OpenSSL 0.9.4 and preferable seed solution?

2000-11-01 Thread co

I have got openssl 0.9.4 and Net::SSleay 1,05 working on a NT 4.
It seem to be a problem with the RANDFILE and the prefered way to
go is to implement the egd, (if the openssl 0.9.5 is installed) ...

so egd itself is implemented in 0,9,5 so I could change version but
if i would like to save this configuration with 0.9.4, how would i do

I´ve heard rumors about implementing a catalog like 'dev/urandom' or
dev/random'. There is also a file involved in this named '.rnd'.
Now these paths and names will be different in Win/NT system:
path to 'dev/urandom' will be C:\dev\urandom and the filename '.rnd'
is illegal in win/NT som the name will have to change to 'rnd'.
In this way the "default" seed system should work for 0.9.4.

Please share with your experiences in how to fix the "default" seed

Thanks everybody for all help this far...

Christian Otrel

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unable to load 'random state' when running

2000-11-01 Thread Steven Hirsch

When I try to create a new CA a get the following error:

root@riemann:/opt-/usr/local/lib/openssl-0.9/misc/ -newca
CA certificate filename (or enter to create)

Making CA certificate ...
Using configuration from /etc/openssl/openssl.cnf
unable to load 'random state'
This means that the random number generator has not been seeded
with much random data.
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
25842:error:24064064:random number generator:SSLEAY_RAND_BYTES:PRNG not
25842:error:04069003:rsa routines:RSA_generate_key:BN lib:rsa_gen.c:182:

OS is AIX 4.3.3.  Any help would be very much appreciated!!

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Digital Signature Implementation

2000-11-01 Thread Darío Mariani

Oops, I forgot to send the attachments.

#include "firma.hh"

#include openssl/rand.h
#include openssl/rsa.h
#include openssl/evp.h
#include openssl/blowfish.h

#include iostream
#include cstdio

const int KEY_SIZE = 1024;

Bytes_sha Sha1 (string contr);
Bytes_sha Blow (Bytes_sha data, Bytes_sha key);

void Firma::Generar (string contr, Bytes_sha pub, Bytes_sha priv) {
  RSA *rsa;
  RAND_load_file ("/dev/urandom", 2048);
  unsigned char buf[KEY_SIZE * 10];
  unsigned char* iter;
  int key_len;
  rsa = RSA_generate_key (KEY_SIZE, RSA_F4, 0, 0);  // Generacion de claves
  // Extraccion de clave publica
  pub.reset (new Bytes);
  iter = buf;
  key_len  = i2d_RSAPublicKey  (rsa, iter);
  for (int i = 0; i  key_len; i++) pub-push_back (buf[i]);
  // Extraccion de clave privada y encripcion con blowfish
  iter = buf;
  key_len = i2d_RSAPrivateKey (rsa, iter);
  Bytes_sha tmp (new Bytes);
  for (int i = 0; i  key_len; i++) tmp-push_back (buf[i]);
  Bytes_sha key = Sha1 (contr);
  priv = Blow (tmp, key);

Bytes_sha Firma::Firmar (string texto, const Bytes_sha priv, string contr) {
  Bytes_sha retr (new Bytes (priv-size()));
  Bytes_sha key = Sha1 (contr);
  Bytes_sha priv_un = Blow (priv, key);   // Contr. priv. sin encriptar
  Bytes_sha cipher = Sha1 (texto);// Hash del texto
  unsigned char* tmp = priv_un-begin();
  RSA* rsa = d2i_RSAPrivateKey (0, tmp, priv_un-size());
  int ret_len = RSA_private_encrypt (cipher-size(), cipher-begin(), retr-begin(), 
  retr-resize (ret_len);
  return retr;

bool Firma::Chequear (string texto, const Bytes_sha firma, const Bytes_sha pub) {
  Bytes_sha cipher = Sha1 (texto);// Hash del texto
  unsigned char* tmp = pub-begin();
  RSA* rsa = d2i_RSAPublicKey (0, tmp, pub-size());
  Bytes res (cipher-size());
  RSA_public_decrypt (firma-size(), firma-begin(), res.begin(), rsa, 
  if (*cipher == res) return true;
  return false;

void Dump (unsigned char* data, unsigned size, string id) {
  cout  id  " "  size  ":\t";
  for (unsigned i = 0; i  size /* i  40*/; i++) printf ("%02x", data[i]);
  cout  endl;

