Re: [opensuse-marketing] Status openSUSE Conference in Prague and openSUSE CON in USA?

2012-07-10 Thread Alan Clark

 On 7/10/2012 at 10:56 AM, Lars Vogdt wrote: 
 Hi guys
 I think I currently missing some organizational discussions for those
 two biggest openSUSE events this year. Is there any special mailing list
 for the organization or is just everything done already?


Join the opensuse-conference mailing list.  Still much to be done with much 
help needed.

Also join Wednesday's project meeting where we will discuss the conference 

 With kind regards,
 Lars Vogdt   
 - OPS Engineering Services Teamlead -
 SUSE Linux Products GmbH - GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix
 Imendörffer Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany - HRB 16746 (AG
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Re: [opensuse-marketing] Fwd: Any plans for Linuxcon 2012 North America?

2012-06-28 Thread Alan Clark
Plan on openSUSE having a booth at LinuxCon.   I am working with the Linux 
Foundation to provide us a table in the technology center.  I will pull the 
materials together to ship to the event.

Tony, thanks for offering to help.  Please plan on it.  I'll let you know more 
when I hear back from the LF. 

Other local Ambassadors ready to join us?


 On 6/26/2012 at 01:51 PM, Tony Su wrote: 
 If openSUSE is planning on doing anything at Linuxcon 2012 North
 America in San Diego (Marketing or otherwise), let me know. I'd be
 willing to help out.
 Will be on Aug 29-31, 2012
 Can assist on planning as well since I think I know what's available
 in my own city...

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Re: [opensuse-marketing] inappropriate use of (open)SUSE logo in Mexico

2012-05-30 Thread Alan Clark

 On 5/29/2012 at 11:51 PM, Andrew Wafaa wrote: 
 Hi Miguel,
 On 30 May 2012 04:27, Miguel Barajas wrote:
 Hi there,

  So, there is a Mexican Company (textil) that is using the openSUSE
 Logo, they has been registered the logo to the mexican intelectual
 property institute as their trade mark.

  Here there is the webpage: and the
 Facebook Page:

  I'm wondering if SUSE de Mexico (where I use to work) has any issue
 about it. Anyway, I don't think that this kind of ripoff has to be


 Miguel Barajas - GnuOwned
 Follow me on Twitter @gnuowned
 openSUSE Member
 openSUSE Ambassador
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 Many thanks for highlighting this issue. The Board has already been
 notified about this infraction on openSUSE's Trademark, and the legal
 team are taking action. Unfortunately the process can take some time
 even when it is obvious.

As Andy mentioned Legal is investigating, but it does take time.  

In the mean time, if the shirts are of high quality perhaps they are of more 
benefit than harm; spreading our logo  ;-)  
 Kind regards,
 On behalf of the openSUSE Board
 Andrew Wafaa
 IRC: FunkyPenguin
 GPG: 0x3A36312F
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[opensuse-marketing] Re: [opensuse-project] The official kickoff of the openSUSE Travel Support Program

2012-02-14 Thread Alan Clark

 On 2/14/2012 at 07:23 AM, Izabel Valverde 

 Dear openSUSE,
 We're proud to announce the official kickoff of the openSUSE Travel
 Support Program. This program will provide openSUSE contributors with
 some financial support for traveling to conferences and events where
 they represent openSUSE.
 It's a quarterly budget which can support a good number of people.
 The funds are limited so we'll make the best to support as many people
 as possible. It's reimbursement mode. We'll reimburse after approved
 only hotel or travel or both up to 80% and
 up to the amount approved.
 All about the program can be find here:
 We look forward to doing this! If you have any questions, you can
 bring it up at the next openSUSE Project meeting (Feb Wednesday 22) or
 email us directly.
 Best Regards,
 Izabel Valverde
 On behalf of openSUSE Travel Support Program

Kostas and Izabel,

Thank you for your efforts with the formation and launch of this program.  


