error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate

2000-06-13 Thread per


I'm having trouble with openssl. I guess this is a typical newbie-problem,
but I'm unable to find any help in the online manual or the man pages
distributed with openssl.

When I run a program which uses SSL (mico; I get the
following error message:
SSL verify error: unable to get local issuer certificate
SSL verify error: certificate not trusted
SSL verify error: unable to verify the first certificate

When I try openssl validate cert name I get:
pelle: /C=AU/ST=QLD/O=Mincom Pty. Ltd./OU=\x09/CN=PelleMell
error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local issuer certificate

I have generated this certificate by isuing the following commands from
the command line (much stolen from the mod_ssl help page):
openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
openssl ca  -infiles  server.csr

I've tried to use the demoCA distributed with openssl. I've moved that
directory to /usr/local/ssl and the relevant(?) openssl.conf lines read:
[ CA_default ]

dir = /usr/local/ssl/demoCA # Where everything is kept
certs   = $dir/certs# Where the issued certs are kept
crl_dir = $dir/crl  # Where the issued crl are kept
database= $dir/index.txt# database index file.
new_certs_dir   = $dir/newcerts # default place for new certs.

certificate = $dir/cacert.pem   # The CA certificate
serial  = $dir/serial   # The current serial number
crl = $dir/crl.pem  # The current CRL
private_key = $dir/private/cakey.pem # The private key
RANDFILE= $dir/private/.rand# private random number file

Does anyone know what's going wrong here? Very thankful for any advices.

Best Regards
Per Mellstrand

Software Engineering Student at the University of Karlskrona/Ronneby

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Explanation needed of bio, etc...

2000-06-13 Thread Alwyn Schoeman


Could someone please explain the following to me:

1) Is bio blocking i/o.  If so why and when do you use it.
2) When do you use straight SSL_read/SSL_write and is this non-blocking? 
3) If 2 is non-blocking, can I use select to read/write?
4) Say I want to write an SSL client that will communicate with a webserver. 
do I know that I have received all the data for the page? So SSL_READ until 
received what or is there some state information somewhere?
5) This app in 4 will do a lot of small transactions to the same web server and
will also be called from a php script. It will have to do validation of the
server certificate too... How can I make this SSL connection persistent so that
I don't need to verify the certificate every time?
6) Where can I get some decent documentation on the functions in the openssl 
library?  The manpages doesn't quite cut it if you don't know what you must
combine in what order to achieve your goal...

Thank you
Alwyn Schoeman

 PGP signature

elliptic curve crytography advice needed

2000-06-13 Thread Sagar Chitnis

Hello ALL,

I am working on writing an SSL Client. My client code just supports the 
elliptic curve algorithm( no RSA ).I have not used openssl for writing this 
client but have used a third party library.Unfortunately, there is no 
support for RSA in the client.

I need a pop/smtp/imap SSL server that supports  ECC(elliptic cryptogram) 
for testing?Most servers I know support ONLY RSA .

Is there an openssl server that I can download to test my code?
Does this server support elliptic cryptogram algorithm?

Please could you advice if you know of any other servers I can test my 
client against?

Thanking you.


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Re: Free CA

2000-06-13 Thread Dr Stephen Henson

Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:
 Oh, what a beautiful mixup I did there between server and client
 certs!  Even got myself confused :-).  However, the fact still
 remains, there's no trust path of value to me, the value of certer
 certs in themselves is more or less none, except to give the server
 and my browser a chance to start an encrypted session, which is
 probably fine for most people.  And from that point of view you're
 absolutely right, the warning about an unknown CA is just an
 annoyance.  But hey, it would be possible for someone to get a
 perfectly legal CA cert signed by, Thawte, and then use it to sign a
 cert presumably for, oh say, Amazon, and thereby fool a whole bunch of
 people.  And in that case, a *silent* browser is a bit more scary to
 me.  Setting up a secure channel is nice enough, but authentication is
 a different matter, and depending on your level of paranoia, quite a
 difficult one at that.
 People just don't have that clue yet...  Or maybe I'm just overly

Paranoia is essential for crypto work :-)

I reckon this kind of issue is likely to become more important as more
CAs get added to browsers.

