Re: MIT Circumvention Landscape Report

2009-03-06 Thread algenon flower
  Dear Andrew and TOR dev teams,, I can only admire your work, it is a bit over 
my head to try to help you and is just comprehendable for me to understand much 
of your efforts. 
 Thanks, Algenon

--- On Thu, 3/5/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: MIT Circumvention Landscape Report
Date: Thursday, March 5, 2009, 11:37 AM

-Inline Attachment Follows-

On Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 11:56:17AM -0500, wrote 1..1K 
bytes in 45 lines about:

It's actually Harvard/Berkman, not MIT.  And Tor has a response,




Re: Tor server behind NAT on Vista,, Update,,

2008-03-18 Thread algenon flower
I have Tor 12.1.9  running on windows Vista as a server for a few hours only 
relaying Tor server (I hope) information. System unexpectedly crashed once, I 
don't know why.  System stats indicate pretty normal usage,, Log below. 
Mar 18 01:14:28.812 [Notice] Tor v0.1.2.19. This is experimental software. Do 
not rely on it for strong anonymity.
Mar 18 01:14:28.812 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 1.3e using method 
win32. Good.
Mar 18 01:14:28.812 [Notice] Opening OR listener on
Mar 18 01:14:28.812 [Notice] Opening Directory listener on
Mar 18 01:14:28.812 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
Mar 18 01:14:28.812 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
Mar 18 01:14:29.250 [Notice] Your Tor server's identity key fingerprint is 
'Expermental1 275E A41D 518D FEAF 4C3A 7102 0640 2FA1 F5F9 54A7'
Mar 18 01:14:34.625 [Notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like 
client functionality is working.
Mar 18 01:15:03.109 [Notice] Self-testing indicates your DirPort is reachable 
from the outside. Excellent.
Mar 18 01:15:08.314 [Notice] Performing bandwidth self-test...done.
  One thing I noticed, right now Tor Bandwidth Usage GUI tells me recv:24.56 MB 
and Sent: 69.23 MB  I am allowing my server to act as Directory Mirror, but, 
troubling discrepancy between Recv and Sent.  Anyone have a clue about that?
 If it was just passing info between servers it should be near same, right?
   Also, on my machine behind NAT and SPI hardware firewall I am also running 
Zone Alarm. ZA's logs show a high rate of blocked intrusion attempts, I am 
currently tracking down some using Whois,, I guess that is just part of the 
game running a server,,,Comments welcome,, :)

algenon flower [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hello Tor developers and 
experienced users
As an experiment, I a attempting to run a Tor server on windows Vista home 
premium (I have to wait for another machine to run RedHat Linux Fedora) behind 
a NAT firewall. 
  Although I am new to the D-Link hardware firewall I believe I did open ports 
443, 9030, 9001 to both incoming and outgoing traffic and so enable my machine 
running Vista to work as a Tor server. At this point I am restricting all 
traffic to other Tor servers until I solve some troublesome issues. 
  Tor log says Dir port reachable, but can't reach OrPort,, Bandwidth graph 
shows a few bursts of activity, then none. (?)
Humm, will go back to the firewall permissions and look for error, if anyone 
sees obvious err, please say :),,
  Will post results of Tor server on Vista  OS,,

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Tor server behind NAT on Vista,, few configuration questions..

2008-03-17 Thread algenon flower
  Hello Tor developers and experienced users
As an experiment, I a attempting to run a Tor server on windows Vista home 
premium (I have to wait for another machine to run RedHat Linux Fedora) behind 
a NAT firewall. 
  Although I am new to the D-Link hardware firewall I believe I did open ports 
443, 9030, 9001 to both incoming and outgoing traffic and so enable my machine 
running Vista to work as a Tor server. At this point I am restricting all 
traffic to other Tor servers until I solve some troublesome issues. 
  Tor log says Dir port reachable, but can't reach OrPort,, Bandwidth graph 
shows a few bursts of activity, then none. (?)
Humm, will go back to the firewall permissions and look for error, if anyone 
sees obvious err, please say :),,
  Will post results of Tor server on Vista OS,,

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About WLAN and monitoring..

