Re: First posting NEWBEE

2006-02-25 Thread Andrew Mann
   MySQL would have to implement this. I believe there is some support 
of SSL encrypted connections in MySQL.   Try here first:  and if 
you still have questions, try the MySQL mailing lists.


Thomas Fitzgerald wrote:

Nobody knows the answer to this question?

Tom Fitzgerald, CIO 
POS International, Inc. 
Technical Support is available at 
or 800-646-4767 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thomas Fitzgerald
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:16 AM
Subject: First posting NEWBEE

I have created a program in Delphi that accesses a MYSQL database on an
ISP's server.  My question is:  Will open-ssl allow me to use a security
certificate between my application and the MYSQL server?  If the answer is
yes, could someone point me in the right direction, so I can learn how to
implement Open-SSL with my application. 
Thomas W. Fitzgerald

Thomas W. Fitzgerald
POS International, Inc.


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Re: Even CA's make mistakes..

2005-01-20 Thread Andrew Mann
	I'm no expert, so please verify anything that you don't trust here.
	Block algorithms typically don't operate the way a cube operates.  They 
are named a block algorithm because they operate on a single block in, 
single block out. They have the same starting point and rules for each 
block.  Certainly there's more than one way to go about decoding a block 
to reach the same answer.  If the method works for the all possible 
blocks then you could say you have a key for the particular scenario. 
Logically though the only one that concerns you is the easiest method to 
find.  Currently no encryption algorithm is unbreakable.  They are just 
sufficiently difficult to break with relation to the data they protect.
	It's absolutely possible to determine the session key for any algorithm 
given sufficient plain and encrypted data and enough computing power. 
The only variables are how much sample data and computing power you need.


Alok wrote:
Maybe am a bit off my head
but given a rubik cube, and a fixed axes of orientation defining it in
are there more than one ways to get the cube into a particular formation?
(not that I can solve the cube manually either...)
Are block algorithms not closer to tensors?
sorry if this sounds stupid though..
- Original Message - 
From: Bernhard Froehlich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: Even CA's make mistakes..

Alok wrote:

lets take PKI out for a moment and talk simple block encryption,
given that you know
a. the message or the 1st few bits in it
b. the set of possible block algorithms used to encrypt
Can you determine session key?

If it would be known to be possible this would not be a algorithm in
wide use. This kind of attack is well known as known plaintext attack.
PGP Public Key Information
Download complete Key from
Key fingerprint = 31B0 E029 BCF9 6605 DAC1  B2E1 0CC8 70F4 7AFB 8D26

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Re: SSL (or alike) over UDP

2005-01-17 Thread Andrew Mann
Shaun Lipscombe wrote:
* Ben Laurie wrote:

Peter 'Luna' Runestig wrote:
On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 21:10 pm, Eduardo PĂ©rez wrote:

Do you know if it's possible to use SSL (or some other protocol) over
UDP running totally in user space.

The OpenVPN project runs OpenSSL over UDP, works
No, it doesn't. It uses SSL do bootstrap UDP connections.

It says in the book Web Security  Commerce by Simson Garfinkel,
Gene Spafford that SSL cannot use UDP.
I read that bit just the other day :-)
  The question is a little vague.  I don't know of anything that you 
can just plug in that does this (I'm not very knowledgeable on the 
subject though).  If you mean can a system be built, then it can.
  You can arrange for order of arrival and guaranteed delivery above 
UDP and have basically rebuilt TCP  on top of UDP.  So in that respect, 
with some work anything that can work over TCP can work over UDP.  It 
would be counter productive to do this though unless your main goal was 
to work around a system that wouldn't pass IP packets with the protocol 
set to TCP.
  If you want to work with UDPs lower overhead by accepting lost and 
out of order packets then you need to use an encryption method that 
doesn't alter its state based on the data flow (i.e. RC4 would be out).
  SSL (usually?) uses public key encryption to exchange a shared secret 
that's used in a symmetric algorithm for the remainder of the 
conversation.  A straightforward method might be to establish a TCP 
connection for this key exchange, and then use a block cipher (blowfish 
perhaps) to encrypt individual UDP packets.  Since each UDP packet would 
be encrypted individually a lost or out of order packet would not matter 
to the decryption process.  I don't know how secure blowfish would be 
using the same key over and over, and certainly the more data you pass 
encrypted with the same key the easier it will become to analyze and 
break.  If you're worried about it you can keep the TCP connection open 
and exchange new symmetric keys occassionally.
  If you look into the encryption used for wireless communication (I'm 
sure there's a couple RFCs on this) that system should adapt to UDP 
transmissions without much work.  Use the newest standard, since the 
older one was fairly easy to break if I recall.

