent point. But I decided to try another
 tutorial that lead me down this path, and now I know which one to

 thanks for any advice you may have

 GPG me!!

 gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

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OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] can't delete aggregate (dladm)

2012-05-14 Thread Tim Dunphy
ok thanks for the suggestion.. I've rebooted and it seems alright...
let's hope it keeps working :)

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 6:05 PM, Jason Matthews ja...@broken.net wrote:

 -t is temporary. Try rebooting. There is some chance you'll be back to where
 you started ;-)


 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Dunphy [mailto:bluethu...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 12:14 PM
 To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
 Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] can't delete aggregate (dladm)

 ok, disaster averted !

 I tried a different flag the command I was using;
 dladm delete-aggr -t aggr0 1

 that allowed me to delete the virtual interface. Then, at that point I
 was able to plum and unplumb the interfaces as per normal and recreate
 the aggregate. It's all working now. Sorry for freaking out and
 mailing the list! :) Don't want to burn up any good karma!

 [root@openindiana:~] #dladm show-link
 LINK        CLASS     MTU    STATE    BRIDGE     OVER
 e1000g0     phys      9000   up       --         --
 e1000g1     phys      9000   up       --         --
 aggr1       aggr      9000   up       --         e1000g0 e1000g1

 [root@openindiana:~] #ifconfig -a
 8232 index 1
        inet netmask ff00
 aggr1: flags=1000843UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4 mtu 9000 index 13
        inet netmask ff00 broadcast
        ether 0:25:90:b:34:0
 8252 index 1
        inet6 ::1/128

 [root@openindiana:~] #ping yahoo.com
 yahoo.com is alive

 This list is a very congenial/valuable resource and I don't want to
 squander it.



 On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 2:50 PM, Tim Dunphy bluethu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello list,

  I was trying to fix a problem I was having in being able to ping
 external hosts. For some reason I was able to ping other hosts on the
 network but had to reboot after installing a package. When the host
 (an OI 151 box) came back up it wasn't able to ping anything except

  The links were setup in an active/passive link aggregate called
 aggr0. I decided to attempt to recreate the link pool with the dladm
 remove-aggr command.

  But when I typed dladm remove-aggr -d e1000g1 1

  I see the message :

  dladm: remove operation failed: object not found.

 Which is weird because if I do a dladm show-aggr  I see the aggregate
 in question.

 I was able to unplumb the aggregate link with

  ifconfig aggr0 unplumb.

 But I cannot plumb or unplumb the individual physical links at this
 point. If I unplumb them I get

 ifconfig unplumb e1000g0
 ifconfig: cannot unplumb e1000g0: Interface does not exist

 When I plumb it I see:

 ifconfig e1000g0 plumb
 ifconfig: cannot plumb e1000g0: Interface already in use

 This is a very confusing situation! Does anyone have any solution for
 this? I need to be able to delete the link aggregation, plumb the
 individual interfaces and verify they are working before recreating
 the aggregate. I have good instructions for creating an aggregate and
 it was working well at one recent point. But I decided to try another
 tutorial that lead me down this path, and now I know which one to

 thanks for any advice you may have

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] nfs permission denied

2012-05-08 Thread Tim Dunphy

 I'm trying to setup an NFS server under oi 151. So far so good, but
there is one hurdle I'd like to overcome regarding security.

 The nfs service is running -

 root@openindiana:~# svcs -a | grep nfs | grep server
online 22:51:58 svc:/network/nfs/server:default

And I have one entry in dfstab to test this out -

root@openindiana:~# tail /etc/dfs/dfstab
# This file is reconstructed and only maintained for backward
# compatibility. Configuration lines could be lost.
#   share [-F fstype] [ -o options] [-d text] pathname [resource]
#   .e.g,
#   share  -F nfs  -o rw=engineering  -d home dirs  /export/home2
share -F nfs /tank/xen

From what I've read the default for entries in dfstab is that the
shares will be available rw (read/write).

If I go to the client  (FreeBSD 8.2) and test, I can see the mount -

[root@LBSD2:~] #showmount -e nas
Exports list on nas:
/tank/xen  Everyone

And.. I can mount the share -

[root@LBSD2:~] #mount nas:/tank/xen /mnt/xen

[root@LBSD2:~] #df -h /mnt/xen
Filesystem   SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
nas:/tank/xen1.3T 45K1.3T 0%/mnt/xen

However if I test my permissions on the mounted share volume (on the
client side as root) -

 [root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test
touch: /mnt/xen/test: Permission denied

I get permission denied. I notice on the (oi) server, the permissions
look fine -

root@openindiana:~# ls -l /tank | grep xen
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root   2 May  7 22:58 xen

So I tried incrementally loosening up permissions -

server : root@openindiana:~# chmod 775 /tank/xen

once again on the client:

 [root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test
touch: /mnt/xen/test: Permission denied

And it doesn't work until I open up the directory on the server to world -

server: root@openindiana:~# chmod 777 /tank/xen

[root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test
[root@LBSD2:~] #echo hi  /mnt/xen/test
[root@LBSD2:~] #cat /mnt/xen/test

Obviously this is a situation I should correct if I can. : )

Thanks in advance and best regards,

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] nfs permission denied

2012-05-08 Thread Tim Dunphy
Hi Richard,

Thanks for your input. I found that I can share the volume via zfs..
sorry I forgot to mention that this was a zfs pool.

