Re: [OGD] Publishing private e-mail on the web

2007-03-10 Thread Bromeliad Queen

  Thanks for the link, I will include your sentence in the ‘Rules of Conduct’ 
for the "Conifer Obsession" Discussion Groups.
  We only had one problem last year: The owner of the Gymnosperm database 
posted some E-mail comments from a conifer expert from Kew Botanical Gardens 
onto his website. I was shocked and asked him to remove it. He never did.
  So, how can you really enforce it in a private group?
  I am sure, you know, all our posts appear on the Internet as well. I am 
always a bit reluctant to comment. Perhaps a screen-name is in order.
  I was very upset, when I found two of the last posts about "Garden Web World" 
making headlines on Google. See for yourself:
  scroll down to # 5 and #6. Barbara, your name shows up as well!
  To be honest, I wish, our post would be private. I personally do not 
appreciate the publicity.
  This is the main reason for getting all this unwanted spam mail.
  For instance, click on Barbara’s post, scroll all the way to the bottom and 
you will find in the left corner:
  Reply via E-mail to
  Click on Barbara and you have her E-mail address:
  So, all of your posts show up in the same matter with your E-mail address 
hidden, however the Spamers know how to find those.  I am sure each and every 
one of you receive an uncontrollable amount of Spam Mail. 
Perhaps our host would consider in closing this ‘Spam loop-hole’.
  I am sure, more members would participate in the discussions as well.
  Thanks and best regards
  Siegrid Stern

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Re: [OGD] evaporative cooler for 14x20 greenhouse?

2007-03-10 Thread PainterArt

I am not sure I am following you or I am missing something. You ask: My primary 
concern is how to insulate it on winter nights while still being able to vent 
the greenhouse on sunny winter days?

The system you linked to: I'm considering a wet wall system (e.g. Looks like it 
operates inside a greenhouse. I don't think you are going to allow your 
greenhouse to get bellow freezing so I don't know why you would have to 
insulate it.

For what its worth, I use  (
this evaporative cooler within my greenhouse and against a vent. I works very 
well. The pads last a long time, and the inner water well does not grow algae. 
I have yet to have a problem with the pumps and fan (two years).  

Mark Sullivan

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 94, Mijo730 at

2007-03-10 Thread peter croezen
Mijo Mike,

You are addressing the wrong person, it is Barbara's post, talk to her.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Orchids Digest, Vol 9, Issue 94

2007-03-10 Thread Mijo730
In a message dated 3/10/2007 6:13:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

*"Full of wind, speaks nonsense and non truths, fabricates attacks to 
discredit people who have*

Hi Peter,
 The last message I read from you sounds more like you are describing 
yourself than Barbara. I found Barbara's emails a refreshing breath of spring 
after the slop you have been writing.
Have a great day,
** AOL now offers free 
email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Publishing private e-mail on the web

2007-03-10 Thread peter croezen
Common courtesy is to ask for permission to publish private e-mails.

Here is  an interesting discussion  about owner ship and copyright of  private 

It contains the following statements:

It is very risky publishing private emails without permission, for e-mails are 
protected by copyright

Emails are like letters...the copy you receive becomes your property, the 
copyright remains the property of the writer.
In the USA, the legal liability is found in Title 17 of the United States Code 
Chapter 5. Fines per infringement can be

as high as $ 150,000.-


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Zuma Canyon

2007-03-10 Thread Li'l Frog
The last time I heard anything about Zuma was that they were only going to
deal wholesale, and no longer sell retail or by catalog/mail.  That was some
time ago, I don't know if it has changed since then.



Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 4:15 PM
Subject: [OGD] Zuma Canyon


I was trying to contact Zuma Canyon Orchids & discovered that their domain
name has expired. Anybody know anything about this?

AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from
AOL at 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Silence

2007-03-10 Thread Barbara
Can anyone tell me if the following message is true?? Sorry I have not 
written in response to Peter's rebuttals, but I have been busy. It's 
spring and I have another life as a manager for a wholesale plant 
company. I was emailed by a couple of  onlookers that my posts were well 
written and to the point. I have legitimate concerns and feel the need 
to voice them. I'm not sure I care if I am "being described" properly. 
But if anyone is in need of an apology, I'm sorry.. So please help me 
out...  Thanks.


 Original Message 
Subject: Silence
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 11:57:08 -0500
From: peter croezen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Your silence on the OGD, after being challenged by myself and another 
re  your ridiculous attacks on me is deafening.

Now everyone on the OGD knows how to describe you,

*"Full of wind, speaks nonsense and non truths, fabricates attacks to 
discredit people who have*
*never attacked her, has no evidence to back up what she says, no guts 
to admit that she was wrong,*
*no common courtesy to make a public apology."*
** *I bet you are very proud of yourself.*

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Zuma Canyon

2007-03-10 Thread IrisCohen
I was trying to contact Zuma Canyon Orchids & discovered that their domain 
name has expired. Anybody know anything about this?

 AOL now offers free email to 
everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at
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[OGD] construction suspended / Rospuda valley (Poland)

2007-03-10 Thread viateur . boutot
"Conflicts between environmental goals and construction work...

the European Commission threatens... with a court injunction to make road 
workers step down in favour of preserving nature.

... a fight over a highway bypass due to be blasted through the Rospuda 
valley: a forested area home to a unique wetland system, many rare 
orchid... species...

The bypass is supposed to upgrade an expressway through Lithuania, Latvia 
and Estonia, called Via Baltica, which links Warsaw and Helsinki. The 
260-million-euro project, due to be completed by 2010, is considered 
economically vital for the poor northwestern part of Poland. But 
environmentalists say the expressway threatens to seriously damage a nature 
reserve designated as a 'special protection area'...

When in February Polish authorities gave road contractors the green light, 
the nation was moved to protest. Several scientific bodies have lodged 
complaints, among them the biology faculty of the University of Warsaw.

Despite a warning that the European Commission issued last December, 
roadworks and clearing for the project began two weeks ago. "We had to 
accelerate our normal procedure, because something irreplaceable was about 
to be destroyed," says Barbara Helfferich, a spokeswoman for the European 
Commission's environment directorate. On 28 February, the European 
Commission threatened to file an injunction at the European Court of 
Justice if Poland failed to respond within one week, and construction 
activity was suspended.

The Polish government has responded, but says their road does not violate 
European law. Poland is "open to dialogue with the European Commission", 
says a spokesman for the ministry. It is unclear if and when construction 
will resume.
Rospuda valley contains "a rare mosaic of unspoilt habitats", the 
Commission says. One of these habitats is a uniquely preserved 
groundwater-fed mire or fen, once typical of many lowland regions in 
central Europe.

"Human settlement and agriculture have turned most of Europe's fens into 
skeletons," says Hans Joosten, a mire ecologist at the University of 
Greifswald in Germany, and secretary general of the International Mire 
Conservation Group. Joosten is currently drafting a report on request of 
the European Commission about the mire's ecological value. "Rospuda is the 
last fen in central Europe that has remained almost pristine. It shows us 
how such ecosystems have evolved in the last thousand years," he says.

"Rospuda valley is probably the last reference system [of its type] in 
Europe for restoration ecologists," agrees Wiktor Kotowski, president of 
Save Wetlands, a Polish environmental group.

Scientists find it hard to predict exactly how harmful the road would have 
been for the valley...
"In the long run [such a road] might destroy the water cycle and thus the 
whole ecosystem," says Joosten.

Nature conservation has little priority in Poland, says Kotowski. "Most 
people don't understand that we either have to protect our heritage or we 
will lose it." Instead of choosing an alternative route, Poland had offered 
to compensate the damage by planting trees, creating ponds and restoring 
wetlands. But the European Commission considered these measures "weak and 

If Poland continues road works in the protected site without Brussels's 
permission, the European Commission says the next step would be to take the 
case before the European Court of Justice."

article URL :

photo : [caption : "The Rospuda valley..."]



