Re: RSA key conversion

2007-09-26 Thread Marek Marcola
> Hi,  I'm developing a client-server architecture to encrypt/decrypt
> data which works like this: the client asks the server for the key
> using a ssl connection, the server transmits the key to the client that
> then encrypts/decrypts the data.
> I'd like to know if there is a way to convert a RSA* key object into a
> string (and vice versa) to be transmitted over a ssl socket.
> Is there a way to do this?
Look at 

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA key conversion

2007-09-27 Thread eclisse
On 9/27/07, Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> > Hi,  I'm developing a client-server architecture to encrypt/decrypt
> > data which works like this: the client asks the server for the key
> > using a ssl connection, the server transmits the key to the client that
> > then encrypts/decrypts the data.
> >
> > I'd like to know if there is a way to convert a RSA* key object into a
> > string (and vice versa) to be transmitted over a ssl socket.
> > Is there a way to do this?
> Look at 
> d2i_RSAPrivateKey()/i2d_RSAPrivateKey()/i2d_RSAPublicKey()/d2i_RSAPublicKey() 
> functions.

Ok, thank you.
They seems exactly what I've been looking for.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA Key Block

2007-04-10 Thread Marek Marcola

> I have a general question about RSA Key Block. 
Maybe key_material is more precise.

> The output of PRF with the master_secret to give us many keys. It
> includes: client_write_MAC_secret, server_wriet_MAC_secret,
> client_write_key, server_write_key, client_write_IV, server_write_IV.
> Could you Please verify what I think about how four of these keys
> being use correcly:
> 1) SSL record format: Length + Data + MAC ( in general)  : client>
> server 
> client_write_MAC_secret is used to encrypted the MAC portion
> message from client>server 
> client_write_key is used to encrypted the Data portion message
> from client> server 
SSL data record is build from ssl_record_header, application_data
and MAC where application_data and MAC is encrypted.
When writing packet from client to server first thing is to calculate
MAC data, but in TLS1 this is not simple SHA1() or MD5() but HMAC_SHA1()
or HMAC_MD5(). This functions requires some key (client_write_MAC_secret
in this case) and data to calculate MAC.
In this case data is:
   data = write_seq_num + proto + version + application_data_len +

and than, MAC is calculated as (for SHA1):
   MAC = HMAC_SHA1(client_write_MAC_secret, data)

This MAC is concatenated to application_data, some padding is added too
and all this is encrypted using client_write_key (with IV for CBC).
> 2) SSL record format: Length + Data + MAC ( in general)  : server>
> client 
> servert_write_MAC_secret is used to encrypted the MAC portion
> message from server> client 
> client_write_key is used to encrypted the Data portion message
> from  server> client 
Like above but with different keys.

> 3) Data from Sever to Client is encrypted with different key from
> Client to Server ???.

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA Key Uniqueness

2004-03-18 Thread Andrew Walrond
On Thursday 18 Mar 2004 16:14, Gerrit E.G. 'Insh_Allah' Hobbelt wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> > How unique is it? Is it statistically improbable that I could generate
> > the same key twice?
> If you have properly seeded your random generator, generated (RSA) keys
> should be quite unique.

Here is a simple description of WhiteWater which explains what I'm doing. 
You'll see why I asked the question, and it perhaps answers some of your 
counter-questions. Comments/criticism gratefully accepted...

"Whitewater is a cross between bittorrent and an anonymous file server, and 
handles multiple files (like the whole package source tree in rubyx)

Basically, there are two binaries,
wws - White Water Server
wwc - White Water Client

wws is a daemon which provides the data store, and wwc is used to talk to a 

First, understand asymetric cryptography. You generate a key-pair. The public 
key is used to encrypt (lock) data. It can only be decrypted (unlocked) with 
the private key. You can extract the public key from the private key when you 
need it, but obviously not the other way round. You can give out your public 
key to anyone who needs to send you encrypted data, but only you can decrypt 
it with the private key.

To 'distribute' a file (make it available from a wws) you would do

wwc --server --distribute myfile > private-key

wwc generates a new (unique) key-pair and encrypts the file using the public 
key. It then makes a connection to the wws running on, and 
uploads the encrypted file to the wws server, along with the public key.

The wws server splits the file into lots of small chunks (currently 50k each; 
testing will provide optimal size) and calculates an md5sum for each chunk. 
It then stores the chunks in it's data cache, accessible via their md5sums. 
It also stores the array of md5sums needed to recreate the entire encrypted 
file in a catalogue hash, referenced via it's public key.

wws now stores the data, which it can reference with the public key, but it 
has no idea what the data is and has no means of decrypting it. It is a true  
anonymous fileserver; Fully obfuscated and with plausible deniability :)

wwc then sends the private key to stdout. In the example above, the private 
key is stored in the file private-key. At no time did the private key leave 
wwc running on the local machine.

To access a file, you supply the private key to wwc.

wwc --server --get private-key > myfile

wwc extracts the public key from the private key, connects to the wws on and sends it the public key.

wws looks up the public key in the catalogue hash and returns the array of 
md5sums of the chunks required to reconstitute the file.

wwc, for each chunk/md5sum then requests the ip of a cooperating server which 
has that chunk from the wws on It contacts each of these other 
wws servers and requests the relevant chunk (by specifying the md5sum).

Note these downloads are done in parallel so you should always achieve near 
the maximum download speed according to your available bandwidth. (As with 
bittorrent, the more downloads, the faster it gets)

All recieved chunks are checked against their own md5sum, and bad or non 
responsive servers are reported to the wws on and an alternative 
wws ip requested.

Once wwc has all the required chunks and has reconstituted the file, it is 
decrypted using the private key and sent to stdout. In the example above, the 
data is sent to myfile

Users wanting to lend (a small amount of) upstream bandwidth to the cause will 
run their own wws like this

wws --parent

and use wwc --server localhost in the above examples. The local wws informs 
the parent of it presence and the md5sums of the chunks it has in its data 
cache. This is better than bittorrent (as I understand it) because it can 
share other data than just that which it is currently downloading.

Thats roughly what happens. Pretty simple I think you'll agree, but Whitewater 
combines the benefits of bittorrent with those of an anonymous file server."
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Re: RSA Key Uniqueness

2004-03-18 Thread Andrew Mann
	I don't see that you should be using public key encryption here.  Why 
don't you just make a secret key, encrypt your data, send the data and a 
reference along with it, and output the secret key and the reference?

