graphviz for OpenSolaris [LSARC/2008/496 FastTrack timeout 08/08/2008]

2008-08-03 Thread Irene Huang
Manpages for this case are available at


Shi-Ying Irene Huang wrote:
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.66 04/17/08 SMI
> This information is Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
> 1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>graphviz for OpenSolaris
> 1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>Author:  Dermot McCluskey
> 1.3  Date of This Document:
>   02 August, 2008
> 4. Technical Description
> 1. Introduction
>1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>   graphviz 2.20.2
>1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>   Dermot McCluskey
>1.3. Date of This Document:
>   30/07/08
>1.3.1. Date this project was conceived:
>   03/06/08
>1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s):
>   1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project:
>   Solaris PAC
>   1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project:
>   1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project:
>   robert.odea at
>   1.4.4. The name of your business unit:
>   New Solaris Group/Desktop
>1.5. Email Aliases:
>   1.5.1. Responsible Manager:
>   tom.garland at
>   1.5.2. Responsible Engineer:
>   dermot.mccluskey at
>   1.5.3. Marketing Manager:
>   glynn.foster at
>   1.5.4. Interest List:
>   desktop-discuss at
> 4. Technical Description:
> 4.1. Details:
>   Graphviz is an open-source graph visualization application.  It
>   includes a set of layout programs and libraries that take text
>   representations of graphs and output them in one of several graphical
>   file formats.  It also includes tools for displaying and editing the
>   graphs.
>   It can be used stand-alone, but is typically used by other
>   applications, such as the documentation generator doxygen, where it
>   is used to generate class hierarchy diagrams.
>   Graphviz accepts input in the DOT Language format, a simple
>   plaintext format for representating graphs.  A trivial example
>   might be:
>   graph example
>   {
>   a -- b;
>   a -- c;
>   }
>   which represents an undirected graph where object `a' is connected
>   to object `b' and also to object `c'.
>   The main graph-drawing filter program is called `dot', which draws
>   directed graphs (with directional arrows between connected objects).
>   In addition, there are four other graph-drawing programs:
>   neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs
>   twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs
>   circo - filter for circular layout of graphs
>   fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs
>   These are all implemented as symlinks to `dot'.
>   Graphviz also provides the following programs for manipulating graphs:
>   acyclic - make directed graph acyclic
>   bcomps - biconnected components filter for graphs
>   ccomps - connected components filter for graphs
>   diffimg - diff two graph images
>   dijkstra - single-source distance filter
>   gxl2dot,dot2gxl - GXL-DOT converters
>   (dot2gxl is a symlink to gxl2dot)
>   dotty - A Customizable Graph Editor
>   gc - count graph components
>   gvcolor - flow colors through a ranked digraph
>   gvpack - merge and pack disjoint graphs
>   gvpr - graph pattern scanning and processing language
>   lefty - A Programmable Graphics Editor
>   lneato - A Customizable Graph Editor
>   nop - pretty-print graph file
>   prune - Prune directed graphs
>   sccmap - extract strongly connected components
>   tred - transitive reduction filter for directed graphs
>   unflatten - improve layout aspect ratio
>   Scripting support is provided for the following languages:
>   Perl
>   Python
>   Tcl (and Tk)
>   Dot uses an extensible plugin mechanism for its output renderers.  The
>   file /usr/lib/graphviz/config defines which formats are available.
>   If additional, supported file format libraries are installed, `dot -c`
>   can be run to rebuild the config file to include the new format.
>   This proposal will add graphviz version 2.20.2, the latest stable
>   version.
> 4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):
>   None.
> 4.3. In Scope:
>   See above.
> 4.4. Out of Scope:
>   Se

PSARC/2008/494 GNU emacs

2008-08-03 Thread Darren Reed
For a long time, various emacsy things have been delivered
as a part of SUNWspro (Sun's compiler package for Solaris),
the latest being 21.4.12 delivered in SS12.

Has this project been in communication with the the developers
of SUNWspro to ensure that we don't get 2 emacs installations
when we install SUNWspro on a system with SUNWemacs*?

Are there any interface problems for SUNWspro if it executes
"emacs" (consider SS12 being used with SUNWemacs*) and
ends up with a version of emacs running that it didn't deliver?


PSARC/2008/018 Integrate OpenUSB into Solaris

2008-08-03 Thread Roger Fujii
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but as libopenusb is in snv, 
shouldn't the source for it be available in the mercurial repository?
This message posted from

PSARC/2008/018 Integrate OpenUSB into Solaris

2008-08-03 Thread James C. McPherson
Roger Fujii wrote:
> Not sure if this is the right place for this, but as libopenusb is in
> snv, shouldn't the source for it be available in the mercurial
> repository?