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Re: Quantum Encryption no protection against man in the middle attack?

2005-01-06 Thread Andrew Mann

David Schwartz wrote:
2) Streams of entangled particles can generate shared
secrets where none
previously existed.
No, not really, since the scheme described on page 80 of the Jan 2005
Scientific American looks vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack.

In that case, it generates two shared secrets. Either way, shared 
are generated where none previously existed.

I'm *fairly* sure that wrt shared secrets if none previously existed
then there is NO way to prevent a man-in-the-middle attack, as there is
no way to authenticate your correspondant, however, I am willing to
listen to arguments.

In this case, it's not an attack. You have a secure channel to the MITM.
All that I said is that a shared secret is generated, not that you know who
you share that secret with. And, of course, either of the parties to a
secret can share it if they want.
You might wonder what good a shared secret is if you have no idea who 
with. The idea is that you authenticate the endpoint right after you
establish the shared secret, before you send any sensitive information. The
MITM cannot keep the shared secrets the same with both endpoints, so you
simply confirm equivalence at the endpoints as the next step.
	How would you know you were verifying the shared secret with the 
desired endpoint and not again verifying it with the man in the middle? 
I believe this problem is unsolvable without advanced knowledge of the 
desired remote peer.
	The advantage of quantum encryption is a guarantee that if and only if 
the initial connection can be guaranteed, then all future data can be 
guaranteed secure.  Establishing (and re-establishing if the connection 
is broken) the authenticity of the remote peer initially can never be 
guaranteed, but practically speaking you can pre-distribute some piece 
of information to the peers in such a way that you're reasonably assured 
of its secrecy.


For an example not involving any quantum encryption, consider using
anonymous DH to establish a connection. Then, over the connection, each end
sends the shared secret encrypted with its public key. Each end then
validates the signatures and that the shared secrets match. In other words,
you do MITM detection as a separate step.
The advantage over using ADH in this same application is the forward
security. You are protected against future compromises of the keys involved
and passive interception. This is a serious issue with public/private keys
because it is *always* possible to break such a key with sufficient
computational power in an automated, foolproof way.
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Re: Quantum Encryption no protection against man in the middle attack?

2005-01-04 Thread Andrew Mann

Do you agree that:
1) If there exists a shared secret, quantum encryption can provide
protection, now and in the future, against MITM attacks or passive
2) Streams of entangled particles can generate shared secrets where none
previously existed.
	I think the flaw here is in authentication.  Given a quantum encrypted 
physical link where neither side is assured of the others authenticity - 
a link in the initial state, there's no way that nodes A and B can 
tell the difference between:

A  B
A - C -- B
	In the first situation A and B generate a shared secret.  In the 
second, A and C generate a shared secret and C and B generate a shared 
secret.  A never knew who B was and doesn't know who B is now.  There's 
only A -- C .   If C is a node controlled by a malicious party (a man 
in the middle) then your security is compromised.  In order to avoid 
this you must establish a shared secret key in some way between A and B 
without C knowing - and you must be certain that it's really only A and 
B that are privy to this key.  I don't think this is any different than 
public key systems in this limitation though.  This is why web browsers 
are distributed with a set of root certificates, isn't it?

	In practice I think this will mean that you do some initial 
verification, perhaps exchange a physical card with a shared key on it 
between sites, and then you're up and running secure.  If the link 
security is broken, you must re-secure the link and start over.  If you 
attempt to reuse the same key despite multiple intrusion detections 
you'll give the attacker the chance to deduce the key.  It seems the 
danger here is that detected errors could be a physical problem on the 
line or it could be an attacker selectively cutting in attempting to 
guess bits of the key - it's important to have an error free line to 
ensure security.


