Re: type of join in sql

2002-07-26 Thread Kavitha Muthukumaren


The choice of of whether to use nested loop, hash join, sort-merge join
is driven by the cost (logical ios performed ) and cardinality ( count of
rows source for given
operation ). Optimizer formulates several plan - before the best plan among
them is chosen

Approach one can take to benefit in the performance would be
1. If nested loops join - would give better performance for your query
then perform thefollowing
  a. check  if the involved tables have indexes
  b. verify if the indexes, tables involved have the statistics have been
 c. the ordering of the tables in the 'from clause' should be in such a way
 that the largest  table (more rows) needs to be placed at the end or
  the end in the 'from clause'
   for eg : select c1, c2 from b, a where = === (a is largest table
 d. Attempt should be made such that cost of sort-merge join would be more
 expensive than  the nested loops join (for eg) - so that the  optimizer
 choose nested loops
1. if permitted hints (USE_NL ) can be used
2. optimizer_index_cost_adj ( can be used -  so that indexes will be used
in the plan )

  Question  :
   if optimize finds that are more
qualifying records in inner table then it will prefer to go for sort merge
and will do full scan of inner table , but if it thinks there are less
records in inner table it will user nested loop . am I correct ?

  Driving table in nested loops join is the one which is used to select each
  from ( when an ORDERED HINT is used the 'first table' in the from clause
assuming 2 tables
  is the 'driving' table the other table is called 'inner table ' )
 fro eg:  select c1, c2 from a, b where =  usually the driving
table is a and
 the inner table is b ( you can double verify this in the 10053 output )
 Usually the 'inner table' if it has more rows than the 'driving table' ===
that is when
 the nested loops is advantageous - that is considered the same by the
optimizer as well


Grabowy, Chris wrote:


 Checkout a white paper entitled: A Look Under The Hood of CBO: The 10053
 Event.  You can find this whitepaper on the website.  Your
 probably going to be looking at the General Plans section of the trace.



 07/23/2002 06:58 PM
 Please respond to ORACLE-L

 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:type of join in sql

 can some body shed some light on how does the optimizer decides to choose
 the kind of join i.e. nested loop, sort merge or hash join . In one of
 queries if i tweak the join condition it changes the type of join and
 start using index , otherwise it doesn't .
 I thought it depends on statistics .. if optimize finds that are more
 qualifying records in inner table then it will prefer to go for sort merge
 and will do full scan of inner table , but if it thinks there are less
 records in inner table it will user nested loop . am I correct ?

 TIA ,

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 Author: Grabowy, Chris

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fn:Kavitha Muthukumaren

Re: Buffer busy waits are 10.96% of non-idle waits

2002-07-12 Thread Kavitha Muthukumaren


 Your major problems with buffer busy waits are in the

Data blocks class: (1), undo block(2), segment header (3)

For Data block Class:

   1. Reduce no of rows by changing pctfree/pctused
   2. check when the last time your indexes were re-built and
   rebuild them often (indexes causing inserts into the same block
will be reduced)

For undo block class :
  1. Increase the size of the rollbacksegment

For segment header :
  1. Add more freelists and or freelist group
  2. Check your extent sizes (may be it is too small)

- Hope this helps,

oraora oraora wrote:

 Hi Kavitha,

 querying v$waitstat gives me the o/p below.

 -- -- --
 data block  131525173  225446798
 sort block  0  0
 save undo block 0  0
 segment header   4968  16264
 save undo header0  0
 free list   0  0
 extent map  0  0
 bitmap block0  0
 bitmap index block  0  0
 unused  0  0
 system undo header  0  0
 system undo block   0  0
 undo header  1582 14
 undo block  45965   3008

 the data block above belongs to a datafile USERS01.DAT which has
 all the tables and indexes the application uses.

 the top 25 SQL statements are always SELECT statements.
 they get executed repeatedly.
 is it b'coz all SQLs are with literals and no bind variables ?

 it's a highly read OLTP system.

 will not
 -- using bind variables instead of literals
 -- seperating tables and indexes to diferent tabelspace

 solve my problem  ?


