Re: [opensource-dev] Not all Open Source developers are honest...

2013-06-01 Thread Robert Martin
i see the confusion the date stamp for the message is all the way at the
bottom left
2013-06-01 16:22:34

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Henri Beauchamp wrote:

 On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 18:40:16 +0200, Martin Fürholz wrote:

  Hi Henri,
  I'm curious:
  why are you posting a link to this mailinglist about a 4+ year old

 It is 15 days old, not 4 years old...
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Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] rant lack of respectful communications on opensl and other viewer irc channels

2013-04-26 Thread Robert Martin
On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 11:28 AM, glen wrote:

 It seems that all discussion happens at the inworld meetings
 that not everyone can attend and I believe that's just as bad as it's
 still a barrier to participation.

or worse meetings that are being held 98% in VOICE (and of course no
recording is being made). Personally i think that any Linden giving a RTFM
or FOAD answer to a question should be a FORMER Linden (esp when TFM has
not been written yet).

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Current status on non-biped/giga|micro mesh avatars

2013-01-10 Thread Robert Martin
What is the current status on how SL handles mesh avatars that are not
quite standard??

as an example if im using a Dire Wolf mesh avatar (and its properly rigged)
will it work with quad animations??

Please do not just link to some semi random LL wiki page only link if it
covers large/small and or quad avatars.

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Paging Marine kelly || SL should have an offical version of RLV

2012-09-12 Thread Robert Martin
First off could MarineKelly please email me directly?? (i have some
RLV questions i want to ask the source)

Also a lot of the we won't implement X because its 'unsafe' type
things could be solved quickly by having an Advanced Actor Actions
API. I would suggest having the current RLV API used as a base and
then add whatever is needed for those unsafe features (like TP by
Prim) default it to OFF No Features Enabled and then hide the control
panel so it won't be fiddled without somebody wanting to (and looking
for it).

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] ok this may sound dumb but what is the llphysicsextention package

2012-08-08 Thread Robert Martin
Could somebody hit the Jira with this so it can be hopefully properly
handled by The Lindens???

(in lue of the normal Voting as required by my Rules of Order [wolf grin])

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] New HTTP Library Project Viewer

2012-08-03 Thread Robert Martin
One side bar to this is the problem of what order textures are being fetched
Is the order still by oldest texture first or has that been fixed to
nearest texture first??
( it would help the expedience if the avatars textures were loaded
first and then the stuff near to the avatar was loaded [followed by
everything else])
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Tutorial needed on TPV viewer-side AOs

2012-04-13 Thread Robert Martin
The only real thing that HUD AOs have that a client side AO can do is
the various buttons for different things. I normally (back when i
was inworld) used a Dire Wolf
this has a bunch of different functions (different animations and
recoloring things) also will we ever get a way to do a true Quad frame
(with Mesh Avatars would be good)? since that i think would drop a
couple scripts from the AO.

My opinion is that looking at what all is done in AOs and then seeing
if it can be done server side/or in viewer would be a good idea.

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Questions on Mesh Avatars

2012-01-25 Thread Robert Martin
Okay first off let me say that the documents on Mesh Avatars (unless
they have been updated in the last week of so) are either outdated or
partly fictional.
Does anybody have access to a decent and complete spec as to what is
needed to make a Rigged Mesh Avatar??
1 mesh Complexity should be below XK
2 how do you setup the mesh bones for correct rigging??

Also does anybody have access to a ready to upload Human avatar
(simplebot.dae does not count and that avastar file is useless) and
any hints on how to get it to work properly??

last bit if you after doing the upload edit the object to include say
an avatar overide and or a RVL relay would that work properly??

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Standard Human Mesh Avatar???

2011-12-12 Thread Robert Martin
On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 2:56 PM, Dahlia Trimble wrote:
 The MakeHuman mesh is probably far too complex (vertex count) to allow
 reasonable real-time  performance for many users with less than the best
 graphics cards. There's probably other meshes available on other 3d content
 sites which are better designed for real-time animation.

the trick with MakeHuman is it can be used to generate multiple meshes
it would be understood that it would need to be downsampled (to below
XK vertexes) before it could be used on the grid. The big question
would be What is the recommended Maximum Vertex count?? (define X

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Standard Human Mesh Avatar???

2011-12-12 Thread Robert Martin
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Mike Chase wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-12-12 at 10:25 -0700, Moriz Gupte wrote:
 Or to save some time, get the blender files from the link I provided
 earlier ... and examine the mesh files in blender

 Yep, Gaia's project is very relevant. It include 2 meshes, the SL one
 and a Makehuman mesh as well as an SL compatible rig.

okay which would help if I COULD ACCESS THE SITE.
Does anybody have a copy on another server??

