Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

2016-08-10 Thread HU, BIN

Let me give an example of IPv6, which Dovetail is using it as a template of 
developing test cases:

Step 1: understand IPv6 feature and its gaps with Mitaka and Boron
* Reference:
Step 2: understand current test case coverage in FuncTest and Yardstick
* Reference 1:
* Reference 2:
Step 3: leverage as fully as possible of above test cases
* In case of IPv6, I don't see a reason why current FuncTest and Yardstick 
cannot be reused
* Some changes in Yardstick test code may be needed to replace the 
hard-coded IP address, ext-net name etc. with general parameters
Step 4: identify the gaps of IPv6 use case in Dovetail with the IPv6 project's 
test case coverage in FuncTest and Yardstick
Step 5: If needed, develop additional IPv6 test case in Dovetail *only* to 
cover the gaps identified in Step 4.

This way, we leverage platform testing through FuncTest and Yardstick to ensure 
the platform compliance, while add additional value in Dovetail for C purpose.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of SULLIVAN, 
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 1:43 PM
To: Dave Neary <>
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

*** Security Advisory: This Message Originated Outside of AT ***.
Reference for more information.

I would say rather that the Dovetail system needs to be aware of what system 
and components are under test, and select as fully as possible the compatible 
tests from the Functest and Yardstick suites. 

We should not narrow down the scope to just what will run across all 
implementations, even proprietary (e.g. those implementations not supporting 
the open source project VIMs with their published interfaces). There would be 
little in common, and we would be left trying to certify that something meets 
the "spirit" of an NFV/SDN system with any specific interoperability 
expectations. I don't think that is what the C program is about.

On Aug 8, 2016, at 12:16 PM, Dave Neary <> wrote:

Hi Bryan,

> On 08/08/2016 10:45 AM, SULLIVAN, BRYAN L wrote:
> I missed the last Dovetail meeting but from what I heard about some of 
> the discussion, I�d like to seek clarification on some things that 
> might have been expressed in the meeting, e.g. that implementations 
> which will go thru C may not be expected to be compatible with 
> existing OPNFV test suites, or at least that not all of the OPNFV test 
> suites, e.g.
> FuncTest and Yardstick, would be expected to be tested on an certified 
> implementations.
> First I�d like to verify that such opinions were expressed (e.g. per 
> Bin�s comment that as a result �Dovetail testing and OPNFV tests 
> are different�), and have them further explained if possible.

Yes, I expressed the view that Functest and Yardstick, as testing projects, 
were designed to stretch the platform - that we will periodically add failing 
functest tests to validate that the tests pass after we make a change to the 
upstream projects under test. They will also include tests which are targeting 
specific scenarios, and are known to fail (and thus will not be run) on other 

In that sense, the Dovetail test suite should be a subset of FuncTest and 
Yardstick which pass on multiple scenarios and installers, and can be run 
unchanged on stacks with (for example) a proprietary SDN controller.

> Second , given that the notes do capture the discussion and concerns 
> correctly, here are some thoughts about that:
> 1)  The C committee is responsible for setting the �what is
> expected� out of a certification, within some flexibility within 
> Doevtail as to what/how/when that can be delivered.
> 2)  Overall, it�s expected that any implementation is compatible
> with the OPNFV test suites as test frameworks. The degree of 
> compatibility with specific test may be limited e.g. if the target 
> hardware/software function focused on by the tests is not supported by 
> the implementation (e.g. an implementation that supports only a 
> specific SDNC), but the significance of such N/As needs to be 
> carefully considered by the C committee or Dovetail.

This is the context for the "subset of..." I mentioned above.

Chris started a page in the wiki a couple of weeks ago to describe the criteria 
for a test case in the Dovetail test framework, I and others added to it:

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

2016-08-10 Thread SULLIVAN, BRYAN L

I either don't understand or don't agree to the statement that the Functest 
isn't designed to be generic, at least as a framework. Certainly where we 
leverage upstream test suites e.g. Tempest/rally they are contextual, but so 
far we have no other cloud VIM in OPNFV except for OpenStack. Some tests might 
be specific to some SDNCs, but again thats just because we are using the 
upstream tests. Functest as a framework though *is* IMO a generic framework, 
and we should leverage it thru Dovetail for testing against expectations for 
the system components under test.

