[Openstack-operators] ubuntu-14.04 unable to ssh

2015-07-06 Thread aishwarya.adyanthaya

I'm working on creating instances inside the openstack dashboard. I have two 
images of Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 14.04. What I'm noticing here is when I 
upgrade my instance of Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04, I'm unable to ssh to that 
machine. I tried bringing up the instance through the image of Ubuntu 14.04 but 
I'm experiencing the same issue. Could someone point out how to rectify this 

Thank you,

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communications with Accenture and its affiliates, including e-mail and instant 
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of information security and assessment of internal compliance with Accenture 

OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] openstack and xen

2015-07-06 Thread Álvaro López García
On 02 Jul 2015 (19:26), gustavo panizzo (gfa) wrote:


   has anybody moved from kvm to xen?
 i see the support for xen on nova's hypervisor support matrix got better on
 latest releases.

We're using Xen from the beginning, back in Cactus IIRC. In the past we
had to patch several things, but support has improved a lot.

 we found hard to isolate noisy vm on kvm, and the network problem (i sent on
 another email) is killing us
 besides, xen being used by rackspace and aws is not bad publicity at all
 so, is anybody using xen? what are they using? xenserver from citrix,
 xen4centos, xen on ubuntu, xen+libvirt? what are the results?

We are using Ubuntu + Libvirt + Xen, and we're happy with it. The only
thing that you have to take into account is that if you plan to use
PyGrub you cannot use CoW, mainly because PyGrub cannot read qcow2

Álvaro López García  al...@ifca.unican.es
Instituto de Física de Cantabria http://alvarolopez.github.io
Ed. Juan Jordá, Campus UC  tel: (+34) 942 200 969
Avda. de los Castros s/nskype: aloga.csic
39005 Santander (SPAIN)

OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] [keystone][all] Deprecating slash ('/') in project names

2015-07-06 Thread Henrique Truta
I mean project names. You can, for example, create a project today with a
name like dev/tests.

Em seg, 6 de jul de 2015 às 03:56, Sam Morrison sorri...@gmail.com

 Do you mean project names or project IDs?


 On 3 Jul 2015, at 12:12 am, Henrique Truta henriquecostatr...@gmail.com

 Hi everyone,

 In Kilo, keystone introduced the concept of Hierarchical Multitenancy[1],
 which allows cloud operators to organize projects in hierarchies. This
 concept is evolving in Liberty, with the addition of the Reseller use
 case[2], where among other features, it’ll have hierarchies of domains by
 making the domain concept a feature of projects and not a different entity:
 from now on, every domain will be treated as a project that has the
 “is_domain” property set to True.

 Currently, getting a project scoped token can be made by only passing the
 project name and the domain it belongs to, once project names are unique
 between domains. However with those hierarchies of projects, in M we intend
 to remove this constraint in order to make a project name unique only in
 its level in the hierarchy (project parent). In other words, it won’t be
 possible to have sibling projects with the same name. For example. the
 following hierarchy will be valid:

A - project with the domain feature
 B   C   - “pure” projects, children of A
 |  |
A B  - “pure” projects, children of B and C respectively

 Therefore, the cloud user faces some problems when getting a project
 scoped token by name to projects A or B, since keystone won’t be able to
 distinguish them only by their names. The best way to solve this problem is
 providing the full hierarchy, like “A/B/A”, “A/B”, “A/C/B” and so on.

 To achieve this, we intend to deprecate the “/” character in project
 names in Liberty and prohibit it in M, removing/replacing this character in
 a database migration**.

 Do you have some strong reason to keep using this character in project
 names? How bad would it be for existing deploys? We’d like to hear from

 Best regards,

 ** LDAP as assignment backend does not support Hierarchical Multitenancy.
 This change will be only applied to SQL backends.

 OpenStack-operators mailing list

OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] Ansible Playbook for OpenStack (juno)

2015-07-06 Thread achi hara
Hi  Kevin Carter,

Thank you very much for the useful input. Actually i am very interested in
deploying OpenStack using Ansible.
The os-ansible-deployment project seems perfect,with some complexity
though. Hopefully i will find some help on the IRC channel when the need

thank you and regards,

On 6 July 2015 at 06:42, Kevin Carter kevin.car...@rackspace.com wrote:

  @Hamza if you get around to looking into the os-ansible-deployment
 project ​please consider joining our IRC channel on freenode at
 #openstack-ansible there almost always someone online and we'd be happy
 help you get started with the project. If you're just browsing, we have
 some installation documentation online that you have read through here:

  Take care.