I found that I was able to remove the entry from dfstab and use this
command to share the volume -

 zfs set sharenfs=rw tank/xen

And when I check the result it looks ok -

root@openindiana:~# zfs get sharenfs tank/xen
tank/xen  sharenfs  rwlocal

and now if I look at the nfs server from the client I can see the
share, even tho it's no longer listed in dfstab -

[root@LBSD2:~] #showmount -e nas
Exports list on nas:
/tank/xen  Everyone

And then I try mounting the share from the client -

[root@LBSD2:~] #mount nas:/tank/xen /mnt/xen

[root@LBSD2:~] #df -h /mnt/xen
Filesystem   SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
nas:/tank/xen1.3T 46K1.3T 0%/mnt/xen

But I am still getting the same result when I try to create a file -

[root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test
touch: /mnt/xen/test: Permission denied

Maybe I'm missing a flag on the zfs set command?


On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 12:05 PM,  to...@ulkhyvlers.net wrote:
 On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 11:43:29AM -0400, Tim Dunphy wrote:

  I'm trying to setup an NFS server under oi 151. So far so good, but
 there is one hurdle I'd like to overcome regarding security.

  The nfs service is running -

  root@openindiana:~# svcs -a | grep nfs | grep server
 online         22:51:58 svc:/network/nfs/server:default

 And I have one entry in dfstab to test this out -

 root@openindiana:~# tail /etc/dfs/dfstab
 # This file is reconstructed and only maintained for backward
 # compatibility. Configuration lines could be lost.
 #       share [-F fstype] [ -o options] [-d text] pathname [resource]
 #       .e.g,
 #       share  -F nfs  -o rw=engineering  -d home dirs  /export/home2
 share -F nfs /tank/xen


 However if I test my permissions on the mounted share volume (on the
 client side as root) -

  [root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test
 touch: /mnt/xen/test: Permission denied


 From where I am standing you seem to have missed an option for
 nfs... check the manpage for share_nfs.
 specifically the option below.


        Only  root  users  from  the  hosts   specified   in
        access_list have root access. See access_list below.
        By default, no host has root access, so  root  users
        are mapped to an anonymous user ID (see the anon=uid
        option described above). Netgroups can  be  used  if
        the  file system shared is using UNIX authentication
        ( AUTH_SYS).

 If you havent got that one, root on your bsdbox will be remapped to
 anonymous and then it bites you in the rear ;)

 // Richard

 Its hard to be religious when certain people are never
 incinerated by bolts of lightning.

 - Calvin  Hobbes

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] nfs permission denied

2012-05-08 Thread Tim Dunphy
ok, thanks for the tips .. I'll do a little more reading on NFS so I
can increase my understanding.

but in the meantime, this seemed to do the trick!

zfs set sharenfs='rw,root=thebsdbox' tank/xen

[root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test
[root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test2
[root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test3
[root@LBSD2:~] #rm /mnt/xen/test
[root@LBSD2:~] #rm /mnt/xen/test2
[root@LBSD2:~] #rm /mnt/xen/test3


On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Brian Wilson bfwil...@wisc.edu wrote:
 On 05/ 8/12 12:19 PM, to...@ulkhyvlers.net wrote:

 On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 01:07:23PM -0400, Tim Dunphy wrote:

 Hi Richard,

 Thanks for your input. I found that I can share the volume via zfs..
 sorry I forgot to mention that this was a zfs pool.

 I found that I was able to remove the entry from dfstab and use this
 command to share the volume -

  zfs set sharenfs=rw tank/xen

 And when I check the result it looks ok -

 root@openindiana:~# zfs get sharenfs tank/xen
 tank/xen  sharenfs  rw        local

 and now if I look at the nfs server from the client I can see the
 share, even tho it's no longer listed in dfstab -

 [root@LBSD2:~] #showmount -e nas
 Exports list on nas:
 /tank/xen                          Everyone

 And then I try mounting the share from the client -

 [root@LBSD2:~] #mount nas:/tank/xen /mnt/xen

 [root@LBSD2:~] #df -h /mnt/xen
 Filesystem       Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 nas:/tank/xen    1.3T     46K    1.3T     0%    /mnt/xen

 But I am still getting the same result when I try to create a file -

 [root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test
 touch: /mnt/xen/test: Permission denied

 Maybe I'm missing a flag on the zfs set command?


 Feel free to correct me, but I think you still need the root=thebsdbox
 as an option for the zfs command.

