Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris cancelled, to be replaced with Solaris 11 Express

2010-08-20 Thread Gabriele Bulfon
The bad side I see, is that we won't be able to build appliances based on 
Solaris 11 (nor Solaris 11 Express).
AFAIK, each appliance I would sell, would require me to register the OS by 
paying the Support Subscription, and this would be each and every year...
I can't see any other OS (nor M$ nor OSX) that to be licensed requires annual 
support subscription...when you buy Wins or Macs, you pay once for your 
license, that's all (unless you really want or need support from M$ or Apple).
Also, who knows what hardware will be still in the HCL for Solaris11?? Will it 
be just Sun, Dell, HP and Fujitsu? What if I want to run it on Supermicro???

I hope guys at IlluminOS are coming out with distros very fast...who can wait 
another year to decide the paths to go?
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Re: [osol-discuss] place yer bets on who leaves next...

2010-08-20 Thread Matthias Pfützner
You (Richard L. Hamilton) wrote:
  On 19 Aug 2010, at 15:43, Rick Ramsey wrote:
   I've been with Sun since 89 and our great engineers
  have always moved on.  There's only room for a few at
  the top, after all.  It's actually a healthy
  movement, since it gives younger engineers with fresh
  approaches a change to step up.
  Indeed.  Sun had just under 30,000 employees when
  Oracle took over, IIRC.  The list of 'big names' who
  have left, while all incredibly talented people, does
  nonetheless represent a pretty small drop in the
  ocean of Sun's talent pool.
 Certainly I don't wish to suggest that choosing to stay or go
 corresponds to talent or ethics or any other particular attribute.
 I only mean to suggest that there is the appearance that enough
 talented people that were likely to be able to write their own ticket
 anywhere chose to go that it suggests the possibility that some
 felt that their preferred approach to solving problems or creating
 something new could better be pursued elsewhere.

Let me add some numbers...

We know, that Sun was one of the IT companies, that spend an enormous
percentage of it's revenue into engineering... More than 10 percent. If, and
that's now a very crude approach, we then assume, that that relates to 10% of
the costs also, we can assume, that more than 10% of Sun's employees have been
engineers. At the end Sun had still more than 3 employees, so assuming,
that a high percentage might be working on Solaris might provide us with an
approach to a number close to 1000 engineers... All very crude and rough
speculation, I can't determine those numbers.

So,  10 people leaving are  1 percent. That's a way below average number in
IT. Most companies have a way higher employee turn-around number than that...

So, trying to derive anything from that is worse than reading in the
coffeepot... ;-)

That's my thinking...

And: Being a top engineer never should provide you with an eternal such
position in the same company. You're blocking others to achieve the same. It's
healthy also to remove the top percentage, so that the average can
grow. Otherwise, as long as a company does not grow, there would not be any
incentive or opportunity for the close-to-top engineers to even try to reach
the top...

So, never try to predict the future. Or: Ask yourself, why no-one is even
thinking about complaining, that Greg Papadopoulos no longer is the CTO? If
you believe in Top-to-Bottom brightness being an indication for quality of
products or rate of innovation, having Greg leaving should have send thrills
down your veins, because following that logic laid out here, it would have
indicated, that there won't be ANY INNOVATION at all coming from the former
Sun part...

Think about that reasoning... ;-)

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER  | Im Kunstwerk muß das Chaos
Lichtenbergstr.73 | | durch den Flor der Ordnung
D-64289 Darmstadt | AIM: pfuetz, ICQ: 300967487  | schimmern.
Germany  | |Novalis
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] place yer bets on who leaves next...

2010-08-20 Thread Gabriele Bulfon
The move Sun-Oracle is casuing serious problems for mid-range customers  
resellers, here in Italy. Listen to this (happened few weeks ago).

We are sys admins of some Sun muchines we've sold to a customer in the Sun era.
A T5120 with a ZFS mirror, had a disk fault, causing cyclic reset of the 
Our hardware guy ran to the customer, disabled the disk and moved it out of the 
Upon reboot the machine started normally, with the remaining disk.
The customer had Sun Silver support.
We called Oracle support to have a substitution disk (we had no spare part of 
that size):
- 4 hours with a lady trying to find the support contract...
- Finally we could talk with a technician, whose 1st response to the problem 
was: ...why do you run such a shitty hardware? why don't you just change it? 
(luckily we were not in open conversation with the customer..)
- After sometimes of discussion, they told us they would send a techincian to 
put the new disk.2 days later! What if it was a mainboard crash???
- So, our hardware guy had hard times to convince them we did not need the 
technician but just the disk! We can do the work by ourselves!...but they did 
not wantdo you think I want an unknown technician to come to my customer 
and work on the machine???

At last, after almost one day, we had Oracle to send us the disk the next day, 
and we could resilver the machine

Is this hardware support???
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris cancelled, to be replaced with Solaris 11 Express

2010-08-20 Thread Shawn Walker

On 08/20/10 03:26 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:

I can't see any other OS (nor M$ nor OSX) that to be licensed requires annual 
support subscription...when you buy Wins or Macs, you pay once for your 
license, that's all (unless you really want or need support from M$ or Apple).

