Re: Child pornography blocking again

2008-01-24 Thread Marko Sihvo

Ben Wilhelm kirjoitti:

And, the biggest problems to my mind:

* If the blacklist is stored in a downloadable form of any kind, 
effectively making a *list of child pornography sites*

:D:D:D you are right... we are doing this in finland _A LIST OF CHILD 
PORNOGRAPHY SITES_ by the police and hosting provided by ... USA

The Finnish Internet Censorship List

Internet Censorship List - Norway (NextGenTel)

Internet Censorship List - Sweden (Glocalnet)

Re: Child pornography blocking again

2008-01-24 Thread Marko Sihvo

Kraktus kirjoitti:

On 24/01/2008, Ben Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

* Cries of you're blocking child porn, why not also block warez/hate 
speech/freenet/political propoganda that I don't like

Warez is bad, but it hurts people's wallets,

Warez is bad? I disagree. Sharing is caring.

not innocent children, so
it's more of an economic crime than a crime against humanity.  In
other words, blocking child porn is more worth the effort.

are you seriously claiming distribution images ~ a crime against humanity?

so how about?


date: 07 february 2005
comments: 27x beheadingshooting
format: wmv/real 


3294790 american2.wmv
-- jack hensley in iraq

6545968 amraky.WMV
-- eugene armstrong in iraq

2200551 cj_9833.RAM
-- daniel pearl in pakistan

5566007 iraq2vediom.wmv
-- nick berg in iraq

5357890 KenBigley.rm
-- kenneth bigley in iraq

1421286 koria1.wmv
-- south korean kim sun-il in iraq

6180949 nz.rm
-- paul johnson in saudi arabia

5617330 pog0078.WMV
-- shosei koda in iraq

-Marko Sihvo, pZ:1995-2008

Re: 20090101 (log data)

2007-11-12 Thread Marko Sihvo

Andrew kirjoitti:

Hash: SHA1
Marko Sihvo schrieb:

Eugen Leitl kirjoitti:

Yes, I agree, ordinarily this is morally despicable, but this is
war, and we haven't started it.



Bad idea. Right now we're not criminals, and can even convince the
interested public of that.
If we'd start shooting back we would lose public support. Which is the
factor that will decide this war.
Fighting this war with volunteers would be the honorable way... Of 
course... But if that won't do it... Maybe there are other options...

Re: 20090101 (log data)

2007-11-11 Thread Marko Sihvo

Eugen Leitl kirjoitti:
Yes, I agree, ordinarily this is morally despicable, but this is war, 
and we haven't started it.

I agree...

Acting like saint will end up in the death of anonymity and free 
communciations... Welcome to the real world...


Re: 20090101

2007-11-10 Thread Marko Sihvo

Alexander Bernhard kirjoitti:

They will not just ask you for the logfiles. YOU will have to find out which
ip-address was routed on your server on a more-or-less specific timewindow
in the last 6 month and with which ip-address the data was forwarded to the
next router.

If you can not provide this information you will be charged by law. In my
opinion, as an tor-operator you will not be punished for the maximum years
of inprisonment or the highest money fee possible ... but it could be hard
enough if you have a previous conviction in your police file stating you to
be involved in computer crime and a possible terrorist :-(

When freedom is terrorism, only terrorists have freedom.

If this ever comes into the law in Finland, I promise to setup Tor 
middleman and log _nothing_. Let them put me in prison, if they have the 
balls to do it.

Re: DNS Server question

2006-07-14 Thread Marko Sihvo

Michael Holstein wrote:

There is no way in Windows to redirect all DNS queries over Tor
at a system level yet.  Only at an application level.

You can use TorDNS to accomplish that.


only if it worked with server 2003 :(

Re: plausible deniability

2006-05-19 Thread Marko Sihvo

Matej Kovacic wrote:



Yes, once this is passed encrypting storage with a passphrase becomes a
pointless exercise in the UK unless you are prepared to spend time at
Her Majesty's pleasure in order to protect your data.

I thought plausible deniability feature of True Crypt is usable for
repressive regimes like China only.

I think I was wrong.

bye, Matej


Individual. Welcome to freedom*.

*( crime not included.

Society. I do not take* illegal amphetamines.

*( except on mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun

The society pretends to offer just laws. We pretend to obey.

Re: Some legal trouble with TOR in France +

2006-05-16 Thread Marko Sihvo


Ringo Kamens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote,


I want to add my two cents about child porn. Censorship is censorship, it doesn't matter what you 
censor or by what logic you censor. Banning child porn is censorship, copyright is censorship, and 
stopping people from speaking who have opposing political views is censrorship. It seems to be a 
well known fact that freenet is filled with pedophilia, yet freenet is just fine and dandy. If 
pedophilia was a real threat to privacy services, then proxies wouldn't exist.

I can understand your concern with my suggestion from a censorship viewpoint, 
but we have to be PRACTICAL, if not moral.

The failure of other systems (networks etc) to be practical about child porn is 
one of the main reasons we have so much spying on us today.

And we, the public, are picking up the bill for this spying (taxes) and we are 
paying in many other ways as well.