 Kevin Carter

 *From:* achi hara h16m...@gmail.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, July 5, 2015 10:14 AM
 *To:* Leslie-Alexandre DENIS
 *Cc:* openstack-operators@lists.openstack.org
 *Subject:* Re: [Openstack-operators] Ansible Playbook for OpenStack (juno)

Hi Leslie Alexandre

  Thank you for providing me with the two links. i will try to use the
 second one.


 2015-07-04 23:57 GMT+01:00 Leslie-Alexandre DENIS cont...@ladenis.fr:


 The best sources for that would be :
 - https://github.com/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment
 - https://github.com/blueboxgroup/ursula

 Actually these are well written and very modular, you probably don't
 really need all of the complexity for a standard deployment but at least
 you can start from that.


 Le 05/07/2015 00:40, achi hara a écrit :

   Hi everyone,

 I would like to deploy OpenStack (*Juno* release) using Ansible.

 could you please provide me with the playbooks for this purpose ?

 Your assistance is greatly  appreciated.



 OpenStack-operators mailing 

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OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] Scaling the Ops Meetup

2015-07-06 Thread Jonathan Proulx
On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 3:29 AM, Tom Fifield t...@openstack.org wrote:

 It's great to see so much passion! :)

 Here's an attempt at a summary email. I'll wait until a later email to
 wade into the discussion myself ;) Feel free to jump in on any point.

 =Things we tend to agree on=

snip I agree on all those too.

 =Things still under discussion=
 Sell Tickets
 * Many people agreed that some moderate form of ticketing could be OK,
 but the question remains to what extent this should be priced (low
 fee? $100-200? cover costs?). A strong counterpoint was that paid
 ticketing makes it less accessible (see spirit), prevents some local
 attendance, and is unfair to smaller operators, though others noted that
 it may be the only practical way to raise funds in the future.

I think everyone agrees this is best kept as low a barrier as possible.

It would be interesting to know per attendee costs to help assess what
kind of barrier it would be.  Obviously if we get some corporate
underwriting that meets the 'we all agree'  low impact desires that
would help minimize this and if it can be zero it should be.

 Break into Regional Events
 * A number of viewpoints, ranging from multiple regional events to
 one event only [maybe with a travel fund] to one event that moves
 around [maybe even outside USA] to make it in the centre of USA for
 easier travel on average.

I think breaking into regional events would seriously undermine the
utility of the event unless someone has a really clever idea how to
run 3 or 4 locations as a single distributed event so we can actually
gather and share ideas among all of them (I don't see how that would

I am uncomfortable with the US-centric nature of the ops events even
though it's been terribly convenient for me.  I would suggest if we so
start rotating continents (which I'm in favor of) we try and keep it
opposite the summit locations so those least likely to make the summit
are most likely to make the mid cycle that way no region gets left too
far behind.

 Capping Numbers (inc. Limit Attendees per Company)
 * A lot of disagreement here. Many argued that any kind of cap or
 barrier to entry detracts from the accessibility of the event. Others
 put forth that too few restrictions could dilute the ops-heavy attendee
 base, and implied that large companies might send too many people.

I think it's best to try addressing this socially at first.  Make it
clear space is at a premium and encourage attendees to send the
minimum number of people necessary to cover the sessions.

Setting a hard limit is hard because I can imagine larger and more
complex sites may have a legitimate need to send more people due to
greater role specialization or other reasons.

 Multiple Tracks
 * To help deal with room size, we could split into multiple tracks. The
 ideal number of tracks is not clear at this stage.

I'm not even sure what I think is best here, but these are my thoughts:

More tracks makes it harder for small to medium size sites to cover.
Not saying we shouldn't expand parallelism but we should be cautious.

