[OGD] Dijon

2004-12-08 Thread Howard Ginsberg

I have been reliably informed that CITES and Phytosanitary Certificates
in Dijon will be
free of charge.


“In fact, in
order to travel with orchids, you  need phytosanitary and CITES
certificates. Those can be obtained for free at the WOC exhibition. The
instructions will be given at the entrance.


We are looking forward to
welcome you in DIJON.


Best regards, 


Danielle DE

Adviser WOC »


You can’t do better than that !
I can’t wait to get there !


Howard Ginsberg

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Dijon

2004-12-08 Thread marianne.fleurimont

Hi Howard,
Thanks for clearing the issue up!  I am really 
looking forward!

  - Original Message - 
  Howard Ginsberg 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 9:02 
  Subject: [OGD] Dijon
  I have been reliably informed that 
  CITES and Phytosanitary Certificates in Dijon will be free of 
  “In fact, in order to 
  travel with orchids, you  need phytosanitary and CITES certificates. 
  Those can be obtained for free at the WOC exhibition. The instructions will be 
  given at the entrance.
  We are looking 
  forward to welcome you in DIJON. 
  Best regards, 
  Danielle DE CORDIER
  WOC »
  You can’t do better than 
  that ! I can’t wait to get there !

  ___the OrchidGuide 
  (OGD)[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] re: Trust O'Byrne to jump on his usual hobby horse.

2004-12-08 Thread baruk
Mr Easton

I would like to remind you that you initially started this sub-thread by
writing :

>As many of the orchid enthusiasts have already noticed, the Dijon WOC is
>extremely user unfriendly and poorly organized. The French bureaucracy will
>assist in making things difficult for visitors and exhibitors alike. With
>registration likely to peak around 1,000 this clearly will not be a
>memorable WOC. Maybe a visit to Miami or Santa Barbara, both guaranteeing
>beautiful weather for their March 2005 shows would be a much more rewarding
>alternative? Or save up and come to Miami in 2008 when registration will be
>less than half the cost of Dijon and at least quadruple the number of Dijon
>exhibitors will attend."

Well the Conference is in March next year, how do you in advance know that
this event will not be memorable? 
Writing things like this, is pure provocation and could only serve some
ridiculous purpose yet to be identified.

Uri Baruk FRANCE

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] alba and semi-alba as an absense of purple?

2004-12-08 Thread doughtec
Recent comments by Bill on the OGD regarding the use of alba/album/albus (root
word for "white") to indicate a lack of anthrocins is present in the flower,
thereby providing a differentiation between a normally colored flower with
reddish-purple is somewhat confusing. While I have the utmost respect for him as
an orchid judge and fully accept his statement that AOS indicates the practice
of alba and semi-alba as a "lack of color" it is perceived by me as being
impractical.  Here is why

In botanical Latin used to describe a new species, a usage of semi-alba would
indicate "half white" while the alba/album/albus connotates white. 

There exists a whole list of botanical Latin words depicting degrees or shades
of white, i. e., niveus (snow white), candidus (pure white but not as clear a
white), eburneus (ivory white), lacteus (milk white),
cretaceus/calcareus/gypseus (chalk white), etc.

Sterns' Botanical Latin plus what one understands of the standards for
biological and botanical naming of orchids indicates usage of albescens (turning
white), albidis (whitish), and dealbatus (whitened) to indicate paler or
bleached out coloration, but not if the bleached condition does not yield white!

Without being catty, perhaps Sibilis will enlighten this poor scholar further.  

Doug Harris

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Neos

2004-12-08 Thread Steve Eagle

We have several Neofinitias that we are line 
breeding, and are generally getting flowers about 4-5 years after 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Helping Andy Win his Bet

2004-12-08 Thread Peter O'Byrne
(a) Buzz Baxter, (b), Andy Easton and (c) Bill "dorris" Bergstrom all
responded to my posting, quite true to type with (a) personal attacks,
(b) threats and (c) ... duh ? what exactly were you trying to say,
Bill ? Someone has threatened to annihilate the USA ? What, all
9,631,418 sq km and all 300 million of you ??? Sounds like a bad case
of paranoia to me. BTW, and FYI, yes, my front door is usually left
open; you should try it some time, maybe you'd make some friends.

