[osol-discuss] [desktop] NVIDIA driver install

2010-03-09 Thread Jens Richter
os b133
I'm a bit in a catch22 situation. For my card - FX 5700LE - I need the 
173.14.25 driver. I downloaded the driver from NVIDIA. 
# sh driver.run givs me the error, that the NVDAgraphics package can't be 
uninstalled. Okay,
# pfexec pkg uninstall NVDAgraphics tells me that the package isn't installed. 
So it seems I have to uninstall the package nvidia. Right, when I try that, the 
error message is, that the package can't be uninstalled and I should try it in 
a different boot env. Fair enough, so I left X and switched to init 1. Same 
problem here. Hum. How to solve the prob?
Thank's in advance
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Missing drivers in OpenSolaris.

2010-03-09 Thread Robert Milkowski

On 16/02/2010 02:49, Anon Y Mous wrote:

The missing driver in OpenSolaris that ticks me off the most (as a sysadmin) is 
the missing baseboard management controller (bmc) driver. This bug here really 
rained on my parade:




Robert Milkowski

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] OpenSolaris.org says Invalid account state: Inactive. ?

2010-03-09 Thread seth Nimbosa
i Hope somebody can help me

this is regarding my logon information on https://auth.opensolaris.org/
OpenSolaris.org - password reset doesn't even work
i Found this thread on
so I am now following their  instruction, don't know anything else

Thank you SO MUCH in advance for the help!


-- * * * --

 Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving
through traffic in a car that
 you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for
the clothes and the car,
 and the house you leave vacant all day  so you can afford to live in it.

  - Ellen Goodman
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] OpenSolaris b134 Genunix site iso failing boot

2010-03-09 Thread Chad Welsh
I have installed the Genunix website iso on my computer and it is failing at 
boot. I select the boot environment and it goes the the Cylon screen and then 
reboots. I have had b133 running great but this came out today so and was 
wondering if anyone else had tried this and had the same problem? the live cd 
works good but I would like to run it from the hard disk. I know that I and 
update through a b133 install but I have the time and nothing to save on my 
system so I thought is would be better to just full install.

Open to suggestions.
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris b134 Genunix site iso failing boot

2010-03-09 Thread Bruno Damour
You mean you :
1. booted successfully the livecd
2. installed successfully from the desktop env
3. rebooted
4. got the grub menu screen
5. choosed the normal boot item
and that it fails to load ?

try to boot in text mode / single mode :
- edit the grub entry (type e)
- add -s at the end of kernel line
- on same line replace console=whatever by console=text
then esc and type b (for boot)
and see what happens.

It would be interesting to see where exactly in the process it stops and reboot
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Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop] NVIDIA driver install

2010-03-09 Thread Jens Richter
Thank you! Hum...
j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec beadm list
BEActive Mountpoint Space   Policy Created  
---- -- -   -- ---  
opensolaris   -  -  20.48M  static 2010-03-05 14:00 
opensolaris-1 -  -  13.75M  static 2010-03-05 16:11 
opensolaris-2 -  -  313.49M static 2010-03-05 18:37 
opensolaris-3 NR /  6.36G   static 2010-03-09 13:22 
j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec beadm create opensolaris-3-nvidia
j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec beadm mount opensolaris-3-nvidia /mnt
j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec pkg -R /mnt uninstall NVDAgraphics
Creating Plan
pkg: 'NVDAgraphics' matches no installed packages

j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec pkg -R /mnt uninstall NVDAgraphicsr
Creating Plan
pkg: 'NVDAgraphicsr' matches no installed packages

j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec /bin/sh NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-173.14.25.run 
j...@opensolaris:~$ cd NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-173.14.25
j...@opensolaris:~/NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-173.14.25$ pfexec pkgadd -R /mnt -d 
NVDAgraphics NVDAgraphicsr
pkgadd: ERROR: no packages were found in 

Where is my fault...?
Thank's again!
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop] NVIDIA driver install

2010-03-09 Thread John Martin

On 03/ 9/10 04:13 AM, Jens Richter wrote:

os b133
I'm a bit in a catch22 situation. For my card - FX 5700LE - I need the 
173.14.25 driver. I downloaded the driver from NVIDIA.
# shdriver.run givs me the error, that the NVDAgraphics package can't be 
uninstalled. Okay,
# pfexec pkg uninstall NVDAgraphics tells me that the package isn't installed. 
So it seems I have to uninstall the package nvidia. Right, when I try that, the 
error message is, that the package can't be uninstalled and I should try it in 
a different boot env. Fair enough, so I left X and switched to init 1. Same 
problem here. Hum. How to solve the prob?
Thank's in advance

Starting with b133, the IPS package name changed.  See comment #10 of:


Use the instructions in comments #5 and #6 with the new IPS
package name to uninstall the bundled driver and install the
legacy driver.

