Re: Media API question regarding metadata retrieval

2015-04-02 Thread Robert Krüger
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 10:50 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:

 I seems like a decent compromise to defer to the native platform code that
 will ultimately be used to process the file anyway.  It seems a little
 heavy, but the alternative is perhaps bloating the JavaFX API.

Yes absolutely but ... (see my reply to David).

 It likely makes more sense to use the MediaInfo project with some JNA
 bindings (you can probably find either JNI or JNA bindings on the web) if
 you need access to the metadata:

Yes, also agreed for real general-purpose metadata retrieval like in a
broadcast or media converter product, it does not make sense to kick off
such a huge project in Java, when there is already native code around for
that and we are doing that already in one of our products using JNI. I am
talking about the super-simple cases where I am fine with the (very
limited) format support of JavaFX and I just want to know duration, width
and height basically for those files and I do not want to ship native libs
with my cross-platform app which otherwise works well enough with pure
Java. I just don't see any technical reason to instantiate a player for
that in any native framework I know and it should not be necessary in
JavaFX IMHO. Of course I can wrap all that in my own library and probably
will and then the fact that a player is instantiated and then thrown away
is just an implementation detail, I just did not and still do not see why
this is necessary or sensible, which is why I asked.

 I keep thinking a pure java port of MediaInfo would be cool... but
 probably not worth the time :-)

Yes, I agree and it's doable but A LOT of work (if you want to have the
level of completeness and maturity of MediaInfo) and therefore not likely
to happen anytime soon.

Re: Media API question regarding metadata retrieval

2015-04-02 Thread Robert Krüger
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 9:48 PM, David DeHaven

  I was a bit surprised that the metadata retrieval functionality
  of is only usable in conjunction with a player,
  if I want to retrieve the dimensions of a video file I have to
  a player and wait for it to reach ready state? That's how I read the
  javadoc. Is this a misunderstanding?

 Nope, currently you have to create a player. Once a player is created it
 kicks off a parser to grab metadata or waits for the underlying native
 player to parse.

  If not is there a specific reason not
  to offer this functionality independently of a player?

 There were plans, there were also issues as we don't have a Java based mp4
 parser so we're relying on the underlying platforms (e.g. QTKit,
 AVFoundation, etc..) to provide that data, which basically means we're
 creating a player at the native level anyways. If you're using the horribly
 outdated FXM format you get the benefit of a Java

Deferring to native code absolutely makes sense but I didn't think that you
needed to create a player to obtain duration, width and height in
AVFoundation either.

Re: Canvas performance on Mac OS

2015-04-02 Thread Jim Graham
On my retina MBP (10.8) I get 60fps for es2 and 44fps for sw.  Are you 
running a newer version of MacOS?


On 3/31/15 3:40 PM, Chris Newland wrote:

Hi Hervé,

That's a valid question :)

Probably because

a) All my non-UI graphics experience is with immediate-mode / raster systems

b) I'm interested in using JavaFX for particle effects / demoscene /
gaming so assumed (perhaps wrongly?) that scenegraph was not the way to go
for that due to the very large number of nodes.

Numbers for my Sierpinski filled triangle example:

System: 2011 iMac Core i7 3.4GHz / 20GB RAM / AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB

java -Dprism.order=es2 -cp target/classes/
fps: 1
fps: 23
fps: 18
fps: 25
fps: 18
fps: 23
fps: 23
fps: 19
fps: 25

java -Dprism.order=sw -cp target/classes/
fps: 1
fps: 54
fps: 60
fps: 60
fps: 60
fps: 60
fps: 60
fps: 60
fps: 60
fps: 60
fps: 60

There are never more than 2500 filled triangles on screen. JDK is 1.8.0_40

I would say there is a performance problem here? (or at least a need for
documentation so as to set expectations for gc.fillPolygon).

Best regards,


On Tue, March 31, 2015 22:00, Hervé Girod wrote:

Why don't you use Nodes rather than Canvas ?

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 31, 2015, at 22:31, Chris Newland

Hi Jim,

Thanks, that makes things much clearer.

I was surprised how much was going on under the hood of GraphicsContext
  and hoped it was just magic glue that gave the best of GPU
acceleration where available and immediate-mode-like simple rasterizing
where not.

I've managed to find an anomaly with GraphicsContext.fillPolygon where
the software pipeline achieves the full 60fps but ES2 can only manage
30-35fps. It uses lots of overlapping filled triangles so I expect
suffers from the problem you've described.


Was full frame rate canvas drawing an expected use case for JavaFX or
would I be better off with Graphics2D?