Guys, you haven't done your homework. Didn't you read the communique
that was released on the last day of the ASEAN summit in Vientiane ...
as recently as Tuesday last week ?  ASEAN appealed to the USA to
"assist the bilateral movement of people between ASEAN and USA by
removing excessive visa requirements and coming into line with
accepted world standards".

Andy, did you realise that you were describing your adopted country's
trans-Pacific neighbours' official position as "a typically rabid
anti-United States response" ? And you thought it was just lil' ol' me
you were dissing. Better forget about applying for that job with the
State Dept.

The bald fact is that the USA's visa requirements and your Immigration
Dept's treatment of visitors ARE going to stop people attending Miami
'07. If you don't believe me, just check the statistics ... see what
has happened to the number of visitors arriving since the first set of
excessive visa requirements was imposed. When is the second set due to
be enforced ... next March ? Andy, if you're going to win your bet
about the number of visitors going to Miami, you'll need those
overseas arrivals. I strongly recommend that you start lobbying
Washington NOW for a change in visa policy ... hey, you can even quote
the ASEAN communique to help you state your case !

Andy, I'm terribly sorry that you can't afford $300 for a dinner.
While you're in Washington, you'd better raise this issue with the
guys you voted for last month. The bad news is that unless you can
persuade them to stop spending more than they earn, the US$ will
continue to freefall against the Euro. If the current trend continues,
that dinner will set you back more than $500 by the time you arrive in

Extrapolating current exchange-rate trends to '07 suggests that by the
time the Miami WOC comes round, the US$ will have about the same value
as the New Peso. Andy, you're a big guy, ear to the ground, close to
the heart of things, so tell us ... is there any truth in the rumour
that the WOC '07 Organising Committee have a contingency plan to price
the Miami event in Euros ? I'd advise against it, personally. The
cheaper the dollar gets, the larger the number of genuine orchid
people who will be able to afford to visit Miami.


Peter O'Byrne

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Uri and O'Byrne, what a combo!

2004-12-08 Thread Andy Easton
Title: Uri and O'Byrne, what a combo!

Uri, maybe your bias is showing? As a residence of France maybe you haven't heard the buzz. The Dijon WOC is being avoided in droves because of the unrealistic event pricing, second string status to a Spring bulb show and the generally unappealing program of lectures. You hear these things when you live in the real orchid world.

O'Byrne is weak on comprehension as well as other more important areas. I have no intention of wasting time by attending Dijon, even though I love French food and culture. Much prefer Miami show followed by Santa Barbara, both with guaranteed congenial weather and world class orchids. Orchid enthusiasts will have no problem attending Miami in 2008, maybe O'Byrne would, if he tried, find some difficulties. We will all be the richer, in spirit, by his absence.

Andy Easton

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Neos

2004-12-08 Thread Steve Topletz
Will you be down in D/FW any time soon? 
Does your step brother have any of the Neofinetia falcata f. Shoujou 'Mary 
Mulhollan' divisions available?

Call me,
Steve Topletz

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Dijon

2004-12-08 Thread Steven Beckendorf
We plan to go to the WOC and thoroughly enjoy ourselves.  We hear 
lots of good things about Dijon; we know the surrounding area is 
wonderful; we have a chance to renew friendships with orchid friends 
from all over the world; the lectures look fascinating; we look 
forward to the show itself and it's in the middle of a big show of 
other flowers; we get to spend a week afterward in Paris; and we even 
get to try speaking French!  What's not to like?