I have IPS packages of the R173 and R96 legacy drivers but it
turns out there are complications hosting these driver in a way
where the bundled and two legacy driver exclude each other so
that only one driver can be installed at a time.  We are still
trying to come up with a solution.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop] NVIDIA driver install

2010-03-09 Thread Casper . Dik

Thank you! Hum...
j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec beadm list
BEActive Mountpoint Space   Policy Created  
---- -- -   -- ---  
opensolaris   -  -  20.48M  static 2010-03-05 14:00 
opensolaris-1 -  -  13.75M  static 2010-03-05 16:11 
opensolaris-2 -  -  313.49M static 2010-03-05 18:37 
opensolaris-3 NR /  6.36G   static 2010-03-09 13:22 
j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec beadm create opensolaris-3-nvidia
j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec beadm mount opensolaris-3-nvidia /mnt
j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec pkg -R /mnt uninstall NVDAgraphics
Creating Plan
pkg: 'NVDAgraphics' matches no installed packages

j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec pkg -R /mnt uninstall NVDAgraphicsr
Creating Plan
pkg: 'NVDAgraphicsr' matches no installed packages

j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec /bin/sh NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-173.14.25.run 
j...@opensolaris:~$ cd NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-173.14.25
j...@opensolaris:~/NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-173.14.25$ pfexec pkgadd -R /mnt -d 
NVDAgraphics NVDAgraphic
pkgadd: ERROR: no packages were found in 

Where is my fault...?

You need to specify the directory (current directory)

pfexec pkgadd -R /mnt -d . NVDAgraphics NVDAgraphic
 ^ - missing argument


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris b134 Genunix site iso failing boot

2010-03-09 Thread Alan Steinberg

On 03/ 9/10 05:29 AM, Chad Welsh wrote:

well i typed the -s after $ZFS-BOOTFS and text after console= and it will not 
leave the boot splash screen just hangs there. my grub entry is:
before changes
findroot (root_pool,0,a)
bootfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris
splashimage /boot/solaris.xpm
forground d25f00
background 115d93
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS, console=graphic
module /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive

after changes

findroot (root_pool,0,a)
bootfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris

Remove these 3 lines so you don't even see the splashscreen:

splashimage /boot/solaris.xpm
forground d25f00
background 115d93

kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -s, console=text
module /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive

i hope this can help me fix this and anything else.

-- Alan
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [storage-discuss] Problems with iscsi initiator with opensolaris 2009.06

2010-03-09 Thread Andrew Watkins
Just wondering if anyone worked out the problem with the slow reboot with iscsi.

I am seeing this myself now.

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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris b134 Genunix site iso failing boot

2010-03-09 Thread Bruno Damour
I usually get rid of the splash screen by commenting out splashimage, 
background lines (btw your forground looks quite strange, I do not have it, 
comment it out as well)
I maybe made a mistake, my grub says console=vga
Good luck
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris b134 Genunix site iso failing boot

2010-03-09 Thread Chad Welsh
well i typed the -s after $ZFS-BOOTFS and text after console= and it will not 
leave the boot splash screen just hangs there. my grub entry is:
before changes
findroot (root_pool,0,a)
bootfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris
splashimage /boot/solaris.xpm
forground d25f00
background 115d93
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS, console=graphic
module /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive

after changes

findroot (root_pool,0,a)
bootfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris
splashimage /boot/solaris.xpm
forground d25f00
background 115d93
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS -s, console=text
module /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive

i hope this can help me fix this and anything else.
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Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop] NVIDIA driver install [solved]

2010-03-09 Thread Jens Richter
Thank you so much! It works great now. Before (glxgears): 78 FPS, now: 1500 
FPS, even faster than on my Linux partitions! Great job. Now I've to sort out 
why firefox takes ages to start...30secs or so. 

