Re: Beginner's questions with openssl API

2002-01-07 Thread Juan Segarra

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Mack Stevenson wrote:

> Hi Bear,
> Thank you for replying.
> > > - I gather that it's a bad idea to just encrypt all the files with the
> > > passphrase chosen by the user, right?
> >
> >You don't use the passphrase *directly*, but you should certainly
> >use the user's passphrase.  Run it through a cryptographic hash
> >and use the results as your encryption key.
> Can I use either the SHA or RIPEMD-160 hashes from openssl for this purpose?

You should use the PBE (Password Based Encryption) routines instead of
hashing directly. They are based on PKCS#5 (1.5 and 2.0) and PKCS#12. You
can take a look at my EVP tutorial (sorry but i don't know any other

Unfortunately by now it's in spanish, but the code could help you. Hope
you can find it useful.


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OpenSSL ocsp and SmartTrust Servant OCSP

2002-01-07 Thread Franz Brandl
Title: A-Trust

Hi All,
I am trying to use the OpenSSL command ocsp 
together with SmartTrust Servant OCSP 4.0 and consistently get 'internalerror 
(2)' when trying to verify the status of a certificate.
Does anyone have experience with SmartTrust 
OCSP and OpenSSL ?
Best regards
Franz Brandl
Associated Consultant
 A-Trust Gesellschaft für 
Sicherheitssysteme im elektronischen Datenverkehr GmbH 

Re: Root cert questions

2002-01-07 Thread Bear Giles

> By definition, a "root cert" is one where the issuer is also the signer.
> How you determine issuer===signer can be problematic (insert various 
> Gutman data here :), but most software probably compares DN's.

I might not have been clear on this - the table is intended to be 
used as the "cert store" for certs issued by the CA, not a general
purpose cert store.  The CA has complete control over everything 
that goes into the table, and will include a bunch of companion java 
servlets that query the database.  (Think nsRevocationUrl and the
like, or similiar PKIX lookup functions.)  If the database has 
strong integrity checks, the servlets can be thin.

Anyway, my current test for a "root cert" has been whether

  X509_verify(cert, X509_get_pubkey(cert))

  (or "x509_verify(x,x)" in the PostgreSQL binding)

returns true.  I originally planned to compare keyids, but have 
decided to just cache the results of this test instead.  I've been
ignoring the subject and issuer DNs for now from the assumption
that an attacker could exploit any difference in how I recognize
root certs (self-signature or subject/issuer DN) to slip in some
bad certs.

But this is an exercise in futility unless the cert chains will
be acceptable to others, hence the questions.

> If your 
> libpkixpg functions generate the keyid if not present, then your schema 
> looks correct.

Nope, if the keyid is absent you get a null.  But this isn't an
issue since my signing code always adds the keyids.

> A more correct term, although not as impressive, is 
> probably "self-signed cert."

Since the intention is to label the terminal certs in a cert chain
maintained by the CA, a "root cert" could be a CA cert signed by a 
third party.  That's the end of the chain as far as the database is
concerned.  You're unlikely to get such a cert from Verisign, but 
you might get a restricted one from a parent organization.

In this case, the test for root certs would become something like

  X509_verify(cert, X509_get_pubkey(parentcert))

where the 'parentcert' is the foreign signing key.
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How to do When root CA'cert expired!!?

2002-01-07 Thread XuJi

I am a graduate student of Southeast University. We are studying

abount CA system. Now we meet a problem that the CA Certificate we
created before will expire soon. And we have a CA center for accepting
signing certification request,and a CA application for query. If we
change the CA certificate to a new one, we must setup two application
servers separately for old CA's users and new CA's user. Because we need

user's certicate,and  servers's SSLCACertificate should be consistent
with the CACertificate of user's certificate.
I hope I have express my problem clealy. Can you tell me that is
any other better way to solve the problem. And another question,it may
be a dumb question,but i would like to know can i prolong the
CACertificate's period of validity?and how?
Thanks a lot!


Jenny Xu


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openssl to find out expiration date in pfx-files???

2002-01-07 Thread Hochmuth, Karl-Heinz

Hello folks!

I am looking for a solution to extract the expiration date of a certificate
to a text file to bring finaly all of the expiration dates in a database, so
I know when the next certificate expires.

I am using IIS 5.0 extracting my keys including private key to a *.pfx-file.
I can use openssl pkcs12 -in infile -out outfile -nodes to create a pem-file
which I can read line by line. Unfortunately there is no expiration date
which I can use in this type of file.

How can I obtain the expiration date of  certificate in the form of a
Microsoft pfx-file or a convertion using openssl???

