عصير صبار الألوفيرا – لمشاكل القولون والجهاز الهضمي وحرق الدهون

2012-04-05 Thread aaceem...@hotmail.com
عصير صبار الألوفيرا –  لمشاكل القولون والجهاز الهضمي وحرق  الدهون
المتراكمة داخل الجسم وتخفيف الوزن
سعر العبوة الواحدة 61 ريال سعودي فقط
الآن أقدم لكم من
اكبر شركة في العالم لانتاج المستحضرات العلاجية والتجميلية الطبيعية
منتجات صبار الألوفيرا
عصير هلام نبتة الصبار ( ألوفيرا جيل ) ، يحتوي على 200 عنصر
غذائي مفيد لجسم الإنسان ، يستخدم لتطهير الجسم من السموم والجراثيم
الخلايا وزيادة المناعة وتنشيط وتنظيم إفرازات الأعضاء الداخلية للجسم
القولون وأمراض الجهاز الهضمي وتقوية العظام والمفاصل ومكافحة البكتيريا
والالتهابات ويعتبر مقوي ومنشط وشافي عام للأمراض والآلام الداخلية
طبيعي 100% - امن ومضمون - لا يسبب الإسهال
طريقة الاستعمال : يشرب 50 مليلتر (مليء ببيالة شاي) مرتين يوميا لمدة
ملاحظة - تحتوي العبوة الواحدة على لتر واحد يكفي لمدة 10 أيام
السعر المبين هو سعر العبوة الواحدة
النتيجة مضمونة - جرب وأنت الحكم
منتجات صبار الالوفيرا - منتجات صبار الألوفيرا
لطلب المنتجات مباشرة عن طريق الانترنت والدفع عند الاستلام
التوصيل مجانا إلى باب المنزل لجميع مدن ومناطق ومحافظات المملكة
( عن طريق شركة أراميكس للشحن )
للإطلاع على الكتالوج والتفاصيل عن المنتج والشركة أرجو زيارة الموقع
التالي :

الموقع الرسمي

مجموعة الغريبي للتجارة الدولية

الجانب الإنساني
إخواني . . أخواتي
لا يخفى عليكم حساسية الشكوى من الأمراض في بعض الأحيان في مجتمعنا ،
والتحرج غالبا من الإفصاح عنها حتى مع المقربين أحيانا ، ناهيكم عن
والمعاناة التي تلازم من قدر الله عليهم بهذه الحالات
فأرجو ممن يسعهم المقام المساهمة بإيصال رسالة هذا الموضوع لأكبر عدد
ممكن من الناس عبر الرسائل الالكترونية لتعميم الفائدة ، عسى الله أن
يقدر بذلك رفع معاناة عن مسلم
راجين من الله أن يكتب لنا جميعا الأجر في إخواننا قبل الأجرة
والكسب . . . . والله الموفق
أخوكم ، عنان حمدان - جوال 0504135461
من خارج السعودية 04135461 5 966 +

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عصير صبار الألوفيرا – لمشاكل القولون والجهاز الهضمي وحرق الدهون

2012-04-05 Thread aaceem...@hotmail.com
عصير صبار الألوفيرا –  لمشاكل القولون والجهاز الهضمي وحرق  الدهون
المتراكمة داخل الجسم وتخفيف الوزن
سعر العبوة الواحدة 61 ريال سعودي فقط
الآن أقدم لكم من
اكبر شركة في العالم لانتاج المستحضرات العلاجية والتجميلية الطبيعية
منتجات صبار الألوفيرا
عصير هلام نبتة الصبار ( ألوفيرا جيل ) ، يحتوي على 200 عنصر
غذائي مفيد لجسم الإنسان ، يستخدم لتطهير الجسم من السموم والجراثيم
الخلايا وزيادة المناعة وتنشيط وتنظيم إفرازات الأعضاء الداخلية للجسم
القولون وأمراض الجهاز الهضمي وتقوية العظام والمفاصل ومكافحة البكتيريا
والالتهابات ويعتبر مقوي ومنشط وشافي عام للأمراض والآلام الداخلية
طبيعي 100% - امن ومضمون - لا يسبب الإسهال
طريقة الاستعمال : يشرب 50 مليلتر (مليء ببيالة شاي) مرتين يوميا لمدة
ملاحظة - تحتوي العبوة الواحدة على لتر واحد يكفي لمدة 10 أيام
السعر المبين هو سعر العبوة الواحدة
النتيجة مضمونة - جرب وأنت الحكم
منتجات صبار الالوفيرا - منتجات صبار الألوفيرا
لطلب المنتجات مباشرة عن طريق الانترنت والدفع عند الاستلام
التوصيل مجانا إلى باب المنزل لجميع مدن ومناطق ومحافظات المملكة
( عن طريق شركة أراميكس للشحن )
للإطلاع على الكتالوج والتفاصيل عن المنتج والشركة أرجو زيارة الموقع
التالي :