// ***  AUXILIARES  ***  //

Bytes_sha Sha1 (string contr) {
  EVP_MD* evp = EVP_sha1();
  EVP_MD_CTX* ctx = new EVP_MD_CTX;
  unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
  unsigned hash_size;
  EVP_DigestInit (ctx, evp);
  EVP_DigestUpdate (ctx, contr.c_str(), contr.size());
  EVP_DigestFinal (ctx, hash, hash_size);
  Bytes_sha retr (new Bytes);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i  hash_size; i++) retr-push_back (hash[i]);
  return retr;

Bytes_sha Blow (Bytes_sha data, Bytes_sha key) {
  Bytes_sha retr (new Bytes);
  BF_KEY* bf_key = new BF_KEY;
  BF_set_key (bf_key, key-size(), key-begin());
  retr-resize (data-size(), 0);
  Bytes ivec (8);  // 8 Bytes con 0
  int num = 0;
  BF_ofb64_encrypt (data-begin(), retr-begin(), data-size(), bf_key, ivec.begin(), 
  return retr;

#if 0

// Obtenido de $ACE_ROOT/ace/SSL/SSL_Context.*

  ::CRYPTO_set_locking_callback (ACE_SSL_locking_callback);
ACE_SSL_locking_callback (int mode, int type, const char*, int) {
  if (mode  CRYPTO_LOCK)
ACE_OS::mutex_lock ((ACE_SSL_Context::lock_[type]));
ACE_OS::mutex_unlock ((ACE_SSL_Context::lock_[type]));

#ifndef Firma_hh
#define Firma_hh

#include string
#include vector
#include boost/smart_ptr.hpp

typedef vectorunsigned charBytes;
typedef boost::shared_ptrBytes Bytes_sha;

namespace Firma {

  void  Generar  (string contr, Bytes_sha pub, Bytes_sha priv);
  Bytes_sha Firmar   (string texto, const Bytes_sha priv, string contr);
  bool  Chequear (string texto, const Bytes_sha firma, const Bytes_sha pub);


void Dump (unsigned char* data, unsigned size, string id);

#endif  // Firma_hh

#include "firma.hh"
#include ctime

int main (int argc, char** argv) {
  Bytes_sha pub, priv, firma;
  string contr = "El padre angulo";
  string texto = "Prueba de texto que se va a firmar.";
  Firma::Generar (contr, pub, priv);
  Dump (pub-begin(), pub-size(), "pub:  ");
  cout  endl;
  Dump (priv-begin(), priv-size(), "priv: ");
  firma = Firma::Firmar (texto, priv, contr);
  if (Firma::Chequear (texto, firma, pub)) cout  "OK"  endl;
else cout  "Falla"  endl;
  cout  endl;
  cout  endl;

Re: put me out of my misery please

2000-11-01 Thread Lutz Jaenicke

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 02:01:01PM -0500, Gregory Nicholls wrote:
   Umm no it doesn't. At least not on my system. I get an error while it's trying to
 execute a load_dh_param() function (at line 652 in s_server.c ... trying to fopen() 
 file). That's why I put in the no_dhe.

Hmm. First: it does work. I have tried it myself before posting :-)
Having this said, if you don't specify any file with dh-parameters (and there
is no server.pem=s_cert_file), s_server uses the compiled in default
parameters, see line 660.

lutzpc 37: /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl s_server -nocert -cipher ADH-RC4-MD5
Using default temp DH parameters
Shared ciphers:ADH-RC4-MD5
shutting down SSL

lutzpc 29: openssl s_client -cipher ADH-RC4-MD5
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 275 bytes and written 164 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ADH-RC4-MD5
Protocol  : TLSv1
Cipher: ADH-RC4-MD5
Session-ID: A35E40942A383F24400B1D6F98BB7A0273F06B30CC573F5180481C3B320D2FCF
Key-Arg   : None
Start Time: 973108530
Timeout   : 300 (sec)
Verify return code 0 (ok)

Oh, I am talking about OpenSSL 0.9.6.