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Standard Human Mesh Avatar???

2011-12-10 Thread Robert Martin
Does anybody have (and would like to share) a Normal Human Mesh Avatar??

As part of playing with MakeHuman i would like to be able to use it to
make Mesh Avatars but i need to sort out the right workflow.

things that are currently NOT DOCUMENTED
1 what should be the maximum number of vertexes in the model for it to work
2 how do i go about rigging the avatar??
3 will the normal 1024X textures work or can they be bigger??

Bu naq v unir gevrq gb Tbbtyr Vg fb WSTV vf abg na nafjre gur jvxv vf
svpgvbany (be qbrf abg nafjre gur dhrfgvba) fb EGSZ vf nyfb n
abanafjre (fvapr gur xnzn fhgen qbrf abg pbire guvf) {rot13}

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] ok wtf is this?

2011-09-06 Thread Robert Martin
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Nicky D. wrote:

 As strange as this might sound, 6/12 GB might be too much.

 There are a lot of casts down to U32. There might be a hidden overflow there,
 turning some counter into a very small number.
it may then be something in the pool causing a C5* type error where
the code does not handle that large of a total memory and wraps around
the memory space.

* a C5 Galaxy is a very large cargo plane and if you are not careful
things can get very messy. Even some airports that handle Jumbo Jets
can't handle a C5.

Empty weight: 380,000 lb (172,370 kg)
Loaded weight: 769,000 lb (348,800 kg)

anybody wanna bet that some counter in the code should be the next size bigger??

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Standard Reference Mesh Avatars anybody??

2011-09-06 Thread Robert Martin
given that the Mesh docs seem to be a dogs breakfast does anybody have
interest in creating a set of reference Avatars (with Clothing
maybe??)? Im thinking that it would help say the Make Human project if
they had something to look at to see where they would need to end up
(if they wanted to support SL).

heck a nice library of standard objects would work also.

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Current status of Mesh??

2011-08-31 Thread Robert Martin
Does anybody know of some sort of documentation on the ins and outs of mesh??
And before you say the SL wiki everything there is one or more of 1
Outdated 2 FICTIONAL 3 without any actual details
(unless of course its been massively updated in the last week or so)

Questions i have

1 what is the conversion of Vertexes to Prims?? (how many vertexes do
you get for a prim)
2 are there any simple tools to make models (Blender does not qualify).
3 are non-biped avatars supported in mesh?? (quads are the biggest concern)

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] [JIRA] Proposal - Default Search settings on

2011-08-26 Thread Robert Martin
On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 1:34 PM, opensourceobscure wrote:
 Currently, if you search multiple keywords on
 you get result that include at least one of the keywords
 in Summary OR Description OR Comments fields.

actually i would like to see ALL KEYWORDS set as default on all LL
searches since if i search for say
|Girls Ballet Costume| in the MarketPlace
i would like to see items with ALL of those keywords not just some of them

(and there are still keyword stuffed entries in the marketplace it
would be nice if those got sorted out)
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Please Edit Subject Line and referenced message

2011-08-17 Thread Robert Martin
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Mimika Oh wrote:
 On 2011-08-17, at 17:42, Daniel wrote:

 ... As somone who typically has 7 viewer versions
 installed for testing, I would be gun-shy of logging in with any of them
 if it means losing my accounts.


 (or maybe +7?)
If it is found out that a buncha folks have had accounts nuked due to
using a TPV that is unlisted (but is otherwise compliant) then the
person most responsible should have to personally refund every single
linden confiscated and personally pay for replacements of any
inventory items lost (say 110% of losses or 600K lindens whichever is

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Question about DD philosophy.

2011-06-18 Thread Robert Martin
What i would think should happen is

1 a very clear set of controls (a set of sliders with a number input
box would be good)
2 a way to control any kind of auto set function (min max and OFF maybe)
3 a very clearly stated wiki page on this function to explain what is going on

btw it is a function of some TPVs to have the DD pop to a low level
and then ratchet to the set distance in steps.

one thing that i don't understand is why you can be at 4000 meters in
an untextured skybox and still within seconds get GROUND TEXTURES and
other objects on the sim before the contents of the skybox or
attachments on the client avatar (this even happens with a very short
draw distances).