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Re: data dependence with md5/64-bit RSA?

2004-12-07 Thread Andrew Mann
	It sounds like the data is being padded (perhaps automatically).  There 
are several standards for padding data prior to applying RSA encryption. 
 It seems that whatever padding is being used is adding about 10 bytes. 
 One of the PKCS standards should be able to explain everything that's 
happening here.  You can find the papers on the RSA labs site I think.

	Some other clarifications here:  You can only encrypt a chunk of data 
(after all pre-processing including padding) that is up to the numerical 
value of the modulus - 1 . If you have a 64 bit key and you guarantee 
the highest order bit is 1, then your modulus is only guaranteed to be 
greater than 2^63 .  Since you don't know how much greater, you can only 
use this modulus on 63 bits of data (again post processing, padding, etc).
	If you don't need security you may not want to use RSA - especially 
through a wrapper API.  It will be slower, and as mentioned you actually 
have no security anyway.  Plus you'll have to deal with all the quirks 
of a padded block public key cipher :)
	If you do want to use the encryption and have it work, you'll want to 
The RSA algorithm
Key generation
Key management
Padding methods

	A mistake in any of these could easily leave you in the situation of 
spending a lot of effort and time to secure your data only to find out 
that bits of the private key leaked out with the public , or that your 
random number source used for key generation is basing its' values on 
the clock - the same clock that was used to timestamp your file, or some 
other such subtlety that immediately and completely invalidates your 
security.  It's not really plug-and-play :)


Jesse Hammons wrote:
Jesse Hammons wrote:

So to clarify: If I generate a 65-bit key, will I be able to use that
65-bit key to sign any 64-bit value?
Yes, but

Actually, I have found the answer to be no :-)

a 65 bit key won't be very secure AT ALL, it will be
very easy to factor a modulus that small.

Security is not my goal.  This is more of a theoretical exercise that
happens to have a practical application for me.

Bottom line: asymmetrical
(public-key) encryption has a fairly large minimum block size that
actually increases as key size increases.

Indeed.  I have found experimentally that:
 * The minimum signable data quantity in OpenSSL is 1 byte
 * The minimum size RSA key that can be used to sign 1 byte is 89 bits
 * A signature created using a 64-bit RSA key would create a number 64
bits long, BUT:
   - This is not possible to do in OpenSSL because the maximum signable
quantity for a 64
  bit RSA key is only a few bits, and OpenSSL input/output is done on
byte boundaries
Do those number sound right?
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Re: RSA Key Uniqueness

2004-03-18 Thread Andrew Mann
	I don't see that you should be using public key encryption here.  Why 
don't you just make a secret key, encrypt your data, send the data and a 
reference along with it, and output the secret key and the reference?

	Public key operations are slow.  If you intend to encrypt an entire 
file with the public key alg (as opposed to encrypting just a secret key 
that's then used to encrypt the data) you can expect a lot of time spent 
on compression and decompression.  One RSA implementation I've used does 
about 30,000 bytes/sec with a 1024 bit key on a p3 1.2 ghz.  You'll also 
need to pad any data - which is 2:1 padding to data (varies by padding 
method I think?), so you end up with ~3x the original size.
	The usual operation is to use a shared secret key to encrypt the actual 
bulk of the data you want to transfer.  The public key is used to 
encrypt the shared secret key, since you need a way to transfer that key 
from location A -  location B through hostile territory.   In your 
situation the secret key stays in a single location, so there's no need 
to provide security to transport it anywhere.
	Additionally you might consider ways to hide the size and source of data.
	Also, by linking the public key with the file you give the person 
running the server the ability to replace your data.  They take a 
replacement file, encrypt it with the public key you gave them for 
reference, and now you get back whatever they encrypted.  If you use a 
block encryption method they can replace individual blocks.  If someone 
knows a bit about you they can probably use your habits, the current 
situation, and the size of the file to make a pretty good guess as to 
what's inside - which can give them a good idea what they could replace 
it with that might cause the most problems for you.