A corrupt CA or one which can be forcibly persuaded (e.g. by government
security agencies) to issue bogus certificates can reak havoc with
typical browser or S/MIME client behaviour. 

For example if some country wants to monitor all traffic to a certain
secure site it issues a bogus certificate from its trusted CA and then
performs a man in the middle attack on its gateways.

S/MIME can be handled because many pieces of software will silently
replace a certificate with a new one. So sending a signed message with
the fake ID to the 'victim' allows all traffic from then on to be read.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Senior crypto engineer, Celo Communications:
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP key: via homepage.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Advice about encrypting short strings

2000-06-13 Thread Magnus Stenman


I was wondering if someone could help me out on a
crypto-related question;

I want to encrypt short strings (passwords, actually)
and be able to decrypt them later.

I only have access to Perl, and its MD5 and crypt (3des?),
and do not want to rely on any non-standard Perl modules.

To just use the passphrase and create a md5 digest, and
XOR that with the cleartext strings would work, I guess,
but it feels like that would introduce some waknesses...

I guess I could make a digest out of the first digest and so on
until I have a long enough string to XOR all the short strings,
but I need random access to the strings

Could a salt help?

Anyone done this before?


 S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

RE: Problem generating RSA keys using 64-bit compile on IRIX

2000-06-13 Thread Karsten Spang

Hi Philip

Just searched the archives and found your message. I had the same problem,
and submitted a patch, not long ago. I also have another 64 bit related
patch. Both are included below
Karsten Spang
Senior Software Developer, Ph.D.
Belle Systems A/S
Tel.:   +45 59 44 25 00
Fax.:   +45 59 44 25 88
Defining the Future of IP Services

*** rsa_gen.c.dist  Sat Feb  5 15:17:30 2000
--- rsa_gen.c   Mon May 29 15:19:31 2000
*** 95,101 
 * unsigned long can be larger */
for (i=0; isizeof(unsigned long)*8; i++)
!   if (e_value  (1i))
--- 95,101 
 * unsigned long can be larger */
for (i=0; isizeof(unsigned long)*8; i++)
!   if (e_value  (1ULi))

*** s3_clnt.c.dist  Mon Mar 27 23:28:27 2000
--- s3_clnt.c   Thu May 25 13:36:57 2000
*** 466,472 
Time=time(NULL);/* Time */
!   RAND_pseudo_bytes(p,SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE-sizeof(Time));
/* Do the message type and length last */
d=p= (buf[4]);
--- 466,472 
Time=time(NULL);/* Time */
!   RAND_pseudo_bytes(p,SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE-4);
/* Do the message type and length last */
d=p= (buf[4]);
*** s3_srvr.c.dist  Mon Mar 27 23:28:28 2000
--- s3_srvr.c   Thu May 25 13:36:04 2000
*** 837,843 
Time=time(NULL);/* Time */
!   RAND_pseudo_bytes(p,SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE-sizeof(Time));
/* Do the message type and length last */
d=p= (buf[4]);
--- 837,843 
Time=time(NULL);/* Time */
!   RAND_pseudo_bytes(p,SSL3_RANDOM_SIZE-4);
/* Do the message type and length last */
d=p= (buf[4]);
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PLEASE HELP ME...............................!!!!

2000-06-13 Thread Pamu Radhakrishna

You know that OpenSSL supports DES for encryption of
data.So if you want to establish a communication link
between client  server then you must use a secret

Now my question is,What the certificate contains?
I mean what public keys it contains  for what purpose
they can be used?

Could anybody tell me,before encryption of actual data

using secret key, what are the necessary steps that 
could be performed to share the secret key?