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[opensuse-marketing] Re: [opensuse-ambassadors] openSUSE 2012 Events Calendar

2012-01-09 Thread Alan Clark

 On 1/9/2012 at 12:05 AM, Bryen M Yunashko wrote: 
 Exhausted but not done (it's 1 a.m. now), I have added a bunch of events
 to our wiki page at
 Please review the list when you have a chance and add more events.  I
 know there's a lot more we can list here.   The more we list and claim,
 the easier it will be to prepare for them and request funding/DVDs if
 If there is an event that is unclaimed, feel free to claim it.  If there
 is an event that you cannot go to but you know there is someone in that
 area, contact that person and get that person to claim in the name of
 There are several more that I need to find out about and will add them
 accordingly as soon as I get further information.  

Great list Bryen.  I claimed one more (LF EU) and added an event (UTOS)


 Thanks to all,
 Bryen M Yunashko
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Re: [opensuse-marketing] openSUSE Magazine

2011-12-07 Thread Alan Clark
I for one am heartened by terrorpup's and jdd's pro-community spirit in their 
replies to this email thread.  Thank you Terrorpup and jdd for encouraging 
productive action in a cooperative spirit.  After all, the whole point of a 
community is to work together.  

On several occasions this past year our community has seemed quick to delve 
into the Survivor model wanting to harshly vote others off the island. Yet 
as a community we advertise that we espouse the openSUSE guiding principles of 
working together in an open, transparent and friendly manner.

A timely quote from Booker T. Washington crossed my desk this morning,  There 
are two ways of exerting ones strength; one is pushing down, the other is 
pulling up.  2012 will soon be upon us. Ringing in the new year traditionally 
brings a spirit of newness and invites everyone to set new goals and 
aspirations. Let's take advantage of the new year spirit and focus our strength 
on pulling others up in an open, transparent and friendly manner.

Happy Holidays.

Alan Clark

 On 12/7/2011 at 05:31 AM, jdd wrote: 
 Le 07/12/2011 13:10, Chuck Payne a écrit :
 times. We are good that talking and writing e-mails, but bad at taking
 action, at least N.B. Prashanth and Stella started working on it.
 A first step could be to make a first shot with the etherpad content 
 and dummy text (4 pages are enough), just to give an idea of the result

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Re: [opensuse-marketing] Making some adjustments...

2011-11-08 Thread Alan Clark

 On 11/7/2011 at 06:13 AM, Bryen M. Yunashko wrote: 
 Dear Team,
 In early 2010, I was elected by fellow marketing team members to lead
 the marketing team.  I've been grateful for the support and have
 thoroughly enjoyed everyone's participation in the team as we moved
 forward.  And on a personal level, I've had the real pleasure to meet so
 many of you in person across the globe.   You are all so amazingly
 energized and hard-working.
 Times have moved forward since those early days.   This is truly an
 empowered marketing team and so many of you have a clearer definition of
 what your roles are when it comes to supporting and marketing the
 openSUSE Project.  For me, the evolution is stunning.   But that's not
 to say we don't have more work to do.  Of course, there's still more
 opportunities to build stronger campaigns, effective organization and
 highly visible awareness of the Project to the world.   But these are
 ongoing things that will always have opportunities for improvement.
 I've loved working with so many of you.   But at the same time, I have
 expended many hours of my life on this and I need to start taking care
 of myself and addressing my own needs as well.  I am also beginning a
 job search.  I took two years off from work to give openSUSE my
 full-time attention and now I need to give Bryen my full time attention.
 Therefore, with the launch of 12.1, I will step down from my role as
 Marketing Team lead.  
 But this doesn't mean that I'll be gone!  :-)  Far from it, I'll still
 be around and helping out and supporting the openSUSE Project in any way
 that I can.  
 So let's keep that openSUSE Fire burning and thank you all for giving me
 such a rewarding experience.
 Bryen M Yunashko 

Bryen,  Best wishes with your renewed focus on Bryen. 

Thank you for the time and effort you have made for openSUSE.  Your service has 
made a difference.

