Re: [opensuse] Re: [opensuse-offtopic] Right persons in power?

2008-01-12 Thread K.R. Foley

Aaron Kulkis wrote:

Billie Walsh wrote:

At the risk of pissing off my fellow countrymen.

Politics in this country has become a joke. It's no longer about the
issues of what's right or wrong. It IS about how much money a candidate
can raise/spend. The offices of power are bought and sold to the highest
bidder. Office holders are bribed every day by the power brokers. It has
gotten so bad that less that half the people in this country even try to

There's nothing new about that.
Historically, only a small percentage of the population
voted  -- a primary reason being that until the federal
government got into the business of wealth transfer,
the average person didn't have much personal interest
in who was in charge of the federal government because
the federal government wasn't trying to play mommy
and daddy and rich uncle and demented step-sister
all at the same time.

 > there hasn't been a choice of the "the best candidate" in some

time. It's now more of a case of who's going to do the least damage. [
Kind of scary to think Dubya is the one that's doing the least damage. ]

If the Congress didn't spend so much time trying to
buy the favor of some voters by stealing from others,
and if the Presidents weren't constantly egging them
on to continue, most people STILL wouldn't care who
was elected, let alone ran for president.

It's not the Muslim that's going to take over our country so no need to
worry about what size towel to wrap around your head. It's the religious
far right.

Ask your friends over in London and Paris about
that... neighborhoods where if you're not the
right RELIGION will get you killed (regardless
of what race you are).  In the UK, they're
called "no-go zones"

 >  We will all have to wear black suits with long coats. Our

women will no longer be allowed to wear makeup and wear pants. Dresses
only for them. We will have to cover our heads, black hats with flat
brims for the men and bonnets for the ladies. And we ALL will have to

Sounds just like every place I've been to in the Mid-East.

carry around our Bible's. Non Christians will no longer be allowed to
live here. No other religion other than the state approved religion will
be allowed.


Actually, I think I would prefer the Muslim's to what's happening now.

I'll choose Quakers and Amish over the Muslims any day...

I never miss a chance to vote my conscience. I'm a registered voter and
I do it every chance I get. I'm a Viet Nam era veteran. I ENLISTED to
serve my country, I wasn't drafted.

Same hereexcept I did two stints in the desert war
(1991 and 2006-7)

What the hell does any of this have to do with opensuse. Not to take 
anything away from someone serving their country or whatever, but this 
has no place on a technical list. PLEASE take this elsewhere!

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Re: [opensuse] Posix Shared Memory - for ATI Drivers - Network card issue

2008-01-10 Thread K.R. Foley
Sergio S. wrote:
> Thank you
> K.R. Foley escribió:
>> Sergio S. wrote:
>>> Hello there,
>>> I have read on the ati website that in order to install properly the
>>> graphics card drivers
>>> I need to have enable the posix shared memory feature
>>> I followed the instructions below quoted
>>> To enable POSIX Shared Memory on your system, perform the following as 
>>> root:
>>>  1. Add the following line to /etc/fstab (if it isn't there already): 
>>> tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
>>>  2. Mount shared memory as follows: mount /dev/shm
>>>  3. Issue the following command to check that it mounted properly: 
>>> mount | grep "shm"
>>> If the mount was successful, then the following output (or similar) 
>>> should appear:
>>> tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) 
>>> and the result appeared as it stated above.
>>> But after I edited the /etc/fstab file adding that line and having 
>>> restarted the system
>>> the outcome was that the ethernet card was deactivated.
>>> On my adsl modem the ethernet light was off, and therefore no internet 
>>> connection.
>>> In the meantime I removed that line from fstab.
>>> Any suggestion on how to enable the Posix Shared memory feature and keeping 
>>> the network card working ?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Sergio
>> Unless you are using some OLD version of Linunx. posix shared memory is
>> probably already enabled. Type mount and look for /dev/shm.
> I am using Opensuse 10.3
> I typed mount, and this is the outcome
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> mount
> /dev/sda3 on / type ext3 (rw,acl,user_xattr)
> proc on /proc type proc (rw)
> sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
> debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)
> udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw)
> devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,mode=0620,gid=5)
> /dev/sda6 on /home type ext3 (rw,acl,user_xattr)
> /dev/sda1 on /windows_C type fuseblk
> (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)
> /dev/sda4 on /windows_D type fuseblk
> (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=4096)
> securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
> Is any of these lines saying that it's enabled ?
> Thanks
> S.

Sorry. Unfortunately newer systems evidently don't mount /dev/shm in the
same fashion as older systems do, possibly because now /dev itself is
mounted as a tmpfs. Not sure. However, I would be very surprised if your
10.3 system doesn't have posix shared memory capabilities enabled.
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Re: [opensuse] Posix Shared Memory - for ATI Drivers - Network card issue

2008-01-10 Thread K.R. Foley
Sergio S. wrote:
> Hello there,
> I have read on the ati website that in order to install properly the
> graphics card drivers
> I need to have enable the posix shared memory feature
> I followed the instructions below quoted
>   To enable POSIX Shared Memory on your system, perform the following as 
> root:
>1. Add the following line to /etc/fstab (if it isn't there already): 
> tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
>2. Mount shared memory as follows: mount /dev/shm
>3. Issue the following command to check that it mounted properly: 
> mount | grep "shm"
>   If the mount was successful, then the following output (or similar) 
> should appear:
>   tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) 
> and the result appeared as it stated above.
> But after I edited the /etc/fstab file adding that line and having restarted 
> the system
> the outcome was that the ethernet card was deactivated.
> On my adsl modem the ethernet light was off, and therefore no internet 
> connection.
> In the meantime I removed that line from fstab.
> Any suggestion on how to enable the Posix Shared memory feature and keeping 
> the network card working ?
> Many thanks,
> Sergio

Unless you are using some OLD version of Linunx. posix shared memory is
probably already enabled. Type mount and look for /dev/shm.