	Public key operations are slow.  If you intend to encrypt an entire 
file with the public key alg (as opposed to encrypting just a secret key 
that's then used to encrypt the data) you can expect a lot of time spent 
on compression and decompression.  One RSA implementation I've used does 
about 30,000 bytes/sec with a 1024 bit key on a p3 1.2 ghz.  You'll also 
need to pad any data - which is 2:1 padding to data (varies by padding 
method I think?), so you end up with ~3x the original size.
	The usual operation is to use a shared secret key to encrypt the actual 
bulk of the data you want to transfer.  The public key is used to 
encrypt the shared secret key, since you need a way to transfer that key 
from location A - > location B through "hostile territory".   In your 
situation the secret key stays in a single location, so there's no need 
to provide security to transport it anywhere.
	Additionally you might consider ways to hide the size and source of data.
	Also, by linking the public key with the file you give the person 
running the server the ability to replace your data.  They take a 
replacement file, encrypt it with the public key you gave them for 
reference, and now you get back whatever they encrypted.  If you use a 
block encryption method they can replace individual blocks.  If someone 
knows a bit about you they can probably use your habits, the current 
situation, and the size of the file to make a pretty good guess as to 
what's inside - which can give them a good idea what they could replace 
it with that might cause the most problems for you.

Andrew Mann

Andrew Walrond wrote:

On Thursday 18 Mar 2004 16:14, Gerrit E.G. 'Insh_Allah' Hobbelt wrote:

Hi Andrew,

How unique is it? Is it statistically improbable that I could generate
the same key twice?
If you have properly seeded your random generator, generated (RSA) keys
should be quite unique.

Here is a simple description of WhiteWater which explains what I'm doing. 
You'll see why I asked the question, and it perhaps answers some of your 
counter-questions. Comments/criticism gratefully accepted...

"Whitewater is a cross between bittorrent and an anonymous file server, and 
handles multiple files (like the whole package source tree in rubyx)

Basically, there are two binaries,
wws - White Water Server
wwc - White Water Client
wws is a daemon which provides the data store, and wwc is used to talk to a 

First, understand asymetric cryptography. You generate a key-pair. The public 
key is used to encrypt (lock) data. It can only be decrypted (unlocked) with 
the private key. You can extract the public key from the private key when you 
need it, but obviously not the other way round. You can give out your public 
key to anyone who needs to send you encrypted data, but only you can decrypt 
it with the private key.

To 'distribute' a file (make it available from a wws) you would do

wwc --server --distribute myfile > private-key

wwc generates a new (unique) key-pair and encrypts the file using the public 
key. It then makes a connection to the wws running on, and 
uploads the encrypted file to the wws server, along with the public key.

The wws server splits the file into lots of small chunks (currently 50k each; 
testing will provide optimal size) and calculates an md5sum for each chunk. 
It then stores the chunks in it's data cache, accessible via their md5sums. 
It also stores the array of md5sums needed to recreate the entire encrypted 
file in a catalogue hash, referenced via it's public key.

wws now stores the data, which it can reference with the public key, but it 
has no idea what the data is and has no means of decrypting it. It is a true  
anonymous fileserver; Fully obfuscated and with plausible deniability :)

wwc then sends the private key to stdout. In the example above, the private 
key is stored in the file private-key. At no time did the private key leave 
wwc running on the local machine.

To access a file, you supply the private key to wwc.

wwc --server --get private-key > myfile

wwc extracts the public key from the private key, connects to the wws on and sends it the public key.

wws looks up the public key in the catalogue hash and returns the array of 
md5sums of the chunks required to reconstitute the file.

wwc, for each chunk/md5sum then requests the ip of a cooperating server which 
has that chunk from the wws on It contacts each of these other 
wws servers and requests the relevant chunk (by specifying the md5sum).

Note these downloads are done in parallel so you should always achieve near 
the maximum download speed according to your available bandwidth. (As with 
bittorrent, the mor

Re: RSA Key Uniqueness

2004-03-19 Thread Andrew Walrond
Hi Andrew

It was a good job I asked the question I think. Gerrit and yourself have 
caused me to sit down and learn a lot more about cryptography than I had 
intended, but it has been very useful.

On Friday 19 Mar 2004 01:01, Andrew Mann wrote:
>   I don't see that you should be using public key encryption here.  Why
> don't you just make a secret key, encrypt your data, send the data and a
> reference along with it, and output the secret key and the reference?

I now intend to use symmetric encryption (probably blowfish) with an SHA hash 
as the reference (Which I now understand to be considered more collision 
resistant than MD5)

>   Public key operations are slow.  If you intend to encrypt an entire
> file with the public key alg (as opposed to encrypting just a secret key
> that's then used to encrypt the data) you can expect a lot of time spent
> on compression and decompression.  One RSA implementation I've used does
> about 30,000 bytes/sec with a 1024 bit key on a p3 1.2 ghz.  You'll also
> need to pad any data - which is 2:1 padding to data (varies by padding
> method I think?), so you end up with ~3x the original size.

This alone makes my original implementtion untenable. Bandwidth is obviously a 
major concern for a file sharing application.

>   The usual operation is to use a shared secret key to encrypt the actual
> bulk of the data you want to transfer.  The public key is used to
> encrypt the shared secret key, since you need a way to transfer that key
> from location A - > location B through "hostile territory".   In your
> situation the secret key stays in a single location, so there's no need
> to provide security to transport it anywhere.

Now fully apprieciated :)

>   Additionally you might consider ways to hide the size and source of data.

I understand size, but by source you mean who/where the data came from to 
protect against 'habit' attacks?

>   Also, by linking the public key with the file you give the person
> running the server the ability to replace your data.  They take a
> replacement file, encrypt it with the public key you gave them for
> reference, and now you get back whatever they encrypted.  If you use a
> block encryption method they can replace individual blocks.  If someone
> knows a bit about you they can probably use your habits, the current
> situation, and the size of the file to make a pretty good guess as to
> what's inside - which can give them a good idea what they could replace
> it with that might cause the most problems for you.

Understood. Your comments have been very useful. Thanks!

OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: RSA Key Uniqueness

2004-03-23 Thread David Schwartz

> Hi Andrew,

> > How unique is it? Is it statistically improbable that I could
> > generate the
> > same key twice?

> If you have properly seeded your random generator, generated
> (RSA) keys should
> be quite unique.

It doesn't matter. Breaking an RSA key basically involves factoring a large
near prime. A person could always factor a large near prime in very little
time by just happening to guess one of its factors quite quickly. So no
matter what you already have the risk that someone will happen to get lucky
and break your key.


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Re: RSA key size.