RedHat enterprise Linux requires a subscription, and you lose the right 
to use it if you stop the subscription.

There are others as well.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris cancelled, to be replaced with Solaris 11 Express

2010-08-20 Thread carlopmart

Shawn Walker wrote:

On 08/20/10 03:26 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
I can't see any other OS (nor M$ nor OSX) that to be licensed requires 
annual support subscription...when you buy Wins or Macs, you pay once 
for your license, that's all (unless you really want or need support 
from M$ or Apple).

RedHat enterprise Linux requires a subscription, and you lose the right 
to use it if you stop the subscription.

That's not correct. You lose only the support, but you can use it on several servers 
as you want and it is legal. Only lose the support (and the right to download updates).


CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris cancelled, to be replaced with Solaris 11 Express

2010-08-20 Thread Shawn Walker

On 08/20/10 09:41 AM, carlopmart wrote:

Shawn Walker wrote:

On 08/20/10 03:26 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:

I can't see any other OS (nor M$ nor OSX) that to be licensed
requires annual support subscription...when you buy Wins or Macs, you
pay once for your license, that's all (unless you really want or need
support from M$ or Apple).

RedHat enterprise Linux requires a subscription, and you lose the
right to use it if you stop the subscription.

That's not correct. You lose only the support, but you can use it on
several servers as you want and it is legal. Only lose the support (and
the right to download updates).

No, it is correct.  I was previously a RedHat customer, and they made it 
very clear to me that the right to continue to use the distribution on 
the system was void once the subscription expired.

Whether that has changed since I was a customer, I couldn't tell you.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris cancelled, to be replaced with Solaris 11 Express

2010-08-20 Thread Shawn Walker

On 08/20/10 09:41 AM, carlopmart wrote:

Shawn Walker wrote:

On 08/20/10 03:26 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:

I can't see any other OS (nor M$ nor OSX) that to be licensed
requires annual support subscription...when you buy Wins or Macs, you
pay once for your license, that's all (unless you really want or need
support from M$ or Apple).

RedHat enterprise Linux requires a subscription, and you lose the
right to use it if you stop the subscription.

That's not correct. You lose only the support, but you can use it on
several servers as you want and it is legal. Only lose the support (and
the right to download updates).

See also section 5:

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Will this forum shut down?

2010-08-20 Thread Orvar Korvar
Does anyone know if it will shut down? And if it shuts down, then we all go to 
Illumos forum? Or?
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Re: [osol-discuss] Will this forum shut down?

2010-08-20 Thread Bill Rushmore
 Does anyone know if it will shut down? 

There are no plans to shut down the opensolaris-discuss  mailing list.

Bill Rushmore
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] The last of the 5000?

2010-08-20 Thread Ian Collins

This message is directed to old old timers who understand my subject line!

I stumbled upon my first 5000 T-shirt this morning at that made me think 
that now that this ride that has been OpenSolaris is coming to an and 
end, we should have a photographic record of the survivors.

Would it be possible setup a page on the OpenSolaris site where we could 
upload our photos, wearing our faded and possibly too small first 5000 

Just a daft idea for the weekend,


opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] place yer bets on who leaves next...

2010-08-20 Thread Edward Martinez
 This is getting to the point that I'm even starting
 to feel the pattern here,
 and I'm not one to proclaim bad news quickly.
 Since then, a couple of the names the poster
 speculated about have moved on.

 Adam Leventhal (co-D-trace creator) has left the building.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] appears Oracle has shutdown the gate

2010-08-20 Thread Edward Martinez see one of my favorite opensource projects is indeed being shutdown.(


As mentioned by Garrett D'Amore yesterday, the tap has indeed been turned 
off; code pushes are no longer being made to the ONNV repository. For the first 
time in four years, I was greeted with the following:

[stall...@titan]:/export/onnv-clone hg pull
pulling from ssh://
searching for changes
no changes found
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[osol-discuss] Measuring cost of TLB misses

2010-08-20 Thread Kishore Kumar Pusukuri
I am able to measure TLB miss-rate of a multi-threaded application running on 
my multi-core AMD Opteron machine by reading performance monitoring event 
counters using cpustat utility. However, I would like to measure the amount of 
time spent on TLB misses? Specifically, I am looking a way like the utility 
trapstat functions. Please share your ideas.

Thank you.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] Performance Degradation with 1GB Pages for Heap

2010-08-20 Thread Kishore Kumar Pusukuri
My AMD Opteron supports 4KB, 2MB and 1GB page sizes. I observed that there is 
performance improvement (reduced elapsed time) for some multi-threaded 
applications when I used 2MB page-size for heap. These applications need around 
650MB heap (it reads a huge file of around 650MB size). However, when I used 
1GB pages for heap, there is performance degradation for these programs. If we 
use 1 GB, then one page is enough to satisfy the heap space, right? Then, why 
we see performance degradation in this case. Please let me know.

$ pagesize -a
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