Andy, Miami 2008 is years away.  We'll probably enjoy that too, but 
it doesn't affect our anticipation of Dijon 2005!  My motto, carpe 
Steve Beckendorf
Berkeley, California

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] You're an idiot attacks

2004-12-08 Thread Harvey Brenneise
I'm sick of reading this kind of junk on this list.  There is absoltuely no 
need or excuse for it, or for it to continue.  (I am entirely in favor of 
vigorous discussion of ideas.)  I ask the listowner to create a safe 
environment for the discussion of ideas by prohibiting such attacks on this 
list, giving those who do it one warning, and them removing from from the 
list. I have not seen this kind of uncivilized behavior on any other list 
that I am on, and it does not give our hobby a good reputation (are we 
really THAT narcissitic?), and indeed drives many people away.  There are 
only a few who do this, and I don't think their presence will be missed. 

Harvey Brenneise
West Seattle 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] You're an idiot attacks

2004-12-08 Thread Andy Lanier

Hear, Hear,
I've seen some very heated discussions on 
other Mail lists, but nothing resembling that on the Orchid Mail List.  
It's completely out of hand with all the name calling.
Andy Lanier
South Florida

  I'm sick of reading this kind of 
  junk on this list.  There is absoltuely no need or excuse for it, or 
  for it to continue.  (I am entirely in favor of vigorous discussion 
  of ideas.)  I ask the listowner to create a safe environment for the 
  discussion of ideas by prohibiting such attacks on this list, giving those 
  who do it one warning, and them removing from from the list. I have not 
  seen this kind of uncivilized behavior on any other list that I am on, and 
  it does not give our hobby a good reputation (are we really THAT 
  narcissitic?), and indeed drives many people away.  There are only a 
  few who do this, and I don't think their presence will be missed. 
  Sincerely,Harvey BrenneiseWest Seattle 
  OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] You're an idiot attacks

2004-12-08 Thread Sharon
I agree with you, Harvey.  Although I'm subscribed to this list, I only 
occasionally read this lists mail because there is too much fur flying all 
the time.  I can ask a question or make a comment on the AOS forum 
and get a civil response.  I've been on the forum for a year and the only 
time things got anywhere near testy was leading up to the AOS 

The kind of attacks on this list are simply not necessary. 


On 8 Dec 2004 at 12:16, Harvey Brenneise wrote:

> I'm sick of reading this kind of junk on this list.  There is
> absoltuely no need or excuse for it, or for it to continue.  (I am
> entirely in favor of vigorous discussion of ideas.)  I ask the
> listowner to create a safe environment for the discussion of ideas by
> prohibiting such attacks on this list, giving those who do it one
> warning, and them removing from from the list. I have not seen this
> kind of uncivilized behavior on any other list that I am on, and it
> does not give our hobby a good reputation (are we really THAT
> narcissitic?), and indeed drives many people away.  There are only a
> few who do this, and I don't think their presence will be missed. 
> Sincerely,
> Harvey Brenneise
> West Seattle 
> ___
> the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)
> http://orchidguide.com/mailman/listinfo/orchids_orchidguide.com

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: White vs. White

2004-12-08 Thread IrisCohen
I don't see why there is so much confusion over the term alba. Right now we are talking about cultivated orchids being registered for shows or entered for judging, or just being properly labeled in your collection. An "alba" orchid is a usually pink or purple one in which the anthocyanin pigment is entirely lacking. There is a defective gene somewhere along the pathway from sugar to pigment, so one of the necessary enzymes is missing. In Cattleyas, the result is a pure white flower. It may have some green in the petals if it is descended from C. bicolor or C. tigrina (leopoldii). It may have some yellow in the lip, but if there is no pink, purple, or red it is called alba. In the case of Paphs., like the popular Maudiae type, there may be quite a bit of green patterning in the flower, but it is otherwise colorless. In other orchid groups, if the flower lacks anthocyanin but has a lot of yellow or brown, it usually gets a different name.
I could be mistaken, but my understanding of the term albescens is a white which is not pure, but tinged with a tiny bit of pink or lavender. As a rule, you can't get a pure white by breeding two albescens, although some breeders try to sell the offspring as alba. The genetics are different.
As far as I know, the term semi-alba is purely a horticultural term. I have never seen it in relation to botanical descriptions. In orchids, usually Cattleyas, it refers to a flower which is pure white except for the lip, which may be all purple or just have a spot of purple. The genetics are more complicated. Originally it was the result of breeding C. dowiana to a purple (I think warscewiczii), although I have seen it as a result of crossing a yellow with a purple Laelia. Breeders have been trying to produce a semi-alba minicatt. Pot. Heavenly Jewel didn't quite make it. My Sc. Mini Collins is lovely, but the petals are brushed pink, with chips from C. Kittiwake. In many plant groups, a true two-tone flower has dotted or striped foliage. I have seen this on some Cattleyas.
There again, you see a lot of tinged "semi-albas" and I'm pretty sure breeding them will give you more of the same.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Album etc.

