Re: [osol-discuss] Re: Re: And that would break... what, exactly? (Re: Sun to make Solaris more

2007-05-22 Thread Bryan Allen

On May 22, 2007, at 1:44 AM, Chung Hang Christopher Chan wrote:

How do apt and yum know not to overwrite your


My package version trumps distro provided package.

How does that work?

distro sendmail 8.13.x, own modified package sendmail
make it version 8.14.x or whatever works for that
particular piece of software.

I guess that's one way to be using Perl 6 already.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: OpenSolaris as a seperate entity to Sun (Re: [osol-discuss] Re: [ogb-discuss] Re: [advocacy-discuss] Re: Logo/Mascot for OpenSolaris)

2007-06-25 Thread Bryan Allen

On Jun 25, 2007, at 9:46 PM, Simon Phipps wrote:

On Jun 26, 2007, at 02:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Isn't anyone in the least bit interested seeing OpenSolaris
actually be able to employ people or pay for things itself
rather than depend on the good will of Sun to do it all?

OK, I'm confused. Earlier you asserted that open source was all  
about people volunteering for free. Now you want to raise funds and  
hire programmers?

It didn't work very well for the Debian community[1], but then, the  
various OpenSolaris communities are markedly different.

OpenBSD, for instance, has a history of funding developers through  
donations with good results.

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Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris + e450 = a few questions!

2007-07-21 Thread Bryan Allen

On Jul 22, 2007, at 12:37 AM, john g4lt wrote:
>> If I wish to run an iSCSI target under Solaris 10, will GA do it  
>> or do I need the Express verison of Solaris 10 (for an E450,  
>> SPARC), or Opensolaris?
> sol10GA didn't have iSCSI.  I think U3 gets it though

Sol10u3 has iSCSI initiator support, but not iSCSI target.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [sysadmin-discuss] Is anyone using puppet to manage their infrastructure?

2007-10-08 Thread Bryan Allen

On Oct 8, 2007, at 4:25 PM, Brandorr wrote:

> It seems like an interesting project, and it seems that it may be  
> the way to go.

Yes, Puppet is good stuff. I would not be sad to see more Solaris- 
centric modules/providers. Shelling out in Puppet to get work done is  
basically doin' dirt.

Note the zones type already provided: 
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Re: [osol-discuss] SXCE end-of-life plans

2009-08-11 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2009-08-11 14:30:50, Shawn Walker wrote:
| Peter Tribble wrote:
| >If there was a Solaris 11 based on SXCE released, I would just roll
| >it out and stand a good chance of using its strengths to increase its
| >usage. Gain the new technologies, easy to deploy, compatible with
| >both the software and administrative frameworks we already have.
| >With OpenSolaris, it's frankly not ready for testing let alone deployment.
| I've been using OpenSolaris 200x releases as my day-to-day desktop since 
| developer preview 1 and have not used SXCE since then.  It also has 
| worked well on two different latpops (both very new).
| It all depends on what your deployment and usage requirements are.

Yes, it does. And the majorty of people relating their ambivalence about
pushing OpenSolaris into production in the near future are talking about
servers. In our datacenters. And convincing our bosses that it's a good idea to
so do.

The whole tone of this thread are sysadmins being wary of unproven change.  We
don't care if it runs on your laptop. Are you being disingenuous on purpose or
just not paying attention?
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Re: [osol-discuss] SXCE end-of-life plans

2009-08-11 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2009-08-11 14:08:38, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
| If we called it "Solaris 11 Alpha" (which we're not, but if we did),
| would you be complaining it was not yet a proven replacement for Solaris 10?
| It's under development towards becoming a full enterprise ready release - no
| one ever said it's done yet.   Expecting it to be proven before it's finished
| just seems silly.

Unsurprisingly the words Solaris admins want to hear come from Alan C. Thanks.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Has something changed with root logins [b 124]

2009-10-15 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2009-10-15 19:48:14, Harry Putnam wrote:
| I'm still not finding it... I may be the lamest search technician
| known to man but I've spent way too much time at this point, looking
| for this... is it really the case there is no standardized place of
| putting something like `Release notes' for each build?
| Pawing through forum posts with a search tool seems like a rather
| inconvenient way to find `Release notes'.
| Someone already explained about the root account differences so I
| think I will give up finding them.  Too much time spent with no result.

Modify the build numbers as appropriate.
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Re: [osol-discuss] root account

2009-10-16 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2009-10-16 03:23:07, Harry Putnam wrote:
| I remember having done something way back... I think it was posted on
| an page... how to setup a root account and login as
| root.  Any way it was fairly common knowledge and a howto was
| available. 

$ pfexec rolemod -K type=normal root
$ pfexec perl -pi -e s/^PermitRootLogin no/^PermitRootLogin yes/ 
$ pfexec svcadm restart ssh

I didn't have to do anything else on a fresh upgrade of snv_124.

See Also:
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Re: [osol-discuss] crontab

2009-12-02 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2009-12-02 23:01:19, Dr. Martin Mundschenk wrote:
| Well, I'm missing the /etc/crontab file. I never worked with the 
crontab-command. But if /etc/crontab is not supported, I have to go new ways...

Solaris does not provide /etc/crontab.

Use `crontab -e root` or `crontab -e sys` for system jobs. Use `crontab -e` as
your user to add your own jobs.

