Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread David Schwartz

Why not use simple challenge/response password authentication?

David Schwartz

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 00:36:22 -0800 (PST), Vadim Zaliva wrote:
>I am trying to use OpenSSL to build secure authenticated channel between
>client and server. I want server to allow connections only from certain
>clients, and I want client to be sure it is connected to the right server.
>I see how it could be done using certificates. However for my application
>generating certificates would be to complex for end user.
>The simplest way I see it would be to use RSA public/private keys: the way
>SSH does. So client and server each would have private/public key pairs
>generated. When, I would manually add server public key to client side and
>client public key to server side (server will possibly have more that one
>client key).
>If there is anything wrong with the way I am planning to do it? It seems to
>me that this should be pretty common usage. If somebody done this before I
>would appreciate any advice. I am new to openssl and still learning basics.
>Sincerely, Vadim
>"La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien a ajouter, mais quand
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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread crispin

On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 12:36:22AM -0800, Vadim Zaliva wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to use OpenSSL to build secure authenticated channel between
> client and server. I want server to allow connections only from certain
> clients, and I want client to be sure it is connected to the right server.
> I see how it could be done using certificates. However for my application
> generating certificates would be to complex for end user.
> The simplest way I see it would be to use RSA public/private keys: the way
> SSH does. So client and server each would have private/public key pairs
> generated. When, I would manually add server public key to client side and
> client public key to server side (server will possibly have more that one
> client key).
> If there is anything wrong with the way I am planning to do it? It seems
> to me that this should be pretty common usage. If somebody done this
> before I would appreciate any advice. I am new to openssl and still
> learning basics.

This seems fine. The only problem (and its a problem in ssh aswell) is the weak key 
binding. Its the warning you get in ssh when you change a host key. Warning Host key 
changed. Man in the Middle attack possible. blah blah blah. Most people just punch in 
yes and connect. How do you know its not a man in the middle attack?

If you use certificates you can change the host key, and the client knows its a 
legitimate change because the key has been signed by a known CA. Thus you never have 
such a problem. If the certificate doesn't check out, then you know for *sure* that 
something is up.

Of course if you use a strict check on your rsa host key, say that if the rsa host key 
doesn't match for that host you refuse a connection, then thats not a prob.

The other weak key binding problem is when you first connect (unknown host key, blah 
blah, should I add it to known hosts?). What if someone has set up a man-in-the-middle 
before your first connect. There is no way of knowing. A certificate removes these 
problems because if both the client and server know in advance about the CA (even if 
the CA is you, not a real CA) then on the first connect, your client can determine for 
sure if the host key is legit, or forged.

So the answer really depends on what you want to do, and how secure is secure?

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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Eric Rescorla

Vadim Zaliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am trying to use OpenSSL to build secure authenticated channel between
> client and server. I want server to allow connections only from certain
> clients, and I want client to be sure it is connected to the right server.
> I see how it could be done using certificates. However for my application
> generating certificates would be to complex for end user.
> The simplest way I see it would be to use RSA public/private keys: the way
> SSH does. So client and server each would have private/public key pairs
> generated. When, I would manually add server public key to client side and
> client public key to server side (server will possibly have more that one
> client key).
> If there is anything wrong with the way I am planning to do it? It seems
> to me that this should be pretty common usage. If somebody done this
> before I would appreciate any advice. I am new to openssl and still
> learning basics.
This can't be done with SSL exactly the way you want to do it.
The only way that SSL knows how to carry public keys is via

Accordingly, what you need to do is use self-signed certificates.
At this point you have two authentication options:
(1) Hardwire in the certificate values (or public key values) on
either side. It's conventional to use a digest of the certificate/key
instead of the actual value.

(2) Do what SSH does for the server. When the client first connects
hope that there's no man-in-the-middle and assume that the certificate
is genuine. Write it down and from that point on check the key
the peer presents against the cached key. As Crispin points out,
this has a few security problems, but it's better than nothing.