 Ie. something like zfs set sharenfs='rw,root=thebsdbox' tank/xen
 Otherwise I suspect that the root remapping thing comes into play.

 // Richard

 Yes, if trying to touch the file as root - which the command prompt
 indicates is the case - then you need to allow root access to the mount
 point via the option Richard specified.

 Brian Wilson, Solaris SE, UW-Madison DoIT
 Room 3114 CSS            608-263-8047
 'I try to save a life a day. Usually it's my own.' - John Crichton

 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

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[OpenIndiana-discuss] unable to start nfs

2012-05-07 Thread Tim Dunphy
Hello openindiana,

 I appreciate the help you've provided so far. This OI box is turning
out completely awesome!

 Currently I am trying to start an nfs server so that I can share my
zpool across the network.

 However when I attempt to start the service I am getting an error:

 root@openindiana:~# svcadm enable -r nfs/server
svcadm: svc:/milestone/network depends on svc:/network/physical, which
has multiple instances.

Now, I do have two physical links that I am currently using to create
a link aggregate:

 root@openindiana:~# dladm show-link
e1000g0 phys  1500   up   -- --
e1000g1 phys  1500   up   -- --
aggr1   aggr  1500   up   -- e1000g0 e1000g1

But I don't understand why that may be preventing me from enabling NFS.

I'd appreciate any help you could provide in getting this to work.

Thanks and best regards,

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] unable to start nfs

2012-05-07 Thread Tim Dunphy
Hi, and thanks for your reply.

No, it seems that the nfs server is definitely not working at this point:

root@openindiana:~# svcs -x nfs/server
svc:/network/nfs/server:default (NFS server)
 State: disabled since May  7, 2012 01:57:11 PM EDT
Reason: Temporarily disabled by an administrator.
   See: http://illumos.org/msg/SMF-8000-1S
   See: nfsd(1M)
   See: /var/svc/log/network-nfs-server:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

I had a look at the services associated with NFS and made sure that
they were all started.

root@openindiana:~# svcs -l nfs/server
fmri svc:/network/nfs/server:default
name NFS server
enabled  false (temporary)
next_state   none
state_time   May  7, 2012 01:57:11 PM EDT
logfile  /var/svc/log/network-nfs-server:default.log
dependency   require_any/error svc:/milestone/network (online)
dependency   require_all/error svc:/network/nfs/nlockmgr (online)
dependency   optional_all/error svc:/network/nfs/mapid (online)
dependency   require_all/restart svc:/network/rpc/bind (online)
dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/rpc/keyserv (online)
dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/rpc/gss (online)
dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/shares/group (multiple)
dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/reparse (online)
dependency   require_all/error svc:/system/filesystem/local (online)

The only one that appears to be different is the network shares group.

And after making sure that the associated services were running, I am
still unable to start NFS and seeing the same error message:

root@openindiana:~# svcadm enable -r svc:/network/nfs/server:default
svcadm: svc:/milestone/network depends on svc:/network/physical, which
has multiple instances.

I'm just wondering what other troubleshooting steps might help lead to
a solution..


On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 2:30 PM, James Carlson carls...@workingcode.com wrote:
 Tim Dunphy wrote:
  root@openindiana:~# svcadm enable -r nfs/server
 svcadm: svc:/milestone/network depends on svc:/network/physical, which
 has multiple instances.

 Now, I do have two physical links that I am currently using to create
 a link aggregate:

 That message has nothing to do with the network interfaces.  It's a
 message about the :default and :nwam instances of network/physical.
  It's a service, not link, message.

 The simplest thing to do is to ignore the message, but that's probably
 not the right answer here.

 I think the right answer, assuming that NFS isn't working for you, is to
 look into what's wrong with the service.  Start with svcs -x and svcs
 -l nfs/server.

 James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         carls...@workingcode.com

 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

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Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] unable to start nfs

2012-05-07 Thread Tim Dunphy
 To be pedantic, you don't share a zpool, but filesystem directories,
 over NFS :)

Point taken. :)

 In fact, you should check the output of svcs -a | grep nfs for
 hints whether your nfs/server is online or in another state;
 if it is not online, you can drill down to see why.

It definitely looks as it's offline at the moment.

root@openindiana:/export/home/bluethundr# svcs -a | grep
disabled   14:33:21 svc:/network/nfs/server:default

Forgive my ignorance but I'm a little new at solaris. The only
drilling down I've done so far is this:

svc:/network/nfs/server:default (NFS server)
 State: disabled since May  7, 2012 03:11:28 PM EDT
Reason: Temporarily disabled by an administrator.
   See: http://illumos.org/msg/SMF-8000-1S
   See: nfsd(1M)
   See: /var/svc/log/network-nfs-server:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

root@openindiana:~# svcs -l nfs/server
fmri svc:/network/nfs/server:default
name NFS server
enabled  false (temporary)
next_state   none
state_time   May  7, 2012 03:11:28 PM EDT
logfile  /var/svc/log/network-nfs-server:default.log
dependency   require_any/error svc:/milestone/network (online)
dependency   require_all/error svc:/network/nfs/nlockmgr (online)
dependency   optional_all/error svc:/network/nfs/mapid (online)
dependency   require_all/restart svc:/network/rpc/bind (online)
dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/rpc/keyserv (online)
dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/rpc/gss (online)
dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/shares/group (multiple)
dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/reparse (online)
dependency   require_all/error svc:/system/filesystem/local (online)