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Re: [opensuse] Firefox doesn't open an URL in Thunderbird

2008-01-05 Thread K.R. Foley

Erik Jakobsen wrote:

K.R. Foley wrote:

But when should I be promted for default browser ?.

When you restart firefox?

I still cannot get URL's from Thunderbird opened with Firefox

Ok, but Firefox just opens

Hmm. Not sure then. It only seems to prompt when it is not the default 
browser. If it doesn't prompt then perhaps it is already the default. 
Something else must be wacked. Unfortunately, I am running both 
Thunderbird and Firefox as downloaded tar file installations, not the 
SUSE pkgs.

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Re: [opensuse] Firefox doesn't open an URL in Thunderbird

2008-01-05 Thread K.R. Foley

Erik Jakobsen wrote:

K.R. Foley wrote:

Is this a SUSE package? Has your installation by chance moved to a
different location? I have seen a similar thing happen before. The
following is worth trying:

1) type in about:config in the URL box.
2) search for
3) If set to false, which is my guess, double-click the setting which
should set it to true.
4) Restart firefox and when prompted select yes for setting as default

Hope this helps,

Yes it is a SUSE package.

You are right. The was set to false.

I changed it to true.

But when should I be promted for default browser ?.

When you restart firefox?

I still cannot get URL's from Thunderbird opened with Firefox

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Re: [opensuse] Firefox doesn't open an URL in Thunderbird

2008-01-05 Thread K.R. Foley

Erik Jakobsen wrote:

Erik Jakobsen wrote:

As the subject tells, I suddenly cannot get an URL in Thunderbird opened
in Firefox.
Nor in any other browser I have (Konqueror)
This should be understood, that nothing happens if I click on the URL.

What could be the culprit ?


Hello again...
I still cannot open url's in thunderbird, and from there Firefox.
Nor other browsers opens. I have to copy/paste.

Thunderbird is version

Firefox is version

The problem has not always been there

What could be wrong ?

Is this a SUSE package? Has your installation by chance moved to a 
different location? I have seen a similar thing happen before. The 
following is worth trying:

1) type in about:config in the URL box.
2) search for
3) If set to false, which is my guess, double-click the setting which 
should set it to true.
4) Restart firefox and when prompted select yes for setting as default 

Hope this helps,

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Re: [opensuse] /boot

2008-01-04 Thread K.R. Foley
Rasmus Plewe wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 04, 2008 at 04:11:48PM +0200, Dirk Moolman wrote:
>> Question:  what happens if /boot gets full  (Use% = 100%)
>> How will this affect the server ?
> Your next kernel update will fail.
> Rasmus

It is worth noting that nothing should typically be writing to /boot
except for kernel installs/updates.

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Re: [opensuse] Basic Bash Question

2007-12-16 Thread K.R. Foley
David C. Rankin wrote:
> Guys,
>   How do I call 'ls' from within a script without it also returning the
> contents of the present working directory? Here is the line from my script:
> ls -al /usr/lib/*
> Here is the output:
> # ./linux/scripts/showLibConfig
> 250sata.pdf 7857.pdf Bannykh-ArizMedBoard.pdf Bannykh-TennMedBoard.pdf
> bin broadway.pdf david.asc Desktop Documents linux log Pictures
> public_html westlaw-renewal_20071129.pdf /usr/lib/ Config
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2007-11-09 16:19 /usr/lib/ ->
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2007-12-16 16:25 /usr/lib/ ->
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 2007-12-16 16:25 /usr/lib/ ->
> /usr/X11R6/lib/
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 391344 2007-09-21 20:34 /usr/lib/
> as you can see, it looks like 'ls' is evaluated before 'ls -al
> /usr/lib/*' gets evaluated. How do I fix this?

That doesn't make any sense. Could you post the actual code of the
script? If the code is as you show it above there is no way that it
lists the current directory, unless you have some kind of wierd alias
for ls. Type "which ls" without the quotes to see where ls is being run

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Re: [opensuse] Real-Time Kernal Questions - renice alternative

2007-12-14 Thread K.R. Foley
Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Friday 2007-12-14 at 19:12 -, David wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 18:28:19 -, Jason Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> I looked into the topic for a bit, what I was "needing" the RT kernel
>>> for was audio recording/processing.  Normal users can't run threads
>>> in "realtime" priority, the super user can, but then running general
>>> applications as the superuser is not really the best idea.
>> Just an idea... would it be possible to re-nice the program you are
>> using?
> There is a problem.
> First, it is not renice what you are looking at, but ionice - from the
> manual:

Actually there is a renice program that sets the nice value of a program
within the SCHED_OTHER scheduling policy / priority 0. You do have to be
root though to decrease (increase priority) the nice value of a process,
as it should be.