2004-10-02 Thread Nils Larsch
Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
We're trying to get as small RSA private key as possible, because we
are short in space (we want to store it on a smart card, so every byte
is important).
We found a way to cut it a bit by NULLing some pointers inside RSA
RSA *key;
key->p = NULL;
key->q = NULL;
key->dmp1 = NULL;
key->dmq1 = NULL;
key->iqmp = NULL;
and store  it in DER format:
i2d_RSAPrivateKey(key, &bufp);
But, as you can see, it is a very hackish solution and we wonder if there
is no more standard and clean way to implement this.
How to store a rsa private key on a smartcard depends on what
you want to do with the private key on the card. In case want
to use a crypto card for, for example, signature generation the
format of the private key is os specific. If you want to use
the smartcard as a memory stick the format doesn't really matter.
If you need a standard try pkcs#15, but pkcs#15 is not so easy
to implement (and it creates a lot of overhead in this case).
OpenSSL Project
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Re: RSA key sizes

2005-08-16 Thread Victor Duchovni
On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 02:21:30PM +0800, Tan Eng Ten wrote:

>   This is a general crypto question and I hope someone could help me 
>   out.
>   Often we use RSA of 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc. bit lengths. Are 
>   other sizes such as 520/1045 bit "valid"? Mathematically, it should 
> work, 
> but are there reasons why odd sizes are not to be used?

Well RSA 512 is not (or should not be) used. As for the others, 768 is
in fact used, then 1024 and 2048, I've not seen 4096 in real applications,
one is likely better off with a different algorithm at that point.

Non-standard sizes add no value, each incremental "standard" key size
supports a particular expected security range. Stick to the standard

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: RSA key sizes

2005-08-17 Thread Steven Reddie
I believe it's a matter of efficiency.  There are optimisations that can be
performed on the math of integers of length power-of-2.  It's possible that
there are implementations out there that won't work with non-standard sizes.

I have seen 4096 bit keys in the wild.  In fact, the Microsoft Root
Certificate Authority key in the Microsoft Certificate Store is 4096 bits in


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Victor Duchovni
Sent: Wednesday, 17 August 2005 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: RSA key sizes

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 02:21:30PM +0800, Tan Eng Ten wrote:

>   This is a general crypto question and I hope someone could help me 
>   out.
>   Often we use RSA of 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc. bit lengths. Are 
>   other sizes such as 520/1045 bit "valid"? Mathematically, it should 
> work, but are there reasons why odd sizes are not to be used?

Well RSA 512 is not (or should not be) used. As for the others, 768 is in
fact used, then 1024 and 2048, I've not seen 4096 in real applications, one
is likely better off with a different algorithm at that point.

Non-standard sizes add no value, each incremental "standard" key size
supports a particular expected security range. Stick to the standard sizes.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project
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Re: RSA key sizes

2005-08-17 Thread Dr. Stephen Henson
On Wed, Aug 17, 2005, Tan Eng Ten wrote:

> Hi all,
>   This is a general crypto question and I hope someone could help me 
>   out.
>   Often we use RSA of 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc. bit lengths. Are 
>   other sizes such as 520/1045 bit "valid"? Mathematically, it should 
> work, 
> but are there reasons why odd sizes are not to be used?

One reason is interoperability. Some software (notably MS stuff based on
CryptoAPI including MSIE) places restrictions on the key sizes and parameters.

For public keys the only restriction is that the public exponent (e) can't
exceeed 32 bits.

For private keys the key size must be also be a multiple of 64 bits and every
CRT parmeter must be either the key size of half the key size, this means that
the two primes p and q must have the ame size for example.

The main reason for this is that the internal format (PRIVATEKEYBLOB) has
problems representing parameters which don't fit these criteria.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
OpenSSL project core developer and freelance consultant.
Funding needed! Details on homepage.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA key sizes

2005-08-17 Thread Uri
Please note that the importance of RSA is going to decline in favor of 
Elliptic Curve Crypto over GF(p). In particular, by 2010 ECC will be 
mandated. I suspect there are cryptographic reasons for it.

OpenSSL Project
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Re: RSA key structure

1999-09-27 Thread Dr Stephen Henson

Pinca George wrote:
> Hello World ,
> I saved a RSA key in DER format , whan I parse it I get something like this
> :
[stuff deleted]

> So the first integer After 0 is the modulus, then is the public exponent,
> and then ?
> Which is the private exponent I'll use for decrypting ?

The private exponent is the one after that. Its PKCS#1 format (see the
PKCS standards on which you can use OpenSSL to print out

openssl rsa -inform DER -noout -text

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Senior crypto engineer, Celo Communications:
Core developer of the   OpenSSL project:
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP key: via homepage.

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: RSA key generation error

2004-08-02 Thread Joe smith
Sorry for the stupid question, I have figured it out.
JoeJoe smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have the following code

int main()
RSA *rsa;
BIO *publickey;
rsa = RSA_generate_key(1024, 65537, NULL, NULL);
char *passwd = "123456";
FILE *F1 = fopen("key.pem", "wb");
PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey(F1, rsa, EVP_des_cbc(), NULL, 0, NULL, passwd);
// PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey(publickey,rsa);
FILE *F2 = fopen("key.pem", "rb");
RSA *rsa_2;
rsa_2 = PEM_read_RSAPrivateKey(F2, NULL, NULL, passwd);

char str[256];
ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), str);
but i am getting the following error
Any suggestions,
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Re: rsa key generation issue/question

2007-08-09 Thread jimmy bahuleyan
Patrick Parsons wrote:
>  Hello,
>  I have noticed when generating rsa keys that the first 10 digits or so are
> identical or nearly identical. Is this normal or is something wrong? Does
> this issue occur for anyone else?

could you post the bytes that you're referring to. (my guess is that
it's the ASN.1 stuff again)

Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsa key generation issue/question

2007-08-09 Thread Marek Marcola
>  I have noticed when generating rsa keys that the first 10 digits or
> so are identical or nearly identical. Is this normal or is something
> wrong? Does this issue occur for anyone else?
>   The version of openssl I am using is openssl-0.9.8b-8.3.fc6 and I am
> using -rand /dev/urandom to seed the random number generator.
This is part of ASN.1 encoding (0x30...).

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsa key generation issue/question

2007-08-09 Thread Patrick Parsons
 These are the first few bytes of the key. Here they are from 10 keys
generated with the command: openssl genrsa -rand /dev/urandom

On 8/9/07, jimmy bahuleyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Patrick Parsons wrote:
> >  Hello,
> >  I have noticed when generating rsa keys that the first 10 digits or so
> are
> > identical or nearly identical. Is this normal or is something wrong? Does
> > this issue occur for anyone else?
> could you post the bytes that you're referring to. (my guess is that
> it's the ASN.1 stuff again)
> -jb
> --
> Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
> __
> OpenSSL Project
> User Support Mailing
> Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: rsa key generation issue/question

2007-08-09 Thread Patrick Parsons
Looks like this may be the issue, a flaw in the key generation algorithm.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsa key generation issue/question

2007-08-09 Thread Marek Marcola
> Looks like this may be the issue, a flaw in the key generation algorithm.
Probably not, this is flow in Montgomery multiplication which is used
in modular exponentation. Of course modular exponentation is used
in key generation process in p,q prime test (Miller-Rabin)
but this simply looks like ASN.1 encoding:

$ echo MIIBOQIB | openssl base64 -d | hexdump -C
  30 82 01 39 02 01   |0..9..|

or (with some dirty hack) we may try to decode this 6 bytes:

$ echo MIIBOQIB | (openssl base64 -d; dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1
count=2000) | openssl asn1parse -inform der
2000+0 records in
2000+0 records out
0:d=0  hl=4 l= 313 cons: SEQUENCE
4:d=1  hl=2 l=   1 prim: INTEGER   :2C
Error in encoding
18407:error:0D07207B:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_get_object:header too

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: rsa key generation issue/question

2007-08-09 Thread Patrick Parsons
I am not familar with ASN.1, or any of the specifice of which the rsa
key is generated. It just seemed as it should not be so.
 What is the ASN.1 encoding, and how is it used?