Essentially, SSH trusts that the first time you connect you actually
get to the right host. Given the frequency of actual attacks on the
net, this isn't THAT bad an assumption. 

The traditional thing to do with SSH is for the client to get the
server's public key the first time he connects. The client then
authenticates to the server with a password. Once the client
has authenticated he puts his own public key on the server.


[Eric Rescorla   [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Author of "SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems"
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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Jeffrey Altman

Besides the fact that using raw public/private key pairs is in my
mind a disaster waiting to happen to all SSH users:

 . they have no notion of identity associated with them

 . they have no notion of trust associated with them

 . they have no notion of usage associated with them

 . they have no ability to be expired 

 . they have no ability to be revoked if compromised

private keys are stored in most cases on the disks of insecure
operating systems protected only by a passphrase chosen by a end user
that knows nothing about security.  An insecure OS is one that is
either unmanageable or one that is not properly maintained from a
security perspective.  No OS maintained by the end user is secure.

A passphrase consisting of human readable/typable text provides
approximately 2 bits of entropy per character.  Therefore, to provide 
an equivalent strength key to protect a 1024 bit private key would 
require a passphrase at least 64 characters long.  Since most
passphrases are significantly shorter, not more than an 8 character 
password, dictionary attacks to extract the private key are highly

I am simply waiting for the virus/worm that as part of its operation
steals SSH identity and known_hosts files and sends them off to be 
dictionary attacked.  

The difference between raw public/private key pairs and X.509 certs is
that the cert is a centrally managed object that can be revoked.
Something that is revoked cannot be used again by the end user.  In
other words, the end user cannot simply copy re-use their previous
generated key pair.  

If the user can generate a public/private key pair then they can with
appropriate tools provided by you generate a Certificate Signing
Request, send the CSR to your host, have it signed and installed.  Its
more work on your part not on the end users.

- Jeff

> Hi!
> I am trying to use OpenSSL to build secure authenticated channel between
> client and server. I want server to allow connections only from certain
> clients, and I want client to be sure it is connected to the right server.
> I see how it could be done using certificates. However for my application
> generating certificates would be to complex for end user.
> The simplest way I see it would be to use RSA public/private keys: the way
> SSH does. So client and server each would have private/public key pairs
> generated. When, I would manually add server public key to client side and
> client public key to server side (server will possibly have more that one
> client key).
> If there is anything wrong with the way I am planning to do it? It seems
> to me that this should be pretty common usage. If somebody done this
> before I would appreciate any advice. I am new to openssl and still
> learning basics.
> Sincerely,
> Vadim
> -- 
> "La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien a ajouter, mais
> quand il ne reste rien a enlever."  (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
> __
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 Jeffrey Altman * Sr.Software Designer  C-Kermit 8.0 available now!!!
 The Kermit Project @ Columbia University   includes Telnet, FTP and HTTP secured with Kerberos, SRP, and 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]OpenSSL. Interfaces with OpenSSH
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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Michael Sierchio

Jeffrey Altman wrote:

> A passphrase consisting of human readable/typable text provides
> approximately 2 bits of entropy per character.  

English text contains approx. 3.5 bits of entropy per character.
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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Eric Rescorla

Michael Sierchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> > A passphrase consisting of human readable/typable text provides
> > approximately 2 bits of entropy per character.  
> English text contains approx. 3.5 bits of entropy per character.
This seems high, considering that only 6 bits are required to
render every alphanumeric message (and only a little over 5 bits
is required if you use only one case).

Schneier's estimate is even more conservative than Jeffrey's.
Ordinary English text contains 1.0-1.5 bits per character.
Schneier cites Shannon[0] and Cover[1]

Michael, perhaps you're thinking of the REDUNDANCY of English,
which is roughly 3.4 bits/character (4.7 bits is required to
render all 26 letters, so if you subtract 1.3 from 4.7...)