الموقع الرسمي

مجموعة الغريبي للتجارة الدولية

الجانب الإنساني
إخواني . . أخواتي
لا يخفى عليكم حساسية الشكوى من الأمراض في بعض الأحيان في مجتمعنا ،
والتحرج غالبا من الإفصاح عنها حتى مع المقربين أحيانا ، ناهيكم عن
والمعاناة التي تلازم من قدر الله عليهم بهذه الحالات
فأرجو ممن يسعهم المقام المساهمة بإيصال رسالة هذا الموضوع لأكبر عدد
ممكن من الناس عبر الرسائل الالكترونية لتعميم الفائدة ، عسى الله أن
يقدر بذلك رفع معاناة عن مسلم
راجين من الله أن يكتب لنا جميعا الأجر في إخواننا قبل الأجرة
والكسب . . . . والله الموفق
أخوكم ، عنان حمدان - جوال 0504135461
من خارج السعودية 04135461 5 966 +

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أحدث جهاز منزلي لعلاج البواسير بدون فحص أو ألم

2012-04-05 Thread aaceem...@hotmail.com
أحدث جهاز منزلي لعلاج البواسير بدون فحص أو ألم

أحدث اختراع منزلي لعلاج البواسير - الداخلية والخارجية

بدون جراحة - بدون كشف - بدون زيارة الطبيب - بدون مراهم - بدون أدوية
أو مستحضرات - بدون ألم - بدون مخاطر - بدون مضاعفات جانبية - جهاز منزلي
استخدام شخصي - بدون مساعدة أو إشراف طبي - خصوصية تامة - تقنية جديدة -
معتمد عالميا - فعال جدا جدا - مجرب - آمن تماما - نتائج سريعة – مصرح من
هيئة الدواء والغذاء الأمريكية والسعودية - ينصح به للمرأة الحامل وكبار

الرجاء زيارة الرابط التالي


الموقع الرسمي

مجموعة الغريبي للتجارة الدولية

الجانب الإنساني

إخواني . . أخواتي

لا يخفى عليكم حساسية هذا الموضوع في مجتمعنا ، والتحرج غالبا من
الإفصاح عنه حتى مع المقربين أحيانا ، ناهيكم عن الألم والمعاناة التي
تلازم من
قدر الله عليهم بهذه الحالة فأرجو ممن يسعهم المقام المساهمة بإيصال
رسالة هذا الموضوع لأكبر عدد
ممكن من الناس عبر الرسائل الالكترونية لتعميم الفائدة ، عسى الله أن
يقدر بذلك رفع معاناة عن مسلم

راجين من الله أن يكتب لنا جميعا الأجر في إخواننا قبل الأجرة
والكسب . . . . والله الموفق

أخوكم - - عنان حمدان


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RF Field Engineers-Multiple Openings-Fast Moving

2012-04-05 Thread Anveta Inc

RF Field Engineers

Location: Downey, CA

Duration: 9-12 months

Rate: DOE

Satrt date: Fast Moving

*** Multiple Openings ***

Please send resume to vik...@anveta.com

I need several Sr. RF Field Engineers with expertise around HP Spectrum
Analyzer, etc.

Need highly experienced candidates to work out communication issues and
recommend changes between 5 million+ devices.





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Need Oracle INVENTORY/PO (JOB ID PRA 0405)

2012-04-05 Thread Sandeep (Sriven Infosys,Inc)
Hi Folks,

Hope you are doing great.

Please let me know if you have any consultant for the following requirement.

Please forward the resumes sand...@sriveninfosys.net




·18 months


·Ideally looking for someone local to Houston or Minneapolis (Red Wing) 
MN or in between in the midwest, someone with Purchasing, Inventory, 
items(extensions-receiving hub, etensions-purchasing hub)


·po/inv person with some MFG background

·Need to be able to get on the plane and head to UK on the 14th for 2 
weeks then back in Houston.