My site is a private university cloud with order of 100 hypervisors,
we're more or less happy to send 2 people to summits and one to mid
cycles, at least that's what I've gotten them to pay for in the past.
Obviously we don't come close to covering summits.  The dual track
(for one attendee) in PHL was OK and conflicts weren't too bad.

The obvious alternative if we need more sessions would be to go longer
and honestly I'm not keen on that either and would probably prefer
wider over longer.


OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] Scaling the Ops Meetup

2015-07-06 Thread David Medberry
On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Jonathan Proulx j...@jonproulx.com wrote:

 More tracks makes it harder for small to medium size sites to cover.
 Not saying we shouldn't expand parallelism but we should be cautious.

 My site is a private university cloud with order of 100 hypervisors,
 we're more or less happy to send 2 people to summits and one to mid
 cycles, at least that's what I've gotten them to pay for in the past.
 Obviously we don't come close to covering summits.  The dual track
 (for one attendee) in PHL was OK and conflicts weren't too bad.

 The obvious alternative if we need more sessions would be to go longer
 and honestly I'm not keen on that either and would probably prefer
 wider over longer.

+1 on wider vs longer. if we do go longer, let's limit it to half-day
expansion (so folks can fly in or out that half day.)
Of course if it is in Timbuktu, that 1/2 day won't buy much in terms of
maximizing commute time.

OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] Scaling the Ops Meetup

2015-07-06 Thread Jonathan Proulx
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Jesse Keating j...@bluebox.net wrote:
 BoD, unless they feel the need to delegate, at which point then maybe an
 Operators committee. But I'd hate to see more committees created.

I feel like this may be a User Committee thing, which is an existing
committee and sort-of-kind-of how this started I think.  Granted
that's a bit of a shadowy cabal at this point but hopefully we're on a
path to a better place with that...


 - jlk

 On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Matt Fischer m...@mattfischer.com wrote:

 Are you proposing an Operators committee or do you mean the OpenStack BoD?

 On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 12:15 PM, Jesse Keating j...@bluebox.net wrote:

 Honestly I'm fine with the elected board helping to make this decision.
 Folks that want to underwrite the event can submit a proposal to host, board
 picks from the submissions? Having a wide vote on it seems overkill to me.

 Open call for submissions, board votes. Is that unreasonable?

 - jlk

 On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 8:23 AM, Tom Fifield t...@openstack.org wrote:

 OK, so I'm just going to throw this one out there to re-stoke the
 discussion ...

 Venue selection process.

 At the moment, there's a few of us who work hard in the shadows to make
 the best choice we can from a range of generous offers :)

 In our brave new world, I think this should be a bit more open, what do
 you think?

 What kind of structure do we need to make the best decision?



 On 01/07/15 15:29, Tom Fifield wrote:
  It's great to see so much passion! :)
  Here's an attempt at a summary email. I'll wait until a later email to
  wade into the discussion myself ;) Feel free to jump in on any point.
  =Things we tend to agree on=
  Spirit of the event
  * The response most people had in common was that they didn't want to
  see vendor booths :) Several others noted the importance that the
  should remain accessible and ensure there were no barriers to
  attendance, space for networking with others and sharing information
  about deployments without fear of vendor harassment.
  Multiple Sponsors
  * are OK, but they are more like underwriters who should be OK with
  modest acknowledgement (see previous: no booths). Preference for
  operator sponsors. Several ways to recognise them possible.
  Current Schedule Format
  * It appeared like the current format is working well in general, but
  could do with minor tweaks.
  =Things still under discussion=
  Sell Tickets
  * Many people agreed that some moderate form of ticketing could be OK,
  but the question remains to what extent this should be priced (low
  fee? $100-200? cover costs?). A strong counterpoint was that paid
  ticketing makes it less accessible (see spirit), prevents some local
  attendance, and is unfair to smaller operators, though others noted
  it may be the only practical way to raise funds in the future.
  Break into Regional Events
  * A number of viewpoints, ranging from multiple regional events to
  one event only [maybe with a travel fund] to one event that moves
  around [maybe even outside USA] to make it in the centre of USA for
  easier travel on average.
  Capping Numbers (inc. Limit Attendees per Company)
  * A lot of disagreement here. Many argued that any kind of cap or
  barrier to entry detracts from the accessibility of the event. Others
  put forth that too few restrictions could dilute the ops-heavy
  base, and implied that large companies might send too many people.
  Multiple Tracks
  * To help deal with room size, we could split into multiple tracks.
  ideal number of tracks is not clear at this stage.
  Evening Event
  * Several people said they found the PHL evening event uncomfortably
  packed, and suggested cancelling it on this basis, or on the basis of
  cost. Suggested alternate was posting a list of nearby venues.
  Lightening Talks
  * Have lightening talks, perhaps by renaming show and tell. More of
  them? Arranged differently? Unclear.
  * Video Recording - Might be worth a shot, starting small.
  * Travel Fund, Scholarship Fund, Slush Fund
  * Use Universities during the summer break for venues
  =Open Questions=
  * How will the number of attendees grow?
  * What are the costs involved in hosting one of these events?
  * Stuff about the summit - probably need a different thread for this
  On 30/06/15 12:33, Tom Fifield wrote:
  Hi all,
  Right now, behind-the-scenes, we're working on getting a venue for
  ops mid-cycle. It's taking a little longer than normal, but rest
  it is happening.
  Why is it so difficult? As you may have noticed, we're reaching the
  of event where both physically and financially, only the largest
  organisations can host us.
  We thought we might get away with organising this one old-school with
  single host and sponsor. Then, for the next, start a 