2008-01-30 Thread algenon flower
I run a Tor client on a laptop at easy to access pub wifi access points. What I 
need to know is, assuming I have disallowed file sharing, ect what info could a 
wifi host be able to access on my computer? I have heard they could only log my 
MAC address, the unique code identifying my wifi card. Is more available to an 


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Re: Tor-Ramdisk

2008-01-30 Thread algenon flower
Hello Dante
Are you Mideval Italian?? (No, Just kidding :),  However, no kidding about 
your efforts to build a RAM only distro that can run as a Tor server. I just 
tried to access your ftp, but failed. Will try again, it sounds like something 
I am very interested in. 



dante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi everyone,

A month ago I developed a small, ramdisk only (ie diskless), linux
system whose only purpose was to run a tor server. The aim of the
project was to meet the following goals:

1) small footprint - i686 (single or SMP) with 256MB+ RAM
2) to run only in ram so nothing survives a reboot
3) to do no logging whatsoever at any level
4) to be secure - GRSEC hardened kernel
5) to run a tor server, allowing for any configuration,
middle/exit/directory, etc

I suspect such a project might be of interest to other Tor operators.

I ran a middle-man node for about 20 days with success
(node-name=RamOnly), but because I compiled statically against GLIBC, I
broke DNS resolution, and so it would not work as an exit node. I've
rebuild the image from scratch compiling against UCLIBC and I'm now in
the testing phase again. I'm running another middle-man/directory
server (node-name=RamOnlyUCLIBC). Here's the url for the howto and the

The kernel is compiled with support for most 100MB and 1GB NIC cards. 
Any comments or testers would be much appreciated.

More details:

busybox-1.8.2 - minimally configured, compiled with UCLIBC
linux- patched with Gentoo's hardening patches (GRSEC)


Anthony G. Basile, Ph.D.
Director of Information Technology,
D'Youville College,
320 Porter Ave.
Buffalo NY, 14201


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Tor server using Vista?

2008-01-04 Thread algenon flower
  Does anyone have good info about the feasability of running a Tor server on 
Vista OS?  Is this advisable?

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Re: How are German Tor server people doing?

2008-01-02 Thread algenon flower
Thank you for the update Eugen. I will be tracking what becomes of us here in 
the USA. Right now street level biometric scanning, and multiple database 
interconnection, are becoming more widespread. I am already wondering what will 
become of us all when, (IF..) legitimate street CCTV databases, consumer  
gov black project databases become cross linked with national, international 
biometric scan databases. I love computers in my own small way, but they are 
giving potential unprecedented power to the few to monitor in real time, and 
potentially control, the many.  

Eugen Leitl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Mon, Dec 31, 2007 at 11:56:45PM 
-0800, algenon flower wrote:

   I am just curious to hear how the people are doing
 out Germany way who are being impacted as per the oft

After the federal president signed the law, 30 kPeople submitted
their suit against it in the court at Karlsruhe on 31. Dec (the largest
constitutional suit ever by a large margin). AFAIK the plan 
is to achieve a preliminary injunction first. In any case
the relevant date is 20090101, not 20080101. Only telecommunication
providers (cellular, telephony, possibly VoIP) are/would
be affected at this time -- but, let's see what Karlsruhe will
say to that. If the law is not repealed as unconstitutional,
it would be another major building stone for the new
machtergreifung laws. 

 discussed new repression law. I am hoping they having
 a good nice time, it must be 6am '08 there right
 now... Happy new year to you and don't cave in to the
 creeping repressionism. We are all we have to fight

It is quite interesting how global this is. I think
it looks like a silent collusion. If it is indeed that, it's
time to get seriously scared. We need to maintain untrackable
uncensorable communication to any political or activist
group, whatever it takes.

 to be free.

Eugen* Leitl leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

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How are German Tor server people doing?

2007-12-31 Thread algenon flower
  I am just curious to hear how the people are doing
out Germany way who are being impacted as per the oft
discussed new repression law. I am hoping they having
a good nice time, it must be 6am '08 there right
now... Happy new year to you and don't cave in to the
creeping repressionism. We are all we have to fight
to be free.


