Re: understanding problem, hidden services

2011-01-26 Thread thecarp
On 01/22/2011 07:57 AM, Bernd Kreuss wrote:

 Although This *might* be better asked on the dev list I am sure here are
 people who can answer this simple question too:

You might get better answers there, but I think I have enough of a
handle on this to try, I also have read the spec, and given it some
 It does this by establishing a circuit to a randomly chosen OR

 does this mean
 Alice - OR1 - OR2 - Rend
 Alice - OR1 - OR2 - OR3 - Rend

I think you have two questions here, though I may be nitpicking. As far
as the spec and OR protocols work, either should work. In fact, there is
no reason, other than it being hard set in the default implementation,
that a circuit couldn't be 1 or 1 million hops. That isn't to say that
there are not practical reasons to not use many of those values, In
fact, there would be no way to prevent a circuit from looping back
through the same OR an arbitrary number of times. (not that this is at
all recommended, I am just pointing it out for illustration)

In any case, there is no real need to specify that in the spec, since,
well, the details of the circuit creation are besides the point. So the
real question is... what does the default client do.

For exiting connections, 3 hops (entry, middle, and exit) are the
default, and really a good balance between not having to trust that any
one node can put the whole circuit path together, and not adding too
much latency.

You seem to realize where I am going with this:

 line 609: (Alice connecting to Bob's intro point)
 Alice builds a separate circuit to one of Bob's chosen introduction points

 The same wording, the same interpretation?

 Alice - OR1 - OR2 - Intro - ORb - ORa - Bob

 or are more than 5 nodes involved? More than 5 nodes would destroy the
 nice symmetry.

It is still symmetric on each side of the middle node. However, five is
a lot of hops! So, the developers were smart. 3 hops is what we need to
be sure that we don't have to put too much trust in any one host, in
fact, this whole switch to an introduction point is precisely to avoid
having to trust the rendez-vous node too much.

Now, think of a normal 3 hop connection:
Alice - OR1 - OR2 - OR3 - End Service

That is what we want... we can get that if:
Alice-OR1 - Intro - ORb - Bob

So, Alice and Bob each make half of the connection, to put together a
normal, 3 hop, path.

 line 688: (Rendezvouz)
 Bob's OP builds a new Tor circuit *ending* at Alice's chosen rendezvous

 Here the word ending sounds clear to me. The rendezvouz is the last
 node in Bob's cicuit:

 Rend - ORb - ORa - Bob

Ending, not exiting. So ORb = Rend and you have one less hop. However,
there is nothing to say that you couldn't implement it this way. Even if
the spec forbade it, there would be no way for an OR to stop a client
from doing it anyway.

 Now dependig on the iterpretation of line 589 mentioned in the beginning
 we have either:

 Alice - OR1 - OR2 - Rend - ORb - ORa - Bob

 which is nice and symmetrical and involves the same number of nodes from
 either side

True, but as you can see from what I said above, OR2 = Rend = ORb
leading to the path as I stated above.
 Now here on this website with the nice pictures that tries to explain it
 the whole problem is avoided by simply drawing a circuit as a green
 arrow, not mentioning how many nodes it has or whether it ends at the
 last node or connects to the last node:
 But in the text below the last image: In general, the complete
 connection between client and hidden service consists of 6 relays: 3 of
 them were picked by the client with the third being the rendezvous point
 and the other 3 were picked by the hidden service.
Lets see Bob the hidden provider chooses his entry node, and his
intro node. That is 2.
Alice chooses her entry node, and then uses bobs intro node, so thats 1
for her, and a total of 3.

Now Alice chooses an entry node for the new circuit, and she chooses the
rendez-vous node. Thats 2
Bob now chooses his entry node for the new circuit, and then connects to
the rv node. 1 for him, total of 3.

So... between both connections, that is 6 nodes.
 This does not fit to *any* possible interpretation of rend-spec.txt:
 Bob's OP builds a new Tor circuit *ending* at Alice's chosen rendezvous
 point, This has to be either a 4-node circuit if Bob is allowed to
 chose 3 of its nodes or the wording in rend-spec.txt in line 688 is wrong.

I am not looking at the spec now, but, somewhere there is an explanation
that refers to these as half connections or half circuits since each
side is moving to the middle and making half of a 3 hop circuit, 

Re: understanding problem, hidden services

2011-01-24 Thread Theodore Bagwell
I'd like to second Bernd's question (see his OP, I won't quote it all
here). This is a hazy area in my understanding of Tor, yet a clear
understanding is important. Someone, kindly answer?
  Theodore Bagwell

On Sat, 22 Jan 2011 13:57 +0100, Bernd Kreuss wrote:
 How does it really work?

-- - Does exactly what it says on the tin

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Re: understanding problem, hidden services

2011-01-23 Thread Bernd Kreuss
On 23.01.2011 03:05, grarpamp wrote:

 Each endpoint must always be in control of three nodes.
 The Server uses the IP as its third.
 The Client uses the RP as its third.
 So for each step in the process it seems like this:
 # S inits 3 IP's
 S - SR1 - SR2 - IP
 # S publishes descriptor
 S - SR1 - SR2 - SR3 - DB
 # C requests descriptor
 C - CR1 - CR2 - CR3 - DB
 # C inits RP
 C - CR1 - CR2 - RP
 # C informs S of RP
 C - CR1 - CR2 - CR3 - :IP - SR2 - SR1 - S
 # S uses RP
 S - SR1 - SR2 - SR3 - RP
 # full path established = 6 relays, 7 hops
 C - CR1 - CR2 - RP: - SR3 - SR2 - SR1 - S
 The colon delimits the end of each sides control in the full path.
 The arrows are build extensions, not traffic.

Ok, now Its all clear to me. I think it would be a good idea to include
these little ascii diagrams in the text, each one of them at the end of
the corresponding section of the text or all together in some kind of
short summary or overview to easier visualize the state after each step
has been performed.

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understanding problem, hidden services

2011-01-22 Thread Bernd Kreuss

Although This *might* be better asked on the dev list I am sure here are
people who can answer this simple question too:

I am referring to this text:;hb=HEAD;f=doc/spec/rend-spec.txt

I recently tried to explain the hidden services to somebody and noticed
that there is something I could not answer myself and also could not
find in the above mentioned document:

line 589: (Alice establishes rendezvous point)
It does this by establishing a circuit to a randomly chosen OR

does this mean
Alice - OR1 - OR2 - Rend
 circuit ending at Rend

Alice - OR1 - OR2 - OR3 - Rend
   circuitconnecting to Rend

I believe its the first one, a circuit to, not a circuit, connecting
to, but it is not entirely clear from reading the text.

line 609: (Alice connecting to Bob's intro point)
Alice builds a separate circuit to one of Bob's chosen introduction points

The same wording, the same interpretation?

Alice - OR1 - OR2 - Intro - ORb - ORa - Bob

or are more than 5 nodes involved? More than 5 nodes would destroy the
nice symmetry.

line 688: (Rendezvouz)
Bob's OP builds a new Tor circuit *ending* at Alice's chosen rendezvous

Here the word ending sounds clear to me. The rendezvouz is the last
node in Bob's cicuit:

Rend - ORb - ORa - Bob

Now dependig on the iterpretation of line 589 mentioned in the beginning
we have either:

Alice - OR1 - OR2 - Rend - ORb - ORa - Bob

which is nice and symmetrical and involves the same number of nodes from
either side

or we have this:

Alice - OR1 - OR2 - OR3 - Rend - ORb - ORa - Bob
  3   ^^

Which I don't believe (alice would have chosen 4 and bob only 2 nodes).

Now here on this website with the nice pictures that tries to explain it
the whole problem is avoided by simply drawing a circuit as a green
arrow, not mentioning how many nodes it has or whether it ends at the
last node or connects to the last node:
But in the text below the last image: In general, the complete
connection between client and hidden service consists of 6 relays: 3 of
them were picked by the client with the third being the rendezvous point
and the other 3 were picked by the hidden service.

This does not fit to *any* possible interpretation of rend-spec.txt:
Bob's OP builds a new Tor circuit *ending* at Alice's chosen rendezvous
point, This has to be either a 4-node circuit if Bob is allowed to
chose 3 of its nodes or the wording in rend-spec.txt in line 688 is wrong.

How does it really work?

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Re: understanding problem, hidden services

2011-01-22 Thread grarpamp

As you've read and itemized the spec, which I'm off to read, here's
my itemized take on the web page...

A Tor circuit means three hops and out to the destination, at least
in the exit case. So applying that three hop definition of a circuit
to HS's would lead to the following summary of that web page:

# init IP's
S - SRx - SRx - SRx - IP  # qty: 'some' or 3
# publish desc
S - SRx - SRx - SRx - DB  # aka: 1 DA, maybe more
# request desc
C - CRx - CRx - CRx - DB  # aka: 1 DA, maybe more till found
# C init RP
C - CRx - CRx - CRx - RP1
# inform S of RP
C - CRx - CRx - CRx - IP  # qty: 1, of 'some' or 3
# S init RP
S - SRx - SRx - SRx - RP1
# full path
C - CRx - CRx - CRx - RP1 - SRx - SRx - SRx - S

Which is seven hops. Everything is consistent on the page with 7.
Up until this 6 bomb summary is dropped at the end, which is probably
where many people, including me, get the 6 from...

In general, the complete connection between client and hidden
service consists of 6 relays: 3 of them were picked by the client
with the third being the rendezvous point and the other 3 were
picked by the hidden service.

If so, the definition of circuit needs to be clearly redefined
in this case.

Also... this one needs work too. What is meant by identity? Its
inet address is always protected from everyone 'learning' about it
because it creates its own circuit. Who cares about the HS descriptor
(with public key), anyone can get that. What other reasons, why use
RP's? The HS put up a list of random IP's, not single ones, why not
use one. The client did pick a single responsible relay, the RP.
Or in the IP only case, the IP to use. I think the full path is
joined out of band to prevent the DA's from knowing the possible
meetme point(s).

One of the reasons for not using the introduction circuit for
actual communication is that no single relay should appear to be
responsible for a given hidden service. This is why the rendezvous
point never learns about the hidden service's identity.

So I'm just agreeing that the web page and even the spec could
really benefit from some clarification on hops and phrasing.

I would also put the images above the text descriptions, seems
kindof like top posting as it is now. And BOLD the step: labels.

Also dug up from that web page...

Step two: the hidden service assembles a hidden service descriptor,
... It uploads that descriptor to a distributed hash table.

What I've read so far doesn't seem to indicate there is any such
'DHT' in use. It's more like the HS descriptors are simply uploaded
to one or more, maybe all, of the 7 or so fixed public directory
authorities chosen at random... not into a bulletproof DHT. And are
then downloaded by querying the DA's until one is found that has
the desired HSD. At least that's my take on it.

By way of example, the Phantom project uses a real DHT for this
purpose. This makes it pretty much immune to censoring the HS's,
as well as overall takedown. And is stronger regarding being able
to explicitly know all the descriptors that exist by coercing the
DA's to log them (even though it should really be up to the HS admin
to control access anyways, ie: scanning for or leaked services in
the real world). Phantom expects to have a code release any day

And last...

it is of special importance ... HS sticks to ... guards

I'd change that to critical importance or just required :)
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Re: understanding problem, hidden services

2011-01-22 Thread Roger Dingledine
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 01:57:57PM +0100, Bernd Kreuss wrote:
 line 589: (Alice establishes rendezvous point)
 It does this by establishing a circuit to a randomly chosen OR
 does this mean
 Alice - OR1 - OR2 - Rend
  circuit ending at Rend
 Alice - OR1 - OR2 - OR3 - Rend
circuitconnecting to Rend

Whenever Alice chooses the node that Alice and Bob will use to interact,
Alice uses that node as her third hop in a three hop circuit. Whenever
*Bob* chooses it, Alice builds a three hop path of her own and then uses
Bob's choice as the fourth hop.