Re: [Openstack-operators] Scaling the Ops Meetup

2015-07-06 Thread David Medberry
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 9:23 AM, Tom Fifield t...@openstack.org wrote:

 Venue selection process.

 At the moment, there's a few of us who work hard in the shadows to make
 the best choice we can from a range of generous offers :)

Maybe you could host in Taiwan Tom or Tim could host in Geneva/CERN?
OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] Scaling the Ops Meetup

2015-07-06 Thread David Medberry
On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 12:14 PM, Anita Kuno ante...@anteaya.info wrote:

 Right now developers are asking for details so they can decide/plan on
 attending the next event.

 Are you close to deciding a location and/or perhaps some dates?

Yep, this is becoming a big issue. Several others are just going to stomp
all over August as they schedule their meetups.
OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] Scaling the Ops Meetup

2015-07-06 Thread Anita Kuno
On 06/30/2015 12:33 AM, Tom Fifield wrote:
 Hi all,
 Right now, behind-the-scenes, we're working on getting a venue for next
 ops mid-cycle. It's taking a little longer than normal, but rest assured
 it is happening.
 Why is it so difficult? As you may have noticed, we're reaching the size
 of event where both physically and financially, only the largest
 organisations can host us.
 We thought we might get away with organising this one old-school with a
 single host and sponsor. Then, for the next, start a brainstorming
 discussion with you about how we scale these events into the future -
 since once we get up and beyond a few hundred people, we're looking at
 having to hire a venue as well as make some changes to the format of the
 However, it seems that even this might be too late. We already had a
 company that proposed to host the meetup at a west coast US hotel
 instead of their place, and wanted to scope out other companies to
 sponsor food.
 This would be a change in the model, so let's commence the discussion of
 how we want to scale this event :)
 So far I've heard things like:
 * my $CORPORATE_BENEFACTOR would be fine to share sponsorship with others
 * I really don't want to get to the point where we want booths at the
 ops meetup
 Which are promising! It seems like we have a shared understanding of
 what to take this forward with.
 So, as the ops meetup grows - what would it look like for you?
 How do you think we can manage the venue selection and financial side of
 things? What about the session layout and the scheduling with the
 growing numbers of attendees?
 Current data can be found at
 https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Operations/Meetups#Venue_Selection .
 I would also be interested in your thoughts about how these events have
 only been in a limited geographical area so far, and how we can address
 that issue.
 OpenStack-operators mailing list

Right now developers are asking for details so they can decide/plan on
attending the next event.

Are you close to deciding a location and/or perhaps some dates?


OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] Scaling the Ops Meetup

2015-07-06 Thread Anita Kuno
On 07/06/2015 05:38 PM, Allison Price wrote:
 Hi everyone, 
 We are currently finalizing the exact date and location for the ops meetup. 
 We have two strong options that Tom will share more details on shortly, but 
 we are aiming to hold the meetup the week of August 17 -21, leaning towards 
 the beginning of the week so it does not conflict with OpenStack Day Seattle. 
 We will be sharing more information shortly, but I wanted to put this on 
 everyone’s radar as you plan travel and other meetups in August. 
 Allison Price
 OpenStack Marketing

Thank you, Allison, having the dates help. (Or at least the range of dates.)

Thank you,

 On Jul 6, 2015, at 1:16 PM, David Medberry openst...@medberry.net wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 12:14 PM, Anita Kuno ante...@anteaya.info 
 mailto:ante...@anteaya.info wrote:
 Right now developers are asking for details so they can decide/plan on
 attending the next event.

 Are you close to deciding a location and/or perhaps some dates?

 Yep, this is becoming a big issue. Several others are just going to stomp 
 all over August as they schedule their meetups.
 OpenStack-operators mailing list

OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] [keystone][all] Deprecating slash ('/') in project names

2015-07-06 Thread Sam Morrison
Do you mean project names or project IDs?


 On 3 Jul 2015, at 12:12 am, Henrique Truta henriquecostatr...@gmail.com 
 Hi everyone,
 In Kilo, keystone introduced the concept of Hierarchical Multitenancy[1], 
 which allows cloud operators to organize projects in hierarchies. This 
 concept is evolving in Liberty, with the addition of the Reseller use 
 case[2], where among other features, it’ll have hierarchies of domains by 
 making the domain concept a feature of projects and not a different entity: 
 from now on, every domain will be treated as a project that has the 
 “is_domain” property set to True.
 Currently, getting a project scoped token can be made by only passing the 
 project name and the domain it belongs to, once project names are unique 
 between domains. However with those hierarchies of projects, in M we intend 
 to remove this constraint in order to make a project name unique only in its 
 level in the hierarchy (project parent). In other words, it won’t be possible 
 to have sibling projects with the same name. For example. the following 
 hierarchy will be valid:
A - project with the domain feature
 B   C   - “pure” projects, children of A
 |  |
A B  - “pure” projects, children of B and C respectively
 Therefore, the cloud user faces some problems when getting a project scoped 
 token by name to projects A or B, since keystone won’t be able to distinguish 
 them only by their names. The best way to solve this problem is providing the 
 full hierarchy, like “A/B/A”, “A/B”, “A/C/B” and so on.
 To achieve this, we intend to deprecate the “/” character in project names in 
 Liberty and prohibit it in M, removing/replacing this character in a database 
 Do you have some strong reason to keep using this character in project names? 
 How bad would it be for existing deploys? We’d like to hear from you.
 Best regards,
 ** LDAP as assignment backend does not support Hierarchical Multitenancy. 
 This change will be only applied to SQL backends.
 OpenStack-operators mailing list

OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] ubuntu-14.04 unable to ssh

2015-07-06 Thread Abel Lopez
I would recommend that you don't do a 'dist-upgrade' of a cloud instance.
In theory it *should* work, but it feels like an anti-pattern.
You have images for 12.04, you have images for 14.04. If you need to use 12.04, 
choose that for your instances, if you need 14.04, choose that for your 
Remember that the intention is for Cattle, not Pets.

 On Jul 6, 2015, at 3:08 AM, aishwarya.adyanth...@accenture.com wrote:
 I’m working on creating instances inside the openstack dashboard. I have two 
 images of Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 14.04. What I’m noticing here is when I 
 upgrade my instance of Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04, I’m unable to ssh to that 
 machine. I tried bringing up the instance through the image of Ubuntu 14.04 
 but I’m experiencing the same issue. Could someone point out how to rectify 
 this situation.
 Thank you,
 This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain privileged, 
 proprietary, or otherwise confidential information. If you have received it 
 in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original. Any 
 other use of the e-mail by you is prohibited. Where allowed by local law, 
 electronic communications with Accenture and its affiliates, including e-mail 
 and instant messaging (including content), may be scanned by our systems for 
 the purposes of information security and assessment of internal compliance 
 with Accenture policy.
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