Re: Problems with pop3s on Outlook Express

2001-10-31 Thread Corin Hartland-Swann

Hi there,

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Tom Karches wrote:
 Corin Hartland-Swann wrote:
  I've replaced the 'localhost' certificates with mine, and it now works
  fine on Windows 2000, and almost works with MacOS.
  When you hit Send  Receive Mail on MacOS it prompts you for a password.
  I found a reference to this at
   IE5/Mac problems: Internet Explorer v5 for the Mac/Apple has several
notable bugs -- it does not import our certificate properly (for reasons
which escape us it wants to save it with a password which means every
time you use it you need to recall that password). You should use
Netscape on the Mac/Apple platform if you access secure pages protected
by our certificate. 16-Feb-2001.

 FWIW, I have been unable to get IE on the Mac or PC to accept
 certificates from a CA other than the ones that are part of the
 default set. Self-signed certificates cause IE on the Mac to generate
 an endless stream of errors.

Do you know which version and build you were using?

 I finally gave up and purchased a certificate from Thawte and
 everything works perfectly now.

It seems to work OK with mine (version 5.0, build 2022) except for the
password bit. It's not too bad because you can set an empty password, and
it seems to only prompt once per session (i.e. until you exit
Outlook/Explorer and then go back in). But I would like to sort it out
because it doesn't make any sense prompting for it when there's no
password set.



| Corin Hartland-Swann   |Tel: +44 (0) 20 7491 2000|
| Commerce Internet Ltd  |Fax: +44 (0) 20 7491 2010|
| 22 Cavendish Buildings | Mobile: +44 (0) 79 5854 0027|
| Gilbert Street | |
| Mayfair|Web: |
| London W1K 5HJ | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Problems with pop3s on Outlook Express

2001-10-26 Thread Gregory Stark

As can be seen from your post, the certficate being sent does NOT have as the common name (CN) of the Subject: the CN is

It  appears to be some kind of canned test certificate and private key, but
I'm not familiar enough with UW-IMAP to know if it comes with such a beast.
Maybe you concatented the wrong files?

Greg Stark

- Original Message -
From: Corin Hartland-Swann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 11:00 AM
Subject: Problems with pop3s on Outlook Express

 Hi there,

 I have been trying to set up pop3s access using UW-IMAP. I am using
 Mandrake Linux 8.1, with UW-IMAP and OpenSSL installed as RPMs, so I don't
 think that there are any compilation problems.

 I hope that it is acceptable to post this to both the OpenSSL and the
 UW-IMAP mailing lists, as I'm not sure where the problem lies. I have
 already searched the archives for both lists to no avail.

 I have followed instructions from various sources and done the following:

 1) Created a new CA, and exported the certificate as DER:

 # openssl req -new -x509 -config openssl.conf -keyout private/ca-key.pem \
   -out certs/ca-cert.pem -days 365

 # openssl x509 -in certs/ca-cert.pem -out certs/ca-cert.der -outform der

 2) Imported the CA certificate into Explorer on Windows 2000, checked that
 it is listed and that the SHA1 thumbprint matches, and that it is enabled
 for Secure E-Mail.

 3) Imported the CA certificate into Explorer on MacOS 9.1, and checked
 that it is listed. In this case, even after several attempts, the
 fingerprint listed by Explorer does not match any of the MD2, MD5, SHA1
 or MDC2 fingerprints. I don't understand this, but am fairly sure that
 no-one is intercepting and replacing the key in transit. explorer
 produces the same fingerprint each time, so it doesn't look like it has
 been corrupted either. Eventually I decided to just add the certificate
 and see what happened.

 3) Set up Outlook Express on both Windows 2000 and MacOS 9.1 to use, and configured it to use SSL on port 995.