 On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 Kavitha Muthukumaren wrote :
 Hi ,
 TOAD gives this alarm often. what does it mean ? which view
 give me the wait statistics ?
 Answer :
 Please run STATSPACK to if this is one of the top waitevents to
 check if the percentage of wait - can be treated as problematic
   SELECT p1 File, p2 Block, p3 Reason
  FROM v$session_wait
 WHERE event='buffer busy waits'
 Repeatedly run the above statement and collect the output. After
 a period
 of time sort the results to see which file  blocks are showing
  it occurs when a session cannot access a block because it is
 use by another session. The two most common causes are
 insufficient free lists for a table or insufficient rollback
 segments.   --- IS THIS THE REASON ?
Yes on top of  the wait event could also occur
   could also occur  if
 a. if the application is going against a set of same blocks (hot

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 Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
 Author: oraora  oraora

 Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Kavitha Muthukumaren

Re: Buffer busy waits are 10.96% of non-idle waits

2002-07-12 Thread Kavitha Muthukumaren

Hi Ganesh,

First of all the problem here is  Buffer busy waits 

When you have determined the Buffer busy waits is one of the top wait
causing problems then

1. You could query v$waitstat to see the breakdown of waits according to
2. You could query x$KCBFWAIT to find the hottest file
3.  Combine the results and you cuold find out the 'objects' involved

4. In oraora oraora (prem)  case

   Top ' classes' were
   Data blocks(1), undo header (2) segment header(3)

 Question :

   What does the extent size has to do with segment header contention.
 There is no segment header contention ,
this is Buffer Busy  waits problem

Segment header class being one of the top class == to avoid this wait

 in the future the following needs to be performed
   a. Adding more free lists (since you did not have enough freelists to
keep with the insert)
   b. Extent sizes of the involved objects were small (tables keeps
   therefore increasing the extent sixes would also help

Question :
And about index rebuilds.. Why do u say that this will cause a Problem
for the waits he is Experencing.

 Data block Class: was one of the top waits


1. Technically it is called right-hand indexes because of which above
wait of the data block class occurs
  to avoid this rebuild indexes or choose some other type
  of indexes like reverse key indexes

- Hope it is clear now


Ganesh Raja wrote:

 Fro my clarity ..

 What does the extent size has to do with segment header contention.

 And about index rebuilds.. Why do u say that this will cause a Problem
 for the waits he is Experencing.

 Hope to get some clarity on this... Thanks

 Best Regards,
 Ganesh R
 Tel  : +971 (4)  397 3337  Ext 420
 Fax  : +971 (4)  397 6262
 HP   : +971 (50) 745 6019
 Live to learn... forget... and learn again.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 6:13 PM
 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L


  Your major problems with buffer busy waits are in the

 Data blocks class: (1), undo block(2), segment header (3)

 For Data block Class:

1. Reduce no of rows by changing pctfree/pctused
2. check when the last time your indexes were re-built and
rebuild them often (indexes causing inserts into the same block
 will be reduced)

 For undo block class :
   1. Increase the size of the rollbacksegment

 For segment header :
   1. Add more freelists and or freelist group
   2. Check your extent sizes (may be it is too small)

 - Hope this helps,

 oraora oraora wrote:

  Hi Kavitha,
  querying v$waitstat gives me the o/p below.
  -- -- --
  data block  131525173  225446798
  sort block  0  0
  save undo block 0  0
  segment header   4968  16264
  save undo header0  0
  free list   0  0
  extent map  0  0
  bitmap block0  0
  bitmap index block  0  0
  unused  0  0
  system undo header  0  0
  system undo block   0  0
  undo header  1582 14
  undo block  45965   3008
  the data block above belongs to a datafile USERS01.DAT which has all
  the tables and indexes the application uses.
  the top 25 SQL statements are always SELECT statements.
  they get executed repeatedly.
  is it b'coz all SQLs are with literals and no bind variables ?
  it's a highly read OLTP system.
  will not
  -- using bind variables instead of literals
  -- seperating tables and indexes to diferent tabelspace
  solve my problem  ?
  On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 Kavitha Muthukumaren wrote :
  Hi ,
  TOAD gives this alarm often. what does it mean ? which view will
  give me the wait statistics ?
  Answer :
  Please run STATSPACK to if this is one of the top waitevents to check

  if the percentage of wait - can be treated as problematic one
SELECT p1 File, p2 Block, p3 Reason
   FROM v$session_wait
  WHERE event='buffer busy waits'
  Repeatedly run the above statement and collect the output. After a
  period of time sort the results to see which file  blocks are
   it occurs when a session cannot access a block because it is in
  use by another session. The two most common causes are
  insufficient free lists for a table or insufficient rollback
  segments.   --- IS THIS THE REASON ?
 Yes on top of  the wait event could also occur
could also occur  if
  a. if the application is going