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Re: 20090101 (log data)

2007-11-12 Thread algenon flower
  I just hardly can't believe it what I am hearing about this. From what I get, 
it sounds like a full on assault on privacy and free speech, the things that 
make the internet good, has begun.
  I am very sorry to hear the news and am very upset for everybody, especially 
those in Europe where this seems to be starting. 
  Am I to believe from the foregoing that potentially having to surrender a Tor 
servers logs (that do not compromise much) will actually make Tor server 
operators criminals because they don't reveal enough?


Hans S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Original Message 
From: Marco Gruss 
Apparently from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: 20090101 (log data)
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 16:27:39 +0100

 TOR Admin (gpfTOR1) wrote:
  I will try it for email (fon, mobile and sms may be nearly like this):
 For mobile calls and SMS messages, the cell location of the caller/
 sender at the beginning of the call must be recorded.
 Pretty ugly, IMHO.


the big, but yet not loud enough protests in Germany about these new
laws do imho  relate to the fact that there are much older laws. These
protected exactly against the use of grids of databases concerning citizens,
the obligation to deliver data to authorities and to  to create grids with
for good reasons separate data for authorities.  So the big They create new
laws explicitely enforcing what was prohibited yesterday.
 How successfull or actually working that was in daily life is another

Deep trust in promotional and mass manipulating abilities make me believe
that in a not too far future all these doings may be socially anticipated
by the majority and accepted as necessary.  Reasons? The usual.

To my knowledge not all (or only few) of states have or ever had this
'limited ability' in treating their citizens data. Of course there also
are a few with a higher valency of human rights.

There is a background to what has happened in DE right now, also
concerning our friends from Suomi (hope that's right) as well as people
(friends, too, of course;) from Italy and presently 48 other States.

The bigger picture appears to be the so called Convention on Cybercrime,
which our beloved goverment (DE) wishes to ratify.

Please take a look at:

(0) The Treaty (choose #185), english, french 
(1) The list of states involved, english 
(2) Is where I found (1), german.  
(3) Foebud's website, german

As obvious and natural members of a Council of Europe, the US, Japan,
Azerbaijan, Turkey, South-Africa and others are also supposed to, are
about to, or already have ratified the mentioned paper.  Moving servers to
Russia ?  See list.  (although the Russians didn't even care to sign it,
yet ...)

The treaty (0) is concerned about what they call mutual  assisstance
in fighting computer related crime and the usual paedorist stuff. 
The treaty itself is absolutely horrifying and has effects much further than
Germany and Europe, reaching out to the US and elsewhere. Article
20 and 21 are interesting, they might be the reason for our law. The
german gov.  and others simply shift the costs of getting and storing data
essential for the intended surveillance.  According to the treaty the
goverments are obliged to somehow get hold of tha data.  So they make a
law forcing isp's and other service providers to do so. Awfully simple.

Read  Article 23 and further about international co-operation agreements.
According to this, telco data can and shall be made available to
authorities of the enlisted states on request and spontanously for the
purpose of criminal investigation.  Hurray.

So far, so bad, but even worse,  data then will leave the originating
legislation.  Of course will, lets say the Ukrainian police obey e.g
german law how long to store and how to use or where to pass data to. (I
do not have any problems with or about Ukrania or Ukranians, just an
example.) So, what happens, if data becomes to be very easily available to
states who never really cared about such odd things like civil rights?
Welcome to an international legal marketplace for telco data.

With a little phantasy we might imagine yottabytes (really much) of logs
being analyzed by whoever wants to, profiling of individuals and tracking
just about anything in communication, and this on a pretty much
international scale. Every day.  Is that new? No, but new in that extent.

Some people might end up in Guantanamo or some other weirdo's prison
without ever knowing what actually hit them. Nowadays mere suspicion is
enough, we have learned.

Quite a nightmare.

As soon as this law in Germany comes into force on 01.01.2009 Tor-ops
_may_ have to hand over logs on request.  It does not criminalize
operators of a node.

