Re: [osol-help] job interview help!

2010-03-11 Thread Sean Sprague


Firstly opensolaris-help is for installation issues with OpenSolaris; 
and not systems analysis points/questions , and *definitely* not 
job-hunting-help. Sorry.

I have a job interview next week and have been asked to make a presentation on 
the following topic

The computerised Library System at a university runs on a number of servers, 
two of which are essential
to the service. These two standalone servers provide different parts of the 
service and are each single
points of failure. The two servers and the applications running on them are:

•   Sun Fire V240 – 2x1503 MHZ UltraSPARC III CPUs – 8GB memory – 4 years 
old – Solaris 9 –
Oracle 10.2 – MySQL 4.1.9-standard – applications to access library databse.

•   Sun Fire V490 – 2x1350 MHZ UltraSPARC IV CPUs – 8GB memory – 4 years 
old – Solaris 8 –
Sysbase 12.0 – application to access university portal.

Please don't ask *anything* about Solaris 9 or 8 here. You will at best 
be requested to "go away" politely; and at worst,.

Storage is provided on a dual site Storage Area Network.

We must introduce high availability into our increasingly important Library 
Systems so we wish to
replace these servers with new hardware and a configuration which will give us 
high availability and
will minimise future down time.

Suggest how this may be achieved based on the following assumptions:

•   The new high availability system will be hosted on Sun servers running 
Solaris 10.
•   We have two data centres in separate locations with fast fibre 
•   Data storage will continue to be provided from a two site SAN.

please, please help
anything at all would be greatly appreciated

I am so sorry, but you will get little. Go to get some 
reading materials and the very best of luck (it's not what you know - 
the precursor is to know (roughly) where to find it) - and we have been 
disseminating this concept for some years now; and I personally for decades.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] computer restarts when booting from live cd

2009-12-20 Thread Sean Sprague


And to add to what Jürgen said, try taking a low resolution digital 
image of the messages onscreen and post it here, or drop it onto Flickr 
so that we can see _exactly_ what was reported.

Thanks... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] SPARC auto install CD won't boot

2009-10-14 Thread Sean Sprague


The last statement from Nick is AFAIK correct. I suspect that you
are not using Auto Install to commission SPARC systems.. IPS cannot
commission/install, but it can update.

I would suggest that then *-ai-* Auto Install downloadable images be
given a new naming convention away from "*.iso"; as this does indeed
suggest that they are a (possibly bootable) ISO image.

Except, that once the Bootable AI project puts back then the AI images
will in fact be bootable stand-alone automated installer images.  Which
is to say you can take one (sparc or x86), put it in a cd/dvd drive,
boot it and then supply an AI client manifest (or use the default AI
client manifest included on the media) and perform an automated
installation (without having to setup a webserver and dns and everything
else that AI currently requires).  You will also of course be able to
take the bootable AI images and use them to provision network
installations just like AI does today.

Fantastic answer as always, Glenn. Maybe the "Bootable AI" project has 
not been (well) advertised thus far.

Many thanks... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] SPARC auto install CD won't boot

2009-10-14 Thread Sean Sprague


I completely agree, the download page is VERY UNCLEAR.  It assumes 
way too much, especially considering all the new tech involved (e.g. 
I only found out about Auto Install yesterday after talking to a Sun 
architect).  At the very least, make it known that the Auto Install 
CD's are not bootable (just saying it's not a live CD doesn't imply 
non-bootable).  Also make it clear that an x86 system is required to 
install the current release on SPARC.

Not sure I agree with that last statement since we have no problem 
installing OpenSolaris x86 and Sparc machines from IPS repositories on 
Solaris 10 Sparc and x86 servers.

The last statement from Nick is AFAIK correct. I suspect that you are 
not using Auto Install to commission SPARC systems.. IPS cannot 
commission/install, but it can update.

I would suggest that then *-ai-* Auto Install downloadable images be 
given a new naming convention away from "*.iso"; as this does indeed 
suggest that they are a (possibly bootable) ISO image.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] this help thread is a pile of steaming shite

2009-10-12 Thread Sean Sprague

We can't because we can't see it thanks to size ;-)

That's why we have night. Due fully to the rotation of the Earth under 
its shadow.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] this help thread is a pile of steaming shite

2009-10-11 Thread Sean Sprague


Tomas Bodzar wrote:
What's your point? There is official support from Sun, but you must 
pay. In other case you have same, similar, worse or better support 
like on other OS's.

Whingers don't have a point.  They just come here to whinge.

And lordy, krisw should pen a weighty tome on the subject - he appears 
to have endless material.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] cannot boot osol-0906-ai-sparc on netra

2009-09-17 Thread Sean Sprague


Apols for the very brief answer, but the *-ai-*>  images are not designed
to be bootable - they are for Auto Install.
Documentation/ for  docs. AI is the followon from Jumpstart.

I see. Thank you Sean for clarify.

It was an another live example of RTFM...

apologies for the noise

No noise at all. Best of luck with your OpenSolaris install.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] cannot boot osol-0906-ai-sparc on netra

2009-09-14 Thread Sean Sprague


we're trying to re-freshing a netra 105 with an opensolaris installation.

we've get osol-0906-ai-sparc iso archive, checked md5sum and burned into a cd 
as an iso image as usual.

but 'boot cdrom'  command prints an 'unrecognized magic number in media label' 
message, and 'Can't open boot device' error message.

Is there any special consideration to take to burn osol-0906-ai-sparc.iso on a 
The same  netra  boot without problem with another CD's (with solaris 9, etc) 
iso images burned same way.
I'll appreciate any advice.

Apols for the very brief answer, but the *-ai-* images are not designed 
to be bootable - they are for Auto Install. See for 
docs. AI is the followon from Jumpstart.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Saying Hi, and have a question or two...

2009-09-11 Thread Sean Sprague


Have you checked out SUNs compiler? Sun Studio. But Ive heard Netbeans is good, 

This is slightly misleading. Sun Studio is indeed a compiler (set); but 
NetBeans is an IDE (Interactive Development Environment), which is a 
layer above just the compiler...

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Can't determine device file of optical drive

2009-06-21 Thread Sean Sprague

Jürgen Keil wrote:

'iostat -eN' gives me an illegal option error.

The case of the options was swapped, try iostat -En

My bad - apols. Lack of co-ordination on shift key depression :-{

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Can't determine device file of optical drive

2009-06-21 Thread Sean Sprague


I tried to play a video dvd & found out I needed the file name for the optical 
drive. I believe it should start '/dev/rdsk'. I tried 'cdrw -l' but that gives ma a 
node name of 'cdrom0' not the actual file name.

Amongst others, "cdrecord -scanbus" and "iostat -eN" should be your 

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] OpenSolaris 10 200906, on USB, how to let root to login?

2009-06-11 Thread Sean Sprague


the default user is jack, and the password is jack too.
I want to let the root to login, just by reseting a password to root and 
re-login as root, but I failed. What should I do to let the root login ?

Firstly, be very careful about using "OpenSolaris 10 200906" - there is 
no "10" anywhere near this ;-)

This question has been covered on numerous occasions. In OpenSolaris, 
root is a role, and by default cannot be logged into directly. Log in as 
jack, and then su to root or use pfexec to perform privileged operations.

