Re: [OS-webwork] Configuration questions

2003-03-03 Thread Rickard Öberg
Jason Carreira wrote:
I started looking at doing this and ran into some snags. For instance,
if the code calling the Proxy wants to get at the Action, how does it do
that? The ActionInvocation won't even have been created yet, if the
Proxy hasn't been executed, and will the Action make sense in a context
outside of the execute method of the ActionProxy? 
Well, that's a damn good question :-) One could argue that an invocation 
should be created immediately upon creation of actionproxy, and when 
it's invoked then the reference to it is lost so that any subsequent 
calls to get the action (from the wrapped invocation) would get a new 
invocation/action. Perhaps not a perfect solution, but it would give us 
all the right semantics (I think).

After the execute on
the ActionProxy, should the ActionInvocation still be available? All in
all, I was more sure of this design before I started doing it :-)
After the invocation the the invocation should be thrown away (I think).

As you said, it's really only once you start doing it that all these 
problems emerge. Keep doing it and we'll take the issues as we go along.


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[OS-webwork] Configuration questions

2003-02-28 Thread Rickard

I'm looking through the Configuration stuff in XWork, and have the 
following comments/questions:
* What does it mean for a package to be abstract?

* The ConfigurationProviderFactory is not a factory, so it's a bad 
name. Also, what is it's purpose? It seems that the current code only 
allows for one ConfigurationProvider. Considering the need to build apps 
from subapps, which may use different config styles, that is a bad idea.

* This method in ConfigurationManager is wrong:
Interceptor getInterceptor(String clazz)
  It assumes that there is only one instance of each interceptor class. 
This does not account for the case where one instance is used with many 
names (compare with servlets), and configured differently in each case. 
It has to change to:
Interceptor getInterceptor(String namespace, String name)

* the getAll* methods in the PackageContext's should not be there. The 
contexts may understand their own stuff, and that they happen to have a 
parent, but they should not be responsible for putting it all 
together. That's the task of the ConfigurationManager IMHO. I'm not 
even sure a PC should have a direct link to it's parent. Maybe the name 
is enough, and the CM should make the connection.

* I can't remember if we resolved the issue of whether to use a strict 
parent/child relationship between PC's, or whether we should instead use 
a many2many depends-on relationship. I.e. with parent/child a package 
can only have one parent which it can use for accessing interceptors and 
interceptor packages, and for referring to other actions. With a 
depends-on relationship, where a package can depen on many other 
packages it is a much more open scenario, where a PC could (for example) 
depend on both the XWork default package, some company-specific 
ourstuff package, and then some ourappdefault package. This is 
useful for being able to reuse stuff to the maximum. Otherwise one would 
have to make sure that ourappdefault has ourstuff as parent which in 
turn has default as parent. And once you get to the point where you 
want to reuse two packages that you can't control you're in big doodoo. 
The classical multiple inheritance problem. Methinks the depends-on 
style is more useful, as outlined above. The rules for resolving names 
would still be deterministic though.

* Overall, I have trouble to (in JBoss-speak) read the story. I can't 
see how things fit together, and how these classes are supposed to be 
used. There doesn't seem to be a coherent vision of what the goal of the 
configuration stuff is. I'm seeing lots of code, but no idea of why it's 
there. This is subjective, of course, but it's the feeling I get reading 
the code. I'm having a hard time relating it to any other configuration 
packages I've seen too, which will probably also make it harder for 
people (in general) to understand how it's supposed to work.

Some issues not related to configuration:
* It seems ActionInvocation's are called directly by code. A better way 
to do this is to create an ActionProxy which upon execute() creates an 
invocation and invoke it. This ensure that invocations are not reused. 
In general an invocation is not a good thing to deal with directly 
since it's conceptually a side-effect of something else. Hiding it 
behind an ActionProxy would fix this.