That said, it's not clear how these results apply to passwords.
The entropy of short chunks of text is lower. Shannon claims
about 2.3 bits/char for 8-letter chunks. OTOH, passwords which
are specifically well chosen can have very high entropies.
Memorizing strings of 8-16 random characters is quite practical [2]
and such strings (even when limited to typed text) can have
entropies as high as 6+ bits/character.


[0] Shannon, C.E., "Predication and Entropy in Printed English"

[1] Cover, T.M., King, R.C., "A Convergent Gambling Estimate of the
Entropy of English", in IEEE Trans. Info. Theory., July 1978.

[2] OTOH, most people aren't willing to do this, so this is a
best case scenario for situations where users care about 

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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Michael Sierchio

Eric Rescorla wrote:

> That said, it's not clear how these results apply to passwords.
> The entropy of short chunks of text is lower. 

No. The entropy of short chunks of text, without syntax, is
higher.  Grammatical text is more redundant.  Frequency vocabulary
is different from dictionary vocabulary, too -- words people use
in speech are shorter.

Passphrases such as those used in S/Key



consist of six words chosen from a dictionary of 2048. 2048^6 = 2^66.
It gets better, of course, if you use them as one-time passwords.
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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Eric Rescorla

Michael Sierchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Eric Rescorla wrote:
> > That said, it's not clear how these results apply to passwords.
> > The entropy of short chunks of text is lower. 
> No. The entropy of short chunks of text, without syntax, is
> higher.
That's what I meant, higher :)

That's why my next sentence was:
"Shannon claims about 2.3 bits/char for 8-letter chunks."


[Eric Rescorla   [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
OpenSSL Project
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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Vadim Zaliva

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, David Schwartz wrote:

> Why not use simple challenge/response password authentication?

That is one of the options I am considering. I am not sure how to store
password on server side and what would be exchange sequence.


"La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien a ajouter, mais
quand il ne reste rien a enlever."  (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Vadim Zaliva

On 6 Jan 2002, Eric Rescorla wrote:

I would like to thank everybody who responded to my previous messages.

> This can't be done with SSL exactly the way you want to do it. The
> only way that SSL knows how to carry public keys is via certificates.

I would love to use certificates, but my problem with them is the
following: My client installs server and client. He should be able to set
them up without requesting something from 3-rd party CA. If I understand
correctly, the only solution in this case would be to generate his own CA
and generate certificates with it. I am not sure how much secure it would
be. Also I would like to make it not too complex for end user. After
installing server and client he should not perform many complex steps to
make it work.

Another question is: where this CA would reside: it should be stored
somewhere to generate more client certificates if needed. My
application is firewall management tool ( and daemon
would run on firewall and used to configure certain aspects of
it. Keeping CA there does not sound like very good idea.

So I see few variants implementing this:

1. Password

Server have password and keeps either whole password of MD5 of it. Clients
establishes SSL connection (w/o certificates) and sends password. 

This is not very secure from "man-in-the-middle" attack.

2. Challenge-Response

I do not know yet how to implement this. Advice appreciated.

3. Certificates

After server is installed, certificate authority is generated. When
using this CA, server certificate is generated. For each client, new
certificate is generated using same authority. While establishing SSL
connection client and server certificates are exchanged. (The question
I am not completely understand yet, is how to check if they are the
right ones.  Probably I need to keep copy of server certificate on
client side and compare one received over the connection with it?)

4. RSA keys

Similar to SSH. I understand that OpenSSL protocol does not have
specific support for this, so it have to be written on top of it,
after SSL connection is established. I guess server have to send some
token signed with its key, which client have to send back signed with
its. Checking signatures would ensure identity of both.

I am new to this kind of application and would really appreciate any


"La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien a ajouter, mais
quand il ne reste rien a enlever."  (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

OpenSSL Project
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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Rich Salz

Use SRP ( over SSL for privacy.