Alan Clark

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[opensuse-marketing] Re: Invitation to OpenSUSE for SCALE 10x

2011-09-28 Thread Alan Clark

 On 9/27/2011 at 07:35 PM, Chuck Payne wrote: 
 Congradualation on 10 years of SCALE, it is a very awesome event, and
 on behalf of openSUSE thank you, we love to celerbate with you and
 everyone next year.
 I know we loved being there this year, it was great time.
 I am CC'ing our marketing join so they can see the call for papers and
 get into our next newsletters.

I submitted a couple session proposals.  Hope others will as well.  


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Re: [opensuse-ambassadors] Re: [opensuse-marketing] Feedback form for events

2011-08-30 Thread Alan Clark
A bit more feedback...

 I created a file. Please take a look and tell some ideas.
 I'll try to analyze what I think.
 I have some questions about the person, others about the distro(s) and 
 about community.
 Unfortunately I couldn't find questions that can be answered like YES/NO.
 Here we go:
 Personal: * Those questions show the ID of the user (or developer if he 
 uses a programming language).
 1. What OS do you use? Windows/MAC/GNU-Linux/Other

Turn that into a check box

 2. What type of pc do you have? Desktop/laptop/tablet

Change to What will be your next main computing device? Desktop/laptop/tablet
 * This question shows where we must focus. Maybe create an openSUSE 
 version for tablets (remember guys I'm Vet. I don't know if we can 
 create something like this).
 3. Where do you use computer/linux? Profession/home
 4. a. Do you know any programming language?
 b. Are you member of a project?
How about getting rid of 4a and changing 4b to, what is blocking you from being 
a member of a project?

 5. a. What was your first distro ever?
  b. Why did you change your first distro?

Add the word 'from'
 * Here we learn the first distro and the problem that the user had and 
 changed. Difficult installation procedure? Difficult environment? No 
 help? If this is software problem, our developers can fix it. If it's 
 community problem, our community can be organized better.
 Maybe we must also learn what GUI he/she started.
 6. What do you use now?   What GUI?

Switch What for Which ?

 * If the user came back to GNU/Linux, what he/she uses now and what GUI.
 7. a. Have you ever used SUSE or openSUSE in the past? YES/NO - 
  b. What were the reasons you stopped using it?
 * In Greece, lot of people told us: My first distro was SUSE 6.0 but I 
 had a problem using it and I turned to windows (or other distro). So we 
 must find the problem. If the problem doesn't excist any more, it's a 
 success for us. If it is and maybe developers cannot see it, then we 
 must check it.
 Lately I've heard that it's difficult for the user to SEE the next 
 button on the bottom right corner. I guess the user installed (k)ubuntu 
 where the Next button it under the installation information.
 8. How many years do you use GNU/Linux?

Instead of asking for years, ask Do you consider yourself an advanced, average 
or novice user? 

 * Check if the user is advanced or not. Maybe this can go under personal 
 9. what do you like best in your distro?
 * Developers can see what people like best and maybe try to create 
 something similar (or better) to our distro.
 10. Combine pros from other distros you want to use
 * It's the same question but the user here can say also what he/she 
 likes from other distros (and dislike on the one he/she uses).
 11. Do you use forum/irc/ML/wiki/personal contact to find help?
 * This shows where the user asks questions and gets answers. This way 
 the local communities can focus on that channel of communication.
 12. What did you like best with your contact with openSUSE people?
 13. What do you think that people of openSUSE must change?
 * The above 2 questions are to improve the ambassador's behaviour with 
 the people. It's not mandatory but I propose the ambassadors (marketing 
 people) to read books about communicating with people. It's not only 
 about technical questions. We can find answers to those questions to our 
 wiki. But the interaction with people is another story.
 That's all I'm thinking right now. I hope you're not mad at me (Henne ;-) )
 Thanks for reading.
 Have a lot of fun
 PS: We must find the right questions for the lessons we must learn and 
 then use our community tools to check the results.

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Re: [opensuse-ambassadors] Re: [opensuse-marketing] Feedback form for events

2011-08-21 Thread Alan Clark

 On 8/18/2011 at 01:27 AM, Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) wrote: 
  18/08/2011 09:54 **, */* Stuart Tanner **:
 Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr)  wrote:

 Hello my friends,

 After Berlin, I was thinking something for Greek community but maybe
 it's better to go global.