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Fwd: Review viewer -- draw distance slider

2011-06-14 Thread Robert Martin
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 11:59 PM, wrote:
  But one thing i don't think i've
 seen in the discussion, wouldn't it be a good idea to have an auto-reset
 take place on every tp?  Have it go to some standard value that works
 pretty good most places, and it'll save forgetful or excited people

No on the auto reset the problems are
1 how do you define standard value??
2 what about folks that have their draw distance chopped short for
performance reasons??
3 or folks that have their draw distance further out on purpose??
4 even if you somehow define a system based standard value what
happens when somebody knows they are going into a high prim area and
sets their draw distance short
SO THEY DON'T CRASH ON ENTRY (or take 15 minutes trying to rez)

Robert L Martin

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] question SL tracking data

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Martin
My thoughts on this revolve around maybe coding the needed triggers
into the viewer and then require each device to have a map of its
controls to what the viewer is expecting.

we would need triggers for
1 Primary Secondary and Tetrary buttons
2 plus and minus translate for each of the X Y Z axis
3 plus and minus rotate for each of the X Y Z axis
4 some sort of toggle to swap from move to camera control

Or am i just barking up the wrong tree??

and yes all of this should be in XML files so that we can update the
list as needed

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Mesh support current status???

2011-04-16 Thread Robert Martin
Does anybody have a WORKING link to what the current state of mesh is?
Im particularly interested in what work has been done on Mesh based
avatars. Bonus if somebody has an idea as to if we will have mesh on
the main grid before say third quarter this year.

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Wild idea on building an install platform

2011-02-19 Thread Robert Martin
As a sidebar to the whole autobuild system it would be cool if
somebody could download a program and then verify that they have a
Valid install platform (bonus points if it could also download the
missing parts (i suppose that you could only pop the webpage for MS

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] FW: Using 'autobuild' to build the viewer

2011-01-27 Thread Robert Martin
Just tossing this out if you have any kind of .edu address then MS
Dreamspark is a way to get the full Visual Studio legitimately.

So what this will enable somebody to yank down the source and then
without doing File Voodoo do a compile run??

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] from debug to prefences

2011-01-24 Thread Robert Martin
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 7:53 PM, Trilo Byte wrote:
 Perhaps the experimental/developer-related debug settings should be 
 accessible from the Developer menu (further removing it from casual users).  
 Then an 'Advanced Preferences' floater could be made available from the 
 Advanced Menu.  This would allow for an effort to seriously streamline the 
 main/basic SL preferences.

what needs to happen is a full bore IRS level accounting needs to be
done on which preferences are actually used and which are
outdated 2.* series prefs (pull these out)
outdated 1.* series prefs (pull these out)
oddball but still used prefs
dangerous prefs
normal and menu accessable prefs
power user prefs
nonlinden admin prefs
Linden Only Prefs
TPV prefs that slipped into the stock viewer (was the feature added to stock??)

and then sit down and document what each one of those does (and
safe/dangerous values for same)

Robert L Martin
* note categories should be adjusted as needed
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Re: [opensource-dev]

2011-01-09 Thread Robert Martin
On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 10:09 AM, Ponzu wrote:
 Can someone give a cheap estimate of how hard this will be to fix?
 if it is easy to fix, I agree that it should be done soon.
 i would say that a full audit of the hover text submodule would be in
order (say 4 hours of junior grade programmer??)

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Why no single axis resize on linked prims??

2011-01-09 Thread Robert Martin
Does anybody know of a good reason why when you are resizing a set of
linked prims you do not have the single axis resize??
(also could we get a way to resize a linkset with 0.001 meters as a
floor not as a locking measurement?)

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] not quite off topic how to have server switched to an RC channel??

2010-11-13 Thread Robert Martin
Im part of an rp and we have a problem that one of our sims is on the
release channel and the rest are on magnum how can this be fixed??

Robert L Martin
the problem is that walking from this sim to the rest is about impossible
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Re: [opensource-dev] Infinite loop in viewer-development?

2010-11-10 Thread Robert Martin
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence) wrote:
 See the archive for my rant on using the word latest.

in short please For The Love Of The One True Prim please give the repo
tag/build number of which viewer you are talking about.

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Files deleted by uninstaller don't appear in Recycle Bin

2010-10-26 Thread Robert Martin
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 2:51 PM, SuezanneC Baskerville wrote:
 The uninstaller asks if you want to delete files left in the SL program
 files folder and then if you answer yes it proceeds to delete not only files
 in the SL program folder, it also deletes files in the Application Data and
 Local Settings folder, including files that were created by TPVs.

the problem is in two parts
1 the uninstaller is being unclear and helpful
2 best practices for a TPV would be to use its own folder by default
(with maybe doing a copy of the avatar log files and such)

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] FW: STORM-255 Project Build posted

2010-10-20 Thread Robert Martin
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 9:56 AM, WolfPup Lowenhar wrote:
 Thank you Oz for doing that.