If you absolutely insist that you must log in as root, after su'ing to 
root of pfexec'ing, enter the command "rolemod -K type=normal root" and 
you will be able to log in directly. This amends the contents of the 
file /etc/user_attr. I usually keep a safe copy of this file.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] b105 to b106 upgrade failure

2009-02-13 Thread Sean Sprague


Thanks for the info, however since  the system completely hangs (on all 
levels), this is not really helpful.
Well, I better wait until built 107 comes available.

SXCE b107 available now at Good luck!

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] b105 to b106 upgrade failure

2009-02-09 Thread Sean Sprague

> Thanks, removing the 'console=graphics' helped.
> It boots with no real errors until I arrive at a console login and then it 
> complete hangs.
> Perhaps I should upgrade my BIOS.

In your original post, you said that the system rebooted, leading us 
down the kmdb route. Now it hangs. Is it really hung? ie. no periodic 
disk activity? Do you have another system that you can ssh in from? Have 
you tried removing and reattaching the keyboard? What kind of keyboard 
are you using?

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] b105 to b106 upgrade failure

2009-02-09 Thread Sean Sprague

> I tried this, however with little success.

Now I am confused.

> Just to be sure: I have to add those extensions at the end of the kernel 
> line, right?

Absolutely. Right after the "-B $ZFS-BOOTFS"; inserting a space also 
before the "-k" etc.

> Also, do I need to remove the splash, foreground and background from the Grub 
> boot commands?

Sorry, not sure; but I guess not - my b106 GRUB does not have those. 
Could you outline please what you see when you add the extra switches 
and then hit "b" to boot.

Thanks and regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] b105 to b106 upgrade failure

2009-02-08 Thread Sean Sprague
Emmanuel ,

> Well, I tried this but with little success. Also single user mode doesn't 
> boot and even doesn't display any verbose messages.

Can you try "-kdv -m milestone=none", this should drop you into KMDB. 
When you get there, enter ":c" to continue, and see what messages are 
displayed afterwards. Eventually, you should get to milestone "none" 
with the barest set of processes running.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] OpenSolaris 2008-11 and Windows Vista

2009-02-08 Thread Sean Sprague

> Hi ppl, I've already have Vista installed on my first partition in the first 
> HD. I have another HD (slave from primary IDE where is Vista), so I've 
> installed OpenSolaris on that.
> All the normal steps like, boot up from CD and then install the OS, then 
> reboot but... Nothing happened!
> It came to Vista like nothing had happened.
> Any help to get in the OpenSolaris like grub or something like that?

Try changing the boot order in your BIOS.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] How to login as root user??

2009-02-07 Thread Sean Sprague

> Whenever i try to login as root i get a message saying that "Roles can be 
> assumed only by authorized users" and i am unable to login as root. Although 
> i can login as a normal user easily. I am using Open Solaris 2008.11 
> installed on virtual box 2.1 Please help. Thanx in advance.

This has been covered many many times. In OpenSolaris, root is now a 
role, not a user; thus you cannot log in as root directly. Log in as the 
administrative user that you created during the installation process, 
and then use "pfexec " where the command is the one that you 
wish to have run as root.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] E420 - Erase harddisk before disposal

2009-01-21 Thread Sean Sprague
Hello Geoffrey,

> hammer drill on hard disk is the final step for disposal of server in our 
> company.


> Before going to this step, i still need to use some "soft" method to erase 
> the data first.

Fair enough.

> Thank you for your concern.

Not at all.

> Seem boot up with CDROM is the solution for me, right?

Yes. From OBP, type "boot cdrom -s" to go into single-user mode. Then 
when you get to a root prompt, depending on the media version that you 
booted from, you may need to do either:

for Solaris 10 / OpenSolaris:

# devfsadm

or for Solaris 9 or earlier:

# disks ; devlinks

Then you should be able to use the "elegant hammer" that Julien suggested.

Please let us know if you have any grief... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] E420 - Erase harddisk before disposal

2009-01-21 Thread Sean Sprague

This is not a glib response, as there has been some reportage on the 
news recently about ways that data can be restored after so-called 
"wiping". Data recovery technologies have come on in leaps and bounds, 
and data was shown to be partially recoverable even after a drive has 
been thrown from a 6th floor window.

> I would like to know what is the best way to erase the harddisk before the 
> disposal of a E420 server.

The only surefire way to prevent your data from being compromised is to 
take a hammer drill to the drive. Replacement disks are comparatively 
cheap. Either that, or just keep it yourself in your own secure storage.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] swap: execve("/usr/sbin/sparcv9/swap") not satisfactory

2009-01-20 Thread Sean Sprague

> Hi folks.
> After install solaris 10, i have a problem when run commands like swap, 
> sysdef, pbind, whodo...
> The error is:
> swap: execve("/usr/sbin/sparcv9/swap") not satisfactory
> swap: cannot find/execute "swap" in ISA subdirectories
> or
> sysdef: execve("/usr/sbin/sparcv9/sysdef") not satisfactory
> sysdef: cannot find/execute "sysdef" in ISA subdirectories
> etc, etc...
> The system was installed and everything run ok. But a guy try install oracle, 
> and after that, dont run that command. I saw the /etc/system was changed. I 
> restored it but dont fix anything.
> Any idea ?
> Data of the system:
> SunOS tesuto 5.10 Generic_137111-08 sun4us sparc FJSV,GPUZC-M 

Can you please do the following:

# cd /usr/sbin/sparcv9
# file swap sysdef

And post the output please?

Just for reference, changes to /etc/system only take effect when the 
system is rebooted.

Thanks... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] System won´t start

2009-01-01 Thread Sean Sprague

> /var/ld/ld.config to remove the offending change.

Correction: /var/ld/ld.config
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] System won´t start

2009-01-01 Thread Sean Sprague

> Did´nt work. It say "unix: could not start init"

That was expected. You need to boot single-user from CD/DVD, mount the 
HD root filesystem, and then its probably easiest to hand-edit the file 
/var/ld/ld.config to remove the offending change.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] MUST reboot -- -r after EVERY reboot of my server

2009-01-01 Thread Sean Sprague

> I have also done the devfsadm -vC, the first time a bunch of text scrolled 
> down, now i get nothing.  Should I update the bootloader yet or do I need to 
> have all discs seen and mounted before I do this?

For reference, this is expected behaviour. The "-C" option will clean up 
the device tree, so the lack of text on subsequent executions is because 
the device tree is "clean". The text the first time is the output of the 
cleaning operation.

> I'd like to try to update the firmware in these drives.  I have the firmware 
> but I have to use a DOS disc to flash it and im still trying to figure that 
> one out.

I would try your drive vendor or the manufacturer. But I did a quick 
google for "DOS boot disk", and got some hits back...

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] how do I set default OS?

2008-12-09 Thread Sean Sprague

> I dual boot Vista and OpenSolaris on my ThinkPad. OpenSolaris is the default 
> OS in GRUB; how can I set it so Vista boots by default? Heresy, I know...but 
> I need to boot into Windows more often than OpenSolaris.

Try as root (or with pfexec):

bootadm set-menu default=

Where "" is your entry for Window$ as displayed by GRUB. Note that 
"" starts at (so the first GRUB menu entry is) 0.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Unable to get past the login window.. ????

2008-11-14 Thread Sean Sprague

>> If that is the case, how can I rebuild it?
> If it is a script that you have created, you should know how to fix 
> it. If it is not, then it is likely that my suggestion is not the 
> problem; and you have something else at fault. 

