Re: [osol-discuss] Help building Virtualized OSOL and other OSes on OS X 10.5

2009-12-22 Thread Richard L. Hamilton
 At home only have one Fast Intel for 
 OpenSolaris, Virtual Box and other *NIX's.  
 Intel Apple MAC (10.5.8) has Virtual Box 3.1.0.  
 Any (I believe to be) bootable ISO's:  OSOL, 
 CENTOS are refused on the MAC based VirtualBox 
 3.1.0 as 'not bootable'.  
 Does Mac OS X really ( or not ) work with VBOX, 
 writing bootable DVDs loading boot images?  
 Need a clue(s) on verifying / identifying 
 bootable images for Vbox.  Any utils on OS X 
 that will admit / deny if a DVD is bootable 
 (*by Virtual Box*)?
 Has this process worked for any other MAC users?

I've loaded both OpenSolaris (a long time ago) and various SXCE
(Solaris Express - development builds, but more like traditional Solaris
in terms of packaging, etc) into VirtualBox on Mac OS X (10.5 and 10.6
up to current 10.6.2) by downloading the single-DVD (CD in the case of
OpenSolaris?) ISO images and attaching them to VirtualBox.  No problem
whatsoever.  Just to be safe, I always verified the MD5sums, although I
was fortunate not to have download problems.

The only problems I recall having are:
* audio: much better with Boomer integration, although some builds
since the3n still need tweaking
* RAM: my Mini only has 3GB, and Safari is a pig unless one restarts frequently,
so I can't really assign more than 1GB to the guest.  That's not a Solaris
problem except insofar as it isn't the leanest of OSs. :-)  It does mean I'm
not likely to be able to succeed in doing a build from source in a VirtualBox
guest; not sure how much RAM that needs to work, but it certainly bombed
when I tried.

There may have been some other problems with either VirtualBox or
certain SXCE releases, but they weren't particularly memorable.

If you install the guest additions, you should keep them in sync with the
version of VirtualBox (uninstall/reinstall them).  In one or two versions of
VirtualBox, I recall some problems getting transparent mode to work, but
last I tried (current VirtualBox and SXCE snv_129), it was fine.

Although it wasn't strictly necessary, I think (not there right now to
absolutely verify this) I set my VirtualBox guest up to use a virtual SATA
rather than IDE controller, which is supposed to perform better.  But I'd
used IDE before that, because the SATA wasn't available (or was available
but not supported enough to be on the GUI) in older VirtualBox versions.

I presently use bridged network configuration with a static IP (well,
a block of them on my internal network, with separate IPs for separate
guests, since I could run some of the lighter guests (ReactOS, Haiku)
simultaneously), but I think I'd tried NAT and DHCP before that.

Other stuff I've run with reasonable success on the Mac under VirtualBox:
* Senryu distro of Haiku (a BeOS clone)
* a beta of Windows 7
* ReactOS
* Ubuntu Studio

Not much luck with Plan 9, because none of the SCSI or IDE drivers it has
play well with VirtualBox; that's about the only thing I tried that almost
didn't work at all.

Overall, I'm pretty impressed with VirtualBox, and since Boomer, with
how Solaris runs on it.  I do sometimes wonder though if both the
Solaris and the VirtualBox developers include in their work testing
OpenSolaris (or SXCE) on it, because it seems to me that if they did, some
of the minor problems I've seen might have been caught earlier than they
were.  So I usually post about any problems I see when I update my guest.
However, I don't have a formal checklist; I tend to just check those things
that I've had problems with before (basic audio functionality, that at
least one of the MP3 players (Real player, Rhythmbox, and I think one
other whose name escapes me right now) work ok.  I don't really expect
much of video or 3D graphics in a guest, and I haven't had any reason to
try the USB pass-through or anything tricky like that.