 Fellow OS dev’s please let me know of any changes that might be need. And
 also translations would be helpful as well.

err a bit of a doc bug Both Linden Lab and Thrid Party Viewers (TPV)
may post links 

I dunno what a thrid party viewer would be :)
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] As a content creator, I would like...

2010-10-18 Thread Robert Martin
I think the only way to do this would be for LL to have (maybe as a
Premium benefit) some sort of webstorage to save assets then you would
seen to run a sync program to link a local folder to the webstorage
(and then to the asset farm)

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Jira Issue Resolution Issue

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Martin
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Kent Quirk (Q Linden) 
 If the reason is that we can't use the issue the way it's written, then
 please don't reopen it, write a new and better one.

Just make sure on the Linden side we have a few things laid out
1 if a linden closes a jira then there should be a comment with a
long form reason as to why it has been closed then close it

2 if a jira needs an edit/rewrite to be useful then leave a comment as
to why and how
(this is a meta issue , this needs to be split into N jiras for
tracking , fix requires breaking laws of Government/Physics, duplicate
of older jira, fix involves code we are dropping altogether ect)

3 WorkingOnIt Linden* should only have an issue assigned for maybe
two weeks since a lot of times WorkingOnIt Linden means BlowingItOff
Linden is actually NOT working on it.

Robert L Martin

*prove me wrong but if you look in the logs i would almost bet money
that WOI Linden assigned jiras are mostly closed by 1 target version
became outdated 2 no linden actually picked it up 3 some linden closed
it with WONT FIX/ CAN'T FIX or anything that boils down to it not
actually being fixed
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Re: [opensource-dev] How is the XUI part of the interface designed?

2010-10-06 Thread Robert Martin
On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Rob Nelson wrote:
 There's a GUI editor, but last I checked, only LL employees and a select few
 really know how to use it;  The manual is still in some LL wiki somewhere.


oh really could Some Linden please put both on the public wiki somewhere??

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Fwd: Unity 3D as possible base / 2.x Codebase plugin capable?

2010-10-04 Thread Robert Martin
-- Forwarded message --
From: Robert Martin
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: [opensource-dev] Unity 3D as possible base / 2.x Codebase
plugin capable?
To: Frans

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Frans wrote:
 I really hope LL is not going to add a Mesh Editor in the client. That's
 just going to be so bloated.

personally i see very little that could be done CORRECTLY in world now
i could see maybe some sort of way to send just delta info to the
server and or some sort of autoupload/publish on SL plugin being of
use but if you stage your 3d utility correctly you should not need to
do a reupload or edit after the fact.

BTW for those of you that want to to use Legacy Mesh clothing with a
.DAE avatar you can export the current avatar mesh with a certain
flaming TPV that took over certain green stone code.

Robert L Martin

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] 2.0 Absolute Dealbreaker - script count feature request

2010-10-02 Thread Robert Martin
On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 12:34 PM, miss c wrote:
 THANK YOU, what he said.  Why lie and make up some weird inaccurate number
 to leave people guessing, just give us a script counter, LOL.

what i would suggest is
1 have a way to see TOTAL scripts LSL scripts and Mono scripts
2 if any ARC type number is used then guess LOW
3 figure out ways that can be found to make scripts obsolete (skirt
sitter and resize scripts are the Low Hanging Fruit on this one)
Robert L Martin
btw could somebody please set the Reply To: flag correctly???
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Re: [opensource-dev] crazy land idea

2010-09-26 Thread Robert Martin
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 10:51 PM, Rob Nelson wrote:
  How does the server figure out when the user's fallen off the terrain and
 correct accordingly?  What about water fog effects?  How much of a
 performance hit are we talking about?  Will this allow users to fly
 underneath the terrain and harass top-dwellers?  Will the paranoid people
 pick up on this and turn it into a circus?

The surface of the prim would replace the land mesh on the interior
of the prim.
Would not apply as such since water would be excluded from the prim interior.
This is a subject that requires research.
NO since the prim would need to not be phantom to function there is no
hole to access under the terrain. Does not apply.
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Mesh?

2010-09-25 Thread Robert Martin
On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 5:27 PM, JB Hancroft wrote:
 If it were renamed and some of it's heritage obscured, I could use it in
 some business situations where it would be nice to have the functionality.
 As it... can't go anywhere near RLV.