BTW: you should copy the list - many people listen and can provide 

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Unable to get past the login window.. ????

2008-11-14 Thread Sean Sprague

> I rebooted my opensolaris 2008.05 install that I have been setting up for the 
> last few weeks. Now I am trying to log back in and I am at the login 
> screen... I input user and password and it goes right back to asking me for 
> the username... as if it is ignoring me... Note that this is different from 
> when I input the wrong user/pass combination which gives a yellow triangle 
> under the login box and says "Incorrect username or password" etc.. I AM 
> putting in the correct user/pass and it just goes right back to Please enter 
> your username... with no other message

I've had this with a broken .profile. Reboot into single-user mode and 
try su'ing to the user and see if an error is generated.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] SXCE b101 panic at DVD boot time SPARC U10

2008-11-01 Thread Sean Sprague

> Sean Sprague wrote:
>> Hello all, I have a strange one here...
>> I dusted off my old U10 256MB RAM and burned a SXCE b101 DVD (well I burned 
>> the DVD on a PC...). The U10 boots from DVD (very slowly, even though I put 
>> a brand new DVDRW drive into it :-( ), but after a while, it panics in 
>> swapinit() with "swapfs_minfree (0) > physmem (31666)".
>> I found the source for this panic, but cannot work out why swapfs_minfree 
>> should be 0, and then considered to be greater than the physmem of 31666.
>> Any ideas anyone please? Hopefully I am missing something obvious here like 
>> "You cannot install b101 on a U10 with 256MB RAM". 
> That would appear to be a good guess!

Thanks. Grr ;-)

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

[osol-help] SXCE b101 panic at DVD boot time SPARC U10

2008-11-01 Thread Sean Sprague
Hello all, I have a strange one here...

I dusted off my old U10 256MB RAM and burned a SXCE b101 DVD (well I burned the 
DVD on a PC...). The U10 boots from DVD (very slowly, even though I put a brand 
new DVDRW drive into it :-( ), but after a while, it panics in swapinit() with 
"swapfs_minfree (0) > physmem (31666)".

I found the source for this panic, but cannot work out why swapfs_minfree 
should be 0, and then considered to be greater than the physmem of 31666.

Any ideas anyone please? Hopefully I am missing something obvious here like 
"You cannot install b101 on a U10 with 256MB RAM". I have booted a S10 DVD 

Thanks in advance... Sean.
This message posted from
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Installing Solaris GRUB help..

2008-09-04 Thread Sean Sprague

> I can't type prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c5d1s2, it tells me I don't have permission.
> Normally I'd type in my password after going root, but I'm on a LiveCD...

Andrew did say "pfexec bash" to get a root shell in a previous reply. I 
would personally prefer ksh to bash any day; but that is a different 
kettle of ballgames ;-)

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] 32-bit ... 64-bit

2008-08-09 Thread Sean Sprague

> I tried your sugestion and got
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ usr/sbin/dmidecode
> bash: usr/sbin/dmidecode: No such file or directory
> Sorry but I don't know enough to proceed from there.

Don't worry. You probably should have su'd to root, and entered the 
command with a leading '/' character; thus "/usr/sbin/dmidecode".

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] build 94 panics when installing - build 93 works fine.

2008-07-27 Thread Sean Sprague

> Thank you Sean.

Not at all!

> I tried that, and while I never wrote down the error message, I think the 
> stack trace did show acpi. But by the time I'd got that far, someone else on 
> the laptop forum has suggested disabling acpi driver, which I think is 
> connected with laptop battery measurement. Anyway, that solved it. It's 
> currently in the process of installing b94, with the acpi driver disabled. 
> Once it's installed I'll copy the driver over and hopefully it will be ok. 

I see from your followup post that you now have a bootable system - 
great news. HAL though appearing in the lead role in "2008 - an 
OpenSolaris Oddity" ;-)

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] build 94 panics when installing - build 93 works fine.

2008-07-26 Thread Sean Sprague

> I've got build 93 on a Sony Vaio laptop VGN-Sz4XWN/C. It works fine, and so 
> have the last half or dozen or so builds I've had on there (I first installed 
> Solaris Express about 6 months ago). 
> But I've downloaded build 94 and it panics during the install. 


> Whatever appers on the screen there is gone so quick I can't record it. I've 
> seen 'panic' and 'page fault' and 'syncing file systems' on odd occasions I 
> think, but it really does go very quickly. 
> Needless to say this is a modern laptop with no serial connector on it. I do 
> have USB->serial adapters, but what chance is one of them of working, with no 
> drives loaded. Very small I would think.

As was mentioned in another thread, Dan Mick has a document on his blog 
which gives hints and tips to this kind of event. Check it out!

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] image-update times out

2008-07-24 Thread Sean Sprague

> I have a problem with pkg image-update:
>- It times out after a few hundred megs of download

Also try again after grabbing the latest version of IPS in SUNWipkg.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] No standard include files after OpenSolaris 2008.05 CD installation?

2008-07-11 Thread Sean Sprague

> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 01:46:19 PDT
> "Richard L. Hamilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Right now I've mounted my old SXDE iso and installing
>>> the packages from it by hand... However, this is very
>>> inefficient. Hopefully future distros of opensolaris
>>> will include all the useful stuff.
>> One CD can only hold just so much - that's what the repository
>> (, I think) is for.  And while you and I might
>> agree that include files are useful, the average no-clue click monkey would
>> probably find one more GUI app (differing according to their needs) far
>> more useful, since they couldn't even _spell_ C, let alone write a "hello, 
>> world"
>> program in it!  The sad part is that the world contains a lot more of them 
>> than
>> of us...
> None of which leads to the conclusion that leaving off the headers is
> the best thing to do. Making developers happy helps generate more apps
> for the platform, which is universally useful. Making users happy just
> generates more users, which many people seem to see as a goal in and
> of itself, but that isn't necessarily universal.

I think that we agree...

OpenSolaris the distro is aimed at the desktop user; thus headers are 
definitely not needed. opensolaris the codebase is aimed at developers; 
thus headers are definitely required. If someone chooses to do 
development work on a desktop-oriented platform (and they do; obv); then 
they need to know how to get ahold of required packages through IPS by 
"pfexec pkg install SUNWhead" and similar. If they just want a desktop 
environment, then off they can go off the live CD or installed distro 
from it.

Basically OpenSolaris(Indiana)==desktop and 
opensolaris(Nevada)==development. You make your mid-ground and you lie 
in it ;-) Cross-fertilization twixt the two will only breed better products.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] No standard include files after OpenSolaris 2008.05 CD installation?

2008-07-11 Thread Sean Sprague
Alexandra (Sasha) Fedorova wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have just installed OpenSolaris 2008.05 on my new x86 system. I've 
> configured this system to build opensolaris, but realized that the nightly 
> build was failing. Upon examination of the error log, I found that one of the 
> tools that was being built could not find :
> "cw.c", line 287: cannot find include file: 
> and other common include files. 
> After looking at my /usr/include directory, I realized, with horror, that 
> most of the common include files were not there! How is it possible that 
> those files are not installed by default with OpenSolaris 2008.05? I've never 
> had this problem when I installed SXDE, but now SXDE is being discontinued... 
> When SXDE is gone are we going to have to install our system by piece? This 
> is horrible!
> Now, where can I get those include files? Perhaps there's something else 
> that's missing? I am installing SunStudio 12 (in addition to Studio 11 that I 
> installed for ON Build), hopefully it will solve the problem..