On the VirtualBox side, the only real wish I have that AFAIK isn't supported
(or at least, not yet) is a way to grow an existing VDI without re-creating it.
After all, one can grow a (virtual) SAN LUN, and some OSs can then take
advantage of that additional space (which may require some manual
intervention, depending on the details).  In the abstract, a virtual disk
image shouldn't be all that different from a SAN LUN, in that it's (usually)
a software construct and a subset of a much larger storage resource.  So
I don't see that it should be that big a deal to append (or ftruncate for
a sparse image) to make it larger, and rewrite any header info to correspond.
It's just one of those things that I think is missing to take advantage of how
virtualization can make managing a virtualized client easier.  After all,
virtualization also adds complexity (more to know, more to maintain,
potentially more to go wrong), so it needs to pay for that wherever reasonably
possible in terms of added flexibility.  And since (except for Snow Leopard!)
newer releases of software are almost always larger, being able to easily
grow the boot disk(s) would be one major advantage 

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris first try issues

2009-12-22 Thread Chavdar Ivanov
1. to setup your network interface with a
   address, simply select 'Network' from the
   System-Administration menu
   How do I do this on a server without a graphical
  great question. i don't really know, i'm afraid.
  i would suspect you would begin by killing NWAM
  'pfexec svcadm disable nwam') and then use the
  ifconfig and dladm utilities. there is an article
  setting up a virtual NIC on one of the sun wikis
  me), so a physical one shouldn't be too dissimilar.
  would also imagine would have details
  or try the networking-discuss list. you'd find the
  experts over there.
  -- eldee
  (t/l 295-8943)
 Be very careful when you disable nwam as you have to
 enable one form of network/physical or your system
 will not boot correctly (svcs -D network/physical to
 see what is dependent on network/physical - like
 To revert to non-nwam (or standard Solaris
 1. svcadm disable network/physical:nwam
 2. svcadm enable network/physical:default
 From there, you can create your hosts.interface as
 usual or dhcp, etc.

To complete the above:

$ pfexec ksh
# dladm show-phys 

will tell you the interface[s] you have, say, if0 ;

# echo {ip-address}/{mask}  /etc/hostname.if0
# echo {default-route-address}  /etc/defaultrouter
# echo {ip-address}   {hostname}  /etc/hosts 
# ifconfig if0 {ip-address}/{mask} up
# route add default {default-route-address}
# echo nameserver {nameserver-address}  /etc/resolv.conf # etc. - domain, 
search, whatever # 
# cp /etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf

should do the job to begin with.

My physical machines in the office use network/physical:default and have been 
setup similar to this (apart from the fact that we use NIS and DNS, so I have 
to configure NIS and edit nsswitch.conf to use both in the sequence I want them 
to (which is 'files [NOTFOUND=continue] nis [NOTFOUND=continue] dns' for hosts 
and ipnodes entries). The virtual ones are left usually on NWAM (no NIS for 
these usually). The laptop is left on NWAM with fixed IP address on the wired 
interface when connected to the corporate LAN, again no NIS. 

Chavdar Ivanov
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[osol-discuss] Solaris boot problem. Stops at grub prompt

2009-12-22 Thread viswa
Hi friends,
My Solaris(x86) unable to boot it stops at grub prompt even tried couple of 
time reinstalling.
Earlier it was working fine with same DVD. After i did experiment in fdisk I am 
facing this problem.
If somebody gives solution with explanation it will be helpful

Thanks in advance 
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] cannot replace disk in zfs pool

2009-12-22 Thread keithk
I have a zfs pool called usbstorage which consists of one single external usb 
disk as shown below:
# zpool status usbstorage
  pool: usbstorage
 state: UNAVAIL
status: One or more devices could not be opened.  There are insufficient
replicas for the pool to continue functioning.
action: Attach the missing device and online it using 'zpool online'.
 scrub: none requested

usbstorage  UNAVAIL  0 0 0  insufficient replicas
  c8t0d0UNAVAIL  0 0 0  cannot open

I took the disk from the external usb enclosure and put it inside my computer 
as an internal disk. Opensolaris recognizes the disk as c9d1 now. Since the 
data is intact, is there anyway I can replace c8t0d0 with c9d1s0? I tried using 
the command:
zpool replace usbstorage c8t0d0 c9d1s0, but gotten this error back:

cannot open 'usbstorage': pool is unavailable

I'll appreciate any zfs guru can assist in this matter.