On 8/9/07, Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> > Looks like this may be the issue, a flaw in the key generation algorithm.
> >
> Probably not, this is flow in Montgomery multiplication which is used
> in modular exponentation. Of course modular exponentation is used
> in key generation process in p,q prime test (Miller-Rabin)
> but this simply looks like ASN.1 encoding:
> $ echo MIIBOQIB | openssl base64 -d | hexdump -C
>   30 82 01 39 02 01   |0..9..|
> 0006
> or (with some dirty hack) we may try to decode this 6 bytes:
> $ echo MIIBOQIB | (openssl base64 -d; dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1
> count=2000) | openssl asn1parse -inform der
> 2000+0 records in
> 2000+0 records out
> 0:d=0  hl=4 l= 313 cons: SEQUENCE
> 4:d=1  hl=2 l=   1 prim: INTEGER   :2C
> Error in encoding
> 18407:error:0D07207B:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_get_object:header too
> long:asn1_lib.c:140:
> Best regards,
> --
> Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> __
> OpenSSL Project
> User Support Mailing
> Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
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Re: rsa key generation issue/question

2007-08-09 Thread Marek Marcola
> I am not familar with ASN.1, or any of the specifice of which the rsa
> key is generated. It just seemed as it should not be so.
>  What is the ASN.1 encoding, and how is it used?
RSA private key is a set of big numbers: n,d,e,p,q,dmp1,dmq1,iqmp.
(this is not one number).
When this numbers are saved to file there must be some method
to distinguish this numbers. For RSA keys ASN.1 coding is used.
For more information you may read PKCS#1 standard, in appendix A
you will find ASN.1 structure of private key.

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: rsa key generation issue/question

2007-08-10 Thread David Schwartz

> I am not familar with ASN.1, or any of the specifice of which the rsa
> key is generated. It just seemed as it should not be so.
>  What is the ASN.1 encoding, and how is it used?

The vast majority of file formats begin with a header that is similar or
identical for files that contain different data of the same type.

The same is true for most human documents. If you had thirteen parking
violations issued by the same officer, their first several words likely
would be identical.


OpenSSL Project
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Re: rsa key generating with passphrase

2004-02-29 Thread Dr. Stephen Henson
On Sun, Feb 29, 2004, Claus Nagel wrote:

> hello, I hope someone can help me with the following problem:
> I'm trying to generate a rsa key pair in perl using the Crypt::RSA module.
> this works fine so far. I am converting the resulting private key into PEM
> format and it is checked ok by 'openssl rsa -in private.pem -check'.
> now i want this private key to be protected by a passphrase using for
> example AES-128-CBC encrypting. but I am not sure, what exactly is done with the
> passphrase. is it used to generate a 128 bit key for the Rijndael algorithm? if
> so, how is the passphrase converted to that key?

It is used along with a random salt to derive the key and IV. The algorithm
used is unchanged since the SSLeay days. Check out the pem and
EVP_bytestokey() manual pages.

Other formats such as PKCS#8 are more standard and more secure though.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
OpenSSL project core developer and freelance consultant.
Funding needed! Details on homepage.
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Re: RSA key length and size

2005-02-01 Thread Charles B Cranston
You should factor in the RSA speedups in your space estimates.
Typically a public exponent of 2^16+1 is used so you need not
pass this separately for a public key.  However, the speedup
for the private key operation involves all those other fields
in a private key, which expands the space requirements needed
considerably.  While it is possible to do the private key
operation with nothing other than the modulus and private
exponent you should try to estimate how long the processor on
the Java card would take (years? days? hours?).
My gut feeling is that you will not be able to get both a
private key and the data to be encrypted into 245 bytes.
Erik Norgaard wrote:
Sorry, I haven't written to the list before, if you know of sources of 
information that will answer my question, please just give me a link.

I am programming a JavaCard v2.1, to provide encryption and decryption 
using either stored private/public keys or keys passed to the input data 

The input data buffer is just 245 bytes, and I want to pass the key and 
the data to be de/encrypted in one go to avoid problems with transient 
objects and risk of leaving the card in an insecure state.

So my question is, say I have an RSA 1024 bit key, how much space does 
it actually ocupy? AFAIK 128bytes+exponent which is?

For signature I need to fit in 20 bytes for a SHA1 digest, leaving some 
225bytes for the key - is that possible.

For encryption I need to fit in x bytes for a symmetric key to be 
encrypted - how long a symmetric key should I use? which algorithm?

I could use a 768 bit key if that would make things possible.
Given a certificate, how do I extract the modulus and exponent? Sorry, I 
am getting lost in all the different formats and encodings. But so far I 
only see a blob of data.

Is there a standard way of packing modulus and exponent efficiently into 
a single blob?

Thanks a lot, Erik
"An Internet-connected Windows machine is tantamount to
 a toddler carrying a baggie of $100 bills down a city street..."
Charles B (Ben) Cranston
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA key length and size

2005-02-01 Thread Charles B Cranston
Here's a crazy idea:
The computer talking to the Java card rolls a random session key.
In the first operation transfer a private key into the device,
encrypted by the session key.
In the second operation transfer the data to be encrypted and
the session key.  The Java card can decrypt the private key and
use it.
Now, the "insecure state" that occurs between the first and second
transfer operation is not a vulnerability, because the adversary
would need to know the session key to get the card to actually do
anything with the private key?
Erik Norgaard wrote:
Sorry, I haven't written to the list before, if you know of sources of 
information that will answer my question, please just give me a link.

I am programming a JavaCard v2.1, to provide encryption and decryption 
using either stored private/public keys or keys passed to the input data 

The input data buffer is just 245 bytes, and I want to pass the key and 
the data to be de/encrypted in one go to avoid problems with transient 
objects and risk of leaving the card in an insecure state.