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Re: Free CA

2000-06-13 Thread Arley Carter

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Yuji Shinozaki wrote:

 I think the problem is multi-leveled:

 4. At the practical and everyday level, we can be pretty sure that the
 certs delivered with Netscape and IE are OK.  If we go to some fairly
 well-traversed public site using one of these certs, some red flags will
 go up when the you get signature mis-matches...  That will tip you off
 that your cert list has been compromised.  Besides you could say: "What am
 I risking? I take a no less a risk when I give my credit card to the
 cashier, or when I order that L.L. Bean hunting jacket over the phone.  
 Don't bother me with your paranoia."

There in lies part of the problem and also part of the answer on how CA's
should be structured.  The market niche for CA's needs to be defined more
clearly.  Internet credit card commerce did not start to take off until
last Christmas season when banks generally agreed that a web or internet
credit card transaction classified as a "card not present" transaction,
the same as a mail order telephone transaction.  The card card holder is
not liable for misuse or loss.  The risk of loss is totally with the
bank and the merchant. 

An interesting question is "What less of loss is the bank willing to
absorb before it becomes economically viable for the bank consortiums that
run Mastercard and Visa to begin issuing and mandating the use of the
bank issued cert for transactions?"  Implementing or mandating the use I
believe just as big a marketing problem as a technical problem.

Bank 1 :  "More secure"  Bank 2 :  "Less hassle"
Refrain with apologies to the beer industry. ;-)
Compared to the total volume, credit card usage Internet usage is still a
tiny fraction.  With Internet time however, I don't wouldn't want to guess
a product life cycle time here.

This leaves 999 (at least) other uses for CA's.  Time needs to spent on
how to define these market niche, scale economies and  implementation


Tradewinds Technologies, Inc.
Winston-Salem, NC  USA  Network Engineering  Security  

OpenSSL Project
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ftps:// ??

2000-06-13 Thread Emili Sanroma - RI

Is it possible to connect to a FTP server using a 
ftps:// URL for netscape or explorer?
It will be a good chance to connect to our file server

We use linux servers with ssl  ssh telnet.
What package my I install?

Please, reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: ftps:// ??

2000-06-13 Thread Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker

From: Emili Sanroma - RI [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Emili.Sanroma Is it possible to connect to a FTP server using a 
Emili.Sanroma ftps:// URL for netscape or explorer?
Emili.Sanroma It will be a good chance to connect to our file server
Emili.Sanroma (ftps:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

As far as I know, there's no "ftps:" protocol designator.  In any
case, using SSL in that manner has proved to be an unnessecary overuse
of port numbers, and not really adequate for all the possible uses.
Instead, protocols like HTTP, SMTP and FTP are getting added commands
or options to switch to SSL during a session.

I don't currently recall the drafts and RFC's describing this, but I'm
sure that you can find them all in the Security Area of IETF

Richard Levitte   \ Spannvägen 38, II \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chairman@Stacken   \ S-168 35  BROMMA  \ T: +46-8-26 52 47
Redakteur@Stacken   \  SWEDEN   \ or +46-709-50 36 10
Procurator Odiosus Ex Infernis -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Member of the OpenSSL development team:
Software Engineer, Celo Communications:

Unsolicited commercial email is subject to an archival fee of $400.
See for more info.
OpenSSL Project
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Re: PLEASE HELP ME...............................!!!!

2000-06-13 Thread Doris Diedrich

in short:
using SSL you have two parts of encryption: 
first a public/secret key system (asymmetric cryptographie) is used to
establish a connection and to agree for a common secret key.
When both parties have agreed to that common secret key (which is, in
short, encrypted with the public keys (very short, this is) ) the common
secret key is used for the encrypting of the exchanged data.
So, for agreement for a common secret key, asymmetric cryptographie is
To be sure you use the true public key of your partie (so nobody elses
key, maybe that of an man-in-the-middle) you get a certificate.

Why a certificate?
Because chances are high that you do not know all keys of all
people/server you want to correspond with. So you get a certificate which
is signed by a CA (certificate authority) that you know and that you can
More to find in literature.

Hops this helps


On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Pamu Radhakrishna wrote:

 You know that OpenSSL supports DES for encryption of
 data.So if you want to establish a communication link
 between client  server then you must use a secret
 Now my question is,What the certificate contains?
 I mean what public keys it contains  for what purpose
 they can be used?
 Could anybody tell me,before encryption of actual data
 using secret key, what are the necessary steps that 
 could be performed to share the secret key?
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Re: ftps:// ??