Solaris cron lacks any number of niceties[0]. To toot my co-workers horn, you
might want to wrap your jobs in


# crontab -l | tail -1
0 * * * * /icg/wrapper/cronjob -E -c "/usr/sbin/logadm"

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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] crontab

2009-12-03 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2009-12-03 07:01:02, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
| Joerg Schilling wrote:
| > 
| > I have never seen /etc/crontab. What should this be for?
| I remember having it on really old systems, before crontab was
| split into per-user files and the crontab command provided for
| each user to edit theirs and to notify cron when it was time to
| re-read them.   I haven't seen in 15+ years though.   (Apollo
| Domain/OS is the one I'm remembering, but I could be remembering
| poorly.)

Vixie cron reads it. It's very common on Linux.

(Which is presumably where the OP is coming from.)
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Re: [osol-discuss] SXCE download mirrors

2009-12-20 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2009-12-20 20:00:23, David wrote:
| Is there an alternative site to to extort SXCE from? A friend 
working on a club box reports major issues with getting the package{s} needed 
from there. And we know that it could never be Verizon at fault
| I offered to search for same but using the word "mirror" gets me folks 
talking RAID not ftp locations.
| Hints sought.

There are no mirrors of SXCE for legal reasons.

SXCE contains encumbered bits, and cannot be redistributed.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Bad news for running Oracle on Solaris?

2010-01-05 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2010-01-05 22:20:35, Anon Y Mous wrote:
| or do you think it's just more anti-Solaris F.U.D. ?

Published December 10, 2006

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Re: [osol-discuss] Make Opensolaris boot failsafe

2010-01-16 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2010-01-16 12:24:01, Erik Trimble wrote:
> Otherwise, you either need hardware that supports IPMI or a a Service  
> Processor, or get yourself a IPKVM.   Frankly, one of the big advantages  
> of Sun-branded x86 gear is the FREE, very feature-full Service Processor  
> built into each one.

Service Processors are neither free, nor built into every model of x86 Sun box.
Many do come with them by default, though.

As for their feature-full-ness, that's open to some debate. With the blanket
upgrade to ILOM Sun did last year, they are very serviceable, though, and
absolutely worth the price.
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Re: [osol-discuss] What's Going to Happen to OpenSolaris?

2010-01-28 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2010-01-28 20:20:08, Gary Bainbridge wrote:
| I'm probably old school, however, the barrier to adoption is probably right, 
but with those installers like RHEL and SuSE have, everything is going 
web-based and you need Java installed to open a console.  Give me a Putty 
session and connect me via ALOM and I'm ready to go with my Jumpstart server!  
'boot net - install' and off and running.

So go look at the OpenSolaris Automated Installer. It's still very young and
has some ... odd ... design decisions, but you can network install OpenSolaris
with the packages you choose.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Software is free. Service is not. Mike Rocha and Tim Chou.

2010-02-13 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2010-02-14 11:34:54, Daniel Carosone wrote:
| This is completely bogus (the thread, not picking on the comments
| above in particular).
| Why should only production machines be secure?


If Microsoft didn't offer security updates for free, the Internet would be an
even worse place than it currently is.

All systems _should_ have access to security updates. How those updates are
delivered to users, and whether or not there's an associated price, is hard to
say. There are valid arguments on either side, given the cost of testing and

(I would suggest that not looking like total incompentents to everyone else
might be a good enough arguement for providing free security patches to all

As a Solaris administrator who migrated his shop entirely from Linux two years
ago, I'm quite happy to pay for reliablity fixes (if I need them) to the
operating system I use completely for free; I'd even be happy to pay for
security updates for Solaris 10, if the pricing were a little more ..

All that said: Use does not imply ownership. Oracle can do whatever they want.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Mail cron messages to email address

2010-03-07 Thread Bryan Allen
I wrap all my jobs in a program my co-worker wrote:

Quite handy. :)
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris 2010.03 improvements?

2010-03-15 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2010-03-15 12:43:05, Don Quichotte wrote:
| No I meant a 64bit version of OpenSolaris. Right now it's only available in 
64bit for SPARC if I'm not mistaken.
Solaris has been a mixed 32/64bit install for many years.

The installer runs 32bit.

The OS will load 64bit if the hardware supports it.

$ uname -a
SunOS soda 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc
$ isainfo -v
64-bit amd64 applications
sse4.1 ssse3 cx16 mon sse3 sse2 sse fxsr mmx cmov amd_sysc cx8 tsc fpu 
32-bit i386 applications
sse4.1 ssse3 ahf cx16 mon sse3 sse2 sse fxsr mmx cmov sep cx8 tsc fpu 
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Re: [osol-discuss]

2008-08-10 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2008-08-10 17:17:03, Brent Jones wrote:
| Is there a FreeBSD ports style packaging system? Source based, with sane and
| configurable build options, with dependency checking, and easy methods of
| removal/updates?

I've been using pkgsrc (NetBSD's ports tree) for the last two
years to good effect. Only for server/CLI stuff. Nothing
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Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris compatible tool that monitors servers uptime, etc?

2008-08-22 Thread Bryan Allen
| On 2008-08-22 14:10:44, Anne Moore wrote:
| Most of my machines are running OpenSolaris. Is there a tool/application out
| there that will install on OpenSolaris (or Solaris 10 even) that will
| monitor all of my Solaris boxes (uptime, disk drive usage, etc?)

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Re: [osol-discuss] sudden huge slowdown

2008-09-30 Thread Bryan Allen
How full is your pool? Service starts crawling as ZFS has to spin
the platters to search for free blocks in disparate parts of the

(Perhaps someone else can explain that better, but that's my
understanding as to why "full pool = slow pool".)

I try to keep my pools at <90% utilization.

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