Zolera Systems, Securing web services (XML, SOAP, Signatures,
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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread Eric Rescorla

Vadim Zaliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 6 Jan 2002, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> I would like to thank everybody who responded to my previous messages.
> > This can't be done with SSL exactly the way you want to do it. The
> > only way that SSL knows how to carry public keys is via certificates.
> I would love to use certificates, but my problem with them is the
> following: My client installs server and client. He should be able to set
> them up without requesting something from 3-rd party CA. If I understand
> correctly, the only solution in this case would be to generate his own CA
> and generate certificates with it. I am not sure how much secure it would
> be. Also I would like to make it not too complex for end user. After
> installing server and client he should not perform many complex steps to
It's trivial to have your softare automatically generate self-signed
certificates. OpenSSL knows how.

> 1. Password
> Server have password and keeps either whole password of MD5 of it. Clients
> establishes SSL connection (w/o certificates) and sends password. 
> This is not very secure from "man-in-the-middle" attack.
Right. You need certificates on the server side to protect against

> 2. Challenge-Response
> I do not know yet how to implement this. Advice appreciated.
See (for instance) the mechanism in RFC 2095.

> 3. Certificates
> After server is installed, certificate authority is generated. When
> using this CA, server certificate is generated. For each client, new
> certificate is generated using same authority. While establishing SSL
> connection client and server certificates are exchanged. (The question
> I am not completely understand yet, is how to check if they are the
> right ones.  Probably I need to keep copy of server certificate on
> client side and compare one received over the connection with it?)
Not quite. You set the CA as the root on the both sides and tell
OpenSSL to enforce certificate verification. The tricky bit is 
establishing the binding between clients and their public keys
in order to issue the correct certificates. This is often done
with passwords.

> 4. RSA keys
> Similar to SSH. I understand that OpenSSL protocol does not have
> specific support for this, so it have to be written on top of it,
> after SSL connection is established. I guess server have to send some
> token signed with its key, which client have to send back signed with
> its. Checking signatures would ensure identity of both.
There's no point in doing this. Self-signed certificates are
equally easy.

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Beginner's questions with openssl API

2002-01-06 Thread Mack Stevenson


I don't have any experience in coding apps which use cryptography, but I 
don't want to screw up, so I come looking for some friendly advice.

What I would like to do is to use the openssl simmetric crypto library to 
encrypt local files, and decrypt them with a user supplied passphrase. 
Pretty normal stuff, right? I have seen the Blowfish example in the 

My doubts are the following:

- I gather that it's a bad idea to just encrypt all the files with the 
passphrase chosen by the user, right?

- If so, I would encrypt the files with an internally generated 
pseudo-random key of the appropriate length, store it encrypted (with the 
user-chosen passphase as key) on disk, and then use the passphrase entered 
by the user to decrypt the real key and then decrypt the files with the 
latter. I think this is what PGP/GPG do, so it should be a better solution 
than just using the passphrase in the first place. Is this right?

- If so, how do I get the pseudo-random data to use as a key? Just read it 
from /dev/random? (I am on linux.) Or is there a preferred way of doing 

- How do I use the IV value? Is this the "salt"? If so, I don't need it to 
decrypt the cyphertext, right? (If this is right, why does the decrypt 
command in the above-mentioned example 
( mention 
the IV value: "-iv 0102030405060708"?)

Thank you for any help. As you can see, I am new to these things.


Mack Stevenson

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Re: Beginner's questions with openssl API

2002-01-06 Thread Mack Stevenson

Hi Bear,

Thank you for replying.

> > - I gather that it's a bad idea to just encrypt all the files with the
> > passphrase chosen by the user, right?
>You don't use the passphrase *directly*, but you should certainly
>use the user's passphrase.  Run it through a cryptographic hash
>and use the results as your encryption key.

Can I use either the SHA or RIPEMD-160 hashes from openssl for this purpose?

>Bottom line: if you're not sure what you're doing, keep it as
>simple as you possibly can.  Adding features you don't understand
>is a good way to introduce fatal weaknesses.


>If you want to encrypt
>a file:
>  - hash the passphrase to generate the key.  Do not worry about
>random keys.