# pfexec pkg install SUNWhea


# pfexec pkg install ss-dev

for the development tools.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] install OpenSolaris

2008-06-30 Thread Sean Sprague

> Hello,
> I want to know how i can install OpenSolaris. Is the CD bootable or not ?
> thank you.

Yes, the CD is bootable (given that you use reliable CD-burning 
software, if you are burning your own CD). It will run as a Live CD, and 
has the option to install OpenSolaris onto your hard disk, should you 
have sufficient resources. Note that you will need 512MB of RAM and a 
partition with 10GB (recommended) of free disk space, should you choose 
the Install option.

If you wish to try out the installation, but do not have any free 
partitions on your hard disk, then VirtualBox is an excellent option - 
create a virtual machine, and install OpenSolaris into that.

Note that OpenSolaris has moved on from the version that you will find 
on the CD (or ISO distribution). Check osol-discuss for the update method.

Many people are using the OpenSolaris distribution, and are very happy 
with it. There is also a great deal of documentation/assistance out 
there - go to and peruse.

HTH... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Installing Solaris OS from a Burned CD Disc

2008-06-29 Thread Sean Sprague
Emmanuel De Paepe wrote:

> For Opensolaris it's even higher: 768 MB

512MB from

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Installing Solaris OS from a Burned CD Disc

2008-06-29 Thread Sean Sprague

> Have been trying in install from a disc I burned for two days. 
> My computer is a HP Compaq Deskpro, with 128 memory, and Pentium III 550mhz 
> processor. 

Sadly not enough memory - you will need 512M to install.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Boot fail after 2008.05 upgrade to snv_90 - SOLVED

2008-06-11 Thread Sean Sprague
Paul and Lurie,

Many thanks to you both for the pointers. I retried the update_grub and 
it worked - I have a nicely-booting nv_90 update now. I have no idea why 
it failed silently the first time I tried it. But I also had an 
inexplicable panic in a mutex routine this afternoon when quitting from 
kmdb (quit from kmdb, panic, drop into kmdb, quit from kmdb, panic, drop 
into kmdb...etc.); so maybe today wasn't the day for everything working 
to plan.

Thanks again... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Boot fail after 2008.05 upgrade to snv_90

2008-06-11 Thread Sean Sprague

> Have you checked out 

Many thanks for this. I did spot the bones of it in another thread, 
tried it and sadly without any luck. I also compared my GRUB config 
between the booting and failing environments, and the significant 
aspects appeared identical down to checksums.

Thanks again... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

[osol-help] Boot fail after 2008.05 upgrade to snv_90

2008-06-11 Thread Sean Sprague
Hello all,

After having had "all the fun of the fair" with getting pkg image-update 
to successfully update my 2008.05 installation, I am now left with an 
unbootable "up"graded BE.

Basically what seems to be happening is that on reboot of the updated 
BE, it tries to load the root filesystem from /ramdisk:a and tells me 
that it is not a bootable device.

I looked through the code on and thru kmdb, and as 
far as I can see, on 2008.05 and updated nv_90, rootfs.bo_fstype and 
bo_name both start off life as "ufs" and "/ramdisk:a" respectively. But 
when I successfully boot 2008.05, rootfs.bo_fstype becomes "zfs" and 
rootfs.bo_name becomes "root/RPOOL/opensolaris" as you would expect. 
However when I try to boot the updated nv_90, and am unceremoniously 
dumped into kmdb, my rootfs.bo_fstype is correctly set to "zfs", but my 
rootfs.bo_name is still at "/ramdisk:a"; which causes the panic. Looks 
like the latter is not being populated correctly, for some reason.

I guess that there may well be a straightforward answer to this, but I 
can't spot it yet; and similarly can't spot anything on

This is a vanilla 2008.05 install (well, except for the endless faffing 
around with defective IPS) on a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo pi2515 running 
2008.05 in a VirtualBox 1.6.0 machine. I doubt that any of these facts 
will be of significance though.

Any thoughts/help gratefully received.

Thanks and regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] pkg binary not found

2008-06-09 Thread Sean Sprague

> I've just installed snv_90 but i'm not able to find pkg binary:

Nevada does not yet have IPS; so you will not find the pkg binary. Only 
the OpenSolaris distro has it currently.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Opensolaris 2008.05 - Getting networking to start

2008-06-08 Thread Sean Sprague

I forgot to say to get this to survive a reboot, you can touch 

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Opensolaris 2008.05 - Getting networking to start

2008-06-08 Thread Sean Sprague

> Long story short:
> Installed opensolaris 2008.05 on my T105 (Dell.) 
> Didn't have the Broadcom drivers, so I downloaded it and installed under 
> BCME0. So far so good.
> I assumed after installing the driver that network would come online after a 
> reboot.
> No such luck.
> My router should be giving the system an address through DHCP.
> However,
> ifconfig -a shows
> lo0
> bcme 

Short story even shorter ;-)


ifconfig bcme0 down unplumb
ifconfig bcme0 plumb up
ifconfig bcme0 dhcp start

And report what happens please.

For Internet access through a bruiser, you may need to edit 
/etc/nsswitch.conf (the hosts entry) to read "files dns" also.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Opensolaris 2008.05 - Getting networking to start

2008-06-08 Thread Sean Sprague

> sorry I still got no help -LOST-IN-SOLARIS-
>   _whogot_ / _copyright_

Your only saviour for this and your previous email is Robby the Robot.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Opensolaris 2008.05 - Getting networking to start

2008-06-08 Thread Sean Sprague

> Yes I guess your right inorder to be @nowhere functionality would have to be 
> live but what service could localhost.nothing give could it aid a hidden user 
> UID??

With respect, to anyone in (Open)Solaris-land, this is utter gibberish.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

[osol-help] [OT] Re: Laptop reboots after grub with live cd

2008-06-03 Thread Sean Sprague

> PS: It is the thirnd time I see reports of not entering kmdb despite -k has 
> been added to the command line

This is worrying, as this underpins our ability to debug certain types 
of problem. Does anyone have a perspective as to why -k should not drop 
to kmdb in panic situations? I guess that these situations may not be 
panics but be critical hardware failures that just undermine the 
integrity of the system completely somehow?

Any thoughts?

Thanks and regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Goodbye

2008-05-29 Thread Sean Sprague

> I'm in the process of unsubscribing from this forum. The volume of email is 
> way too large and the sheer number of information sources on Open Solaris 
> makes all of them quite useless. I haven't been able to find a 
> straightforward description of how to install it. There's been 1 response to 
> my original "How do I proceed" post that suggests letting the CD boot, but 
> there's nothing about what I can expect next. The rest of the posts talk 
> about problems I don't understand.

With respect, the installer present in OpenSolaris is the most intuitive 
that has been produced thus far. Have you actually tried just booting 
from the CD and "following your nose"? Once booted from the CD, you will 
have a desktop that has an icon which will allow you to install 
OpenSolaris onto your hard disk, should you wish to.

I can't see anything very difficult about reaching at least this 
point... If you need further assistance after this point, then just ask. 
Most of it is straightforward -  just  answer the questions as best you 
can (obviously being careful about where you would like to install 
OpenSolaris on your hard disk), but the rest is intuitive.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Equivalent of AUTOEXEC.BAT

2008-05-28 Thread Sean Sprague

> What file(s) run automatically on boot (like AUTOEXEC.BAT)?  I'm trying to 
> trace a problem.  (I haven't knowingly created any.)