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] sex

2007-03-10 Thread viateur . boutot
"Calypso bulbosa... blooms, promising copious amounts of nectar just as 
naive bumblebees emerge in early summer. However, there is no nectar, and 
by the time the young bees discover this, they're covered in pollen.

Off they go in a huff to find another plant, often another Calypso bulbosa, 
until they put two and two together and decide to totally boycott fairy 

Normally, the boycott would be bad for the orchid's reproduction, but 
there's a hidden benefit. In their umbrage, the bumblebees will fly to a 
more distant patch of orchids, and this will reduce the possibility of 
landing on a close relative of the original deceiver. This boosts the 
quality of fertilization.

In other words, even though fairy slippers have less sex, it's better sex.

orchid species... For some, it can take 20 years before they blossom [could 
you name one or two or... ?].

... Canada has 77 species, and in Ontario there are 61, with 44 of these 
found on the Bruce Peninsula...

about 400 species [where did that number come from ?]... promise sex to 
young male bees and wasps by duplicating the pheromone smell of females. So 
effective are some of the orchids that when, in experiments, young male 
wasps were offered a choice between an orchid and a real female, they chose 
the orchid.

Among Ontario's more spectacular orchids is the eastern prairie fringed 
orchid, an endangered species. It can grow a metre in height and support up 
to 40 flowers that cascade down the stem, frothy and creamy white.

They are fertilized at night by a few of the hawk moth species. They have 
tongues long enough to reach down the nectar spurs, two to five centimetres 
deep, behind the flowers."

article URL :



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Angraecums

2007-03-10 Thread ROY LEE
Requesting advice on Angraecums. The advice required is " Are Angraecums 
susceptible to virus/s of any sort " & what signs would the virus/s exhibit ?
  I have looked at as many books and web sites that I can find but nothing 
relates to this problem.
  Thanks, Roy.

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[OGD] John Wilburn Penn / 1925-2007

2007-03-10 Thread viateur . boutot
"mathematician at the School of Aerospace Medicine at Brooks AFB for more 
than 40 years, John Penn... was known for the orchids he grew and shared...

Penn... died at home Tuesday.
Born... Sept. 19, 1925, in San Marcos
Died... March 6, 2007, in San Antonio

... loved all orchids, read about them, studied them. He showed them...

was a member of the Southwest Region Orchid Growers Association, the Alamo 
Orchid Society"

article URL :



the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Santa Barbara Orchid Estate / California (US)

2007-03-10 Thread viateur . boutot
"Alice... Parry Gripp... careers in the family business on More Mesa ­ the 
Santa Barbara Orchid Estate...

looking forward to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the nursery this summer.

Alice... a graduate degree in geology, and Parry... in English literature...
their father Paul and their mother Anne, owned and ran the orchid nursery 
for almost 30 years.

Before buying the business in 1967, Paul Gripp was manager for Robert 
Chrisman, who established it in 1957. Chrisman retired from the insurance 
business and moved his orchid collection to the Goleta Valley, bringing 
along Gripp, who worked as his gardener while attending college.

Chrisman reportedly discovered his first orchid in a Thrifty Drug Store in 
Beverly Hills, and that same orchid... Laelia anceps, has the place of 
honor on a piece of giant Sequoia at the nursery today.

Alice and Parry Gripp... took over several years ago...
their dad... still helps out on a volunteer basis.

... Parry is the photographer, webmaster and head of shipping...
Alice is bookkeeper and director of customer relations...

the Gripps ship primarily to collectors...
They also sell and ship cut flowers.
The Gripps, with eight to 10 full-time employees, specialize in outdoor 
temperature-tolerant varieties including dendrobiums, cymbidiums, laelia 
anceps, stanhopeas and cattleya hybrids."

article URL :



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