Andrew Mann

Andrew Walrond wrote:

On Thursday 18 Mar 2004 16:14, Gerrit E.G. 'Insh_Allah' Hobbelt wrote:

Hi Andrew,

How unique is it? Is it statistically improbable that I could generate
the same key twice?
If you have properly seeded your random generator, generated (RSA) keys
should be quite unique.

Here is a simple description of WhiteWater which explains what I'm doing. 
You'll see why I asked the question, and it perhaps answers some of your 
counter-questions. Comments/criticism gratefully accepted...

Whitewater is a cross between bittorrent and an anonymous file server, and 
handles multiple files (like the whole package source tree in rubyx)

Basically, there are two binaries,
wws - White Water Server
wwc - White Water Client
wws is a daemon which provides the data store, and wwc is used to talk to a 

First, understand asymetric cryptography. You generate a key-pair. The public 
key is used to encrypt (lock) data. It can only be decrypted (unlocked) with 
the private key. You can extract the public key from the private key when you 
need it, but obviously not the other way round. You can give out your public 
key to anyone who needs to send you encrypted data, but only you can decrypt 
it with the private key.

To 'distribute' a file (make it available from a wws) you would do

wwc --server --distribute myfile  private-key

wwc generates a new (unique) key-pair and encrypts the file using the public 
key. It then makes a connection to the wws running on, and 
uploads the encrypted file to the wws server, along with the public key.

The wws server splits the file into lots of small chunks (currently 50k each; 
testing will provide optimal size) and calculates an md5sum for each chunk. 
It then stores the chunks in it's data cache, accessible via their md5sums. 
It also stores the array of md5sums needed to recreate the entire encrypted 
file in a catalogue hash, referenced via it's public key.

wws now stores the data, which it can reference with the public key, but it 
has no idea what the data is and has no means of decrypting it. It is a true  
anonymous fileserver; Fully obfuscated and with plausible deniability :)

wwc then sends the private key to stdout. In the example above, the private 
key is stored in the file private-key. At no time did the private key leave 
wwc running on the local machine.

To access a file, you supply the private key to wwc.

wwc --server --get private-key  myfile

wwc extracts the public key from the private key, connects to the wws on and sends it the public key.

wws looks up the public key in the catalogue hash and returns the array of 
md5sums of the chunks required to reconstitute the file.

wwc, for each chunk/md5sum then requests the ip of a cooperating server which 
has that chunk from the wws on It contacts each of these other 
wws servers and requests the relevant chunk (by specifying the md5sum).

Note these downloads are done in parallel so you should always achieve near 
the maximum download speed according to your available bandwidth. (As with 
bittorrent, the more

Re: Kerberos support?

2004-01-06 Thread Andrew Mann

Jeff Fulmer wrote:


I'm the author of siege, an open source http regression tester. I
recently started to recieve complaints from users on Red Hat 9.0 
systems.  Apparently openssl is built with kerberos support on red 
hat 9.0 and it requires krb5.h which is in /usr/kerberos/include
How can I detect if openssl was built with kerberos support?

	I don't know how to detect if openssl was built with kerberos support, 
but I had to define OPENSSL_NO_KRB5 (-DOPENSSL_NO_KRB5) to build my own 
openssl using app on RedHat 9.  I thought it was the other way around - 
that there were unresolved kerberos related symbols - but I may be 
mistaken.  Since I don't use Kerberos and don't really care if support 
is there or not, that compile define seems to work fine.  It works fine 
on RedHat 7.X, 8 and 9, though I'm not sure it does anything at all on 
the most up to date errata versions distributed with 7 or 8.

Second Red Hat 9.0 users are experiencing crashes when siege is 
using https protocol, ie, openssl libs. Several people have experienced
this problem but were unable to replicate it on another system. Is there
a known issue with openssl on Red Hat 9.0? I have not yet recieved a
meaningful stacktrace.

	I had problems on RedHat 9 sharing a SSL_CTX between threads.  I was 
establishing multiple simultaneous/overlapping connections to a closed 
source product on a remote machine - which was also RedHat 9.  It turns 
out the remote machine was also having problems when my client was 
sharing contexts and I was never really able to track down what was 
going on - however creating a new context for each connection worked 
flawlessly, so that's what it's doing at the moment.
	Some time later the company that made the product instructed us to add 
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 to the environment prior to startup as it 
apparently forces use of the old threading model.  I can't really say 
wether this resolved the original problems or not since it was done 
after we had moved to production and we're not going to rollback the 
functional workaround to find out :)  That's probably worth trying 
though, and I'd be interested in hearing if it helps or not.