·Ideally looking for someone local to Houston or Minneapolis (Red Wing) 
MN or in between in the midwest, someone with Purchasing, Inventory, 
items(extensions-receiving hub, etensions-purchasing hub)

·Jr. Person -  5 years

·Need someone with Discreet MFG (wip,BOM,Costing, etc) that also knows 
inventory and has some exp with PO, so focus on the MFG side of INV/PO

·Large international MFG looking for a strong PA resource with Costing, 
BillingProject Resource Management preferably with some knowledge of OM and 

·Large international MFG and Distributor is implemeting and rolling out 
Oracle R12 Financials and Supply Chain domestically and is looking for local to 
houston resources to assist them with their R12 roll out to one of there 
entities in the oil and gas space.

Thanks  Regards 

Sriven Infosys Inc

E-mail : sand...@sriveninfosys.net
G.mail : sandeep.sriveninfo...@gmail.com

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Lucid Hotlist-4/5

2012-04-05 Thread shanthi lucid
Send requirements to.

*Skills Set
Location   Relocation   Availability*


*Network Eng
Open 2 Weeks*

MN  Open Immediate*

VA  Open Immediate*

*QA Lead
Orlando Open 2 weeks*

*.Net( Ektron)
Open Immediate*

*Certified SAS programmer  Walnut Creek
  Bay Area  2 Weeks*

*SR.It consultant (information security)Dallas

  DallasDallas2 Weeks*

Las VegasNeveda,AZ,CAImmediate*

ST.LOUIS  ST.LOUIS   Immediate*

   DallasDallas  2weeks*

* *

*Thanks and Regards,
Shanthi V*


*Lucid Technologies, Inc*

*O: 214-385-4144 Ext: 106*


*D: 972-865-6144*

*F: 214-889-5857*

*www.lucidtechinc.com* http://www.lucidtechinc.com/* *

*Lucid Jobs: Job Portal with built in Application Tracking System (ATS) *
www.LucidJobs.com http://www.lucidjobs.com/

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Immediate need of Checkpoint Firewall Admin or Engineer -- Jacksonville, FL

2012-04-05 Thread Emraaz khan
Dear Professional,
Hope you are doing well.
Please go through the Job Description and send me your updated resume with
contact information *@ **emr...@panzersolutions.com*emr...@panzersolutions.com
*Position  :  Checkpoint Firewall Admin or Engineer
Location :  Jacksonville, FL
Duration :  12+ Months contract*

*Must Haves –
*3-5 years of experience with Checkpoint Firewall administration

*Day-to-Day –*
This person will be conducting daily administration and tune ups of the
Checkpoint firewall used on the EMC servers.

 Warm Regards,
Emraaz Khan• Sr Technical Recruiter • Panzer Solutions
45 Stuart Ave • K Unit • Norwalk, CT • 06850
Office: 203-212-8982• Email: emr...@panzersolutions.com

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Need Java Developer @ Jacksonville , FL

2012-04-05 Thread Ayub 01

Hope you are doing great today,

Please go through the below job description and let me know if you are
interested in this Position or not. If yes, please send me your latest
resume as per the requirement ASAP.

Reply to   *a...@sureitinc.com


*Position : Java Developer Advanced

Location : Jacksonville, FL

Duration : 9 Months*

Top 5 Soft Skills Needed:

1. Ability to work in a small team

2. Good verbal communication skills

3. Good documentation skills

4. Able to communicate with the business


Define and/or verify system/programmatic requirements through the
analysis of associated business processes, user requirements and
operational policies
Define, design, and implement complex, multi-tier distributed software
applications. Segment and design system layers to support componentized and
layered application development, including user interface, business
functionality, and database access
Research, design and development of Java-based applications and
Interface with other IT areas and end-users in most phases of software
Support our existing Java applications and new development efforts as
we continue our migration effort to Java / J2EE technologies
Research and evaluation of relevant technologies and presentation of
alternative solutions
Develop, execute and review unit test plans and results
Produce Technical Requirement Documentation