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Re: [osol-discuss] cannot replace disk in zfs pool

2009-12-22 Thread Mike DeMarco
I to have had this problem. Why oh why did they embed the controller number 
into the ZPOOL config for a device. 

I will be very interested in any fix that you find here.
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris update policy

2009-12-22 Thread Mike Disserman
Thank you. But can I purchase a support plan for the machine purchased
not from Sun? There's a Serial number field in the support plan
ordering form and you can't leave it blank..

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 Michael Disserman wrote:
 Can someone please explain me an update policy for OpenSolaris release 

 In example, I've tested 2009.6 in the test environment and can install it in 
 the production but I'm afraid of the bug # 6882364 (networking wedged up 
 behind blocked taskq_thread() in Xen Dom0).

 This bug has a state 10-Fix Delivered:Verified (Fix available in build) 
 but where to get the update? Of course I don't want to switch to the 
 development branch. As well as don't want to wait 6 months to get a release 
 build with the bug fixed.

 Does someone provide a bugfix patches for the release versions? Maybe there 
 is some commercial support for this? I've found commercial opensolaris 
 support offers on however there's a note the patch could be 
 available within a 6 months, which's actually a period when stable branches 
 of osol are released. I've tried to talk with Sun support in webchat, they 
 don't know anything except a phone numbers. Support on the phone don't know 
 the details, they can just read for you an info from the public website.

 2009.06 was built from snv_111 - since that bug fix is delivered in snv_125,
 it came after the 2009.06 release.   As you've already discovered, you can
 get it for free by updating to the development branch builds (which are
 currently up to snv_129).   Sun's commercial support does offer bug fix
 releases for 2009.06 - I'm not sure why the web page indicates 6 months
 for fixes, when currently updates are released approximately monthly.   While
 this fix isn't currently in a Support Repository Update (SRU), I believe
 if you have bought a support contract you can request to escalate the fix
 into an SRU - they usually include all security fixes by default, and then
 any other fixes that customers have escalated or support deems critical to
 include.   You can see the current lists of available updates at:

        -Alan Coopersmith- 
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] kssl in zones?

2009-12-22 Thread Vladimir Kotal

Daniel Frank wrote:


I'm trying to setup a kssl proxy in a zone and face an issue I cannot figure 
What I'm doing is:
# ksslcfg create -f pem -i /www/ssl/kssl-apache.pem -x 8080 -p /www/ssl/pass 
apache 443
Warning: apache does not appear to have a registered DNS name.

Hi Daniel,

I guess you are running the commands from the zone itself, correct ? You 
would need to run the ksslcfg(1) command in the

global zone for each of the non-global zones.

Redirecting to kssl-discuss which is better forum to discuss KSSL 
related issues.


# getent hosts apache   apache loghost # from /etc/hosts
# svcs -av | grep kssl
maintenance- 15:08:33  - 
# tail /var/svc/log/network-ssl-proxy:kssl-apache-443.log
[ Dec 20 15:08:33 Enabled. ]
[ Dec 20 15:08:33 Executing start method (/usr/lib/kssladm create -f pem -i 
/www/ssl/kssl-apache.pem -x 8080 -p /www/ssl/pass  apache 443). ]
svc.startd could not set context for method: setppriv: Not owner
[ Dec 20 15:08:33 Method start exited with status 96. ]
# /usr/lib/kssladm create -f pem -i /www/ssl/kssl-apache.pem -x 8080 -p 
/www/ssl/pass  apache 443
Cannot open /dev/kssl: No such file or directory
Error loading cert and key: 0x4

Looks to me like the kernel module cannot be access from within this zone? But 
why does this command work?
# kstat -m kssl
module: ksslinstance: 0
name:   kssl_stats  class:crypto
crtime  79.80888185

I'm at a loss here how I can enable the kssl proxy for apache in the zone. I 
haven't found much information about kssl using google, but the few couple of 
pages that I found basically say that it should work within a zone.
What am I missing in my configuration?
I'd be grateful for any pointers into the right direction.