Everything that NFS relies on seems to be 'online'  and the only
difference is in the entry for vc:/network/shares/group (multiple).
Which seems to correspond to the message I'm getting when I try to
start the service recursively:

root@openindiana:~# svcadm enable -r nfs/server
svcadm: svc:/milestone/network depends on svc:/network/physical, which
has multiple instances.

 What happens if you do this?
  svcadm enable nfs/server

If I do this it's basically the same thing as before:

root@openindiana:~# svcadm enable nfs/server
root@openindiana:~# svcs -a | grep nfs | grep server
disabled   15:17:31 svc:/network/nfs/server:default

Do you have any NFS shares defined via zfs sharenfs attribute
and/or /etc/dfs/dfstab file (legacy)? What does the share
command report (should return a list of defined shares, if any),
similar to exportfs output.

root@openindiana:~# share

root@openindiana:~# cat /etc/dfs/dfstab

# Do not modify this file directly.
# Use the sharemgr(1m) command for all share management
# This file is reconstructed and only maintained for backward
# compatibility. Configuration lines could be lost.
#   share [-F fstype] [ -o options] [-d text] pathname [resource]
#   .e.g,
#   share  -F nfs  -o rw=engineering  -d home dirs  /export/home2

This is a brand-new setup and I haven't attempted to setup any shares
prior to trying to setup NFS.

Basically my goal is to share the top directory of my zpool which
looks like this:

root@openindiana:~# df -h /tank
Filesystem size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
tank   1.3T44K   1.3T 1%/tank

tank is in reality a super fast raidz2 disk array consisting of 4
very fast hard drives.

Thank you all for your input.


On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Jim Klimov jimkli...@cos.ru wrote:
 2012-05-07 22:04, Tim Dunphy wrote:

 Hello openindiana,

  I appreciate the help you've provided so far. This OI box is turning
 out completely awesome!

 Yup! ;)

  Currently I am trying to start an nfs server so that I can share my
 zpool across the network.

 To be pedantic, you don't share a zpool, but filesystem directories,
 over NFS :) In case of ZFS-NFS integration, you share filesystem
 datasets at their roots (and their child filesystem datasets by
 default - unless you override the sharenfs attribute in the children).

  However when I attempt to start the service I am getting an error:

  root@openindiana:~# svcadm enable -r nfs/server
 svcadm: svc:/milestone/network depends on svc:/network/physical, which
 has multiple instances.

 Now, I do have two physical links that I am currently using to create

 As James pointed out, this error message is not what you interpreted
 it to be. Moreover, I often see it (in the same situation) on other
 Solaris 10+ releases, and it is in fact just a warning from SMF to
 make you notice that it is possible that the service you want might
 rely on a different service than you have configured, or somesuch.

 In fact, you should check the output of svcs -a | grep nfs for
 hints whether your nfs/server is online or in another state;
 if it is not online

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] unable to start nfs

2012-05-07 Thread Tim Dunphy
well, shiver me timbers!!!

all I had to do to get the service started was to add an entry in dfstab:

root@openindiana:/export/home/bluethundr# tail /etc/dfs/dfstab# Do not
modify this file directly.
# Use the sharemgr(1m) command for all share management
# This file is reconstructed and only maintained for backward
# compatibility. Configuration lines could be lost.
#   share [-F fstype] [ -o options] [-d text] pathname [resource]
#   .e.g,
#   share  -F nfs  -o rw=engineering  -d home dirs  /export/home2
share -F nfs -o sec=sys,rw=all -d xen share /tank/xen

I had the idea of adding the entry and starting the service. So glad
that did the trick!

Thanks for your help guys!

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Tim Dunphy bluethu...@gmail.com wrote:
 To be pedantic, you don't share a zpool, but filesystem directories,
 over NFS :)

 Point taken. :)

 In fact, you should check the output of svcs -a | grep nfs for
 hints whether your nfs/server is online or in another state;
 if it is not online, you can drill down to see why.