There is no single analogy to this file in (Open)Solaris. The execution 
infrastructure at boot time (especially now with SMF in the picture is 
far more complex.

If you tell us the problem that you are trying to trace, we will try to 
help you diagnose it; and in the process you may learn more about what 
goes on in (Open)Solaris at various stages.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] INSTALL -- How To Proceed?

2008-05-27 Thread Sean Sprague

> I've received the CD containing Open Solaris. It's full, containing 685 Mb. 
> It contains no file with "setup" in the name, and no "install.exe", 
> although several folders contain "install" in their names. I've also 
> downloaded the whole thing (685 Mb) as an ISO file.  The PC is an 
> emachines T5026 with 2 Mb of RAM installed, running Windows XP Pro. I have 
> a C drive with 30 Gb, 11.5 of them currently unused, a D drive compact 
> flash with 8 Gb of capacity and 3.97 Gb currently unused, and an E drive 
> with 30 Gb capacity and 22.8 Gb unused. I want to install Open Solaris on 
> the E drive, with a choice of Windows or Solaris to operate with. How do 
> I do this? I've seen no straightforward installation instructions, and this 
> list is no help whatever. How do I proceed? Am I even asking the right 
> people?

As has been said, it is a LiveCD, and thus will just boot and work; with 
the option of installation onto a hard disk.

Another very viable option is to use VirtualBox, which is now owned by 
Sun. I run Vista (spit!) on a laptop, and have an instance of 
opensolaris running in a virtual machine. It works very well indeed for 
my requirements. Go to and download. The only real 
trick is to make sure you tick the box to ensure that the CD/DVD is 
mounted as the host drive before trying to boot the OpenSolaris CD in 
the virtual machine.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Seamonkey

2008-05-25 Thread Sean Sprague

> Anyway, if this 'Seamonkey' is only going to work on CDE and normally CDE has 
> already Mozilla included what is actually the point making this package 
> available this way.

This is all moot.

Csw has been around for years, and there is no guarantee that any 
software there will, should or can run on OpenSolaris. And CDE is not 
part of OpenSolaris anyways. You should really abandon SeaMonkey and use 
the software native within OpenSolaris that provides you with the 
required functionality.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Seamonkey

2008-05-25 Thread Sean Sprague

> Emmanuel,
>> I installed Seamonkey from csw on Opensolaris, but when starting I received 
>> the following error:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ seamonkey
>> /opt/csw/bin/seamonkey[69]: .[49]: 
>> /opt/csw/mozilla/seamonkey/lib/seamonkey-1.1.9/moz_patch_checker.dtksh: not 
>> found [No such file or directory]
>> # Patch checker failure. Please apply the missing Solaris patches.
>> The claim 'No such file or directory' is untrue since that particular file 
>> 'moz_patch_checker.dtksh' is present. The file seems to be some sort of 
>> script that indeed verifies certain scripts.
>> Any thoughts what is going wrong?
> If the script is there, have a look at the first line of and see if it a 
> #! to invoke an interpreter for the rest of the script (eg. 
> "#!/usr/bin/perl"), and make sure that the interpreter is installed...

I shouldn't try to read emails and cook at the same time. This is 
obviously a dtksh script (part of CDE); and CDE has not been opened (and 
won't be); thus is not available through IPS. You are SOL on this one; 
and apart from working around the script somehow (or running through a 
normal ksh, praps), it will not work vanilla.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Seamonkey

2008-05-25 Thread Sean Sprague

> I installed Seamonkey from csw on Opensolaris, but when starting I received 
> the following error:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ seamonkey
> /opt/csw/bin/seamonkey[69]: .[49]: 
> /opt/csw/mozilla/seamonkey/lib/seamonkey-1.1.9/moz_patch_checker.dtksh: not 
> found [No such file or directory]
> # Patch checker failure. Please apply the missing Solaris patches.
> The claim 'No such file or directory' is untrue since that particular file 
> 'moz_patch_checker.dtksh' is present. The file seems to be some sort of 
> script that indeed verifies certain scripts.
> Any thoughts what is going wrong?

If the script is there, have a look at the first line of and see if it a 
#! to invoke an interpreter for the rest of the script (eg. 
"#!/usr/bin/perl"), and make sure that the interpreter is installed...

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] black screen after installing vmware tools

2008-05-22 Thread Sean Sprague

> This page links to old vmware install instructions that don't work.  

I see this link. If you are certain that the instructions do not work 
for 2008.05, then please write website-discuss to inform them.

> OpenSolaris is running simultaneously with other VM's in VMware on the 
> system in question.  All the other VM's can run VMware tools.  I like 
> the pointer integration and copy-paste integration.  It makes my life 
> a lot easier.  I suspect the VMware tools network driver is better, 
> but I don't have objective data on that so far. :)

I suspect (but have no proof) that VirtualBox will do this stuff; and 
when you acquire some demonstrable proof that VMware tools' network 
driver is "better", then please feed back to Sun - a new version of 
VirtualBox (1.6.0) has recently been made available; and I suspect that 
further development is ongoing.

> Is the OpenSolaris community stance to not use VMware anymore?  I'm 
> not excited about having to run multiple VM hosts on the same system.  
> Can VirtualBox use my existing inventory of VMware guest images?  Or 
> would I have to spend a couple of weeks doing new installs into 
> VirtualBox?

My knowledge of VirtualBox does not stretch this far :-( As for 
community stance on not using VMware, the community makes its own 
stance, and I suspect that no single person is qualified to make a 
definitive direction statement; especially not me ;-)

> BTW: where the heck is the xorg setup file now on OpenSolaris?  I'm 
> used to finding it at /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

2008.05 does not come with a default xorg.conf file AFAICT - you need to 
generate one with Xorg -configure (although I know 2/3 of bugger-all 
about Xorg).

> As a side note: I realize that unixy people are used to case 
> sensitivity.  But really, how are most people supposed to keep track 
> of the difference between "opensolaris" and "OpenSolaris"?  If we had 
> a verbal conversation about this instead of a text conversation how 
> would anyone be able to tell the difference?

This is purely my personal style choice - "opensolaris" confers ".org" - 
the codebase and associated community; and "OpenSolaris" confers the 
recently-released open source distro and the community that is growing 
around it. Currently I know of no verbal means of differentiating 
between them. This is something that will need to be addressed in the 
very near future; both for verbal and mailing-list reasons IMO - 
acronyms or completely new and distinct are required

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] black screen after installing vmware tools

2008-05-22 Thread Sean Sprague

> OpenSolaris 2008.05 installed fine on my VMware Workstation 6.0.3 build-80004 
> on Windows XP Pro 32-bit.  However, when I try to install the VMware tools I 
> get a black blank screen after the startup console messages have gone by and 
> X should be starting up the login manager. Luckily I've got a snapshot taken 
> just after the OS install to go back to.  I've tried several variations on 
> the VMware tools install (like selecting "no" when asked to create an xorg 
> settings file).  But so far I've not had any other outcome besides this black 
> screen when X should be starting.  I can ssh to the system, but have not been 
> able to fix it and always have to go back to the post-install snapshot.