>This program sets the io scheduling class and pri
>ority  for  a  program.  As of this writing, Linux
>supports 3 scheduling classes:
>Idle.  A program running  with  idle  io  priority
>will  only get disk time when no other program has
>asked for disk io for a defined grace period.  The
>impact  of  idle  io  processes  on  normal system
>activity should be  zero.  This  scheduling  class
>does not take a priority argument.
>Best effort.  This is the default scheduling class
>for any process that hasn't asked for  a  specific
>io priority. Programs inherit the CPU nice setting
>for io priorities. This  class  takes  a  priority
>argument  from 0-7, with lower number being higher
>priority. Programs running at the same best effort
>priority are served in a round-robin fashion.
>Real time.  The RT scheduling class is given first
>access to the disk, regardless  of  what  else  is
>going on in the system. Thus the RT class needs to
>be used with some care, as  it  can  starve  other
>processes. As with the best effort class, 8 prior
>ity levels are defined denoting  how  big  a  time
>slice   a  given  process  will  receive  on  each
>scheduling window.
> Now, you can call a program like this:
> ionice -c1 program args
> to give it realtime priority. However... ionice has to be run as root.
> If you call it being user, through sudo, the effective user of the child
> program is still root - and this is not what we want and need.
> The alternative method is to use "ionice -c1 -p PROGRAM_PID" instead,
> which can be set to be used through sudo, but you need to know the PID
> of the process you want to modify the priority. And if it has children,
> them too.
> But! Some programs try to detect at start if they have realtime
> priorities... if they are given them later by the method described, it
> is already to late for them, they will not use the alternative
> algorithms designed for that case. I believe Xine does this.
> So, yes, a method to give a group of programs realtime priority from the
> start would be interesting.
There is but it typically requires superuser privileges.

> -- Cheers,
>Carlos E. R.

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Re: [opensuse] Real-Time Kernal Questions - renice alternative

2007-12-14 Thread K.R. Foley
Marcus Meissner wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 14, 2007 at 07:12:40PM -, David wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 18:28:19 -, Jason Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I looked into the topic for a bit, what I was "needing" the RT kernel  
>>> for was audio recording/processing.  Normal users can't run threads in  
>>> "realtime" priority, the super user can, but then running general  
>>> applications as the superuser is not really the best idea.
>> Just an idea... would it be possible to re-nice the program you are using?
> It seems to work fine for most audio systems right now.
> Realtime is only useful for people who understand what it is. ;)
> Ciao, Marcus

btw, is the opensuse RT kernel still carrying LSM? I am pretty sure it's
being dropped from the RT patchset.

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Re: [opensuse] gdb - run with args

2007-12-07 Thread K.R. Foley
peter wrote:
> Hello All,
> I need to run vlc with parameters within gdb. How do I do it.
> The language of man pages is kind of strange to me. :(
> (gdb) run /usr/bin/vlc -I dummy --extraintf=http
> --sout-transcode-fps=25.
> Starting program:  /usr/bin/vlc -I dummy --extraintf=http
> --sout-transcode-fps=25.
> No executable file specified.
> Use the "file" or "exec-file" command.
> File and exec-file doesn't work either.
> I need a backtrace. So could someone help me out with the proper command?

Try "gdb /usr/bin/vlc" then
(gdb) run -I dummy --extraintf=http --sout-transcode-fps=25.

(gdb) file /usr/bin/vlc
(gdb) run -I dummy --extraintf=http --sout-transcode-fps=25.

Run only wants arguments. It assumes you have already loaded an
executable. Also try:
(gdb) help

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Re: [opensuse] Pidgin 2.3

2007-12-05 Thread K.R. Foley
Chris Arnold wrote:
> I am using SLED SP1 and pidgin 2.2.1 and i want to install pidgin 2.3.
> So, i found pidgin 2.3 on benjiweber search. I went to install pidgin
> 2.3 and got dependency error:
>  rpm -Uvh pidgin-2.3.0-3.1.i586.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
> libpurple = 2.3.0 is needed by pidgin-2.3.0-3.1.i586
> So, i got libpurple 2.3 from benjiweber search and tryied to install it
> and got  dependency error :
> rpm -Uvh libpurple-2.3.0-3.1.i586.rpm
> error: Failed dependencies:
> libpurple = 2.2.1 is needed by (installed) pidgin-2.2.1-7.1.i586
> This seems to be a dependency loop? How do i install pidgin 2.3 and
> libpurple 2.3?

It's not a dependency loop. It is just that the old version of pidgin
wants the old version of libpurple. You might be able to fix this by
uninstalling pidgin and then upgrading libpurple. Or you could end up
with more dependency issues.

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Re: [opensuse] 9.2 SuSe - new Kernel Auto-mounter

2007-11-27 Thread K.R. Foley
Ruben Safir wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 03:10:43PM -0600, K.R. Foley wrote:
>> Ruben Safir wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I updated my kernel and its broken the automounter.  Does anyone know how I 
>>> might
>>> repair it for the USB devices, Floppy and CDROM?
>>> Thanks
>>> Ruben
>> Suse kernels of the 9.x era carried a patch for subfs. If you can get
>> that to apply to your newer kernel it might work. I am attaching a copy
>> that worked with a 2.6.16 kernel. Good luck.
>> -- 
> that's interesting.  I figured that SuSE had to make a kernel hack to make 
> the automounter to 
> work correctly since it just doesn't work well in standard distrobution.
> Do you have a link that tells you how to add a patch like this to the kernel 
> module?
> Ruben

DISCLAIMER: Do this at your own risk. I assume you know how to build and
install a kernel from source or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

save attachment
cat  | patch -p1 --dry-run (-p1 strips (one - hence -p1)
level of directory, --dry-run says don't actually apply patch just test)

Make sure there are no failed hunks. Fuzz is ok but no failures. If you
have failures the patch won't work. If no failures continue to next step.

cat  | patch -p1 (now really apply the patch)
make oldconfig

If it doesn't prompt you about subfs run make menuconfig and turn on
subfs for module.

make; make modules_install; make install

You should be on familiar ground now I assume.

