Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-30 Thread Monty Taylor

On 06/27/2013 12:54 PM, Stefano Maffulli wrote:
 On 06/27/2013 05:04 PM, Anne Gentle wrote:
 Let's do it! (On Thierry's timetable so that we get valuable practice
 talking about onboarding programs.)
 Sounds good to me as long as we all agree that Localization/Translations
 are a technical issue and that they're part of OpenStack's mission to
 empower people to build clouds.

I think they are both a technical issue and important to our mission.

I also think they are currently an edge case in several ways that we
have been quite happily turning a blind eye to because there are a
couple of really hard problems to solve from a tooling perspective, and
for now we've valued getting stuff done over addressing the issues
fully. Specifically here I'm referring to the combination of the issues
of the CLA, contributor attribution, and ATC credit for translations work.

I think it's worthwhile to dive in to this - it's just important to
point out that there is a potential oubliette of amazingly exciting
conversation on the topic that everyone is going to be thrilled to have.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-26 Thread Stefano Maffulli
On 06/24/2013 11:50 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 To match with the current state we would end up with:
 * Projects (Nova, Neutron, Swift, Glance, Keystone, Horizon, Cinder,
 Ceilometer, Heat)
 * Incubated projects (Trove, Ironic)
 * Programs (Oslo, Infrastructure, Documentation, QA)

I think we should add Translations to the list of Programs: it is
cross-functional to all the Projects, Incubated and Documentation (less
relevant in QA and Infrastructure) but it has special needs, enough to
deserve a small slot at the Design Summit, IMHO.

Daisy: what do you think?


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OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-26 Thread Thierry Carrez
Stefano Maffulli wrote:
 On 06/24/2013 11:50 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 To match with the current state we would end up with:
 * Projects (Nova, Neutron, Swift, Glance, Keystone, Horizon, Cinder,
 Ceilometer, Heat)
 * Incubated projects (Trove, Ironic)
 * Programs (Oslo, Infrastructure, Documentation, QA)
 I think we should add Translations to the list of Programs: it is
 cross-functional to all the Projects, Incubated and Documentation (less
 relevant in QA and Infrastructure) but it has special needs, enough to
 deserve a small slot at the Design Summit, IMHO.
 Daisy: what do you think?

Translations is another horizontal effort, something that applies to
all projects, like release management or vulnerability handling, but
where contributions actually end up being applied as patches to other
projects, rather than having their own repos. Another example of that
would be the Python 3 effort.

We have yet to decide if those should be considered programs, or if they
should be recognized in some other way that is not a program. That
shouldn't block the setup of the first programs though.


Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-26 Thread Mark McLoughlin
On Wed, 2013-06-26 at 14:15 +0200, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 4. Be potentially able to define a set of projects that are the
 OpenStack product (markmc) 

Random thought on this ...

If one of the release deliverables was e.g. a page
which included links to the tarballs of the server projects, the same
for the client and oslo libs, and also links to the docs ... then that
could be the definition of our product.

The difficulty, of course, is that it's not actually all that useful as
a starting point for users. Does anyone install the tarballs directly?
So we'd need to make it clear that this is about documenting what's in
the official OpenStack release rather than a starting page for users.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread Thierry Carrez
Mark Washenberger wrote:
 * There are efforts that span multiple projects but work directly on the
 project code repositories, like integrated release, or stable
 maintenance, or vulnerability management (collectively called for the
 convenience of this thread horizontal efforts). Should they be
 considered separate programs (without repos) ? Be lumped together into
 some catch-all integration or production program ? Or ignored as far
 as ATC status goes ? I've mixed feelings about that. On one hand I'd
 like those efforts visible and official to be more widely seen as a good
 way to contribute to OpenStack. On the other hand it's hard to tie ATC
 membership to those since we can't trace that back to commits to a
 specific repo
 Can you clarify this concern? Overall, folks would still be ATCs of the
 projects that they were committing on in the name of the given program,
 so their OpenStack ATC status would be successfully tracked
 regardless. Is the problem organizing leadership votes *within* the
 program? If so, could we settle on horizontal votes being extended to
 all OpenStack ATCs? or is that just too wide open?

I'd rather have the same rules for every program and not start
special-casing them. You want the leader of the team to be chosen by the
members of the team, not by a vast majority of people external to the
team. Maybe the simplest is just to keep those efforts separated from
programs, but clearly document them.