Re: connect as internal

2002-07-11 Thread Kavitha Muthukumaren

Hi Mitchell,

what is different  between those 3 login

1. sqlplus system login, connect as internal
  when you are doing this you are user 'sys'
  because you have changed from system to being
   connect internal - technically is user 'sys', and is the way
  of authenticating to the database

2. sqlplus system/manager login
  when you are doing this you are user 'system'

3. sqlplus system login , connect system as sysdba
when you are doing this you are user 'system'
you have given 'system' sysdba privilege ( which
'system' can perform everything which is allowed for
sysdba privilege + on-top of the privileges that it already has)
importantly by logging this way 'system' can never be
   equal to 'connect internal'


mitchell wrote:


 I just view readme about installing Oracle Patch on Oralce 8.1.6

 One thing mentioned as Invoke sqlplus, connect as internal  and
 etc ..

 I wonder why Connect as internal.

 what is different  between those 3 login

 1. sqlplus system login, connect as internal
 2. sqlplus system/manager login
 3. sqlplus system login , connect system as sysdba

 Thanks in advance


 Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
 Author: mitchell

 Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
 San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Kavitha Muthukumaren

Re: Buffer busy waits are 10.96% of non-idle waits

2002-07-11 Thread Kavitha Muthukumaren

Hi ,

TOAD gives this alarm often. what does it mean ? which view will
give me the wait statistics ?

Answer :
Please run STATSPACK to if this is one of the top waitevents to
check if the percentage of wait - can be treated as problematic one

 SELECT p1 File, p2 Block, p3 Reason
FROM v$session_wait
   WHERE event='buffer busy waits'
Repeatedly run the above statement and collect the output. After a period
of time sort the results to see which file  blocks are showing

 it occurs when a session cannot access a block because it is in
use by another session. The two most common causes are
insufficient free lists for a table or insufficient rollback
segments.   --- IS THIS THE REASON ?

  Yes on top of  the wait event could also occur
 could also occur  if

a. if the application is going against a set of same blocks (hot blocks)


oraora oraora wrote:


  Buffer busy waits are 10.96% of non-idle waits 

 TOAD gives this alarm often. what does it mean ? which view will
 give me the wait statistics ?

  it occurs when a session cannot access a block because it is in
 use by another session. The two most common causes are
 insufficient free lists for a table or insufficient rollback
 segments.   --- IS THIS THE REASON ?

 what should be the value of this , i mean , the safe limits ?

 How do i approach and solve this issue ?
 kindly enlighten me.

 There is always a better job for you at
 Go now

 Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
 Author: oraora  oraora

 Fat City Network Services-- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
 San Diego, California-- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
 To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
 to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in
 the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L
 (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from).  You may
 also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Kavitha Muthukumaren

Re: Oracle Performance Tuning steps

2002-06-28 Thread Kavitha Muthukumaren

Please run STATSPACK - which will give systemwide database performance
- you could check the hitratios, top wait events and resource consuming
once report taken - upload it to - for suggestions
check metalink article
NOTE.149121.1 Gathering a StatsPack snapshot - if you can
log into metalink
Chetan wrote:
Thanks ,
I looked into the database. There r some waits happening on the undo
blocks (non-system) but could not figure out whether this could possibly
cause such a slowdown of the system. Also there were some indexes newly
created on some of the tables which are causing problems.
What's the best approch anyways to hunt down the problem in a situation
like this ?
- Chetan

,find processid of the application
, look into database waits , that will give u some hint .Also look into
db buffers to find if there are full table scans flushing db buffer . btw
Did u ran statistics ?-Bigp

- Original Message -


To: Multiple
recipients of list ORACLE-L

Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 3:38

Subject: Oracle Performance Tuning
Hi guys ,
Need some help. Actually we are looking here at a Oracle 8.1.7 db on
HP-UNIX. The application was running fine uptil yesterday. Suddenly a part
of the appln is running extremely slow. I can not figure what might be
the problem. Wanted to track this down asap.
Here is some information about the db.
Database size - 20GB
Optimizer - CHOOSE
Disk Structure - RAID 1+0
No. of processors - 4
Block Size - 8K
Archivelog mode : ARCHIVELOG
Please tell me what should be the ideal way I should try to trace the
problem. I thought of running UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT or STATSPACK
and asked the user to run that part of the appln. Has anybody worked with
STATSPACK before ?
Can anybody tell me what should accurate and fastest way to hunt down
the problem ? I think its something to do with indexes or changes in the
Also can someone tell me the ideal backup strategy for this database
considering the fact that it's a 24x7 system.
Thanks in advance .
Chetan Chindarkar

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fn:Kavitha Muthukumaren