CRL help please

2001-03-20 Thread Gregory Nicholls

I've a client/server system using openssl with verified
certificates. It's not a browser/Web server. The CA, server and client
certificates are all built using the openssl proggie. Ive run into a
problem where the certificate verification fails 30 days after I've
built the new CA and set everything up. The expiry dates on the
certificates are a few years down the track so I'm thinking it's the 30
day CRL limit in my .cnf file that's causing the problem.
I'm looking for some help understanding the mechanics of CRL usage.
All I've been able to find on the archives deal with browsers and web
servers. I'm hoping someone can spare a few IQ points to help me out

(1) Where does the CRL reside. Server, Client or Both ?
(2) Is the check made on the server or client side ?
(3) How do I present openssl with a new CRL ?
(4) Will openssl handle CRL verification or do I do this in the
verify exit ?
(5) Does anyone have a cookbook or some code I can crib from ?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

Gregory Nicholls.

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ADH + certs on same SSLCTX ??

2000-12-08 Thread Gregory Nicholls

   Quick one for those in the know. Can I use both verified 
certificates and anon-DH sessions with the same SSLCTX ???.  I'm 
guessing that I have to check the cipher whilst in the callback function 
and give the green light if it's an anon-DH cipher. I'd appreciate 
someone either confirming I'm on the right track or lifting me bodily 
and dumping me where I should be.

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Re: put me out of my misery please

2000-11-01 Thread Gregory Nicholls

 grumble must be NT's bloody runtime then. If I try to fopen a NULL filename it 
blows up. I changed s_server.c so
that it only calls load_dh_param() if there's a real file. Guess what. Now it works .. 
. .

Lutz Jaenicke wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 02:01:01PM -0500, Gregory Nicholls wrote:
Umm no it doesn't. At least not on my system. I get an error while it's trying to
  execute a load_dh_param() function (at line 652 in s_server.c ... trying to 
fopen() a NULL
  file). That's why I put in the no_dhe.

 Hmm. First: it does work. I have tried it myself before posting :-)
 Having this said, if you don't specify any file with dh-parameters (and there
 is no server.pem=s_cert_file), s_server uses the compiled in default
 parameters, see line 660.

 lutzpc 37: /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl s_server -nocert -cipher ADH-RC4-MD5
 Using default temp DH parameters
 Shared ciphers:ADH-RC4-MD5
 shutting down SSL

 lutzpc 29: openssl s_client -cipher ADH-RC4-MD5
 no peer certificate available
 No client certificate CA names sent
 SSL handshake has read 275 bytes and written 164 bytes
 New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ADH-RC4-MD5
 Protocol  : TLSv1
 Cipher: ADH-RC4-MD5
 Session-ID: A35E40942A383F24400B1D6F98BB7A0273F06B30CC573F5180481C3B320D2FCF
 Key-Arg   : None
 Start Time: 973108530
 Timeout   : 300 (sec)
 Verify return code 0 (ok)

 Oh, I am talking about OpenSSL 0.9.6.

 To use ADH ciphers, the PRNG must be seeded. The examples I have just
 listed were from my Linux-box at home (has /dev/urandom).

 Best regards,
 Lutz Jaenicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 BTU Cottbus   http://www.aet.TU-Cottbus.DE/personen/jaenicke/
 Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Elektrotechnik  Tel. +49 355 69-4129
 Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus  Fax. +49 355 69-4153
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Re: Question on PRNG's and entropy

2000-09-08 Thread Gregory Nicholls

Michael Wojcik wrote:

 Hmm.  Seeding PRNGs on Windows and Unix are pretty well-understood problems;
 there's Yarrow for Windows ( and egd for Unix,

Yeah but both of these are external processes. We can't (for various reasons)
rely on, or require the installation of, any such.

 Frankly, if you use something like hash(variable message content + hi-res
 time) to generate seed material, it'll be pretty hard to predict the PRNG,
 unless the attacker can mount a known-plaintext attack.  Stir some more
 entropy into the pool if you can, but chances are there will be weaker
 points for attackers (like subverting someone on the inside).

 This was where I was heading with the original inquiry. I'm looking for
something that can be
built into the portable library code. It seems from then comments made so far
that this would be
an acceptable method for us. We're not protecting nuclear secrets (and hence
don't need to hide our data behind a vending machine ...).

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Re: Is ADH included by default into 0.9.5a ??

2000-09-06 Thread Gregory Nicholls

 Ah excellent.
Thank you.

Lutz Jaenicke wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 06, 2000 at 01:33:50PM -0400, Gregory Nicholls wrote:
  I'm using ssl0.9.5a on Winnt. I ran openssl ciphers -v to look for a list that
  would use ADH. All the ciphers came up with an authentication scheme, either RSA or
  DSS.  Have I missed something ??

 Yes. ADH ciphers are not enabled by default. You must explicitely enable them
 with "openssl ciphers -v ADH".

 Best regards,
 Lutz Jaenicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 BTU Cottbus   http://www.aet.TU-Cottbus.DE/personen/jaenicke/
 Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Elektrotechnik  Tel. +49 355 69-4129
 Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus  Fax. +49 355 69-4153
 OpenSSL Project
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Question on PRNG's and entropy

2000-09-06 Thread Gregory Nicholls

I've read the past items on this list, looking for a good non-interactive source of
entropy for the PRNG. Now I've a (possibly very) stupid question. The data I need to
encrypt is your basic bit of user data going from system A to system B. Now given that 
whole point of encrypting this is to prevent someone from reading the data, is there 
reason why I can't select a random bit out of each user message, perform some 
on it and use this to seed the PRNG ?? I mean, if someone can predict the contents of 
data well enough to work out what my seed is, surely they've defeated the purpose of 
encryption anyway .. true ???
Given that I'm cryptographically ignorant, I don't want to do this if there's some
great gaping flaw.

