Re: s_server and s_client newbie problem

2000-06-06 Thread Jorge Olmos

Mariusz Burdach wrote:

> You should see site:
> May be there you will find solution.

I have temporarily stopped using egd, but thank you for your help. It will be a 


Jorge Olmos Forés

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Help with cli.cpp and serv.cpp

2000-06-19 Thread Jorge Olmos

Albert Serra wrote:

> Sorry but I had already read you mail, and I had tried to  change the
> files .c. It worked and I  compiled cli.c and serv.c, thank you. But
> now I need
> some more help as I am very lost at moment concerning to program a
> client and a server with SSL. I ask only for a little help to start
> with.
> Thank you

The openssl project continues the work started with ssleay. There is
some documentation on ssleay (take a look at the links in the "related"
tab of the openssl main page). which will help you, as many of the
funcitions in ssleay are still there. I´m afraid, there isn´t much more
documentation, and there isn´t any kind of tutorial on developing with
The link to the SSLeay Certificate Cookbook, in "related" too, also
helped me a lot.


Jorge Olmos Forés

OpenSSL Project
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key size/Performance

2000-06-19 Thread Jorge Olmos

Hello all:

I´m developing a server using openssl; for my application performance is an
important issue, and we don't need very strong encription.
I´ve looking at the numbers in times/ and RC4 seems the fastest encription
algorithm. The size of the encripted blocks is important too.

My question is: is key size relevant to the encription rate?


Jorge Olmos Forés

OpenSSL Project
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Re: Help (2)

2000-06-21 Thread Jorge Olmos

Once I have got serv.o, I link it with a line like this on my
g++ serv.o  -L (path to your openssl installation)/openssl/lib -lssl
-lcrypto -lsocket -lnsl -o serv

It's all the same for cli.
Try to be more specific. Which libraries are not found?

Albert Serra wrote:

> Sorry, but the same question again,
> but I have problems with cli.ccp and serv.cpp when I want to make the
> exe file, I cannot create that. I have compiled with gcc but when I
> have the cli.o and serv.o I cannot get to run it. So please Could you
> write the exact steps to get that.
> I have more questions but first of all I want to run cli.cpp and
> serv.cpp, if that's possible, and is it is possible, on a sun
> workstation under UNIX how can I get that?
> I also have problems with some libraries not found, is it due to the
> last version is not compatible with some older version?
> Thanks


Jorge Olmos

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Help (2)

2000-06-21 Thread Jorge Olmos

Albert Serra wrote:

You need a certificate and a private key, which are in different files.
Look at the references tab in the openssl page. There is a text called
SSleay Certificate Cookbook which explains the way to make your own
certs and keys.

> Thank you,
> now the problem is:
> with server when I execute it it appears on the screen that:
> [23=0]serra@lsisun4/~/OpenSSL/opensslsun/demos/ssl>server
> 28901:error:02001002:system library:fopen:system
> lib:bss_file.c:244:fopen('./foo-cert.pem','r')
> 28901:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:bss_file.c:246:
> 28901:error:140AD002:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file:system
> lib:ssl_rsa.c:513:
> Can you help me to execute server?
> Thank you in advance
> --
> Albert SERRA
> ===
> Integrated Systems Laboratory (DE/LSI-EPFL)


Jorge Olmos Forés
SGI Soluciones Globales Internet [] GMV Sistemas S.A.
Sector Foresta 1, 2ª planta
28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, España.

OpenSSL Project
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error:wrong version number

2001-02-05 Thread Jorge Olmos

I want to commmunicate a server I´ve developed over openssl, with a
non-ssl client through a stunnel.

First, I have tried to comunicate using:s_server <-secure->
stunnel <-plain-text-> telnet
$ openssl s_server -accept 4567 -cert my_cert.pem -key my_key.pem
as server, and
>telnet myhost 5000
as a client through stunnel 3.11 (I´ve tried over openssl 0.9.6/win and
0.9.5a/solaris). command line is
$ stunnel -f -r myhost:4567 -d 5000 -p my_certANDkey.pem

It works fine most of time, but sometimes I get errors like this from
LOG5[727:4]: myhost.4567 connected from
LOG3[727:4]: SSL_read: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong
version number
LOG5[727:4]: Connection reset: 13 bytes sent to SSL, 0 bytes sent to

which closes the connection.
What does this error means? How can I help it?


Jorge Olmos Forés
SGI Soluciones Globales Internet [] GMV Sistemas S.A.
Sector Foresta 1, 2ª planta
28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, España.

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Re: please help apache-ssl

2001-02-20 Thread Jorge Olmos

I don´t know much about modssl, but
If you set SSLVerifyClient to 1 you are telling the server
to authenticate its clients (criptographically verify the
client´s identity).

An entitity (let´s say somebody connecting to your server)
needs a certificate in order to be athenticated, but hardly any
web user has his own certificate (You have to buy it or
make your own certification authority and make the
server trust it). And that´s is your error message: your
browser does not have a certificate.

Just don´t set SSLVerifyClient to 1, if you want usual people
(99% of web users) to be able to get into your web.

Christoph Hubmann wrote:

>  in httpd.conf:SSLCACertificatePath
> /usr/local/ssl/certsSSLCACertificateFile
> /usr/local/ssl/certs/ClientCA.crtSSLCertificateFile
> /usr/local/ssl/certs/ServerCA.crtSSLCertificateKeyFile
> /usr/local/ssl/private/ServerCA.keySSLVerifyClient 1SSLVerifyDepth
> 1 with SSLVerifyClient 0 there is no problemwith SSLVerifyClient 1, i
> cant cennoct to the server in the error_log is the following
> message:[Tue Feb 20 16:01:14 2001]
> /usr/local/src/apache_1.3.14/src/modules/ssl/gcache s
> tarted
> [Tue Feb 20 16:01:14 2001] [debug] apache_ssl.c(369): Random input
> /dev/urandom(
> 1024) -> 1024
> [Tue Feb 20 16:01:14 2001] [info] created shared memory segment
> #118657
> [Tue Feb 20 16:01:14 2001]
> /usr/local/src/apache_1.3.14/src/modules/ssl/gcache s
> tarted
> [Tue Feb 20 16:01:14 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.14 Ben-SSL/1.42 (Unix)
> configured
>  -- resuming normal operations
> [Tue Feb 20 16:01:14 2001] [info] Server built: Feb 16 2001 16:46:27
> [Tue Feb 20 16:01:27 2001] [debug] apache_ssl.c(369): Random input
> /dev/urandom(
> 1024) -> 1024
> [Tue Feb 20 16:01:29 2001] [error] SSL_accept failed
> [Tue Feb 20 16:01:29 2001] [error] error:140890B0:SSL
> routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_C
> ERTIFICATE:no certificates returned what is wrong? i use netscape
> 4.75 please help christoph hubmann


Jorge Olmos Forés

OpenSSL Project
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