 Well, the guy at his talk said that we must take feedback from the end
 users since developers just create their software without asking the
 needs of the end user.

 Since the meaning of selling isn't that the seller convienced the buyer

 but the seller covered buyer's needs, I was thinking to create a form
 that we can print and have with us at the events (simple paper). Some
 questions about our product or some general questions about GNU/Linux
 (replies yes/no).

 Maybe that way we can help our developers to make a better product.
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 Yes from me
 Here some questions I thought yesterday. It was hot and I couldn't sleep.
 I don't know right now what results we could get from them but some more 
 experienced than me, can figure out.
 * What OS do you use? Windows/MAC/GNU-Linux/Other
 * what type of pc do you have? (desktop/laptop/tablet/mac)
 * what is your education?
 * what is your profession?
 * where do you use computer/linux? (profession or home)
 * what distro do you use?
 * what GUI do you use?
 * what was your first distro ever? (distro that helped you learn about 
 * Why did you change your first distro? (if change)
 * since when do you use linux (or how many years)?
 * Have you ever used SUSE or openSUSE in the past? What were the reasons 
 you stopped using it?
 * what do you like best in your distro?
 *  what is annoyng with your distro?
 * what do you expect to see from your distro? or generally in linux?
 * you want to get things/software from different distros.
 * Do you know anything about SUSE and openSUSE?
 * what did you like best with your contact with people in openSUSE?
 * what do you think that people of openSUSE must change?
 * what do you think that people of all distros must change? (I thought 
 this question especially for Greece).
 * do you use forum/irc/ML/wiki to find help?
 * do you like to read?
 * do you read tech magazines or get information from the net?
 * do you know any programming language?
 * are you member of a project?
 * do you play games? internet games?
 * what colour do you like? (for our artwork team)
 * what shape do you like? (angles/circle etc for the artwork team)
 Jos, since you're Psychologist, you can think more questions like the 
 last 2 about our distro.
 Feel free to add more.
 Thanks for reading

I believe the results of the survey should enable us to do the following:
1.   classify the surveyee
2.  Refine the message to our consuming audience
3. Grow the community

 +1 the recomendation that the survey needs to be short.   I think the survey 
needs to be 10 -11 questions.  You have some great questions above. I'd suggest 
combining and mapping them into these 3 survey result areas.

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[opensuse-marketing] Fwd: Re: Idea for promoting oSC (promotional Video)

2011-07-26 Thread Alan Clark

 On 7/24/2011 at 04:49 AM, jdd wrote: 
 Kostas and me discussed of a video of sort to promote the OSC 
 ('openSUSE Conference, September)
 De : Kostas Koudaras
 Ok, so my thought is to take small videos of ambassadors calling
 people to the oSC in their native language
 it's a sort of I'm a geecko video
 So we first need to know if you find this usefull?

I think this would be a fun project.  
One suggestion, which I'm sure you've already thought of - make it non year 
specific in the Ambassador calling sections so that we can potentially reuse 
the material for future osc.
 If so, we will need to have as many ambassadors as possible making 
 videos (more on the technical points later)
 But we also need reviewer to check the videos (to prevent 
 unappropriate contents). The best way should be to have a member check 
 them... given as many langages as possible are wanted
 we need also OSC logos, posters, to make a beginning and an ending, as 
 we need some sort of sound or music (free, of course) for them.
 we lso need a proposal for a short text, to be used as basis, 
 variants being possible
 I send this to multimedia, ambassadors and marketting, but I think 
 final discussion of how to make and store videos should be held on 
 ambassador list and potential technicals around the hole video making 
 on multimedia, so please post on the relevant list

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Re: [opensuse-marketing] [openSUSE-ambassadors] Event Report from Taiwan