5+ years experience to include all of the following:
web developer with strong knowledge of Java, JavaScript, Servlets,
JSP, EJB, HTML, XML, and SQL Server 2000/2008
working with J2EE architecture, J2EE patterns and the development
of application framework
working with industry standard development tools, preferably
Rational Application Developer, IntelliJ, and Eclipse
System Development methodology, tools, and techniques experience
Comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the principles, concepts and
theories of software development techniques and systems design as well as
the ability to recognize, analyze and determine alternatives and take
action to correct problem areas
Knowledge of Java related technologies such as Java, JavaScript, JSP,
EJB, HTML, XML, and SQL Server 2008
Knowledge of J2EE application servers such as Tomcat
A solid understanding of UML
Ability to manage multiple tasks, work in a team environment,
understand and be responsive to project and customer needs, and work under
tight deadlines
Ability to provide assistance for team members in the development and
implementation of business solutions
Ability to interface with other IT divisions or customers to provide
technical expertise
Ability to troubleshoot J2EE production issues
Comprehensive understanding of complex clustered topologies of
application servers
Excellent verbal and written communication skills

If interested please fill the following details:

Full name  :
Primary skills  :
Contact Numbers (primary and secondary)  :
Email Address :
Current Location (City, State)  :
Visa Status  :
Re-Location (Yes / No) :
Availability for in-person interviews and SKYPE  :
Education (highest degree and year) :
Best Time to Reach you :
Last 5digits of SSN#:
Employer Details :
2 professional references  :(name, company, title and contact details)  :

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DIRECT CLIENT REQ --- Sr. Oracle DBA --- 6 months plus contract --- Newyork, NY

2012-04-05 Thread Vijay Karthik
Hello Partners,

Hope this mail find’s you good…!!!

This is Vijay Karthik from MARLABS Inc. we have an urgent requirement for
one of our client in *Newyork, NY. *Kindly go through the requirement and
please send me if you have any consultants available to

*Title Role: Sr. Oracle DBA*

Duration: 6 months
Location – New York, New York

*Interview Type*: Face to Face fallows Telephonic round.
Number Of Positions - 3
*Job Description*:

The client is looking for Senior Oracle DBA for 6 months project in
Newyork, NY.

*Required skills:*

· Need strong Oracle DBA consultant with min of 8-10 years of
experience required

· Need strong experience on RAC, Oracle 11g, Project Support, ASM

· Consultant must have experience on Dataguard, RMAN, Goldengate,

· The ideal consultant having experience on converting 10g Solaris
to 11g Linux would be preferable.


Best Regards

 Vijay Karthik

*Marlabs* *Inc.** *

Tel: 732.694.1000 X 1466 | eFax: 732.676.7992 |

www.marlabs.com | www.facebook.com/marlabsinc | www.twitter.com/marlabs |

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Direct Client Req -- Need Senior Oracle Pl/Sql Developer at San Jose, CA --2 Months (Need Locals only)

2012-04-05 Thread Nag Nidamarthi

*We need a Senior Oracle Pl/Sql Developer*

Role: *Senior Oracle Pl/Sql Developer*
Location: *San Jose, CA (Need Locals only)*
Duration:* 2 Months*
*Day Rate:*

*Email resumes to na...@deegit.com or call me at 847.874.7081 Ext – 321*

*Job Description *

An ideal candidate must have 5-8 years of experience that include the

*Technical skills --- Core: *

- Extensive programming development in SQL and PL/SQL stored procedures,
packages, functions, triggers etc.

- Familiar with Oracle programming tools and utilities.

- Familiar with ETL and data extraction processes from other databases.

- Structured development methodologies, coding standards, troubleshooting,
debugging, familiar with code check-in(s), DDL scripts, code release
management and implementation cycles.

- Understanding of XML data type and XML functions to perform I/O
operations in/out of XML columns in table. Good understanding of data
interexchange between two databases using XML.

- Identifying database performance bottlenecks, performance turning,
SQL/Query optimization Provide support to developers during development and
post-implementation cycles.

Extended-Core - Understanding of Oracle internals, data dictionaries,
metadata and internals of Oracle 9i, Oracle10G or above.

- Knowledge of Oracle database clustered environment such as Oracle/RAC.

- Understand and gather requirements from end-users and analyze
requirements given to him/her.

- ER modeling using industry standard modeling tools, understanding of
Object/Relational data Modeling.