We do not yet AFAICT a concept of a high-level intent framework through which 
we could drive any implementation/VIM, and I don't expect any such framework 
soon. Certainly it's one of the goals of the broader communities e.g. ONF and 
the Multi-SDO Information Modeling activity, but will take a while to 
materialize. So I don't see how we can expect to use a truly generic test suite 
for any comprehensive purpose, anytime soon.

On Aug 8, 2016, at 7:58 AM, Christopher Price 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Bryan,

There was a fair amount of discussion around what Dovetail is testing.
One item I was trying to articulate is that the purpose of the Dovetail suite 
is to validate the compliance of a platform to the behaviors and interfaces 
targeted for compliance validation in OPNFV.  This differs from the purpose of 
Functest and Yardstick which is to validate as thoroughly as possible the 
design of the OPNFV platform.

I have one small concern with your comment: ”The rest of FuncTest is pretty 
Functest is anything but generic as far as a platform for generic platform 
feature validation is concerned, functest test cases derive mostly from the 
upstream community and do not, by design, provide neutral generic test cases 
for a platform.  This is not a bad thing, it simply does not lend itself to 
creating test cases that should be able to be run over any platform composition.

Our Dovetail suite needs to work even when someone swaps out OpenStack for 
another VIM, or a completely different SDN controller for instance.

/ Chris

 on behalf of "SULLIVAN, BRYAN L" <<>>
Date: Monday 8 August 2016 at 16:45
To: Prakash Ramchandran 
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

Hi all,

I missed the last Dovetail meeting but from what I heard about some of the 
discussion, I’d like to seek clarification on some things that might have been 
expressed in the meeting, e.g. that implementations which will go thru C may 
not be expected to be compatible with existing OPNFV test suites, or at least 
that not all of the OPNFV test suites, e.g. FuncTest and Yardstick, would be 
expected to be tested on an certified implementations.

First I’d like to verify that such opinions were expressed (e.g. per Bin’s 
comment that as a result “Dovetail testing and OPNFV tests are different”), and 
have them further explained if possible.

Second, given that the notes do capture the discussion and concerns correctly, 
here are some thoughts about that:

1)   The C committee is responsible for setting the “what is expected” 
out of a certification, within some flexibility within Doevtail as to 
what/how/when that can be delivered.

2)   Overall, it’s expected that any implementation is compatible with the 
OPNFV test suites as test frameworks. The degree of compatibility with specific 
test may be limited e.g. if the target hardware/software function focused on by 
the tests is not supported by the implementation (e.g. an implementation that 
supports only a specific SDNC), but the significance of such N/As needs to be 
carefully considered by the C committee or Dovetail.

Overall we need to ensure that any aspect of certification can work equally 
(same end result) on an OPNFV-based implementation (meaning a collection of the 
core components as released in some OPNFV release, or even with slight 
variations e.g. different versions of the components), or another 
implementation. We should not leave tests out of the Dovetail scope just 
because they will “not work” on some implementations. There may be good reasons 
for them not to work (the N/As), but if those reasons are simply based upon the 
test design, the platform vendor should provide a compatible version of the 
tests based upon the OPNFV tests, so that we can still certify the platform 
functionally. Examples of this may be:

-  FuncTest

ovIMS (Clearwater IMS) is based upon Orange’s implementation of the 
Cloudify blueprint, using 