Best Regards,
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop] NVIDIA driver install

2010-03-09 Thread John Martin

On 03/ 9/10 10:23 AM, Jens Richter wrote:

j...@opensolaris:~$ pfexec pkg -R /mnt uninstall NVDAgraphics
Creating Plan
pkg: 'NVDAgraphics' matches no installed packages


My previous message mentioned the package name change.
The command for b133 and higher is:

  $ pfexec pkg -R /mnt uninstall -r driver/graphics/nvidia

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] about zfs exported on nfs

2010-03-09 Thread Harry Putnam

  A zfs fs set with smb and nfs on, and set chmod g-s (set-gid) with
  a local users uid:gid is being mounted by a remote linux host (and
  windows hosts, but not discussing that here).

  The remote user is the same as the local user in both numeric UID
  and numeric GID
  The zfs nfs/cifs share is mounted like this on a linux client:
  mount -t nfs -o users,exec,dev,suid

  Any files/directories create by the linux user end up with
  nobody:nobody uid:gid and any attempt to change that from the client
  host fails, even if done as root.


I'm not sure when this trouble started... its been a while, long
enough to have existed over a couple of builds (b129 b133). But was
not always a problem.

I jumped from 129 to 133 so don't know about builds in between.

I have a zfs_fs .. /projects on zpool z3

this is a hierarchy that is fairly deep but only the top level is zfs.
(Aside:  That is something I intend to change soon)

That is, the whole thing, of course, is zfs, but the lower levels have
been created by whatever remote host was working there.

z3/projects has these two settings:
  z3/projects  sharenfs   on
  z3/projects  sharesmb   name=projects

So both cifs and nfs are turned on making the zfs host both a zfs and
nfs server.

Also when  z3/projects was created, it was set:
  chmod g-s (set gid) right away.

The remote linux user in this discussion has the same numeric UID and
GID as the local zfs user who is owner of /projects
Later, and more than once by now, I've run this command from the zfs
  /bin/chmod -R A=everyone@:full_set:fd:allow /projects

to get read/write to work when working from windows hosts.

The filesystem is primarily accessed as an nsf mounted filesystem on a
linux (gentoo linux) host.  But is also used over cifs by a couple of
windows hosts.

On the linux client host, `/projects' gets mounted like this:
  mount -t nfs -o users,exec,dev,suid

That has been the case both before having the problem and now.

The trouble I see is that all files get created with: 

as UID:GID, even though /projects is set as normal USER:GROUP of a user
on the zfs/nfs server.

From the remote (we only deal with the linux remote here) any attempt
to change uid:gid fails, even if done by root on the remote.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Native support for USB 3.0 in OpenSolaris

2010-03-09 Thread Matthew Nawrocki

  Is USB 3.0 currently supported natively by OpenSolaris or will support be 
merged into the operating system down the line? I just recently ordered a 
Gigabyte motherboard with an onboard USB 3.0 xHCI controller. Heck, linux has 
native support for USB 3.0 as of 2.6.31. Just curious. Thanks!

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Re: [osol-discuss] [desktop] NVIDIA driver install

2010-03-09 Thread Jens Richter
Hello rugrat

Mea culpa. I missed the 10th commandment. Anyway, it's works great now. 
Thank's again.
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[osol-discuss] pcn driver considered harmful

2010-03-09 Thread Dennis Clarke

I have tried to work with the pcn driver on various machines for well over
a decade and it has never worked very well.

Also check the man page for pcn :

  Known Problems and Limitations
 oOccasional data corruption has  occurred  when  pcn
  and  pcscsi drivers in HP Vectra XU 5/90 and Compaq
  Deskpro XL systems are used under high network  and
  SCSI  loads. These drivers do not perform well in a
  production server. A possible workaround is to dis-
  able the  pcn device with the system BIOS and use a
  separate add-in network interface.

 oThe Solaris pcn driver does not support IRQ 4.

The pcn driver is not GLDv3 smart. Just avoid it.