Additional technical skills --

- Hands-on Perl/Java skills would be helpful on the job but not mandatory.
Soft Skills ---

- Clear verbal and written communication.
Must be able to communicate (verbally and in writing) his/her ideas,
development updates to large groups of developers and Client internal

- A self-starter, pro-active, with positive attitude who can work well with
other developers, clients and project managers. - Must be able to ramp up
quickly to take on the projects


Thanks  Regards

*Nag *| *Deegit Inc* |

 Plaza Drive, Suite 370 | Schaumburg, IL 60173 |

Ph: 847.874.7081 Ext - 321 | Fax: 847.330.1987

na...@deegit.com kish...@deegit.com | www.deegit.com |

*YIM:* nagnr...@yahoo.com

“GSA Approved - GS-35F-0405V”
Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
Winner - Deloitte Technology Fast 500 for 2008
Winner - Inc. 5000 fastest growing firm for 2008

Winner - Inc. 5000 fastest growing firm for 2009

*Right Person for the Right Job in the Right Time*

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this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any

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URGENT REQ --- SAS Administrator --- 3-6 months contract --- Multiple location(VA GA)

2012-04-05 Thread Vijay Karthik
Hello Partners,

Hope this mail find’s you good…!!!

This is Vijay Karthik from MARLABS Inc. we have an urgent requirement for
one of our client in multiple locations*. *Kindly go through the
requirement and please send me if you have any consultants available to

*Position- SAS Administrator*

Location: 1 in Richmond, VA  1 in Atlanta, GA

Duration 6 months

*Project description: *

The client is looking for SAS Migration Administrator for multiple
locations in Richmond, VA and Atlanta, GA. The ideal Consultant will assist
in migrating a PC/Base SAS user community (200 users in 2 Lines of
Businesses) to an Enterprise Guide/Thin Client/Unix environment.This
will include taking and understanding inventory of user's SAS inputs,
outputs, programs, metadata, etc. and building/executing a migration road
map to get the users from their existing state to the desired state.
Consultant will need at times to take PC SAS processes and migrate them to
a SAS web environment.  Consultant to participate in weekly user and
project team meetings to report status.  Consultant to support end users
during QA phase. Consultant to be a strong SAS developer with a Base SAS 9

*Consultant to be familiar with the following*:

· SAS implemented within a Red Hat Linux environment

· SAS implemented within a Grid environment

· Basic SAS Platform Administration of users, groups, data
connections, management console, metadata

· Working knowledge SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence Suite

o   Enterprise Guide (Must have strong skills and experience)

o   Add-in Microsoft Office

o   Web Report Studio - Future Use

o   OLAP - Future Use

o   Information Map Studio - Future Use

o   Dashboard - Future Use

o   Information Delivery Portal - Future Use

· Working knowledge of SAS Enterprise Miner (a plus)

· Working knowledge of SAS Enterprise Data Integration Server (a


Best Regards

 Vijay Karthik

*Marlabs* *Inc.** *

Tel: 732.694.1000 X 1466 | eFax: 732.676.7992 |

www.marlabs.com | www.facebook.com/marlabsinc | www.twitter.com/marlabs |

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Cognos Project Manager- Immediate Interviews

2012-04-05 Thread Anveta Inc
*Cognos Project Manager
Location: Toronto, Canada
Start date: April 16, 2012
Duration: 4 month project
Rate: open+Expences*

*Please send resume to vik...@anveta.com*

I need a Sr BI Project manager for my client. This candidate MUST have
proven knowledge and experience in either Cognos or Hyperion and will have
full understanding of SDLC. Must have experience decommissioning Legacy
reporting systems and rolling out new tool.




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Direct Client // Austin, TX // Network Administrator // 3 months+

2012-04-05 Thread Anil

This is Anil from Infinite Computing Systems, I have a position with
me for my Direct Client, if you are interested send me his updated

Position: Network Administrator
Location: Austin, TX
Duration: 3 months+
Client: TPWD / State of TX

Maintains user accounts on enterprise systems. Manages web-based
applications. Maintains network-supported software. Installs and
administers network services, and resolves issues. Reads and diagnoses
issues with shell script and other commonly used open source scripting
languages.  Administers, troubleshoots and resolves issues related to
the following Windows products. Creates and follows written
instructions and system documentation.  Maintains and helps users
analyze monthly web traffic statistics.  Resolves day-to-day server/
client/web application problems as third-tier support for the Help
Desk. Monitors logs to ensure that security concerns are addressed,
potential virus threats are mitigated and improper or unauthorized
computer use is reported.