2000-06-13 Thread John Hartnup

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 04:01:50PM +0200, Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker wrote:

 I don't currently recall the drafts and RFC's describing this, but I'm
 sure that you can find them all in the Security Area of IETF

The relevant document is

I am unaware of any free client implementation -- there was an implentation
based on SSLeay, which I assume is obsolete. Prove me wrong, folks :)

Windows Kermit95 now ships with an SSLified FTP client.

Check back a month or so back in the archive of this mailing list -- there
was a discussion about secure FTP, why merely SSLifying certain sockets is
undesirable, the protocol's position in the standards process etc, which it
seems a little redundant to repeat...

Ooh, it's 'orrible being in love when you're eight and a half.
I've got your picture on my wall and your name upon my scarf.

OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Free CA

2000-06-13 Thread Douglas Wikström


  4. At the practical and everyday level, we can be pretty sure that the
  certs delivered with Netscape and IE are OK.  If we go to some fairly
  well-traversed public site using one of these certs, some red flags will
  go up when the you get signature mis-matches...  That will tip you off
  that your cert list has been compromised.  Besides you could say: "What am
  I risking? I take a no less a risk when I give my credit card to the
  cashier, or when I order that L.L. Bean hunting jacket over the phone.
  Don't bother me with your paranoia."
 There in lies part of the problem and also part of the answer on how CA's
 should be structured.  The market niche for CA's needs to be defined more
 clearly.  Internet credit card commerce did not start to take off until
 last Christmas season when banks generally agreed that a web or internet
 credit card transaction classified as a "card not present" transaction,
 the same as a mail order telephone transaction.  The card card holder is
 not liable for misuse or loss.  The risk of loss is totally with the
 bank and the merchant.
What you are saying is that I am free to buy stuff on the internet,
sending the seller my creditcard number, and then tell the Bank it was
not me. Given the following attack scenario I cant believe that is the

1) I use my own creditcard to by software on the internet using some
free of charge provider of space and email. Then I go to the nearest
internet-cafe with my zip disk and download the software. I never use
the free space or email again. In this way I can get ANY information for
free virtually without any risk of being caught.

2) Imagine what this means when/if selling of information (eg software)
on the net grows (which is not unrealistic given high performance
connections). Anybody can use my creditcard number to get software for
free. Note that this is NOT the case with the traditional postal order
companies (see above) (or pizza delivery :-) since in that case somebody
needs to physically be present when recieving the merchandise (since the
merchandise is of physical nature). It is hard for the Bank to argue
that I recieved something sent to a total stranger, and it involves some
work for the stranger to cover his tracks if the fraud is large.

The possible gain of the adversary is much larger in the electronic
world than in the real world (the  scenario described above by
somebody else).

3) Note that everytime you shop in any store or go to a restaurant
somebody sees your card number. Thus it DOES NOT help to use a special
"internet" creditcard/paycard on the internet that wont allow large

4) If one is paranoid the only way today is to use either a cash-card,
plain old cash, or to be billed ofcourse.

5) We could fix all this with "physically secure" smartcards, and
infrastructure for using them ofcourse.

 An interesting question is "What less of loss is the bank willing to
 absorb before it becomes economically viable for the bank consortiums that
 run Mastercard and Visa to begin issuing and mandating the use of the
 bank issued cert for transactions?"  Implementing or mandating the use I
 believe just as big a marketing problem as a technical problem.
I agree, this is not a tech problem.

 Douglas Wikström [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yes, God created Man before Woman,
 but one always makes a draft before the masterpiece.
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2000-06-13 Thread Levy itai

Hi to all,

Do I have to use the SSL_free (SSL *s) routine after every call to SSL_new
(SSL *s) which allocates memory for the 
SSL structure upon every connection ?
If I use the SSL_free routine it seems to free the session context and I
can't do reuse in the next connection.
I tried to use the s-method-ssl_free(SSL *s) but it seems that there are
memory leaks (it doesn't free all the mallocs).