Hi Roger,
It's part of the SFW consolidation, rather than ON:

There's a project page (
which points to

svn+ssh://anon at svn dot opensolaris dot org/svn/companion/core/usr

and the other project page

has an Install / Quickstart link
which says you should download a tarball of the source first.

James C. McPherson
Senior Kernel Software Engineer, Solaris
Sun Microsystems

PSARC/2008/494 GNU emacs

2008-08-03 Thread Ali Bahrami
Darren Reed wrote:
> For a long time, various emacsy things have been delivered
> as a part of SUNWspro (Sun's compiler package for Solaris),
> the latest being 21.4.12 delivered in SS12.
> Has this project been in communication with the the developers
> of SUNWspro to ensure that we don't get 2 emacs installations
> when we install SUNWspro on a system with SUNWemacs*?
> Are there any interface problems for SUNWspro if it executes
> "emacs" (consider SS12 being used with SUNWemacs*) and
> ends up with a version of emacs running that it didn't deliver?
> Darren

There's not a conflict with this case. The emacs delivered by
SUNWspro is Xemacs, not GNU emacs. Looking in the bin directory
of SS12, I see xemacs, and xemacs-mule, which are symlinks to
../contrib/xemacs-21.4.12. So the command SUNWspro will be
issuing is 'xemacs'.

Not This Case But:
When Xemacs does get integrated into SFW, there shouldn't be
a conflict there either. Even today, SUNWspro is only one way
in which a Solaris user is likely to have xemacs in their path,
and probably not even the most likely such way. Many (most?)
Xemacs users have a locally installed xemacs in their PATH
ahead of the SUNWspro one. I'm sure the Sun Studio group has
already had to grapple with this issue.

- Ali

PSARC/2008/494 GNU emacs

2008-08-03 Thread Garrett D'Amore
David Comay wrote:
>> Emacs will be delivered in four packages:
>>  SUNWemacs
>>  Core distribution, containing all files necessary to
>>  run emacs, but not including the actual emacs binaries.
>>  SUNWemacs-el
>>  Uncompiled LISP source files (.el), of interest to emacs
>>  programmers only. The compiled versions of these files
>>  (.elc) are included in the core SUNWemacs package.
>>  SUNWemacs-x
>>  Emacs binaries built with X11 support using the
>>  Athena (Xaw) toolkit. This package installs emacs
>>  as /usr/bin/emacs-x.
>>  SUNWemacs-nox
>>  Emacs binaries built as a pure tty based program, without
>>  any linkage to the system X11 libraries. This package
>>  installs emacs as /usr/bin/emacs-nox.
> I'm OK with these names although I should point out that most if not
> all of the *recent* additions of "official" GNU software have chosen
> names of the form SUNWgnu-.  I think it would be worthwhile
> to be consistent here (the same would apply obviously to
> SUNWemacs-gtk).
> Longer term, it's my hope that we'll do some renaming anyway or support
> some sort of aliasing of names so users don't need to even worry about
> the "SUNW" prefix or even the "SUNWgnu-" part.
> dsc

I thought IPS was steering folks away from knowing those names anyway... 
e.g. I run "pkg install firefox", not "pkgadd SUNWfirefox".

-- Garrett

PSARC/2008/018 Integrate OpenUSB into Solaris

2008-08-03 Thread Roger Fujii
> Hi Roger,
> It's part of the SFW consolidation, rather than ON:

Hi.   Thanks much.   I mistakenly thought the companion stuff was
the /opt/sfw and /usr/sfw/* stuff (sigh - I really hate how linux stuff
just throws up in the filesystem).Is there a simple way to figure
out what comes from where?   Thanks again.

This message posted from

slocate for OpenSolaris [LSARC/2008/447 FastTrack timeout 07/22/2008]

2008-08-03 Thread Jim Li
Darren J Moffat ??:
> Jim Li wrote:
>> Darren J Moffat wrote:
> So what is the ownership and permissions of 
> /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db
 The ownership is root, group is other and permissions is 744
>>> The above check is completely useless given that that database is 
>>> publically readable. Also it should't be rwx for owner it doesn't 
>>> get executed it should be rw-.
>>> This is why slocate is normally installed SUID or SGID so that the 
>>> database can be installed like one of the following:
>>> root root 600
>>> root slocate 640
>> Understood. Which way is better, SUID(root root 600) or root slocate 
>> 640?
> root:slocate 640
Do you think root:root 600 is aslo acceptable?
Because there are no preinstall or postinstall scripts in IPS, so there 
is no way to create a group when adding a package and delete this group 
when removing the package.