* The ActionInvocation seems to have a lot of stuff that is not really 
related to the invocation at all. The Action and result are invocation 
stuff, i.e. local (temporally) variables. The rest are more or less 
fixed and should go into the ActionProxy, and the invocation should then 
have a reference to the proxy. This removes a lot of code for copying 
parameters into the invocation as well (see the constructor). Similarly 
the code for init'ing the action should go into the ActionProxy. The 
invocation is just an invocation, nothing more.

That's what I could find so far. Any comments are appreciated, 
especially from Jason.

All in all, what I want to see is a refactoring that makes it easier to 
read the story, and to easily see what the different players are and 
how the play together. Currently, as described, it is rather confusing.

ps. I really don't like the code style that is being used (and it's 
rather different from WW), but maybe that's just me.

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Re: [OS-webwork] Configuration questions

2003-02-28 Thread Rickard Öberg
Jason Carreira wrote:
* This method in ConfigurationManager is wrong:
Interceptor getInterceptor(String clazz)
  It assumes that there is only one instance of each 
interceptor class. 
This does not account for the case where one instance is used 
with many 
names (compare with servlets), and configured differently in 
each case. 
It has to change to:
Interceptor getInterceptor(String namespace, String name)
Patrick and I have talked about parameterized Interceptors but we were
unable to come up with an example yet, so we didn't implement it (YAGNI
in action). I agree that if we decide to have parameterized
Interceptors, this is necessary.
Ok, well I guess this argument is the same as parameterized commands. I 
have a couple of interceptors in my own AOP application that are indeed 
parameterized, so at least in that context there's a need, and I can 
make a similar example for this case (this, interestingly enough, 
touches upon the parameterization issues of commands too that I 
mentioned in my last post).

* the getAll* methods in the PackageContext's should not be 
there. The 
contexts may understand their own stuff, and that they happen 
to have a 
parent, but they should not be responsible for putting it all 
together. That's the task of the ConfigurationManager IMHO. I'm not 
even sure a PC should have a direct link to it's parent. 
Maybe the name 
is enough, and the CM should make the connection.
Well, maybe. This just made a lot of things easier. I'll have to look in
the code again for more specific examples.
Just move them to the CM.

Some issues not related to configuration:
* It seems ActionInvocation's are called directly by code. A 
better way 
to do this is to create an ActionProxy which upon execute() 
creates an 
invocation and invoke it. This ensure that invocations are 
not reused. 
In general an invocation is not a good thing to deal with directly 
since it's conceptually a side-effect of something else. Hiding it 
behind an ActionProxy would fix this.
Sounds like a good idea, but how do we prevent people from using
ActionInvocations directly? Would we make them package local and put the
ActionProxy in there as well?
I'm not sure why people would try to use it directly, but using package 
protected constructors would work.

In what way? 
Well, mainly the good 'ol curly braces thing (and I have thus far never 
seen a good reason why one would put 'em on the same line), and also how 
portions of the class is delineated. I prefer the template used in WW, 
which had more clearly defined sections.


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Opensymphony-webwork mailing list

RE: [OS-webwork] Configuration questions

2003-02-28 Thread Jason Carreira
 -Original Message-
 From: Rickard Öberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Ok, well I guess this argument is the same as parameterized 
 commands. I 
 have a couple of interceptors in my own AOP application that 
 are indeed 
 parameterized, so at least in that context there's a need, and I can 
 make a similar example for this case (this, interestingly enough, 
 touches upon the parameterization issues of commands too that I 
 mentioned in my last post).

Ok, can you implement or describe an interceptor that would need parameterization so 
we can put it in and use it as a test case? 

 Well, mainly the good 'ol curly braces thing (and I have thus 
 far never 
 seen a good reason why one would put 'em on the same line), 
 and also how 
 portions of the class is delineated. I prefer the template 
 used in WW, 
 which had more clearly defined sections.

The curly braces are a religious battle that no-one can ever win :-)

The way the class is delineated is a function of the Jalopy template Patrick put 
in You can try to convince him to change it :-)


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