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Re: [opensuse] 9.2 SuSe - new Kernel Auto-mounter

2007-11-27 Thread K.R. Foley
Ruben Safir wrote:
> Hello
> I updated my kernel and its broken the automounter.  Does anyone know how I 
> might
> repair it for the USB devices, Floppy and CDROM?
> Thanks
> Ruben

Suse kernels of the 9.x era carried a patch for subfs. If you can get
that to apply to your newer kernel it might work. I am attaching a copy
that worked with a 2.6.16 kernel. Good luck.


diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/Kconfig linux-2.6.16/fs/Kconfig
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/Kconfig	2006-03-19 23:53:29.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/Kconfig	2006-07-25 09:08:37.0 -0500
@@ -449,6 +449,12 @@ config DNOTIFY
 	  Because of this, if unsure, say Y.
+config SUBFS_FS
+	tristate "subfs file system support"
+	---help---
+	  If you don't know whether you need it, then you don't need it:
+	  answer N.
 config AUTOFS_FS
 	tristate "Kernel automounter support"
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/Makefile linux-2.6.16/fs/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/Makefile	2006-03-19 23:53:29.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/Makefile	2006-07-25 09:08:37.0 -0500
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_JFFS_FS)		+= jffs/
 obj-$(CONFIG_JFFS2_FS)		+= jffs2/
 obj-$(CONFIG_AFFS_FS)		+= affs/
 obj-$(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS)		+= romfs/
+obj-$(CONFIG_SUBFS_FS)		+= subfs/
 obj-$(CONFIG_QNX4FS_FS)		+= qnx4/
 obj-$(CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS)		+= autofs/
 obj-$(CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS)	+= autofs4/
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/namespace.c linux-2.6.16/fs/namespace.c
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/namespace.c	2006-03-19 23:53:29.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/namespace.c	2006-07-25 09:08:44.0 -0500
@@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ struct vfsmount *lookup_mnt(struct vfsmo
 	return child_mnt;
 static inline int check_mnt(struct vfsmount *mnt)
 	return mnt->mnt_namespace == current->namespace;
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/subfs/Makefile linux-2.6.16/fs/subfs/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/subfs/Makefile	1969-12-31 18:00:00.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/subfs/Makefile	2006-07-25 09:08:37.0 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Makefile for the SuSE Windows XP subfs filesystem routines.
+obj-$(CONFIG_SUBFS_FS) += subfs.o
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/subfs/subfs.c linux-2.6.16/fs/subfs/subfs.c
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/subfs/subfs.c	1969-12-31 18:00:00.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/subfs/subfs.c	2006-07-25 09:08:44.0 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+ *  subfs.c
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Eugene S. Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ *
+ *  * Feb 25, 2005: Cleaned up code and locking
+ *  Jeff Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ *
+ *  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ *  or above.
+ */
+#define SUBFS_MAGIC 0x2c791058
+#define SUBFS_VER "0.9"
+#define SUBMOUNTD_PATH "/sbin/submountd"
+#define ROOT_MODE 0777
+struct subfs_mount {
+	char *device;
+	char *options;
+	char *req_fs;
+char *helper_prog;
+	struct super_block *sb;
+	struct semaphore sem;
+	int procuid;
+/* Same as set_fs_pwd from namespace.c.  There's a problem with the
+ * symbol.  When it is fixed, discard this.
+ * Replace the fs->{pwdmnt,pwd} with {mnt,dentry}. Put the old values.
+ * It can block. Requires the big lock held.
+ */
+static void subfs_set_fs_pwd(struct fs_struct *fs, struct vfsmount *mnt,
+			 struct dentry *dentry)
+	struct dentry *old_pwd;
+	struct vfsmount *old_pwdmnt;
+	write_lock(&fs->lock);
+	old_pwd = fs->pwd;
+	old_pwdmnt = fs->pwdmnt;
+	fs->pwdmnt = mntget(mnt);
+	fs->pwd = dget(dentry);
+	write_unlock(&fs->lock);
+	if (old_pwd) {
+		dput(old_pwd);
+		mntput(old_pwdmnt);
+	}
+/* Quickly sends an ignored signal to the signal handling system. This
+ * causes the system to restart the system call when it receives the
+ * -ERESTARTSYS error.
+ */
+static void subfs_send_signal(void)
+	struct task_struct *task = current;
+	int signal = SIGCONT;
+	read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+	spin_lock_irq(&task->sighand->siglock);
+	sigaddset(&task->pending.signal, signal);
+	spin_unlock_irq(&task->sighand->siglock);
+	read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+	set_tsk_thread_flag(task, TIF_SIGPENDING);
+	return;
+/* If the option "procuid" is chosen when subfs is mounted, the uid
+ * and gid numbers for the current process will  be added to the mount
+ * option line.  Hence, non-unix filesystems will be mounted with
+ * that ownership.
+ */
+static void add_procuid(struct subfs_mount *sfs_mnt)
+	struct task_struct *task = current;
+	char *o = kmalloc(strlen(sfs_mnt->options) + 1 + 32 + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (sfs_mnt->options[0

Re: [opensuse] 9.2 SuSe - new Kernel Auto-mounter

2007-11-27 Thread K.R. Foley
Ruben Safir wrote:
> Hello
> I updated my kernel and its broken the automounter.  Does anyone know how I 
> might
> repair it for the USB devices, Floppy and CDROM?
> Thanks
> Ruben

Suse kernels of the 9.x era carried a patch for subfs. If you can get
that to apply to your newer kernel it might work. I am attaching a copy
that worked with a 2.6.16 kernel. Good luck.

diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/Kconfig linux-2.6.16/fs/Kconfig
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/Kconfig	2006-03-19 23:53:29.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/Kconfig	2006-07-25 09:08:37.0 -0500
@@ -449,6 +449,12 @@ config DNOTIFY
 	  Because of this, if unsure, say Y.
+config SUBFS_FS
+	tristate "subfs file system support"
+	---help---
+	  If you don't know whether you need it, then you don't need it:
+	  answer N.
 config AUTOFS_FS
 	tristate "Kernel automounter support"
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/Makefile linux-2.6.16/fs/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/Makefile	2006-03-19 23:53:29.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/Makefile	2006-07-25 09:08:37.0 -0500
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_JFFS_FS)		+= jffs/
 obj-$(CONFIG_JFFS2_FS)		+= jffs2/
 obj-$(CONFIG_AFFS_FS)		+= affs/
 obj-$(CONFIG_ROMFS_FS)		+= romfs/
+obj-$(CONFIG_SUBFS_FS)		+= subfs/
 obj-$(CONFIG_QNX4FS_FS)		+= qnx4/
 obj-$(CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS)		+= autofs/
 obj-$(CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS)	+= autofs4/
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/namespace.c linux-2.6.16/fs/namespace.c
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/namespace.c	2006-03-19 23:53:29.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/namespace.c	2006-07-25 09:08:44.0 -0500
@@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ struct vfsmount *lookup_mnt(struct vfsmo
 	return child_mnt;
 static inline int check_mnt(struct vfsmount *mnt)
 	return mnt->mnt_namespace == current->namespace;
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/subfs/Makefile linux-2.6.16/fs/subfs/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/subfs/Makefile	1969-12-31 18:00:00.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/subfs/Makefile	2006-07-25 09:08:37.0 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Makefile for the SuSE Windows XP subfs filesystem routines.
+obj-$(CONFIG_SUBFS_FS) += subfs.o
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.16.orig/Documentation/dontdiff linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/subfs/subfs.c linux-2.6.16/fs/subfs/subfs.c
--- linux-2.6.16.orig/fs/subfs/subfs.c	1969-12-31 18:00:00.0 -0600
+++ linux-2.6.16/fs/subfs/subfs.c	2006-07-25 09:08:44.0 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+ *  subfs.c
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Eugene S. Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ *
+ *  * Feb 25, 2005: Cleaned up code and locking
+ *  Jeff Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ *
+ *  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+ *  or above.
+ */
+#define SUBFS_MAGIC 0x2c791058
+#define SUBFS_VER "0.9"
+#define SUBMOUNTD_PATH "/sbin/submountd"
+#define ROOT_MODE 0777
+struct subfs_mount {
+	char *device;
+	char *options;
+	char *req_fs;
+char *helper_prog;
+	struct super_block *sb;
+	struct semaphore sem;
+	int procuid;
+/* Same as set_fs_pwd from namespace.c.  There's a problem with the
+ * symbol.  When it is fixed, discard this.
+ * Replace the fs->{pwdmnt,pwd} with {mnt,dentry}. Put the old values.
+ * It can block. Requires the big lock held.
+ */
+static void subfs_set_fs_pwd(struct fs_struct *fs, struct vfsmount *mnt,
+			 struct dentry *dentry)
+	struct dentry *old_pwd;
+	struct vfsmount *old_pwdmnt;
+	write_lock(&fs->lock);
+	old_pwd = fs->pwd;
+	old_pwdmnt = fs->pwdmnt;
+	fs->pwdmnt = mntget(mnt);
+	fs->pwd = dget(dentry);
+	write_unlock(&fs->lock);
+	if (old_pwd) {
+		dput(old_pwd);
+		mntput(old_pwdmnt);
+	}
+/* Quickly sends an ignored signal to the signal handling system. This
+ * causes the system to restart the system call when it receives the
+ * -ERESTARTSYS error.
+ */
+static void subfs_send_signal(void)
+	struct task_struct *task = current;
+	int signal = SIGCONT;
+	read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+	spin_lock_irq(&task->sighand->siglock);
+	sigaddset(&task->pending.signal, signal);
+	spin_unlock_irq(&task->sighand->siglock);
+	read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+	set_tsk_thread_flag(task, TIF_SIGPENDING);
+	return;
+/* If the option "procuid" is chosen when subfs is mounted, the uid
+ * and gid numbers for the current process will  be added to the mount
+ * option line.  Hence, non-unix filesystems will be mounted with
+ * that ownership.
+ */
+static void add_procuid(struct subfs_mount *sfs_mnt)
+	struct task_struct *task = current;
+	char *o = kmalloc(strlen(sfs_mnt->options) + 1 + 32 + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (sfs_mnt->options[0]

Re: [opensuse] adding links in /etc/init.d/rc*.d/

2007-11-26 Thread K.R. Foley
Jason Craig wrote:
> Sorry, I've been struggling to find any information on this, mainly
> because it is difficult to find proper search terms.
> Say I've installed some software, like PostgreSQL, that adds a beautiful
> script to /etc/init.d/ that starts or stops the server.  Now I want to
> start the server in, say runlevel 3, so I know I need to add links to
> /etc/init.d/rc3.d/ but I'm having trouble finding information on the
> proper way of doing this.  Can anyone point me to some documentation, or
> give a quick explanation of the numbers, letters etc. used in these
> symlinks?
> thanks,
> --Jason

man insserv and man chkconfig

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Re: [opensuse] Kernel Update and USB Mouse on SuSE 9.3

2007-11-24 Thread K.R. Foley
Randall R Schulz wrote:
> On Saturday 24 November 2007 07:57, K.R. Foley wrote:
>> ...
>> Is there anything in the netiquette about arrogance and elitism
>> scaring off the very people these lists exist for?
> It's a hard balance to strike. If no one corrects things like thread 
> hijacking, inappropriate top-posting or insufficient (or nonexistant) 
> quoted material trimming, the overall quality of the list deteriorates. 
> Not to sound like a grizzled oldtimer (whether or not I actually am), 
> the active community on this list isn't nearly as fastidious about 
> these things as it was a few years ago.
> There are better and worse ways to ride herd on the newbies, but the job 
> must be done.