 - JB

actually if the RLV api was renamed and expanded a bit it could be
used as a semi-autonomous bot api
Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] a Thought on fixing mega prims

2010-09-17 Thread Robert Martin
Im just dartboarding this but would it be possible to have some sort
of secondary center marker on the ends of prims to enable showing that
a prim encroaches on a neighboring parcel??
(primary center would be the geometric center of the object and the
secondary centers would be the ends of the X Y and Z axis or the
centers of each face of the bounding box)

i would think that raising the limit to 63|4 meters would be good enough.

Robert L Martin
and yes this still does not cover a large prim covering 3 or more small parcels
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Re: [opensource-dev] Retaining Newbies (Was: The Plan for Snowglobe)

2010-09-11 Thread Robert Martin
The things that i see as problems

1 folks seem to more or less sleepwalk through the newbie portal so
that we folks in Help areas (i stalk NCI Kuula myself) get asked
questions that are answered in the newbie portal.

2 folks seem to tp into the area and have no clue where they have
arrived at (folks wanting sex drugs and Roc^HGuns in the NCI area)

3 non english folks that seem to be using telegraph keys to log in
that also are completely clueless

4 folks (like Bloodlines) that seem to not understand that a given
area may actually have and enforce rules above what the TOS states

now of course the UI confusing folks and getting in the way of
operating the program DOES NOT HELP

1 this may not be solveable but a general increase in server/sim
stability and performance will help

2 a One time popup in case of a newbie portal tp in the form of You
have just teleported to %area_name% @ %simpleSLurl% please note the
following [short list of flags] This is a %rating_area% for more
details see attached notecard

3 it would help if we could read the language in use by the viewer and
if the resident could be informed as to what languages are available
in that area (or maybe stick a translator thing in the default newbie

4 this may require having a Land Group (above X regions held) to be
assigned a Linden (or have access to a pool of Lindens) so that a
person grazing the TOS could have a Linden Issued Abuse Report on the
spot (this would fast track any process since a Linden could
certify the AR right then and there)

in short if we take care of the problem of chewtoys then newbies
may stick around more

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Retaining Newbies (Was: The Plan for Snowglobe)

2010-09-11 Thread Robert Martin
On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 1:52 PM, dilly dobbs wrote:
 We all seem like intelligent adults that could come to an agreement on how
 to add priority to the issues that we would like to see addressed.  And yes
 i work in an Agile dev software shop so im sorry about the lingo.
 Opinions, and ideas on this ?

I would like to put my paws into this kind of thing could we get an
indoor type inworld location for this??

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Encrypted chat third-party servers

2010-08-25 Thread Robert Martin
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Brian McGroarty wrote:
 Has anyone spent time looking at the encrypted chat feature included in some
 third-party viewers?

you mean like THAT VIEWERs OTR feature??
1 its badly broken anyway
2 it does not have a keyserver all keys are current session only (even
the logs are scrambled)
in this case no TPVP issues develop
Now in the case of a keyserver using protocol then exactly what is
being transmitted should be listed.

In the case of OTR would be the best reference
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Malicious payloads in third-party viewers: is the policy worth anything?

2010-08-22 Thread Robert Martin
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 10:56 AM, JB Hancroft wrote:
 If the TPVP really matters, we'll see Emerald shut down from the TPVP
 program, because of this accumulated nonsense.
 If not, then it confirms that it's all just a paper chase.

actually lets see whats going on here
1 the whole texture thing was due to the viewers install folder being
baked into textures
IF THIS IS LEFT AS DEFAULT then very little info is actually given the
problem is some folks were doing installs into their own home folder
(somebody did not account for that)

2 the whole login screen edit was mostly the person in question err
being drunk at the time and not going back to fix/revert his editing
(btw he is in fact stepping down and surrendering the domain)

I would say that since 1 the problems are being fixed 2 former lindens
(from the recent Night of Glass set of layoffs) are now being hired
as part of the E-Team this is a closed issue

Robert L Martin
Phox whenish is the next beta coming out and is 2439 being blocked??
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Re: [opensource-dev] Open Viewer Development Announcement

2010-08-16 Thread Robert Martin
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence) wrote:
 This change in how we do viewer development is a result of taking a good
 hard self-critical look at what was working and what wasn't, and trying to
 find a better way.  It was clear that:

 Viewer 2 would have benefited from earlier exposure to residents so that we
 got feedback.
 We were not able to import as much good work from open source as we want
 using the two-viewer model.
 Having multiple large features all trying to get into one integration stream
 to create 'big bang' releases creates delays.
 Doing short cycle scrum-driven development worked well.
 Distributed version control (hg vs svn) worked well.

Is there any thoughts of looking at features of the 3PVs and seeing
how possible it would be to grab those features in a fast track

perhaps have a poll or something to sort this out??