I am sorry to not be able to help with the above problem, but I would 
ask "why do you need VMware Tools?" I have previously used Solaris and 
opensolaris in a VMware machine without the tools installed... Anyways, 
since Sun's purchase of Innotek, VirtualBox is becoming the "standard" 
(or at least I hope)...

> Much of the instructions posted at 
>  are no longer relevant to the 2008.05 release and it would have been nice if 
> someone could have noticed that prior the 2008.05 release.  This article is 
> linked to for instructions on how to install 2008.05 on VMware...

Now this is the current state of the nation: is the home 
for matters to do with opensolaris (the codebase and associated 
community). is the site for matters related to 
OpenSolaris (the distro and burgeoning community). Thus the fact that 
the instructions that you refer to are not relevant to 2008.05 (the 
distro) is not a failing; but if the link that you mention is on and points to a document on that does 
not work for 2008.05, then it is the link is probably at fault.

These are evolving times...

Regards... Sean.

> This message posted from
> ___
> opensolaris-help mailing list

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Root GUI Login

2008-05-22 Thread Sean Sprague

> Is there any way to log in to a GUI root? (When I try, I am rejected.)

This has been covered before, but root has been designated a role rather 
than an ordinary user in 2008.05; thus you cannot log in as directly as 
root through the GUI - you should log in as the other user that you 
created, and then su to root; or use pfexec to execute privileged 
commands, or access restricted files.

After all this, if you have the desire to log in as root through the 
GUI, then you must follow the path of logging in as the other user, 
su'ing to root, and then entering the command

rolemod -K type=normal root

Or prefix the above command by pfexec.

Then you will be able to log in as root through the GUI.

HTH... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Mounting in OpenSolaris

2008-05-10 Thread Sean Sprague

> I've currently three drives with opensolaris on the third drive:
> First drive Solaris 10, second one SXDE.
> I can easily mount the first drive in SXDE and the second one in Solaris 10,
> with: mount -F ufs /dev/dsk/c1d0s0 /mnt and vice versa.
> This method does not seem to work for OpenSolaris.
> Since the Opensolaris makes use of zfs is it different to add for instance 
> ufs disks?

I have no such problem. I created a file with mkfile, made it a loopback 
with lofiadm, created a UFS filesystem on it with newfs, and mounted it 
with no problem whatsoever. Could you please let us know more specifics 
about what problems you are having?

OpenSolaris uses ZFS for boot and root - this should not be at all an 
encumbrance on your use of UFS filesystems.

More details please...

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Well, this isn't good :( .......

2008-05-09 Thread Sean Sprague

> Memory wasn't my issue. :(
> I used SuperGrub to fix my MBR, then GParted to delete the Linux partitions, 
> then reinstalled DrealLinux 3.2, using its partitioner to remake the 
> partitions.  Everything is great now.. and I'm not trying openSolaris 
> again!

OK; it seems that you have had some grief; but having been associated 
for some time with opensolaris and OpenSolaris (the codebase and the 
distro respectively), and having worked close to Sun Microsystems for 
many years, I can safely say that whilst the products are excellent 
(albeit evolving in many areas), the underlying power that opensolaris 
and OpenSolaris have is the skill and dedication of the techies behind 
them. This is what ultimately differentiates [oO]pen[sS]olaris from Linux.

So please don't give up on OpenSolaris based on you experience to date. 
Give it time... It needs a community impetus to make it better; and you 
can be part of the community; and whatever contribution you make will be 
very welcome indeed..

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Bootmanager for opensolaris

2008-05-06 Thread Sean Sprague

> very easy indeed. And Sun VB...

s/Sun /&owns/

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Bootmanager for opensolaris

2008-05-06 Thread Sean Sprague

> On my install I used unallocated space. Yes it did not show the unallocated 
> space immediately available to solaris but it did show the space left at the 
> bottom. I then clicked the next partition box then that showed solaris as an 
> option so I selected that then dialed in the amount of unallocated space I 
> wanted to use  and for me it worked quit nicely.

Well done for this, but don't forget that you can install 
Solaris/OpenSolaris in a VirtualBox machine. I have a recently-purchased 
laptop which is running Vista (Spit!) and am running os200805 in a VB 
(OK - no-one uses "VB" as an abbreviation for "Visual Basic" any longer 
- it's long dead...) machine with no problems whatsoever - except that 
Vista (Spit!) croaks twice daily at least :-( The VB setup procedure is 
very easy indeed. And Sun VB...

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] to which group belongs "root"? Adding new user with root privileges?

2008-04-19 Thread Sean Sprague

> No I'm sorry I am but maybe to be full root privileges can only come booted 
> in.

I believe that Thomas wants "near-root" privileges; and as such are not 
off-the-shelf available. Root is a user in OpenSolaris, and a role in 
Indiana - near-root must be configured by the SysAdmin; and will be 
situation-dependent (ie. no "drop-in" profile).

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] to which group belongs "root"? Adding new user with root privileges?

2008-04-19 Thread Sean Sprague

> Is this an answer to my question ??

No; and the first email reply was nowhere near what you are trying to 

It is not a straightforward task to create a user that is "nearly" root, 
if that is what I understand that you require. You need to consult the 
RBAC documentation, and decide exactly what this new privileged user can 
and cannot do.

Apols that this does not help you much further... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Help me !!!!

2008-04-03 Thread Sean Sprague

> How can i exit in this email grub 

Jim Grisanzio sent details of unsubscribing from this list. Please follow them. 
And for reference, sending or receiving 
  emails from GRUB is currently outside its scope.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Considering buying E10K...

2008-02-06 Thread Sean Sprague
> E10K   :  requires as I remember it from 10 years ago
>   3 x  32  amps   220 volts
>For the money the  Electrical power + the Cooling cost  will amount to  in 
>  a while.
>You can buy almost  anything else . 
> Also you need4  by 4  meters   in floor space   and  a  pprreettyy  wide  
> door  
> to get it  inside you building. The unit is like  3 racks  wide. 
> And today there is a  2 rack unit  server , the T5220   that  does the same 
> job 
> as the E10k did  for about  1/40   of the cost. 

I put the first E10K into a major financial and news information provider 
datacenter in London many years back. From a 
sysadmin perspective, it was an interesting challenge. The bedding-in process 
was exhaustive, running bringup on domains 
at a high level for days to thoroughly test the hardware (some initially 
inexplicable problems were highlighted, and 
finally put down to bad CPU's), which was all very beneficial.

I do like a system which gives you _ultimate_ control over the hardware - in 
the case of the E10K via a utility called 
"redx" - "Red Cross" - use it, and you may well need them ;-) which could allow 
you to actually fry bits of hardware. 
Great fun! I know/knew more about redx than any customer should... The author 
was Dan... or Tran... surname escapes me 
:-( If you buy one, type the undocumented command "author" into redx, and you 
will find out.

On a management side, with the E10K there is a SSP - Service Support Processor, 
which for us was a U5 running a 
specialized version of Solaris 8, which through a private LAN can control the 
E10K hardware directly. You could play 
tunes by bringing up and down the speed of the fans :-)

It was a great system (CRAY origin); but now its a dinosaur; and an 
expensive/unecologically-friendly one as everyone 
says. Buy a T2000, sort your storage carefully, install Solaris, and never look 

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Live CD Login

2007-11-02 Thread Sean Sprague
> No, it's a reference to "jack" a character from some Sun marketing material:

Ah yes, I remember this well... They could update the page to remove the 
dead links for Episodes 1-3 though...