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

2016-08-10 Thread SULLIVAN, BRYAN L
> -  Yardstick
> o   As with FuncTest, the framework under which Yardstick operates may
> need some tweaks for compatibility with the vendor implementation. These
> tweaks need to be contributed to OPNFV by the vendor.
> o   The C program may not initially include performance benchmarking,
> but any implementation should have demonstrated compatibility with the
> Yardstick test suite.
> -  Other tests that we develop for Dovetail may go beyond
> FuncTest and Yardstick, to focus on more complex use cases or specific
> technical capabilities. In principle I would expect that these would
> migrate into FuncTest and Yardstick however, over time, because if they
> are important they need to be part of the base test system. These might
> include tests for reference VNFs that we collect and run as blueprints
> under various VNFMs, e.g. thru the Models project. In those cases, if a
> vendor does not support one of the VNFMs for some reason (as with
> vIMS/Cloudily), then they need to contribute the support using their
> -  The rest of the Dovetail tests will be based upon existing
> upstream test suites including certification suites such as RefStack. We
> need to be proactively reaching out to these upstream teams, e.g. per
> Thanks,
> Bryan Sullivan | AT
> *From:*
> [] *On Behalf Of
> *Prakash Ramchandran
> *Sent:* Friday, August 05, 2016 8:08 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes
> Here is today's OPNFV Dovetail meeting notes based on Gotomeeting and 
> #opnfv-dovetail channels ...
> Agenda:
> 1)start point(L3VPN, SFC and IPV6)
> 2)test cases structures
> 3) additional basic testcases( for SDN controller and NFVI�)
> 4)other issues
> For more details, please refer to:
> Summary Notes of discussions:
> Chris defines what should be content of Dovetail
> should focus on requirements and not project and release anagement
> info test will be on SUT that includes OPNFV VIM + NFVi as shown in link
> The details to follow the test plan
> Bin says we should first verify Functest and Yardstick before we start
> on Dovetail
> Dave & Chris say they should be standlone and as a subset may be needed
> Purpose of the Dovetail here is to show what is needed for OPNF view of
> NFV compliance
> Bin sees a potential issue here that Dovtail testing and OPNFV tests are
> different
> CORD example may be able to be claim OPNFV compatibility through
> Dovetail but not from OPNFV Platform testing in Projects and Releases
> Bin says Bryan wants CORD to run over OPNFV platform and Chris says
> its  different as Release testing is diffrent from Dovetail testing
> Same holds for OPEN-O and OpenBaton
> Hongbo and Chris want to start form IPv6 overlay testing and Bin
> suggested we reuse most of what we have from Service VM IPv6 testing
> Mathew stated he has started on it and can help
> Testsuya Nakamura chimed he can help in adding some specifc IPv6 related
> to it for test case structure
> Tetsuya says we need a clear definition for SUT IPv6, SFC or L3VPN
> before we start test plans for IPv6
> What we are starting with can be IPv6 to establish test plan, test
> design and test case documentaion templates
> Prioritizing the test cases can be taken at next meeting and define a
> link to the same
> #action Hongbo to establish a link and bring use cases to bring to table
> for disucssing priority
> further discussions over use case can be over email
> 07:51] 
> Minutes:
> [07:51]  Minutes (text):
> [07:51] 
> Log:
> Note People who attended the Gotomeeting are not listed here in link,
> please add them when Hongbo posts the summary to Dovetail wiki.
> The include
> Chris Price

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

2016-08-10 Thread Tianhongbo
Hi all:

Thanks for the deep suggestion and discussion.

The Dovetail and C have discussed many times about some of the questions.
I will add the related slides and works on the 
I created a wiki page for these questions discussions.
It will help others who missed the discussions.

If you have any suggestion and ideas about the dovetail certification, welcome 
to add on the wikipage.

I add two more topics on the wiki page:
1) scripts managements 
   Since the dovetail will deliverable the test cases and scripts. The scripts 
are used to validate the testcases and may be related to the test projects.

2) how to choose the testcases(test cases criteria)
This one may be added in the the test cases discussion wiki page.

for more details on test cases, please refer to :

I will add the related slides and works on the wiki.

Best Regards


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dave Neary
Sent: 2016年8月9日 3:17
To: SULLIVAN, BRYAN L; Prakash Ramchandran;
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

Hi Bryan,

On 08/08/2016 10:45 AM, SULLIVAN, BRYAN L wrote:
> I missed the last Dovetail meeting but from what I heard about some of 
> the discussion, I’d like to seek clarification on some things that 
> might have been expressed in the meeting, e.g. that implementations 
> which will go thru C may not be expected to be compatible with 
> existing OPNFV test suites, or at least that not all of the OPNFV test 
> suites, e.g.
> FuncTest and Yardstick, would be expected to be tested on an certified 
> implementations.
> First I’d like to verify that such opinions were expressed (e.g. per 
> Bin’s comment that as a result “Dovetail testing and OPNFV tests are 
> different”), and have them further explained if possible.

Yes, I expressed the view that Functest and Yardstick, as testing projects, 
were designed to stretch the platform - that we will periodically add failing 
functest tests to validate that the tests pass after we make a change to the 
upstream projects under test. They will also include tests which are targeting 
specific scenarios, and are known to fail (and thus will not be run) on other 

In that sense, the Dovetail test suite should be a subset of FuncTest and 
Yardstick which pass on multiple scenarios and installers, and can be run 
unchanged on stacks with (for example) a proprietary SDN controller.