Tor's purpose is to provide anonymous access to the net. Period.  So how
much this analyzing of nodes will break anonymity 

Fine tuning Tor Server , Vidalia message namservers failed

2007-11-11 Thread algenon flower
Hello Tor People!
I did finally get my Tor server up behind a Linksys NAT firewall on RedHat 
Enterprise Linux, very happy 'bout that.. 
Right now server is down until I can get the new intro rates back for my 
broadband cable(plz don't mooan:), probably about a week. In meantime, I am 
trying to get as much info as I can to fine tune the future operation of my 
server. While up, my server often put into log file, (paraphrase)  all 
nameservers failed and then back up and displays the IP of the hardwired DNS 
of my ISP. 
certain facts: 1 I had to assign a static IP to my Linux box, 
2 Linksys instructions say to create a static IP, add 
DNS info from Linksys router to fields for such in Linux Networking, which I 
Am I doing this correctly? Is there a better way? Should Tor somehow have 
its own DNS servers to quier? If that is possible, should I add them to router 
and Linux networking?
  all suggestions very 
welcome, peace to all,


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UpDate:,,, Success getting Server Up behind NAT,,

2007-10-31 Thread algenon flower
Hello Ringo, Csaba and everybody,,
  I did solve the Linksys NAT/RHEL/Tor server puzzle, I think. Server is up and 
normally I see about 100mbs/sec through it on Vidalia bandwidth graph. Yea! I 
had to learn a little about routers and network, Tor and RHEL, finally, to 
whomever is interested, I configured RHEL eth0 to a static IP of my choosing, 
corresponding to possible assignable IP's from Firewall/Router. Linksys support 
was good, they advised me of that range. I also had to interpolate other 
settings from Linksys windows config instructions. Finally, got it right! :),,
  So, server is up and working, thanks to all who tried to help!
 I still have two nagging concerns though. One is that Tor gives me nameserver 
failure notices intermittently, then system seems to go to back up DNS at 
comcast, as per settings for RHEL static IP. I am not sure what that is about, 
but it does seem to get resolved and seems to work fine most of the time. Also, 
I will have to check all info I can to harden my server computer. I have seen 
how many scans go over comcast owned net blocks, running a Tor server without 
doing *everything*  monitoring system for intrusion attempts just would be 
asking for failure. Anyhow, I hope for the best, anyone with comments very 
Ringo Kamens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Can you try pining the DNS backup to 
see if you can reach it?
Comrade Ringo Kamens

On 10/29/07, algenon flower  wrote:
 Hello TOR people, Yay! I did finally get server up, but all is not
 completely good: Anyone interested please note log entries.Thanks for advice
 and support.
 I hope to have it working perfectly soon. Am not sure exactly what to think
 of entries below:
 Oct 29 03:31:32.969 [Notice] Tor v0.2.0.7-alpha (r11572). This is
 experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on
 Linux i686)
 Oct 29 03:31:32.975 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 1.1a using method
 epoll. Good.
 Oct 29 03:31:32.979 [Notice] Opening OR listener on
 Oct 29 03:31:33.131 [Notice] Opening Directory listener on
 Oct 29 03:31:33.138 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
 Oct 29 03:31:33.142 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
 Oct 29 03:31:46.978 [Notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks
 like client functionality is working.
 Oct 29 03:32:19.088 [Notice] Self-testing indicates your DirPort is
 reachable from the outside. Excellent.
 Oct 29 03:32:45.443 [Notice] Performing bandwidth self-test...done.
 Oct 29 03:33:41.789 [Warning] eventdns: All nameservers have failed
 Oct 29 03:33:41.872 [Notice] eventdns: Nameserver is back up
 Oct 29 03:33:46.790 [Warning] eventdns: All nameservers have failed
 Oct 29 03:33:46.856 [Notice] eventdns: Nameserver is back up

   I can see from the Bandwith Graph that some traffic does flow through,
 though not a lot.  Is this normal? Is it OK that I get a nameserver error
 and how can that problem be solved?? The listed back up is my normal DNS at


 algenon flower  wrote:
  Hello Pei Hanru, experienced TOR users
   I have checked Linksys doc's and I think they were helpful. At present, I
 think I need to assign a static IP to my RHEL system behind NAT firewall.
 That seems to include two extra assigned IP numbers, like, Then
 I can use port forwarding set-up on NAT router. I bet this is elementary
 school for many of you, it took a little while for me :),,  All I need now
 is the procedure to assign a static IP on RHEL. I am checking that now,,
 And, Hope it all Works! In any case, thanks to people interested, and
 additional comments welcome.

 peace, Algenon

 Pei Hanru 
 Hash: SHA1

 On 2007-10-27 06:23 CST, algenon flower wrote:
  Hello Michael Holstein and other interested people
  I thought I had accomplished port forwarding (see attached file) but
  did not succeed. After checking with Linksys support site I am going to
  try a new apporach. Will study the doc's from Linksys, if anyone has
  experience with this please let me know.