For reference some details about the zone:
Zone config:
create -b
set zonepath=/export/zones/apache/zonepath
set brand=ipkg
set autoboot=true
set ip-type=exclusive
add fs
set dir=/www
set special=rpool/export/zones/apache/www
set type=zfs
add net
set physical=zapache0

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] cannot replace disk in zfs pool

2009-12-22 Thread Keith Mitchell

I'm no zfs expert, but what happens if you try to zpool import?

keithk wrote:

I have a zfs pool called usbstorage which consists of one single external usb 
disk as shown below:
# zpool status usbstorage
  pool: usbstorage
 state: UNAVAIL
status: One or more devices could not be opened.  There are insufficient
replicas for the pool to continue functioning.
action: Attach the missing device and online it using 'zpool online'.
 scrub: none requested

usbstorage  UNAVAIL  0 0 0  insufficient replicas
  c8t0d0UNAVAIL  0 0 0  cannot open

I took the disk from the external usb enclosure and put it inside my computer 
as an internal disk. Opensolaris recognizes the disk as c9d1 now. Since the 
data is intact, is there anyway I can replace c8t0d0 with c9d1s0? I tried using 
the command:
zpool replace usbstorage c8t0d0 c9d1s0, but gotten this error back:

cannot open 'usbstorage': pool is unavailable

I'll appreciate any zfs guru can assist in this matter.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] suggested reference hardware for nexenta + napp-it

2009-12-22 Thread Joe
I also selected the X8SIL-F for a new Open Solaris server.  I have just started 
evaluating, and will be continuing after Christmas.

One thing I have not been able to get working is the SATA port multiplier 
support.  Intel specifies that the 3420 chipset is capable of port multiplier 
support, but the BIOS in this MB does not detect the extra drives.

Have you evaluated this?  I'd appreciate any insights you have.

Also, I want to install Open Solaris on a USB stick attached to the USB port on 
the MB.  Have you tried this?

What SAS card do you use with this?
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris update policy

2009-12-22 Thread Michael Disserman
Thanks guys, as usually engineers must do a sales job too :))

everything's clean now, I've bought the support pack for one machine, hope it's 
a valuable purchase.
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[osol-discuss] snv-129 Multiple Nics and Comstar multipathing

2009-12-22 Thread Amos Deering
I have been attempting to assemble a production quality iSCSI Storage Server.

The system contains Three 2 port Nics. in this configuration

Intel NIC 1   Ag|iB
Intel NIC 2iB|iA

Ag = Aggrigated link by creating an agge with the 2 nic ports in solaris.
iA = iSCSI Physical Network A
1B = iSCSI Physical Network B

There are 2 seperate Switches each with its own subnet, and physical 
connections to the storage server and any iSCSI initiator that will need to 
access it.

Is there anyone out there that has a similare setup, that would like to comment 
on their experience with setting this production class configuration. 

I have an issue with stability when i have more then one NIC associated to a 
target. I have rulled out the link aggrigation as this is the connector that I 
have associated to the target now, and it has been rock solid for about a week 
now. (ideally the agg link will only be for management, and in the future CIFS 
share, and it is on its own physical network, and subnet.)

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[osol-discuss] Trouble with svc:/system/intrd:default on b 129

2009-12-22 Thread Harry Putnam
Updated to b 129 yesterday, and since then I cannot get booted up with
all services in running order.

During boot I see a report about svc:/system/intrd:default failing to

That seem to bork my apache server as well.  Although 
  svcs -a|grep apache

reports apache online it isn't
   svcs -a |grep apache
  online*12:54:26 svc:/network/http:apache22

But svcs -xv tells a different story:
 # svcs -xv
  svc:/system/intrd:default (interrupt balancer)
   State: maintenance since December 22, 2009 12:00:38 PM CST
  Reason: Restarting too quickly.
 See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M intrd
 See: /var/svc/log/system-intrd:default.log
  Impact: This service is not running.
  svc:/network/http:apache22 (Apache 2.2 HTTP server)
   State: offline since December 22, 2009 12:51:50 PM CST
  Reason: Start method is running.
 See: man -M /usr/apache2/2.2/man -s 8 httpd
 See: /var/svc/log/network-http:apache22.log
  Impact: This service is not running.

