Windows instalattion

2005-04-18 Thread Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco

I have downloaded the binaries that came in (Section realted -> binaries
in the main openssl page) I followed the instructions to install perl and
mingw but I cant compile openssl from mingw I try to do the command
provided in the install.w32 file

Compile OpenSSL:
> ms\mingw32

Any clues? Mingw works correctly

I understood that only installing this binary I should start writing code,
but when I run an example I got error messages saying that it doesn't
recognizes the openssl funcitons.

Silvia G. Pavón V.
Procesos de Facturación
Alestra S.A.
Tel. 8748 6100 x4107
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OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
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Installing on HP-UX 11.0

2005-05-16 Thread Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco

I'm looking for someone who has installed OpenSSL on an HP-UX 11.0 system.
I've tried to installit and I can't get OpenSSL to work there.

I have:
- HP-UX 11.0 operating system
- Perl 5.8.5
- HP C/ANSI C Developer's Bundle for Hp-ux (S800) wich includes HP C/ANSI C

I'm trying to install the file openssl-0.9.7g.tar.gz following the quick
installation instructions and everything goes ok, the log's doesn't show
any errors at all (I have log files in case someone wants to take a look at
them) and the command line tool works just fine just adding the correct
path to my PATH variable.

The problem is when I try to use the libraries in a C program. I try to run
a simple example code I got from the OpenSSL homepage and I got an error
saying that
It can't find the openssl/.h included file:
>cc prueba.c
cpp: "prueba.c", line 2: error 4036: Can't open include file

Even IF I compile with the -I option It doesn't find the functions:
cc prueba.c -I/usr/local/ssl/include
cc: "prueba.c", line 32: warning 604: Pointers are not
cc: "prueba.c", line 32: warning 563: Argument #3 is not the correct type.
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
   EVP_get_digestbyname (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_DigestInit_ex (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   OpenSSL_add_all_digests (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_DigestFinal_ex (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
  EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_MD_CTX_init (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_DigestUpdate (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)

I have tried everything I know to find the libraries, from specifying in my
PATH variable the path of the installation; and even to copy the
/usr/local/ssl/include/openssl directory to the /opt/CC/include/CC dirctory
and still can't get it to work.

I have the feeling that I'm missing some configuration specific from my
operating system, that's why I'm asking for your help, cause I've really
have tried to make it work first (I have reinstalled twice openssl and the
C compiler).

At this point these are my env variables related to openssl:
export PATH
SHLIB_PATH=/usr/local/ssl/lib   -- I added this

Silvia Pavón
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confidencial. Este mensaje es sólo para el destinatario señalado, si usted
no lo es, destrúyalo de inmediato. Ninguna información aquí contenida debe
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therefore neither Alestra, its subsidiaries nor their employees accept any

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please, help - compilation or configuration issue

2005-05-17 Thread Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco

I have sent this before and got no answers, It may look simple, but It's
not. Please give me some ideas, or at least if there's someone who has
installed on HP-UX 11.0 with no problems, tellme what C compiler do you
have or if you did something more besides de quick installation

I'm looking for someone who has installed OpenSSL on an HP-UX 11.0 system.
I've tried to installit and I can't get OpenSSL to work there.

I have:
- HP-UX 11.0 operating system
- Perl 5.8.5
- HP C/ANSI C Developer's Bundle for Hp-ux (S800) wich includes HP C/ANSI C

I'm trying to install the file openssl-0.9.7g.tar.gz following the quick
installation instructions and everything goes ok, the log's doesn't show
any errors at all (I have log files in case someone wants to take a look at
them) and the command line tool works just fine just adding the correct
path to my PATH variable.

The problem is when I try to use the libraries in a C program. I try to run
a simple example code I got from the OpenSSL homepage and I got an error
saying that
It can't find the openssl/.h included file:
>cc prueba.c
cpp: "prueba.c", line 2: error 4036: Can't open include file

Even IF I compile with the -I option It doesn't find the functions:
cc prueba.c -I/usr/local/ssl/include
cc: "prueba.c", line 32: warning 604: Pointers are not
cc: "prueba.c", line 32: warning 563: Argument #3 is not the correct type.
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
   EVP_get_digestbyname (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_DigestInit_ex (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   OpenSSL_add_all_digests (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_DigestFinal_ex (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
  EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_MD_CTX_init (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_DigestUpdate (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)

I have tried everything I know to find the libraries, from specifying in my
PATH variable the path of the installation; and even to copy the
/usr/local/ssl/include/openssl directory to the /opt/CC/include/CC dirctory
and still can't get it to work.