So in the above case, it will be the former situation:
Alice - OR1 - OR2 - Rendezvous point.

 line 609: (Alice connecting to Bob's intro point)
 Alice builds a separate circuit to one of Bob's chosen introduction points
 The same wording, the same interpretation?
 Alice - OR1 - OR2 - Intro - ORb - ORa - Bob

In this case, Alice didn't pick the Intro point. Alice wants three hops
that she chose, so it will be Alice - OR1 - OR2 - OR3 - Intro.
Whereas Bob wants three hops that he chose, so his side will be
Bob - ORa - ORb - Intro.

 line 688: (Rendezvouz)
 Bob's OP builds a new Tor circuit *ending* at Alice's chosen rendezvous
 Here the word ending sounds clear to me. The rendezvouz is the last
 node in Bob's cicuit:
 Rend - ORb - ORa - Bob

Bob didn't pick the rendezvous point, so he wants three hops of his own
plus the rendezvous point.

Can somebody write a patch for rend-spec.txt to clarify?


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Re: understanding problem, hidden services

2011-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Ok, I think it could be written as:
Each endpoint must always be in control three nodes, with whoever
chose the meetme using that as their third.

Assuming meetme's don't apply in other areas of Tor, I suppose it
could be further clarified as:

Each endpoint must always be in control of three nodes.
The Server uses the IP as its third.
The Client uses the RP as its third.

So for each step in the process it seems like this:

# S inits 3 IP's
S - SR1 - SR2 - IP
# S publishes descriptor
S - SR1 - SR2 - SR3 - DB
# C requests descriptor
C - CR1 - CR2 - CR3 - DB
# C inits RP
C - CR1 - CR2 - RP
# C informs S of RP
C - CR1 - CR2 - CR3 - :IP - SR2 - SR1 - S
# S uses RP
S - SR1 - SR2 - SR3 - RP
# full path established = 6 relays, 7 hops
C - CR1 - CR2 - RP: - SR3 - SR2 - SR1 - S

The colon delimits the end of each sides control in the full path.
The arrows are build extensions, not traffic.

For the full Client-Server paths, I did not name the relays uniquely
as 'OR1, OR2, OR3, ORa, ORb' as you guys have done, because there's
no guarantee that they are used only once in such a path. AFAIK,
it's possible to have: C - R1 - R2 - RP: - R1 - R3 - R2 - S

Note the reuse of relays R1 and R2 in arbitrary positions. The only
constraint that holds is that the Client and Server each choose
their own unique relays independantly. I've corrected that above
by calling out who chose them and their uniqueness within that. I'd
definitely do that too in the new spec/page clarification.

Does the code check that since S could be thought to consider RP
as just a destination beyond its controlled exit of SR3, and RP
is also just another relay from which S can build circuits, that
RP is in fact excluded from being any of its three relays? In other
words, this might be bad: S - SR1 - SR2(really RP) - SR3 - :RP ...
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Re: Index of hidden services?

2011-01-08 Thread grarpamp
The second some kind of automation starts kicking
in, scanning for hidden services, I think this is a Bad Idea.

 scanning 36^16 possible hidden services is out of discussion...

It's actually 32^16. Considering 10k nodes processing 1 per
second would only take 3.9 trillion years to search port 80...

 The second some kind of automation starts kicking
 in, scanning for hidden services, I think this is a Bad Idea.

... I still would love it if the authorities receiving the hidden service
descriptors would just dump them out in OnionLand for all to see.
I'd consider it a bona fide and very welcome service to the community.
HINT ;-) At least until Tor went full DHT. HINT ;-) For which the nodes
would just dump their own views of same.

It's up to the onion operators to permit or allow onion access.
Nothing different than on the regular internet.
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Re: Index of hidden services?

2011-01-07 Thread Nils Vogels

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 20:22, Peter McCann wrote:

 If not, what do people think about setting up such an index?
 It seems like it might be very useful for those operators of
 hidden services that want to expose them to a wider audience
 than just the people they give the .onion name to.  Being able
 to browse or search the hidden services might also be useful.

As long as the hidden services are manually added, i can see where
it's a good idea. The second some kind of automation starts kicking
in, scanning for hidden services, I think this is a Bad Idea.

Hidden services are called hidden for a reason: You need to look to
find them. And that is one of the features that is key here, IMHO.

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Re: Index of hidden services?

2011-01-07 Thread Andrew Lewman
On Fri, 7 Jan 2011 13:22:58 -0600
Peter McCann wrote:

 On the website describing how to set up a hidden service
 I saw a mention of a (hypothetical?) Hidden Services Wiki
 where pointers to hidden services are stored.  Does such a wiki exist?
 If so, where can I find it?

Years ago, there was a popular place called The hidden wiki which was
the only one in existence, that anyone knew about.  It was then
beseiged by child porn links and images and went away.  Since then,
many different services claiming to be the hidden wiki have
come and gone.

Someone also tried to setup a google search appliance to crawl all
of .onion space.  It didn't get very far for the obvious reason of
most hidden service sites don't want to be found by the general
population. The services don't link to each other, and they may be on
random ports.  It's possible one could create a search engine that
crawls every possible .onion hostname on common tcp ports (80, 443,
8080, 8443).  Over long periods of time, this may find many hidden

pgp 0x74ED336B
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Re: Index of hidden services?

2011-01-07 Thread Moritz Bartl

Am 07.01.2011 22:26, schrieb Andrew Lewman:
 It's possible one could create a search engine that
 crawls every possible .onion hostname on common tcp ports (80, 443,
 8080, 8443).  Over long periods of time, this may find many hidden

I haven't given it much thought yet, but I like the idea of a central
index and an option in torrc that publishes my .onion to this index (and
maybe even push website changes/locally crawl the site).

Moritz Bartl
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Re: Index of hidden services?

2011-01-07 Thread Øyvind Sæther
 On the website describing how to set up a hidden service
 I saw a mention of a (hypothetical?) Hidden Services Wiki
 where pointers to hidden services are stored.  Does such a wiki exist?
 If so, where can I find it?

There could be rumors on the internet(s) that there may be a
mediawiki-based wiki with links to .onion sites at

There could also be rumors that there is a list of links at

There could even, possibly, be some search-engine at
 If not, what do people think about setting up such an index?
 It seems like it might be very useful for those operators of
 hidden services that want to expose them to a wider audience
 than just the people they give the .onion name to.  Being able
 to browse or search the hidden services might also be useful.

Expose? Wider audience? Nothing indicates I ever visited a hidden
service, but I doubt those who do and those who operate such sites, if
they even exist, require the wider audience.
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Re: Index of hidden services?

2011-01-07 Thread Dirk
Nils Vogels wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 20:22, Peter McCann wrote:

 If not, what do people think about setting up such an index?
 It seems like it might be very useful for those operators of
 hidden services that want to expose them to a wider audience
 than just the people they give the .onion name to.  Being able
 to browse or search the hidden services might also be useful.
 As long as the hidden services are manually added, i can see where
 it's a good idea. The second some kind of automation starts kicking
 in, scanning for hidden services, I think this is a Bad Idea.

scanning 36^16 possible hidden services is out of discussion... at least for 
me... that's why i stopped cloning google...
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Re: Crypto for hidden services [was: TorFaq on https]

2010-10-29 Thread Jan Weiher

just wanted to add one thing:

 There is no real reason not to use another layer of cryptography on top
 of Tor hidden services.  Using HTTPS, and convincing users to use
 HTTPS, is far harder than merely using another layer of cryptography,
 and provides no real benefit.

And (from a user point of view) if your HS uses https, the user sees
always the BSCE (Big Scary Certificate Error), for no additional
security. This makes the user feel less secure, although he is not.

best regards,
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Re: Crypto for hidden services [was: TorFaq on https]

2010-10-29 Thread Robert Ransom
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 21:13:34 -0700
Robert Ransom wrote:

 On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 22:06:03 -0400
 grarpamp wrote:

  is the server (hidden service)
   privacy threatened by using https too in any way?
   I don't see any risk to the server.
  Not particularly. Though it would add additional fingerprinting
  oppurtunities beyond Tor and the service themselves. This is
  the only one I can think of.
 I thought of this, but the hidden service private key would be enough
 of a giveaway.  Having a second private key around is no easier or
 harder to hide than having the first private key around.

Oh, you meant remote fingerprinting of the server's TLS stack.  I
didn't think of that, but I doubt that it's any worse than the HTTP
server's fingerprint.

I thought you were talking about fingerprinting a captured server,
because Tor is not supposed to leak (much) information about itself to
the other end of a circuit.

Robert Ransom

Description: PGP signature

TorFaq on https for hidden services ( was: Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers )

2010-10-28 Thread startx

im starting this as  a new thread, as my question is only inspired by
the discussion above.

in the TorFaq
( ) 
it says:

  Why is it better to provide a hidden service Web site with HTTP
  rather than HTTPS access? 

  Put simply, HTTPS access puts the connecting client at higher risk,
  because it bypasses any first-stage filtering proxy.. 

the answer in the FAQ refers to privoxy. so i wonder now: is this
answer obsolete meanwhile? or is it still the general recommodation to
run hidden services without https? is the server (hidden service)
privacy threatened by using https too in any way?

the FAQ also says:

  These objections all apply to HTTPS, TLS, SSH, and generally all
  cryptography over Tor, regardless of whether or not the destination
  is a hidden service

which i think is causing some confusion.


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Re: TorFaq on https for hidden services ( was: Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers )

2010-10-28 Thread Robert Ransom
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:10:52 +0100
startx wrote:

 im starting this as  a new thread, as my question is only inspired by
 the discussion above.
 in the TorFaq
 ( ) 
 it says:
   Why is it better to provide a hidden service Web site with HTTP
   rather than HTTPS access? 
   Put simply, HTTPS access puts the connecting client at higher risk,
   because it bypasses any first-stage filtering proxy.. 
 the answer in the FAQ refers to privoxy. so i wonder now: is this
 answer obsolete meanwhile?


or is it still the general recommodation to
 run hidden services without https?

I would recommend that hidden services not use HTTPS.  The Tor hidden
service protocol does an adequate job of authenticating servers and
encrypting traffic to them.  In addition, it is unlikely that any CA
that Firefox is configured to trust would issue a certificate for
a .onion hostname.

is the server (hidden service)
 privacy threatened by using https too in any way?

I don't see any risk to the server.

 the FAQ also says:
   These objections all apply to HTTPS, TLS, SSH, and generally all
   cryptography over Tor, regardless of whether or not the destination
   is a hidden service
 which i think is causing some confusion.

Yes, that is a bad sentence.

I think it's time to nuke that FAQ entry.  (Probably long past time to
nuke it.)

Robert Ransom

Description: PGP signature

Re: TorFaq on https for hidden services ( was: Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers )

2010-10-28 Thread Roger Dingledine
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 10:10:52AM +0100, startx wrote:
 the answer in the FAQ refers to privoxy. so i wonder now: is this
 answer obsolete meanwhile?