Thanks and regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Live CD Login

2007-11-02 Thread Sean Sprague

> user=jack password=jack
> One of these days I'm going to ask why.

I already did; and came to the conclusion that there are some closet 
truckers in Sun ( ;-) )

Personally, I thought that "Indiana Jack" was probably a cheese from the 
Monty Python sketch.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

[osol-help] b75a and cdrecord problem

2007-11-01 Thread Sean Sprague
Hello all,

I was just wondering whether anyone had had trouble with cdrecord on 
b75a? I was trying to burn Indiana, and If I use it booted natively, it 
hard-hangs the PC, and if I use it in dom0, it silently reboots the PC 
(no panic).

Burning the media with cdrw worked fine though...

Thanks and regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Hello.

2007-10-31 Thread Sean Sprague

> My apoligies for this stupid question, however I was unable to find it 
> anywhere on the website after much searching. I downloaded the 
> sol-nv-b75a-x86-dvd-iso-a through c, which downloaded fine. However when I 
> unzip them (I'm using WinRar) I get 3 seperate files with no file extension. 
> Nothing I tried will actually run them.

You can't "run" them. What you need to do is concatenate them to create an 
output ISO image. This can then be burned to 
DVD, and should be bootable.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] new install, no connectivity

2007-10-18 Thread Sean Sprague

> What hardware are you running?
> More to the point, what sort of network card?
> If you run "/usr/X11/bin/scancpi" it will list all the devices installed.

Very minor typo - should be /usr/X11/bin/scanpci but I would probably prefer 
use of prtconf

On a wider note, it begs the question as to why scanpci and moreover pcitweak 
should be housed within /usr/X11/bin? Or 
exist at all? Surely an infrastructural utility such as this should be located 
away from X11, and near prtdiag et al, 
praps? Is it just down to the author?

BTW: I also don't like the symlink from /usr/bin/X11 to /usr/X11/bin - not 
being an X person, I only just noticed this; 
and Yuk!

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Defunce process

2007-09-29 Thread Sean Sprague

> We are facing problem of defunce process this process take memory 3GB.we are 
> going to kill this process but we are not able to kill this process.this 
> process create through my application tomcat.after restart tomcat defince 
> process is created and he is not release memory.
> Please help me how can kill defunce process in our server.?

If the process is marked as  you can use preap to remove it and 
hopefully free resources it has allocated. "man 
preap" is your friend.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] CD upgrade to solaris 10 8/07 not working

2007-09-17 Thread Sean Sprague

> Any ideas why a patched Solaris 10 u3 can't be upgraded to u4?
> theres two boot environments, Solaris 10 u3 and SXCE.
> Only error i get is that this boot environment is un-upgradeable. 
> Boot disk is mirrored, seems like an average setup.
> Any ideas?

I have a very vague memory of the fact that you used not to be able to upgrade 
if you were using zones. This is probably 
complete rubbish thesedays though.

Apols for probably being no help whatsoever... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Is there any way to stop the spam in this forum???!!!

2007-09-15 Thread Sean Sprague

> Somebody do something please. This is getting ridiculous!

The guys do a great job in preventing this kinda crap from appearing far more 
frequently. But it is the weekend after all...

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Installing SXCE for the first time

2007-05-22 Thread Sean Sprague


I'm good with all the install steps, except where I install the build tools, 
the binary only files and the BFU.

The build tools look okay, it's just a pkgadd.  For the binaries 
(on-closed-bins-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz2) after I untar them, what do I do?  The 
README doesn't really tell you how to install it.

Likewise with the BFU, I've been googling but I can't find anything to tell me 
how to slide this into place.

Installing SXCE is simply a precursor and prerequisite to running OpenSolaris.

It really depends on how you wish to step up to OpenSolaris. If you wish to build it yourself (via the "nightly" build 
tool), then simply have the closed-bins untar'd in your build area on the same level as usr. They will be picked up and 
incorporated into that archive that will be created when your build succeeds. On completion of the build, you will BFU 
the archive that you have just created, and reboot; thereafter you will be running OpenSolaris. Note that to perform a 
full build, you will also need to download and install Sun Studio 11.

If however, you wish to gain OpenSolaris by installing the BFU archive (a prebuilt OpenSolaris instance), then you don't 
need closed-bins at all; just the BFU archive. Just point the "bfu" build tool at the BFU archive, and it will do the 
rest. On next boot, you will have an OpenSolaris installation.

Apols that this was a very cursory explanation.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] errors in build (b44)

2006-08-24 Thread Sean Sprague

Hello Xu,

 I tried building opensolaris b44.

  I did it on x86_64 macine on which SXCR 44 was instralled (according the 
readme it is ok
since SXCR 37 is the minimum). 

I acted according the instructons and downloaded the correct close tar and 
onbld tar and installed them.
nightly & finished; I 
I have the following errors in the mail_msg file:


I used to have build troubles, but managed to resolve them by making sure that the user performing the build had a clean 
environment - no unnecessary environment variables set as far as possible.

It may not help you though; and going through the log of the build may be the only way to ascertain the cause(s) of the 

HTH... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] snv_40 - bfu to snv_41 fails

2006-06-11 Thread Sean Sprague


I followed the directions for doing a bfu to a new build, but it looks like the 
bfu archives have some bad paths in them:

bash-3.00# /opt/onbld/bin/bfu /export/home/tmp/bfu/archives-b41/i386/
Copying /opt/onbld/bin/bfu to /tmp/bfu.2393
Executing /tmp/bfu.2393 /export/home/tmp/bfu/archives-b41/i386/

Loading /export/home/tmp/bfu/archives-b41/i386/ on /

Creating bfu execution environment ...
/tmp/bfu.2393[2261]: /net/onnv.eng/export/gate/public/bin/i386:  not found
cp: cannot access /net/onnv.eng/export/gate/public/bin/i386/fastfs
cannot copy /net/onnv.eng/export/gate/public/bin/i386/fastfs
bfu aborting

I'm guessing there's something missing from the docs about some variable I have 
to set or something? I just installed sxcr40, and was trying to bfu to 41, what 
am I missing?

ISTR that I sorted this by setting FASTFS=/opt/onbld/bin/fastfs

I could be wrong though...

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Re: ; ; connection time out; no servers could be reached

2006-03-20 Thread Sean Sprague

Snoopy Chen wrote:

I try to ping the nameserver failed.
Then, traceroute ... I only got :
1 * * *
2 * * *
3 * * *
and so on

What happens if you FTP ? This is, and will answer incoming FTP requests. If it answers, then 
try setting your nameserver to, and see whether you can resolve anything thereafter.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Source build errors on Build 27/sparc

2005-11-18 Thread Sean Sprague



On a source build of Build 27, on sparc, I'm getting some ctfconvert errors
in the ZFS portion of the tree (see below).

I'm using the recently-announced Studio 11 compiler.

You know that Studio 11 is not yet certified to build 
OpenSolaris; and the recommendation is to stick with Studio 
10 (the required version available from I failed to build Build 27 with Studio 
11, and am just attempting another build with Studio 10. 
AFAIR certified OpenSolaris builds with Studio 11 are on the 
roadmap for next year.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] build-25 i386 and gcc?