Minimum Requirements:
Years   Skills/Experience
5   Install and administer network services, and resolve issues on the
following products: file sharing (SMB/CIFS), Apache, JBoss, Tomcat,
Plone, Varnish, Pound, Postfix, Spam Assassin, SVN, DNS/Bind, and
Openfire (XMPP chat)
5   Administer, troubleshoot and resolve issues related to the following
Windows products:
Exchange 2003 or higher, Antigen, Active Directory/Group Policy, DNS
and Windows Server 2000/2003/2008
5   Web deployment in a Linux environment (i.e. Slackware, SuSE and
5   Read and diagnose issues with shell script and other commonly used
open source scripting languages (Perl, PhP, Python)
5   Perform basic network and security functions in a Linux and Windows
5   LDAP and Microsoft Active Directory as an LDAP Service

Thanks  Regards,

Infinite Computing Systems Inc.
Office: (319) 892-3186 ext. 212
Fax: 319-297-7540

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Immediate need of Vmax/Netapp Resource -- Groton, CT

2012-04-05 Thread Emraaz khan
Dear Professional,
Hope you are doing well.
Please go through the Job Description and send me your updated resume with
contact information *@ **emr...@panzersolutions.com*emr...@panzersolutions.com
*Position  :  Vmax/Netapp Resource
Location :  Groton, CT
Duration :  9+ Months contract *

Vmax/Netapp design and operational best practices
Vmax/Netapp escalations and performance issues
Documentation and procedure creation and modification
Open Replicator migration support
SnapMirror migration support
*Must: comfortable leading technical projects, handling escalations, and
performing Vmax/Netapp design work

 Warm Regards,
Emraaz Khan• Sr Technical Recruiter • Panzer Solutions
45 Stuart Ave • K Unit • Norwalk, CT • 06850
Office: 203-212-8982• Email: emr...@panzersolutions.com

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Canada Job:: Senior Windows Support SME @Toronto, Ontario, Canada for full time

2012-04-05 Thread PRABHU

This is Prabhu Mandhar Kamble, - Recruitment and Resources from SancroSoft
USA Inc.

Please respond with updated resume in MS-Word .doc Format with the
following details to pra...@sancrosoftusa.com

Full Name :

Location :

Contact Number :

Last 4 digit SSN:

D O Birth:

Email :

Availability :

Visa Status :

Rate per hour:

Requirement Details:

Role:-  Intermediate to Senior Windows Support SME candidate

Location:-Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Position Type:- FTE

Salary:- Open+ benefits CAD

Candidate Background:

Backfill resource, hence requires Operations Support experience in large
Windows Server environment

Able to work with minimal supervision

Requires experience with server hardware for things like firmware updates

Experienced in Windows 2008 R2 / 2003 based OS builds, deployments,
updating and OS security patching

*** For quick response please contact me at pra...@sancrosoftusa.com  #
916-671-5596 ***

Prabhu Mandhar Kamble,

E-Mail: pra...@sancrosoftusa.com

Contact: 916-671-5596


Thanks  Regards,


*Sancro Soft USA Inc.*

*Direct: (916)-671-5596*


***pra...@sancrosoftusa.com  *

*4944 Sunrise Blvd, Suite B-4 |Fair Oaks, CA 95628|Fax: (916) 200- 1305|

My Linked In:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/prabhumandhar
Y IM: prabhu.recruiter

Gtalk: prabhumandhar

*Note: We respect your Online Privacy. This is not an unsolicited mail.
Under Bills .1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress this mail
cannot be considered Spam as long as we include Contact information and a
method to be removed from our mailing list. If you are not interested in
receiving our e-mails, then please write a mail in subject line as Remove.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.*

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Req: Oracle ADF Resource

2012-04-05 Thread Mohammed Jaweed

We are looking for Oracle ADF resource.
Please send me the profiles to ja...@cougartech.us
Position Title : Oracle ADF ResourceLocation: 
Menlo Park, CADuration: 3 to 6 Months
Interview : Telephone
Requires thorough knowledge and experience with Oracle 11G 
OracleApplication Framework (ADF) Java. Jdeveloper,OCJ4, _javascript_ 
Specific business application knowledge in one or more of thefollowing is 
P2P and Manufacturing experience
Senior profile who can do Architect as well
Thanks and Regards
Jawed MohammedCougar Tech Inc 41829 Albrae St, Suite #102, 
Fremont, CA,Contact:(510) 870 3408 Fax: (510) 280 6060E-mail: ja...@cougartech.us I http://www.cougartech.usjaweed2...@ymail.com I 

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To post to this group, send email to oracled2k@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/oracled2k?hl=en.