 It definitely looks as it's offline at the moment.

 root@openindiana:/export/home/bluethundr# svcs -a | grep
 disabled       14:33:21 svc:/network/nfs/server:default

 Forgive my ignorance but I'm a little new at solaris. The only
 drilling down I've done so far is this:

 svc:/network/nfs/server:default (NFS server)
  State: disabled since May  7, 2012 03:11:28 PM EDT
 Reason: Temporarily disabled by an administrator.
   See: http://illumos.org/msg/SMF-8000-1S
   See: nfsd(1M)
   See: /var/svc/log/network-nfs-server:default.log
 Impact: This service is not running.

 root@openindiana:~# svcs -l nfs/server
 fmri         svc:/network/nfs/server:default
 name         NFS server
 enabled      false (temporary)
 state        disabled
 next_state   none
 state_time   May  7, 2012 03:11:28 PM EDT
 logfile      /var/svc/log/network-nfs-server:default.log
 restarter    svc:/system/svc/restarter:default
 dependency   require_any/error svc:/milestone/network (online)
 dependency   require_all/error svc:/network/nfs/nlockmgr (online)
 dependency   optional_all/error svc:/network/nfs/mapid (online)
 dependency   require_all/restart svc:/network/rpc/bind (online)
 dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/rpc/keyserv (online)
 dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/rpc/gss (online)
 dependency   optional_all/none svc:/network/shares/group (multiple)
 dependency   optional_all/none svc:/system/filesystem/reparse (online)
 dependency   require_all/error svc:/system/filesystem/local (online)

 Everything that NFS relies on seems to be 'online'  and the only
 difference is in the entry for vc:/network/shares/group (multiple).
 Which seems to correspond to the message I'm getting when I try to
 start the service recursively:

 root@openindiana:~# svcadm enable -r nfs/server
 svcadm: svc:/milestone/network depends on svc:/network/physical, which
 has multiple instances.

 What happens if you do this?
      svcadm enable nfs/server

 If I do this it's basically the same thing as before:

 root@openindiana:~# svcadm enable nfs/server
 root@openindiana:~# svcs -a | grep nfs | grep server
 disabled       15:17:31 svc:/network/nfs/server:default

Do you have any NFS shares defined via zfs sharenfs attribute
and/or /etc/dfs/dfstab file (legacy)? What does the share
command report (should return a list of defined shares, if any),
similar to exportfs output.

 root@openindiana:~# share

 root@openindiana:~# cat /etc/dfs/dfstab

 # Do not modify this file directly.
 # Use the sharemgr(1m) command for all share management
 # This file is reconstructed and only maintained for backward
 # compatibility. Configuration lines could be lost.
 #       share [-F fstype] [ -o options] [-d text] pathname [resource]
 #       .e.g,
 #       share  -F nfs  -o rw=engineering  -d home dirs  /export/home2

 This is a brand-new setup and I haven't attempted to setup any shares
 prior to trying to setup NFS.

 Basically my goal is to share the top directory of my zpool which
 looks like this:

 root@openindiana:~# df -h /tank
 Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
 tank                   1.3T    44K   1.3T     1%    /tank

 tank is in reality a super fast raidz2 disk array consisting of 4
 very fast hard drives.

 Thank you all for your input.


 On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Jim Klimov jimkli...@cos.ru wrote:
 2012-05-07 22:04, Tim Dunphy wrote:

 Hello openindiana,

  I appreciate the help you've provided so far. This OI box is turning
 out completely awesome!

 Yup! ;)

  Currently I am trying to start an nfs server so that I can share my
 zpool across the network.

 To be pedantic, you don't share a zpool, but filesystem directories,
 over NFS :) In case of ZFS-NFS integration, you share filesystem
 datasets at their roots (and their child filesystem datasets by
 default - unless you

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] openindiana ldap client

2012-05-06 Thread Tim Dunphy
Hi Mike,

 Try the following change to the nsswitch.conf file

 # consult /etc files only if ldap is down.
 hosts:  files dns mdns ldap

That worked! Now ldap and dns are happy! very cool.
thanks to both of you guys!

best regards,

On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 1:01 AM, Mike La Spina mike.lasp...@laspina.ca wrote:
 Hi Tim,

 Try the following change to the nsswitch.conf file

 # consult /etc files only if ldap is down.
 hosts:      files dns mdns ldap

 This will set the resolution order to; 1 local hosts file, 2 dns, 3 multicast 
 dns, 4 ldap lookup


 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Dunphy [mailto:bluethu...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2012 9:43 PM
 To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
 Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] openindiana ldap client


 That really did the trick!

 ldapclient manual -a credentialLevel=proxy -a authenticationMethod=simple -a 
 proxyDN=cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com -a proxyPassword=secret -a 
 defaultSearchBase=dc=example,dc=com  -a domainName=example.com -a 

 Grep ldap for ldap user:

 root@openindiana:/var/ldap# getent passwd | grep walbs 
 walbs:x:1002:1003:Walkiria Soares-Dunphy:/home/walbs:/bin/bash

 However I notice that now dns resolution seems mixed up, but only since 
 running ldapclient:

 root@openindiana:/var/ldap# ping yahoo.com
 ping: unknown host yahoo.com

 Here's what nsswitch.conf is looking like:

 root@openindiana:/var/ldap# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf # CDDL HEADER START # # 
 The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common 
 Development and Distribution License (the License).
 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE # or 
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and 
 limitations under the License.
 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and 
 include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields 
 enclosed by brackets [] replaced with your own identifying # information: 
 Portions Copyright [] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # # 
 Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 # /etc/nsswitch.ldap:
 # An example file that could be copied over to /etc/nsswitch.conf; it # uses 
 LDAP in conjunction with files.
 # hosts: and services: in this file are used only if the # /etc/netconfig 
 file has a - for nametoaddr_libs of inet transports.