I agree totally. However, part of netiquette is also being courteous.
Not always, but more times than not people that jump so hard on newbies
don't have much else to offer.

I have been around for a long time, although not on this list. One
common thing I hear from many newbies and non-newbies alike is that they
are afraid to ask for help because they are afraid of being raked over
the coals. I have even seen TOO MANY of these folks go back to windoze
because of being discouraged by this sort of thing.

>> --
>>  kr
> Randall Schulz

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Re: [opensuse] Kernel Update and USB Mouse on SuSE 9.3

2007-11-24 Thread K.R. Foley
Carlos E. R. wrote:
> The Saturday 2007-11-24 at 06:10 -0600, Bryen wrote:
>> Aaron... what in heck are you talking about???  The subject is Kernel
>> Update and USB Mouse as is plainly clear if you can read the subject
>> line here.  What are you jumping on the guy's case for?
> No, you are mistaken.
> While Ruben posted a legitimate question, he hijacked a thread to do so,
> and that is against netiquette.
> -- Cheers,
>Carlos E. R.

Is there anything in the netiquette about arrogance and elitism scaring
off the very people these lists exist for?

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Re: [opensuse] Kernel Update and USB Mouse on SuSE 9.3

2007-11-24 Thread K.R. Foley
Ruben Safir wrote:

> Thanks
> I configured it at baseline with make menuconfig.  I got the mouse working
> but I had to turn on the uhci-hcb module by hand.  Then it worked.  I'm 
> guessing
> I'm going to need to put that also in the sysconf.  This will blow up my
> ability to rapidly switch kernels, but if it works it will be worth it.
> Now if I could get the 5:1 sound to work on this audigy se card.
> I'm sure there will be further shake outs as well.
> Thank you for taking all this time out to help me.
> Ruben


If you would have started by copying the existing config and done make
oldconfig you would probably have much less trouble keeping existing
devices working. You should not have to add any of the USB drivers to
the sysconfig. At least that has been my experience.

And please don't be discouraged by the arrogant and even rude behavior
of SOME others on the list.

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Re: [opensuse] Kernel Update and USB Mouse on SuSE 9.3

2007-11-23 Thread K.R. Foley
Ruben Safir wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 04:00:17PM -0600, K.R. Foley wrote:
>> Ruben Safir wrote:
>>> On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 01:03:35PM -0600, K.R. Foley wrote:
>>>> Ruben Safir wrote:
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> I've update my kernel to get it to function with new hardware and the 
>>>>> modules for my eepro100
>>>>> and USB mouse aren't working now.  Where is the scripts that initiate 
>>>>> these things so that I
>>>>> fix this.  It doesn't seem to be in the /etc/rc.d/ directory, or at least 
>>>>> I can't seem to find it with
>>>>> Grep.
>>>>> Ruben
>>>> What version of the kernel?
>>>> I believe the problem that you are having is probably the difference in
>>>> the way devices are detected and initialized (ie. udev). I had similar
>>>> problems after going past a certain kernel version (maybe 2.6.18) on
>>>> 9.3. I was able to work around this problem by adding the device drivers
>>>> for the devices to the MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT="capability raw1394
>>>> video1394 sis900" in /etc/sysconfig/kernel.
>>> I added eepro100 which is a working module into the initrd line of the 
>>> kernel file, but the system still isn't initializing the
>>> ethernet card prior to me running modprobe on the command line.  I looked 
>>> into the config files under network and still find no 
>>> place where it does a probe for the card and loads modules.
>>> Any further thoughts?
>> Did you just add it to the INITRD line or did you add it to the
>> MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT line like I suggested above. If you add it to
>> that line there is no need to do a modprobe because the module gets
>> loaded every time. The script you are looking for is
>> /etc/init.d/network, but it doesn't do a modprobe. Udev is SUPPOSED to
>> cause the module to load when the hardware scan happens, but in newer
>> kernels things have changed.
> Thanks.  Your right.  The only thing is that currently that line is a blank
> string which means until now that system wasn't depending on that in order to
> run.  It's been loading the module from elsewhere.  I'm going to change that
> line for the network card.  The USB mouse, however, looks like a more
> complicated problem.  I found on the web the following howto instruction:

I understand that the line may have been blank before. However, there is
an incompatibility between the initialization on 9.3 and the newer
kernel. There is no easy fix for that.

As for the mouse, I have never had to specifically load a USB mouse
driver on my 9.3 system running newer kernels. You do however have to
have the kernel properly configured. How did you configure the kernel?
Did you start with your existing kernel config as a baseline? You can do
that by copying /boot/config-`uname -r` to srcdir/config and then do
'make oldconfig'.