So my question is, say I have an RSA 1024 bit key, how much space does 
it actually ocupy? AFAIK 128bytes+exponent which is?

For signature I need to fit in 20 bytes for a SHA1 digest, leaving some 
225bytes for the key - is that possible.

For encryption I need to fit in x bytes for a symmetric key to be 
encrypted - how long a symmetric key should I use? which algorithm?

I could use a 768 bit key if that would make things possible.
Given a certificate, how do I extract the modulus and exponent? Sorry, I 
am getting lost in all the different formats and encodings. But so far I 
only see a blob of data.

Is there a standard way of packing modulus and exponent efficiently into 
a single blob?

Thanks a lot, Erik
"An Internet-connected Windows machine is tantamount to
 a toddler carrying a baggie of $100 bills down a city street..."
Charles B (Ben) Cranston
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA key length and size

2005-02-01 Thread Erik Norgaard
Charles B Cranston wrote:
You should factor in the RSA speedups in your space estimates.
Typically a public exponent of 2^16+1 is used so you need not
pass this separately for a public key.  However, the speedup
for the private key operation involves all those other fields
in a private key, which expands the space requirements needed
considerably.  While it is possible to do the private key
operation with nothing other than the modulus and private
exponent you should try to estimate how long the processor on
the Java card would take (years? days? hours?).
My gut feeling is that you will not be able to get both a
private key and the data to be encrypted into 245 bytes.
Thanks, well, for normal operations the private key to be applied would 
be stored on the card. But from my experience, I have learnt not to 
implement restrictions of valid choices unless there is a very good 
reason. Eliptic Curves may be supported in future cards and solve the 
space problem.

The amount of data that should be de-/encrypted is limited, for example 
the a symmetric key that is used to encrypt the actual message, or a 
digest to create a signature.

So, I guess this concludes that for the practical puposes, there is room 
enough :-) Do you know any performance difference for the private key 
encryption with all components vs. only modulus and exponent?

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818   web:
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Re: RSA key length and size

2005-02-01 Thread Charles B Cranston
Doing it the hard way requires roughly 1.5 times key length
number of modular multiplies (assuming about half the bits are
ones and half zeroes) so if the shortcutted public key operation
takes 17 units of time the non-shortcutted private key operation
takes about 1500 (assuming a 1000 bit key).  Each operation is
a multiply followed by a reduction modulo the modulus, or
roughly a division operation (followed by discard of the quotient
and retention of the remainder).  Since the data is as many bits
as the modulus this usually requires a fairly sophisticated
subroutine.  The two schemes I've seen are to do it one bit at a
time (which only requires one comparison to find out what to do)
or the algorithm in the RSAREF package which extracts an entire
word of the quotient at a time.  Pretty neat.
Also consider: what happens in the future when you want to move
to a 2048 or 4096 bit key?  Do you have to wait for a more
capable Java card to be marketed?
Watch out for elliptic curve because a "message" usually takes
sending TWO group elements, instead of just one as for RSA.
This makes the message length twice as long as you otherwise
might imagine.  If you're just coding a session key for the real
data this increase is minimal, but for the kind of embedded
computation you're thinking of this can be a real gotcha.
Erik Norgaard wrote:
Charles B Cranston wrote:
You should factor in the RSA speedups in your space estimates.
Typically a public exponent of 2^16+1 is used so you need not
pass this separately for a public key.  However, the speedup
for the private key operation involves all those other fields
in a private key, which expands the space requirements needed
considerably.  While it is possible to do the private key
operation with nothing other than the modulus and private
exponent you should try to estimate how long the processor on
the Java card would take (years? days? hours?).
My gut feeling is that you will not be able to get both a
private key and the data to be encrypted into 245 bytes.

Thanks, well, for normal operations the private key to be applied would 
be stored on the card. But from my experience, I have learnt not to 
implement restrictions of valid choices unless there is a very good 
reason. Eliptic Curves may be supported in future cards and solve the 
space problem.

The amount of data that should be de-/encrypted is limited, for example 
the a symmetric key that is used to encrypt the actual message, or a 
digest to create a signature.

So, I guess this concludes that for the practical puposes, there is room 
enough :-) Do you know any performance difference for the private key 
encryption with all components vs. only modulus and exponent?

Cheers, Erik
"An Internet-connected Windows machine is tantamount to
 a toddler carrying a baggie of $100 bills down a city street..."
Charles B (Ben) Cranston
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA key length and size

2005-02-01 Thread Erik Norgaard
Charles B Cranston wrote:
Doing it the hard way requires roughly 1.5 times key length
number of modular multiplies (assuming about half the bits are
ones and half zeroes) so if the shortcutted public key operation
takes 17 units of time the non-shortcutted private key operation
takes about 1500 (assuming a 1000 bit key).
Does this also apply to the old style keys or only in case of CRT type 
keys? Because, then, in any case I will have that problem when using the 
public key.

Also consider: what happens in the future when you want to move
to a 2048 or 4096 bit key?  Do you have to wait for a more
capable Java card to be marketed?
The JavaCard supports RSA 2048 bits, and as of version 2.2 there is 
support of ECC up to 192 bits, but only for signature.

I have a 2.1 card, but it is my intention not to predefine specific key 
types or lengths, these are chosen when the key is generated, such that 
newer card will support the new algorithms.

The main problem as I see it is that for things to work, the input 
buffer must grow as longer keys are used or I must support sessions.

Watch out for elliptic curve because a "message" usually takes
sending TWO group elements, instead of just one as for RSA.
This makes the message length twice as long as you otherwise
might imagine.  If you're just coding a session key for the real
data this increase is minimal, but for the kind of embedded
computation you're thinking of this can be a real gotcha.
I have only been introduced to ECC, twice as long encrypted output is 
ok, the problem seems to be with decryption, then I might run out of 
space. Thanks for the info!

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818   web:
S/MIME Certificate:
Subject ID:  A9:76:7A:ED:06:95:2B:8D:48:97:CE:F2:3F:42:C8:F2:22:DE:4C:B9
Fingerprint: 4A:E8:63:38:46:F6:9A:5D:B4:DC:29:41:3F:62:D3:0A:73:25:67:C2
OpenSSL Project
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Re: RSA key length and size

2005-02-01 Thread Charles B Cranston
Erik Norgaard wrote:
Charles B Cranston wrote:

Doing it the hard way requires roughly 1.5 times key length
number of modular multiplies (assuming about half the bits are
ones and half zeroes) so if the shortcutted public key operation
takes 17 units of time the non-shortcutted private key operation
takes about 1500 (assuming a 1000 bit key).