On Mon, March 30, 2015 20:04, Jim Graham wrote:
Hi Chris,

drawLine() is a very simple primitive that can be optimized with a
shader.  It either looks like a (potentially rotated) rectangle or a
rounded rect - and we have optimized shaders for both cases.  A large
  number of drawLine() calls turns into simply accumulating a large
vertex list and uploading it to the GPU with an appropriate shader
which is very fast.

drawPolygon() is a very complex operation that involves things like:

- dealing with line joins between segments that don't exist for
drawLine() - dealing with only rendering common points of intersection

To handle all of that complexity we have to involve a rasterizer that
  takes the entire collection of lines, analyzes the stroke attributes
and interactions and computes a coverage mask for each pixel in the
region. We do that in software currently for all pipelines.

For the ES2 pipeline Line.v.Poly is dominated by pure GPU vs CPU path

For the SW pipeline, drawLine is a simplified case of drawPolygon and
so the overhead of lots of calls to drawLine() dominates its

I would expect ES2 to blow the SW pipeline out of the water with
drawLine() performance (as long as there are no additional rendering
primitives interspersed in the set of lines).

But, both should be on the same footing for the drawPolygon case.
the ES2 pipeline compare similarly (hopefully better than) the SW
pipeline for the polygon case?

One thing I noticed is that we have no optimized case for drawLine()
on the SW pipeline.  It generates a path containing a single MOVETO
and LINETO and feeds it to the generalized path rasterizer when it
could instead compute the rounded/square rectangle and render it more
directly.  If we added that support then I'd expect the SW pipeline to
perform the set of drawLine calls faster than drawPolygon as well...


On 3/28/15 3:22 AM, Chris Newland wrote:

Hi Robert,

I've not filed a Jira yet as I was hoping to find time to
investigate thoroughly but when I saw your question I thought I'd
better add my findings.

I believe the issue is in the ES2Pipeline as if I run with
-Dprism.order=sw then strokePolygon outperforms the series of
strokeLine commands as expected:

java -cp target/DemoFX.jar -Dprism.order=sw
com.chrisnewland.demofx.DemoFXApplication -c 500 -m line Result:

java -cp target/DemoFX.jar -Dprism.order=sw
com.chrisnewland.demofx.DemoFXApplication -c 500 -m poly Result:

Will see if I can find the root cause as I've got plenty more
examples where ES2Pipeline performs horribly on my Mac which should
have no problem throwing around a few thousand polys.

I realise there's a *lot* of indirection involved in making JavaFX
support such a wide range of underlying 

Re: Canvas : 2 pixel thick line width

2015-04-02 Thread Jim Graham

Hi Damien,

The main problem is that the definition of a stroked path and the 
definition of a filled path are at odds.  If the default stroke width is 
1.0 and the default stroke type is CENTERED, then the stroke is 
centered on the outline of a path and half of it falls on either side of 
the outline.  For those defaults, if you have the coordinates at pixel 
centers then integer coordinate fills end up with fuzzy sides (and basic 
rectangle fills are the most common operation in any system) even though 
that may help stroked lines and paths.  If you have the coordinates at 
pixel edges then integer fills are nice and crisp and you then only need 
to adjust for stroked shapes.  (Note that on a retina screen with 2x 
pixels you get both crisp fills and strokes either way, so all hail the 
new HiDPI world.  ;)

For non-AA rendering you actually don't get any fuzziness since only 
whole pixels are included or not, but you do have the phenomenon of 
coordinate stability.  If you compute an outline and you are off by just 
a few rounding bits and your coordinates are at the same location as 
your sampling points then your shape shifts.  If the coordinates are 
halfway between the sampling points then a few bits of rounding will not 
affect the shape.

Our default is center of pixel sampling, as it is with most rendering 
systems, so having integer coordinates halfway between them (i.e. at the 
edges of pixels) makes sense for non-AA.

Java2D has a concept called stroke control which applies some rounding 
process to all coordinates so as to help them end up creating crisper 
outlines, but it has its drawbacks - particularly in the fact that it 
fights your ability to have a nice round circle or oval since this 
concept of shifting points fights the exact geometry involved in the 
control points of perfectly round shapes.

When we were first creating FX we decided that:

- stroke control created some problems that we'd like to avoid even if 
it does provide some security for new programmers

- the vast majority of control styling was shifting to using concentric 
filled backgrounds rather than strokes so the fact that default strokes 
can be fuzzy was a non-issue for the controls team

- we introduced the concepts of inner and outer strokes which play 
better with outlining controls than the typical graphics library's 
default of centered strokes and they have similar needs of where integer 
coordinates should be placed to avoid fuzziness as fills do

- it is time to advance this issue to an exposed one where developers 
will need to be cognizant of our rasterization rules and stroke 
geometries to render correctly.