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Re: [opensuse] Kernel Update and USB Mouse on SuSE 9.3

2007-11-23 Thread K.R. Foley
Ruben Safir wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2007 at 01:03:35PM -0600, K.R. Foley wrote:
>> Ruben Safir wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I've update my kernel to get it to function with new hardware and the 
>>> modules for my eepro100
>>> and USB mouse aren't working now.  Where is the scripts that initiate these 
>>> things so that I
>>> fix this.  It doesn't seem to be in the /etc/rc.d/ directory, or at least I 
>>> can't seem to find it with
>>> Grep.
>>> Ruben
>> What version of the kernel?
>> I believe the problem that you are having is probably the difference in
>> the way devices are detected and initialized (ie. udev). I had similar
>> problems after going past a certain kernel version (maybe 2.6.18) on
>> 9.3. I was able to work around this problem by adding the device drivers
>> for the devices to the MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT="capability raw1394
>> video1394 sis900" in /etc/sysconfig/kernel.
> I added eepro100 which is a working module into the initrd line of the kernel 
> file, but the system still isn't initializing the
> ethernet card prior to me running modprobe on the command line.  I looked 
> into the config files under network and still find no 
> place where it does a probe for the card and loads modules.
> Any further thoughts?
> Ruben

Did you just add it to the INITRD line or did you add it to the
MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT line like I suggested above. If you add it to
that line there is no need to do a modprobe because the module gets
loaded every time. The script you are looking for is
/etc/init.d/network, but it doesn't do a modprobe. Udev is SUPPOSED to
cause the module to load when the hardware scan happens, but in newer
kernels things have changed.

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Re: [opensuse] Kernel Update and USB Mouse on SuSE 9.3

2007-11-23 Thread K.R. Foley
Ruben Safir wrote:
> Hello
> I've update my kernel to get it to function with new hardware and the modules 
> for my eepro100
> and USB mouse aren't working now.  Where is the scripts that initiate these 
> things so that I
> fix this.  It doesn't seem to be in the /etc/rc.d/ directory, or at least I 
> can't seem to find it with
> Grep.
> Ruben

What version of the kernel?

I believe the problem that you are having is probably the difference in
the way devices are detected and initialized (ie. udev). I had similar
problems after going past a certain kernel version (maybe 2.6.18) on
9.3. I was able to work around this problem by adding the device drivers
for the devices to the MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT="capability raw1394
video1394 sis900" in /etc/sysconfig/kernel.

Hope this helps.
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Re: [opensuse] DVD from mirrors?

2007-11-12 Thread K.R. Foley
Anders Johansson wrote:
> On Monday 12 November 2007 19:18:10 K.R. Foley wrote:
>> This has probably been asked and answered numerous times, but the search
>> capability of the archives leaves MUCH to be desired. Why is it that the
>> DVD ISO on all of the mirrors only appears to be a small portion (105MB)
>> of the actual DVD?
> I'm only guessing here, but are you perhaps using a web browser that can't 
> handle files larger than 2GB?
> Try ftp instead
> Anders

This is a new one on me. I am behind a firewall and going through a
proxy server. Using either the browser or wget, both report 110,876,672.
Using ftp it reports properly.


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[opensuse] DVD from mirrors?

2007-11-12 Thread K.R. Foley
This has probably been asked and answered numerous times, but the search
capability of the archives leaves MUCH to be desired. Why is it that the
DVD ISO on all of the mirrors only appears to be a small portion (105MB)
of the actual DVD?


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Re: [opensuse] Kernel 2.6.23 release today. Likelyhood of openSUSE 10.3 Build Service?

2007-10-10 Thread K.R. Foley
Ben Kevan wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 October 2007 09:54:13 am Sloan wrote:
>> Ben Kevan wrote:
>>> What's the changes of us getting a suse built build service for the
>>> 2.6.23 kernel to help utilize the new scheduler? I am not talking about
>>> Vanilla Kernel, but a suse built kernel?
>> FYI, I'm running the vanilla 2.6.23 on my 10.2 desktop, and it seems
>> quite nice - as long as you don't mind doing without drbd and apparmor,
>> the vanilla kernel works fine - otherwise you could patch it by hand if
>> need be.
>> Joe
> Do you know where you can download the SUSE Patches? I was under the 
> impression they were not avaliable. 

You can always get the SUSE patches from their source RPM as in:

Getting them to apply cleanly to a different version of the kernel, like
someone else has pointed out, is a different matter.

> Also, yeah, I think I am going to go ahead with the Vanilla.. Now I just 
> gotta 
> brush up on my Kernel skills.. I've loved the patched stuff from SUSE, but I 
> think .23 has enough changes for me to give it a go. 

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[opensuse] pthread cleanup handler not called on pthread_cancel and sometimes pthread_exit

2007-09-11 Thread K.R. Foley

I posted this earlier on opensuse-programming but that list seems to be
pretty quiet. So I will give it a try here.

Since going to opensuse 10.2 we have found a problem with pthread
cleanup handlers not being called on pthread_cancel and under certain
conditions on pthread_exit from within C++ programs.

The issue is that cleanup handlers put onto a threads cleanup stack via
pthread_cleanup_push() should be called when a thread is canceled or
exits. In some cases that is not happening. This only appears to be an
issue with C++ programs that have exceptions enabled (default). It
doesn't happen with C programs or if exceptions are disabled by using
-fno-exceptions. This is not a viable solution.

The issue is well documented as a glibc bug here:, so I won't repeat
all of the details here. Unfortunately, this is a critical bug and it
has been sitting open since March 2 without any visible activity other
than my recent activity.

Does anyone have suggestions about how to possibly work around this
issue or to help move things along?


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Re: [opensuse] CPU Intel Q6600

2007-09-04 Thread K.R. Foley
Ron Eggler wrote:
> On Tuesday September 4 2007, Robert Lewis wrote:
>> I know that the E6600 runs well on Linux.
>> Anyone have a Q6600 running and have
>> opinions on this quad processor over the
>> dual above?
>> Cheers,
>> Bob
> I've been trying to install a system on a Q6600 as well, no luck till now. 
> Any 
> suggestions would be highly appreciated!
> Thanks to everyone!
> Ron

What version of Linux are you trying to install? What kind of errors are
you getting? We had some major headaches getting some newer motherboards
working with older versions of Linux.