> Second , given that the notes do capture the discussion and concerns 
> correctly, here are some thoughts about that:
> 1)  The C committee is responsible for setting the “what is
> expected” out of a certification, within some flexibility within 
> Doevtail as to what/how/when that can be delivered.
> 2)  Overall, it’s expected that any implementation is compatible
> with the OPNFV test suites as test frameworks. The degree of 
> compatibility with specific test may be limited e.g. if the target 
> hardware/software function focused on by the tests is not supported by 
> the implementation (e.g. an implementation that supports only a 
> specific SDNC), but the significance of such N/As needs to be 
> carefully considered by the C committee or Dovetail.

This is the context for the "subset of..." I mentioned above.

Chris started a page in the wiki a couple of weeks ago to describe the criteria 
for a test case in the Dovetail test framework, I and others added to it:


> Overall we need to ensure that any aspect of certification can work 
> equally (same end result) on an OPNFV-based implementation (meaning a 
> collection of the core components as released in some OPNFV release, 
> or even with slight variations e.g. different versions of the 
> components), or another implementation. We should not leave tests out 
> of the Dovetail scope just because they will “not work” on some 
> implementations. There may be good reasons for them not to work (the 
> N/As), but if those reasons are simply based upon the test design, the 
> platform vendor should provide a compatible version of the tests based 
> upon the OPNFV tests, so that we can still certify the platform 
> functionally. Examples of this may be:
> -  FuncTest
> o   vIMS (Clearwater IMS) is based upon Orange’s implementation of the
> Cloudify blueprint, using Cloudify as a VNFM. In the process, the 
> Cloudify Manager is installed as a VM under OpenStack, and then 
> executes the vIMS blueprint. I see no reason that this should not work 
> essentially the same in any other environment. AF

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

2016-08-08 Thread Dave Neary
ant they need to be part of the base test system. These might
> include tests for reference VNFs that we collect and run as blueprints
> under various VNFMs, e.g. thru the Models project. In those cases, if a
> vendor does not support one of the VNFMs for some reason (as with
> vIMS/Cloudily), then they need to contribute the support using their
> -  The rest of the Dovetail tests will be based upon existing
> upstream test suites including certification suites such as RefStack. We
> need to be proactively reaching out to these upstream teams, e.g. per
> Thanks,
> Bryan Sullivan | AT
> *From:*
> [] *On Behalf Of
> *Prakash Ramchandran
> *Sent:* Friday, August 05, 2016 8:08 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes
> Here is today's OPNFV Dovetail meeting notes based on Gotomeeting and 
> #opnfv-dovetail channels ...
> Agenda:
> 1)start point(L3VPN, SFC and IPV6)
> 2)test cases structures
> 3) additional basic testcases( for SDN controller and NFVI…)
> 4)other issues
> For more details, please refer to:
> Summary Notes of discussions:
> Chris defines what should be content of Dovetail
> should focus on requirements and not project and release anagement
> info test will be on SUT that includes OPNFV VIM + NFVi as shown in link
> The details to follow the test plan
> Bin says we should first verify Functest and Yardstick before we start
> on Dovetail
> Dave & Chris say they should be standlone and as a subset may be needed
> Purpose of the Dovetail here is to show what is needed for OPNF view of
> NFV compliance
> Bin sees a potential issue here that Dovtail testing and OPNFV tests are
> different
> CORD example may be able to be claim OPNFV compatibility through
> Dovetail but not from OPNFV Platform testing in Projects and Releases
> Bin says Bryan wants CORD to run over OPNFV platform and Chris says
> its  different as Release testing is diffrent from Dovetail testing
> Same holds for OPEN-O and OpenBaton
> Hongbo and Chris want to start form IPv6 overlay testing and Bin
> suggested we reuse most of what we have from Service VM IPv6 testing
> Mathew stated he has started on it and can help
> Testsuya Nakamura chimed he can help in adding some specifc IPv6 related
> to it for test case structure
> Tetsuya says we need a clear definition for SUT IPv6, SFC or L3VPN
> before we start test plans for IPv6
> What we are starting with can be IPv6 to establish test plan, test
> design and test case documentaion templates
> Prioritizing the test cases can be taken at next meeting and define a
> link to the same
> #action Hongbo to establish a link and bring use cases to bring to table
> for disucssing priority
> further discussions over use case can be over email
> 07:51] 
> Minutes:
> [07:51]  Minutes (text):
> [07:51] 
> Log:
> Note People who attended the Gotomeeting are not listed here in link,
> please add them when Hongbo posts the summary to Dovetail wiki.
> The include
> Chris Price
> Dave Neary
> Bi Hu
> Tetsuya Nakmura
> *Prakash Ramchandran*
> logo_huawei* R USA*
> *FutureWei Technologies, Inc*
> <>
> Work:  +1 (408) 330-5489
> Mobile:+1 (408) 406-5810
> 2330 Central Expy, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA
> / /
> / /
> ___
> opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list

