2001-12-14 Thread jinyida

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0579-7151898  7151897   
OpenSSL Project
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Re: PKCS1 Compliant

2001-12-14 Thread Vadim Fedukovich

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Tony Vo wrote:


   Is OpenSSL PKCS1 compliant?  I've noticed that in the function
 for padding type 2 that the first byte (octet) is 0x00 followed by 0x02
 for the second byte (octet).  Is this correct?  According to the PKCS1
 specification, the first byte (octet) should be 0x02.  Please help.

According to specification, version 1.5, file available
from RSA Labs site, first byte is 0. Please take a look at 8.1 clause,
Encryption-block formatting. Well, Block Type byte could be 2.


OpenSSL Project
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newbie question

2001-12-14 Thread Murali K. Vemuri


i am a newbie trying to understand
1. what is a certificate?
2. who shall make it?
3. who  how to get it?
4. if i have my own setup, and some previleged users only should get the
access to the site, how can i implement that?
5. and if 4( as above) is possible,  how can i achieve it?

infact, i went through the openssl documentation at
but, for my primitive knowledge, it was all greek and latin.
please forgive me ...and just give me a little information.
murali krishna vemuri

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-12-14 Thread timotac

I have a small perl script I wrote that retrieves files using
LWP::UserAgent to get files from a cert protected directory off o a web
server.  The script works fine on *nix boxes.  Now I have to get it to
work on an NT box, and I am new to perl on NT.
I installed activestate perl, then mingw.  I compiled openssl, which
seemed to work just fine (no error messages) using the included
instructions for mingw.
Installed the Net::SSLeay package.  Move the script over, changed things

to match the new environment.  The script is returning web error 500.  I

am thinking that it is not correctly passing the certs.  I tried to
compile Crypt::SSLeay myself, but I am getting make errors, so maybe I
will try nmake.  I did note that perl Makefile.PL does not find the
openssl libraries.  I also noted the the libraries for openssl are in
the out directory, and no include or inc32 directories exists.  Do I
need to create these and where should they be located?

OpenSSL Project
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WebLogic and OpenSSL

2001-12-14 Thread Metzinger, Tim

I've been having problems getting a Weblogic 5.1 server to run using a cert
genertated with OpenSSL.  Here's what I've done:

Created a CA key of 4096 bits  = ohrescakey.pem

Created a self-signed cert for the CA key (ohrescacert.der) valid for five
years, using the following command:
OpenSSL req -new -x509 -out ohrescacert.der -key ohrescakey.pem -days 1825
-config openssl_config.txt

Then I created a new key and cert request for the web server, and used the
OpenSSL CA function to sign this cert.

All the certs are recognized by IE just fine, but when I load them into the
WebLogic Server, they don't seem to work.

If I submit the web server CSR to Verisign, and get a test cert back from
them, then it works just fine.  The only difference I can see is that the
Verisign Root CA cert is a V1 cert, while the OpenSSL root CA cert I created
is a V3 cert.   Is there any way to force OpenSSL to create a V1 self-signed
OpenSSL Project
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RE: newbie question

2001-12-14 Thread Neff Robert A

Go to either

and read up on the docs contained there.  On each site can
be found good info discussing the questions you ask.

-Original Message-
From: Murali K. Vemuri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 6:58 AM
Subject: newbie question


i am a newbie trying to understand
1. what is a certificate?
2. who shall make it?
3. who  how to get it?
4. if i have my own setup, and some previleged users only should get the
access to the site, how can i implement that?
5. and if 4( as above) is possible,  how can i achieve it?

infact, i went through the openssl documentation at
but, for my primitive knowledge, it was all greek and latin.
please forgive me ...and just give me a little information.
murali krishna vemuri

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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notify us immediately by returning the e-mail to the originator.
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client/server verify problems

2001-12-14 Thread Chris Lewis

We're porting some (previously) working code from an ancient version of
ssleay to openssl 0.9.6b (HPUX).

We're having a problem (apparently) with the server-side of a
client-server application, both ends using openssl 0.9.6b.

We're using locally generated certificates (Entrust PKI) for both the
client and server, which according to openssl verify are only given
the purpose of server.  One Verisign server cert we played with
appears to not have a purpose set, or at least permit both sslclient and

The client side doesn't have any trouble with talking to web servers (in
particular, Stronghold 2.2) with the Entrust certs, and the web server
is successfully able to retrieve the client cert.  Tho, 2.2 of course
uses ssleay internally.  Yeah, once this mess is over, we're going to
upgrade to Stronghold 3.