Yes, it's wrong. It's a wiki -- please fix it. :)

In fact, none of the Tor developers added this particular question in
the first place. That's part of why I've been pushing to migrate the faq
entries that are actually useful onto
so we can abandon the wiki faq.


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Re: TorFaq on https for hidden services ( was: Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers )

2010-10-28 Thread intrigeri

Robert Ransom wrote (28 Oct 2010 09:22:17 GMT) :
 In addition, it is unlikely that any CA that Firefox is configured
 to trust would issue a certificate for a .onion hostname.

Please note there are other ways to authenticate SSL servers, e.g. see
the Monkeysphere project:

  | GnuPG key @
  | OTR fingerprint @
  | The impossible just takes a bit longer.
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Crypto for hidden services [was: TorFaq on https]

2010-10-28 Thread grarpamp
or is it still the general recommodation to
 run hidden services without https?

 I would recommend that hidden services not use HTTPS.  The Tor hidden
 service protocol does an adequate job of authenticating servers and
 encrypting traffic to them.

In the hidden service context for all below...

Tor does NOT authenticate any particular underlying service [web, mail, etc],
nor does it encrypt traffic to/from them.

Tor merely authenticates and encrypts between two Tor daemons, one
as a client and one as a HS.

Give an elaborate setup behind a HS, perhaps tunneling the stream
off the server, across the net, to other parties who terminate it on some
daemon or cloud. Maybe some WikiLeaks form of submission/storage, or
joining anon systems, or just a clueless HS admin.

Or that someone is able to read the particular crypto Tor uses, but not
the crypto your tunnel uses.

Would you, or the provider of the intermediate or final services, not want
that extra layer of protection just in case? Your bank in it's internal cloud?

SSH/IRCS/SILC to behind a HS is an extra tunnel. It costs nothing. Were it
still available, no one in their right mind would use ssh -c none.

 In addition, it is unlikely that any CA
 that Firefox is configured to trust would issue a certificate for
 a .onion hostname.

Perhaps, and quite unfortunately, not. However, even though the
chain would break on the hostname, it would still be of supplementary
value if some dual-homed site of importance to the user ran with the
same cert [fingerprint] as on the internet. Especially given that the
prevalence of the below aside is presumed to be extremely low.

[aside: As DNSSEC is not global yet, multi-homing a non onion cert would be
on the same par as a bogus/stolen cert and mitm dns, for say your bank.]

is the server (hidden service)
 privacy threatened by using https too in any way?

 I don't see any risk to the server.

Not particularly. Though it would add additional fingerprinting
oppurtunities beyond Tor and the service themselves. This is
the only one I can think of.

   These objections all apply to HTTPS, TLS, SSH, and generally all
   cryptography over Tor, regardless of whether or not the destination
   is a hidden service

The whole, well we've got the anon system doing node to node
encryption/auth, why bother with TLS... sounds an awful lot like
why Johhny can't encrypt and why the internet still isn't encrypted.

As there doesn't appear to be any real reason NOT to use crypto
over top of any given anon system, might as well do it just in case.
Foregoing extra 0-day's in crypto libs as applied, and the above
fingerprinting... why pan it?

And PKI, even amongst the anon, can be very useful thing. Communuties
will be built, PKI will help. It's no different than the internet.
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Re: Crypto for hidden services [was: TorFaq on https]

2010-10-28 Thread Robert Ransom
On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 22:06:03 -0400
grarpamp wrote:

 or is it still the general recommodation to
  run hidden services without https?
  I would recommend that hidden services not use HTTPS.  The Tor hidden
  service protocol does an adequate job of authenticating servers and
  encrypting traffic to them.
 In the hidden service context for all below...
 Tor does NOT authenticate any particular underlying service [web, mail, etc],
 nor does it encrypt traffic to/from them.
 Tor merely authenticates and encrypts between two Tor daemons, one
 as a client and one as a HS.

Tor verifies that the hidden service's descriptor is signed by a private
key whose public key's truncated hash matches the hidden service
hostname.  For an HTTPS connection, your browser merely verifies that
some CA which the browser's developers have been paid to make users
‘trust’, whether directly or indirectly, has signed a certificate
claiming that the server's public key can be ‘trusted’ to serve a
particular hostname.  Tor's authentication of hidden services is better
than anything HTTPS can do.

 Give an elaborate setup behind a HS, perhaps tunneling the stream
 off the server, across the net, to other parties who terminate it on some
 daemon or cloud. Maybe some WikiLeaks form of submission/storage, or
 joining anon systems, or just a clueless HS admin.

A clueless HS admin can publish all requests which reach his server
onto the Internet.  A malicious HS admin can forward all requests to
NSA, CIA, FBI, Mossad, GCHQ, and whatever other entities are out to get

 Or that someone is able to read the particular crypto Tor uses, but not
 the crypto your tunnel uses.

I'm slightly worried about this, but I currently don't see any tunnel
software in use that uses cryptographic algorithms that I consider
stronger than Tor's.

 Would you, or the provider of the intermediate or final services, not want
 that extra layer of protection just in case? Your bank in it's internal cloud?
 SSH/IRCS/SILC to behind a HS is an extra tunnel. It costs nothing. Were it
 still available, no one in their right mind would use ssh -c none.

HTTPS to behind a HS costs the user rather a lot of effort, for
minimal, if any, benefit.  Thus, I would recommend that hidden services
not use HTTPS.

  In addition, it is unlikely that any CA
  that Firefox is configured to trust would issue a certificate for
  a .onion hostname.
 Perhaps, and quite unfortunately, not. However, even though the
 chain would break on the hostname, it would still be of supplementary
 value if some dual-homed site of importance to the user ran with the
 same cert [fingerprint] as on the internet. Especially given that the
 prevalence of the below aside is presumed to be extremely low.
 [aside: As DNSSEC is not global yet, multi-homing a non onion cert would be
 on the same par as a bogus/stolen cert and mitm dns, for say your bank.]

I don't expect most users to verify SSL certificate fingerprints out of
band, whether ‘out-of-band’ means on the non-Tor Internet, over the
telephone network, or through the mythical DNSSEC.

 is the server (hidden service)
  privacy threatened by using https too in any way?
  I don't see any risk to the server.
 Not particularly. Though it would add additional fingerprinting
 oppurtunities beyond Tor and the service themselves. This is
 the only one I can think of.

I thought of this, but the hidden service private key would be enough
of a giveaway.  Having a second private key around is no easier or
harder to hide than having the first private key around.

These objections all apply to HTTPS, TLS, SSH, and generally all
cryptography over Tor, regardless of whether or not the destination
is a hidden service
 The whole, well we've got the anon system doing node to node
 encryption/auth, why bother with TLS... sounds an awful lot like
 why Johhny can't encrypt and why the internet still isn't encrypted.
 As there doesn't appear to be any real reason NOT to use crypto
 over top of any given anon system, might as well do it just in case.
 Foregoing extra 0-day's in crypto libs as applied, and the above
 fingerprinting... why pan it?

There is no real reason not to use another layer of cryptography on top
of Tor hidden services.  Using HTTPS, and convincing users to use
HTTPS, is far harder than merely using another layer of cryptography,
and provides no real benefit.

 And PKI, even amongst the anon, can be very useful thing. Communuties
 will be built, PKI will help. It's no different than the internet.

We have a PKI for hidden services already, designed into the protocol.
I do not expect piling HTTPS on top of that PKI to add any security at
this time.

Robert Ransom

Description: PGP signature

Harden torrc for hidden services?

2010-10-13 Thread hikki
Are there any extra options you could add in the torrc file to harden hidden 
services from possible attacks?
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Re: [tor] Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-14 Thread Moritz Bartl

On 13.06.2010 23:43, andrew wrote:
 Then of course he already mentioned a couple of times that he's not in
 the USA, so even if you were a lawyer he shouldn't take your advice ;)
 Right.  I read the thread too.  He is not, but his service and the
 underlying provider are in the USA.

Thank you for your feedback.
Still, you're right, I should be more careful with that. I will not host
hidden services until I have gathered more information about the

Moritz Bartl
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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-13 Thread andrew
On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 05:54:41AM +0200, wrote 3.0K bytes 
in 57 lines about:
: determine the ISP, in the Internet today it is trivial. Regardless of
: that, in the end I am just an ISP. If they put so much work in finding

You need to be very careful about calling yourself an ISP.  There are
all sorts of legal obligations around being an actual ISP in the USA.
The main item to consider is CALEA compliance and how you handle
data retention upon subpoena or court order.  I believe the term you want to
say is ISP-like or like a common carrier.  I'm not a lawyer, don't
take this as legal advice.  

: Especially with the current
: political situation, I see a market around Tor, and you should not
: misconceive that. Commerce is not all bad.

I agree.

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

Blog: torproject
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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-13 Thread andrew
On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:38:09PM +0200, wrote 1.0K bytes 
in 19 lines about:
: Then of course he already mentioned a couple of times that he's not in
: the USA, so even if you were a lawyer he shouldn't take your advice ;)

Right.  I read the thread too.  He is not, but his service and the
underlying provider are in the USA.

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

Blog: torproject
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Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-12 Thread Moritz Bartl

We are currently having a discussion over at on whether
it is wise to offer hidden service hosting.
Most people don't have a server, they use free email or pay for cheap
webhosting. The barrier to create hidden services is quite high. I feel
that the Tor network could definitely use an ISP who offers hidden
services hosting. My idea was to use a separate, disk encrypted virtual
machine for hosting hidden services, and only open it towards the Tor
network. Regular, non-anonymous donators should then be able to open
their files towards the Internet, too.

 If you use that server for other things beside Tor you will have a
 hard time to explain and argue when abuse requests arrive - in fact
 you can't.
 It is quite easy to differentiate between a client (tor-exit) or a
 server (hosted content) also for authorities.

Thank you. You're right, this has to be investigated further. I don't
think that hosting content - on a logically different machine -
influences the forwarding argument for the Tor nodes.
Also, I don't see how it is quite easy for authorities to
differentiate between middle node traffic and hidden services - that's
what they are there for after all.

 You will not be able to use the response template if you get abuse
 requests because it does apply for Tor only.

Then it will still apply for the IP addresses of the nodes.

 [...] We further recommend that you not keep any potentially illegal
 files on the same machine you use for Tor, nor use that machine for
 any illegal purpose. Although no Tor relay in the US has ever been
 seized, nor any relay operator sued, the future possibility cannot
 be ruled out.
 If that happens, you will want your machine to be clean. [...]

The Tor machine will be clean. If I rent a virtual machine, I also don't
know what happens on other VMs, and this is how I interpret this.

I'm not even so sure if DMCA applies for me, a German hoster offering
services, even when using US servers. Internet law isn't easy.

Moritz Bartl
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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-12 Thread Marco Bonetti

On 12/giu/2010, at 12.49, Moritz Bartl wrote:

The barrier to create hidden services is quite high.
I'm not too sure about this: you can run hidden services on tor  
clients which do not relay any traffic for the network.
Starting a service is not that difficult: an home flat Internet  
connection and a low power computer are ideal for a small personal  
hidden service.