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Re: 0.9.7c Vulnerability??

2003-12-30 Thread Andrew Mann
	If possible, put a system capable of logging all traffic in a position 
to record everything going to that system (and everything coming out if 
that's not too much data).  A hub (not a switch), or a switch that be 
configured to echo all traffic out to a specific port will do.  The 
recording system doesn't need a public IP address - unless you want to 
be able to get in from remote.  Either way shut off every service on 
that system with the possible exception of ssh - and maybe move the port 
on that for good measure.
	tcpdump should be able to record the information you'll need.  Use 
-s65535 to be sure you capture all the payload data and -w to write out 
to a file in a format that can later be parsed by tcpdump, ethereal or 
some other tool.
	If it happens again you can dig through the logs and find out what was 
sent, then you can probably take that to the apache list, and they'll 
either tell you what's likely wrong, or they'll go into a frenzy because 
there's a previously undiscovered exploit in use on the current version :)
	In the mean time, triple check the directory permissions in the apache 
configuration.  Make sure they're not able to just plain execute wget 
and/or a shell without crashing anything at all :)


Fred Merritt wrote:
Michael, Andrew, Fred, and Mark,
  first of all,
thank you for your rapid response to my append to this list.  All your
comments were constructive, and helpful.
Do I have any reason to think that this is an OpenSSL bug?
No - I have my doubts.  If this was an  OpenSSL bug in the wild, I am
sure that this list would be full of  appends about it.  What makes me
think it might be, is
  1.  The quoted(might be false trail) modus operandi of the hackers -
 use an openssl scanner, get in and then do a root exploit . . .
  2. The first attack followed this MO impeccably, but I only have
 myself to blame for not being up to date.  The first attack
 downloaded files - like telnet, and some backdoors to /tmp.  All
 files were nobody nogroup.  A root exploit was downloaded, and my
 machine was theirs.
  3. The system was rebuilt, except for the Apache sub-system, and was
 not attacked .  No data files from the original incarnation of the
 system were installed on the machine. All code restored was from
 the development site, and could not possibly have been corrupted.
 The system was online for 3 days without Apache/OpenSSL.  Apache
 without OpenSSL was up and down several times.  Nothing was
 attacked.  Within two hours of  the Apache/OpenSSL service being
 restored, the system was attacked in the manner described in the
 original append.
  4. In the second attack, the kernel was protected from the root
 exploit to which it was vulnerable in the first attack.  In this
 attack, files were also downloaded to /tmp, but the crackers were
 unable to gain root access(I think!!), at least I have no evidence
 of this.  All the files down loaded were once again user/group
 nobody/nogroup.  there were some traces of the attacker trying to
 damage files, but getting rejected due to not having the
 appropriate permissions.
  5. The attackers in their publicity on their own site do not (apart
 from their claims of omnipotency) claim to be capable of attacking
 0.9.7c  it may be that their particular scanner was capable of
 attacking 9.7c, be they themselves were not aware of it (if (it
 was  if they were) { I'm sure there would have been a lot of noise})
  6. Information in the main server log is written by Apache, or one of
 it's children(assumption).  Yes it looks like a wget, but I think
 the wget was issued by the exploited  Apache system to download
 the root backdoor.
When we cleaned up the system, we bought a new disk.  All the new stuff
went on the new disk from external sources.  To be honest the old disk
was still in the machine, but not mounted.  Of course I may have
problems elsewhere, but I haven't found evidence, and I'm still looking
pretty hard.  No unnecessary services are running, and those that are
running show no sign of attack.  My business partners are pushing pretty
hard to put the system back online, and at some point, we have to put a
toe in the water.
We had CGI scripts in the system, but only one or two for specialised
parts of the system..  The were in situ for the first attack, but hadn't
been rebuilt when the second attack took place.  The CGI directory is
still empty, except for the demo/test stuff originally put there by Apache.
What do I think might have happened??