Which routine should I use in order to clean after every SSL connection, and
also if SSL_accept fails.

please help since this is a very important issue.

Itai Levy,
Algorithmic Research.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

S/MIME doesn't work; it is NOT the famous nsCertType problem

2000-06-13 Thread Ivan . Dolezal

Hello and thanks for reading this:

I use OpenSSL 0.9.5a, Red Hat Linux 6.2, Intel platform.

I'm trying to produce PKCS#12 files to be able to keep the all generation
process under my control and to distribute only one file (BTW: why is it
taken for such a security bug?). I do it the following way:

First I generate the certificate request
openssl req -new -out certreq.pem -keyout certreq-privkey.pem -outform PEM

...then I sign it...
openssl x509 -req -CA cacert.pem -CAkey private/cakey.pem -CAcreateserial
-in /usr/local/ssl/certreq.pem -outform pem -out newcert.pem

...and then I try to export it in PKCS#12 format
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey certreq-privkey.pem -certfile cacert.pem -in
newcert.pem -out pkcs12cert.p12

My openssl.cnf contains in its default section:
x509_extensions = usr_cert

and my [ usr_cert ] section contains only

I've also tried to uncomment
nsCertType = client, email

When I test source PEMs for pkcs12 with x509 -purpose, it says they can be
used for S/MIME signing and encryption.

BUT: whenever I import this PKCS#12 file to Netscape Communicator 4.73
(what works smoothly) and try to send a signed e-mail, it says that I don't
have an e-mail certificate.

My experimental certificate authority obviously works ok,
because when I generate a request from Netscape Communicator using
then format it into
C= ...
ST= ...

file, sign it with

openssl ca -spkac req.raw -out ucert

and download this file with small script as x-x509-user-cert to Netscape, I
CAN send signed e-mail.

What's wrong with my PKCS#12 file? Any idea, what else could be wrong?

=== Thanks in advance! ===

Ivan Dolezal

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Free CA

2000-06-13 Thread Arley Carter

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Douglas [iso-8859-1] Wikström wrote:

 What you are saying is that I am free to buy stuff on the internet,
 sending the seller my creditcard number, and then tell the Bank it was
 not me. Given the following attack scenario I cant believe that is the
Yup. If you are using a stolen credit card number it happens every day in
the physical world.  If you use your own credit card number and say you
didn't get the merchandise, then the merchant can track the delivery
receipt through the courier.  This would land you in an upcoming edition
of "Dumb crook news". ;-)

If what you bought was bytes of intellectual property, then the marginal
cost to the merchant is zero below a certain percentage of loss before it
threatens the foundation of the economic payment system.  

Bottom line, at a certain level of pain one of two scenarios will happen:
1. Banks will swallow the cost of implementing certs because it is
economically profitable to do so.
2.  The current model of Web commerce with credit cards will collapse, to 
be replaced by some other model.

The market for CA's is not and never will be a one size fits all market. 
What markets do others on the list think will become a viable market for
CA's in the near term, 1-2 years, and medium term, 5 years? 


Tradewinds Technologies, Inc.
Winston-Salem, NC  USA  Network Engineering  Security  

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multithreaded crypto functions

2000-06-13 Thread Richard Dykiel


My application calls directly the following functions in OpenSSL:

* EVP_CipherInit/Update/Final, etc..
* PEM_read_PrivateKey, PEM_read_X509, etc...

In a multithreaded context, do these calls need to be encapsulated by calls
to CRYPTO_lock? I happen to have transient failures:

* EVP_DecryptFinal: Bad Decrypt
* PEM_do_header: Bad Decrypt


Richard Dykiel
978-287-5560 x289

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Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: S/MIME doesn't work; it is NOT the famous nsCertType problem

2000-06-13 Thread Dr Stephen Henson

 Hello and thanks for reading this:
 I use OpenSSL 0.9.5a, Red Hat Linux 6.2, Intel platform.
 I'm trying to produce PKCS#12 files to be able to keep the all generation
 process under my control and to distribute only one file (BTW: why is it
 taken for such a security bug?). I do it the following way:

The reason this is frowned upon is that the certificate authority then
has a copy of the users private key and can read any encrypted mail or
forge their signature.