To use ADH ciphers, the PRNG must be seeded. The examples I have just
listed were from my Linux-box at home (has /dev/urandom).

Best regards,
BTU Cottbus   http://www.aet.TU-Cottbus.DE/personen/jaenicke/
Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Elektrotechnik  Tel. +49 355 69-4129
Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus  Fax. +49 355 69-4153
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AW: verify_callback - server verification

2000-11-01 Thread Thomas Geller

First of all thank you Lutz for your help.

 The result at depth 0 says, that the certificate at level 0 is
 signed from its CA. The CA itself (at level 1) however failed verification
 for several reasons.
 The preverify_ok state only indicates whether the certificate at the
 actual depth passed or not. It does not say anything about other levels.
 As you have already seen, the overall result of the verification is
 CERT_UNTRUSTED, as at least one error occured.

I see, the preverify_ok value at depth 0 is 1. That means the peer cert was
passed. But the CA cert on level 1 wasn't passed because the preverify_ok
value at this depth is 0.
But what are the several reasons of the error at depth 0?

Confusing for me is the fact, that X509_STOR_CTX_GET_CURRENT_CERT at depth 1
is returning a cert though then preverify_ok value at this depth is 0
(wasn't passed).

How can I achieve the goal to proof without doubt that the server I'm
connected with is the one I've expected?

Maybe you can give me one more hint.



Thomas Geller   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: put me out of my misery please

2000-11-01 Thread Gregory Nicholls

 grumble must be NT's bloody runtime then. If I try to fopen a NULL filename it 
blows up. I changed s_server.c so
that it only calls load_dh_param() if there's a real file. Guess what. Now it works .. 
. .

Lutz Jaenicke wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 02:01:01PM -0500, Gregory Nicholls wrote:
Umm no it doesn't. At least not on my system. I get an error while it's trying to
  execute a load_dh_param() function (at line 652 in s_server.c ... trying to 
fopen() a NULL
  file). That's why I put in the no_dhe.

 Hmm. First: it does work. I have tried it myself before posting :-)
 Having this said, if you don't specify any file with dh-parameters (and there
 is no server.pem=s_cert_file), s_server uses the compiled in default
 parameters, see line 660.

 lutzpc 37: /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl s_server -nocert -cipher ADH-RC4-MD5
 Using default temp DH parameters
 Shared ciphers:ADH-RC4-MD5
 shutting down SSL

 lutzpc 29: openssl s_client -cipher ADH-RC4-MD5
 no peer certificate available
 No client certificate CA names sent
 SSL handshake has read 275 bytes and written 164 bytes
 New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ADH-RC4-MD5
 Protocol  : TLSv1
 Cipher: ADH-RC4-MD5
 Session-ID: A35E40942A383F24400B1D6F98BB7A0273F06B30CC573F5180481C3B320D2FCF
 Key-Arg   : None
 Start Time: 973108530
 Timeout   : 300 (sec)
 Verify return code 0 (ok)

 Oh, I am talking about OpenSSL 0.9.6.

 To use ADH ciphers, the PRNG must be seeded. The examples I have just
 listed were from my Linux-box at home (has /dev/urandom).

 Best regards,
 Lutz Jaenicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 BTU Cottbus   http://www.aet.TU-Cottbus.DE/personen/jaenicke/
 Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Elektrotechnik  Tel. +49 355 69-4129
 Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus  Fax. +49 355 69-4153
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

make error Command arguments too long (v9.0.6, Win32, Borland C++)

2000-11-01 Thread JF Delannoy

I cannot install v 9.0.6 on Windows, because make returns an error.

The makefile bcb.mak contains a long CFLAG line which, which, 
with some more characters before and after, becomes 168 chars 
and exceeds the length limit, it seems 

In makefile:

CFLAG=-DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -q -w-aus -w-par -w-inl -c -
O2 -ff -fp

as called during make process:

bcc32 -otmp32\cryptlib.obj -Iinc32 -Itmp32 -
DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -q -w-aus -w-par -w-inl -c -tWC -tWM -
DWINDOWS -DWIN32 -DDSO_WIN32 -O2 -ff -fp  -c 



In detail:

[C:\Program Files\openssl-0.9.6] make -f bcb.mak
MAKE Version 4.0  Copyright (c) 1987, 1996 Borland International
Building OpenSSL
mkdir tmp32
Directory already exists
mkdir out32
Directory already exists
mkdir inc32
Directory already exists
mkdir inc32\openssl
Directory already exists
bcc32 -otmp32\cryptlib.obj -Iinc32 -Itmp32 -
us -w-par -w-inl -c -tWC -tWM -DWINDOWS -DWIN32 -
DDSO_WIN32 -O2 -ff -fp  -c .\cr
Fatal: Command arguments too long

[C:\Program Files\openssl-0.9.6]

JF Delannoy, Ph.D.