   * I might have fubar'd  the rebuild of the supposedly immune
 system, and left an unprotected system.
   * 0.9.7c may have a vulnerability not yet recognised by the
 attackers(as proclaimed by their silence).
   * Something completely different happened.
There is no evidence at all in the logs.  The main server 

Re: 0.9.7c Vulnerability??

2003-12-29 Thread Andrew Mann
	Do you have any reason to think this is an OpenSSL bug rather than an 
Apache, PHP, or other module bug/configuration error? Or even another 
	When you cleaned up the system and presumably restored your data, did 
you check to make sure that there weren't any malicious or altered php 
scripts (or other cgi scripts) in your backup that would allow the 
person who put them there the first time to get back in?
	These are all recent versions of the software you've listed, and my 
suspicion is that you have problems elsewhere.  Check the access logs at 
20:41:46 and just prior and see what request may have triggered that. 
Maybe also try the apache httpd lists, since even if it is a problem in 
openssl, you're going to need to track through apache before you can 
figure out where it may be.
	Don't just do the same thing as last time and put it back up unless you 
mean to make a honeypot :)


Fred Merritt wrote:
Our site has recently been successfully attacked twice.  The first time 
we probably deserved it, as we running on old software, and hadn't been 
fixing vulnerabilities regularly.  So we reformatted the disks, 
installed Apache 1.3.29, PHP 4.3.4, and Openssl 0.9.7c, and patched the 
kernel bug that let the swines get root after the first time they got in.

Feeling more secure, we brought Apache up, and carried with business.  
Just a couple of hours after bringing up Apache, we got the following 
entries in the main server error log:

[Sat Dec 20 17:49:24 2003] [notice] Apache/1.3.29 (Unix) PHP/4.3.4 
mod_ssl/2.8.16 OpenSSL/0.9.7c configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sat Dec 20 17:49:24 2003] [notice] Accept mutex: sysvsem (Default: 
  = `telnetd'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
  = `telnetd'
Resolving done.
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 170,613 [text/plain]

   0K .. .. .. .. .. 30%   52.74 
  50K .. .. .. .. .. 60%  187.27 
 100K .. .. .. .. .. 90%   49.55 
 150K .. .. 100%  156.74 

20:41:50 (71.51 KB/s) - `telnetd' saved [170613/170613]
Which was more or less the same way the first attack started.  Since all 
the information I can find on the net seems to say 0.9.7c fixes the 
known vulnerabilities, and even the hackers themselves seem to think 
they are only capable of breaking 0.9.6x versions(they are very proud, 
they publish their photographs on the net, and give detailed 
instructions on how to exploit), I am wondering  if  we somehow didn't 
do the build correctly.  Apache certainly seems to think the build was 
o.k. from the log, and the that was loaded has 0.9.7c 
everywhere inside it.

I am ready to restart Apache once again, but would be grateful on any 
advice as to the best way to proceed - I really don't feel like 
reinstalling from scratch a 3rd time.

Best regards. . . Fred.

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Re: Blowfish/Base64 data from file

2003-12-09 Thread Andrew Mann
	You're storing, reading or passing the data incorrectly.  There's 
nothing magic about encryption or writing to a file that makes them 
incompatible.  Go back and debug.


Mike Maloy wrote:

Okay, next irritant:

If I encrypt a chunk of data, and store it in a list node,
I can decrypt it with no problem given the proper password.
If I read (what I interpret as) the same chunk of data that has been
saved to and then read from a file, and decrypt that with the password,
the data seems to be decrypting improperly.
Peculiar, no???
Advice, yes???
Thanks in advance!

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Re: RSA Encryption

2003-11-03 Thread Andrew Mann
	The maximum amount of data you can encrypt with a 1024 bit RSA key is 
1024 bits of data = 128 bytes.  I think PKCS1 padding adds at least 10 
bytes before encoding (I might be off on this number?).  You want to use 
padding if you're concerned about the security of your data (pretty much 
you want to use padding or you wouldn't use RSA anyway).  Though you 
might be able to get away without padding if you're essentially sending 
random data anyway, since I think the purpose of the padding is to 
protect against formatted data that can either be guessed at or give 
clues to a would be attacker?
	Generally, you can either encode your data in a more compact form and 
if you need hex translate it out on the other side, or you can break it 
into multiple blocks, encrypt and send each block.