 , and I'd like the programs mission statements to be
 precise rather than vague, so that the TC can bless them...
 Can you give an example of the kind of vagueness you're worried about?
 Perhaps it is just a failure of my imagination, but I can't seem to
 conceive of a way a program mission statement would be distinctly more
 vague than a project mission statement.

I'm not really afraid of vagueness in general. I was afraid that if we
tried to lump all horizontal efforts into a catch-all program, that
catch-all program would have a rather weird-looking mission statement.
That can be solved by creating separate programs rather than catch-alls.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread Robert Collins
On 25 June 2013 20:19, Thierry Carrez wrote:

 without a code repo today, so it's a moot point : I suggest saying
 that until it is revisited, there cannot be a Program w/o a code repo.

 What we have today is a number of efforts that are pretty central to
 OpenStack (like producing releases or maintaining stable branches) that
 do not appear in the new taxonomy. Those efforts don't have a code
 repository, they work with all code repos.

 Should those be considered separate programs ? A single production
 program ? Or not programs at all ? I see you advocate for the latter.
 All participants to those efforts are already ATCs since their work is
 done on other projects, so that's not a big problem in that respect. The
 main issue I see is that if it's not listed anywhere, that work is not
 really visible, which does not entice anyone to join those and help.

Thanks for the explanation. I wasn't advocating for those efforts to
not be programs, just that they shouldn't be programs *until* the
governance aspect was sorted out - and as I wasn't clued into those
efforts being large enough to make sorting out the governance aspect
relevant in the short term - but perhaps it is and we should.

So, doing [the 6 monthly] releases and stable branches seem like the
same thing to me : it's packaging up the project output for
consumption by redistributors (and low-resource risk-averse orgs).
That totally makes sense to me as a program - but I think calling it
'production' would be a bit confusing, as TripleO is focused on
production, whereas releases and stable branches are focused on
distribution, IMNSHO :)


Robert Collins
Distinguished Technologist
HP Cloud Services

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread Thierry Carrez
Robert Collins wrote:
 So, doing [the 6 monthly] releases and stable branches seem like the
 same thing to me : it's packaging up the project output for
 consumption by redistributors (and low-resource risk-averse orgs).
 That totally makes sense to me as a program - but I think calling it
 'production' would be a bit confusing, as TripleO is focused on
 production, whereas releases and stable branches are focused on
 distribution, IMNSHO :)

Aah... Naming, my favorite pastime :) Distribution makes sense,
although it's a bit overloaded too. Integration is overloaded too.
Delivery, maybe. Release and stable branch management is what we've
been calling it so far, but it's a mouthful.

We could potentially lump vulnerability management in the same program,
since after all it's about handling and distributing security fixes,
with a strong focus on stable branches. But since that's a different
group that could warrant a separate program.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread Mark McLoughlin

On Mon, 2013-06-24 at 11:50 +0200, Thierry Carrez wrote:

 The TC would bless the *mission statement* of the program rather than
 the specific set of projects implemented to reach that goal.

This is a really nice way of putting it and you've captured a bunch of
other stuff very well too.

The main thing I think about is the integrated release[1] - i.e. the
categories I care about are officially part of the release and
official and important OpenStack projects which aren't part of the

Maybe this is just about a program's mission statement - as part of the
mission statement, you explain what the program will contribute to the
release. In the case of Oslo, it produces libraries to be included in
the release. In the case of Infrastructure, it doesn't produce anything
to be included in the release.

In the case of TripleO, does it produce anything to be included in the
release? I think it should, but it's not the entirety of its mission
statement either. That, for me, is the really interesting thing to
discuss about TripleO - what does it intend to produce for inclusion in
the integrated release?

In terms of incubation, you could say new projects that are intended
for inclusion in the integrated release will go through incubation ...
but that doesn't make sense in all cases. For example, there's not much
value in new oslo libraries going through an incubation cycle because
nothing would be able to use the library until it had exited incubation.


[1] - ok, some caveats on what I mean by integrated release ...

We're producing software for people who want to build clouds. A software
product, for want of a better term.

Right now, we say the official service projects (definition: a project
which exposes a REST API?) are integrated projects and that's what's
contained in our release. I think we also say that Oslo libraries are
part of the integrated release.

The way I see it, our release is a product and should contain any
official OpenStack software which provides a more complete experience
for people deploying OpenStack clouds.