Sent from my iPwn
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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-12 Thread Moritz Bartl

On 12.06.2010 13:13, Marco Bonetti wrote:
 On 12/giu/2010, at 12.49, Moritz Bartl wrote:
 The barrier to create hidden services is quite high.
 I'm not too sure about this: you can run hidden services on tor clients
 which do not relay any traffic for the network.
 Starting a service is not that difficult: an home flat Internet
 connection and a low power computer are ideal for a small personal
 hidden service.

That machine should be up 24/7, and you still need to maintain (ie.
update) it.

Moritz Bartl
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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-12 Thread Scott Bennett
 On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 13:15:47 +0200 Moritz Bartl
On 12.06.2010 13:13, Marco Bonetti wrote:
 On 12/giu/2010, at 12.49, Moritz Bartl wrote:
 The barrier to create hidden services is quite high.
 I'm not too sure about this: you can run hidden services on tor clients
 which do not relay any traffic for the network.
 Starting a service is not that difficult: an home flat Internet
 connection and a low power computer are ideal for a small personal
 hidden service.

That machine should be up 24/7, and you still need to maintain (ie.
update) it.

 What a strange thing to say!  How can you credibly claim to know the
availability requirements for other persons' hidden services?

  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at  *
* A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army.   *
*-- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790 *
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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-12 Thread Moritz Bartl
Hi Scott,

On 12.06.2010 21:10, Scott Bennett wrote:
 That machine should be up 24/7, and you still need to maintain (ie.
 update) it.
  What a strange thing to say!  How can you credibly claim to know the
 availability requirements for other persons' hidden services?

I sorry you're right. Being not a native speaker, you shouldn't take all
my phrases literally. ;-)
Let me rephrase that: I see a group of people who might to provide
hidden services, but don't have the resources and/or expertise and/or
will to do it all by themselves.

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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-12 Thread Moritz Bartl
On 12.06.2010 22:15, Moritz Bartl wrote:
 I sorry you're right.

LOL now that was a typo. :)
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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-12 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Moritz Bartl (

 On 12.06.2010 13:13, Marco Bonetti wrote:
  On 12/giu/2010, at 12.49, Moritz Bartl wrote:
  The barrier to create hidden services is quite high.
  I'm not too sure about this: you can run hidden services on tor clients
  which do not relay any traffic for the network.
  Starting a service is not that difficult: an home flat Internet
  connection and a low power computer are ideal for a small personal
  hidden service.
 That machine should be up 24/7, and you still need to maintain (ie.
 update) it.

Actually, the uptime problem is a rather good reason not to
consolidate hidden services with your exit node. An anonymous user on
the I2P network used to run a public intersection attack on I2P router
uptime vs eepsite (hidden service) uptime. It was rather easy to
correlate which I2P nodes were running which services with this data.

Of course, running hidden services in a separate VM might not have the
correlation that using the same Tor process will, but host OS
downtimes will still be correlated. If it is known that you are a
large provider of hidden services, it becomes useful for an adversary
to closely monitor your host OS for downtime to correlate to downtime
of hidden services.

As a related point, you need to be very careful about your opsec when
providing services like this. While US law protects you from
incriminating yourself by revealing your own encryption keys
(probably), it does not protect you from divulging encryption keys of
your users if you have them, nor does it protect you from court orders
requiring you to install monitoring software into your user's systems
to see what they are doing.

Add in the correlation properties for hidden services or other data
that may be available due to knowledge of your hosting setup (think
apache+php versions, etc), and there may be a sufficient level of
cause for such court orders to be binding.

Of course, you can try to simply ignore these orders due to the fact
that you're German and they're not likely to extradite you over them,
but you'll probably lose your server, and you might have trouble
entering the US at a later date then.

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Description: PGP signature

Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-12 Thread Moritz Bartl
Hi Mike,

Thanks for your valuable input. What you are saying implicates that
there might be forces interested in investigating what I am hosting. In
a way, you need to compare it to any ISP hosting illegal content without
knowledge. In the case of hidden services it might be harder to
determine the ISP, in the Internet today it is trivial. Regardless of
that, in the end I am just an ISP. If they put so much work in finding
the source, and the source turns out to be me - as in an ISP -, what
else is there to do other than contacting me? I will do everything I can
to shut down illegal services, not only because I am forced to by law,
but because I feel it is the right thing to do. The hosters I deal with
all agreed to forward abuse to me based on DCMA (or the appropriate
country specific equivalent), and I approached them with a commercial
partnership background.

If I were to defend the idea, I could say that if you tried to find the
source of a hidden service, personal servers with worse/less regular
uptime on a residential line would be much easier to track down.

 Of course, you can try to simply ignore these orders due to the fact
 that you're German and they're not likely to extradite you over them,
 but you'll probably lose your server, and you might have trouble
 entering the US at a later date then.

Sad as it is, if that's what it takes, I'm up to it. My education spans
carefully crafted rights, and if these rights are no longer guaranteed,
I will, I want to, stand up for them. I will never *ignore* any orders,
but I will carefully examine the legal basis of the inquiry. I've been
maintaining a fairly high bandwidth Tor exit for years now, and I know
how to deal with abuse. The worst thing that happened was a murder case
investigation, but it was no problem to clear it up without any
interruptions of my Tor node.

I have contacted enough cooperating ISPs outside the US if that turns
out to be necessary (and I hope to find more through this project). This
specific server at Softlayer is paid for on a monthly basis. I will not
provide decryption keys, and luckily I am not forced to do so. If I
were, I would not consider doing this. I have closely looked at
(somewhat) related incidents in Germany, and all charges have been
dropped for lack of evidence if the respective disks were encrypted, in
all cases.

I feel that this discussion is on the brink of something off topic, but
the implications are something that definitely need to be clarified in
any case, no matter how I decide.

Speaking to the list: I understand that most of you are skeptical about
this venture, and you have all the right to be. You should be. But don't
just give up one me, tell me about it. Especially with the current
political situation, I see a market around Tor, and you should not
misconceive that. Commerce is not all bad.

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[GSoC] JTor Hidden Services

2010-05-19 Thread Kory Kirk
Hello Everyone,

   I am doing GSoC this summer with Tor. My name is Kory Kirk, I am a
Computer Science masters student at Villanova University (west of
Philadelphia); I will be graduating this weekend and then I am moving to
Austin, TX a week later. Last year I also participated in GSoC with the Tor
project adding features to Torbutton Firefox extension. This summer I will
be working on implementing Hidden Service access and publishing capabilities
in the Java implementation of Tor, JTor, with Bruce Leidl. In addition, I
will be revising rend-spec to reflect the current state of Tor hidden
services. You can follow my progress by checking for updates on my GSoC
my proposal is also available there.

  I am very excited to have another Summer of Code with Tor. I look forward
to collaborating with people! My irc nick is koryk feel free to shoot me a
message if you have any questions/critiques of my proposal.


Hidden Services

2010-01-02 Thread Programmer In Training
I'm trying to set up a hidden service (website) and for some reason, FF
won't resolve the url (zygwjgs2sp7wcmws.onion).

My FF settings are as follows:

HTTP Proxy:
SOCKS5 Proxy:

network.disable.dnsPrefetch set to true
network.proxy.socks_remote_dns set to true

I'm having the same problem with Apple Safari (which on Windows is
apparently just IE in a new skin) with the same proxy settings.

Windows XP Home SP1

Do I need a web server already running for this to work (if so, I'm
feeling very dense right now)? If so, I can easily set up Apache to deal
out to

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Freenode's (irc) Tor Catch 22? Two hidden services = zero?

2009-12-13 Thread leandro noferini


I found this problem too but  as I could understand the registration for
the accounts with gpg  need to be made by hand by  the operators so we
need to wait one or two weeks.

I also be waiting.


Description: PGP signature

Freenode's (irc) Tor Catch 22? Two hidden services = zero?

2009-12-03 Thread swinglowswinghigh
Freenode's website lists two tor hidden services for their IRC network:

Their hidden server #1 (public): irc://mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion/
Their hidden server #2 (gpg): irc://5t7o4shdbhotfuzp.onion/

Their hidden server #1 is for the general public using tor, while server #2 is
for those who go through the process of using gpg and being identified with your
key for server #2.

Two servers, one public and one which requires a few hoops to jump through 
prior to use, this all sounds well doesn't it?

Until you attempt to *use* either server, that is.

Login attempt #1: their public tor hidden service (server #1):
Try once, twice, try all day and it drops your connection with a message of 
signing up for their hidden service #2 for gpg users.

Weird, so while their website lists their hidden service #1, it's actually 
non-functional with a message dropping your connection informing you of their 
gpg hidden service. With the desire to login to freenode using tor, I continue 
this quest by attempting to sign into their hidden server #2 in order to 
register an account for their gpg service. A glimmer of hope for a few seconds, 
until it drops me with a sour bad password message.

I attempted to login with tor on one of their public non-hidden service servers 
and it didn't matter which public server I tried, it dropped the connection 
because tor is banned on their public servers.

So here's the rub:

In order to use their gpg hidden service you must apply first as instructed 
near the bottom of the page at:

But in order to start the process for gpg application, you must first 
*register* an account on freenode. Since the first public hidden service kicks 
you and won't allow you to register an account, the second gpg hidden service 
kicks you because you haven't been approved for an account, and finally, 
attempts to login to their public freenode servers with tor fail. This makes it 
impossible to login with tor on any of their servers and generate an account 
with which to apply for freenode's gpg hidden service. Unless you sign into 
their public servers without using tor or by some other means where you would 
likely be giving away your private details through an insecured medium.

Why do they retain the hidden service #1 just to kick users? Why don't they 
allow you to sign in and create an account and either disallow access to all 
channels (so you may only make an account to sign up for gpg tor) or allow you 
to register an account and create a sandbox for these tor users in one channel 
such as #gpg-torsignups? This would allow users to sign into their hidden 
service #1 and create an account securely in contrast to right now where no one 
can securely create an account for a gpg tor application.

Isn't this sort of a catch 22? Why do they mention hidden services on their 
website at all? I don't see any SSL enabled public servers on their list. So 
one would have to login to an unsecured server in order to register for a 
hidden service/gpg? This sounds all wrong, or am I missing something?
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abot hidden services

2009-11-18 Thread moris blues

how secret are hidden services, because i heard abaout some attacks like 
Revealing Hidden Services by their Clock Skew?

what ist the secrest way to deploy a hidden service?


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hidden services questions

2009-07-23 Thread Scott Bennett
 What happens if someone offers a hidden service (i.e., same .onion
address, same keys, etc.) on more than one computer, perhaps in different
locations?  How do HSDir servers handle such a situation?  Does the most
recently published hidden service descriptor supplant earlier descriptors
even if it comes from a different source?  Can HSDir servers even recognize
a [possible] problem?

  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at  *
* A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army.   *
*-- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790 *

Hidden services

2009-07-10 Thread downie -

I don't seem to be able to access any .onion addresses at the moment.
Can someone point me to a known working one?

Lauren found her dream laptop. Find the PC that’s right for you.

Re: Hidden services

2009-07-10 Thread Ringo
Hidden wiki is up right now:


downie - wrote:
 I don't seem to be able to access any .onion addresses at the moment.
 Can someone point me to a known working one?
 Lauren found her dream laptop. Find the PC that’s right for you.