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] list for builds from the new snowstorm viewer-development repository?=

2010-08-16 Thread Robert Martin
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence) wrote:
  Would it be useful if I set up a one-way mailing list for
 announcements of build results for the new viewer-development repository?

 How does the name sound?

 Given that we're now hosting the repo itself on bitbucket, and they
 provide rss feeds for repos, is there any need for also having an email
 list for commits to it?   It's possible to set it up - I just don't know
 if we need it.

if you go the RSS route please make sure that the feed has a
functional title for the entries
(say %build number% Platform)

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Build notices missing change data??

2010-07-24 Thread Robert Martin
Is there any way to see what changed from build to build?? also does
it seem like the build farm is triggering way to many times a day??

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] VWR-20006

2010-06-27 Thread Robert Martin
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 12:57 PM, Tigro Spottystripes wrote:
 Hash: SHA512

 I know that part of this would require LL to contribute, i'm bringing
 this up in the OSD list because i know somtimes an outside in approach
 is possible, perhaps some developers in the community can figure it out
 and put it in code without the acquisitions being necessary; so, may i
 direct your attention to ?

since it seems that the LLM source needed to fix the existing avatar
mesh has reached
ark of the covenant levels then we need to have a very deep toolset
to create mesh replacement avatars.

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] voice morphing missing from viewer-external?

2010-06-11 Thread Robert Martin
On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Kent Quirk (Q Linden) 
 Just getting the export process together. Sorry for the delay -- it should be 
 there today.


 On Jun 11, 2010, at 4:17 AM, Lance Corrimal wrote:


 after seeing the 2.1 announcement on the wiki I checked out  build the 
 viewer-external, but voice morphing is not in there (yet)...
 How come?

Just as a side note could somebody please renumber the next build to
come out as 2.1
its kind of confusing to have the 2.1 viewer read as being the 2.0.2
viewer especially when the new settings bits are a bit hidden.
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] icesphere

2010-05-27 Thread Robert Martin
seems to be what website is availible

hint for the developer
1 could you please get a website for this and not have your stuff
scattered across 5 different sites

2 a patched build would be a good thing

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Viewer blacklist to replace the TPV directory ?

2010-04-29 Thread Robert Martin
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 7:30 AM, wrote:
 Henri Beauchamp wrote ..

 On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 03:41:50 -0700, Rob Nelson wrote:

  This is a bad idea, as the TPV violators would merely migrate to a
  non-blacklisted viewer.

 If they do, and after some time, the only non-blacklisted viewers
 left will be the TPV compliant ones, so that's actually a good thing...

 No, maintaining a WHITELIST is way better. And I am thinking not of the bad 
 guys now but the regular users who just want to use a client with additional 

 With a whitelist they know: this I can use without problems.

 With a blacklist they never know if a client NOT on the list is a good one or 
 a bad one that just didn't make it into the blacklist yet.

 And for the bad guys: they would just rename their client if their old one 
 got on the blacklist. And do this each time again.

 So a whitelist is the only valid solution.


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and as it happens there actually is a BlackList project running by the
same folks that run one of the viewers on the current Whitelist. as of
Friday there will be 3 lists of viewers
1 the TPVd list: run by Linden Labs functions as a Whitelist
2 the Onyx List:  posted on the site of that green viewer and is a
subset of the list used by the CDS banlink system
3 everything Else (including source mods of the above viewers) this
would be a grey list

Given that The Onyx list is complete somebody needs to state that only
those viewers will draw an actual ban (or use of a hostile viewer
that just has yet to be listed).

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] kindof OT but .. Teens on the Main grid (linden response only please)

2010-04-26 Thread Robert Martin
If i have run into a person that is on the main grid but is underage
not including doing an AR is there a nicer way to have the account
ported to the teen grid? Bonus if there is a Linden that exists on
both grids that can handle it.

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Quiet amendments of TPV (again)

2010-04-20 Thread Robert Martin
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Joe Linden wrote:

 There was nothing quiet, or in the background about it, believe me.  This
 update is the topic of conversation at the noon PDT brown bag I'm hosting
 today.  The changes were pushed live ahead of the meeting, so there would be
 no question they are incorporated in to the TPV and TOS, both of which are
 effective on 4/30.

 I'll see those of you still interested in the subject at noon here:

 -- joe

im going to try and make this meeting myself but could somebody please
make sure that all of the information is either done or relayed in
(and could somebody please get all of the voice stuff sorted before
the meeting so we don't spend half the meeting tripping over the
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Fwd: [ #566095] Possible Licensing Conflict

2010-04-20 Thread Robert Martin
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 4:16 PM, Gigs wrote:
 Ron Festa wrote:
 Not really. If you're a user basically that means you have to stop using
 that viewer if you want to continue access. If you are a developer it
 means you have to remove the ability to connect to SL. Again as per the
 FSF ruling on this, they're restricting the service not the software.