This should be documented better, though.  That much is true...


On 4/1/15 3:14 AM, Damien Dudouit wrote:


I have found the following answer :

*Imagine each pixel as a (small) rectangle (instead of a point). The
integer coordinates are the boundaries between pixels; so a (horizontal or
vertical) line with integer coordinates falls between pixels. This is
rendered via antialising, approximating half of the line on one pixel and
half on the other. Moving the line 0.5 pixels left or right moves it to the
center of the pixel, getting around the issue.*

I have done quite a bit of custom controls drawing (canvas) with swing and
swt and it's quite a shift of approach that plain coordinates to not match
pixels on display.

In swing/swt, if I want to draw a rectangle from pixel (0,0) to pixel
(2,2), ie. a square of 3x3 pixels I do :
gc.drawRectangle(0, 0, 3, 3); // x, y, width, height

In JavaFX I must do :
gc.strokeRect(0.5, 0.5, 2, 2)

Have a good day,


2015-04-01 11:42 GMT+02:00 Damien Dudouit


I'm using a Canvas to display some content (mostly text with lines also
for underline).

I've just noticed something that is a big problem for me : with
line-width=1 and no scaling, actual line-width on display takes 2 pixels.

 Canvas canvas = new Canvas(300, 300);
 GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D();
 gc.strokeLine(10, 10, 110, 10);

I'm running Win7 64bits and I have made the test with Oracle jdk8_40 and
jdk7_71 and the result is the same.

That 2 pixel thick line is not perfectly black but dark gray.
If I do 'gc.setLineWidth(2)', then I get a 2 pixel thick line perfectly
If I do 'gc.setLineWidth(0.5)', then I get a 2 pixel thick line with a
lighter gray.

I want to display underline text in the canvas and a 2 pixel thick
underline looks bad.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


[8u60] Review request: RT-40184 - Remove use of internal classes methods from samples

2015-04-02 Thread Elina Kleyman
Hi Kevin, Chien,


Please review fix for

Link to webrev:





Re: Media API question regarding metadata retrieval

2015-04-02 Thread David DeHaven

  If not is there a specific reason not
  to offer this functionality independently of a player?
 There were plans, there were also issues as we don't have a Java based mp4 
 parser so we're relying on the underlying platforms (e.g. QTKit, 
 AVFoundation, etc..) to provide that data, which basically means we're 
 creating a player at the native level anyways. If you're using the horribly 
 outdated FXM format you get the benefit of a Java 
 Deferring to native code absolutely makes sense but I didn't think that you 
 needed to create a player to obtain duration, width and height in 
 AVFoundation either.

No, but for the lack of a separate interface for metadata retrieval. In 
hindsight there were a number of things that should have been done differently 


Re: Media API question regarding metadata retrieval

2015-04-02 Thread David DeHaven

   If not is there a specific reason not
   to offer this functionality independently of a player?
  There were plans, there were also issues as we don't have a Java based mp4 
  parser so we're relying on the underlying platforms (e.g. QTKit, 
  AVFoundation, etc..) to provide that data, which basically means we're 
  creating a player at the native level anyways. If you're using the horribly 
  outdated FXM format you get the benefit of a Java
  Deferring to native code absolutely makes sense but I didn't think that you 
  needed to create a player to obtain duration, width and height in 
  AVFoundation either.
 No, but for the lack of a separate interface for metadata retrieval. In 
 hindsight there were a number of things that should have been done 
 differently :/
 Alright, understood. No offense intended btw.. Thanks for taking the time to 

None taken! :) Happy to help when I can.


Re: Media API question regarding metadata retrieval

2015-04-02 Thread Robert Krüger
On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 6:16 PM, David DeHaven

   If not is there a specific reason not
   to offer this functionality independently of a player?
  There were plans, there were also issues as we don't have a Java based
 mp4 parser so we're relying on the underlying platforms (e.g. QTKit,
 AVFoundation, etc..) to provide that data, which basically means we're
 creating a player at the native level anyways. If you're using the horribly
 outdated FXM format you get the benefit of a Java
  Deferring to native code absolutely makes sense but I didn't think that
 you needed to create a player to obtain duration, width and height in
 AVFoundation either.

 No, but for the lack of a separate interface for metadata retrieval. In
 hindsight there were a number of things that should have been done
 differently :/

Alright, understood. No offense intended btw.. Thanks for taking the time
to explain!