2004-12-08 Thread greig russell

Regarding the questions on alba 
Early last year I had an article that 
attempted to put Albescent Cymbidiums in some sort of context published in the 
CSA Journal. Additionally I proposed that there were more than two different 
alleles for albinism at the "C" locus. If you are interested, this article is 
available on my website at http://www.geocities.com/pennypoint9/albescent.html 

The AOS Bulletin article on naming these clones 
refered to in this string is:
"The Difference Between Alba, Alba Form, and 
White", by Dr. Kenneth S. Wilson, in the AOS Bulletin, vol. 49 (8), pp. 863-867, 
August 1980.
greig russell"Valhalla", Osborne Lane,7975 
KOMMETJIE,Western Cape.(021) 783 3962http://www.geocities.com/pennypoint9/http://tygerorchids.itgo.com
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] You're an idiot attacks

2004-12-08 Thread Denise Nash
LOL, Sharon!
You should have been here for the CITES discussion after "Orchid Fever" 
came out!  Or when the Sunspray Oil, spray vs. dip flame war broke out 
(on the OLD)! 

You are certainly right, the attacks aren't necessary.  But the way I 
see it, opinions give insight into a person's character.  The list would 
be informative, but not as interesting without them.  We have people on 
this list from all over the world with many different views and 
beliefs.  There are many big egos.  I hope one day to visit a WOC and 
put faces to these names that I know so well.  I bow to their superior 
knowledge but realize that they aren't all going to always disagree nicely.

I've been on many many email listservs, dating back since 1993.  This 
one is by far the most diverse, the most derisive, and the very *best* 
one of all.  Thanks, Kenneth.


Sharon wrote:
I agree with you, Harvey.  Although I'm subscribed to this list, I only 
occasionally read this lists mail because there is too much fur flying all 
the time.  I can ask a question or make a comment on the AOS forum 
and get a civil response.  I've been on the forum for a year and the only 
time things got anywhere near testy was leading up to the AOS 

The kind of attacks on this list are simply not necessary. 

On 8 Dec 2004 at 12:16, Harvey Brenneise wrote:

I'm sick of reading this kind of junk on this list.  There is
absoltuely no need or excuse for it, or for it to continue.  (I am
entirely in favor of vigorous discussion of ideas.)  I ask the
listowner to create a safe environment for the discussion of ideas by
prohibiting such attacks on this list, giving those who do it one
warning, and them removing from from the list. I have not seen this
kind of uncivilized behavior on any other list that I am on, and it
does not give our hobby a good reputation (are we really THAT
narcissitic?), and indeed drives many people away.  There are only a
few who do this, and I don't think their presence will be missed. 

Harvey Brenneise
West Seattle 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Not quite Iris, Get a life Harvey!

2004-12-08 Thread Andy Easton
Title: Not quite Iris, Get a life Harvey!

Iris, If a flower is brown then it must have some anthocyanin or delphinidin pigmentation. That's the only way you get brown! I think you will find that WCL Cattleyas are not merely a horticultural type. The semi-alba forms exist in many species and Dr. Mehlquist published on the separate inheritance of lip coloration in Cattleyas in the 1950's. It's all written up in Withner, many decades ago.