Any clues what to do about this?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Trouble with svc:/system/intrd:default on b 129

2009-12-22 Thread Tim Haley

On 12/22/09 11:55 AM, Harry Putnam wrote:

Updated to b 129 yesterday, and since then I cannot get booted up with
all services in running order.

During boot I see a report about svc:/system/intrd:default failing to

That seem to bork my apache server as well.  Although 
  svcs -a|grep apache

reports apache online it isn't
   svcs -a |grep apache
  online*12:54:26 svc:/network/http:apache22

But svcs -xv tells a different story:
 # svcs -xv
  svc:/system/intrd:default (interrupt balancer)
   State: maintenance since December 22, 2009 12:00:38 PM CST
  Reason: Restarting too quickly.
 See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M intrd
 See: /var/svc/log/system-intrd:default.log
  Impact: This service is not running.
  svc:/network/http:apache22 (Apache 2.2 HTTP server)

   State: offline since December 22, 2009 12:51:50 PM CST
  Reason: Start method is running.
 See: man -M /usr/apache2/2.2/man -s 8 httpd
 See: /var/svc/log/network-http:apache22.log
  Impact: This service is not running.

Any clues what to do about this?

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Not sure about the intrd, but your apache problem may be
apache22 fcgid fails to load, daemon starts, stops and restarts ad nauseum


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Trouble with svc:/system/intrd:default on b 129

2009-12-22 Thread Harry Putnam
Tim Haley writes:

 Not sure about the intrd, but your apache problem may be
 apache22 fcgid fails to load, daemon starts, stops and restarts ad nauseum

I'm not getting any hits on 6907454  or on apache22 at:

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Trouble with svc:/system/intrd:default on b 129

2009-12-22 Thread Harry Putnam
Harry Putnam writes:

 Tim Haley writes:

 Not sure about the intrd, but your apache problem may be
 apache22 fcgid fails to load, daemon starts, stops and restarts ad nauseum

 I'm not getting any hits on 6907454  or on apache22 at:

Sorry a straight up google search on `apache fcgid' turned it up.
And it does show that bug number.  However I rechecked at  and still
shows no results... not sure why.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Trouble with svc:/system/intrd:default on b 129

2009-12-22 Thread Harry Putnam
Harry Putnam writes:

 Harry Putnam writes:

 Tim Haley writes:

 Not sure about the intrd, but your apache problem may be
 apache22 fcgid fails to load, daemon starts, stops and restarts ad nauseum

 I'm not getting any hits on 6907454  or on apache22 at:

 Sorry a straight up google search on `apache fcgid' turned it up.
 And it does show that bug number.  However I rechecked at  and still
 shows no results... not sure why.

Not only found the bug commentary but also found the fix suggested
there works for me too.  apache up and at it after some minor edits.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] suggested reference hardware for nexenta + napp-it

2009-12-22 Thread Günther
hi jsp

i have not tried sata multiplier support. but to be honest, i do not expect 
that as a way to have a server without too many problems. 

see also:

also usb booting. although it may work, why do you want to boot from a slow usb 
stick instead of a nearly same priced , same power-hungry but more reliable 
2,5 drive on such a high-end board with a 2,5 drive-bay

i always use 2 x 2,5 raid-1 drives for my zfs boot drive in nexenta, all with 
zfs- software raid-1, on my vmware esxi server as hardware raid-1 (raidsonic)

if you need more than 6 sata ports, i strongly suggest to use a separate 
controller. i can recommend sas controller with lsi 1068 chip ex
(8 x sas internal, about 100 euro). although it is uio (left side mounted 
chips), i never had problems to install it and its perfect for 
i use about 8 of them.