2011-06-07 Thread Alan Clark

 On 6/7/2011 at 02:17 AM, in message, Max
 Dear  Alan:
 Because most of students use Windows, so my first step is let him/her
 try some freeware or open source software but not need to format /
 MY Step 1:
 I use  this website
 Teach them to use some freeware, like gimp, pidgin, eclipse, with USB
 flash disk or in the directory.
 or some good freeware like Clonezilla
 To help them backup or restore their PC not use  Norton Ghost®.  ^^
 Step 2:
 If they feel  good with some application, like LibreOffice or
 pidgin.and the others.
 I will suggest them to install  in their  WIndows.
 Step 3:
 Tell them, they can't  bring their PC / Notebook to travel or
 everywhere because it's too heavy.
 We teach how to use  SUSE Studio  in Class, help them create their own
 iso to create live CD or DVD
 They love to use live CD / DVD at home or in class.
 Some idea from my class ^^
 Wish it's help for you
 Best regards

Thanks for the info.  Do you teach any Linux Administration?

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Re: [opensuse-marketing] [openSUSE-ambassadors] Event Report from Taiwan

2011-06-06 Thread Alan Clark

 On 6/5/2011 at 09:15 AM, in message, Max
 Dear  ALL:
 First, I am very happy to meet openSUSE guys in India ( GNOME.Asia 2011)
 I upload some pictures at flickr  ( )
 I am sorry about I didn't write any report to you.  Orz
 At GNOME.Asia 2011, we use GNOME3 with openSUSE iso  ( ), and  isohybird command to create
 usb linux for people.
 Just two simple steps.
 Step 1:
 # isohybridxxxopenSUSExxx.iso
 ( isohybird command is include in syslinux package)
 # cat   openSUSExxx.iso  /dev/sdx
 ( /dev/sdx is the usb device)
 --- May --
 I teach my student openSUSE linux and use some open source application
 this year.

Max,  Thanks for the report!

When you teach Linux, can you give me an idea of the topics that you cover?


Alan Clark

 At Ming Chi University of Technology ( )
 They love to use openSUSE at all. ^__^  ( Maybe in the course )
 We had two seminar at 2 different college.
 Ling Tung University  ( )
 National Formosa University  (  )
 About  SUSEStudio  and Nagios with openSUSE
 And they got  openSUSE DVD for their teacher and students.
 They really want to learn more with openSUSE and freeware.
 Write an article openSUSE and Hadoop with  Linux Pilot Magazine in May
 It's a paper magazine in Hongkong, China, and Taiwan
 Thanks openSUSE, thanks Jos, thanks every Ambassador.
 And I just got some openSUSE DVD with GNOME 3
 ^__^   I will use it to promote openSUSE and GNOME
 Sorry, I am not a good ambassador, I am not write a good report XD
 Best regards

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Re: [opensuse-marketing] Re: Elevator pitches

2011-06-04 Thread Alan Clark

 On 5/27/2011 at 02:17 PM, in message, Bruno
Friedmann wrote: 
 On 05/27/2011 08:29 PM, Bruno Friedmann wrote:
 On 05/27/2011 12:36 PM, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
 On Wednesday 18 May 2011 17:05:59 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
 Dear marketeers,

 For those among us (esp our ambassadors) who frequently talk to people
 about openSUSE, I have drafted up three elevator pitches for respectively
 beginner, advanced and pro linux users to explain to them why THEY should
 check out openSUSE.

 The pitches can be found on

 I checked the elevator pitches. Some great improvements, thanks! Esp the 
 points' are awesome :D

 But when I tried to say them in 30 seconds, I discovered they are way too 
 long. I should've tested them the first time I wrote them, sorry!!!

 I made new ones on top, which are really about 30-40 seconds. Very 
 to make a 30 sec openSUSE description but that is what they were supposed 

 Review them on

 Should we remove the long ones to clean up the page?

 I have also put them in the attached document and I want to print them on 
 and ship them with our event boxes to our ambassadors. So they can use 
 It'd be nice if we could get translations for that. So the german people 
 german pitches, the French French ones etc.

 So who will send me a translated version of the attached document?