I have the feeling that I'm missing some configuration specific from my
operating system, that's why I'm asking for your help, cause I've really
have tried to make it work first (I have reinstalled twice openssl and the
C compiler).

At this point these are my env variables related to openssl:
export PATH
SHLIB_PATH=/usr/local/ssl/lib   -- I added this

Silvia Gisela
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therefore neither Alestra, its subsidiaries nor their employees accept any

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2005-05-18 Thread Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco

Can anyone reference me to some company expert in configuring HP-UX

Silvia G. Pavón V.
Procesos de Facturación
Alestra S.A.
Tel. 8748 6100 x4107
NOTA: La información de este correo es de propiedad exclusiva y
confidencial. Este mensaje es sólo para el destinatario señalado, si usted
no lo es, destrúyalo de inmediato. Ninguna información aquí contenida debe
ser entendida como dada o avalada por Alestra, sus subsidiarias o sus
empleados, salvo cuando ello expresamente se indique. Es responsabilidad de
quien recibe este correo de asegurarse que esté libre de virus, por lo
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responsibility of the recipient to ensure that this email is virus free,
therefore neither Alestra, its subsidiaries nor their employees accept any

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

EVP_SignFinal third parameter type

2005-05-27 Thread Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco

I'm trying to sign a file and when I try to compile it I get the following
warning in the EVP_SignFinal function:

$ cc -o sign_test -I/opt/openssl/include -lssl -lcrypto sign_test.c
cc: "sign_test.c", line 43: warning 604: Pointers are not
cc: "sign_test.c", line 43: warning 563: Argument #3 is not the correct

Although that warning I run the program but I get the next output:

$ sign_test
Key Size is 128 bytes
Sign size is

How should I declare the bytes_firma variable? Or the error is somewhere

Code extract:
   // Signing
   unsigned char *firma;
   int   bytes_leidos;
   int   bytes_firma;
   char  buf[TAM_BUF];
   int   err;

   firma = (unsigned char *) malloc(EVP_PKEY_size(clave_EVP));

   EVP_SignInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_md5(), NULL);
   while (!feof(fp_ext)){
 bytes_leidos = fread( (void *) buf, sizeof(char), TAM_BUF, fp_ext);
 EVP_SignUpdate(&ctx, (void *) buf, bytes_leidos);

   err = EVP_SignFinal(&ctx, firma, &bytes_firma, clave_EVP);m <-- in this
line occurs the error
   if (err != 1){
 exit (1);

   printf("Sign size is %s\n",bytes_firma);


Silvia Pavon

NOTA: La información de este correo es de propiedad exclusiva y
confidencial. Este mensaje es sólo para el destinatario señalado, si usted
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responsibility of the recipient to ensure that this email is virus free,
therefore neither Alestra, its subsidiaries nor their employees accept any

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: EVP_SignFinal third parameter type

2005-05-27 Thread Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco

I changed to %d instead of %s it worked  =)

But althougth I changed the declaration of the third argument to:
unsigned int  *bytes_firma;
I'm still getting the warning at compilation time.

If I let:
unsigned int  *bytes_firma; and
err = EVP_SignFinal(&ctx, firma, bytes_firma, clave_EVP);

The warning goes away but the program crashes with "Bus error(coredump)"

Shouldn't I care about the warning? I'm concern that the warning means that
Im not signing well.

Another question: I have to save the signature in a file in a base64
format, any clues how can I do this?

Silvia G. Pavón V.
Procesos de Facturación
Alestra S.A.
Tel. 8748 6100 x4107

 Nils Larsch   
 Sent by:   To
 27/05/2005 04:29  Re: EVP_SignFinal third parameter
 p.m.  type
 Please respond to 

Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco wrote:
> I'm trying to sign a file and when I try to compile it I get the
> warning in the EVP_SignFinal function:
> $ cc -o sign_test -I/opt/openssl/include -lssl -lcrypto sign_test.c
> cc: "sign_test.c", line 43: warning 604: Pointers are not
> assignment-compatible.
> cc: "sign_test.c", line 43: warning 563: Argument #3 is not the correct
> type.

the third argument should be a pointer to a "unsigned int"