Re: Question: Hidden Services, Virtual Machines, and iptables

2009-07-08 Thread coderman
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:38 PM, wrote:
 I still feel like there's got to be a simpler way to do this.

iptables owner match (by process uid) is simpler, both LAMP and Tor in
a single VM. restrict outbound for LAMP user processes.

lightweight appliance type virtual machines can be light on resource
consumption even with many running concurrently. the LAMP stack will
be the most resource intensive part.

best regards,

Re: Question: Hidden Services, Virtual Machines, and iptables

2009-07-08 Thread Niels Elgaard Larsen
Ringo wrote:
 Hey Tor users,
 My work to write a how-to manual for setting up and securing hidden
 services is well underway, but I've got a question that's been getting
 at me.
 Obviously, hidden services are the 'most secure' when they're run inside
 a virtual machine (qemu, vmware, etc. pick your poison). One could
 certainly run Tor inside the vm and then have that torrc contain the
 instructions for the hidden service. The problem then, is that the vm
 has to access the web. We would only want the vm accessing the web IF it
 was going through Tor, but we wouldn't want to just route all vm traffic
 through the host's Tor client because then you could be running Tor...
 over Tor.

You could use a live-cd instead of a VM.

as coderman suggest owner match is probably the simplest

if you have an extra IP address you could assign it to the VM and match on it.

We have been considering adding something like this to our live-CD. The problem 
of course
is dealing with NAT.

Question: Hidden Services, Virtual Machines, and iptables

2009-07-07 Thread Ringo
Hey Tor users,

My work to write a how-to manual for setting up and securing hidden
services is well underway, but I've got a question that's been getting
at me.

Obviously, hidden services are the 'most secure' when they're run inside
a virtual machine (qemu, vmware, etc. pick your poison). One could
certainly run Tor inside the vm and then have that torrc contain the
instructions for the hidden service. The problem then, is that the vm
has to access the web. We would only want the vm accessing the web IF it
was going through Tor, but we wouldn't want to just route all vm traffic
through the host's Tor client because then you could be running Tor...
over Tor.

One solution would be to create an iptables blacklist (on the host) and
then ban connections to any computers which *aren't* Tor servers. This
seems like it might be a little work to implement and an adversary could
always set up a Tor server if they could hack your hidden service and
remotely execute code (or cause your web server to fetch external content).

Of course, one could always run a hidden service on the host machine and
then redirect all traffic to the vm, but the pitfalls in this are
obvious. You've only got one layer of encryption and any serious
exploits found in Tor could be used against the host machine, revealing
the true IP address of the hidden service. Also, if somebody were forced
to reveal the encryption key to the hard drive, the game would be up as
opposed to running a vm from a deniably-encrypted truecrypt drive that
was mounted remotely via ssh.

Does anybody have any solutions to this dilemma or thoughts on ways to
restructure the model so this isn't a problem?

Also, anybody with hidden service security tips (particularly on
implementing a LAMP server) is welcome to contact me off-list for
obvious reasons. My PGP key is pasted below.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Question: Hidden Services, Virtual Machines, and iptables

2009-07-07 Thread coderman
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 6:10 PM, wrote:
 One could.. run Tor inside the vm and have that torrc contain the
 instructions for the hidden service. The problem then, is that the vm
 has to access the web. ...

 Of course, one could always run a hidden service on the host machine and
 then redirect all traffic to the vm, but the pitfalls in this are
 Does anybody have any solutions to this dilemma or thoughts on ways to
 restructure the model so this isn't a problem?

in such a configuration i prefer to use two virtual machines.

one vm has host-only networking to serve hidden service content.

second vm hosts Tor router with hidden service pointed at vm host.

host uses iptables redirect and/or tcp proxy to connect hidden service
connections from Tor VM to hidden service VM port at host-only

(there are variations on this theme...)

best regards,

Re: Question: Hidden Services, Virtual Machines, and iptables

2009-07-07 Thread Ringo
That's a good solution, but it sounds like it would take lots of
memory/cpu, especially if you're running both of these VMs from an
encrypted partition. If a serious exploit was found in Tor (or
implemented in Tor), it would still be able to break out of the main VM,
but at least it still wouldn't have a real IP address.

I still feel like there's got to be a simpler way to do this.


coderman wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 6:10 PM, wrote:
 One could.. run Tor inside the vm and have that torrc contain the
 instructions for the hidden service. The problem then, is that the vm
 has to access the web. ...

 Of course, one could always run a hidden service on the host machine and
 then redirect all traffic to the vm, but the pitfalls in this are
 Does anybody have any solutions to this dilemma or thoughts on ways to
 restructure the model so this isn't a problem?
 in such a configuration i prefer to use two virtual machines.
 one vm has host-only networking to serve hidden service content.
 second vm hosts Tor router with hidden service pointed at vm host.
 host uses iptables redirect and/or tcp proxy to connect hidden service
 connections from Tor VM to hidden service VM port at host-only
 (there are variations on this theme...)
 best regards,

Hidden services on Tor versions 0.1.2.x should be upgraded soon!

2009-05-20 Thread Karsten Loesing
Hash: SHA1

Hi folks,

if you run a hidden service on Tor version 0.1.2.x or lower, you should
upgrade to 0.2.0.x or 0.2.1.x soon. Otherwise, people running Tor
versions 0.2.2.x or higher won't be able to reach your hidden service.

Why is this the case? We added a new format for hidden service
descriptors in 0.2.0.x and made hidden services and clients speak both
the old and the new format. 0.2.1.x didn't change that. But in 0.2.2.x
we have just dropped support for the old format. Speaking both formats
at the same time means an unnecessary message overhead that we have to
stop at some point. That means that a hidden service running 0.1.2.x and
a client running 0.2.2.x won't be able to connect; the same applies to
hidden services on 0.2.2.x and clients on 0.1.2.x.

This is also a reminder that 0.1.2.x is obsolete. End-of-life for
0.1.2.x was announced in February 2009 [0]. There are known security
holes in 0.1.2.x that are fixed in later versions. Please upgrade!

- --Karsten

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Tutorials for providing Hidden Services?

2009-01-01 Thread phobos
On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 06:24:46PM -, wrote 0.7K 
bytes in 10 lines about:
: I want to provide basic free anonymous blogging services using Tor's hidden 
services. Are there any tutorials for this, apart from the basic setup 
information on More specifically, how can I stop my users from 
identifying my server? What do I have to pay attention to?

There is no tutorial that I know of.  Each piece of software has
different concerns and configurations to protect both your and your
users anonymity.  

: How can I block connection attempts by Apache using my external network 
interface, eg. if the users execute scripts that contact external addresses? 
What information is exposed by environment variables, and how can I stop the 
user from reading them? For example, can I modify timezone/timestamps to 
obfuscate my server location?

Just some thoughts.  Run apache on localhost.  Set the system time to UTC.
Check the 404 page and such so that it doesn't give out the hostname.
Run apache in a jail, etc.  Run the jail/vm on a system without a public
IP; such that if someone does break apache, they find the IP address is (or some other RFC1918 scheme).

: What settings do I have to change to fully remove Apache's IP logging to 
protect my users?

Disable access logging.


Tutorials for providing Hidden Services?

2008-12-18 Thread 6cnf6cp02

I want to provide basic free anonymous blogging services using Tor's hidden 
services. Are there any tutorials for this, apart from the basic setup 
information on More specifically, how can I stop my users from 
identifying my server? What do I have to pay attention to?

How can I block connection attempts by Apache using my external network 
interface, eg. if the users execute scripts that contact external addresses? 
What information is exposed by environment variables, and how can I stop the 
user from reading them? For example, can I modify timezone/timestamps to 
obfuscate my server location?

What settings do I have to change to fully remove Apache's IP logging to 
protect my users?


Re: Tutorials for providing Hidden Services?

2008-12-18 Thread Ringo Kamens
Hash: SHA1 wrote:
 I want to provide basic free anonymous blogging services using Tor's hidden 
 services. Are there any tutorials for this, apart from the basic setup 
 information on More specifically, how can I stop my users 
 from identifying my server? What do I have to pay attention to?
 How can I block connection attempts by Apache using my external network 
 interface, eg. if the users execute scripts that contact external addresses? 
 What information is exposed by environment variables, and how can I stop the 
 user from reading them? For example, can I modify timezone/timestamps to 
 obfuscate my server location?
 What settings do I have to change to fully remove Apache's IP logging to 
 protect my users?
If you're running a hidden service, you don't have to turn off Apache's
logging because it will all look like it's coming from Localhost. You
should start a guide on the NoReply wiki or maybe one of the hidden ones.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Future Development on Hidden Services

2008-11-02 Thread Karsten Loesing
Hash: SHA1

Hi list,

as some of you may know, there have been several improvements to hidden
services lately. First, hidden services publish their descriptors to a
distributed directory [1] consisting of currently 71 nodes. Second,
hidden services may require client authorization already during
connection establishment to block unauthorized requests as early as
possible [2]. Third, hidden service performance has been improved with
respect to advertising and accessing hidden services [3,4].

Certainly, there are still things that can (and should) be improved.
This is an attempt to compile a good list of future development tasks on
hidden services. Comments are most welcome. If there are other things
with hidden services that need improvement, please let us know.

- --Karsten

1.  Further improve performance and reliability
- --

In the current NLnet project on speeding up hidden services [3] we found
and fixed a lot of performance-related bugs, identified the likely
bottlenecks of the protocol, and added the most important performance
improvements to the code [4]. But there are still some possible
improvements left that require evaluation and possibly coding if they
turn out to be useful:

a.  Descriptor fetches on client side are an issue. Most failed
connection establishment occur when trying to fetch the descriptor of a
hidden service. We could parallelize this step as well (maybe also in
combination with a certain delay to avoid extensive network load), just
as we do with client-side requests to introduction points [4]. This
might speed things up and lead to better reliability (at the price of
increasing the number of requests to the distributed directory).

b.  The client-side request timeout of 60 seconds could be improved. It
doesn't make sense to have a 60-seconds timeout for 5 substeps and stick
to it even when realizing that the first substep has already taken 55
seconds. The other 4 steps (that are invisible to the client) simply
cannot succeed in that time. This would also improve reliability,
because we are otherwise giving up on requests that succeed soon after.

c.  The INTRODUCE1 cells could be combined with the first BEGIN cell to
initialize an application stream. After establishing a 6-hop circuit
from client to service, the client still needs to initialize an
application stream over it which takes another 6 seconds in the mean.
Maybe there is a chance to send the stream initialization message
already as part of the introduction request. Or the hidden service could
initialize the first stream back to the client. There might be security
implications that prevent this, so more thoughts are needed here.

d.  Adapt the protocol to low-bandwidth environments: The effects of
low-bandwidth connections on either accessing or running hidden services
has not been investigated so far. Maybe such environments require us to
change parameters like timeouts when we realize that our connection is
bad. Jörg Lenhard is currently working on measurements using telephone
and cell phone connections that hopefully give us some new insights.

e.  One of the big performance issues is general Tor circuit-building
performance. This comes in two pieces: First, extending a circuit in Tor
has a nontrivial chance of timing out or failing. Second, extending a
circuit in Tor takes too long, both in terms of mean and in terms of
variance. These problems are magnified for hidden service use, a)
because the path is twice as long, and b) because some components of the
path really do need to be made on demand, whereas for normal Tor
circuits you make the whole circuit beforehand. So, if this improves for
general circuits in Tor, hidden services should inherit these
performance gains 'for free'.