Dave Neary - NFV/SDN Community Strategy
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Ph: +1-978-399-2182 / Cell: +1-978-799-3338
opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

2016-08-08 Thread Christopher Price
Hi Bryan,


There was a fair amount of discussion around what Dovetail is testing.

One item I was trying to articulate is that the purpose of the Dovetail suite 
is to validate the compliance of a platform to the behaviors and interfaces 
targeted for compliance validation in OPNFV.  This differs from the purpose of 
Functest and Yardstick which is to validate as thoroughly as possible the 
design of the OPNFV platform.


I have one small concern with your comment: ”The rest of FuncTest is pretty 

Functest is anything but generic as far as a platform for generic platform 
feature validation is concerned, functest test cases derive mostly from the 
upstream community and do not, by design, provide neutral generic test cases 
for a platform.  This is not a bad thing, it simply does not lend itself to 
creating test cases that should be able to be run over any platform 


Our Dovetail suite needs to work even when someone swaps out OpenStack for 
another VIM, or a completely different SDN controller for instance.


/ Chris


From: <> on behalf of "SULLIVAN, 
Date: Monday 8 August 2016 at 16:45
To: Prakash Ramchandran <>, TECH-DISCUSS OPNFV 
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes


Hi all,


I missed the last Dovetail meeting but from what I heard about some of the 
discussion, I’d like to seek clarification on some things that might have been 
expressed in the meeting, e.g. that implementations which will go thru C may 
not be expected to be compatible with existing OPNFV test suites, or at least 
that not all of the OPNFV test suites, e.g. FuncTest and Yardstick, would be 
expected to be tested on an certified implementations.


First I’d like to verify that such opinions were expressed (e.g. per Bin’s 
comment that as a result “Dovetail testing and OPNFV tests are different”), and 
have them further explained if possible.


Second, given that the notes do capture the discussion and concerns correctly, 
here are some thoughts about that:

1)   The C committee is responsible for setting the “what is expected” 
out of a certification, within some flexibility within Doevtail as to 
what/how/when that can be delivered.

2)   Overall, it’s expected that any implementation is compatible with the 
OPNFV test suites as test frameworks. The degree of compatibility with specific 
test may be limited e.g. if the target hardware/software function focused on by 
the tests is not supported by the implementation (e.g. an implementation that 
supports only a specific SDNC), but the significance of such N/As needs to be 
carefully considered by the C committee or Dovetail. 


Overall we need to ensure that any aspect of certification can work equally 
(same end result) on an OPNFV-based implementation (meaning a collection of the 
core components as released in some OPNFV release, or even with slight 
variations e.g. different versions of the components), or another 
implementation. We should not leave tests out of the Dovetail scope just 
because they will “not work” on some implementations. There may be good reasons 
for them not to work (the N/As), but if those reasons are simply based upon the 
test design, the platform vendor should provide a compatible version of the 
tests based upon the OPNFV tests, so that we can still certify the platform 
functionally. Examples of this may be:

-  FuncTest

ovIMS (Clearwater IMS) is based upon Orange’s implementation of the 
Cloudify blueprint, using Cloudify as a VNFM. In the process, the Cloudify 
Manager is installed as a VM under OpenStack, and then executes the vIMS 
blueprint. I see no reason that this should not work essentially the same in 
any other environment. AFAIK, the only possible differences, which would need 
to be addressed by adding options to the existing FuncTest code for this, are 
that e.g. a different approach to kicking off the FuncTest framework is needed 
due to differences in Jumphost OS or configuration. But OPNFV should not be 
responsible for accommodating platform implementations that vary in this way; 
the vendor should step up and implement the support so their product can be 

oThe rest of FuncTest is pretty generic and I see no reason why it should 
not be supportable.