Java/JSP/JavaScript Developer @ Chevy Chase, MD for Contract

2012-04-05 Thread PRABHU

This is Prabhu Mandhar Kamble, - Recruitment and Resources from SancroSoft
USA Inc.

Please respond with updated resume in MS-Word .doc Format with the
following details to pra...@sancrosoftusa.com

Full Name :

Contact Number :

Email  ID :

Home street address:

Home city; state; zip code

Last 4 digit SSN:

D O Birth(MM/DD/YY):

Availability :

Visa Status :

Requirement Details

ROLE: Java/JSP/JavaScript Developer

Duration:7 month contract

Location: Chevy Chase, MD.

Rate: open

Client uses state of the art Java / JSP / Struts / Ibatis / MySQL /
MemcacheD / Endeca core pages with legacy PHP and C components on many of
its secondary pages.


- Opportunity to work with a company who has one of the largest and most
vibrant food and recipe   communities on the Internet.

- Role will provide the developer with a lot of flexibility and freedom
over the design and development of  components

- Heavy ownership of the developed components.

- The right person will be fluent in Java, JSP, PHP, JavaScript and SQL and
will have good experience in   CSS and HTML.

- Tasked with quickly learning complex applications, designing and creating
new functionality while fixing   application bugs, while mentoring and
cross-training other team members.


- Maintain and enhance the Food.com recipe and community site back-end and
publishing tools. New

  features will be implemented in Java (Struts Actions) and JSP and make
use of MySQL and HTML/CSS

  while support of legacy features will require expertise in PHP. Pages are
highly dynamic and combine

  complex server side code (JSP) with complex client side code

- Maintain and enhance Food.com remote services layer. RESTful web services
will be implemented in

  Jersey and integrated into current Food.com back-end functionality.

- Create and update MySQL data model and Ibatis data mappings that are used
by the application layer

  and also for managing static metadata used by the application.

- Provide maintenance for existing components by fixing application bugs
and/or enhancing functionality.

- Provide production support by investigating application and system level
problems during normal

  business operating hours. Developer will be expected to analyze a
production issue starting at the

  application layer all the way through infrastructure layer (web servers,
application servers, database,


- Analyze application functionality for performance bottlenecks and
optimize code and/or database to  eliminate bottleneck.

- Actively drive the technical design process of new and updated
functionality as described by business  requirements

- Mentor other developers on the team and participate in process
improvement drive continued team  growth

- Work independently and to a complete solution

- Have basic familiarity with change management technologies such as SVN
and issue tracking systems   such as Jira.

- Participate in design of software to meet business requirements in a
highly participatory process;

- Provide documentation as required, and participate in code reviews,
planning sessions and daily status   stand-ups;


- Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems
or commensurate


- 5+ years web application programming and development experience on large
scale systems

- 5+ years working with Java, JSP and SQL and JavaScript.

- 5 years of experience in programming in Java

- 5 years of experience working with server side components and applications

- Experience working with UNIX, (Solaris or Linux)

- 5 years of experience in the full development lifecycle

- 5 years of experience interacting with a DBMS using frameworks such as

- Experience in shell scripting and procedural languages

- 5 years of experience in CSS, HTML and JavaScript

- Knowledge of the practical application of computer science and technology
including architecture and   process best practices, principles,
techniques, procedures and equipment to the design and production   of web

- Mastery of web programming and lifecycle development experience applying
Java, JSP

  technologies/frameworks including Struts, iBatis and Jersey;

- Experience working with MySQL databases

- Experience designing, developing and maintaining web services.

- Experience working within Iterative or Agile rapid delivery process;

- Excellent problem solving and communication skills; quick learner;


- Experience with search and retrieval systems, keyword, and their

- Experience in development with PHP

- Prefer experience with Endeca or other search engine technology, and
off-the-shelf content

  management tools.

- Experience working with caching frameworks and techniques such as
MemcacheD is a plus.

- Experience with procedural scripting languages such as PERL is a plus.

Degree Required: BA/BS

Desired Skills:

System Engineer III, Java /