Andrew Mann

I am using Crypto library of openSSL for RSA encryption and decryption. I am
generating RSA parameters for public modulus size of 1024. if I use
RSA_public_encrypt() using PKCS1 padding and give an input string to encrypt of
lenght 128, I get the following error:
5977:error:0406D06E:rsa routines:RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_2:data too large
for key size:rsa_pk1.c:151:
Is there any way I can encrypt a string of length 128 with the same key size ? I
want this because, I need to encrypt a random number of 512 bits which when
represented in Hex gives me a string of 128 bytes. Please let me know if there
is any work around.
Thanks in Advance,
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Re: SSL_CTX_new race condition

2003-09-08 Thread Andrew Mann
 the pid which
will probably be the same for all threads :)
In your version of OpenSSl check if in cryptlib.c the CRYPTO_thread_id
function  returns getpid() when in SOLARIS.  You will notice that
id_callback will be NULL if you don't set an id_callback via
If this is the case, then this is probably your problem.
Make sure that you provide a sane implementation to generate IDs by
calling CRYPT_set_id_callback function when you are initializing the SSL
context (you need to this only once per process obviously).
You can use pthreads_thread_id(void ); or solaris_thread_id(void ); (in
crypto/threads/th-locks.c ) functions as the callback functions to generate
the hash for thread slot ids.
For example:

  // Set function to create hash for slot ID
I hope this helps


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andrew Mann
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: SSL_CTX_new race condition
I appologize if this comes through twice.  I haven't seen the first
come through the list yet and it was sent Friday, so I presume it's been
gobbled up somewhere :)
I'm working on an application that needs to work with a lot of
simultaneous SSL connections to the same remote host.  It spawns a
thread for each connection and handles each connection entirely in that
thread.  These connections each last anywhere from half a second to a
minute, and as soon as the connection is finished, it's closed and the
thread is terminated (and often another thread started to process
another request).
The OpenSSL library is initialized prior to any connection handling
thread starting.  Apparently thread safety is a FAQ, but the answer on
the FAQ and related links falls far short of helpful and
borders on just plain inaccurate.
Initially I tried using a single SSL_CTX for all connections, so that
while no SSL objects were being shared across threads, one SSL_CTX
object was being used to all calls to SSL_new().  This failed miserably.
  SSL connections failed randomly and frequently during the negotation
phase.  The SSL_CTX ended up getting freed on some test runs during the
middle of the run.  Although there are suggestions that a single SSL_CTX
is meant to be shared between multiple connections, there isn't any
specific mention of wether that is supposed to work with connections
handled by different threads, so I suppose it's not (well it appears not
to at least).
I moved to making a new SSL_CTX for each thread as well.  This had
somewhat better luck, but randomly during startup one of the calls to
SSL_CTX_new() would fail with error:140A90A1:SSL
routines:SSL_CTX_new:library has no ciphers.  After a bit of digging it
appears that SSL_CTX_new() is not really threadsafe either.  It calls
ssl_create_cipher_list() which checks the status of an unmutexed global
variable init_ciphers (ssl/ssl_ciph.c).  If the value is its
initialization value of 1, then load_ciphers() is called.
load_ciphers() sets init_ciphers to 0 and then procedes to load various
ciphers for the library to use.
Unfortunately, since this value isn't protected by a mutex it's not
unlikely that in the event of two threads racing through SSL_CTX_new()
that the lead thread will clear init_ciphers and then be interrupted
before it can actually perform any loading.
For the time being I've worked around this by creating a SSL_CTX prior
to starting any threads that has no point other than to prompt cipher
loading before any potential race conditions.
I'm not sure about the SSL_CTX shared between threads, but it would be
nice if the settings (CA files particularly) didn't have to be loaded
from disk for each thread spawned in this scenario.
Protect init_ciphers with a mutex. Or at least move init_ciphers=0 to
the end of the load_ciphers() function so that the worst case condition
becomes multiple calls to load_ciphers() instead of a tiny chance of
multiple calls and a larger chance of alibrary has no ciphers error.

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