The only change that would mean right now is that the client libraries
and docs would be part of the integrated release. Even if there are some
wonky details - like we have good reason to *also* release clients
independently of the release cycle for a different set of target users
(i.e. cloud users, not cloud builders) and that complete docs aren't a
blocker for the integrated release going out - I think the release is
weirdly incomplete without those considered a part of it.

Also, before any jumps in with we shouldn't have releases, trunk should
always be releasable ... that's mostly orthogonal. We'd still have a
concept of an integrated product - which includes more than just the
server products - which is always releaseable.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread Mark McLoughlin
On Mon, 2013-06-24 at 13:14 -0400, Monty Taylor wrote:
  * Where would openstack/requirements fall ?
 I think openstack/requirements sits under oslo - although right now
 it's a joint-venture between oslo and infra. 

If you look at the Oslo mission statement(s):

  The Oslo program produces a set of python libraries containing
  infrastructure code shared by OpenStack projects. The APIs provided by
  these libraries should be high quality, stable, consistent and
  generally useful. 

  The Oslo program brings together generalist code reviewers and
  specialist API maintainers. They share a common interest in tackling
  copy-and-paste technical debt across the OpenStack project.

then the overlap with openstack/requirements isn't at all obvious.

Not to try and lump this solely on Thierry or anything, but I see this
as a release/distribution management concern - the fundamental question
is what external dependencies (and what version of those) is it sane for
us to require in order to deploy OpenStack?

Looking again at the review criteria:

those questions are all about keeping a firm control over what external
risks we expose ourselves (e.g. flakey upstreams) and that the
dependency is compatible with our release goals (e.g. license, python
version, distro availability).


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread Thierry Carrez
Anne Gentle wrote:
 Dare I ask, what about TryStack? Infra seems to get a ton under it but
 that's where I'd place it if I had to state a preference.

I'd see TryStack as a separate program, with the goal of maintaining an
infrastructure that lets users play with OpenStack. That goal sounds a
bit parallel with the *development* infrastructure than the
Infrastructure program maintains.

Trystack would have to apply to become a program, though, since it's
repositories (if any ?) are currently NOT considered official OpenStack

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread Thierry Carrez
Mark McLoughlin wrote:
 [1] - ok, some caveats on what I mean by integrated release ...
 We're producing software for people who want to build clouds. A software
 product, for want of a better term.
 Right now, we say the official service projects (definition: a project
 which exposes a REST API?) are integrated projects and that's what's
 contained in our release. I think we also say that Oslo libraries are
 part of the integrated release.

I think I have a slightly different view.

We as a project produce a number of deliverables. Some of those (the
integrated projects) are released as a common, coordinated release at
the end of our 6-month development cycles. The others (which include the
python client libraries and the Oslo libraries) are released as-needed,
although in some cases they borrow the same release cycle.

I don't think we should start overloading the meaning of integrated.
So the way I see it you would have teams, potentially producing
deliverables. If one of those deliverables is to be part of the
integrated release then you want to become a Project and you need to
go through Incubation so that we check that you won't fuck up the rest
of the integrated projects. If your team works on other deliverables
(Documentation, Oslo libraries) or helps other teams (Infrastructure,
Release) then you can apply to become a Program.

All the deliverables from Projects + Programs are OpenStack deliverables
and contributing to them grants you ATC status, and in return Projects
and Programs are under the oversight of the TC.

Do you think we need to distinguish between those deliverables, and tag
some of them as being part of the OpenStack product, and some others
as merely production helpers ? I'm not sure that would add a lot of value...

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread Monty Taylor

On 06/25/2013 12:42 PM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 Anne Gentle wrote:
 Dare I ask, what about TryStack? Infra seems to get a ton under it but
 that's where I'd place it if I had to state a preference.
 I'd see TryStack as a separate program, with the goal of maintaining an
 infrastructure that lets users play with OpenStack. That goal sounds a
 bit parallel with the *development* infrastructure than the
 Infrastructure program maintains.
 Trystack would have to apply to become a program, though, since it's
 repositories (if any ?) are currently NOT considered official OpenStack

I agree, I do not think that trystack is a part of Infra. Same with
refstack, which we discussed at the March board meeting and then again
at the summit.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread James E. Blair
I like the programs idea and the direction this thread is going.

As we reconsider the relationship of repos and programs to the OpenStack
project, I think we should include one more aspect of taxonomy.