2005-11-01 Thread Sean Sprague


I mean no disrespect, because the first part of what you say is true.
However, it also took a great deal of hard work to port ON to gcc,
test it, and make the modified sources available while we finish
getting the changes putback.  Among the fruits of this labour is a
legitimate choice in compilers, and I would do nothing to discourage
anyone from using whatever compiler he prefers, or from using both and
gaining valuable information about their performance characteristics.

I take no disrespect whatsoever. Giving the community a 
choice of compiler is absolutely laudable; as is the amount 
of work put in by all concerned. This is why I prefixed my 
post with . I just had the feeling that for someone who 
is maybe setting out on the OpenSolaris road, that using 
Studio 10 would be easier - in this respect, I may be incorrect.

You may have noticed, if you are following them closely, that the gcc
source drops and the "regular" source drops have been converging over
time.  In the near future, the gcc-specific drops will be gone, their
changes integrated fully into ON.  The choice of compilers is not
going away, nor are the improved code quality and portability that
choice brings to us.

I had not noticed the convergence - thanks for making me 
aware of this. I am sure that many people will welcome this 
convergence, and as you say, the choice of compiler and 
portability aspects.

One of your implied assertions is factually incorrect: that the gcc
sources won't build with Studio 10.  That's not true; we build
gcc-gate with both compilers every day and both builds receive
testing.  In fact it is the "regular" sources that are defective in
this regard; unlike the "gcc" sources, they are not portable across

Again, a very interesting point. This will certainly make 
the GCC enthusiasts very happy indeed.

I'll leave the question of correlation between cost and performance
for another day.

That will be a very long and interesting day ;-)

Many thanks for straightening me out, and enlightening me.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] build-25 i386 and gcc?

2005-11-01 Thread Sean Sprague


Would you recommend me building this box with gcc or go with sun studio, I 
would like to use gcc and just wondering if I will be sucessful and if there 
are other packages that I might need before continuing.

It took a great deal of hard work indeed by the OpenSolaris 
guys to get Sun Studio to be made available FOC to members 
of the OpenSolaris Community. Prior to that, it cost 
thousands of dollars for the licence. And it still costs 
thousands of dollars to people/companies that are not 
members of the OpenSolaris or EDU communites.

I would strongly suggest that if you are new to OpenSolaris, 
that you use Sun Studio 10.

I would ditch the GCC-related files, get ahold of the ones 
that will build under Sun Studio 10, and go from there.

Regards... Sean.

opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Re: b25 cd boot hang

2005-10-28 Thread Sean Sprague


Disk drive check turned up no errors.

Tried to re-download b25 but can't find the images, so downloaded b24 but it too wouldn't boot past the "Configuring devices." stage. 

As per Karyn's email, the b25 SPARC images are not currently 
available, so the URL for the x86 files is a little 
different. Try:

I just did, and can get to them.

Annoyingly this was working in the past, had installed b16 and b22 seamlessly - 
it's a laptop so not much in the way of hardware changes. Could I have updated 
a bios setting that's causing me grief? Not quite sure how to diagnose, any 
other tips?

Yup - we've all been there.

When booted with the "-v" option, it hangs indefinitely after outputting:


I'm a SPARC man, so I can't comment, but there are a number 
of threads on this list that have discussed getting 
intransigent laptops to boot, oriented around setting the 
boot line in GRUB to include "-B acpi-user-options=x" where 
"x" appears to be usually 2 or 8. But what these mean is 
beyond me - at least until I buy myself a laptop ;-)

Best of luck... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] b25 cd boot hang

2005-10-27 Thread Sean Sprague


With the drive light on.

Burn some new media. Thesedays, after every burn, I do a 
"find . -type f -exec sum {} \;" from the CD mountpoint, and 
check iostat -En and /var/adm/messages for media failures.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Re: Interface setup help

2005-10-25 Thread Sean Sprague



I got the interface up and ip address assigned by my linksys router but i am 
unable to reach internet hosts.  I suspect i'll need to make an entry in a file 
that tells my machine to look out of the elxl0 interface to find internet 
hosts.. but i dont know which file..

I guess that you are not able to access websites through 
your browser. You need to edit the file /etc/nsswitch.conf, 
locate the line that states "hosts: files", and change it to 
read "hosts: files dns". Restart your browser, and you 
should be OK.

Regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Nightly build failure

2005-10-15 Thread Sean Sprague

Hey Mike!

"Sean" == Sean Sprague <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sean> a) My fonts in Mozilla are (annoyingly) different to when I had
Sean>b23 installed

Were the fonts different after installing b24 from Solaris Express?  Or
did they change only after you BFUed?

Rats. I knew you were going to ask me that ;-) Gimme a 
coupla days please, and I will confirm.

Thanks and regards... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

Re: [osol-help] Nightly build failure

2005-10-12 Thread Sean Sprague

Hey Mike!

Apols for the woefully late response: I wanted to get the playing field level 
before I responded...

If you look in /36g/OpenSolaris/testws/log, there should be a directory
called log.0928, which should contain the same mail message ("mail_msg"),
and the detailed log ("nightly.log").  Please post a link to the
nightly.log, and I'll take a look at it.

Well I downloaded Express b24 from SDLC and installed that OK; followed by all 
the other required stuff. I then did a full build from source and BFU, and it 
all went thru fine; probably for the first time ever, I am embarrassed to say. 
I suspect that on previous occasions, there was something in my environment 
settings that was screwing the build in specific areas, although exactly what, 
I cannot currently say...

I only have a couple of "problems" now:

a) My fonts in Mozilla are (annoyingly) different to when I had b23 installed; 
even after copying over the entirety of my .mozilla from b23, as I have always 
done for many prior releases...
b) I did very briefly have some confoozion about the release of the Studio 10 
compiler required to build 20051007 source - Steve Lau's Releasenotes in the 
SPARC source tarball states "Sun C 5.7 Patch 117837-04 2005/05/11", which I 
believe is an x86 patchlevel for Studio 10...

Ta'n'tata... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list

[osol-help] Nightly build failure

2005-09-29 Thread Sean Sprague
Hello all,

(Apols if this is logged twice - I couldn't seem to post to the list...)

I have an Ultra 60 running Express build 23, and am trying to build the 250909 
source. Unfortunately nightly is failing, even with failures in make clobber 
:-( I suspect that this has happened on previous builds, but this time I am 
using the latest patch level of Studio 10 (117836-03), and all the latest 
downloads/tools etc.

Here is a link to my nightly log:

I have been able to hand-compile successfully jkstat.h (and therefore jkstat.c 
thereafter) (CLASSPATH problems), but why I get failures on a load of debug64 
objects and clobber, I am currently at a loss to know/fix.

Any help most gratefully received... Sean.
This message posted from
opensolaris-help mailing list

[osol-help] Nightly build failure

2005-09-29 Thread Sean Sprague

Hello all,

I have an Ultra 60 running Express build 23, and am trying 
to build the 250909 source. Unfortunately nightly is 
failing, even with failures in make clobber :-( I suspect 
that this has happened on previous builds, but this time I 
am using the latest patch level of Studio 10 (117836-03), 
and all the latest downloads/tools etc.

Here is a link to my nightly log:

I have been able to hand-compile successfully jkstat.h (and 
therefore jkstat.c thereafter) (CLASSPATH problems), but why 
I get failures on a load of debug64 objects and clobber, I 
am currently at a loss to know/fix.

Any help most gratefully received... Sean.
opensolaris-help mailing list