Other techniques like KEYGEN generate the private key on the browser and
never reveal it to the CA.

 BUT: whenever I import this PKCS#12 file to Netscape Communicator 4.73
 (what works smoothly) and try to send a signed e-mail, it says that I don't
 have an e-mail certificate.

Check security-messenger and select the certificate (assuming it is
listed there) its security-applications-messenger under PSM. Even if
you have only one certificate and it looks like its selected click on
the listbox and select it anyway.

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Senior crypto engineer, Celo Communications:
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP key: via homepage.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: S/MIME doesn't work; it is NOT the famous nsCertType problem

2000-06-13 Thread Yuji Shinozaki

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Dr Stephen Henson wrote:

  Hello and thanks for reading this:
  I use OpenSSL 0.9.5a, Red Hat Linux 6.2, Intel platform.
  I'm trying to produce PKCS#12 files to be able to keep the all generation
  process under my control and to distribute only one file (BTW: why is it
  taken for such a security bug?). I do it the following way:
 The reason this is frowned upon is that the certificate authority then
 has a copy of the users private key and can read any encrypted mail or
 forge their signature.
 Other techniques like KEYGEN generate the private key on the browser and
 never reveal it to the CA.

Another reason is that the private key in the PKCS12 is symmetrically
encrypted, so you run into the traditional key exchange problems when
trying to deliver the PKCS12 to the end user:  How do you get the
symmetric key to the end user securely?  The public key mechanism avoids
this problem.


Yuji Shinozaki  Computer Systems Senior Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Advanced Technologies Group
(804)924-7171   Information Technology  Communication of Virginia

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Re: SSL_free

2000-06-13 Thread Arun Venkataraman

If you are talking abt reusing SSL structures, you can do
SSL_clear(sslp) and SSL_set_session(sslp, NULL) to try and reuse the old
session. This way, you need not free(). It worked for me. Same holds for
SSL_accept. The only caveat is that you need to use the same method (SSLv23,
SSLv3 etc.) as before.


-Original Message-
From: Levy itai [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 7:45 AM
Subject: SSL_free

Hi to all,

Do I have to use the SSL_free (SSL *s) routine after every call to SSL_new
(SSL *s) which allocates memory for the
SSL structure upon every connection ?
If I use the SSL_free routine it seems to free the session context and I
can't do reuse in the next connection.
I tried to use the s-method-ssl_free(SSL *s) but it seems that there are
memory leaks (it doesn't free all the mallocs).

Which routine should I use in order to clean after every SSL connection,
also if SSL_accept fails.

please help since this is a very important issue.

Itai Levy,
Algorithmic Research.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Iaik and Openssl

2000-06-13 Thread Derek DeMoro

Does anybody now how to make openSSL read 
certificates and keys created by IAIK?
I think they might implement different 

Please Help?

Derek DeMoroChief Technical 
OfficerBallotDirect(650) 799-8490

Re: Free CA

2000-06-13 Thread Leland V. Lammert

At 03:09 PM 6/12/00, you wrote:
Interesting...  I don't quite understand what the preloaded root certs
have as extra value.

The ONLY reason for e-commerce folks to sign up with a Root Cert CA (like Verisign or 
Thawte) is to prevent the nasty messages when a user initiates an SSL connection. 
Other than that, I, for one, will continue to use our self-generated certs g.


   Leland V. Lammert[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Chief Scientist Omnitec Corporation
  Network/Internet Consultants

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Free CA

2000-06-13 Thread EKR

"Leland V. Lammert" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 03:09 PM 6/12/00, you wrote:
 Interesting...  I don't quite understand what the preloaded root certs
 have as extra value.
 The ONLY reason for e-commerce folks to sign up with a Root Cert CA
 (like Verisign or Thawte) is to prevent the nasty messages when a
 user initiates an SSL connection. Other than that, I, for one, will
 continue to use our self-generated certs g.
This message confirms something I've long believed: The messages that
the browser puts up to warn you of errors in certificate verification
are worthless because users don't understand what they mean and will
blithely click through them.

If users accept certificates without some independent way of verifying
the identity of the signer, then this obviates the entire point of
certificates, which is to prevent active attack on the connection.
The vast majority of the complexity of SSL is there to prevent
active attack. By choosing to use unauthenticated certificates,
you are opening the door to a broad class of attacks.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Free CA

2000-06-13 Thread Tom Damon

 If users accept certificates without some independent way of verifying
 the identity of the signer, then this obviates the entire point of
 certificates, which is to prevent active attack on the connection.
 The vast majority of the complexity of SSL is there to prevent
 active attack. By choosing to use unauthenticated certificates,
 you are opening the door to a broad class of attacks.
I agree completely. Imagine this: I have just connected to a server which I
BELIEVE to be a well known e-commerce site. There may or may not be some
network hanky-panky going on (DNS spoofing, man-in-the-middle...). What
assurance do I have that I'm really connected to the right server? At least,
with the preloaded roots, I have some assurance that a responsible party has
verified the servers identity. It's not a perfect system, but it puts enough
blocks up to make breaking it a non-trivial exercise.

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OpenSSL Project
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segfault when using crypto library inside netscape plugin (Solaris 2.6/Sparc/openssl-0.9.5a)

2000-06-13 Thread Steve Bazyl

We're having a 
really strange problem with the openssl crypto library -- it keeps segfaulting 
down in SHA1_Update when called from an NSAPI plugin (running in NES 3.6). 

I've tried building 
the library with optimizations off and all that fun stuff, and have run the test 
suite which it passes with flying colors. I've also written various pieces 
of test code which drive the crypto lib with both static and dynamic linking, 
all works fine. However, every time we run it inside NES, it 

I've reduced it down 
to a simple piece of test code which promptly crashes the web server when 

#include stdio.h#include 
stdlib.h#include string.h#include 
time.h#include nsapi.h

NSAPI_PUBLIC intopenssl_test( pblock *param, Session *sn, 
Request *rq ){ char seed[] = "somearbitrary data to seed the random 

 printf ( "seeding..." ); 
RAND_seed( seed, sizeof seed- 1); // Probably don't need the-1, butI'm 
getting paranoid :) printf ( "done\n" ); return 

To build (assuming 
you have openssl and netscape libs in appropriate 
gcc -G -o test_plugin.c-lcrypto -lnsl -lsocket -DUNIX -DXP_UNIX 

Add to the server's 

fn="load-modules" funcs="openssl_test" 

Interestingly,if I link against the old SSLeay 
crypto library it works fine! (ok...I have an old binary, not quite sure how 
it was built...maybe something in the build options...probably not since all the 
tests pass fine?).

Any and all help is 
greatly appreciated :)

Re: segfault when using crypto library inside netscape plugin (Solaris 2.6/Sparc/openssl-0.9.5a)

2000-06-13 Thread EKR

"Steve Bazyl" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [1  text/plain; iso-8859-1 (7bit)]
 We're having a really strange problem with the openssl crypto library -- it
 keeps segfaulting down in SHA1_Update when called from an NSAPI plugin
 (running in NES 3.6).
 I've tried building the library with optimizations off and all that fun
 stuff, and have run the test suite which it passes with flying colors.  I've
 also written various pieces of test code which drive the crypto lib with
 both static and dynamic linking, all works fine.  However, every time we run
 it inside NES, it crashes.
 I've reduced it down to a simple piece of test code which promptly crashes
 the web server when invoked.
 #include stdio.h
 #include stdlib.h
 #include string.h
 #include time.h
 #include nsapi.h
 NSAPI_PUBLIC int openssl_test( pblock *param, Session *sn, Request *rq )
   char seed[] = "some arbitrary data to seed the random number generator";
   printf ( "seeding..." );
   RAND_seed( seed, sizeof seed - 1); // Probably don't need the -1, but I'm
 getting paranoid :)
   printf ( "done\n" );
   return REQ_PROCEED;

I'd guess the problem is that Netscape already has a SHA1_Update()
function and that you're getting that called instead of the
OpenSSL SHA1_Update() function.