Does this also apply to the old style keys or only in case of CRT type 
keys? Because, then, in any case I will have that problem when using the 
public key.
Not sure what you mean by old style and/or CRT type keys.
If you have a public key with an exponent other than 65537 the
public key operation may take longer, but I don't think that is
within PKIX standards (other than 3 which does not take longer).
Also consider: what happens in the future when you want to move
to a 2048 or 4096 bit key?  Do you have to wait for a more
capable Java card to be marketed?

The JavaCard supports RSA 2048 bits, and as of version 2.2 there is 
support of ECC up to 192 bits, but only for signature.
Yes, but I was considering your original problem of getting both
the key and the data to be encrypted into the 245 byte buffer.
As the key gets longer this problem becomes more stringent.
I have a 2.1 card, but it is my intention not to predefine specific key 
types or lengths, these are chosen when the key is generated, such that 
newer card will support the new algorithms.

The main problem as I see it is that for things to work, the input 
buffer must grow as longer keys are used or I must support sessions.

Watch out for elliptic curve because a "message" usually takes
sending TWO group elements, instead of just one as for RSA.
This makes the message length twice as long as you otherwise
might imagine.  If you're just coding a session key for the real
data this increase is minimal, but for the kind of embedded
computation you're thinking of this can be a real gotcha.

I have only been introduced to ECC, twice as long encrypted output is 
ok, the problem seems to be with decryption, then I might run out of 
space. Thanks for the info!
Actually this is more El Gamal vs RSA than the elliptic group vs the
integer group, but it turns out that RSA on the elliptic group is not
very much harder than on the integer group, so you DON'T get the same
protection with a much shorter key.  But if you use El Gamal you need
to send two group elements, so the message size doubles compared to
RSA in which only one group element needs to be sent.
Hope all this helps!
"An Internet-connected Windows machine is tantamount to
 a toddler carrying a baggie of $100 bills down a city street..."
Charles B (Ben) Cranston
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA key length and size

2005-02-01 Thread Erik Norgaard
Charles B Cranston wrote:
Doing it the hard way requires roughly 1.5 times key length
number of modular multiplies (assuming about half the bits are
ones and half zeroes) so if the shortcutted public key operation
takes 17 units of time the non-shortcutted private key operation
takes about 1500 (assuming a 1000 bit key).
Does this also apply to the old style keys or only in case of CRT type 
keys? Because, then, in any case I will have that problem when using 
the public key.
Not sure what you mean by old style and/or CRT type keys.
If you have a public key with an exponent other than 65537 the
public key operation may take longer, but I don't think that is
within PKIX standards (other than 3 which does not take longer).
ok, maybe I misunderstood you. According to PKCS#1 the public key is a 
pair (n,e) and the private key can be respresented either as a pair 
(n,d) or in its Chinese Remainder Theorem form (CRT). The latter should 
be faster, but only applies for keys with more than two primefactors.

Also consider: what happens in the future when you want to move
to a 2048 or 4096 bit key?  Do you have to wait for a more
capable Java card to be marketed?
Yes, but I was considering your original problem of getting both
the key and the data to be encrypted into the 245 byte buffer.
As the key gets longer this problem becomes more stringent.
Well, a 2048 bit RSA key won't fit, so even now I hit the limit, but I 
read that 1024bit should be considerd safe till 2037 or something? so I 
decided to stick with 1024bit. The buffer size is defined in an 
ISO-standard, so changing this may not be so straight forward as 
launching a new card.

However, the new version also supports Remote Method Invocation that is 
an abstraction layer, this may take care of all the transient data stuff 

At this point I am developing a proof of concept, not even a prototype. 
So cutting some corners is ok if I have good reasons, I know where they 
are and what must be done to uncut them.

I could have been straight naïve and simply assumed that the v2.1 was 
all I had to consider.

Actually this is more El Gamal vs RSA than the elliptic group vs the
integer group, but it turns out that RSA on the elliptic group is not
very much harder than on the integer group, so you DON'T get the same
protection with a much shorter key.  But if you use El Gamal you need
to send two group elements, so the message size doubles compared to
RSA in which only one group element needs to be sent.
Hope all this helps!
Absolutely, this is super! Thanks!
Ph: +34.666334818   web:
S/MIME Certificate:
Subject ID:  A9:76:7A:ED:06:95:2B:8D:48:97:CE:F2:3F:42:C8:F2:22:DE:4C:B9
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OpenSSL Project
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Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA key length and size

2005-02-02 Thread Charles B Cranston
Erik Norgaard wrote:
pair (n,e) and the private key can be respresented either as a pair 
(n,d) or in its Chinese Remainder Theorem form (CRT). The latter should 
be faster, but only applies for keys with more than two primefactors.
Oh, I see, you use CRT to designate the key with the added speedup
data.  Yes, the Chinese Remainder Theorem is the speedup.  But I
believe it IS used for keys with only two prime factors, which is the
usual case?  Am I misunderstanding your terminology?  The standard
def for RSA is ( cleartext ^ E ) ^ D  ==  cleartext  mod p*q
where D x E is 1 mod phi(p*q) I see only two primefactors: p and q.
Over ten years ago I wrote an assembly language implementation of
this (heavily cribbed from the RSAREF C) in which I used the CRT
speedup.  And I was getting a significant speedup from the CRT
algorithm, and I only had two prime factors.
There is a paper
High-Speed RSA Implementation, TR 201
November 1994 (Acrobat .PDF, 497k)
(last paper at bottom of page).
In general the stuff at the RSA Labs site is pretty good quality.

I am interested in your opinion of my idea about securely
implementing a "session" protocol (as you put it).  It seems to
me that one could use an arbitrary number of transactions to
put the key and data into the device, as long as they are masked
with a session key.  Even if the device is removed prematurely,
the adversary can gain no advantage from any information input
up to the point of the last operation.
The last operation would be a "do it now" code with the session key.
It seems to me this is just about as secure as your idempotent
one-transaction model?
"An Internet-connected Windows machine is tantamount to
 a toddler carrying a baggie of $100 bills down a city street..."
Charles B (Ben) Cranston
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA key generation on Windows

2000-11-10 Thread Bodo Moeller

On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 12:00:57PM +0100, Frédéric Gariador wrote:

> I'd like to use Openssl to generate a RSA key pair on Window NT.
> I wonder about some issues :
> - I use the -rand option to specify files used to seed the random number
> generator.
> According to the number of these file and their size, the number of
> semi-random bytes loaded by openssl vary (this values is outputted
> by the openssl command).
> What is a good value range for this number ?

This depends on how unpredictable your files really are.  If they
contain actual randomness, then 1024 bytes is plenty.

> - When the generation process ends, the following message is systematically
> outputted: "unable to write 'random state'"
>   - What does that mean ?
>   - Is that important ?

