Re: [osol-discuss] Goodbye

2010-01-28 Thread Gary Bainbridge
I cannot quite grasp the name Oracle Solaris which they called it in the 
webcasts, when I've been saying Sun Solaris for many, many years.
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Re: [osol-discuss] What's Going to Happen to OpenSolaris?

2010-01-28 Thread Gary Bainbridge
I may be incorrect, but when I watched the webcast and they had the graphics 
displayed showing the hardware line and Oracle VM working with Logical Domains, 
etc., they had the x86 hardware.  I'll have to look again, but they had three 
blocks for operating systems on top which were Solaris, Linux, and Windows.

I know in another slide they listed OpenSolaris and had the website, but I 
honestly don't believe they will continue development of OpenSolaris which has 
mostly been developed on x86.  For quite some time there wasn't a Sparc install 
and then you needed AI.  Now a text installer for Sparc has been released, but 
it is late.

Oracle isn't going to put tens or hundreds of millions into OpenSolaris when 
they announed they are going to spend more on Solaris development than Sun.  
And there are many things in OpenSolaris which are not enterprise ready and it 
would cost a lot of money and time to get OpenSolaris to the point of being 
ready for enterprise data centers.  AI.  Caiman.  Zones.  Network Auto Magic 
(default).  Especially when Oracle spends millions on Linux, why spend more 
money for another x86 OS when Solaris isn't used much on x86?

There are a lot of good innovations in OpenSolaris which can be used in the 
next Solaris release, but 
I just don't see OpenSolaris being able to survive.
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Re: [osol-discuss] What's Going to Happen to OpenSolaris?

2010-01-28 Thread Gary Bainbridge
I should have clarified.  I was speaking about the way zones are implemented 
presently in OpenSolaris.  They need to function like Solaris 10.  I like zones 
and use them frequently.
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Re: [osol-discuss] What's Going to Happen to OpenSolaris?

2010-01-28 Thread Gary Bainbridge
I realize that OpenSolaris isn't *entirely* separate from Solaris, but if Sun 
intended to have the next release of Solaris based on OpenSolaris, then 
millions will have to be spent to get it to that point, and many years.

The better option would have been to have the next release built on SXCE.  Now, 
I am aware that SXCE was built on OpenSolaris, but it was more ready for the 
enterprise because it had the installer, zones, packaging, etc., already there. 

The Sparc text installer for OpenSolaris was only released yesterday.  There 
can't be any denial that OpenSolaris was targeted for a desktop user.  Network 
Auto Magic?  That doesn't yell enterprise, but rather joe schmoe sitting at 
home.  OpenSolaris Sparc wasn't available for the longest time.  AI isn't near 
ready for the enterprise so how many years before OpenSolaris can be ready.  
How is OpenSolaris going to run on M-Series servers?  That I'd like to see.  
Sun spent $500 million on Solaris 10.  Is Oracle going to spend that much on 
OpenSolaris to get it ready for the enterprise?  I doubt it.  Take the good 
parts from SXCE and merge them into Solaris 10 and create SolarisNextGen or 

BTW, I do run OpenSolaris and have since 2008.05 and will install dev preview 
131 soon.  

But please, OpenSolaris isn't ready to be installed on T- and M-Series servers 
in a 2000 server data center.
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Re: [osol-discuss] What's Going to Happen to OpenSolaris?

2010-01-28 Thread Gary Bainbridge
If I wanted to run a GNU/Linux distribution I would, but apparently the 
decision is being made for those who like Solaris, to be made to run another 
Linux-type server.

Seriously, how long (how many years) and how much money is it going to take to 
make OpenSolaris a replacement for Solaris 10?  Is Oracle going to spend that 
much money?  

To make a desktop OS work as a data center OS is not remotely the best 
engineering practice.  Could you run Solaris 8 on a desktop?  Sure.  But why?  
It wasn't practical.  Could you use Windows 95 as a server?  Probably many did. 
 But why?  That wasn't its intended use.

Now the OS is going to be retrofitted to make it an enterprise server?  With 
Solaris you can choose what you want to install.  Not so with OpenSolaris.  You 
get what you're told.

I'm probably old school, however, the barrier to adoption is probably right, 
but with those installers like RHEL and SuSE have, everything is going 
web-based and you need Java installed to open a console.  Give me a Putty 
session and connect me via ALOM and I'm ready to go with my Jumpstart server!  
'boot net - install' and off and running.
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Re: [osol-discuss] What's Going to Happen to OpenSolaris?

