Re: [osol-discuss] second_root for upgrade of next release

2008-10-27 Thread Dave Uhring
 At installation with all default options, it not created second_root (default
 name) partition for me for upgrade of next release.
 I remembered that till release b74 or 85, as default it created second_root.

Not b85 for sure.  I had to create that partition myself.  But if you select ZFS
root instead of UFS the second root partition is not required for Live Upgrade
as long as you dont' skimp on disk space.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Replacing missing disks

2008-10-19 Thread Dave Uhring
 The disks should should be hot swappable, no?

I've never tried a hotswap myself but a previous discussion may be of help:
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Re: [osol-discuss] how to register new install?

2008-10-19 Thread Dave Uhring
 I have installed zero patches on this box - should I install the Recommended
 Solaris Patch Clusters If yes which one?

 Solaris Express Community Edition snv_99 X86

There are *NO* patches for the operating system.  There is a patch for 
and one for SUNWvts.  Use pca. with
the name and password which you registered to get the ISO download.
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Re: [osol-discuss] /home dir for myself

2008-10-18 Thread Dave Uhring
 after installing opensolaris i've found /home dir, but no way to change that

Note that the instructions are slightly out of date.  If you want to refer to 
and continue to use the automounter then edit /etc/auto_home:

*   localhost:/export/home/
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Re: [osol-discuss] Replacing missing disks

2008-10-18 Thread Dave Uhring
 I ran zpool online and zpool replace but could not get those to work. When I 
 a # format the re-inserted disk does not show up in the list. 

As root execute devfsadm.
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Re: [osol-discuss] crontab

2008-10-17 Thread Dave Uhring
 Can the cron jobs in the crontab be modified to run at different times?

crontab -e
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Re: [osol-discuss] openOffice 3.0.0 downloads

2008-10-14 Thread Dave Uhring
 OOo 3.0.0rc4 is identical to the final release.

It's no use to me.  I installed it Sunday on a fresh install of OpenSolaris 
It crashed after I checked the no register box then Finish.  There's no point in
trying to register when the registration site works only for Microsoft crapware.
Re-started writer and tried to open a document.  Crash again.
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opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] java version 1.6.0_06 build 1.6.0_06-b02

2008-10-06 Thread Dave Uhring
 Can I simply install the x86 JDK from the SDLC or will I bugger up my pkg
 integrity on this machine?

I've been doing that since 1.6.0_07 was released.  No noticeable problems.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -F /usr/jdk
instances/  jdk1.6.0_07@  latest@
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ head -1 /etc/release
  OpenSolaris 2008.11 snv_98 X86
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Re: [osol-discuss] New to Unix(Solaris)

2008-10-04 Thread Dave Uhring
 They all work.

Provided that one avoids the executables in /usr/gnu/bin but that directory is
*first* in the default $PATH.  GNU==GNU is Not UNIX

 At least they should all work in the latest OpenSolaris snv_98 Live
 CDROM/DVD image because the man page for standards(5) is the xact same as
 this from Solaris 10 Update 5 :

The default $MANPATH in OpenSolaris gives priority to the GNU man pages, *not*
the UNIX man pages.
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Re: [osol-discuss] system wont shutdown with shutdown cmd

2008-10-04 Thread Dave Uhring
 bbash-3.2# shutdown now

shutdown(1M) without any -i argument causes the sytem to go to single-user
state.  now is just a message.

Try shutdown -y -g0 -i5  if you want to shutdown and power-off the machine.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Interesting = MAC addr reversing manually solved the problem !!

2008-10-03 Thread Dave Uhring
 IIRC the mac address reversal bug was fixed long ago.

Not!  The bug exists in osol b98 still.

 A fixed version would not require the ifconfig ether hack.

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Re: [osol-discuss] [networking-discuss] please help = network configuration !!

2008-10-02 Thread Dave Uhring
 nge0: flags=201000843 mtu 1500 index 2
 inet netmask ff00 broadcast

If that is the built-in Ethernet controller on an nVidia MCP chipset you are 
going to make it work with either OpenSolaris or Solaris Express.
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Re: [osol-discuss] [networking-discuss] please help = network configuration !!

2008-10-02 Thread Dave Uhring
 On one box (ASUS M2N-VM DVI) I had to workaround bug 6678904
 ( ),
 by manually setting the MAC address:

Thanks, Juergen.  I'll give that a try on my MCP61 and MCP67 systems.  It would 
nice to put those Intel NICs back into the parts box.
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Re: [osol-discuss] [networking-discuss] please help = network configuration !!