We have several orgs on github related to openstack:

  openstack-ci/  (defunct)

We've traditionally only put (what we now call) components of the
integrated release and their libraries in the openstack org.  We put
repos that relate to operation of the project infrastructure in
openstack-infra, and everything else in openstack-dev (devstack,
grenade, hacking, pbr, etc.).

I propose that in the future, we adopt the following strategy:

 * Any repo associated with an official OpenStack program is entitled to
   use the openstack org.
 * Programs may request an org for their program, with justification,
   but in general we should limit the number of orgs in use.

I expect that most of the repos currently under openstack-dev will
belong to official projects and can be moved into openstack, and we can
retire openstack-dev.

I believe that the openstack-infra org is useful, particularly because
of the large number of repositories, many of which have nothing to do
with OpenStack itself.  Because openstack-infra is concerned with the
operation of the OpenStack project, we should continue to have a
separate org for it.

In the long run, I think the additional clarity around how programs and
their repos relate to the OpenStack project will help us know where to
put new repositories, and the reduced number of openstack-related
organizations will help people find what they're looking for.


OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-25 Thread Thierry Carrez
James E. Blair wrote:
 I propose that in the future, we adopt the following strategy:
  * Any repo associated with an official OpenStack program is entitled to
use the openstack org.
  * Programs may request an org for their program, with justification,
but in general we should limit the number of orgs in use.

That's one way of doing it, although I find it a bit confusing.

If you follow markmc's vision of having some repo deliveries tagged as
being part of the OpenStack product, you could argue that the
openstack/ org should be restricted to openstack product repos. That
would be a convenient way of finding them.

Alternatively you could limit the openstack/ org to projects and
require that all programs set up their own org (like
openstack-infra/). That way the orgs would mirror our taxonomy.

I don't have strong feelings either way, and I think we can decide on
that once the first programs are set up.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-24 Thread Mark Washenberger
Thanks for kicking off this discussion! I think the idea of programs has
fantastic promise.

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Thierry Carrez thie...@openstack.orgwrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Official OpenStack projects are those under the oversight of the
 Technical Committee, and contributing to one grants you ATC status
 (which in turn you use to elect the Technical Committee members).

 The list of official projects used to be simple (Swift+Nova) but
 nowadays it is rather convoluted, with categories like integrated,
 incubated, library, gating and supporting, as described in [1].
 That complexity derived from the need to special-case some projects
 because their PTL would automatically get a TC seat. Now that we
 simplified the TC membership, we can also simplify official projects
 nomenclature by blessing the goals rather than the specific repositories.


 This is why Monty had the idea of programs which would be blessed by
 the TC (and then any code under an official program becomes official).
 Rather than trying to come up with categories that would cover all the
 stuff that the Infrastructure team is working on (gating, supporting,
 libraries...), just say that Infrastructure is a program and let them
 add any repo that they need. The TC would bless the *mission statement*
 of the program rather than the specific set of projects implemented to
 reach that goal.

 That sounds like a pretty nice idea, so could we consider everything
 falls under the realm of a program ? Like having an integrated
 release program that would contain all integrated projects ? I think we
 need to keep special-casing a concept of projects, separated from
 programs, since those are accepted one by one by the TC and go through
 an incubation period. Those projects would contain at least one repo
 that wants to be part of the integrated, common OpenStack release, plus
 anything the same team works on (like the corresponding python client

 To match with the current state we would end up with:
 * Projects (Nova, Neutron, Swift, Glance, Keystone, Horizon, Cinder,
 Ceilometer, Heat)
 * Incubated projects (Trove, Ironic)
 * Programs (Oslo, Infrastructure, Documentation, QA)

 New programs would draft a clear mission statement and apply to the TC
 for consideration. Programs should also expect to have a specific
 topic at the Design Summit (most of them already have), and should
 probably designate a lead/ambassador as a clear go-to person.

 A few questions I had left:

 * There are efforts that span multiple projects but work directly on the
 project code repositories, like integrated release, or stable
 maintenance, or vulnerability management (collectively called for the
 convenience of this thread horizontal efforts). Should they be
 considered separate programs (without repos) ? Be lumped together into
 some catch-all integration or production program ? Or ignored as far
 as ATC status goes ? I've mixed feelings about that. On one hand I'd
 like those efforts visible and official to be more widely seen as a good
 way to contribute to OpenStack. On the other hand it's hard to tie ATC
 membership to those since we can't trace that back to commits to a
 specific repo

Can you clarify this concern? Overall, folks would still be ATCs of the
projects that they were committing on in the name of the given program, so
their OpenStack ATC status would be successfully tracked regardless. Is
the problem organizing leadership votes *within* the program? If so, could
we settle on horizontal votes being extended to all OpenStack ATCs? or is
that just too wide open?