There's a default file for randomness, which is used even without the
-rand option: If environment variable RANDFILE exists, then the
filename in RANDFILE is used; otherwise, if environment variable HOME
is set, then file .rnd in directory $HOME is used; otherwise the file
is .rnd in the current directory.  Unless seeding was obviously
insufficient, the applications try to write back to that file so that
they have some random seeding the next time one of them is called.
That warning message means that writing to the file determined as
described above did not work, for whatever reasons -- maybe $HOME
is set incorrectly.

* TU Darmstadt, Theoretische Informatik, Alexanderstr. 10, D-64283 Darmstadt
* Tel. +49-6151-16-6628, Fax +49-6151-16-6036
OpenSSL Project
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RE: RSA key generation on Windows

2000-11-14 Thread Frédéric Gariador

Thank you for your answer !

But it leads to another question :-)

Do you know a reliable tools that permit to generate
a file containing actual randomn numbers on Windows NT ?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bodo Moeller
Sent: vendredi 10 novembre 2000 09:21
Subject: Re: RSA key generation on Windows

On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 12:00:57PM +0100, Frédéric Gariador wrote:

> I'd like to use Openssl to generate a RSA key pair on Window NT.
> I wonder about some issues :
> - I use the -rand option to specify files used to seed the random number
> generator.
> According to the number of these file and their size, the number of
> semi-random bytes loaded by openssl vary (this values is outputted
> by the openssl command).
> What is a good value range for this number ?

This depends on how unpredictable your files really are.  If they
contain actual randomness, then 1024 bytes is plenty.

> - When the generation process ends, the following message is
> outputted: "unable to write 'random state'"
>   - What does that mean ?
>   - Is that important ?

There's a default file for randomness, which is used even without the
-rand option: If environment variable RANDFILE exists, then the
filename in RANDFILE is used; otherwise, if environment variable HOME
is set, then file .rnd in directory $HOME is used; otherwise the file
is .rnd in the current directory.  Unless seeding was obviously
insufficient, the applications try to write back to that file so that
they have some random seeding the next time one of them is called.
That warning message means that writing to the file determined as
described above did not work, for whatever reasons -- maybe $HOME
is set incorrectly.

* TU Darmstadt, Theoretische Informatik, Alexanderstr. 10, D-64283 Darmstadt
* Tel. +49-6151-16-6628, Fax +49-6151-16-6036
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OpenSSL Project
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Re: RSA key from a file

2003-12-14 Thread Dr. Stephen Henson
On Sun, Dec 14, 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi..
> I am using crypto library of openssl. I need to generate a RSA key using
> RSA_generate_key() and then store the key into a file and later read it from a
> file when I need it. 
> As far as my knowledge of openssl goes... I generate the key, store it in a file
> using RSA_print_fp() which stores the key in a formatted fashion. Then if I
> want to use it, I read the file again and parse the contents of the file to get
> the key back.

No that's not the way to do it. There's no opposite of RSA_print_fp() which
will takes its human readable output and convert back to an RSA structure.

> Is there any other easy way to do it? Can I just export the key to a file and
> import it back from the file ? Please let me know.

The PEM functions are one way to go. These can be used to encrypt the private
key with a passphrase too, since its very sensitive data. Check out the PEM
manual pages for more info.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
OpenSSL project core developer and freelance consultant.
Funding needed! Details on homepage.
OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing List[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: RSA Key exchange and FIPS compliance

2007-04-16 Thread David Schwartz

> We use OpenSSL for encryption within our application.
> I am now enhancing our application to become FIPS compliant.
> The OpenSSL FIPS Security Policy lists RSA key wrapping and
> key establishment as non-approved. But the policy states that
> it is included when 80 to 150 bits of encryption strength are
> used. So how do I provide a key exchange if I want FIPS compliance?

TLS is FIPS approved if you only used FIPS-allowed algorithms within it.
OpenSSL does this in FIPS mode.


OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSA Key exchange and FIPS compliance

2007-04-19 Thread Steve Marquess

Gatfield, Geoffrey wrote:


We use OpenSSL for encryption within our application. I am now 
enhancing our application to become FIPS compliant. The OpenSSL FIPS 
Security Policy lists RSA key wrapping and key establishment as 
non-approved. But the policy states that it is included when 80 to 150 
bits of encryption strength are used. So how do I provide a key 
exchange if I want FIPS compliance?


Any help is appreciated.




If you look at the list of CMVP approved RSA implementations ( 
you will note that the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module, RSA cert #177, has as many or more "merit 
badges" than almost any other product.  The FIPS 140-2 terminology is confusing to the uninitiated, 
among whom I include myself even after working this validation for five years.  RSA encryption/decryption/key 
wrapping is not "Approved", instead it is classified as "Non-Approved, but allowed for use in 
FIPS 140-2 mode".

RSA sign/verify is "Approved", and hence is listed with the Approved 
algorithms.  You may use either in FIPS 140-2 mode.

-Steve M.

Steve Marquess
Open Source Software Institute

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: RSA Key exchange and FIPS compliance

2007-04-19 Thread Gatfield, Geoffrey
This helps a lot. Thanks for the clarification. 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Marquess
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: RSA Key exchange and FIPS compliance

Gatfield, Geoffrey wrote:
> Hello,
> We use OpenSSL for encryption within our application. I am now 
> enhancing our application to become FIPS compliant. The OpenSSL FIPS 
> Security Policy lists RSA key wrapping and key establishment as 
> non-approved. But the policy states that it is included when 80 to 150

> bits of encryption strength are used. So how do I provide a key 
> exchange if I want FIPS compliance?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Geoff

If you look at the list of CMVP approved RSA implementations
( you will note that the
OpenSSL FIPS Object Module, RSA cert #177, has as many or more "merit
badges" than almost any other product.  The FIPS 140-2 terminology is
confusing to the uninitiated, among whom I include myself even after
working this validation for five years.  RSA encryption/decryption/key
wrapping is not "Approved", instead it is classified as "Non-Approved,
but allowed for use in FIPS 140-2 mode".

RSA sign/verify is "Approved", and hence is listed with the Approved
algorithms.  You may use either in FIPS 140-2 mode.

-Steve M.

Steve Marquess
Open Source Software Institute

OpenSSL Project
User Support Mailing
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: RSA key generation problems in OpenSSH

2005-02-28 Thread Rafeeq Ahmed
 I am unable to provide u with exact answer.
but i thought it relevent to reply u.
because I have also worked on RSA api's  

Following are the command to generate rsa keys

1) openssl genrsa -out private.pem 1024 <- This generates a 1024 bit
keypair, but both keys are held in a single file initially.
2) openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem <-extracts the
public key from private.pem.

Further u can go through website

I feel this website shall be very useful to u.