Please get the ae driver at :


  See item #13 there

It works on everything I have ever tried and that includes the obscure
like very old Solaris 8 on very old hardware :

$ uname -a
SunOS titan 5.8 Generic_127722-03 i86pc i386 i86pc
$ cat /etc/release
   Solaris 8 2/02 s28x_u7wos_08a INTEL
   Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
   Assembled 18 December 2001
$ ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=1000849UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4 mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff00
ae1: flags=1000843UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4 mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ff00 broadcast

$ modinfo | grep pcnet driver
101 feac77bf   ade4  80   1  ae (pcnet driver v2.4.2)

If you need it on an older release I'll be happy to build it for you.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [osol-help] Extremely slow and unreliable networking.
From:Christ Schlacta aarc...@aarcane.org
Date:Tue, March 9, 2010 11:26
To:  Lee allise...@gmail.com
Cc:  opensolaris-h...@opensolaris.org

I had a similar experience. Nothing fixes it. Turned out to be
switching hardware needs a reset. Simple, onvious solution, but easily

On Mar 8, 2010, at 23:50, Lee allise...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi All,

 Really hoping someone out there can help.

 I am new to Solaris/OpenSolaris but have a reasonable amount of
 experience with Linux. I have recently installed OpenSolaris 2009.06
 snv_111b X86 on a HP Visualize P750 workstation. The system is
 booting and running fine with the majority of hardware and services
 operating correctly.

 However I am having problems with the network adaptor that I cannot
 find a solution to. The ethernet adaptor is an AMD PCnet32 LANCE and
 is using the pcn driver. The adaptor is able to obtain an IP address
 and other network configuration details via DHCP, however network
 performance is very slow and unreliable. Web pages do not load, and
 establishing an SSH connection to the linux box next to it takes
 around 5 minutes.

 The same network card has been tested on the same physical network
 using a Ubuntu live cd. Additionally I have tried another network
 cable and switch port.

 dladm show-ether yields the following:
 Link: pcn0  ptype: current  state:unknown  auto:no  speed-duplex:
 0M  pause:none

 MTU is set to 1500 (shown by dladm show-linkprop pcn0)

 Not really sure where to go from here, but without a network
 connection the box isn't very much fun! Any advice or guidance would
 be appreciated.


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] ldoms and fc tape libraries?

2010-03-09 Thread Svetoslav Slavtchev
Hi all,

is it possible to access fc tape libraries from within a guest ldom?
Can one assign NPIVs to ldom guests and based on that assign LUNs and FC tape 
libraries to guests?

in ESX4 there is Direct Path, in PowerVM there is a virtual FC is there similar 
functionality in LDOM?

Thanks a lot for your help!


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[osol-discuss] Build 134 Won't boot

2010-03-09 Thread alan pae
This post will mimic 

Instead of booting a Live CD I already have the 64-bit version of build 133 
loaded so I used pfexec pkg image-update --be-name name and let it do it's 

Usually there is about a twenty minute wait from the time the Update counter 
stops until it declares that it's safe to go ahead and reboot. 

This time after image-update finished it was only about a five minute wait.

On rebooting I also got the cyclone screen and then an immediate reboot.  I let 
it take the default boot menu item and then tried to hit escape to read the 
screen.  All I got was another reboot.

So I read through the other post mentioned above and tried adding console=text 
which resulting in funny startup graphics but it did boot all the way through 
to the desktop.

So I read the rest of the aforementioned posting and made the changes to 
menu.lst ( commenting out the splash image, foreground, and background lines) 
and then it boot to a black/grey sceen and I selected the default boot option 
(134) and there were no graphics of any kind and it revealed a normal boot 
process.  Just the usual 8-10 lines and then gdm started and everything's been 
smooth sailing after that.

Without the three lines in menu.lst then booting is fine but the splash 
image/foreground/background leaves it in a text only mode which is fine for a 
workaround but this needs to be fixed before the next general release.

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Re: [osol-discuss] Build 134 Won't boot

2010-03-09 Thread alan pae
After removing the 133 boot environment then the system went back to the non 
booting again.

So I had to modify menu.lst again and set console=text and then all was well.


Message was edited by: alan_pae
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Re: [osol-discuss] Build 134 Won't boot

2010-03-09 Thread Paul Gress

On 03/ 9/10 08:50 PM, alan pae wrote:

After removing the 133 boot environment then the system went back to the non 
booting again.

So I had to modify menu.lst again and set console=text and then all was well.

Saved me tonight.  I had just upgraded from b133 to b134 and also was 
getting rapid rebooting.  Changed my boot environment back to 133, read 
your post, added

console=text to menu.lst and lo and behold, it now boots.



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