 # LDAP service requires that svc:/network/ldap/client:default be enabled # 
 and online.

 # the following two lines obviate the + entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
 passwd:     files ldap
 group:      files ldap

 # consult /etc files only if ldap is down.
 hosts:      files ldap

 # Note that IPv4 addresses are searched for in all of the ipnodes databases # 
 before searching the hosts databases.
 ipnodes:    files ldap

 networks:   files ldap
 protocols:  files ldap
 rpc:        files ldap
 ethers:     files ldap
 netmasks:   files ldap
 bootparams: files ldap
 publickey:  files ldap

 netgroup:   ldap

 automount:  files ldap
 aliases:    files ldap

 # for efficient getservbyname() avoid ldap
 services:   files ldap

 printers:   user files ldap

 auth_attr:  files ldap
 prof_attr:  files ldap

 project:    files ldap

 tnrhtp:     files ldap
 tnrhdb:     files ldap

 If I revert the file to pre-ldapclient I can ping yahoo and external hosts 

 root@openindiana:/var/ldap# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf.bak  /etc/nsswitch.conf

 root@openindiana:/var/ldap# ping yahoo.com yahoo.com is alive

 And of course I can't find ldap users in the directory again.

 root@openindiana:/var/ldap# getent passwd | grep walbs 

 Is there any way to have my cake and eat it too?


 On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Joshua M. Clulow j...@sysmgr.org wrote:
 On 6 May 2012 11:15, Tim Dunphy bluethu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've also tried using ldapclient, but am having no luck there either:

 I would definitely suggest that you'll want to use the native LDAP
 bits, not the PADL stuff.

 root@openindiana:~/nss_ldap-265# ldapclient init -v -a
 profileName=default \
 -a domainname=example.com \
 -a proxyDN=cn=uid=proxy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com \ -a
 proxyPassword=secret \
 Parsing profileName=default
 Parsing domainname=example.com
 Parsing proxyDN=cn=uid=proxy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
 Parsing proxyPassword=secret
 Arguments parsed:
        domainName: example.com
        proxyDN: cn=uid=proxy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
        profileName: default
        proxyPassword: secret
        defaultServerList: Handling init option About to
 configure machine by downloading a profile Can not find the
 nisDomainObject for domain example.com

[OpenIndiana-discuss] openindiana ldap client

2012-05-05 Thread Tim Dunphy
hello openindiana list!

I thank you for helping me through the link aggregation issue I had
the other day. That is currently working quite well.

 At this point I need to set this oi 151 box as an ldap client. The
server is a BSD 8.2 box running open ldap 2.4

I have downloaded pam_ldap 186 and nss ldap 265 from padl. The pam
ldap installation works without a hitch. However when installing
nss_ldap configure goes a-ok but I get an error on make I was hoping
you could help with:

ldap-nss.c:4227: error: `sasl_interact_t' undeclared (first use in
this function)
ldap-nss.c:4227: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
ldap-nss.c:4227: error: for each function it appears in.)
ldap-nss.c:4227: error: `interact' undeclared (first use in this function)
ldap-nss.c:4227: error: syntax error before ')' token
ldap-nss.c:4229: error: `SASL_CB_LIST_END' undeclared (first use in
this function)
ldap-nss.c:4231: error: `SASL_CB_USER' undeclared (first use in this function)
ldap-nss.c: At top level:
ldap-nss.c:21: warning: 'rcsId' defined but not used
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `ldap-nss.o'
Current working directory /root/nss_ldap-265
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'

I've enclosed a file with the complete output of the make command as
if I included it here, would be quite long.

I would really appreciate some tips on how to get this working, or
better yet if there any packages for oi that would do the trick that
would be better yet!


GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B
make  all-am
if gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.-I/usr/local/ssl/include 
-Wall -fPIC -MT ldap-nss.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/ldap-nss.Tpo -c -o ldap-nss.o 
ldap-nss.c; \
then mv -f .deps/ldap-nss.Tpo .deps/ldap-nss.Po; else rm -f 
.deps/ldap-nss.Tpo; exit 1; fi
ldap-nss.c: In function `do_triple_permutations':
ldap-nss.c:2187: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2187: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2187: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 2)
ldap-nss.c:2187: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2187: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2187: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 2)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 2)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2188: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2189: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2189: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2189: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 2)
ldap-nss.c:2189: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2189: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2189: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 2)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 2)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2190: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2191: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2191: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2191: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 2)
ldap-nss.c:2191: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2191: warning: null argument where non-null required (arg 1)
ldap-nss.c:2191: warning: null argument 