 Did I win ?
 Find the french translated one.
 In fact remove the previous one.
 We made a new version with a team (serge, yaloki, myself)

Jos offers Beer and more join.  Now he's owes 4 beers. Awesome payment method.

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Re: [opensuse-ambassadors] Re: [opensuse-marketing] openSUSE Conference Poster

2011-05-11 Thread Alan Clark
I like the drawings, but want to issue a challenge. Anyway that you could 
incorporate Zentrifuge into the art?  I admit up front that I don't have any 
good ideas, but with such a cool location name, it begs to be used. :-)


 On 5/11/2011 at 04:14 AM, in message, George Bratsos wrote: 
 I changed the font of the date... now i like it more...
 I attached the svg format and the png !
 2011/5/11 Manu Gupta
 I like it can you give the source URL too so that I can upload it to
 git preferablt a svg format.

 On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 4:50 AM, George Bratsos wrote:
 How about this??? Me and George Koutsikos created it in a couple of 

 Tell us your opinion about this :D

 2011/5/10 Kostas Koudaras
 Will you print them?
 If not tell us to print some copies and send it to LUG's and other places.

 2011/5/10 Anastasios Ksouzafeiris
 On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 7:10 PM, Helen South 
 On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 11:13 PM, Jos Poortvliet 
 Hey hugbears,

 Master Robert has created a nice openSUSE Conference Poster:

 Oh very cool. I really like the aesthetic - it's such a departure from
 the usual HD photographic images that are around at the moment.

 I think it will catch a lot of attention.

 IRC: helen_au
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 I liked it a lot too, it's so minimalistic and together so beautiful 

 I indeed with Helen, it will catch a lot attention this poster.

 Anastasios Ksouzafeiris - openSUSE Ambassador - FOSS Supporter
  ||\ Whoa...I did a 'zcat /vmlinuz  /dev/audio' and I think I heard 
 / \
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 me I am not me
 Time travel is possible, you just need to know the right aliens
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 George Bratsos

 Manu Gupta

 George Bratsos

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Re: [opensuse-marketing] openSUSE Greek community @ openfest 2011, 9-10th April (REPORT)

2011-04-22 Thread Alan Clark

 On 4/22/2011 at 10:31 AM, in message, 
Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) wrote: 
 The weekend 9th-10th of April 2011, openSUSE community was at Openfest 
 2011 at TEI Piraeus spreading the word about openSUSE project. We had a 
 booth, in the main room of the event and we also had 4 presentations and 
 a workshop.
 For more information and pictures, you can visit:
 Have a lot of fun

Thanks for sharing.  Looks like it was a busy event!


Alan Clark

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Re: [opensuse-marketing] upside down geeko logo

2011-03-30 Thread Alan Clark

 On 3/30/2011 at 04:21 AM, in message, Helen South wrote: 
 On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Henne Vogelsang wrote:

 On 03/30/2011 11:16 AM, Helen South wrote:

 re the upside down derivative logo on the outage note - is this a
 Novell-sanctioned use of the logo?

 It's cute but is clearly derivative of the openSUSE Geeko logo, which
 we are not permitted to change.

 If its done as part of the project we are permitted to do whatever we
 want guys. Please don't make this stuff more complicated then it is :)


 Henne Vogelsang, openSUSE.
 Everybody has a plan, until they get hit.
- Mike Tyson
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 Ok, what wording should I use to reflect this on the Brand page?
 Something like this -
 This guideline is for use of the openSUSE logo as a logo or branding
 icon specifically. If the Geeko is used as creative artwork or
 illustration and not as a logo, the above guidelines regarding color,
 positioning and derivative elements may be disregarded.
 or remove the section on derivatives completely?

The Geeko logo is Trade Marked.  It is used with the openSUSE project and 
within SUSE Enterprise products. How the openSUSE project uses the geeko logo 
reflects beyond the project.   Please don't modify or remove the section as it 
reflects the requirements and guidelines from the trademark owner.


Alan Clark

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Re: [opensuse-marketing] Has OpenSUSE pronunciation been stardardized?