 , and I'd like the programs mission statements to be
 precise rather than vague, so that the TC can bless them...

Can you give an example of the kind of vagueness you're worried about?
Perhaps it is just a failure of my imagination, but I can't seem to
conceive of a way a program mission statement would be distinctly more
vague than a project mission statement.

 * Where would devstack fall ? QA program ? Infrastructure program ?

 * Where would openstack/requirements fall ?

 Thierry Carrez (ttx)

 OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack Programs

2013-06-24 Thread Monty Taylor

On 06/24/2013 05:50 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 Official OpenStack projects are those under the oversight of the
 Technical Committee, and contributing to one grants you ATC status
 (which in turn you use to elect the Technical Committee members).
 The list of official projects used to be simple (Swift+Nova) but
 nowadays it is rather convoluted, with categories like integrated,
 incubated, library, gating and supporting, as described in [1].
 That complexity derived from the need to special-case some projects
 because their PTL would automatically get a TC seat. Now that we
 simplified the TC membership, we can also simplify official projects
 nomenclature by blessing the goals rather than the specific repositories.
 This is why Monty had the idea of programs which would be blessed by
 the TC (and then any code under an official program becomes official).
 Rather than trying to come up with categories that would cover all the
 stuff that the Infrastructure team is working on (gating, supporting,
 libraries...), just say that Infrastructure is a program and let them
 add any repo that they need. The TC would bless the *mission statement*
 of the program rather than the specific set of projects implemented to
 reach that goal.
 That sounds like a pretty nice idea, so could we consider everything
 falls under the realm of a program ? Like having an integrated
 release program that would contain all integrated projects ? I think we
 need to keep special-casing a concept of projects, separated from
 programs, since those are accepted one by one by the TC and go through
 an incubation period. Those projects would contain at least one repo
 that wants to be part of the integrated, common OpenStack release, plus
 anything the same team works on (like the corresponding python client
 To match with the current state we would end up with:
 * Projects (Nova, Neutron, Swift, Glance, Keystone, Horizon, Cinder,
 Ceilometer, Heat)
 * Incubated projects (Trove, Ironic)
 * Programs (Oslo, Infrastructure, Documentation, QA)
 New programs would draft a clear mission statement and apply to the TC
 for consideration. Programs should also expect to have a specific
 topic at the Design Summit (most of them already have), and should
 probably designate a lead/ambassador as a clear go-to person.

Thank you for describing the idea very well! I specifically like the
idea of a program proposal drafting a mission statement and having a
PTL. (infra and oslo both do PTLs, so I think it's a fair thing to
except other programs to as well)

 A few questions I had left:
 * There are efforts that span multiple projects but work directly on the
 project code repositories, like integrated release, or stable
 maintenance, or vulnerability management (collectively called for the
 convenience of this thread horizontal efforts). Should they be
 considered separate programs (without repos) ? Be lumped together into
 some catch-all integration or production program ? Or ignored as far
 as ATC status goes ? I've mixed feelings about that. On one hand I'd
 like those efforts visible and official to be more widely seen as a good
 way to contribute to OpenStack. On the other hand it's hard to tie ATC
 membership to those since we can't trace that back to commits to a
 specific repo, and I'd like the programs mission statements to be
 precise rather than vague, so that the TC can bless them...

I'd actually like to revisit this question as a separate thing.
Honestly, I want to see bug work and review work as part of the ATC
calculation. Seriously - both are hard and thankless. I think those are
really the only two places where work on the above stuff can 'fall
through the cracks' by potentially not having a 'patch'.

 * Where would devstack fall ? QA program ? Infrastructure program ?

I think it's honestly a joint-venture between QA and Infra (especially
if you consider developer tooling to fall into the infra umbrella -
which is where it traditionally has fallen) But I'd say it's more
primarily Infra and we use it for QA, rather than the other way around
(as someone said the other day - it's devstack, not teststack or

 * Where would openstack/requirements fall ?

I think openstack/requirements sits under oslo - although right now it's
a joint-venture between oslo and infra.


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