[OGD] David Banks

2008-02-24 Thread Alan W Stephenson
David had his operation last Thursday and is progressing as well as could be 
expected. The hole in his heart has been repaired and he is currently 
undergoing physiotherapy in hospital. No complications were encountered either 
during or after the surgery.
Alan W Stephenson
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] photos / 25th annual Greater Lansing Orchid Society Show / Michigan (US)

2008-02-24 Thread viateur . boutot
1) caption : "Sonja Cornell from East Lansing looks over the multitude of 
orchids at the Annual Orchids Show and Sale at MSU Saturday. When asked if 
she grows orchids, she says, "I have a few and I kill them periodically."   "


2) caption : "Dan Field, from Tecumseh, looks over the orchids at the 
Annual Orchids Show and Sale sponsored by the Greater Lansing Orchid 
Society and held at MSU Saturday. Field started growing orchids about two 
years ago and is now "hooked" and plans to buy a few and take in some of 
the seminars."


3) caption : "... on display at the Annual Orchids Show and Sale at MSU 
Saturday. "


4) caption : "Three generations of orchid growers from (L) Laura Holden, 
13, Trudy, the mom, Maria, 15, and twin sister Sarah along with grandmother 
Erlinda Hedin all buy orchids at the Annual Orchids Show and Sale at MSU"


5) caption : "at the Annual Orchids Show and Sale at MSU"

6) caption : "One of the many varieties receiving a blue ribbon"


7) caption : "at the Annual Orchids Show and Sale at MSU"


8) caption : "at the Annual Orchids Show and Sale at MSU"


9) caption : "plenty of orchids to look at"




the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] greenhouse wet pads

2008-02-24 Thread Terry A. Glancy
Hello All;

This posting might be a bit off subject since it doesn't
deal with orchids specifically, but it does ask about the mechanics of
growing orchids.

The normal material in greenhouses using cooling by way of
wet pads is some sort of chemically treated paper or cellulose like
material, sometimes with the leading or both faces of the material
painted with a black paint, supposedly used to stiffen the pads or to
help prevent degradation of the edges of the pads.

I use copper ion injectors to treat the softened well water
that is stored in recirculating tanks for the cooling reservoir. The
copper prevents any algae or bacterial buildup on the pads. After two
years, the pad material still looks brand new. I drain and clean out the
storage tanks several times yearly.

The problem is that the pads, which are supposed to last an
average of 10 years, are turning to mush after only 2 - 2.5 years. You
can literally take your finger and push all the way through the 6" thick
pad material with very little resistance. The greenhouse cooling is
computer controlled depending upon temperatures and humidity conditions.
As a normal daily cycle, the pads dry out even during the very humid
summer months, so it is not a matter of the pads staying wet for
extended periods of time.

I do not know if this is a batch of defective pad material
(made by American Coolair), but I do not think the copper ion injection
has anything to do with the degradation.

I was wondering if anyone out there has had any experience in using the
relatively new wet or cool pad material made out of black plastic?

Thank You --


Terry A. Glancy

Pine Ridge Orchids, Inc.

21100 SW 300 Street

Homestead, FL 33030


ph (305) 247-4839

(305) 247-3086

fx (305) 247-8853



Website = http://www.PineRidgeOrchids.com 


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] greenhouse wet pads

2008-02-24 Thread Ray B

I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the wet/dry cycling might be a 
contributing factor to the rapid degradation.  There has certainly got to be 
some swelling and shrinking going on, which mechanically damages the fibers. 
If there's a way to stop the airflow without stopping the water flow, I'd 
bet they would last longer.

FWIW, I have a few customers who have replaced the aspen pads in their swamp 
coolers with EpiWeb recycled PET pads, and it seems to work great.

Ray Barkalow - First Rays Orchids - www.firstrays.com
Plants, Supplies. Books, Artwork, and lots of Free Info! 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] regarding Ray's note on fertizers

2008-02-24 Thread Wayne Turville
Dealing with "Mr. Joe Average" every day in retailing orchids it makes sense to 
me sorry.

The average home gardener is often unaware of any technicalities of 
fertilizers. Mention NPK  and your might as well be talking about Plutonium.

 In the absolute basics for a novice it would mean any middle of the range 
fertilizer, applied monthly and half the recommend strength.