Adjunct professor, University of Ottawa
Information retrieval, computational linguistics
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: put me out of my misery please

2000-11-01 Thread Lutz Jaenicke

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 03:58:29PM -0500, Gregory Nicholls wrote:
  grumble must be NT's bloody runtime then. If I try to fopen a NULL filename it 
blows up. I changed s_server.c so
 that it only calls load_dh_param() if there's a real file. Guess what. Now it works 
.. . .

That makes sense. When looking into the source, in the case of -nocert,
a NULL pointer is passed to load_dh_param() and this NULL pointer is
passed via BIO_new_file() to fopen(). [As you already analyzed]
The manual page of fopen() does not indicate whether the behaviour of fopen()
is defined for NULL as filename argument, so I guess that the behaviour
of NT does not match the typical behaviour of Linux (or HP-UX), but NT is
not necessarily wrong.
Does anybody know whether fopen(NULL, ...) is allowed at all?
Otherwise s_server should be fixed...

Best regards,
BTU Cottbus   http://www.aet.TU-Cottbus.DE/personen/jaenicke/
Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Elektrotechnik  Tel. +49 355 69-4129
Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus  Fax. +49 355 69-4153
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Facing problem with SSL_get_peer_certificate() at the server side !!

2000-11-01 Thread Lakshminarayanan Venkatesan


I am running the demo client/server implementaation and i am unable to
get the SSL_get_peer_certificate() function working at the server side.
The server program alsways say "Client does not have the certificate."
Eventhough the client.pem file is authenticatedd  the data is
being send  received at either client/server ends, for some reason the
server is unable to get the clients certificates.

I request someone to help me on this. Do i need to create a special
certificate for this???


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

new non-blocking IO / state-machine demo

2000-11-01 Thread Geoff Thorpe

Hi there,

Given the recent wave of threads on the openssl lists, I thought I'd get
round to doing something I meant to do some time ago - and hack up a quick
demo. Anyway, I've just committed it into the openssl CVS repository, so
it should be present in the next nightly snapshot (downloadable from and it's inside the openssl/demos/tunala/ directory. The
reason for "tunala" can be found in the header file. :-)

Anyway - this was a very fast attempt to get an SSL tunneler up and
running to illustrate the idea of having an abstract memory-based
state-machine with the application-specifics of network-IO and what-not
placed around the outside of it. I've tried to explain where things go and
how it works inside the README in that directory as well as sporadic
source comments wherever I felt the need or motivation.

Now it's there, I'm sure I'll get round to actually testing a few things
only to find it is full of bugs, but the principle should be sound. I've
based it conceptually around something much more substantial I've been
working on lately that itself would be too bulky to stick in as a "demo"
and has dependencies on loads of other stuff - but the principle is
working fine for me elsewhere so if there's bugs in "tunala", they're
probably fixable reasonably straightforwardly.

Well, take a look if it is of interest. There's been a lot of discussion
lately about a wide array of relevant issues; async-IO as an alternative
to threading/forking etc, non-blocking logic and avoiding "deadlocks" with
SSL, using OpenSSL in a purely data-only capacity, etc. For some time I
thought it would be handy to put my thoughts down in code rather than
emails, so please take a fish around inside it if you're curious.


OpenSSL Project
Development Mailing List   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: possible bug in DH_generate_key()

2000-11-01 Thread Greg Stark

Here is one problem. The value coming out of DH_generate_key() is mod p.
This induces the high-order bit to more likely to be a zero than a one. In
an extreme case, if p is a prime of the form 1 + 2^n, then the high-order
bit is almost certainly a zero. If this bit is one of the bits you use to
form your blowfish key, the brute force attack is made easier by a factor of

Perhaps if you were using a symmetric algorithm which naturally uses mod p
keys, you could use the output of DH_generate_key() directly, but neither
blowfish nor any of the ciphers in openssl have this property.