Harvey, you seem to miss the fact that O'Byrne is a racist, pure and simple. If you wish to ignore racist taunts, some of us prefer not too. Possibly this is our democratic right. I see you still use the msu.edu e-mail address. Is this proper behavior?

Andy Easton

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] scan needed - alba (Wilson)

2004-12-08 Thread viateur . boutot
Thanks Greig for the reference to the article
"The Difference Between Alba, Alba Form, and White",
by Dr. Kenneth S. Wilson
in the AOS Bulletin, vol. 49 (8), pp. 863-867, August 1980.
I would very much like to get a scan of that article.
Unfortunately, my collection of issues of the Bulletin only goes back to 
January 1981.

Thanks in advance,
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] flying fur and orchid fever

2004-12-08 Thread michael timmons
I really wish I would have been a member of this list
to read the discussions about Orchid Fever and CITES.
Just read the book within the past week for the first
time (and yes, I'm aware that I'm really behind on my
reading), and have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed
it. Are there old archives where I can review the
discussions of this book? I promise not to bring
anything that I read from the archives up for
discussion to annoy anyone with! 

LOL, Sharon!

You should have been here for the CITES discussion
after "Orchid Fever" 
came out! 


Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do?

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] AOS Bulletin vol 49 (8) pp 863-867 Aug 1980

2004-12-08 Thread peter croezen

Viateur asked:
>"The Difference Between Alba, Alba Form, and 
White",>by Dr. Kenneth S. Wilson>in the AOS Bulletin, vol. 49 (8), 
pp. 863-867, August 1980.>I would very much like to get a scan of 
that article.
Scanned, sent to you off 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Anglocaste/Lycaste

2004-12-08 Thread Orchids

Hello can anyone advise where i would find a picture of these two crosses have looked in Goggle and have found the names but no pictures as yet can someone assist me
 Anglocaste Thomas x Auburn
 Lycaste Sunrise x Anglocaste Lady Bath
   Many Thanks

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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] scan provided - thanks

2004-12-08 Thread viateur . boutot
Thanks Peter (Croezen) for the scan of the 5 pages requested
("The Difference Between Alba, Alba Form, and White",
by Dr. Kenneth S. Wilson
in the AOS Bulletin, vol. 49 (8), pp. 863-867, August 1980.)
Quick, efficient.
I am impressed.
Best regards,
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] You're an idiot attacks

2004-12-08 Thread tervherd
On 8 Dec 2004 at 16:31, Denise Nash wrote:

> LOL, Sharon!
> You should have been here for the CITES discussion after "Orchid
> Fever" came out!  Or when the Sunspray Oil, spray vs. dip flame war
> broke out (on the OLD)! 

I have been around long enough to have overdosed on CITES to the 
extent that I set up a filter within my email program so that any emails 
with the word CITES goes directly to trash.  It's not that I think CITES 
isn't a worthwhile topic, it's just that it starts trash wars.  I'd rather go 
play with my orchids than read blow by blow virtual fist fights.
> You are certainly right, the attacks aren't necessary.  But the way I
> see it, opinions give insight into a person's character.  The list
> would be informative, but not as interesting without them.

I'm not against opinions but an opinion of "you are a stupid #$!*$$%" is 
not an opinion but rather a personal attack.  If the UN were run this 
way, the world would have blown itself apart years ago!

All that said, the list is a good list overall.  Thru this list I made a dear 
friend that has been of immense help to me.  In addition to a place to 
connect with others in love with orchids it is populated with  some of the 
most well known names in orchidomimagine what we might 
accomplish if we could all play nicely together? 



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Andy at it again

2004-12-08 Thread CC
Have you people not yet learned to just ignore Andy's postings? He's an
utter and complete moron, likely doesn't know his butt from a hole in the
ground either!

Just ignore the ignorant bastard!

Cody Cruise
Valley Pest Consulting

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)