 Unfortunately, you are doing worse...

 What you should do is first figuring out the *actual* private IP address
 of your Linux box, then forwarding port 9001 and port 9030 (or port
 range 9001-9030 if you like) to *that* address, rather than forwarding
 the same port range to three distinct addresses.

 It's a good idea to reread port forwarding part of Linksys manual carefully.

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Cygwin)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


 Do You

UpDate:,,, Some Success, Server appears up, with one problem..

2007-10-29 Thread algenon flower
Hello TOR people, Yay! I did finally get server up, but all is not completely 
good: Anyone interested please note log entries.Thanks for advice and support. 
I hope to have it working perfectly soon. Am not sure exactly what to think of 
entries below:
Oct 29 03:31:32.969 [Notice] Tor v0.2.0.7-alpha (r11572). This is experimental 
software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Linux i686)
Oct 29 03:31:32.975 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 1.1a using method 
epoll. Good.
Oct 29 03:31:32.979 [Notice] Opening OR listener on
Oct 29 03:31:33.131 [Notice] Opening Directory listener on
Oct 29 03:31:33.138 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on
Oct 29 03:31:33.142 [Notice] Opening Control listener on
Oct 29 03:31:46.978 [Notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like 
client functionality is working.
Oct 29 03:32:19.088 [Notice] Self-testing indicates your DirPort is reachable 
from the outside. Excellent.
Oct 29 03:32:45.443 [Notice] Performing bandwidth self-test...done.
Oct 29 03:33:41.789 [Warning] eventdns: All nameservers have failed
Oct 29 03:33:41.872 [Notice] eventdns: Nameserver is back up
Oct 29 03:33:46.790 [Warning] eventdns: All nameservers have failed
Oct 29 03:33:46.856 [Notice] eventdns: Nameserver is back up

  I can see from the Bandwith Graph that some traffic does flow through, though 
not a lot.  Is this normal? Is it OK that I get a nameserver error and how 
can that problem be solved?? The listed back up is my normal DNS at comcast.  


algenon flower [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello Pei Hanru, experienced TOR users
  I have checked Linksys doc's and I think they were helpful. At present, I 
think I need to assign a static IP to my RHEL system behind NAT firewall. That 
seems to include two extra assigned IP numbers, like, Then I can 
use port forwarding set-up on NAT router. I bet this is elementary school for 
many of you, it took a little while for me :),,  All I need now is the 
procedure to assign a static IP on RHEL. I am checking that now,, And, Hope it 
all Works! In any case, thanks to people interested, and additional comments 
peace,  Algenon

Hash: SHA1

On 2007-10-27 06:23 CST, algenon flower wrote:
 Hello Michael Holstein and other interested people
   I thought I had accomplished port forwarding (see attached file) but
 did not succeed. After checking with Linksys support site I am going to
 try a new apporach. Will study the doc's from Linksys, if anyone has
 experience with this please let me know.

Unfortunately, you are doing worse...

What you should do is first figuring out the *actual* private IP address
of your Linux box, then forwarding port 9001 and port 9030 (or port
range 9001-9030 if you like) to *that* address, rather than forwarding
the same port range to three  distinct addresses.

It's a good idea to reread port forwarding part of Linksys manual carefully.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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UpDate:,,, Having trouble setting up TOR server behind firewall...

2007-10-28 Thread algenon flower
Hello Pei Hanru, experienced TOR users
  I have checked Linksys doc's and I think they were helpful. At present, I 
think I need to assign a static IP to my RHEL system behind NAT firewall. That 
seems to include two extra assigned IP numbers, like, Then I can 
use port forwarding set-up on NAT router. I bet this is elementary school for 
many of you, it took a little while for me :),,  All I need now is the 
procedure to assign a static IP on RHEL. I am checking that now,, And, Hope it 
all Works! In any case, thanks to people interested, and additional comments 
peace, Algenon

Hash: SHA1

On 2007-10-27 06:23 CST, algenon flower wrote:
 Hello Michael Holstein and other interested people
   I thought I had accomplished port forwarding (see attached file) but
 did not succeed. After checking with Linksys support site I am going to
 try a new apporach. Will study the doc's from Linksys, if anyone has
 experience with this please let me know.