2. Improve hidden services with client authorization

Beginning with version, hidden services support client
authorization. That means that hidden services can restrict access to a
small set of clients and prevent other clients (or introduction
points/directory nodes) from establishing a connection. When client
authorization is applicable, it reduces the risk of certain attacks on
locating hidden servers [6] or denial of service. Once this feature is
more tested, people should be told that it exists and how to use it.

a.  Make client authorization for hidden services easier to use: Domenik
Bork has made a start on making Vidalia support configuration of hidden
services with client authorization in his GSoC project [7]. His changes
will hopefully be merged into Vidalia trunk quite soon. The question is
whether people understand the interface, or if this needs improvement.

b.  Write good howtos for both service operators and clients: First,
explain to the service operator what steps are required to add or remove
authorization for a given client. Second, help end users understand how

Re: Block hidden services

2008-09-01 Thread Sven Anderson

Am 29.08.2008 um 07:15 schrieb F. Fox:

xiando wrote:

is it - in analogy to exit policies - possible to block certain (or
all) hidden services of using my node as directory or introduction
point and to disable rendezvous point functionality for my node? (I
understand that I cannot block being a rendezvous point for specific
hidden services.)

If not, I vote for such a feature.

I strongly disagree with your vote for such a feature. There may be
anonymity issues involved. Your refusal to have involvement with  

service introduction may ease the adversarys attempts to locale my
hidden service and identify me as the operator.

I cannot follow how this shall be possible, can you elaborate this?  
The exit policies allow me as a tor node operator not to offer  
connections to certain IPs. In the same way I should have the  
possibility not to offer services for certain hidden services as long  
as I can identify them (that is directory and introduction point  

I want to point out, that there are hidden services which are (at  
least) anonymity issues by their own.

At the very least, such a new feature - if introduced - should be
opt-in; by default, a node should have the ability to be an  

or rendezvous point.

I'm fine with that. But I think it's not fair to force Tor operators,  
that want to offer their resources for anonymous access, to  
automatically support hidden services as well. They are to different  
services and should be decoupled. So at least an option to switch off  
hidden service functionality is needed. But I prefer a flexible option  
like the one above.



http://sven.anderson.deBelieve those who are seeking the truth.
tel:+49-551-9969285 Doubt those who find it.
mobile: +49-179-4939223 (André Gide)

Re: Block hidden services

2008-08-28 Thread xiando
 is it - in analogy to exit policies - possible to block certain (or
 all) hidden services of using my node as directory or introduction
 point and to disable rendezvous point functionality for my node? (I
 understand that I cannot block being a rendezvous point for specific
 hidden services.)

 If not, I vote for such a feature.

I strongly disagree with your vote for such a feature. There may be anonymity 
issues involved. Your refusal to have involvement with hidden service 
introduction may ease the adversarys attempts to locale my hidden service and 
identify me as the operator.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Block hidden services

2008-08-28 Thread F. Fox
Hash: SHA256

xiando wrote:
 is it - in analogy to exit policies - possible to block certain (or
 all) hidden services of using my node as directory or introduction
 point and to disable rendezvous point functionality for my node? (I
 understand that I cannot block being a rendezvous point for specific
 hidden services.)

 If not, I vote for such a feature.
 I strongly disagree with your vote for such a feature. There may be
 anonymity issues involved. Your refusal to have involvement with hidden
 service introduction may ease the adversarys attempts to locale my
 hidden service and identify me as the operator.

At the very least, such a new feature - if introduced - should be
opt-in; by default, a node should have the ability to be an introduction
or rendezvous point.

FWIW, it's not possible for a node to differentiate between proxy and
hidden-service traffic for relay purposes; this has been discussed before.

- --
F. Fox
Owner of Tor node kitsune

Note 2008/08/19: I lost my old GPG keypair, and have generated a new
one. Authenticity can be verified by checking the ContactInfo on kitsune.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


locating hidden services

2008-07-07 Thread nobledark
Hi again,

Learning about hidden services - what are the methods (if any) for 
Tor users to locate a hidden service? Is there a way to search for 
them, get the info from the directory servers, etc? 

Say for example that I have a web server running as a hidden 
service and I only want people from a certain group to be able to 
locate/access that server. Authentication has already been 
addressed on the server but I don't want users who are not part of 
that group to bang on my hidden service with a bunch of bogus 
login requests.

In the past, I've used port knocking/SPA to address this issue but 
I'm not exactly sure how that would work out in a Tor/Hidden 
Service environment - anyone have any experience along those lines? 
Any other information or advice?

Thanks as always - nD   

Live the good life! Click now for great retirement planning assistance!

First Vidalia Prototype including User Authorization on Hidden Services

2008-07-07 Thread Domenik Bork

Hey list,

a few of you may know me from IRC, ohers may not. I'm one of this  
years Google Summer of Code students. My project is about implementing  
Vidalia support for Hidden Services with User Authorization, according  
to the Tor proposal 121-hs-authorization of Karsten Loesing.
A Hidden Service is a service that is reachable by a .onion adress,  
but the IP-Adress of the service provider is hidden. My goal is now to  
let Vidalia configure those Hidden Services, give a Service provider  
the possibility to create User Authorization data(.onion adress and a  
descriptor cookie) for each user he wants to access the service.  
Additionally there should be the option to store authorization data  
needed to access other hidden services in Vidalia. So a Service  
Provider has then the opportunity to create individual authorization  
data for single users and it would be no problem to exclude users from  
a service if he wants to let them no longer access the service.

As a few of you may have noticed I uploaded the first prototype of my  
Google Summer of Code Project. This prototype includes the complete  
functionality explained above with all the communication to/from Tor  
as well as persistent storage of the configuration.

Within this Mail I give you a little How2 for the installation of my  
Vidalia branch and the correct Tor branch you need to run it with User  

Here starts the little installation help:

Tor related:
1)Download the newest version of Karstens Tor branch (svn co
2)start a terminal and switch into the directory of 121-hs-authorization
3)type in the following command lines
 1. ./ [Enter]
 2. ./configure [Enter]
 3. make
 4) if everything worked fine there shoul be the Tor binary in /121- 

Vidalia related:
1)Download the newest branch of my Vidalia branch (svn co
2)start a terminal and switch into the directory of hidden-services  

3)type in the following command lines
 1. cmake .  make [Enter]
4)if everything worked fine there should be a Vidalia binary in hidden- 

5)click on the binary to start Vidalia
6)click on settings and then on „General“ to configure the path to the  
Tor executable in that way that it points to the 121-hs-authorization  

7)click on „Save“
8)click on „Stop Tor“
9)click on „Start Tor“
10)now the new Tor version should be started and you can start  
configuring Hidden Services with/without User Authorization etc by  
clicking on „Settings“ and then „Services“.

Possible configurations of Hidden Services:
•   normal Hidden Service with one single adress for all users
•	Hidden Service with User Authorization to easily include/exclude  
single users while the service is still reachable with the „old“  
adress by other users who are configured.

•   Store the Authorization Data you need to access Hidden Services.

I would really appreciate it if I can find a few people who are  
interested in testing it and giving me some feedback or/and bug  
reports. Remember, this is just the first prototype and there are bugs  
and things i'm going to change in the next weeks. So this test phase  
is thought to give some feedback about the look and feel, whether the  
communication to/from Tor works as it should etc.. GUI stuff.

Best regards,

- --Domenik

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: First Vidalia Prototype including User Authorization on Hidden Services

2008-07-07 Thread Ringo Kamens
Hash: SHA1

This looks really cool, thanks for all of your hard work!
Comrade Ringo Kamens
Domenik Bork wrote:
 Hey list,
 a few of you may know me from IRC, ohers may not. I'm one of this years
 Google Summer of Code students. My project is about implementing Vidalia
 support for Hidden Services with User Authorization, according to the
 Tor proposal 121-hs-authorization of Karsten Loesing.
 A Hidden Service is a service that is reachable by a .onion adress, but
 the IP-Adress of the service provider is hidden. My goal is now to let
 Vidalia configure those Hidden Services, give a Service provider the
 possibility to create User Authorization data(.onion adress and a
 descriptor cookie) for each user he wants to access the service.
 Additionally there should be the option to store authorization data
 needed to access other hidden services in Vidalia. So a Service Provider
 has then the opportunity to create individual authorization data for
 single users and it would be no problem to exclude users from a service
 if he wants to let them no longer access the service.
 As a few of you may have noticed I uploaded the first prototype of my
 Google Summer of Code Project. This prototype includes the complete
 functionality explained above with all the communication to/from Tor as
 well as persistent storage of the configuration.
 Within this Mail I give you a little How2 for the installation of my
 Vidalia branch and the correct Tor branch you need to run it with User
 Here starts the little installation help:
 Tor related:
 1)Download the newest version of Karstens Tor branch (svn co
 2)start a terminal and switch into the directory of 121-hs-authorization
 3)type in the following command lines
  1. ./ [Enter]
  2. ./configure [Enter]
  3. make
  4) if everything worked fine there shoul be the Tor binary in
 Vidalia related:
 1)Download the newest branch of my Vidalia branch (svn co
 2)start a terminal and switch into the directory of hidden-services branch
 3)type in the following command lines
  1. cmake .  make [Enter]
 4)if everything worked fine there should be a Vidalia binary in
 5)click on the binary to start Vidalia
 6)click on settings and then on „General“ to configure the path to the
 Tor executable in that way that it points to the 121-hs-authorization
 7)click on „Save“
 8)click on „Stop Tor“
 9)click on „Start Tor“
 10)now the new Tor version should be started and you can start
 configuring Hidden Services with/without User Authorization etc by
 clicking on „Settings“ and then „Services“.
 Possible configurations of Hidden Services:
 •normal Hidden Service with one single adress for all users
 •Hidden Service with User Authorization to easily include/exclude
 single users while the service is still reachable with the „old“ adress
 by other users who are configured.
 •Store the Authorization Data you need to access Hidden Services.
 I would really appreciate it if I can find a few people who are
 interested in testing it and giving me some feedback or/and bug reports.
 Remember, this is just the first prototype and there are bugs and things
 i'm going to change in the next weeks. So this test phase is thought to
 give some feedback about the look and feel, whether the communication
 to/from Tor works as it should etc.. GUI stuff.
 Best regards,
 - --Domenik

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: ejabberd patch for Jabber S2S over hidden services

2008-04-13 Thread F. Fox
Hash: SHA256

I don't know about specifics, but I can tell you from my own casual
experimentation, that IM over Tor can work; it will encounter more
latency than without an anonymizing layer (of course), but it's
generally not too bad.

- --
F. Fox
AAS, CompTIA A+/Network+/Security+
Owner of Tor node kitsune
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


ejabberd patch for Jabber S2S over hidden services

2008-04-12 Thread Stephan Maka

I love playing with Jabber and like the idea of overlay networks.
Here[1]'s a patch for the ejabberd-2.0.x branch of ejabberd which lets
you run it for a .onion host and make it connect through a SOCKS5 proxy.
It is somewhat configurable, ejabberd.cfg.example has it.


The code is experimental and the main problems are DNS (as usual) and
slow connection establishment to hidden services. It is ultimately slow
and the S2S handshake timeout had to be increased from 5 to 60 seconds.
This does not look very responsive for *Instant* Messaging and it is
still timing out most of the time.

I'm now asking for further test installations and advise on this
ultimate slowness. Do hidden services perform this bad in general?

Two testing servers run at:
- vbwtqhpr3c5syrbu.onion
- 6kgmplpcyjpesalg.onion

C2S port is 5222, S2S is 5269 (the patch assumes that) and you may reach
me as user 'astro' on both of these Jabber servers.