I don't have an NES on hand, but Navigator certainly has a SHA1_Update()
function already.

As for why it worked with SSLeay? That's puzzling, I admit. Perhaps
the function name changed or was only recently exposed to dynamic
linkage or something.

Try #defining SHA1_Update() to something else in the OpenSSL build
and see if that fixes the problem.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

howto get IE Netscape to accept CA?

2000-06-13 Thread ppruett

Does anyone have the URL for how Netsape and/or MSIE validate or
test then accept a CA for inclusion in their web browsers?

I tried a lot of combinations on some search engines and hit a blank
I am thinking about trying the phone and calling Redmond Washington and
California to ask, but expect that will be difficult and at least an hour
or more on the phone as well.

I saw some emails on the list that mentioned that maybe the
CA would pay a big fee and then have to pass an evaluation.

I know that the RSA patent is expiring sept21 in the US and
I expect that a lot more CA's will pop up like the 
With OpenSSL and some scripts like at and
then proving your company is reputable and then somehow paying
or begging the web browsers to include them as a CA then a lot of CAs
could be popping up by the end of the year. Why not some of us?

FYI, on the website for equifax:
ATLANTA (June 13, 2000 ) -- Equifax Secure, a unit of Equifax Inc., today
announced that C2Net Software, Inc., has selected Equifax Secure to be the
exclusive server-certificate provider for the latest version of its secure
web server software, Stronghold 3.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: segfault when using crypto library inside netscape plugin (Solaris 2.6/Sparc/openssl-0.9.5a)

2000-06-13 Thread Steve Bazyl

more thing...I also tried adding lock callbacks to make sure its not a threadingproblem. Made no 
difference (was getting lock requests asI should, and only from a single 
thread as expected).

-Original Message-From: 
Behalf Of Steve BazylSent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 7:41 
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: segfault when 
using crypto library inside netscape plugin (Solaris 

  We're having a 
  really strange problem with the openssl crypto library -- it keeps segfaulting 
  down in SHA1_Update when called from an NSAPI plugin (running in NES 
  I've tried 
  building the library with optimizations off and all that fun stuff, and have 
  run the test suite which it passes with flying colors. I've also written 
  various pieces of test code which drive the crypto lib with both static and 
  dynamic linking, all works fine. However, every time we run it inside 
  NES, it crashes.
  I've reduced it 
  down to a simple piece of test code which promptly crashes the web server when 
  #include stdio.h#include 
  stdlib.h#include string.h#include 
  time.h#include nsapi.h
  NSAPI_PUBLIC intopenssl_test( pblock *param, Session *sn, 
  Request *rq ){ char seed[] = "somearbitrary data to seed the random 
   printf ( "seeding..." ); 
  RAND_seed( seed, sizeof seed- 
  1); // Probably don't need the-1, 
  butI'm getting paranoid :) printf ( "done\n" 
  ); return REQ_PROCEED;} 
  To build (assuming 
  you have openssl and netscape libs in appropriate 
  gcc -G -o test_plugin.c-lcrypto -lnsl -lsocket -DUNIX -DXP_UNIX 
  Add to the 
  server's obj.conf:
  fn="load-modules" funcs="openssl_test" 
  Interestingly,if I link against the old SSLeay 
  crypto library it works fine! (ok...I have an old binary, not quite sure 
  how it was built...maybe something in the build options...probably not since 
  all the tests pass fine?).
  Any and all help 
  is greatly appreciated :)

No Subject

2000-06-13 Thread Derek DeMoro

Does anybody now how to make openSSL read 
certificates and keys created =by IAIK?I think they might implement 
different OIDs. OpenSSL cannot seem to recognize 
my Iaik Private Key.

Please Help?
Derek DeMoroChief Technical 
OfficerBallotDirect(650) 799-8490