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] openindiana ldap client

2012-05-05 Thread Tim Dunphy
I've also tried using ldapclient, but am having no luck there either:

root@openindiana:~/nss_ldap-265# ldapclient init -v -a profileName=default \
 -a domainname=example.com \
 -a proxyDN=cn=uid=proxy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com \
 -a proxyPassword=secret \
Parsing profileName=default
Parsing domainname=example.com
Parsing proxyDN=cn=uid=proxy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Parsing proxyPassword=secret
Arguments parsed:
domainName: example.com
proxyDN: cn=uid=proxy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
profileName: default
proxyPassword: secret
Handling init option
About to configure machine by downloading a profile
Can not find the nisDomainObject for domain example.com

thanks and regards,

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 9:05 PM, Tim Dunphy bluethu...@gmail.com wrote:
 hello openindiana list!

 I thank you for helping me through the link aggregation issue I had
 the other day. That is currently working quite well.

  At this point I need to set this oi 151 box as an ldap client. The
 server is a BSD 8.2 box running open ldap 2.4

 I have downloaded pam_ldap 186 and nss ldap 265 from padl. The pam
 ldap installation works without a hitch. However when installing
 nss_ldap configure goes a-ok but I get an error on make I was hoping
 you could help with:

 ldap-nss.c:4227: error: `sasl_interact_t' undeclared (first use in
 this function)
 ldap-nss.c:4227: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
 ldap-nss.c:4227: error: for each function it appears in.)
 ldap-nss.c:4227: error: `interact' undeclared (first use in this function)
 ldap-nss.c:4227: error: syntax error before ')' token
 ldap-nss.c:4229: error: `SASL_CB_LIST_END' undeclared (first use in
 this function)
 ldap-nss.c:4231: error: `SASL_CB_USER' undeclared (first use in this function)
 ldap-nss.c: At top level:
 ldap-nss.c:21: warning: 'rcsId' defined but not used
 *** Error code 1
 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `ldap-nss.o'
 Current working directory /root/nss_ldap-265
 *** Error code 1
 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'

 I've enclosed a file with the complete output of the make command as
 if I included it here, would be quite long.

 I would really appreciate some tips on how to get this working, or
 better yet if there any packages for oi that would do the trick that
 would be better yet!


 GPG me!!

 gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] openindiana ldap client

2012-05-05 Thread Tim Dunphy

That really did the trick!

ldapclient manual -a credentialLevel=proxy -a
authenticationMethod=simple -a proxyDN=cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com -a
proxyPassword=secret -a defaultSearchBase=dc=example,dc=com  -a
domainName=example.com -a defaultServerList=

Grep ldap for ldap user:

root@openindiana:/var/ldap# getent passwd | grep walbs
walbs:x:1002:1003:Walkiria Soares-Dunphy:/home/walbs:/bin/bash

However I notice that now dns resolution seems mixed up, but only
since running ldapclient:

root@openindiana:/var/ldap# ping yahoo.com
ping: unknown host yahoo.com

Here's what nsswitch.conf is looking like:

root@openindiana:/var/ldap# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the License).
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

# /etc/nsswitch.ldap:
# An example file that could be copied over to /etc/nsswitch.conf; it
# uses LDAP in conjunction with files.
# hosts: and services: in this file are used only if the
# /etc/netconfig file has a - for nametoaddr_libs of inet transports.

# LDAP service requires that svc:/network/ldap/client:default be enabled
# and online.

# the following two lines obviate the + entry in /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
passwd: files ldap
group:  files ldap

# consult /etc files only if ldap is down.
hosts:  files ldap

# Note that IPv4 addresses are searched for in all of the ipnodes databases
# before searching the hosts databases.
ipnodes:files ldap

networks:   files ldap
protocols:  files ldap
rpc:files ldap
ethers: files ldap
netmasks:   files ldap
bootparams: files ldap
publickey:  files ldap

netgroup:   ldap

automount:  files ldap
aliases:files ldap

# for efficient getservbyname() avoid ldap
services:   files ldap

printers:   user files ldap

auth_attr:  files ldap
prof_attr:  files ldap

project:files ldap

tnrhtp: files ldap
tnrhdb: files ldap

If I revert the file to pre-ldapclient I can ping yahoo and external
hosts again:

root@openindiana:/var/ldap# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf.bak  /etc/nsswitch.conf

root@openindiana:/var/ldap# ping yahoo.com
yahoo.com is alive

And of course I can't find ldap users in the directory again.

root@openindiana:/var/ldap# getent passwd | grep walbs

Is there any way to have my cake and eat it too?