Many thanx and best regards,

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openssl-0.9.6 compile problem in windows 2000 + vc 6.0

2002-01-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

openssl-0.9.6, openssl-0.9.6a, openssl-0.9.6-stable-snap-20020103,
openssl-engine-0.9.6c, openssl-0.9.6c, openssl-snap-20020103, these versions
can not be compiled under windows2000 + VC6.0.
Whenever I use "perl Configure VC-WIN32" or "perl Configure VC-NT",
run "ms\do_ms" or "ms\do_nt", the following errors will be meeting:
Use of uninitialized value at util\ line 516
Use of uninitialized value at util\ line 517
Use of uninitialized value at util\ line 516
Use of uninitialized value at util\ line 517
Use of uninitialized value at util\ line 516
Use of uninitialized value at util\ line 517
Use of uninitialized value at util\ line 516

I have to use openssl-0.9.5a. It's awful! 
Can you give me some suggestions? Thank you.


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Problems compiling openssl 9.6c on win2000 with vc6.0

2002-01-07 Thread John van Pelt
Title: Problems compiling openssl 9.6c on win2000 with vc6.0

I have installed openssl 9.6c according the instructions in the INSTALL file:

perl Configure VC-WIN32
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak

The result of the make is an error compling the file .\crypto\engine\hw_aep.c.

Error: Cannot open include file unistd.h

Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?

RSA_verify question

2002-01-07 Thread Hylton Tregenza


I am using RSA_verify to verify that the signiture that I am getting
with a message is correct
The process that I am using is as follows.

Get the user public key from file and put it in a RSA structure
ERR_print_errors returns no error
Get Server private key from file and put in another RSA structure  
(I know it is not used verify but I want to sign late too)
ERR_print_errors returns no error

Read the signed message digest from disk and decode (pASN1-> ... used
ERR_print_errors returns no error

Create a digest of the data using (digest used EVP_sha1()) - (hard coded
string for testing)

ERR_print_errors returns no error

RSA_verify(NID_sha1, (unsigned char *) &md, len_md, pASN1->data,
pASN1->length, PubRsaKey); - 
failed : returns 0
ERR_print_errors returns 
6114:error:0407006A:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_1:block
type is not 01:rsa_pk1.c:100:
6114:error:04067072:rsa routines:RSA_EAY_PUBLIC_DECRYPT:padding check

All data read from disk is from a MS client encoded using
All data is read and decoded (d2i finctions) without reported error

Please advise on what action I need to take to resolve this or what the
problem(s) could be.

My app is not too large and is attached for additional info.

Hylton Tregenza

Description: z.cpp

Doubt regarding extracting the Extended Key usage attribute

2002-01-07 Thread Chandu

Iam facing a problem regarding the extracting the Extended Key usage
My requirement is to know if Extended Key Usage attribute Nid_OCSP_sign is
I tried the following way

X509  *pCert; /* The certificate */
int iVal;

iVal = X509_get_ext_by_NID(pCert, NID_OCSP_sign, -1);
if(iVal >= 0)
  printf("Extended Key Usage Attribute NID_OCSP_sign present");

Here Iam getting iVal as -1 indicating that it is not present.

But when I try to print the certificate using X509_print(), I can see this
extension present.  Is there anything wrong with the code Iam using ?

I request you to help me in finding the bug.

Awaiting your valuable response...


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2002-01-07 Thread robert

I am using msvc C++ & opensll 0.9.6c.  In 
NT4 environment I set the RANDFILE value to RANDOM.pem, should the value end in 
.rnd.  Do i need to do anything special or explicit in the openssl.cnf, to 
confirm it, when I am creating ref or ca certs?  In my application, I have 
build a C++ wrapper around openssl functions.  During the handshaking phase 
should my application point to the same RANDOM.* seed file to create the random 
number used as input to the key generation process.

Re: RSA keys auth.

2002-01-07 Thread Bear Giles

> Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> > A passphrase consisting of human readable/typable text provides
> > approximately 2 bits of entropy per character.  
> English text contains approx. 3.5 bits of entropy per character.

Password half password of password normal password English password
text password is password not password the password 'password', password 
or password similar password text password.

(I know, "the", "a", "in", "of", etc.  But these extremely common 
English words are also extremely short, and are often eliminated
from these entropy counts anyway as 'semantic glue.')
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[no subject]

2002-01-07 Thread Bernd . Bauer


i have an axis development board and i want to run an snmp agent on it. the
agent need the openssl library, but if i try to compile it there is an error:
"could not read symbols nvalid operation"

can you tell me why?

thanks bernd

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