2010-01-27 Thread Gary Bainbridge
I missed the webcast.

What specifically were the operating systems and virtualization roadmaps?
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[osol-discuss] Acer laptop with external 23 monitor

2009-10-09 Thread Gary Bainbridge
I am running 0906 on an Acer laptop with a 23 lcd monitor externally 
connectecd.  When I go to monitor resolution, it won't apply the changes of 
1366x768 on the laptop monitor unless the 23 monitor is off.

I guess it's not a big deal, and when I want to use the 23 monitor I can 
enable that and turn off the laptop monitor, but I shouldn't have to do that.  
I should be able to extend the desktop to the external monitor.
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[osol-discuss] OpenSolaris 0906 NIC driver

2009-10-04 Thread Gary Bainbridge
Installed OpenSolaris 0906 on an Acer Aspire 5516 and it recognized the 
wireless NIC in network administration, but not the onboard LAN even though 
both are Atheros.  The onboard LAN is recognized in /etc/path_to_inst but why 
isn't it allowing me to use the device as a NIC?

It is an Atheros AR8132 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller.  Doing a search I have 
seen this controller is a problem in Linux too.  

Any way to get this to work in OpenSolaris?
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[osol-discuss] Use of opensolaris

2009-09-09 Thread Gary Bainbridge
It seems a lot of questions about opensolaris are directed at using it as a 
desktop (firefox and mplayer for example).  Opensolaris is supposed to be a 
precursor to the next Enterprise Solaris but directing efforts at desktop 
features seems misguided.  Solaris has always been a server OS not a desktop 
and I would like to see the efforts spent making Opensolaris a solid enterprise 
server, not a desktop OS.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Use of opensolaris

2009-09-09 Thread Gary Bainbridge
AI is replacing jumpstart which is an enterprise necessity.
SMF is an enterprise feature and reminds me of AIX's srcmstr.
zfs is certainly an enterprise feature.
A text installer is not a gui that needs gnome or anything like that.
I run OpenBSD as a server and don't have X11 installed.
I run AIX as a server (granted it isn't a desktop by any stretch of the 
imagination) and don't have X11 installed.
I run Solaris as a server and don't have X11 installed.

A gui isn't needed for an Enterprise OS.  I run HACMP on a text screen.  I run 
Sun Cluster from the command line.  Granted, I have to use a gui for Red Hat 
Cluster Suite, but that is a failure of the product, I shouldn't have to (look 
about at HACMP and Sun Cluster).
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Re: [osol-discuss] Notice to VirtualBox users - v3.0.4 released

2009-08-06 Thread Gary Bainbridge
OpenBSD 4.5 works without disk full and segmentation faults.  Finally!
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[osol-discuss] Moving hard drive to new machine

2009-07-30 Thread Gary Bainbridge
Currently I have a 150G drive in an e-machines pc with 2G of memory and have 
one internal NIC and pci NIC's.  It's a single CPU machine.  Using OpenSolaris 

I have a number of vnic and etherstub devices setup and have 5 VirtualBox 
instances running in non-global zones each running an instance of FreeBSD.  
Because of the setup the system is sluggish, but not so much due to memory, but 
due to CPU exhaustion.

If I had an X2250 or another server that has 2 CPU's and 2 cores, what problems 
would I have to move the current hard drive into the X2250?  I know the NIC 
driver would change but the two zones using afe0 and rtls0 currently could be 
changed to use bge0/1 or whatever driver is in the new machine.

I've done a swap in the past on Sun Fire servers using Solaris 9 on sparc.  

Other than the NIC changes would there be anything else that would prevent a 
swap to a new machine?
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[osol-discuss] OpenSolaris 0906 TIMEZONE

2009-07-12 Thread Gary Bainbridge
The global zone has the correct timezone US/Central but all of my installed 
zones have a PDT date, even though /etc/default/init has US/Central.

This must be a bug, and if so, how can I set my zones to US/Central?
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Re: [osol-discuss] VirtualBox security - global zone vs. non-global zone

2009-07-11 Thread Gary Bainbridge
I was successful using FreeBSD 7.2 in VirtualBox 3.0.2 in a non-global zone on 
OpenSolaris 0906.

I was partially successful with OpenBSD 4.5 in VirtualBox 3.0.2 in a non-global 
zone on OpenSolaris 0906.  The usual disk full message and segmentation 
faults occurred during installation but the installation completed.  During 
startup there were a few segmentation faults but it started.  On shutdown there 
was also a segmentation fault.  