Unfortunately, you are doing worse...

What you should do is first figuring out the *actual* private IP address
of your Linux box, then forwarding port 9001 and port 9030 (or port
range 9001-9030 if you like) to *that* address, rather than forwarding
the same port range to three distinct addresses.

It's a good idea to reread port forwarding part of Linksys manual carefully.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Hello Michael, Ringo all,, Having trouble setting up TOR server behind firewall...

2007-10-25 Thread algenon flower
Hello Michael Holstien
   Thank you very much for that info, I am going to try that and post results 
I can see these things do end up a bit of a community project, not possible for 
1 person to accomplish alone... I have to admit I am new to Linux, liked RedHat 
Enterprise Linux because it is supported by staff, but staff there just 
abandoned me saying they don't support help with Tor. 
  I almost have this one last problem soved, hope to add to the project soon. 

Michael Holstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: http://your.router.ip

username: blank
password: admin

Go to the advanced tab - forwarding

set up two applications, ORport, DIRport .. select TCP, select 9001 and 
9030, and point them to whatever IP you have on your linux box.

Make sure you tell TOR to advertise your external IP address via torc.

 Hello Ringo Kamens
   Nice to hear from you, and thank you for your response. I am running 
 RHEL v5, and a Linksys hardware firewall. I do not know yet how to 
 configure port forwarding, am going to check with firewall settings to 
 see if port forwarding is available there and confirm that I have 
 entered the right IP of my RHEL system behind the firewall. I will 
 reply with updated news, thanks for reply, hope ppl stay interested.,,:),,

 */Ringo Kamens [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 It sounds like you haven't enabled port forwarding on your firewall.
 Even if the ports are unblocked, the traffic might not go to the
 server. You need to forward all traffic coming to the firewall on
 ports 9001 and 9030 to your tor server.
 Comrade Ringo Kamens

 On 10/23/07, algenon flower wrote:
  Hello experienced TOR ppl,
  I am trying to set up a TOR server on Linux Redhat Enterprise
 v5,, I am
  using a Linksys hardware firewall that does have NAT and have
 modified the
  system to open ports 9001-9031. I have just installed TOR and
 Vidalia for
  Redhat on my system,and, using Vidalia configured TOR ot act as
 a server. My
  problem is: (TOR log below)
  Oct 22 20:45:19.089 [Notice] Tor v0.2.0.7-alpha (r11572). This is
  experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity.
 (Running on
  Linux i686)
  Oct 22 20:45:29.624 [Notice] Tor has successfully opened a
 circuit. Looks
  like client functionality is working.
  Oct 22 20:45:29.769 [Notice] Now checking whether ORPort
  and DirPort are reachable... (this may take up
 to 20
  minutes -- look for log messages indicating success)
  Oct 22 20:46:37.127 [Warning] eventdns: All nameservers have failed
  Oct 22 20:46:37.299 [Notice] eventdns: Nameserver
 is back up
  Oct 22 20:47:29.326 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection
 [waiting for
  circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
  Oct 22 20:54:35.222 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection
 [waiting for
  circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
  Oct 22 21:00:39.050 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection
 [waiting for
  circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
  Oct 22 21:05:25.858 [Warning] Your server (
 has not
  managed to confirm that its ORPort is reachable. Please check your
  firewalls, ports, address, /etc/hosts file, etc.
  Oct 22 21:05:25.876 [Warning] Your server (
 has not
  managed to confirm that its DirPort is reachable. Please check your
  firewalls, ports, address, /etc/hosts file, etc.
  To simplify things, I have disabled Redhat's software firewall,
 to make
  sure it is not causing the problem. I am a little unsure I have
  my firewall to accept traffic on ports 9001 and 9030,, I can
 supply info
  from the firewall to whomever is interested in helping.
  Does anyone have any good ideas about how I can get my TOR
 server up 
  what the problem is?? Love to hear,,,
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Hello Ringo Kamens,,, Having trouble setting up TOR server behind firewall...