Chief Security Architect
Ethentica, Inc.

- Original Message -
From: "Lawrence MacIntyre" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: possible bug in DH_generate_key()


 Just curious, why is the DH shared key insecure before being run through

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: make error Command args too long (v9.0.6, Win32, Borland C++)

2000-11-01 Thread JF Delannoy


I tried:

- Get a newer make utility?  - from MS this is the latest
- Use GNU make - can’t install/compile. It needs a file “cl”, and 
only mentions MS C; I have Borland C.
- Get the cygwin package and build under that? - 
tried; lengthy process, voluminous, does not work.

I'll retry the original way, i.e. MS nmake, but on Windows NT to 
avoid the max-commandline-length problem.

Thanks for the suggestions.


On 1 Nov 00, at 16:53, Tom Biggs wrote:

 At 04:23 PM 11/1/00 -0500, JF wrote:
 I cannot install v 9.0.6 on Windows, because make returns an error.
 The makefile bcb.mak contains a long CFLAG line which, which,
 with some more characters before and after, becomes 168 chars
 and exceeds the length limit, it seems
 In detail:
 [C:\Program Files\openssl-0.9.6] make -f bcb.mak
 MAKE Version 4.0  Copyright (c) 1987, 1996 Borland International
 Building OpenSSL
  mkdir tmp32
 Directory already exists
  mkdir out32
 Directory already exists
  mkdir inc32
 Directory already exists
  mkdir inc32\openssl
 Directory already exists
  bcc32 -otmp32\cryptlib.obj -Iinc32 -Itmp32 -
 us -w-par -w-inl -c -tWC -tWM -DWINDOWS -DWIN32 -
 DDSO_WIN32 -O2 -ff -fp  -c .\cr
 Fatal: Command arguments too long
 [C:\Program Files\openssl-0.9.6]
 Get a newer make utility?  Use GNU make?
 Get the cygwin package and build under that?
 I thought tiny command lines went out with MSDOS, but
 I guess not.
 Tom Biggs
 '89 FJ1200 DoD #1146
 "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -
 and hence clamorous to be led to safety - by menacing it with an endless
 series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."  -- H.L. Mencken
 OpenSSL Project
 User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JF Delannoy, Ph.D.

Adjunct professor, University of Ottawa
Information retrieval, computational linguistics
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Error Installing on Win Nt 4.0

2000-11-01 Thread Sanjiv Agarkar

when I run nmake I get the error 
NMAKE:fatal error U1073: don't know how to make '.\crypto\cryptlib.h'
My enviornment is fine.And it does make 3 folders but are empty.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: certificate chaos...

2000-11-01 Thread Simon Edwards

If you do write these docs, please publish them somewhere that others can
get at them. 

I'm still a couple of steps behind you with implementation and I expect
there will be many others following again that would appreciate not
re-inventing-the-wheel when it comes to user guidance docs.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Dingler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 27 October 2000 21:45
Subject: Re: certificate chaos...

 You need to do...
 openssl pkcs12 -in xxx.p12 -clcerts -out xxx.pem
 to only extract client certificates and possibly
 openssl pkcs12 -in xxx.p12 -cacerts -nokeys -out cas.pem
 to extract CA certificates.

Oh thanks, that did it. With just the client certificate
it now runs perfectly. What FM should I have read to
gather this? Maybe this should get into some kind of
FAQ... I haven't seen much information about client
setup on the net, most of the times they're even
trying to _import_ certs into Netscape.

I'll write some documentation about this, if just
for my co-workers.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

help needed with extended keyUsage v3 attrib.

2000-11-01 Thread Corrado Derenale

anyone know how to sign a X.509 cert with the attribute:

extended keyUsage

set to

TLS Web server authentication

with the CA command?

I'm trying to set up an IPsec session between a win2000 and a Cisco
router using IKE with X.509 certs. It seems that win2000 start to look
for a certificate with the extended keyUsege set to TLS Web server
autentication, what Microsoft call a machine cert. Without that exension
win2000 is unable to use a certificate as a 'machine certificate'.

Thx, Corrado.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]