>  - use OpenPGP packeting, but only use the literal block (which
>contains the data) and the symmetric key encrypted session
>block (which contains the encrypted literal block).  Do not
>worry about the compressed block or various key blocks.
>- for your first cut, use hard-coded "random" data at the top
>   of the SKES block.  It's less secure than true random data,
>   but it's one less thing for you to worry about right now.

I don't quite understand what you mean, and the man page EVP_EncryptInit(3) 
isn't helping much; can't I just do it as in the example from that page:


EVP_EncryptInit_ex(&ctx, NULL, EVP_bf_cbc(), key, iv);

if(!EVP_EncryptUpdate(&ctx, outbuf, &outlen, intext, strlen(intext)))

   return 0;

if(!EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(&ctx, outbuf + outlen, &tmplen))

   return 0;
outlen += tmplen;

after having set 'key' and 'iv'?

About salt/IV: how do I determine its appropriate length? And do I store it 
(in plaintext) next to the encrypted file?

>But instead of asking us, the best thing to do is grabbing a copy
>of the OpenPGP spec (RFC 2440).

I shall do so. Although my interest is only in using very simple symmetric 
encryption, it seems to touch on some of these issues.

There is another question I would like to pose you: suppose that I wish to 
be able to determine whether the user entered the right passphrase (for 
purposes other than decrypting the cyphertext). This would imply storing a 
hash of the passphrase on disk, and comparing each entered passphrase to it, 
right? (As Unices do.) In this context, is it still advisable to use a hash 
of the passphrase as the encryption key? I understand that, for obvious 
reasons, I would need to use a *different* hash algorithm (otherwise, the 
decryption key would be stored as plaintext on disk all the time:-). But if 
I do use a different hash algorithm, is this an acceptable approach? Or is 
there a more intelligent way of doing this?



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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread David Schwartz

>2. Challenge-Response
>I do not know yet how to implement this. Advice appreciated.

The short version of how you do this is that you use some sort of hashing 
scheme like MD5 or SHA1. During the installation process, you generate a 
random password (or ask the user to enter one) and you store the password on 
both the server and the client.

The authentication can go many ways, but the idea is for the server and 
client to each assure themselves that the other has the password.

Here's one possible way to do it:

1) The server generates a random challenge and sends it and the current time 
to the client. (Lets call the server's challenge Cs and the server's time 

2) The client generates a random challenge as well and sends it and the 
current time (as it sees it) to the server. (Let's call the client's 
challenge Cc and the client's time Tc.)

3) The server computes a response by appending Cs, Ts, the password, Tc, and 
Cc, and sends the MD5 or SHA1 hash of this response to the client.

4) The client computes a response by appending Cc, Tc, the password, Ts, and 
Cs, and sends the MD5 or SHA1 hash of this response to the server.

5) Each side verifies that the other side created the correct hash, thus 
proving that it knows the password.

This is oversimplified, I'm afraid, and is not totally secure as stated. But 
it should give you the idea.


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Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-06 Thread crispin

On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 01:04:37PM -0800, Vadim Zaliva wrote:
> 2. Challenge-Response
> I do not know yet how to implement this. Advice appreciated.
> 4. RSA keys
> Similar to SSH. I understand that OpenSSL protocol does not have
> specific support for this, so it have to be written on top of it,
> after SSL connection is established. I guess server have to send some
> token signed with its key, which client have to send back signed with
> its. Checking signatures would ensure identity of both.

I did something like this in openSSL, but had to write basic RSA enc/dec routines. Its 
quite straight forward with the power of OpenSSL. I used a BIO to feed my own RSA key 
into an RSA struct.

from the ssh man pages

 When the user logs in, the ssh program tells the server
 which key pair it would like to use for authentication.  The server
 checks if this key is permitted, and if so, sends the user (actually the
 ssh program running on behalf of the user) a challenge, a random number,
 encrypted by the user's public key.  The challenge can only be decrypted
 using the proper private key.  The user's client then decrypts the chal­
 lenge using the private key, proving that he/she knows the private key
 but without disclosing it to the server.

Kind Regards


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