2007-10-24 Thread algenon flower
Hello Ringo Kamens
  Nice to hear from you, and thank you for your response. I am running RHEL v5, 
and a Linksys hardware firewall. I do not know yet how to configure port 
forwarding, am going to check with firewall settings to see if port forwarding 
is available there and confirm that I have entered the right IP of my RHEL 
system behind the firewall. I will reply with updated news, thanks for reply, 
hope ppl stay interested.,,:),,

Ringo Kamens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It sounds like you haven't enabled port 
forwarding on your firewall.
Even if the ports are unblocked, the traffic might not go to the
server. You need to forward all traffic coming to the firewall on
ports 9001 and 9030 to your tor server.
Comrade Ringo Kamens

On 10/23/07, algenon flower  wrote:
 Hello experienced TOR ppl,
   I am trying to set up a TOR server on Linux Redhat Enterprise v5,, I am
 using a Linksys hardware firewall that does have NAT and have modified the
 system to open ports 9001-9031. I have just installed TOR and Vidalia for
 Redhat on my system,and, using Vidalia configured TOR ot act as a server. My
 problem is: (TOR log below)

 Oct 22 20:45:19.089 [Notice] Tor v0.2.0.7-alpha (r11572). This is
 experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on
 Linux i686)
 Oct 22 20:45:29.624 [Notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks
 like client functionality is working.
 Oct 22 20:45:29.769 [Notice] Now checking whether ORPort
 and DirPort are reachable... (this may take up to 20
 minutes -- look for log messages indicating success)
 Oct 22 20:46:37.127 [Warning] eventdns: All nameservers have failed
 Oct 22 20:46:37.299 [Notice] eventdns: Nameserver is back up
 Oct 22 20:47:29.326 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for
 circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
 Oct 22 20:54:35.222 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for
 circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
 Oct 22 21:00:39.050 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for
 circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
 Oct 22 21:05:25.858 [Warning] Your server ( has not
 managed to confirm that its ORPort is reachable. Please check your
 firewalls, ports, address, /etc/hosts file, etc.
 Oct 22 21:05:25.876 [Warning] Your server ( has not
 managed to confirm that its DirPort is reachable. Please check your
 firewalls, ports, address, /etc/hosts file, etc.

  To simplify things, I have disabled Redhat's software firewall, to make
 sure it is not causing the problem. I am a little unsure I have configured
 my firewall to accept traffic on ports 9001 and 9030,, I can supply info
 from the firewall to whomever is interested in helping.
   Does anyone have any good ideas about how I can get my TOR server up 
 what the problem is?? Love to hear,,,


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 Do You Yahoo!?
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Having trouble setting up TOR server Additional info,,

2007-10-23 Thread algenon flower
Hello experienced TOR people,,,
  I realize I may have become a little obsessed with getting my TOR server up, 
but for me it represents an important step in my education, and I intend it to 
be an aid, at least in some small way, to the TOR project. I think I am almost 
there, just that I have to configure my firewall and perhaps other in order for 
it to work. I have decided to provide the Linksys config current in html as an 
aid for anyone who might have hints on what direction I should go to fix the 
problem. Normally I would not post this much info, but am not sure of more 
  Thanks in advance, 
algenon flower [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello experienced TOR ppl,
  I am trying to set up a TOR server on Linux Redhat Enterprise v5,, I am using 
a Linksys hardware firewall that does have NAT and have modified the system to 
open ports 9001-9031. I have just installed TOR and Vidalia for Redhat on my 
system,and, using Vidalia configured TOR ot act as a server. My problem is: 
(TOR log below)

Oct 22 20:45:19.089 [Notice] Tor v0.2.0.7-alpha (r11572). This is experimental 
software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Linux i686)
Oct 22 20:45:29.624 [Notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like 
client functionality is working.
Oct 22 20:45:29.769 [Notice] Now checking whether ORPort and 
DirPort are reachable... (this may take up to 20 minutes -- 
look for log messages indicating success)
Oct 22 20:46:37.127 [Warning] eventdns: All nameservers have failed
Oct 22 20:46:37.299  [Notice] eventdns: Nameserver is back up
Oct 22 20:47:29.326 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for 
circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
Oct 22 20:54:35.222 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for 
circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
Oct 22 21:00:39.050 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for 
circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
Oct 22 21:05:25.858 [Warning] Your server ( has not managed 
to confirm that its ORPort is reachable. Please check your firewalls, ports, 
address, /etc/hosts file, etc.
Oct 22 21:05:25.876 [Warning] Your server ( has not managed 
to confirm that its DirPort is reachable. Please check your firewalls, ports, 
address, /etc/hosts file, etc.

 To simplify things, I have disabled Redhat's software firewall, to make sure 
it is not causing  the problem. I am a little unsure I have configured my 
firewall to accept traffic on ports 9001 and 9030,, I can supply info from the 
firewall to whomever is interested in helping. 
  Does anyone have any good ideas about how I can get my TOR server up  what 
the problem is?? Love to hear,,,

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Description: 2980260711-Linksys_Errors.tar.gz

Re: Having trouble setting up TOR server Additional info,,

2007-10-23 Thread algenon flower
Hello Pei Hanru!
  Nice to hear from you. I am trying to re-check my RHEL with TOR to make sure 
I have the correct IP behind the firewall. That easily could be the problem,, 
Will get back to you as soon as I have news about it or report. Thanks for your 
interest, will talk later,

Hash: SHA1

Hi, Algenon

On 2007-10-23 18:32 CST, algenon flower wrote:
 Hello experienced TOR people,,,
   I realize I may have become a little obsessed with getting my TOR
 server up, but for me it represents an important step in my education,
 and I intend it to be an aid, at least in some small way, to the TOR
 project. I think I am almost there, just that I have to configure my
 firewall and perhaps other in order for it to work. I have decided to
 provide the Linksys config current in html as an aid for anyone who
 might have hints on what direction I should go to fix the problem.
 Normally I would not post this much info, but am not sure of more options.
   Thanks in advance,

At Linksys_Port_Forwarding.htm (Port range forwarding) page, I noticed
you have two similar port forwarding rules, but they have different IP
addresses, one is, the other is, maybe that's
where you problem lies.

Delete the wrong one, and try again.

Thanks for your contribution to the Tor community!

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Having trouble setting up TOR server behind firewall...

2007-10-22 Thread algenon flower
Hello experienced TOR ppl,
  I am trying to set up a TOR server on Linux Redhat Enterprise v5,, I am using 
a Linksys hardware firewall that does have NAT and have modified the system to 
open ports 9001-9031. I have just installed TOR and Vidalia for Redhat on my 
system,and, using Vidalia configured TOR ot act as a server. My problem is: 
(TOR log below)

Oct 22 20:45:19.089 [Notice] Tor v0.2.0.7-alpha (r11572). This is experimental 
software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Linux i686)
Oct 22 20:45:29.624 [Notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like 
client functionality is working.
Oct 22 20:45:29.769 [Notice] Now checking whether ORPort and 
DirPort are reachable... (this may take up to 20 minutes -- 
look for log messages indicating success)
Oct 22 20:46:37.127 [Warning] eventdns: All nameservers have failed
Oct 22 20:46:37.299 [Notice] eventdns: Nameserver is back up
Oct 22 20:47:29.326 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for 
circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
Oct 22 20:54:35.222 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for 
circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
Oct 22 21:00:39.050 [Notice] Freeing linked Socks connection [waiting for 
circuit] with 65 bytes on inbuf, 0 on outbuf.
Oct 22 21:05:25.858 [Warning] Your server ( has not managed 
to confirm that its ORPort is reachable. Please check your firewalls, ports, 
address, /etc/hosts file, etc.
Oct 22 21:05:25.876 [Warning] Your server ( has not managed 
to confirm that its DirPort is reachable. Please check your firewalls, ports, 
address, /etc/hosts file, etc.

 To simplify things, I have disabled Redhat's software firewall, to make sure 
it is not causing the problem. I am a little unsure I have configured my 
firewall to accept traffic on ports 9001 and 9030,, I can supply info from the 
firewall to whomever is interested in helping. 
  Does anyone have any good ideas about how I can get my TOR server up  what 
the problem is?? Love to hear,,,

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Do You Yahoo!?
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