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[opensuse] Statically linked openmotif applications core dump on startup

2007-09-03 Thread K.R. Foley

I am having problems with statically linked openmotif applications core
dumping on opensuse 10.2. These applications worked fine on suse 9.3.
When linked dynamically these applications seem to work fine. I get no
compile or link errors. If I try to get a backtrace from the core file
using gdb I just get 5 or 6 addresses but no symbols. This is a really
odd error. If I can provide more information I will be glad to do that.
Any ideas?

Here is the output from the build:

Mon Sep  3 19:06:29 CDT 2007  Started make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox/src'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox/src'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox/obj'
...updating dependencies for messagebox.cpp
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox/obj'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox/obj'
g++ -I/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/include -I/home/kr/odacs_4.2/ate/include
-I/home/kr/odacs_4.2/hpc/include -I/home/kr/devtools_4.2/include
-I/home/kr/odacs_4.2/pal/include -I/usr/X11R6/include
-I/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/include -I/home/kr/odacs_4.2/ate/include
-I/home/kr/odacs_4.2/hpc/include -I/home/kr/devtools_4.2/include
-I/home/kr/odacs_4.2/pal/include -DOTCL_STATIC -DOS_SUSE
-DIO_SBS618 -I../src -D_REENTRANT -D_THREADS -pipe -march=pentium2 -O2
-Wall  -c ../src/messagebox.cpp -o messagebox.o
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox/obj'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox/bin'
... building version.o
g++  ./version.o ../obj/messagebox.o
/home/kr/odacs_4.2/pal/lib/libbaset.a -L/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/lib
-L/home/kr/odacs_4.2/ate/lib -L/home/kr/odacs_4.2/hpc/lib
-L/home/kr/devtools_4.2/lib -L/home/kr/odacs_4.2/pal/lib -static
-L/home/kr/odacs_4.2/pal/lib /home/kr/odacs_4.2/pal/lib/libpalt.a
/home/kr/odacs_4.2/pal/lib/libbaset.a -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/lib -L/lib
-lXmu -lXm -lXft -lfontconfig -lexpat -lfreetype -lgz -lXrender -lXmuu
-lMrm -lXpm -lc -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXp -lXpm -lX11 -ldl -lXdmcp -lXau
-lXext -lXcursor -lresolv -lpthread -lm -lrt  -o messagebox
/usr/lib/libX11.a(CrGlCur.o): In function `open_library':
(.text+0x3b): warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications
requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for
/usr/lib/libXm.a(Xmos.o): In function `XmeGetHomeDirName':
(.text+0x551): warning: Using 'getpwnam_r' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
/usr/lib/libXm.a(Xmos.o): In function `XmeGetHomeDirName':
(.text+0x5a2): warning: Using 'getpwuid_r' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
/usr/lib/libICE.a(icetrans.o): In function `_IceTransSocketOpen':
(.text+0xf6c): warning: Using 'getaddrinfo' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
/usr/lib/libX11.a(imLcIm.o): In function `_XimLocalOpenIM':
(.text+0x12f1): warning: memset used with constant zero length
parameter; this could be due to transposed parameters
/usr/lib/libICE.a(icetrans.o): In function `_IceTransGetPeerNetworkId':
(.text+0x4ae3): warning: Using 'gethostbyaddr' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
/usr/lib/libICE.a(icetrans.o): In function `_IceTransSocketUNIXConnect':
(.text+0x3a5c): warning: Using 'gethostbyname' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
/usr/lib/libICE.a(icetrans.o): In function `_IceTransSocketINETConnect':
(.text+0x401b): warning: Using 'getservbyname' in statically linked
applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc
version used for linking
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox/bin'
Mon Sep  3 19:06:36 CDT 2007  Completed make

This is the output of running the messagebox program and then doing a
backtrace using gdb on the core file:

sylvester:/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox # ./bin/messagebox
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
sylvester:/home/kr/odacs_4.2/app/utils/messagebox # gdb -c core
GNU gdb 6.5
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i586-suse-linux".

Re: [opensuse] Updates for SUSE 10.1

2006-11-14 Thread K.R. Foley
> On Tuesday 14 November 2006 12:47, jdd wrote:
>> if yast/update don't do anything _and_ your update path is
>> correct, probably no update are current
> Since he's using a boxed set purchased months ago, (which was
> mastered months prior to that) this seems totally unlikely.
> It seems more likely he has the broken updater that 10.1
> originally shipped.
> If he did not allow the install to do updates immediately after
> it was finished installing (perhaps because the network was
> not yet configured) then he most likely is still running
> broken stuff.
> --
> _
> John Andersen
How might he go about fixing this broken updater?



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Re: [opensuse] Updates for SUSE 10.1

2006-11-14 Thread K.R. Foley
Kai Ponte wrote:
> On Tuesday 14 November 2006 11:54, K.R. Foley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Are there no updates available for SUSE 10.1? I have done the YOU setup
>> and even looked on the ftp site for updates but I can't seem to find
>> anything pointing to any updates.
>> Am I missing something?
> I can't speak for others, but do you have the most recent install? In other 
> words, did you just download the software and install it?
> If so, there may not be many updates since the SUSE team re-released 10.1 a 
> few weeks back with all the updates rolled in.
Actually this is from the boxed set that we purchased, at least a couple
of months ago.

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[opensuse] Updates for SUSE 10.1

2006-11-14 Thread K.R. Foley

Are there no updates available for SUSE 10.1? I have done the YOU setup
and even looked on the ftp site for updates but I can't seem to find
anything pointing to any updates.

Am I missing something?

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