 It's not a ruling.

 It's the personal opinion of a non-lawyer that works for the FSF.

no i think that somebody with the title
Licensing Compliance Engineer, Free Software Foundation could be
said to speak for the FSF.
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] impending lawsuit?

2010-04-14 Thread Robert Martin
On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Ambrosia wrote:

 He's supposedly going after rival products.

and the big problem is how he is defining rival products hes
claiming copyright on any gesture In the form of

dd 0
wait 1
dd 4
wait 1
dd 8
wait 1
dd 64 (or whatever the set normal draw distance is)

while i give him credit for figuring out some sort of optimal set of
steps and pauses
THIS IS NOT WORTH ANY KIND OF MONEY (since its sort of the whole point
of the command in question)

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Viewers in the directory are being impersonated already

2010-04-13 Thread Robert Martin
Dusting off an old statement

The 3PVp will be a semi joke until LL decides to put up a compile farm
and begin creating signed builds. Even not using proxies and other
cloaking all somebody has to do is get the source for a listed viewer
and then hack and recompile.

Oh and They can't wait until you can create plugins for the base viewer.

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Fwd: Semi-transparent UI, other modifications to viewer 2 UI (was: Two Worlds)

2010-04-11 Thread Robert Martin
-- Forwarded message --
From: Robert Martin
Date: Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [opensource-dev] Semi-transparent UI, other modifications
to viewer 2 UI (was: Two Worlds)
To: Boroondas Gupte

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 5:39 PM, Boroondas Gupte wrote:
 On 04/11/2010 11:13 PM, Stickman wrote:

 Nyx Linden said there was an xml file you could edit to fix this. I
 don't remember getting the details on it, though. Anyone know how to
 do this?

 Looking at the wiki, it takes some different textures, too, not just an xml
 modification. But maybe Nyx knows another way?

 Btw., should anything from
 be incorporated into Snowglobe 2? If so, as changes to the default skin or
 as separate skins?

My suggestion would be for somebody to figure out what code needs to
be redone to reenable skin switching since there are now a few
different alt skins running about that use a sledgehammer and c4
method to make the switch.

Also a skin SDK would be loverly.

Robert L Martin

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] Mutli-layer images (RFC)

2010-04-11 Thread Robert Martin
With all this talk over changing how clothes work i was thinking
Why don't we code for Multi-layer images? Leave the clothing layers as
numbered but include support for having multiple layers in a texture.

an example of how it could work (and yes it would be very complicated
so we may need to target 2.4 or so)
allow for a total of 6 layers numbered 0-5 and expose to the inworld
editor numbering from 1 (layer 0 would be a special use layer)
as an example a shirt
layer 5 a slogan or other image
layer 4 a somewhat cleaner image
layer 3 long sleeves
layer 2 short sleeves
layer 1 the base shirt
layer 0 uploaders copyright data and labels for the upper layers (with
age ratings)

in the in-world editor allow for folks to turn off any of layers 5 4
or 3 (assumes that the avatar is set for adult access)


1 this would allow for a huge number of new products
2 the control layer could be used to add in a needed flag for Full
perms does/does not mean export to other grids
3 this would enable folks a to have a simple way to watermark textures


1 this would require both changes to the server and the client
2 how many layers should we have??
3 fall back to legacy clients
4 encoding for the control layer (or is this even a sane approach??)

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] TPV: The status of the Viewer Community

2010-04-09 Thread Robert Martin
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:00 PM, Boy Lane wrote:
 Viewers partly ceased/unsure:
 OMV, some code removed (full/text)
 Emerald, no statement (full)

The Emerald Developers have stated that they will have a complient
viewer out by the deadline.

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Brown-bag meeting to continue dialog on TVPV next Tuesday (4/13)

2010-04-09 Thread Robert Martin
 On Fri, 9 Apr 2010 08:37:00 +0200, Henri Beauchamp wrote:

 Voice is a no-no for me. Being French, I can't speak and understand
 spoken English (and worst, American English...) well and fast enough
 to hold a conversation in voice.

also unless im not mistaken holding it in Voice also guarantees that
there will not be a transcript of what was said. Unless there is now a
rock solid low lag real time way of transcribing the voice parts since
we are going to be discussing legal matters it needs to be recordable.
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Brown-bag meeting to continue dialog on TVPV

2010-04-09 Thread Robert Martin
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Erik Anderson wrote:
 Would Skype be an option?
 --piping up from the peanut gallery...