We are paying with fear (if you run a Tor EXIT) of arrest and prosecution, for many more mere accusation, just for even running a Tor server or a Tor client is enough to keep many away from the Tor network. Just take a look at the mail for our French EXIT server raided last week.  

I believe we should take a lead, and offer the EXIT servers protection from some mis-use of this 
variety and the users protection from possible walking into or being tricked 
into UNKNOWINGLY downloading a web page wtih this subject matter on it.

This is WHY I suggested the use of EXIT node filter lists, whatever the EXIt 
node wants, and with clients getting the option to specify the EXIt node also 
protects them by using specified list(s) at minimum to protect them.

Also my suggestions protect from general censorship. In this way, we rid 
ourselves of the thin end of the wedge. We declare this is being done to 
protect ourselves and children, and that this is ALL the censorship we are 
willing to allow.

I do understand the difficulties we will be getting ourselves into. But it is 
cheaper for us ALL if the police get to give us a set of block lists for child 
porn than them chasing us all, all over the network. Ok so they will come back 
with more than just child porn... thats when we have to draw the line! Our EXIt 
servers just refuse to allow them to be used.

I assume that the reason its not done already is the same one specified by the 
open networks, cnesorship... but they said it was coz the system couldnt do it 
(a lie). Now the open networks having to log and provide hidden trace 
facilitities (Lawful intercept) inside even the operating systems.

Wouldnt it have been better in the first place to have censored out the child porn, then hold the fort? Then the incentive (as publically expressed by politicians) to attempt to intercept eveything would be VERY much reduced. 

Do we have any networks that have agreed to this anywhere that we can see as an exmple of what happens if you censor child porn out of your network? If so, it might help our discussions. 

Thats my lot on this.. 

Yesyes... Lets ask US Gov, Chinese Gov, Saudi Gov, Cuban Gov, Morality 
in media, Neonazis, Al-Qaeda, Department of homeland security, 
Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, DEA, High Times, RIAA, MPAA, BSA for blocking 
lists... We are co-operative people. Pro-Good. Anti-Evil. We wish to 
kiss everyone's asses. Welcome to the new Tor network. Suitable for 
everyone on the planet, all ages all places.

I say we only give some freedom to gain much more freedom. Tactics. When 
some information type becomes far too risky... then we will not hesitate 
to dump it... But not without a fight... The path of cyberanarchy 
requires that you are willing to take risks and pain for the cause... 
It's inevitable that if Tor stands for free flow of information then has 
enemies... Resistance...

Re: Some legal trouble with TOR in France +

2006-05-15 Thread Marko Sihvo


Child porn is a different matter, it threatens the Tor network!
It is best handled easier by a url/site/ip block list on the EXIT nodes. to 
protect itself Torland should put a site uo tp create this block list and Tor 
EXIt servers use it if they wish.
Eg 16+,18+,21+ lists, then EXIT servers put on the lists approprate tio 
theuir region.
Also the client side of Tor could be have a user configuration to NOT obtain 
pages/images/etc from URL/IP on these list according ot the confugration they set. This 
protects them from that.
Police could even add to this list and child protection/free speech groups could double check to stop speech censorship.  

Porn. Sex. Illegal porn. Blahblahblah. Total crap.

27x beheadingshooting format: wmv/real 5125028 
505.wmv  -- iraqi police officers in iraq (shooting) 3294790 
american2.wmv  -- jack hensley in iraq 1085798 amil.WMV  -- unknown in 
iraq 6545968 amraky.WMV  -- eugene armstrong in iraq 8231054 
ciaamil.wmv  -- unknown in iraq 2200551 cj_9833.RAM  -- daniel pearl in 
pakistan 369937 fas.wmv  -- russian in chechnya 4187566 Intikhabat.wmv  
-- unknown in iraq 5566007 iraq2vediom.wmv  -- nick berg in iraq 1998520 
iraqiarmymanf.wmv  -- iraqi officer hussein shanun in iraq 1084964 
italywaturky.wmv  -- unknown in iraq (shooting) 5357890 KenBigley.rm  -- 
kenneth bigley in iraq 1421286 koria1.wmv  -- south korean kim sun-il in 
iraq 1028476 lazof.wmv  -- unknown in iraq 4730704 masseer.WMV  -- 
unknown in iraq 7210324 mokh.wmv  -- unknown in iraq 4171087 murtad.wmv  
-- unknown in iraq 2416030 Musil.wmv  -- unknown in iraq 310 
nepal.wmv  -- nepalese in iraq 6180949 nz.rm  -- paul johnson in saudi 
arabia 5617330 pog0078.WMV  -- shosei koda in iraq 1644245 sh_1.WMV  -- 
unknown in iraq 725224 russian.wmv  -- russian in chechnya 4324945 
russian3.asx  -- russian in chechnya 2995840 turken.wmv  -- murat yuce 
in iraq (shooting) 3212062 turky2.wmv  -- turkish driver durmus 
kumdereli in iraq 5687788 yahudi.rm  -- unknown in iraq


Real murder/torture beheading videos from Iraq  Chechnya presented by 
Al-Zarqawi  Merry Men.

And I don't even need Tor/Hidden Services to distribute them. An regular 
webspace account on my own name, own country, own ISP, normal 
unencrypted FTP and a very public site.