Because of the segmentation faults I'm not ready to switch from FreeBSD to 
OpenBSD although I would like to.
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Re: [osol-discuss] VirtualBox 3.0 -- OpenBSD runs fine with 2.2.4

2009-07-10 Thread Gary Bainbridge
VirtualBox 3.0.0 fails to startup in a non-global zone just like 2.2.4 and 
2.2.2.  Only 2.2.0 seems to work in a non-global zone.  

Which means I can't run OpenBSD because it gets seg faults and disk full errors 
on 2.2.0.  Can't run 2.2.4 because something is broken and it doesn't appear 
anyone cares to fix it at VirtualBox since bug #4226 has been opened.  

Opened a new bug for 3.0.0 failing to run in a non-global zone.
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[osol-discuss] Building zones is very slow again

2009-07-10 Thread Gary Bainbridge
This morning I was able to build an IPS zone in ~83 seconds.  Now the new zone 
I installed was 509 seconds.

Is there an explanation why this is happening?
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Re: [osol-discuss] VirtualBox 3.0 -- OpenBSD runs fine with 2.2.4

2009-07-09 Thread Gary Bainbridge
For what it's worth:  I opened a bug (#4226) on the site in 
bugtracker for the FreeBSD only working with 2.2.0 in a non-global zone and 
there hasn't been any movement.  There are also a few OpenBSD bugs that address 
the disk full and seg fault problems, so opening a new one about OpenBSD would 
be pointless.

I will try OpenBSD 4.5 and see how it works.  The reason for OpenBSD is to run 
pf as a firewall and since I couldn't get OpenBSD to work I switched to FreeBSD 
to run pf.  Then I ran into FreeBSD wouldn't work with 2.2.2 or 2.2.4, only 
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Re: [osol-discuss] site issues

2009-07-08 Thread Gary Bainbridge
Why doesn't SUN post something - or better yet - fix the problem, the next time 
the repository isn't responding and nobody can install zones for over 2 days on 
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[osol-discuss] VirtualBox 3.0

2009-07-08 Thread Gary Bainbridge
With VirtualBox 2.2.2 and 2.2.4 in a non-global zone I am unable to use FreeBSD 
as a guest, although FreeBSD works with VirtualBox 2.2.0.

So can SUN verify that FreeBSD works as a guest in VirtualBox 3.0 in a 
non-global zone?

Also, is OpenBSD EVER going to work in VirtualBox?  If not, then delist it from 
the list of supported operating systems.  

It would be nice to get supposedly supported operating systems like OpenBSD 
to work in a VirtualBox release rather than charging off into the sunset and 
adding new features when the old one doesn't work right to being with.

That is like adding a new valve mechanism but not improving the cam timing.
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Re: [osol-discuss] VirtualBox 3.0

2009-07-08 Thread Gary Bainbridge
Thanks, but I have already opened a bug ticket (4226) with and 
there was only one response - asking if I followed the documentation - without 
regard to reading that 2.2.0 works but not later releases.

I thought since that bug and the OpenBSD full disk and seg faults aren't dealt 
with on, then I would post here with the thought that since SUN 
owns virtualbox then possibly it would get routed to engineers there and 
possibly have resolutions to existing problems.
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Re: [osol-discuss] DHCP to Static IP

2009-07-06 Thread Gary Bainbridge
If you want to use Crossbow then you can't have nwam running otherwise after a 
reboot none of the virtual devices created will show under 'dladm show-link', 
although they continue to work; you just can't see them.  

I have to disable nwam and enable physical for Crossbow to persistently display 
devices across reboots.
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Re: [osol-discuss] CAN'T INSTALL A ZONE FOR 2 DAYS

2009-07-03 Thread Gary Bainbridge
Installing with dev, although it didn't work before either from what I saw on 
another thread.  Seem release is intermittent today.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Optiplex 960; No SOF interrupt

2009-06-05 Thread Gary Bainbridge
I have/had opensolaris 0805, 0811, and 0906; sxce builds 114  115 all running 
on three different pieces of hardware - 1 laptop and 2 desktops and haven't run 
into any installation problems with any release.
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Re: [osol-discuss] Few questions w.r.t. OS 2009.06 ZFS mirroring and installation.

2009-06-04 Thread Gary Bainbridge
Can you partition the second drive with fmthard so the table is identical to 
the primary drive?
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