 4) Created a new key, and sign it with the CA with the common name

 # openssl req -new -nodes -config openssl.conf -days 365 -keyout \
   pop-key.pem -out pop-req.pem
 # openssl ca  -config openssl.conf -policy policy_anything -in pop-req.pem
   -out pop-cert.pem

 5) Concatenated pop-key.pem and pop-cert.pem into ipop3sd.pem (removing
 the text version), placing them on the POP server in /usr/lib/ssl/certs/,
 and created a link to it with the name of the hash:

 # cd /usr/lib/ssl/certs/
 # ln -s ipop3sd.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash  ipop3sd.pem `.0
 # ls -l
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   11 Oct 26 13:27 a37eafc7.0 -
 -rw---1 root root 2376 Oct 26 02:01 ipop3sd.pem

 6) Tested the setup with (long response indented):

 # openssl s_client -connect
  depth=0 /C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
  Server/OU=Test SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
  verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
  verify return:1
  depth=0 /C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
  Server/OU=Test SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
  verify error:num=27:certificate not trusted
  verify return:1
  depth=0 /C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
  Server/OU=Test SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
  verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate
  verify return:1
  Certificate chain
   0 s:/C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
  SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
 i:/C=CA/ST=QC/L=Montreal/O=Advanced Extranet Server/OU=Secure Web
  Division/CN=Advanced Extranet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The Apache binary I'm using is from an RPM based on the Apache Advanced
 Extranet Server project - I'm not sure what this is doing here. I can't
 find a certificate for AAES anywhere, and certainly not in

  Server certificate


  subject=/C=AU/ST=Some-State/L=Server Room/O=Advanced Extranet
  Server/OU=Test SSL Certificate/CN=localhost
  issuer=/C=CA/ST=QC/L=Montreal/O=Advanced Extranet Server/OU=Secure Web
  Division/CN=Advanced Extranet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  No client certificate CA names sent
  SSL handshake has read 856 bytes and written 320 bytes
  New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DES-CBC3-SHA
  Server public key is 1024 bit
  Protocol  : TLSv1
  Cipher: DES-CBC3-SHA

Re: Problems with pop3s on Outlook Express

2001-10-26 Thread Corin Hartland-Swann

Hi Gregory,

On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, Gregory Stark wrote:
 As can be seen from your post, the certficate being sent does NOT have as the common name (CN) of the Subject: the CN is

 It  appears to be some kind of canned test certificate and private key, but
 I'm not familiar enough with UW-IMAP to know if it comes with such a beast.
 Maybe you concatented the wrong files?

Thanks - I'm a newcomer to setting up SSL, and I didn't know what to look
for in the s_client output.

It turns out that there were existing pop3s and imaps certificates
installed along with US-IMAP in the RPM, made out to localhost. This is
somewhat braindead.

What was even more braindead was that the location of the certificates had
been changed from /usr/lib/ssl/certs to /usr/share/ssl/certs without
updating the documentation.

I've replaced the 'localhost' certificates with mine, and it now works
fine on Windows 2000, and almost works with MacOS.

When you hit Send  Receive Mail on MacOS it prompts you for a password.
I found a reference to this at

 IE5/Mac problems: Internet Explorer v5 for the Mac/Apple has several
  notable bugs -- it does not import our certificate properly (for reasons
  which escape us it wants to save it with a password which means every
  time you use it you need to recall that password). You should use
  Netscape on the Mac/Apple platform if you access secure pages protected
  by our certificate. 16-Feb-2001.

I have successfully set it up with an empty password, and you just have to
hit OK and it picks up the e-mail, but it's really annoying for our
users. Does anyone know of any way to disable this?

Could it be related in any way to this problem:

  3) Imported the CA certificate into Explorer on MacOS 9.1, and checked
  that it is listed. In this case, even after several attempts, the
  fingerprint listed by Explorer does not match any of the MD2, MD5, SHA1
  or MDC2 fingerprints. I don't understand this, but am fairly sure that
  no-one is intercepting and replacing the key in transit. explorer
  produces the same fingerprint each time, so it doesn't look like it has
  been corrupted either. Eventually I decided to just add the certificate
  and see what happened.

And have you got any idea what this might be? Are there any other
fingerprint types?

Many Thanks,


| Corin Hartland-Swann   |Tel: +44 (0) 20 7491 2000|
| Commerce Internet Ltd  |Fax: +44 (0) 20 7491 2010|
| 22 Cavendish Buildings | Mobile: +44 (0) 79 5854 0027|
| Gilbert Street | |
| Mayfair|Web: |
| London W1K 5HJ | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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