2011-02-03 Thread Alan Clark

 On 2/3/2011 at 01:12 PM, in message, Bryen M. Yunashko wrote: 
 On Thu, 2011-02-03 at 12:06 -0800, Tony Su wrote:
 Am curious, if the spelling has been modified, did anyone address what
 the official pronunciation should be?
 There are at least 3 pronunciations I've read and heard...
 opensoozah - Supposedly the closest to its German roots
 opensoozee - Probably the most common I've heard in the USA
 Ahh that's a never-ending question.  :-)   
 When in Germany, I hear it pronounced as sue-zeh and that's pretty
 much what I go by these days.

I can envision a great marketing ploy.  We video people around the world trying 
to say openSUSE.  It would be great fun. 


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Re: [opensuse-marketing] Has OpenSUSE pronunciation been stardardized?

2011-02-03 Thread Alan Clark

 On 2/3/2011 at 02:45 PM, in message, Chuck Payne wrote: 
 Did you ever see our We are Geekos?

Yes. Loved it!


 On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Alan Clark wrote:

 On 2/3/2011 at 01:12 PM, in message, Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
 On Thu, 2011-02-03 at 12:06 -0800, Tony Su wrote:
 Am curious, if the spelling has been modified, did anyone address what
 the official pronunciation should be?
 There are at least 3 pronunciations I've read and heard...

 opensoozah - Supposedly the closest to its German roots
 opensoozee - Probably the most common I've heard in the USA


 Ahh that's a never-ending question.  :-)

 When in Germany, I hear it pronounced as sue-zeh and that's pretty
 much what I go by these days.


 I can envision a great marketing ploy.  We video people around the world 
 trying to say openSUSE.  It would be great fun.


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Re: [opensuse-marketing] Upgrade Label for Promo DVDs

2011-02-02 Thread Alan Clark

 On 2/2/2011 at 02:56 PM, in message, Jos Poortvliet wrote: 
 On Wednesday 02 February 2011 21:17:58 Bryen M. Yunashko wrote:
 A couple of weeks ago, I made plans to personally order some stickers to
 attach to our Promo DVDs at the upcoming SCALE conference in Los
 Angeles.  The event is 2 weeks prior to the release of 11.4.
 The focus of the sticker was clearly to provide an upgrade path for
 receivers of the promo DVD at SCALE.
 As I mentioned it to Manu, he offered to join in with me and design the
 label, which I gladly accepted his offer because I like seeing people
 jump in to help.   We discussed it openly in the IRC channel and then
 other people saw and joined in.
 Unfortunately, for me, the discussion quickly changed to a very
 different focus and I'm having a bit of a difficult time justifying
 paying for the sticker in its present design, which is co-designed by
 Manu and Carlos.

I really like the design. Very clean.  Good job guys!

 Don't get me wrong, I think it is a very beautiful design, but it has a
 serious redundancy issue.   In the sticker, I had wanted to point to  Sure its an ugly URL but at
 least it got the users to the right place.  Howeever, the discussion
 shifted to changing the URL to  My problem with this
 is that it is redundant because that URL is already on the DVD cover
 itself, plus it is on many other materials we will give out.   And the
 focus changed also from experienced users to n00b users, which is not
 our primary audience.
 So, I would really like to rediscuss this label before I send it to the
 printers ASAP.  I am honestly not comfortable paying for stickers that
 say what is already said elsewhere.   Any thoughts, folks?
 Here's the sticker design by Carlos and Manu:
 I like the sticker but wonder where this was discussed, IRC I guess? Ok, my 
 opinion for this would be simply - if this was meant to lead people to a 
 where they can upgrade from 11.3 to 11.4 (and I understand the need for that 
 as SCALE is shortly before the 11.4 release so this is actually a brilliant 
 idea) then the right link should be on there... Without it and having ppl go 
 to to upgrade, well, they'll probably download a new DVD which 
 really a huge waste of our 11.3 one ;-)

I agree that the URL pointing to upgrade is long and ugly, but it is readable 
and easily keyed into a browser. 
+1 due to the functional purpose of the upgrade URL.

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