I have some further thoughts on this, but I'd like to wait for any
interest here.

(Internet) Jabber-Id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hidden Services

2008-01-19 Thread Chris Burge
Here's a strange question.  Let's say I have a hidden service on the onion
route.  I change machines but still want to use the same address for the
service but on the new machine.  Is that possible?  I imagine no out of the
box but that it is probably tied to some PGP machine key to be able to
process it is possible but with several steps.  Anyone have a clue
and suggestions?


Re: Hidden Services

2008-01-19 Thread Marco Gruß

Hi Chris,

Chris Burge wrote:
I change machines but still want to use the same address 
for the service but on the new machine.  Is that possible? 

Yes, that's no problem as long as you keep the private key
file for the hidden service (private_key in HiddenServiceDir).


[Long!] Re: Darknetting and hidden services [Was: Re: virtues of middlemen]

2008-01-01 Thread F. Fox
Hash: SHA256

Jo wrote:
 On 01/01/2008, F. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 These are Tor's hidden services: Servers accessible anonymously, where
 both client and server are unknown to each other. =:o)

 Since such services are visible only via Tor, they would fall under the
 darknet definition, I believe.

 This is what I was getting at ... just didn't say it right :(

It's okay. =:o) After all, the hidden service side of things is quite a
bit more obscure than the (likely) most common use of Tor - an anonymity
 layer and inherent outproxy to the normal Web.

(About that anonymity layer... Although I've never seen it formally
described as such, I could see it being considered as a separate logic
layer in the TCP/IP stack, since it is such a general-use TCP conduit.
It'd look something like this:


[Network Access]


Just for kicks...)

 I have often wondered just how big the network could get, and what
 impact this has on the Internet.  There are many Internet resources
 that will always be needed - e.g. email will need to be accessible
 from / routed to Tor; Google, Wikipedia, Universities, etc are not
 going to be replicated, ...
 At the moment the rest of the Internet can ignore Tor (except for
 those who want to block it) but - if big enough - one could imagine
 the need for ubiquitous gateway services to allow simple
 (transparent?) access to resources within the network.

If it became mainstream and massive, yes. However, I don't have much
hope for that, if history is a guide for the most likely development of
the future [1]. Such a ubiquitous deployment will most likely (though
sadly) remain the wet dream of hackers, civil libertarians,
crypto-anarchists, and cipherpunks.

The network has - though far from ubiquitous - grown quite a bit over
the few years. Around 2005, the paper Low-Cost Traffic Analysis of
Tor[2] mentioned there being around 50 Tor nodes; IIRC, that's
mushroomed to around 1,600.

(I suppose that such a mushrooming effect could cause someone to look
Tor through another historical POV, though - that of the Internet
itself. It did something similar... =:oD )

[1]: This is one reason why I try to study as much history as I can,
BTW; many mistakes are made in the present, which could have been
avoided if the one who made them had learned about certain aspects of
the past.


 Of course it has to get big enough first.  PGP is still struggling (I
 don't even have a signing key for this email address) and services
 such as Usenet which were huge in their time are now rapidly being
 replaced.  (This one really irks me - a fantastic idea with some basic
 privacy elements built in, being replaced by lesser technologies).
 SSL, OTOH, has become pretty much mainstream and is still developing
 ... the challenge to be able to grow Tor will be to do the same - make
 it mainstream.

True, it's a shame some of these things aren't more mainstream.

That thing about Usenet also strikes a chord with me; when a technology
with many years of history behind it ends up circling the drain, it's
just sad.

Old doesn't always mean inferior, or even obsolete/superceded; a good
example are the Unices, which started way back in the 1970s (IIRC).
Sure, things have changed a lot since then, but the basic model is still
there. The core of the Net runs on it (and if more of the users did, we
might not have half the bedlam going on right now! =xoD ).

 Of course to become mainstream it needs to be REAL easy.  And if Tor
 gets to the point where it is so simple that you don't really need to
 understand it, there is a distinct possibility that many of the
 benefits may no longer be realised (how do you know you've got a
 secure, private connection if you don't understand WHY it is secure
 and private - particularly what *isn't* provided).

This is one reason why malicious Tor exit nodes and scripts/applets/etc.
on servers have had such success in de-masking Tor users - it's not a
silver bullet. Users have to configure their applications carefully, as
well as be careful what they let pass through Tor (either explicitly
entered, or implicitly leaked).

As it stands right now, Tor is for people who have a decent knowledge of
how to secure themselves - and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

I'm glad to see the warnings that have been put on the front page of the
Tor Project site - but the fact remains, sheep will be sheep. Not
everyone will pay attention to it - and they very well could suffer the

(Amazingly, a lot of the sheep they found, I would think belong in the
wolf category! =xoD )

The exits and servers I mentioned previously were those I read about as
proof-of-concept - but most of them are so feasible (requiring so little
effort), that a teenager could probably do

Darknetting and hidden services [Was: Re: virtues of middlemen]

2007-12-31 Thread F. Fox
Hash: SHA256

Jo wrote:
 There were/are some sites which I think you could only see from Tor -
 Secret Diary, forums, file sharing ... a quick scan of core.onion show
 some more that may exist only inside the network.

These are Tor's hidden services: Servers accessible anonymously, where
both client and server are unknown to each other. =:o)

Since such services are visible only via Tor, they would fall under the
darknet definition, I believe.

- --
F. Fox: A+, Network+, Security+
Owner of Tor node kitsune
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: question about A/B communication with dir servers for hidden services

2007-06-01 Thread Karsten Loesing
Hash: SHA1


 Are the streams from Bob and Alice to put  get the descriptor of a hidden
 service always established over Tor circuits

Yes, they are.

 or sometimes direct streams from
 the OP's to the Tor directory server?

No, never.

 In other words: Is it assured, that the
 directory server doesn't know, that Bob has established a hidden service and
 Alice has asked about it?

Correct, the directory server never learns about the IP addresses of the
service provider and its clients.

- --Karsten
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


question about A/B communication with dir servers for hidden services

2007-05-31 Thread kara . ml

i have read in the rend-spec.txt:

Bob's OP opens a stream to each directory server's directory port via Tor. (He
may re-use old circuits for this.)  Over this stream, Bob's OP makes an HTTP
POST' request, to a URL /tor/rendezvous/publish relative to the directory
server's root, containing as its body Bob's service descriptor.

Alice opens a stream to a directory server via Tor, and makes an HTTP GET
request for the document '/tor/rendezvous/z' (...) (She may re-use old
circuits for this.)

and have one question for understanding:

Are the streams from Bob and Alice to put  get the descriptor of a hidden
service always established over Tor circuits or sometimes direct streams from
the OP's to the Tor directory server? In other words: Is it assured, that the
directory server doesn't know, that Bob has established a hidden service and
Alice has asked about it?



Re: a solution on the horizon to counteract detecting temperature through clock skew (on Tor Hidden Services)?

2007-05-18 Thread coderman

On 5/14/07, Wes Felter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

... Power analysis is not the
same thing as temperature-induced clock skew.

i've wondered about using a frequent ntpdate to reduce skew, and if
that is not sufficient, what about a modified client that uses
adjtime() or settimeofday() with random offsets (+/- within some
tolerance) to gently randomize on a few minute schedule?

is there a public tool to analyze clock skew like that mentioned in
the attacks to determine if such workarounds are effective?

best regards,

Re: Hidden services

2007-03-23 Thread Karsten Loesing
Hash: SHA1

Hi JT,

 I read the docs and slides on hidden services. But I still don't quite
 get it.

Maybe I can help you with this.

 On slide 19 it looks as if there was only one hop between the client and
 the server. Is this the case or has the diagram been simplified?

All connections to introduction and rendezvous points are
sender-anonymous. This is depicted by the big onions on the slides.
These connections consist of more than one hop just as with circuits to
public servers. The standard hop count for each sender-anonymous
connection is 3.

 If only client and server are for real and the all tor servers along
 the path are compromised then can the operator find out what the hidden
 service is offering and who is communicating.

Well, if _all_ Tor servers in the path from a client to a hidden server
were compromised, they could find out that the two are communicating.
Communication between the two is still end-to-end encrypted from the
client's to the server's Tor node. But the adversaries could make an own
attempt to connect to the hidden server and find out what it is offering.

Anyway, we are talking about at least 6 routers of which 3 are picked by
the client and 3 by the hidden service. So, it's not so likely that they
are all compromised. In fact, this is what Tor relies on. I think, you
should not be too nervous about that kind of attack.

 Inside the Tor network(not
 using exits) everything is encrypted, right?! So does the last node in
 the path, connected to the hidden service know, that it is talking to a
 hidden service? As far as I understand hidden services can be run by
 servers and clients.

The last node in the circuit, which is closest to the hidden server,
does not know that it is talking to the hidden service. The hidden
server opened a circuit to that router as done with every other circuit.
So, this router cannot conclude what the hidden server is doing. It
could also be - which is more likely - a usual client. If you are more
interested in attacks on this, you might want to read the paper by
Øverlier and Syverson on locating hidden servers.

Hope this helps.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Talks of hidden services and DNS

2007-03-12 Thread herfel
 As I understand it (correct me if I am wrong -- I am very new), the
 .onion TLDs are built up from two hexadecimal parts, so they are
 cannot be something that is easy to remember (such as

It is explained here:


The reason for using cryptic fingerprints instead of human-readable names is 
described in [WWW] Zooko's Distnames: they are self-authenticating. If a client 
wants to connect to a hidden service he asks the directory services for the 
.onion name's service descriptor which includes its public key. If the hash of 
the public key matches the .onion name, the client can be sure it will encrypt 
data for the right hidden service.

Zooko's Triangle which is discussed in Stiegler's [WWW] Petname Systems 
argues that names cannot be global, secure, and memorable at the same time. 
This means while being unique and secure, .onion names have the disadvantage 
that they cannot be not meaningful to humans. 


A naming system introduces costs and reduces benefits gained from the current 
system - and it doesn't offer much in return. I could rehash all the old 
argument, but it's already explained so well in the links above...

And yeah, a naming-schema/translator existed at one point (and there's nothing 
to stop anybody from offering such a system), but IIRC it was not exactly 
wildly popular.


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Talks of hidden services and DNS

2007-03-11 Thread Kasimir Gabert

Hello everybody,

I am new to this list (and Tor in general), but I have been wanting to
contribute for awhile.

As I understand it (correct me if I am wrong -- I am very new), the
.onion TLDs are built up from two hexadecimal parts, so they are
cannot be something that is easy to remember (such as

I am wondering whether there have been any talks of running a DNS
system (outside of Tor) that would convert something like .hidden TLDs
into .onion.  This would allow server administrators to pick domains
that make sense, and would allow publishing things as hidden services
to become more broadly used.

It would not have to run inside of Tor, but would have to be
accessible to Tor.  I think most of the current tools for DNS (BIND
and such) would work relatively well, and might require only a few
hacks (we could even have everything just be CNAMEs instead of A

Am I missing something big?  I think this would make running hidden
services much easier if Tor gets larger -- and they will be much more
enticing to use for the Tor users.