-  Yardstick

oAs with FuncTest, the framework under which Yardstick operates may need 
some tweaks for compatibility with the vendor implementation. These tweaks need 
to be contributed to OPNFV by the vendor.

oThe C program may not initially include performance benchmarking, but 
any implementation should have demonstrated compatibility with the Yardstick 
test suite.

-  Other tests that we develop for Dovetail may go beyond FuncTest and 
Yardstick, to focus on more compl

Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

2016-08-08 Thread SULLIVAN, BRYAN L
Hi all,

I missed the last Dovetail meeting but from what I heard about some of the 
discussion, I'd like to seek clarification on some things that might have been 
expressed in the meeting, e.g. that implementations which will go thru C may 
not be expected to be compatible with existing OPNFV test suites, or at least 
that not all of the OPNFV test suites, e.g. FuncTest and Yardstick, would be 
expected to be tested on an certified implementations.

First I'd like to verify that such opinions were expressed (e.g. per Bin's 
comment that as a result "Dovetail testing and OPNFV tests are different"), and 
have them further explained if possible.

Second, given that the notes do capture the discussion and concerns correctly, 
here are some thoughts about that:

1)  The C committee is responsible for setting the "what is expected" out 
of a certification, within some flexibility within Doevtail as to what/how/when 
that can be delivered.

2)  Overall, it's expected that any implementation is compatible with the 
OPNFV test suites as test frameworks. The degree of compatibility with specific 
test may be limited e.g. if the target hardware/software function focused on by 
the tests is not supported by the implementation (e.g. an implementation that 
supports only a specific SDNC), but the significance of such N/As needs to be 
carefully considered by the C committee or Dovetail.

Overall we need to ensure that any aspect of certification can work equally 
(same end result) on an OPNFV-based implementation (meaning a collection of the 
core components as released in some OPNFV release, or even with slight 
variations e.g. different versions of the components), or another 
implementation. We should not leave tests out of the Dovetail scope just 
because they will "not work" on some implementations. There may be good reasons 
for them not to work (the N/As), but if those reasons are simply based upon the 
test design, the platform vendor should provide a compatible version of the 
tests based upon the OPNFV tests, so that we can still certify the platform 
functionally. Examples of this may be:

-  FuncTest

o   vIMS (Clearwater IMS) is based upon Orange's implementation of the Cloudify 
blueprint, using Cloudify as a VNFM. In the process, the Cloudify Manager is 
installed as a VM under OpenStack, and then executes the vIMS blueprint. I see 
no reason that this should not work essentially the same in any other 
environment. AFAIK, the only possible differences, which would need to be 
addressed by adding options to the existing FuncTest code for this, are that 
e.g. a different approach to kicking off the FuncTest framework is needed due 
to differences in Jumphost OS or configuration. But OPNFV should not be 
responsible for accommodating platform implementations that vary in this way; 
the vendor should step up and implement the support so their product can be 

o   The rest of FuncTest is pretty generic and I see no reason why it should 
not be supportable.

-  Yardstick

o   As with FuncTest, the framework under which Yardstick operates may need 
some tweaks for compatibility with the vendor implementation. These tweaks need 
to be contributed to OPNFV by the vendor.

o   The C program may not initially include performance benchmarking, but any 
implementation should have demonstrated compatibility with the Yardstick test 

-  Other tests that we develop for Dovetail may go beyond FuncTest and 
Yardstick, to focus on more complex use cases or specific technical 
capabilities. In principle I would expect that these would migrate into 
FuncTest and Yardstick however, over time, because if they are important they 
need to be part of the base test system. These might include tests for 
reference VNFs that we collect and run as blueprints under various VNFMs, e.g. 
thru the Models project. In those cases, if a vendor does not support one of 
the VNFMs for some reason (as with vIMS/Cloudily), then they need to contribute 
the support using their VNFM to OPNFV.

-  The rest of the Dovetail tests will be based upon existing upstream 
test suites including certification suites such as RefStack. We need to be 
proactively reaching out to these upstream teams, e.g. per

Bryan Sullivan | AT

[] On Behalf Of Prakash 
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2016 8:08 AM
Subject: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Dovetail] Aug 5 Dovetail meeting notes

Here is today's OPNFV Dovetail meeting notes based on Gotomeeting and  
#opnfv-dovetail channels ...
1)start point(L3VPN, SFC and IPV6)
2)test cases structures
3) additional basic testcases( for SDN controller and NFVI...)