On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 21:51:38 -0800 (PST), prakash babu
> Hello All,
>  I am working on an IPF(Itanium Processor Family) HPUX machine.
> Using the configure option
> hpux-ia64-cc would be the appropriate configure option while building
> OpenSSL in this platform.
>  But I have problems with OpennSSH authentication when I use this
> option.
>  OpenSSH uses 
> libcrypto of OpenSSL to generate the RSA key pair.
> Scenario 1 - SSH built using OpenSSL configured with hpux-ia64-cc 
>  i. Generate RSA key pair 
>   #/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa1
>  ii. View the public key
>  #cat  //.ssh/ 
>  1024 35 
> 132930209076564001780747579042635122330299057445902509467023000
> 00349019205201074514728005030360980059713439703168643901029
> 101753840270447636402448290262026362746390202877148500919047739
>  iii. Run the sshd daemon
>  #/opt/ssh_hpux-cc/sbin/sshd  -o'protocol 1' -ddd -e
>  iv. Run the client  
>  #/opt/ssh_hpux-cc/bin/ssh -1 -l root -o
> 'PreferredAuthentications="pubkey"'  localhost -vvv
> The sshd daemon 
> rejects this key as a result the 
> client authentication fails
> The compiler options for hpux-ia64-cc
> "hpux-ia64-cc","cc:-Ae +DD32 +O1 +Olit=all -z
>   Scenario 2 -SSH built using OpenSSL configured with hpux-cc 
>  i. Generate RSA key pair 
>   #/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa1
>  ii. View the public key
>  #cat  //.ssh/ 
>  1024 35 
> 1437122910944460067534870792490584153638875494206294171941680796472959390850506068660764130660092003114
> 6511827709926115182557164733137352007577919492698063416540177245308126918665480672846829658795559358482
> 1448512729384759808648867203588282392206887007723304276717097798871889974434155451797730883704857498211
>  iii. Run the sshd daemon 
>  #/opt/ssh_hpux-cc/sbin/sshd  -o'protocol 1' -ddd -e
>  iv. Run the client 
>  #/opt/ssh_hpux-cc/bin/ssh -1 -l root -o
> 'PreferredAuthentications="pubkey"'  localhost -vvv
>  The sshd daemon 
> accepts this key as a result the 
> client authentication passes
>   The Compiler options for hpux-cc are as follows :
> hpux-cc
>   "hpux-cc",  "cc:-DB_ENDIAN -DBN_DIV2W -DMD32_XARRAY -Ae +ESlit
> +O1 -z::(unknown)::-Wl,+s -ldld:BN_LLONG DES_PTR DES_UNROL
>   L
>   My Analysis of the problem so far.
>  1. The problem occurs while creation of 
> n in the public key part of the rsa key
> n=p*q  (where p and q are  prime big numbers)
>  2 . The value of 
> dmax in the big number structure indicates the size of the big number
> 3.  The following function returns the value of dmax
>  #define bn_expand(a,bits) ((bits+BN_BITS2-1))/BN_BITS2)) <=
> (a)->dmax)? (a):bn_expand2((a),(bits)/BN_BITS2+1))
>   In this macro dmax is calculated as (bits)/BN_BITS2+1
> OpenSSL configure option is hpux-ccdmax=(512)/32 +1 = 17 
> OpenSSL configure option is hpux-ia64-cc 
> dmax=(512)64 +1= 9
>   Is this change in the value of dmax causes the variation in
> the public key.
> 4.  The compiler options 
> asm/ia64-cpp.o in 
> hpux-ia64-cc causes this problem. When 
> SIXTY_FOUR_BIT is replaced by 
>  BN_LLONG  and the 
> asm/ia64-cpp.o  option is removed then 
> hpux-ia64-cc configure option works fine.
>  Please correct me if I am wrong ?
> Thanks,
> Prakash
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Re: RSA key material in BER format

2002-03-14 Thread Erwann ABALEA

On Wed, 13 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to use the OpenSSL library to pull the RSA key material from a
> known RSA key pair.  What I would like to get is the private key material,
> the public modulus, and the exponent in BER or DER format.
> Any ideas, help in the right direction would be appreciated,

Just look at the apps/rsa.c file, that could be interesting for you.

Hello from a happy Chrysalis cards user! (VeriSign affiliate)

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Re: RSA key size is 64 or 128?

2003-09-01 Thread Rich Salz
> why I can't build certificate with one 64 or 128 bits size RSA key?

Because it could be cracked almost immediately. :)

You are probably confusing RSA keys (which are 1K 2K or 4K typically)
with DES and RC4.

Rich Salz  Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology
XS40 XML Security Gateway
XML Security Overview

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Re: RSA key size is 64 or 128?

2003-09-01 Thread Michael Sierchio
Rich Salz wrote:
why I can't build certificate with one 64 or 128 bits size RSA key?

Because it could be cracked almost immediately. :)
Yes, but what's your point?  ;-)

Response to OP, Rich Salz knows at least as much as I do about
this stuff --
Seriously, no smiley here -- independent of recommended key sizes,
you at least need enough key length to support a block size
plus random padding (see OAEP), or a hash length plus random pad
(cf. PKCS) for digital signatures.
For toy ciphers, for play, not intended for real work, try
512 bit RSA keys.  For serious stuff, probably 1024, 1536, or
2048-bit keys.
Read the FAQ at the RSALABS site, it's a good start.

OpenSSL Project
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Re: RSA key generation: can exponent lengths be specified?

2001-09-05 Thread Gregory Stark

Hmm... 160-bit public exponent ... that is a little strange. It sounds like
the requirement for a (relatively weak) Diffie-Hellman exponent, not an RSA
exponent. I know of no weaknesses with using any of the small RSA encrypt
exponents (such as
3, 17, 65537), as long as the random padding of PKCS# block-type 2 is

Also, some software cannot handle RSA public exponents that are larger than
4 bytes. In fact, OpenSSL's RSA_generate_key() is one such function!

- Original Message -
From: "James Bishop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 5:46 AM
Subject: RSA key generation: can exponent lengths be specified?

> Good morning,
> I need to generate RSA keys with specified lengths for a smart card
> application. The keys should have a 1024-bit modulus, a 160-bit public
> exponent, and a 1024-bit private exponent. Could some kind soul either
> explain how to do this or point me at appropriate documentation?
> Also, I would like to know whether this difference in the public and
> private exponent lengths reduces the security of the encryption.
> Thanking you, in advance
> James Bishop

OpenSSL Project
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RE: RSA key creation from an external source (i.e file)

2000-09-12 Thread Dale Peakall

> I need to create an RSA (or DSA) key structure in C++ program  given the
> fact that the key is stored in external file. This key will be the
> public key used for the verification of the digital signature. I have
> browsed the crypto(3) online documentation but I have found no easy way
> of doing this. Could anyone recommend a solution?

openssl x509 -in cert.pem -C -noout

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