1 not every stake holder even has skype
2 still has the not recordable problem
3 would it even scale to the needed level??
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Brown-bag meeting to continue dialog on TVPV

2010-04-09 Thread Robert Martin
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Argent Stonecutter wrote:
 Holding the meeting in voice already excludes people. The last time I
 tried to enable voice for a meeting with a Linden I couldn't actually
 get it to work. The dot came up, and my computer was receiving data
 because his dot was showing activity, but I couldn't hear anything.
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this may sound a bit crazy but how many stakeholders have Google Wave accounts??

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] So you don't like the new TOS and wanna move to the OS grid?

2010-04-04 Thread Robert Martin
The problem with patches not making it to the core opensim server is
that recently they went ripping through the server to enforce a better
order to things so you could write a patch that did solve a problem
but was useless to the CURRENT code. I think most of the core
functions has become stable but right now if you are not looking at
the latest SVN/GIT copy then you will miss things.

of course there also could be folks that are still running outdated code.
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Open Development project: extendingavatarwearables

2010-03-26 Thread Robert Martin
On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 9:39 AM, Argent Stonecutter wrote:
Doing this right (ie, starting from a clean slate, or going to 'new
type' clothing with legacy wearables mapped to the new scheme when

1. All tops would have a lower part. It would just be empty for many

2. The default insertion point would just be a suggestion, and
probably just a number 0..31 (or even 0..255) shirt would be an
alias for 16.

This would be a great thing especially if the mapping for the sliders
was extended to include a decimal in the range (ie length 94.3 instead
of just 94 )
of course while we are dreaming it would also be good if the color
picker would recognize the HTML 4.01 named colors (like the gimp
dialog does)
Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] Open Development project: extending avatar wearables

2010-03-22 Thread Robert Martin
While you are working in this area one killer feature would be to have
a way to create a base outfit list colors and then have the program
create copies with each color

(looking at the xml export files this would be just a matter of UUID
patching and flipping 3 fields in the data)

Bonus points if the color picker understood HTML 4.01 named colors

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] oh give me a break

2010-03-15 Thread Robert Martin
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Lawson English wrote:
 Tigro Spottystripes wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 People can still simply sell the L$ for a fraction of the market price
 directly to other people, without ever going thru an exchange service,
 that's how i would do it if i wanted to cash out illegal money. Trying
 to limit usage of exchange services only works for the dumber outlaws.

 Except ALL L$ transactions are monitored. Give someone $L 1,000,000 in
 one chunk or in one million chunks, and it will still trigger alarms.

As long as the various national Departments of Revenue don't force an
in-world presence
(and start taxing avs) this is nearly a non issue (now if you are
pumping millions of lindens on a monthly basis cross RL borders then
there may be a problem)

on the content issue make a Blessed Format to do Exports and Imports
have any TPV on the registry use said format and that is that bit

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] FAQ posted for Third Party Viewer Policy

2010-03-01 Thread Robert Martin
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Lance Corrimal wrote:

 set the media url to something that is not an url to a video, but the url of a
 script that exploits something in quicktime to gather data about the client
 requesting that url, and poof you have all kind of cans of worms wide open.

 ...and flash on a prim isn't going to make the whole grid more stable and
 secure either.

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What would help is having the Shared Media happen inside a sandboxed browser
(hint lock down the embedded browser) if you have the right limits and
locks then the worst thing that could happen is they see this

Robert L Martin
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[opensource-dev] SL 2.0 latest release notes where??

2010-03-01 Thread Robert Martin
Okay who hid the release notes for the latest (as of today) SecondLife
2.0 viewer??

(aka what did they fix and whats newly broken)

Robert L Martin
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Re: [opensource-dev] step by step guide to compiling snowglobe

2010-02-17 Thread Robert Martin
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Mike Monkowski wrote:
 Seems like you're looking for a shortcut.  The main Snowglobe page says
 The Get source and compile page gives general information about how to 
 compile the source. For a quick step-by-step instruction for building on 
 Linux, see Compiling and Patching Snowglobe (Linux).

 Did you look at

the biggest problem as such is some parts of the compile run seem to require
chicken blood and sheep entrails.

until somebody fixes the Boost Hell problem and other But we haven't
updated our compile farm in the last 3 years so you have to use an old
version type deals a simple this will work
listing can not happen.

I would be shocked and seriously doubt the skills of the LL paid
programmers if SL 2.0 did not get used as an excuse to fix these
problems. There should come a day when you can build a tree with all
of the libs and assets invoke a All targets -- static command and
have all the platforms done in one single (but massive) run.

Robert L Martin
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