2008-10-02 Thread Dave Uhring
 Thanks, Juergen. I'll give that a try on my MCP61 and MCP67 systems. It would 
 nice to put those Intel NICs back into the parts box. 

It surely did work.  Thanks again!

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ifconfig nge0
nge0: flags=201000843UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ff00 broadcast
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ping is alive
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Re: [osol-discuss] snv_98 iso

2008-09-24 Thread Dave Uhring
 I didn't think I need support for all languages. Was that my mistake?

Not a mistake at all.  You wrote:

 I downloaded the snv_98 iso, burned it to DVD (it wouldn't fit on a CD),

and I merely showed that there does exist a CD-size image.
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Re: [osol-discuss] firefox problems with snv_98

2008-09-23 Thread Dave Uhring
 Already did that. It helps a little but it's still unusable. Same goes for 
 thunderbird. It's the
 whole window system that is malfunctioning. Switching between workspaces is a 
 5 second
 operation. Machine is Ferrari 4000 with 2GB and fresh install of 2008.11 b86

Then upgrade your system to b98 and replace firefox as I previously showed.  I 
have no idea
what kind of processor or graphics your Ferrari uses but the nVidia drivers 
have been updated
considerably since b86 was released.  This system works almost perfectly:

$ head -1 /etc/release
  OpenSolaris 2008.11 snv_98 X86

Download the iso from
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Re: [osol-discuss] snv_98 iso

2008-09-23 Thread Dave Uhring
 I downloaded the snv_98 iso, burned it to DVD (it wouldn't fit on a CD),

The osol-0811-98-global.iso is ~661 MB in size.  I'm sure than any packages it 
may be
missing can be added after installation.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Nexenta : Ubuntu Server with ZFS goodness

2008-09-14 Thread Dave Uhring
Weigh that against Nexenta's spam posting to comp.unix.solaris.


posted by:

Saqib Jang
Nexenta Systems, Inc.

from a Starbucks.
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Re: [osol-discuss] cannot edit /etc/services

2008-09-13 Thread Dave Uhring
 how can i open this to edit it? i am su, but it only opens read only. 

chmod u+w /etc/inet/services first.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Any Ideas

2008-08-26 Thread Dave Uhring
 I have downloaded os200805 twice 1 with SDM and 2
 with DAP.

Firefox is more reliable for such downloads than anything else you have access 

 I have burnt it using sonic record now 7.3
 and cd burner xp pro 4.2 in the iso image. I have
 done these several times and ruined a bunch of discs.

The file you downloaded is an image.  To burn it properly you must burn it 
*as an image*.  Your CD burning software probably has several drop-down menus 
and one of them will almost certainly refer to image.

 works. Does the open solaris live cd act like the
 ubuntu, I mean that you run it ,use it and if you
 like it you can hit the install and if you want it
 can take over the whole hd?

Yes, it is very similar in that respect.  However, you may also use only part 
of your HDD.
If you have a sufficiently large capacity HDD you can partition it in order to 
install both Windows and OpenSolaris.  The WinXP installation procedure enables 
you to do this.

But be certain to install Windows *first*, then OpenSolaris.  Windows will 
restore its own MBR and mark only the Windows partition active.

 iI think ubuntu
 might have messed up the MBR I had to run the
 recovery to repair it.

Ubuntu placed its own boot loader, called GRUB, into the MBR and OpenSolaris 
will do that also.  But it should also provide a menu option for booting either 
OpenSolaris or Windows in a dual boot configuration.

 Even with the MBR a little
 messed up one of the cd's I burned should have run on
 this one that hasn't had any problems.

Not if you simply burned the file to CD.  It must be burned *as an image*.

 Someone mentioned that I get the single DVD download

There is no DVD image of OpenSolaris.  There are DVD images of Solaris Express 
and Solaris, which are *not* the same as OpenSolaris.
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Re: [osol-discuss] snv_95 File too large?

2008-08-25 Thread Dave Uhring
 I'm copying a file from a usb hdd (ntfs mounted read only with the FSWpart, 
 FSWfsmisc installed) 
 to my laptop's hdd, but I'm getting a File too large error:

 # ls -la laptopBackup_080821.bkf
 -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 4294967295 Aug 21 22:45 laptopBackup_080821.bkf

Try using /usr/bin/cp, the Solaris version of cp.  I have no problem copying 
20+ GB files to an NFS mounted volume.
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Re: [osol-discuss] snv_95 File too large?

2008-08-25 Thread Dave Uhring
 I tried mounting the usb drive with the mount_ntfs
 binary (
 Again same result...

Then the problem exists in the ntfs implementation or ntfs itself.
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