[OpenIndiana-discuss] system hang

2011-03-30 Thread Ben Taylor
just installed oi148 on my old AthlonXP 2600 with 1GB of ram.

Had to put -B cpuid_features_edx_exclude='0x4000'
on the initial boot, as I used to do when it was running Solaris 10.

Three times in the last day, the system has hard hung while pulling
a git tree from gitorious.org.

I managed to trap a prstat of the last minutes of uptime:

   988 bent  102M   94M run  00   0:08:20  96% git-index-pack/1
   638 root   25M   13M sleep   590   0:00:29 0.9% fmd/27
 5 root0K0K sleep   99  -20   0:00:10 0.3% zpool-rpool/136
   766 gdm95M   28M sleep   590   0:00:08 0.2% gdm-simple-gree/1
   698 root  189M   67M sleep   590   0:00:07 0.1% Xorg/3
   987 root 3656K 3148K cpu0590   0:00:00 0.1% prstat/1
   531 root   11M 4052K sleep   590   0:00:00 0.0% nscd/28
   547 root 8396K 1968K sleep   590   0:00:00 0.0% automountd/4
75 root   14M 7916K sleep   590   0:00:02 0.0% nwamd/11
42 netcfg   4716K 3560K sleep   590   0:00:01 0.0% netcfgd/5
   783 bent   13M 4736K sleep   590   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
45 root 3032K 1992K sleep   590   0:00:00 0.0% dlmgmtd/4
   921 bent   13M 4720K sleep   590   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
   764 gdm87M   18M sleep   590   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-power-man/1

Ideas?  this system was pretty much rock solid for years.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] system hang

2011-03-30 Thread Michael Schuster
Hi Ben,

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 09:39, Ben Taylor bentaylor.sol...@gmail.com wrote:
 just installed oi148 on my old AthlonXP 2600 with 1GB of ram.

 Had to put -B cpuid_features_edx_exclude='0x4000'
 on the initial boot, as I used to do when it was running Solaris 10.

 Three times in the last day, the system has hard hung while pulling
 a git tree from gitorious.org.

you don't define hang - was it pingable (the usual dead vs very,
very busy test)? from your prstat output I'd guess yes, but it's
only a guess :-)
tell us a little more about what you've tried/done so far to find out
what's going on.


 I managed to trap a prstat of the last minutes of uptime:

   988 bent      102M   94M run      0    0   0:08:20  96% git-index-pack/1
   638 root       25M   13M sleep   59    0   0:00:29 0.9% fmd/27
     5 root        0K    0K sleep   99  -20   0:00:10 0.3% zpool-rpool/136
   766 gdm        95M   28M sleep   59    0   0:00:08 0.2% gdm-simple-gree/1
   698 root      189M   67M sleep   59    0   0:00:07 0.1% Xorg/3
   987 root     3656K 3148K cpu0    59    0   0:00:00 0.1% prstat/1
   531 root       11M 4052K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% nscd/28
   547 root     8396K 1968K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% automountd/4
    75 root       14M 7916K sleep   59    0   0:00:02 0.0% nwamd/11
    42 netcfg   4716K 3560K sleep   59    0   0:00:01 0.0% netcfgd/5
   783 bent       13M 4736K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
    45 root     3032K 1992K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% dlmgmtd/4
   921 bent       13M 4720K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1
   764 gdm        87M   18M sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% gnome-power-man/1

 Ideas?  this system was pretty much rock solid for years.

 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

regards/mit freundlichen Grüssen
Michael Schuster

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] system hang

2011-03-30 Thread Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
 I'm doing a fairly large git fetch (qt) and it seems to hang while
 the merge is happening.
 I'm trying now to do the git fetch nice'd down 15 since it's clear
 that the git-index-pack is a pretty intensive process.

Just a wild guess, but have you tried to run a memory test on this one?

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
I all pedagogikk er det essensielt at pensum presenteres intelligibelt. Det er 
et elementært imperativ for alle pedagoger å unngå eksessiv anvendelse av 
idiomer med fremmed opprinnelse. I de fleste tilfeller eksisterer adekvate og 
relevante synonymer på norsk.

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] system hang

2011-03-30 Thread gonczi

Hi Ben, 

The first thing I usually try when a hang happens, is loading the kernel 
debugger (before the hang happens, or course) 

First, make sure you shut off the graphic console ( svcadm disable gdm) 
This is a critical step, otherwise the mdb window pops open in Hyperspace 
and you will not be able to access it, leaving you with the unpleasant option 
of pulling the plug to restart the machine. 

Next, you have 2 choices: either edit the boot stanza , or just 
run mdb -K from one of your login sessions. 

The boot stanza can be edited (temporarily, the changes are not saved between 
reboots) by pressing e in the boot menu 
while the cursor is on the kernel that you want to boot. 
Here, you would replace , console=graphic with  -k -d  
(and probably delete the splash image line). 

If the system is able to come up, and you are just debugging some 
predictable / reproducible hang, the mdb -K method is much easier. 

Note, it is uppercase K, and do verify that your console is in text mode and. 
You need to be near the console (ILOM is OK). 

When you type mdb -K, the console pops into the debugger. 
At this point, the machine is at a breakpoint, so you need to type :c 
ie colon c on your console to continue, and let the machine run. 

Given that you managed to load the debugger, you should be able to break 
into mdb at will, by pressing a magic key combo on the console. 
On Sparc, I recall it is ctrl ] 

On intel, try 
F1 A, or 
ctrl-alt-D (as in the letter D) or 

Try all of the above, to see which one triggers the debugger for you. 
shift-break usually works for me. 

If you are desperate and can not find a key combo that works, 
another possibility is set up the system for NMI triggered mdb. 

Most motherboards have an NMI pin (see motherboard docs). 
If you short this to ground, the mobo generates an NMI 
(a non-maskable interrrupt). 

It is common to have a GND (ground) pin right 
next to this, so effectively you just momentarily connect the 2 pins. 

You will need the following line in /etc/system to hook up the NMI to 
trigger the debugger breakpoint: 

set pcplusmp:apic_kmdb_on_nmi=1 

It would be also useful to verify that the machine is configured 
to save crash dumps ( see man dumpadm). 

Once your system is set up, get it to hang, and then break into the debugger, 
and poke around. You may want to intentionally crash the machine at this point, 
just to generate a crash dump. 

It can be done a number of ways, an easy one is writing 
0 into the (r)ip register and typing :c 

rip/w 0 

It is just easier to work on a crash dump, than on a live system. 
E.g: generate a ::threadlist -v piped to a file, then pull that up in your 
favorite editor 
to see what all the theads are doing. 

The ::status command will, of course indicate a null pointer de-reference crash 
do not be thrown by that, since you know you intentionally caused it. 

best wishes 

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