When we use our client with a verisign-signed server cert, our server
side successfully verifies.  When we use openssl s_client (or our
client) with our entrust cert, our server spits out: 

error:140890B2:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:no certificate

When we use openssl s_client we get:

29776:error:14094416:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert
certificate unknown:s3_pkt.c:964:SSL alert number 46
29776:error:1409E0E5:SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_BYTES:ssl handshake

when running openssl verify with our root_certs, -purpose sslclient

error 26 at 0 depth lookup:unsupported certificate purpose

Whereas with -purpose sslserver returns just OK.

I _assume_ this has something to do with the purpose.  openssl's code
_apepars_ to verify that the cert has the right purpose.  Right?

Our SSL_CTX_set_verify call has SSL_VERIFY_PEER and

[I get confused around here, because I can't see anything that implies
it would generate a no certificate returned message.  If purpose was
the real problem, wouldn't it say something more specific?]

For various (mostly political) reasons, we can't [re]generate the certs
we use with sslclient.

Do we need to resort to a verify callback to permit an 0.9.6b server to
accept server certs from the client?

Or is something else going wrong?
OpenSSL Project
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OUCH! Successful Install Broke Logons

2001-12-14 Thread Bob Foster


Yesterday I successfully compiled and installed openssl-0.9.6b on RedHat
Linux 6.1.  Immediately, I couldn't log on (as root or as a regular user)
to the Linux box from the console although I could log on using ssh from
another computer.  In addition, when a workstation within the subnet which
had been turned off was booted up, it received the error that it's ip
address was in use.  So, I shut down the Linux box and then the
workstation booted OK.  

Today I started the Linux box and I can't logon from the console or
through ssh.  I realize that it's probably back to the install disks for
me, but does anyone have any insight to what would cause this nightmare? 
(I don't believe that I've been hacked.)  


Bob Foster

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: OUCH! Successful Install Broke Logons

2001-12-14 Thread Marcus Redivo

 I realize that it's probably back to the install disks
 for me, ...
 Bob Foster

Before you do that, have you tried

boot: linux single

during bootup? If you can get on here, you can fix the problem.

Alternatively, you can get a copy of tomsrtbt and boot with that to find 
and fix the problem. (Can't remember the URL; has a link 
from its Distributions page...)

Marcus Redivo

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re(2): OUCH! Successful Install Broke Logons

2001-12-14 Thread Bob Foster

Thanks Marcus!  I'll give those ideas a try.


 I realize that it's probably back to the install disks
 for me, ...
 Bob Foster

Before you do that, have you tried

boot: linux single

during bootup? If you can get on here, you can fix the problem.

Alternatively, you can get a copy of tomsrtbt and boot with that to find 
and fix the problem. (Can't remember the URL; has a link 
from its Distributions page...)

Marcus Redivo

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: re. Successful Install Broke Logons - Tomsrtbt

2001-12-14 Thread Bob Foster

Thanks.  I found the tomsrtbt home page at

Also, boot:  linux single worked just fine.  (I learn something every day!)

I have a copy of that floppy around here.  If you can't find the URL get
back to me and I'll try to locate it.

On Fri, Dec 14, 2001 at 01:15:02PM -0800, Marcus Redivo wrote:
  I realize that it's probably back to the install disks
  for me, ...

 Before you do that, have you tried
 boot: linux single
 during bootup? If you can get on here, you can fix the problem.
 Alternatively, you can get a copy of tomsrtbt and boot with that to
 and fix the problem. (Can't remember the URL; has a link 
 from its Distributions page...)

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbie question

2001-12-14 Thread Franck Martin

Try look for the SSL Certificates HOWTO.

On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 11:57, Murali K. Vemuri wrote:


i am a newbie trying to understand
1. what is a certificate?
2. who shall make it?
3. who  how to get it?
4. if i have my own setup, and some previleged users only should get the
access to the site, how can i implement that?
5. and if 4( as above) is possible,  how can i achieve it?

infact, i went through the openssl documentation at
but, for my primitive knowledge, it was all greek and latin.
please forgive me ...and just give me a little information.
murali krishna vemuri

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]