On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Joshua M. Clulow j...@sysmgr.org wrote:
 On 6 May 2012 11:15, Tim Dunphy bluethu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've also tried using ldapclient, but am having no luck there either:

 I would definitely suggest that you'll want to use the native LDAP
 bits, not the PADL stuff.

 root@openindiana:~/nss_ldap-265# ldapclient init -v -a profileName=default \
 -a domainname=example.com \
 -a proxyDN=cn=uid=proxy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com \
 -a proxyPassword=secret \
 Parsing profileName=default
 Parsing domainname=example.com
 Parsing proxyDN=cn=uid=proxy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
 Parsing proxyPassword=secret
 Arguments parsed:
        domainName: example.com
        proxyDN: cn=uid=proxy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
        profileName: default
        proxyPassword: secret
 Handling init option
 About to configure machine by downloading a profile
 Can not find the nisDomainObject for domain example.com

 So you're specifying a profileName here.  Have you created a profile
 object in your directory with the name default?  The init mode of
 ldapclient uses a profile object in the directory for configuration.

 If you don't have or don't want to have a profile object, you could
 try using ldapclient manual rather than ldapclient init.  I
 believe the manual mode of ldapclient is described in the man page for
 the tool.  There are also documents out on the Internet for
 configuring the Solaris 10 (or 11) Native LDAP Naming Service client
 which are mostly, if not entirely, applicable to the bits on


 Joshua M. Clulow
 UNIX Admin/Developer

 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] no external connectivity on link

2012-05-02 Thread Tim Dunphy
Ifconfig doesn't do that. Try using the LACP related commands instead. Your 
output should look like like the following…notice how the ports are attached, 
up, in sync, not defaulted, and not expired.

Ok, thanks for that. Here's what those commands you mentioned show:

root@openindiana:/export/home/bluethundr# dladm show-aggr -L
aggr1   e1000g0  yes  no   no   no   nono
--  e1000g1  yes  no   no   no   nono

root@openindiana:/export/home/bluethundr# dladm show-aggr -x
aggr1   -- 1000Mb fullup0:25:90:b:34:0 --
e1000g01000Mb fullup0:25:90:b:34:0 attached
e1000g11000Mb fullup0:25:90:b:34:1 attached

so, it looks like the ports are attached, up, NOT in sync, not
defaulted and not expired. Apparently I need to be able to get them in
sync, but I'm not sure  how to do that.

 I can ping it.

Do you mean it can ping itself?

Yep, that's what I was trying to say. The host can ping itself and as
of now I can ping the aggregated address from the host itself and from
another host on the network.

I basically left it alone overnight and when I went back to it this
morning I could ping external hosts from this machine and ssh into it
on that aggregated address whereas last night I could not which is why
I emailed the list! :)

Maybe it just takes a little while to work after it's setup?

 once I get this working I plan to enable link trunking on my
 switch to take advantage of the faster speeds possible with this setup.

Umm, you have to configure both sides, the host and switch if you are going
to have network connectivity.


I'll have a look at your LACP article and see what I can do. Thanks
for your input!

Thanks and best regards,

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:01 AM, Mark mark0...@gmail.com wrote:

 And don't forget to configure or disable the firewall.
 That's what my last issue with lack of connectivity turned out to be.
 It may be on and blocking by default.

 On 2/05/2012 6:13 p.m., Richard Elling wrote:

 On May 1, 2012, at 8:41 PM, Tim Dunphy wrote:

 hello list

 I have attempted to enable link aggregation on my oi 151 box using the
 command dladm create-aggr -d e1000g0 -d e1000g1 1 then I plumbed it
 with an address of and echoed

 I noticed that my /etc directory did not have the traditional solaris
 hostname.e1000g0 and hostname.e1000g1 files representing my links that
 you would typically expect. But I created a file with the command echo  hostname.aggr1

 ifconfig -a shows the aggregated link as well and all indications are
 that it's fine

 dladm show-aggr shows the link aggregation and I can ping it..however
 I cannot ping anything else on or off the network (like or

 can someone offer a tip on what I'm doing wrong and how to resolve the

 Typical error is an incorrect netmask. Default netmask for a class-B
 network is

 once I get this working I plan to enable link trunking on my switch to
 take advantage of the faster speeds possible with this setup.

 Are you prepared for no-improvement? Ethernet link aggregation often
 people looking for more performance using IP.
  -- richard

 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] open Indiana 15a on supermicro X8SIL-F

2012-03-04 Thread Tim Dunphy

 I have attempted to install Open Indiana 15a on a SuperMicro X8SIL
motherboard with 8 GB of ram and an Intel Core i3 CPU. I created the
usb installer from mac os X as described in the wiki.

I was able to boot the X8SIL-F from the usb, but after I select the
version of open Indiana to boot (I have tried all the variants
starting with the first) and select the language US-English [47] and
select the English keyboard [7] I see a message reading 'configuring
system' and it reboots. I've tried several times and the result is the

I don't have any expansion cards and have tested the memory.

I looked up my motherboard on the motherboard matrix on the oi wiki
and found this result:

Intel 82574L dual nic and IPMI.
tested under oi_148b

 I have also tried yanking one of the memory chips and operating with
4 GB of ram.

Could it be that 15a is not compatible with the X8SIL-F motherboard?
If so is there a place where I can download the old oi_148b version?

Thanks in advance,

GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list