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Re: Question on PRNG's and entropy

2000-09-06 Thread Gregory Nicholls


Michael Wojcik wrote:

 How do you select a "random bit" of a message if you don't have a source of
 randomness in the first place?  From a cryptographic perspective, you'd best
 assume an attacker knows which bit of the message you're using, even without
 knowing what the message contains.

Fair point. I was thinking along the lines of msglen/n where I'd pick
n(hardcoded) out of a hat. The msg
lengths won't be predictable but I guess they probably won't be
cryptographically random sigh.

 Also, note that a crypto PRNG seed should ideally contain considerable
 entropy.  Are these messages themselves unpredictable enough to provide
 sufficient seed material?

They obviously have some standard header portion that I was proposing to omit.
As to the contents I can't say. Depends on the application.

  I mean, if someone can predict the contents of the data well enough to
  out what my seed is, surely they've defeated the purpose of the encryption
  anyway .. true ???

 That's a very big assumption.  An attacker could know enough about the
 structure or probable contents of the message to greatly reduce the actual
 amount of entropy in the seed, without being able to guess the message.
 (Perhaps details in the message are important, but the message is known to
 always be English text.)  An attacker might be able to inject a
 known-plaintext attack and defeat the PRNG seeding entirely.  (Bob is a
 legitimate user of your system, but he's secretly trying to crack it as
 well, so he can read other people's data.)

 Of course, there are many ways to sanitize the sampled data to reduce the
 attacker's effective knowledge about it - hashing it, for example.  That's
 certainly better than the original Netscape time+pid+ppid approach.

 Ultimately it's a question of your threat model.  Does your model try to
 account for serious attacks by knowledgeable people with lots of resources?
 If not, how you seed your PRNG isn't something to lose a lot of sleep over.
 If so, then you'd be better off hiring crypto and security experts to vet
 your application.

  I don't think we're concerned about serious high-resource attacks, after all,
we're not going to
use authentication but use ADH instead. I'm not sure if this is an attempt by
management to tick the encryption box or a serious attempt at supplying a useful
option. I'm trying to do the best I can within the constraints. The seed is the
toughest bit. We're supplying a library that won't have user interaction.
It also needs to run on about 10 different architectures (from NT through Unix
to MVS and AS400).
The only time I'll get user interaction is during installation sigh.

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embarrassing question

2000-06-16 Thread Gregory Nicholls

 I'm trying to work my way through the whole certificate business and
I've a small question.
How can I view/print/see the contents of a certificate request before I
sign it???
I tried the X509 -text option but it failed unless the certificate was
already signed. (said it expected a trusted cert).


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BIO help please ??

2000-05-30 Thread Gregory Nicholls

I'm writing a little program-ette using the SSL library and I'm
hoping to be able to manage both SSL connections and non-SSL connections
using BIO stuff. Now I can follow the SSL stuff (with difficulty)
however I haven't been able to figure out how to make a normal non-SSL
connection using the BIO functions. I found references to stuff like
BIO_do_connect() however I can't find an example or a reference to how
to use this. Could some kind soul supply the proper incantations (or
reference) for this ??
I am of course, assuming that the BIO functions _do_ have the underlying
socket capabilities.

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Re: Commercial SSL in the US

2000-03-10 Thread Gregory Nicholls

You could wait 'till Sept 20th this year when the RSA patents expire .
. . .

Gerard Monsen wrote:

  Wow.  I'm at a loss here.  Does anyone know of any
 way that my (tiny) company can legally use SSL for
 commercial purposes in the US without paying an obscene
 amount of money to RSA or buying an obscenely expensive
 web server system from a vendor?  We were going to use
 an Apache web server with its OpenSSL interface, but
 the Apache documentation indicates that this is not allowed
 for commercial purposes in the US.  Any help you can give
 would be appreciated.

 Gerard Monsen
 Integrated Litigation Solutions
 Oakland, CA

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splitting openssl processing between threads ?

2000-03-09 Thread Gregory Nicholls

Hi all,
   I'm in the process of designing what is effectively an ssl tunnel
between 2 systems. I'd like to know if it's possible to seperate the
session handling functions of openssl from the crypto ones. Something
like process A handles the encryption of data and passes the encrypted
data to process B who is responsible for the establishing the session
and sending the data. I realise that some data must be exchanged between
the 2 processes (algorithms and probably some other stuff I don't know
about yet), however I'm wondering if there's any thread or process
bindings that would affect this sort of design.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
Gregory Nicholls

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] OpenSSL-0.9.5 MS Visual C++ Project files

2000-03-09 Thread Gregory Nicholls

"Andrew W. Gray" wrote:

 OpenSSL-0.9.5 MS Visual C++ Project files Available
 If you're not using Windows NT, 95 or 2000 you can delete this now.

Just wanted to thank you for this. I used it and it was _damn_ easy. One comment, 
something I screwed up but . .
The links all failed until I built the assembler stuff using ms/do_masm.
Is this me or 
Thanks again for some _truly_ excellent work,

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