hope it helps

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Re: [osol-discuss] Trouble with svc:/system/intrd:default on b 129

2009-12-22 Thread Alan Coopersmith
Harry Putnam wrote:
 Harry Putnam writes:
 Tim Haley writes:

 Not sure about the intrd, but your apache problem may be
 apache22 fcgid fails to load, daemon starts, stops and restarts ad nauseum
 I'm not getting any hits on 6907454  or on apache22 at:
 Sorry a straight up google search on `apache fcgid' turned it up.
 And it does show that bug number.  However I rechecked at  and still
 shows no results... not sure why.

7 digit bug numbers are in the bug database found at
The separate bug database at is only up to 5 digit
bug ids so far.

-Alan Coopersmith-
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] cannot replace disk in zfs pool

2009-12-22 Thread keithk
Opensolaris took the command,
zpool import
but nothing happened.
zpool list yields:
rpool848G   654G   194G77%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
usbstorage  -  -  -  -  -  FAULTED  -
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[osol-discuss] image-update failed; ZFS returned an error

2009-12-22 Thread Garen Parham
Never seen this before:

# pkg image-update
Completed  2/2 194/19464.0/64.0

Removal Phase4/4
Install Phase7/7
Update Phase 219/219
Reading Existing Index   8/8
Indexing Packages2/2
pkg: unable to activate osol-129-1


# beadm activate osol-129-1
Unable to activate osol-129-1.
ZFS returned an error.

What error is that, though?  Don't see anything in dmesg.
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Re: [osol-discuss] [osol-help] cannot replace disk in zfs pool

2009-12-22 Thread keithk
Thanks for your help. Doing a zpool export usbstorage before converting into a 
internal drive, and doing a zpool import usbstorage after that worked. You have 
saved me a lot of hours of copying of those files. Thanks again!

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Re: [osol-discuss] image-update failed; ZFS returned an error

2009-12-22 Thread Alan Steinberg
Only 2 packages for the image-update? I'm guessing that you were already 
running osol-129, and that a couple of newer packages (?) led 
image-update to believe there were updates to be made. Did you happen to 
see which packages it tried updating? What did you think you were going 
to update to if build 129 is on your system?

-- Alan

On 12/22/09 05:56 PM, Garen Parham wrote:

Never seen this before:

# pkg image-update
Completed  2/2 194/19464.0/64.0

Removal Phase4/4
Install Phase7/7
Update Phase 219/219
Reading Existing Index   8/8
Indexing Packages2/2
pkg: unable to activate osol-129-1


# beadm activate osol-129-1
Unable to activate osol-129-1.
ZFS returned an error.

What error is that, though?  Don't see anything in dmesg.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] mirroring IPS on an isolated network

2009-12-22 Thread Kevin Fitch
I am interested in using opensolaris on an isolated network. It would make life 
easier if I could have a mirror of on the isolated network. 
I already do a similar thing with ubuntu using apt-mirror and a handful of 
small scripts to sneakernet updates. There doesn't seem to be an easy solution 
for opensolaris.

I found but at the 
bottom of the page it says the mirror doesn't know anything about the packages 
(or repository) it is serving. The client still relies on the origin server for 
metadata and remote search.  Not exactly encouraging.

Also it looks like the rsync solution only works for dev, I can't mirror 

At a bare minimum I need just a handful of packages (e.g. gcc) and their 
dependencies, but I can't even figure out how to just download individual 
package files. I get to the point of downloading a .p5i file, but that is just 
a small text file without an obvious link to the real package.
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[osol-discuss] napp-it ZFS Server

2009-12-22 Thread Neil
I'm looking to build a ZFS home server using napp-it with either EON or 
NexentaCore and is presently considering this one, 

Some changes are suggested with the CPU  SATA Controller and I want to be 
certain that this combination will work as well.

1. Motherboard -
2. CPU -
3. SATA Controller -
4. Memory - ? (need recommendation)

Thank you
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