Kasimir Gabert

Re: Talks of hidden services and DNS

2007-03-11 Thread Ringo Kamens

There already was a service like this within tor called... well I
forget the name. The problem with such a system outside tor is they
they could be ordered to remove DNS entries and then it would censor
those onion sites. Does anybody remember the name of that program?
Ringo Kamens

On 3/11/07, Kasimir Gabert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello everybody,

I am new to this list (and Tor in general), but I have been wanting to
contribute for awhile.

As I understand it (correct me if I am wrong -- I am very new), the
.onion TLDs are built up from two hexadecimal parts, so they are
cannot be something that is easy to remember (such as

I am wondering whether there have been any talks of running a DNS
system (outside of Tor) that would convert something like .hidden TLDs
into .onion.  This would allow server administrators to pick domains
that make sense, and would allow publishing things as hidden services
to become more broadly used.

It would not have to run inside of Tor, but would have to be
accessible to Tor.  I think most of the current tools for DNS (BIND
and such) would work relatively well, and might require only a few
hacks (we could even have everything just be CNAMEs instead of A

Am I missing something big?  I think this would make running hidden
services much easier if Tor gets larger -- and they will be much more
enticing to use for the Tor users.

Kasimir Gabert

Re: Talks of hidden services and DNS

2007-03-11 Thread H D Moore
The tricky part will be deciding who is authoritative for the DNS records. 
If any user can submit a name, what if its already taken? Does it 
overwrite, or is it first-come, first-serve? If its distributed, then a 
rogue operator could serve false responses for a target name. If this is 
something that the tor core would operate, it still needs some form of 
authentication to manage/update/remove/etc and authentication seems 
to be the exact opposite of what tor is supposed to provide.


On Sunday 11 March 2007 21:10, Kasimir Gabert wrote:
 I do not see any major security holes that this would bring up.  It
 seems to me like it would be the same as accessing through
 Tor -- the DNS is looked up through Tor and so it would not be
 overridden by a malicious ISP or country.

Re: flooding attacks to discover hidden services

2007-01-02 Thread Wikileaks

On 02.01.2007, at 09:34, Paul Syverson wrote:

On Mon, Jan 01, 2007 at 06:22:52PM +, Steven Murdoch wrote:

On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 01:39:05AM +1100, Wikileaks wrote:

Open an onion connection to the hidden service, asking for echos.
Now  flood each router. If the ping is overly delayed, the router
is on the hidden  path.

This is a special case of the attack described in 5.2 of [1].

Then it seems a further recommendation for hidden server operations is
to manually specify guard nodes from a set of high traffic nodes.


flooding attacks to discover hidden services

2007-01-01 Thread Wikileaks
Does the public nature of tor routers makes hidden services  
vulnerable to

discovery using flooding attacks?

Open an onion connection to the hidden service, asking for echos. Now  
flood each
router. If the ping is overly delayed, the router is on the hidden  

Since the rendezvous node is known and the other nodes vary over  
time, this will

eventually reveal the entry node.

Re: flooding attacks to discover hidden services

2007-01-01 Thread Paul Syverson
On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 01:39:05AM +1100, Wikileaks wrote:
 Does the public nature of tor routers makes hidden services  
 vulnerable to
 discovery using flooding attacks?
 Open an onion connection to the hidden service, asking for echos. Now  
 flood each
 router. If the ping is overly delayed, the router is on the hidden  
 Since the rendezvous node is known and the other nodes vary over  
 time, this will
 eventually reveal the entry node.

You've roughly described the attacks we carried out that are described
in Locating Hidden Servers. Hidden servers and Tor clients in general
are much less vulnerable to this since the introduction of entry guards
about a year ago. See
also to counter flooding to introduction points and related issues

Paul Syverson  ()  ascii ribbon campaign  
Contact info at   /\  against html e-mail

Re: flooding attacks to discover hidden services

2007-01-01 Thread Steven Murdoch
On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 01:39:05AM +1100, Wikileaks wrote:
 Open an onion connection to the hidden service, asking for echos.
 Now  flood each router. If the ping is overly delayed, the router
 is on the hidden  path.

This is a special case of the attack described in 5.2 of [1].

If we assume that the hidden service is on a Tor server then the nodes
which will show positive correlation will the the hidden service and
the guard node. If the guard nodes are stable then this gives the
hidden service some protection.

If the hidden service is not on a Tor server, and there is no other
way for the attacker to build a list of candidates to ping, then the
attack becomes a lot harder. 

Furthermore, there is no reason the hidden server needs to respond to
pings, or even have a public IP address. Tor only requires that the
hidden service be able to make outgoing TCP connections.

Hosting the hidden service on a Tor node gives some plausible
deniability, but opens up attacks like the one you describe.




Description: PGP signature

Re: flooding attacks to discover hidden services

2007-01-01 Thread Paul Syverson
On Mon, Jan 01, 2007 at 06:22:52PM +, Steven Murdoch wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 01:39:05AM +1100, Wikileaks wrote:
  Open an onion connection to the hidden service, asking for echos.
  Now  flood each router. If the ping is overly delayed, the router
  is on the hidden  path.
 This is a special case of the attack described in 5.2 of [1].

Right. I was misreading you at first as repeatedly flooding requests
to the hidden server and having hostile Tor nodes detect when they are
on the path. I think though what you ask is much closer to the attack
described in Steven's paper than to the attack in the paper I cited.
He has already noted the main pros and cons of how the hidden server
is configured (wrt the Tor network) and how it behaves wrt this
attack.  A further note is that the attack in Steven and George's
paper was successful when the Tor network consisted of about 35 nodes
and for routes consisting of relatively low bandwidth nodes. It is an
interesting open question if something comparable could scale up to
the current network. In principle it should, but I suspect the
engineering of it would be much harder and would involve synching many
attack-flooding clients.  It might cause other problems for the Tor
network before it succeeds in general, if it can at all. But, it could
also be interesting to see if this succeeds substantially more often
than roughly c^2/n^2 because the perecentage of attackable paths has
some nice properties (from the attacker's perspective).


Re: flooding attacks to discover hidden services

2007-01-01 Thread Wikileaks

If the hidden service is not on a Tor server, and there is no other
way for the attacker to build a list of candidates to ping, then the
attack becomes a lot harder.

Yes, this is what we observed too; but found nothing about this in  
the FAQ
on hidden services and the default tor config is not set up to permit  
this configuration without


Likewise [not in reference to hidden servers], it is better for Tor  
to use a different outbound
address to inbound, since the ORport addresses are published globally  
by Dirservers. Also

not mentioned to my knowledge.


Re: hidden services spoof

2006-09-11 Thread Nick Mathewson
On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 04:10:27PM -0500, Arrakistor wrote:
 I  am  writing  an  updater  for  tor to automatically grab the latest
 version.  One  problem  I am coming across is where to host it so they
 cannot  be  spoofed.  I  was  thinking  of putting it at a server in a
 .onion  address.  How easily can a node in the tor network be spoofed?
 Is  there  a  better  solution  than  hosting the tor updates inside a
 .onion server?

Checking the PGP signature on the release should be enough to detect
fake updates.

(You've been checking PGP signatures already, right?)

Nick Mathewson

Description: PGP signature

Re[2]: hidden services spoof

2006-09-11 Thread Arrakistor

Yes but the sig is only as good as the person you trust. That is why I
haven't  released  Torpark 2.0b2 with, I simply don't have a
trusted  binary.  I  don't  think  they yet have a pgp plugin for NSIS
language yet. I'll see what else can be done for verifying sigs.


Monday, September 11, 2006, 4:49:26 PM, you wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 04:10:27PM -0500, Arrakistor wrote:
 I  am  writing  an  updater  for  tor to automatically grab the latest
 version.  One  problem  I am coming across is where to host it so they
 cannot  be  spoofed.  I  was  thinking  of putting it at a server in a
 .onion  address.  How easily can a node in the tor network be spoofed?
 Is  there  a  better  solution  than  hosting the tor updates inside a
 .onion server?

 Checking the PGP signature on the release should be enough to detect
 fake updates.

 (You've been checking PGP signatures already, right?)

Re: hidden services spoof

2006-09-11 Thread Jacob Appelbaum
Arrakistor wrote:
 Yes but the sig is only as good as the person you trust. That is why I
 haven't  released  Torpark 2.0b2 with, I simply don't have a
 trusted  binary.  I  don't  think  they yet have a pgp plugin for NSIS
 language yet. I'll see what else can be done for verifying sigs.

You're not going to get a better way to validate trust than a pgp
signature. If you don't trust the tor signing release keys, you
shouldn't trust the code they're signing.

Some random .onion address given over a mailing list isn't a secure way
to verify anything. Someone can compromise the server on the other end
of the .onion address.

It sounds like you're building an automatic updater for your system.

I suspect that you should be very careful as you're introducing a method
for automatically downloading binaries and potentially running untrusted

You need to verify the pgp signature of builds just as you would source
code before building.

At the cost of repeating what Nick said, you're verifying pgp signatures
already already, right?

Jacob Appelbaum

Re[2]: hidden services spoof

2006-09-11 Thread Arrakistor
Yes, I am building an updater. If phobos finishes the manual on how to
get it to compile under mingw, I will compile, sign, and release them

And yes, I am verifying the sigs I use in the release.


Monday, September 11, 2006, 6:27:38 PM, you wrote:

 Arrakistor wrote:
 Yes but the sig is only as good as the person you trust. That is why I
 haven't  released  Torpark 2.0b2 with, I simply don't have a
 trusted  binary.  I  don't  think  they yet have a pgp plugin for NSIS
 language yet. I'll see what else can be done for verifying sigs.

 You're not going to get a better way to validate trust than a pgp
 signature. If you don't trust the tor signing release keys, you
 shouldn't trust the code they're signing.

 Some random .onion address given over a mailing list isn't a secure way
 to verify anything. Someone can compromise the server on the other end
 of the .onion address.

 It sounds like you're building an automatic updater for your system.

 I suspect that you should be very careful as you're introducing a method
 for automatically downloading binaries and potentially running untrusted

 You need to verify the pgp signature of builds just as you would source
 code before building.

 At the cost of repeating what Nick said, you're verifying pgp signatures
 already already, right?

 Jacob Appelbaum

Re: Tor server question regarding hidden services.

2006-09-08 Thread Joseph B Kowalski

On Fri, 08 Sep 2006 00:45:40 -0700 Caitlin 

I just finished enabling a hidden service on my Tor server but I 
compelled to ask a few questions.

1). In order to run a hidden service, does one have to set-up a 
server with an exit node? If so, would I have to use the rule:

accept * 80




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Hi Caitlin,

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly sure the answer to 
your question is No. You should not need to configure your server 
to exit on port 80 in order to run a hidden service.

In any case, this should be fairly easy to test. Once you have your 
hidden service configured, set your server to NOT exit to port 80, 
and then try to access your hidden service through the Tor network.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,


Re: Tor server question regarding hidden services.

2006-09-08 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

You do not need to run an exit node to run a hidden service.


Re: Tor server question regarding hidden services.

2006-09-08 Thread Paul Syverson
On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 11:54:54AM -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
 You do not need to run an exit node to run a hidden service.

Just to be complete: you do not need to run a Tor node at all to run a
hidden service. Your hidden server can just be a client as far as the
Tor network is concerned.

Paul Syverson  ()  ascii ribbon campaign  
Contact info at   /\  against html e-mail

Revealing tor hidden services by their clock skew

2006-09-05 Thread Brian C

This is on the front page of right now, so it should get some

Murdoch's paper is here: