Re: Ultimate solution

2007-03-24 Thread sy16
Dear Mr phobos, I know just enough to enable loggin,
and I can see there is something called UPNP disabled.
Right. But I didn't do it. Where is it, and should I
turn it on?

I am told that my router is a firewall. There are also
Windows' own firewall and other commercial 'total
protection suites'. I know what gnats are but not what
a NAT is. And please, how do I 'punch a hole' in any
of them?

I did use Vidalia. No success in my log. For my Linux
box, lotsa handshakes, onion skins, 3 cells, 6 cells,
a child wants to read, another wants to write, more
handshakes, then warning failure orport not reachable.

OT, I have a linux box because I am so fed up with
being hacked and remote-administered, and Debian said
nothing could be installed without my root password -
I hope I understood this much correctly?

So why should java and javascript be a problem?

Trying to help case by case will likely take up an
unacceptable amount of the developers' time.
Efficiency  lies in standardisation and mass
production. So Mr Freemor, I concur with you on the
need for user education. I absolutely agree with Mr
del Vacchio about making the process as painless as


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Re: Ultimate solution

2007-03-23 Thread sy16
Thank you JT, you expressed so eloquently what I have
been thinking.

Yes, please come out with a ready server package. I am
a noob who sometimes don't even understand the
messages in the log (and not at all the debug log). I
have been trying to get my boxes to run as servers for
weeks. No luck. And I don't know where and how to get
help. I am very grateful for the security tor has
given me, and would like to contribute to the
community instead of just taking, taking. It would be
great if we could have a default server package.

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502 Bad Gateway

2007-03-19 Thread sy16

[Warning] connection_dir_client_reached_eof():
Received http status code 502 (Bad Gateway) from
server '' while fetching
I'll try again soon.

I got two entries like this in the log today.
Yesterday the message number was 404, not bad gateway
but something not found. Did I do something wrong to
my tor?


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Re: Warnings on the download page

2007-03-08 Thread sy16
My suggestions as a no-tech user:

Perhaps the Warning should be put on top of the page, before the download links 
- sometimes people don't go further than the download links.

Also, might I suggest NoScript to be used in conjunction with QuickJava? And 
please add a line reminding users to reload the page if they use QuickJava. 
NoScript reloads automatically but not QuickJava.

About the evil exit nodes, these extensions might help detect false pages: 
HostIP.Geolocation plugin, netcrafttoolbar, FormFox, and Shazou. FormFox is 
somewhat paranoid and not always accurate, but it serves as a reminder of 
thinking before clicking submit.

About mail client: I configure my Thunderbird 995 and 465, same server name for 
pop and smtp, with Torbutton. So far I have had no problem retrieving and 
sending. There have been mentions in this list about problems with smtp, so 
maybe I am missing something. Am I blithely assuming my getting and sending 
mail  through tor and SSL?

About Windows (sorry guys) security, set up a normal user account for browsing, 
like they do in Linux. Change Administrator to some other moniker and set a 
password. And disable remote administration if you don't need this enabled.

Voila, my 2centsworth.

Roger Dingledine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 02:14:33PM 
-0600, Mike Perry wrote:
 The Tor download page should have a concice Things to know before
 downloading section that lists a few key points about the most easy
 ways your identity can be revealed through Tor. Something like

Mike and I just whipped up an early version of this here:

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blog about tor and skype

2007-03-06 Thread sy16
 I read in this blog

in the comment/reply section:

Not meant for privacy It seems like there's a slight 
misunderstanding here. This setup is not going to anyonymize all of your Skype 
telephony traffic, but will only allow you to tunnel connections to the Skype 
servers through TOR. As such, your peer-to-peer traffic will not be anonymized, 
and even your telephony traffic to the skype servers may be unencrypted. You 
just fake your IP address towards the skype authentication server, that's all.
I do not understand this paragraph.  Doesn't tunnel connections ... through 
TOR mean encrypting the traffic, whether voice or text?

If I send a text message in skype through tor, is it or is it not encrypted by 

If I make a skype call through tor, is the voice traffic encrypted by tor?

Finally, please tell me how to configure skype to use tor -- I have confidence 
in tor's protective power :-)

Thanks for replying.

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Re: blog about tor and skype

2007-03-06 Thread sy16
A quick note:

I mean skype sms and skypeout calls, both types are to non-skype mobile phones 
instead of to another skype user.

sy16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If I  send a text message in skype through tor, is it or is it not encrypted by 

If I make a skype call through tor, is the voice traffic encrypted by tor?

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Re: blog about tor and skype

2007-03-06 Thread sy16
Thank you for explaining, it's good to know that VOIP calls are encrpted. About 
configuring skype to use tor,  can I just set proxy server to localhost, port 
9050, using HTTPS? Or is it necessary to install freecap?

Hash: SHA1

- From what it sounds your destinations are normal phones. In that case
your calls will not be encrypted. Actually, Tor could encrypt your
call up to the point where it arrives at a gateway that connects to
the public phone network. From there it can no longer be encrypted
since there's no way to handle the encrypted data in a public phone
network (yes there are exceptions but that's rare and a different
topic). In summary: you can't make fully encrypted calls to a non-VOIP
phone from what I know.


- --
German Tor mailing list / surveillance and anonymity:

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sy16 schrieb:
 A quick note:

 I mean skype sms and skypeout calls, both types are to non-skype
 mobile phones instead of to another skype user.

 */sy16 /* wrote:

 If I send a text message in skype through tor, is it or is it
 not encrypted by tor?

 If I make a skype call through tor, is the voice traffic
 encrypted by tor?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: blog about tor and skype

2007-03-06 Thread sy16
I don't know how to force skype to use only tcp, but one way to know whether it 
is using tcp (therefore tor) is to look at the little flag before the place 
where you enter the phone number. When it is different from where I am, it is 
probably using  tor.

I'll check out zfone and probably switch if it is user-friendly. Many thanks to 
all, that was really helpful.

Hash: SHA1
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Sly16, I read somewhere Skype is
just encrypting its own protocol but not the traffic itself. Not sure
whether it's true or not. In any case Skype users rely on a closed
source protocol so no one really knows if it's secure and what else it
may or may not do. I'm not saying it's insecure but if you want to be
certain your connections are encrypted you might want to consider
using other tools or techniques for voice communication that support
open source encryption. As for voice my first idea would be VOIP and
zfone. For text based communications (IRC or something) I'd rely on Tor.


- --
German Tor mailing list / surveillance and anonymity:

New GPG key ID: 4096R/87FF3BA2, old key is revoked.

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Newbie's questions

2007-02-27 Thread sy16
I have very little computer knowledge and am very happy to have found Tor. 
According to the pictures on the Tor homepage, my communications are green 
(encrypted) until they reach the destination, there they become red 
(unencrypted). Here are my questions.

(1) Does it mean that even when I visit unencrypted sites, nobody would be able 
to tell what sites or pages I am requesting?

(2) Can the green line be cracked by intercepting the packets or headers?

(3) I don't know where the encryption key is stored. Can it be stolen if my pc 
is hacked?

Thanks for your replies.

P.S. Please let me know where to post if this is not the correct list.
P.P.S. Sorry about the Yahoo tail, POP seems to have stopped working.

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Re: anonymous v. normal session

2007-02-27 Thread sy16
Where should I add them? In torrc? Sorry to be tiresome but I know very little 
about computer.

Michael_google gmail_Gersten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Two suggestions:
1. Include port 80 in the list of long lived ports.
2. Set a limit on circuit build time, so that slow/backlogged nodes
don't get used.

CircuitBuildTimeout 10
LongLivedPorts 80,23,21,22,706,1863,5050,5190,5222,5223,6667,8300,

That adds 80 (web browsing) to the long lived ports. (Actually, 443
should be added for https:// connections as well), and requires that
circuits be constructed in 10 seconds instead of 60.

On 2/27/07, sy16  wrote:
 I need advice on anonymous v. normal sessions.

 Tor has saved me from packet sniffers and MITM attacks since I started using
 it. These attacks always and only happened during my banking sessions. I
 inferred that my net traffic must have been closely monitored by someone (I
 have a private-detective neighbor whose son works for my ISP, but I can't
 very well bring a case based on suspicion).

 Having enjoyed the protection of Tor, I am now extremely reluctant to get
 online without it. But sometimes the connections are closed or too slow
 during my session that I get auto logged out by the server. I have to log in
 repeatedly, but there are only so many sessions a day allowed, as a security
 feature. Can someone tell me how best to safeguard my net traffic?

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