> Although that warning I run the program but I get the next output:
> $ sign_test
> Key Size is 128 bytes
> Sign size is
> How should I declare the bytes_firma variable? Or the error is somewhere
> else?
> Code extract:
> ***
>// Signing
>unsigned char *firma;
>int   bytes_leidos;
>int   bytes_firma;
>char  buf[TAM_BUF];
>int   err;
>firma = (unsigned char *) malloc(EVP_PKEY_size(clave_EVP));
>EVP_SignInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_md5(), NULL);
>while (!feof(fp_ext)){
>  bytes_leidos = fread( (void *) buf, sizeof(char), TAM_BUF, fp_ext);
>  EVP_SignUpdate(&ctx, (void *) buf, bytes_leidos);
>err = EVP_SignFinal(&ctx, firma, &bytes_firma, clave_EVP);m <-- in
> line occurs the error
>if (err != 1){
>  ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
>  exit (1);
>printf("Sign size is %s\n",bytes_firma);

you might try %d instead of %s ;-)

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: EVP_SignFinal third parameter type

2005-05-30 Thread Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco

This solved the warning.

Silvia G. Pavón V.
Procesos de Facturación
Alestra S.A.
Tel. 8748 6100 x4107

 Goetz Babin-Ebell 
 Sent by:   
 owner-openssl-use  cc
   Re: EVP_SignFinal third parameter
 27/05/2005 08:01  type
 Please respond to 

Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco wrote:
> Nils,
Hello Silvia,
> I changed to %d instead of %s it worked  =)
> But althougth I changed the declaration of the third argument to:
> unsigned int  *bytes_firma;
> I'm still getting the warning at compilation time.
> If I let:
> unsigned int  *bytes_firma; and
> err = EVP_SignFinal(&ctx, firma, bytes_firma, clave_EVP);

the third parameter is an IO parameter:

unsigned int   bytes_firma = EVP_PKEY_size(clave_EVP);
unsigned char *firma   = malloc(bytes_firma);


err = EVP_SignFinal(&ctx,firma,&bytes_firma,clave_EVP);




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OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to validate UTF-8 in a file

2005-08-17 Thread Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco


I would like some advice about how can I validate that a file is in utf-8
format. I have set the proper unix environment variables to work with the
utf-8 format; but however, I have the need to validate if a file is in that


Silvia Pavón
Prepárate para hablar y navegar sin límite... visita

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OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: How to validate UTF-8 in a file

2005-08-17 Thread Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco

Thanks for the advice.

Silvia Pavón

 "mclellan, dave"  
 Sent by:  "''"   
 17/08/2005 12:44  RE: How to validate UTF-8 in a file
 Please respond to 

Probably the file command regonizes the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark as it does
other magic numbers.

UTF-8 BOM is 0xEFBBBF, a signature that indicates the encoding of the file
is UTF-8.  If you have an application that is reading the file and needs to
know, read the first six bytes of the file and act accordingly

FWIW:  Here's a useful URL:

Dave McLellan --Consulting Software Engineer - SPEA Engineering
EMC Corporation
228 South St. Mail Stop: 228 LL/AA-24
Hopkinton, MA 01748  USA
+1-508-249-1257 F: +1-508-497-8030  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter BENKO,VSE IT
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: How to validate UTF-8 in a file

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 10:01:26AM -0500, Silvia Gisela Pavon Velasco
> Hello,
> I would like some advice about how can I validate that a file is in utf-8
> format. I have set the proper unix environment variables to work with the
> utf-8 format; but however, I have the need to validate if a file is in
> format.
Using the 'file' command under the linux you can realize if file is

file aaa.txt
aaa.txt: UTF-8 Unicode English text

> Regards,
> Silvia Pavón

> Prepárate para hablar y navegar sin límite... visita
> NOTA: La información de este correo es de propiedad exclusiva y
> confidencial. Este mensaje es sólo para el destinatario se?alado, si
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> ser entendida como dada o avalada por Alestra, sus subsidiarias o sus
> empleados, salvo cuando ello expresamente se indique. Es responsabilidad
> quien recibe este correo de asegurarse que esté libre de virus, por lo
> tanto ni Alestra, sus subsidiarias ni sus empleados aceptan
> alguna.
> NOTE:  The information in this email is proprietary and confidential.
> message is for the designated recipient only, if you are not the intended
> recipient, you should destroy it immediately. Any information in this
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> subsidiaries or their employees, unless expressly so stated. It is the
> responsibility of the recipient to ensure that this email is virus free,
> therefore neither Alestra, its subsidiaries nor their employees accept
> responsibility.
> __
> OpenSSL Project
> User Support Mailing
> Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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User Support Mailing
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