Many are obsessed with fertilizing their orchids and I see far more killed by 
overfertilizing than under , hence "half  recommended strength"

As to 10-10-10 20-20-20  This is an American system I imagine as I have 
never seen it used here in Australia in 35 years of orchid growing.

Here the NPK is measured in % of total
EG  Peter's Excel Hi K which we use and recommend is stated on the bag 
13+2.2+16.6 / 5.0 ca

Orchid fertilizing is an emotive orchid subject, many prefer organics, many not 
at all and I'm sure this subject will quickly fire up "the Orchidguide"
I hate the subject actually as everyone seems too entrenched in there ways to 
consider others views.

Calcium applications are even more obsessive here with people sometimes 
flinging Lime and Quicklime around like fresh water trying to improve there 
orchid culture.

Kind Regards,

Wayne Turville
Australian Orchid Nursery

Ph: (03) 5977-3122
Fax: (03) 5977-3350
Web: www.australianorchids.com.au
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchids & endosperm

2008-02-24 Thread Frederick Depuydt
Hi all,

In the family of Orchidaceae it's often generalised that the seeds don't have an
endosperm. As always in biology there are exceptions. There are 2 species of
which I'm sure they have endosperm cells:
Bletilla striata and Disa uniflora
The former even has rudimentary, vascularized cotyledon.
I'd like to ask the members of the list if they can come up with other
to this rule. According to Dr. Arthur C. Gibson (Mildred E. Mathias
Botanical Garden)
there are 10 species, but I don't have his contact details. They
probably all are
terrestrial species.

kind regards,

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Photos of orchids in the field

2008-02-24 Thread Jim Miller
Greetings to all on this pleasant Florida evening!

I am looking for maybe ten good images of orchids growing in the  
wild. I would be using these (with proper credit) as part of a  
presentation in which I hope to get the support of one of the natural  
history channels to do a special or possibly even a series on  
orchids, which have now surpassed African violets as the most popular  
house plant and which has, for two years, outsold poinsettias during  
the Christmas holidays. I have tremendous high definition images of  
orchid flowers (so many that it will be hard to choose from), but  
although I spent several days in my old "stomping grounds" in the  
Everglades and Big Cypress, I was only able to find three poor- 
looking terrestrials and one tiny Encyclia that did not look very  
healthy. Thus I need some dramatic shots of orchids up in trees that  
are in flower or some flowering terrestrial species.

Again, each photo will be credited and if this project gets picked  
up, I will be happy to pay for the use of the images. This is a  
tremendous opportunity to take orchids farther into the mainstream.  
The timing is now. Can anyone out there help?

Thanks in advance!

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Trichopilia suavis

2008-02-24 Thread stanhopi
Hi Nina,

If you can find a copy of  W.G.G. Moir's little (trade paper) book, "Creating 
Oncidiinae Intergenerics", wherein some of the combinations he tried using 
Trichopilia turned out he discusses, it should be worth the read.  The ISBN is 

Some were apparently not very happy combinations and grew poorly or scarcely 
bloomed.  A few showed some potential but no one has taken the reins in their 
hands so far and threaded their way through the maze of breeding combinations 
to produce some things with Trichos that would be desirable to the average 
orchid grower.  The best one can hope for it to find a plant or two from Moir's 
breeding that is still hiding in some backyard collection and adopt it for 
one's own collection.

I have seen a few Trichopilia intragenerics that were interesting.  And there 
was one grower in the Orlando area who had one she grew into a nice specimen in 
a 12" wire basket.  It used to bloom for the Central Florida OS show.  Once she 
exhibited it with over a dozen flowers. Smelled good, too...

I checked on ABE Book Search and there are several copies of Moirs' book there, 
but they are pricey, starting at about $75.00!  Wow, they were only twenty 
bucks brand new in 1982.  Maybe it can be got thru and Inter-library loan from 
somewhere.  There are several copies on Amazon.com for about $50.00.  There are 
some for $99 on Half.com.

In spite of the price, there is a lot of practical experience logged by Mr. 
Moir in this book (and the two other of his titles).

Hope this helps...

Paul Mitchell

Tampa, FL


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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Encyclia Enthusiasts

2008-02-24 Thread stanhopi
Hello All,

Anyone here know what has happened to the specialty group, Encyclia Enthusiasts?

I emailed then recently and have received no response.

Have they disbanded or gone inactive?


Paul M.

Tampa, Florida - USA


More new features than ever.  Check out the new AOL Mail ! - 
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